Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Jan 1953, p. 18

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, January 14, 1958 Think Of AllTheUnused Items YouHave, Then SellThem With A Times Ad.Dial 3- 2233 CHILD'S Tracior, Good vondidos. Dial "I Was Well Satistied With The Responee I Received!" Exclaims Mis. LS This Tractor Was Sold To 1 Callar MP st Caller = 3 . Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 13--Household Repairs 25--Real Estate For Sale FURNITURE REPAIRED aSp HEUER: holstered. See 'our materials ering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charies. Dia Dial 7212. (Feb3) ELEC- - 9a--~.Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, £OPAR. tered Accountants, 37 King St. E. Dial R. Gordon Riehl, C.A. Resi: Partner. (Feb) 2--Auditors , HOP: ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8. T. HOP Certified General A Rie St. East. Dial 5-3509. (Feb2) 37 w. 2 Barristers S. HYMAN, QC. LOU ia Bldg., 37 King Street Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones: INES AND in dB i S28 Ral € Joven; B B.A., John A. Cam (Febl) STEDO, BARRISTERS MegIBBAN § * Cliais funds avaliable tor first mortgages. 20 Sim coe St. N. Phone S500 Chiatles C. McGibbon, Q. . Bastedo. office (Febd) (Jan24) BARRISTER, D. HUMPHREYS, Q.C.. BARRISTER, BA. 8. Boyehys, Feb BARRISTER. | KINDS ON rical Etenchie will plek up and deliver. Dial 5-4166. Feb9 14--Instruc.ion LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence ence, 308 an] DANCING--BALLET, TOE, TAP, IRENIE parvey: Burk St. New classes now form- Register Saturday mornings, ¢ C.R.A., Fi 8 St. May X 30) MAE MARSH I DANCING mation 3- PARALYTIC AND BLIND IN SOME cases can be {aught to dance, mivaie or class. Dial 5-2898. Febl4) 1b--Insurance Me INSURANCE, E, AUTO, Life Dep Im lil Life) 21 King West. Di (Jan17) | W! 18--Lo.t & Found LOST--HOUND, BLACK AND TAN, AN- swers to mame "Ranger". Lost 1 mile north of Pickering Village, Sat., Jan. 10, . | no collar tag. Reward. Jack Bunting, 57 Beaty Ave., Ajax. Phone Pickering 5043. (10e) BARRISTERS AND CONANT & CONANT. BARR a, Roser a Conant, B.A.» itive: Oshawa, Oita 7% Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-227; Ax, anid) Phone" 25. BARRISTER: A. W. 5. GREER, ARR Q.C.. etc, 6 King Street S917. Residence 3-4759, John M. Greer B.A., Ss., resident 5-3368. (Feb10) SALMERS, B.A. BARRISTER, Z clon, ote., 134 Simcoe Street North. Dial: office 5-371, residence 5- 5542. (Jan24) LOST--WHITE ANGORA CAT, Agnes Street. 19--Money to Loan CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mort and tor terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. (Jan27) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and A for fae purchased. HLA. is- um F. Loan: Swartz, Barrister &c. 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. (Febl) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT North Shore Realty Company Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Dial 5-3568. (203tf) our. | 20a--Cartage Act loans, 34619. Res. 3-2417. MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Mi to loan, Bassett Solicitor, NoEaEy d oney 1s 3.4697, Residence Block, Suite (Febl) CREIGHTON Barristers, Dial erce Bldg.. 5 . bg T, x. Cregon, Q.C., N.C. Fraser, Qc. G. 5 Drynan, G. 4--Chiropodists , | Pretty, 3-0965, YOUR N: Dial 3-3195. FOR CENERAL CARTAGE CALL A. , 444 Simcoe South. Fens) 20--Personal CUP READ, CONFIDENTIAL. (10¢) LUCKY TICKET HOLDERS OF OSHAWA Flute Band's New Year's Tur- 1409, (11a) Drum and key draw, Dec. 29, 1952:" Nos. 370, 2145, 384, 2161, 315. 21--Personal Services JAMES A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF 30% alizing in foot and gical Chiropody. Speci X. leg diseases. Foot orthopedist, X-ray diag: nosis. Suite Rs Prince St. Dial 5-562L 5--Dentists Satie azle. Dial 5-4283 SUARANTEED REPAIRS ON ALL makes of sewing machines. Singer drop- head for sale. Guaranteed. Dial a 1. MANE GRANDFATHER, ELECTRIC, clocks work for od, Uelivered, prices reason- (Feb2) turday | DANCE BAND, SMALL COMBINATION, F{ its. Phone Ajax 6--Nursing Services MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME. RR gg hr Jacanties or and hag i every Z Kindness ven aopzow (Jan27) 7--Optometrists Cc. Ja--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- veyor, Civil Engineer, 27 Woodhouse Cres- cent, Ajax. Pone 247-R, Ajax. (Jan2D) DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTARIO engin- Land Surveyors, abd' professional eers. 315 King St. E. 5-5632. (Feb) lor '152 evenings. Dorothy Cross. (Feb 10) TV SERVICE AND SALES On-the-spot service to all makes of radios and television and appliances, Phone 307 Whitby 23--Women's Column PEGGY'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOUR, 72 Church St. Snappy curls, $2.50 ww, ai MACHINELESS PERMANENTS, $3.50 i cold-wave, 3 up, guaranteed. Dial 3-265. Clarke's Béauty. Shoppe, 172 Gibbon Fa Jan 10 CHARIS JANUARY SALE, SUAVITE girdle, beautiful slips, half slips, tailored by Charis. B. Blatter. Dial 5-3434. Feo 25-- Real Estate For Sale 8--Building Trades ONS AND REMODELLING, ALTERAT] rT ER i TREY i PR room, je ie kitchen, tile bathroom, sun room, 3 good size bedrooms, dry basements ofl hot. air extras. 828 attics and cabinets built and installed; general Te pairs. Floor and wall tiling. Work Fuarsn. teed. G. Parks 3-2631. (Feb9) CARPENTRY, ALTERATIONS, CUP- boards, all general repairs, also painting, laster 'oodcock, dial 3-7048. (Feb8) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, pc Ay Jemodelling, water proofing A. Woods. Pept; PAINTING PAPER HANGING, airs, sponge wrippng, 1 Jepairs, clean work guaranteed. F. , (Janl3) 85-4931. CARPENTER WORK, CUPBOARDS, RE- pairs, alterations of all kinds. Terms ar- ranged. $-1754. (Febl) James Clarke, J. E. LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS -- Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished, built-in cupboards and ci work. Dial 5-4902: after 6 p.m. dial 5-6034. (Jan18) J. H. HENDERSON -- CONCRETE AND cinder blocks, large stock on hand. Di 34412. Canis) EAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND bathroom. All Mary St. North. ain WARREN AVE. 4-room modern bungalow, two bed- rooms, large living room, and mod- ern kitchen, oil heating, "electric hot water tank, laundry tubs, nicely lgndscaped, "Only $8,000 with $4,500 down, economical and com- ai Thy home. See it today. W. McAULEY Real Estate Broker & Genera! Insurance 13 PRINCE STREET DIAL 3-2512 RES, 5-2133 9e) $1,000 DOWN We have one more bungalow, also one 1Va-storey house, almost ready Service. "ling kitchen, A gu xX Fagin." Modern 'Woodworking Shop. Shoae CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, BLOCKS lai stucco, 8, . Lilley Bros. ( Jan15) for occupancy; in the Westbrook Park Subdivision. These homes com- plete our programme in this area. For appointments call MR. E. COLLINSON EAVESTROUGHING, ROOF REPARS. Dial 3-4373. Feb5) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANI(- tary way. Dial 5-3986. (Feb2) HAVE YOUR CUPBOARDS AND CABIN- ets, etc. made to order by Scotch er, Dial 5-4520. aJnl2) CALL LOU RASICOTT FOR BRICK, block or chimney work. Dial 5-1474, evenings. (Feb6) CARPENTRY, ALL Lag] hig) REPAIRS, alterations, cupboards, etc. Reasonable. Dial 3-7276 or 3-4068. 9c) Ba--Sharpening Services SAWS FILED AND SET, RETOOTHING, etc. Percy Neil, 102 SHighiang Ave., Osh- | ed ove! awa. Dial (Jan15) AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, SETIING and. ming. types of gum iy Jawnimowerss shears, is, ste. sharpen- ed. Stan's Sharpeningg Service. 227 King West. (Jan22tf) 11--Dressmaking 'TOP TOWN amos Local repr for Colonial Homes & Convoy Const. Co. Dial 3-4641, Thursday, 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, ' (11a) Starting March 1st, 1953, S. Jackson & n are constructing a series of NHA 5-room, 3-bedroom brick bun- galows on the west side of Highland Ave., south of Vimy Ave. Occupdn- cy by September, 1953, $1,750 DOWN--This model is built wide way to the street on a 51° x 122'6" Tot, Full price $8,750. 'Month. Iy payment $47 plus takes, amortiz- 0 years. ' Sore DOWN--Constructed on a 42" x 1226" lot. Full price $8,550. Monthly payment $46 plus taxes, amortized over 20 years. Examine the plans for these attrac- tive homes while there is still a choice of locations. SEE US TODAY DIAL -- 3-2265 cholield INSURANCE ASSOCIATES 6 SIMCOE ST. N. AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL Ralph Vickery -- 5-6342 Steve Macko -- 50771 aw $3,200 -- Full price, nice 3-room bungalow, bathroom stool, sink, heavy wiring. Bowmanville. Half cash, : $4,500--4- bungalow, conven- iences, hot air heating, south section, $1,500 down. We have others. W. McAULEY Realtor 13 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-2512 DIAL 5-2133 RESIDENCE (100) North Mary St. $10,575 Down Payment $5,500 Storey and half, 6 rooms, brick, 8, le one to carry a second mort- Dial 35-3887, e. 0 il on AJAX $4,000 down -- Mortgage, $2,500, carries for $25 monthly. Four-rooms and bath. attached breezeway and garage, breezeway made into two small rooms, fully tiled bath, tile floors in kitchen, bath and vestibule, | balance hardwood. Many extras. Priced for quick sale, City conven- iences. PHONE PICKERING 203m! (10b) $9,000--6-room, 2-storey and half, modern brick, double lot, near school and transportation, North Oshawa. $7,500--$3,500 down, 6-room bun- galow, all conveniences, hot-air heat- ing, large lot, near St. Gregory's School and Church. PORT PERRY $9,500--12-room, 2-storey, conven- iences, large lot. A good buy. We have others. W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 Residence: Dial 5-2133 iio) WHITBY LOW DOWN PAYMENT! Large Monthly Payment! Buys this income home on quiet street near shopping, churches and schools. Live in comfortable ground- floor apartment and rent upper to help pay for this 7-room, oil heated home. Many extras including open fireplace, heavy oak floors, two com- plete bathrooms and kitchen and gar- age with work bench. A responsible | buyer might try $2,500 down. Bal- ance of $9,500 at 512%. Act quick- ly. GORDON OSBORNE Insurance and Real Estate 117 KING ST. S. ° * WHITBY PHONE 2677 : 11h) W. J. MOWAT Broker OFFERS $12,500--6-room house, 2 rooms in attic, nice large rooms, close to GM and downtown. Half cash. $11,000--$47.00 down, $63 month- ly interest aot 42 per cent, buys a six-room bungalow. 30 days' posses- sion, $11,000--North end, 5-room bun- galow. $6,000 down, interest, prin- cipal and taxes $45 monthly aot 412 per cent, $7,500 -- $1,800 down, é-room frame, $60 income will take care of payments. 3 rooms for owner. $5,000--$2,000 down, in Whitby, 4-room insul-bric. This is a good buy. Salesmen: JOHN A. WINTERS -- Dial 5-0164 L. BROWN Dial 32642 WHITBY 2601 (11a) E. L..DISNEY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 82 Simcoe St. S. -- Dial 3-2333 5 rooms, 1Va-storey brick. Bath room down, large odes kitchen, garage, near Ritson Road School. $7,800 WITH $4,000 DOWN. 8 rooms, 2-storey brick. Has one ex-- tra room in attic, Jodem kitchen, near St. Gregory's Chur $10,500 Wri $5,000 DOWN; 6 large rooms, 2-storey brick and|2 attic, semi-finished, situated north- west just off Simcoe Street, modern Kitchen, oil heated, toilet in base- "13,000 WITH $5,000 DOWN. Kingston Road East, 10 acres with 6-room stucco, bathroom down. Small barn and chicken house. P $12,000 WITH $5,000 DOWN. OR 2 acres with above residence and buildings. $10,000 WITH $5,000 DOWN Residence Phones: ED. DISNEY --- 5.2127 F. W. HALL --- 3-4584 (11) STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatters . "It says, 'Inspected and packed by No. 37!" Once you've "inspected" the profitable results of The Times- Gazette Classified Ads you'll use nothing else to sell or rent. Call 3-2233. 27--Real Estate Wanted 28--For Rent HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity. For quick: results and satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. Residence Sha el WANTED--§ OR 8-ROOM HOUSE, $1,000 VERY LARGE FRONT ROOM FURNISH- , 2 beds, : sets and washroom, King Bast Dial 5- (Jan14,16) CLEAN ROOM FOR TWO, SINGLE BEDS, near. G.M. in new home. Dial 5-6124, after 6 p.m. ain down, in or around Oshawa. | possession. Write Box 945, Times-Gazetle, ) | pital. 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, NEAR 'HOS- Dial 3-7314. (1c; TWO ACRES WITHIN CITY. DIAL 5- 2839. (10¢) Have client with good cash pay- ment for 6-room home, North Osh- awa. List your home now if selling or buying: WALTER R. LR. SMITH. 18 Bond St. West Dial 3-2911 (Feb?) 28--For Rent FURNISHED BEDROOMS, GENTLEMEN only, continuous hot water, central. Apply 63 Colborne East. [§/9] COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, for 1 or 3 gentlemen. Apply SUITABLE Simcoe S. (282tf) '0 FURNISHED LIGHT BOUSEX BEP- ing rooms, heated, central. Dial 5- BE ) Ic, FURNISHED BEDROOM, IN ADULT home, nurse. Apply 101 Hilleroft St. Dial sams, LARGE ROOM, SINGLE BEDS, CLOSE to Motors, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Ap- ply 103 Colborne E. (9c) ihe Fe DUPLEX APARTMENT, AVAIL- able ble February Ist. wom, a ving, fog. conven- ey monthly. Avpty Box 828, mes. NICELY. BEDROOM, lean, quiet on tral; gentleman p. Cl je, re- ferred. Dial $3078, (10c). FURNISHED 4ROOM HOUSE, FOR sale or rent. Apply C. G. 28 George St., Ajax, between 8 a.m. - 4 pm. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, with sink; available Jan- uary 24. Apply 525 r Ave. (10c) BRIGHT NEWLY FURNISHED BED- room in new home, for business girl; cen- tral. Dial 3-8540, (10¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. Apply 81 Simcoe Street North. Dial 5-2262. (10f) FARM HOME FOR "RENT, 4 ROOMS. Pone 313R12, Claremont. (10¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW home, near Skinners; use of washing machine. Dial 3.2397. (10c) 3. SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, suitable for young couples with no chil- . Apply 279 Court St. (10e) LARGE ROOM, SUIT TWO FRIENDS, near Motors. Dial 3-3783. (10¢) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BEDROOM for gentleman, central. Dial 3-8856. ab ) SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, AB- stainer, central. Apply 70 Celina Street. (1}a) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, HEAT, WA- ter and light supplied, business couple pre- ferred. Dial 3-459 between 5-8 p.m. 1 (11e) FOUR NEWLY CONSTRUCTED 4-ROOM apartments, available now, adults only. Apply Apt. 2, 165 Verdun Rd. (11e) UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Cou- ple. Dial 5-2373. (11e) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, 2 DOU- ble beds, continuous hot water; walking distance to Motors. Apply 27 Rowe St. ' (11c 4-ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, Hvar entrance, adults only. Apply 630 West. (11a) ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED BEDROOM, in quiet, warm home, for one business girl; central. Dial 3-4002. * Qia) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2 gentlemen, breakfast if desired. Dial 3-7826. (11e) FURNISHED BEDROOM. APPLY 559 Masson St. Dial 3-2037. (11e) 6-ROOM HOUSE, IMMEDIATE POSSES- sion. Write Box 947 Times-Gazette. ; ; (11a LE CONTAINED ACCOMMODATION helor apartment and 3-pe. bath- SUIT 27--Real Estate Wanted HOMES -- HOMES We have buyers for al of homes. Big small; 'Sood dpwn 'Payer ats Toowe Furnished with private entrance. Large closet. Ad with sink. Fully equipped laundry room. Continuous hot water. Apply 284 Simcoe St. South, apartment 1 (11a) TWO UNFURNISHED Rooms. BUSINESS couple, abstainers. Dial 5-3400. 9) given. H. GOLDSTEIN roker 13 Bond St. £ " Dial 3-3822 J. Penicka -- Salesmen -- J. Barnoski (Jan1l) HOUSES WANTED To Buy and Sell W. E HOLMES : BROKER Bond at Ontario Dial 5-2363 $yan29) 2 SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS, MEN or couple, no kid ren: Apply 76 Wilkinson, Dial 3-8628, after 4. (11e) ROOM FOR RENT IN PRIVATE HOME, sat gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street as THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH private entrance. Apply 1353 Simcoe St. North, ain 2. FURNISHED "FRONT ROOMS, SUIT- able for at housekeeping, on bus line. Dial 5-4169, (10¢) LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, working couple. Central. Apply 131 Huron St. Dial 5- (11a; BERNEICE H, PATRICK Real Estate Broker Listings Wanted Personal Service 16 BOND E. DIAL 5-3692 100 WILSON RD. Nd DIAL 3-3800 Salesman R. J. yy « Dial 3-7055 (Jan30) TWO WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, #zound floor, suitable fo! couple. Apply 35 Bloor East. (108) CLEAN, LARGE FURNISHED OR UN- furnished housekeeping room. Two friends preferred. Dial 3.9686. 222 Highland Ave. . nn . TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND kitchenette, in good district. , Everything near bus. 'only, Write Rox 028 Tir 108 29--Wanted To Rent NEED 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for couple expeching baby. Dial 5-0040. (10¢) PRESENT LOCATION SOLD We need use of 2 rooms, ground floor, living and dining rooms would do; centrally located preferred. For every second Mon. and Tues. Meals and sleeping accommodation for two men preferred but not essen- tial. MIRACLE FOOT AID CLINIC Write Head Office, 466 King East, Hamilton a1 32--Automobiles For Sale '| keeping room wanted by G ) | SEE 29--Wanted To Rent "--Automobiles For Sale | 39--Articles For Sale YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE WOULD like 4, 5-room house or apartment. Ref- erences required. Dial 5-5122 11e) 1950 AUSTIN, STEEL GRAY WITH BLUE CHILD'S STEEL CRIB, LARGE SIZE, leather upholstery, radio and heater. New | good condition; lady's white tube sisates, tires, fully winterized. Dial 5-0162. (8f) size 6. 'Dial 5-5251. (10¢) URGENTLY NEEDED, 3 OR 4 ROOMS, unfurnished, young couple with two small school children. Dial 35-1735. a BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS & & tru Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3- | n 2256 or 3-9672. (Jan28) | 5- 200-GAL. OIL TANK PRACTICALLY ew, 4 burner gas range with oven. Dial' 4381. (10¢) PROFESSIONAL MAN AND DAUGHTER, age 6, requires home in good district, where a child will be given a mother's care. Reply in Fare of S. D. Hopkins and Co., 172 King St. East. (9c. EXECUTIVE DESIRES 6 oR 1 ROOM- house or duplex with all con- veniences. Dial 3-4533 Between 10 am. - 3 pm. on 30--Room and Board ) | very good condi 1946 OLDS. CLEAN. CASH. DIAL 5-1284, (11a) | Queen, | vAcuUM CLEANER, NEW FILTER cost $129, sell for $50; also floor Dial 3-4954. 108) DARK GREEN, IN Quick sale. Dial 3- (11¢) AUSTIN Ad40, to, 1050, 3448, 10 to 4 35--Automabiles Wanted HURON COOK STOVE, DAY BED AND Mattress, bed full-size and mattress. %- nd springs, chesterfield site suitable Dial 5-2306. (10b) for brooch cottage, $10. PRIVATE PARTY WANTS LATE MODEL Chev. Sedan, must be in perfect condition, | a] all cash. Dial 5-427: (Jan31) COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS, GOOD LO- cation. Gentlemen only, meals arranged. Dial 3.4391. (9c. ) | S. Dial 3-9421. BABY CLOTHES, Singer Phone 1174, NEV ai USED, $20; Sewing machine, best offer, Brooklin, : (a6) *41'51 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR you at Dodd's Car Lot. 300 Park Road | ef (Feb7tt) TWO CAR HEATERS. LEATHER JACK- t. Perfect condition. Dial 5-2603. oc) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE- men. Dial 5-2737. (9c! ROOM AND BOARD, GENTLEMEN PRE- ferred; central; nice comfortable home. Apply 26 Gladstone or 5-1980. (106) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GENTLE man. Meals if desired. Apply 595 Howard Street. Dial 3-3705. (10¢) GENTLEMAN WILLIN( le good home-cooked meals. Bic] single beds, 51719. (Abstainer). (11e) 31--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD FOR MOTHER, working at GM, with care and board for 5-year-old boy. Dial 3-7650. (10¢) G TO SHARE, ) | cars for hy Dial Sosa, on LAKESHORE AUTO WRECK highs DOUBLE BED AND MATTRESS, GQoO! ERS. WANT SEN gondition, Apply 339 King St. East, after 'el D 11a) 100 CARS USED BED; 3 "KITCHEN CH. 3 oS burner electric stove: prt: . Dial 5-1284. good con bes Immediately '4) - '52 Models a ONE BLACK AND WHITE MALE springer spaniel dog, child's sidewalk two-wheel bicycle, Suit (11e best offer. Also ge 2-4. Dial 5-3345. Must be good, clean cars. Out-of-town dealer ELECTRIC SUMP PUMP, Nite metal ice-box; both in good condi- n. 60-CYCLE; Dial 3-2013. ain Can be reached aot 3-8412 39a--Fuel Wood after 9 p.m. Brooklin 54R24. S (288tf) ROOM AND BOARD OR LIGHT HOUSE- Single girl: 3-7690. le) 32--Automobiles For Sale RADIO, '49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, air-conditioned heater, ood OFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT- LENGTH, $4 single cord; hardwood slabs, $5.50 single cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 5-2490. (Feb6) 36--Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL COCKER SPANIEL PUP- pies. Choose now. Deposit will hold till hard CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, 18R33 Bethany. MAPLE; delivered. Phone (Jan6) ard and soft slabs . Waubena Kennels, new high- way near Drive-In Theatre. (Janl0) B Dial 3-8400 between 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. REBUILT KNEE ACTION, 34-38 CHEV. and Pontiac. Retail and wholesale. Im- mediate installation or delivery. Morey's Garage, Verdun and Gliddon. Dial S432 '49 FORD SEDAN, METALLIC BLUE, spotless condition, may be seen at 22 Brock St. East. Dial 5-0162. (C9) PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Motors. Dial 3-4634. (Febl3) "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont Motors, 137 iKng West. Phone 5-0732. (Jan19) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evening 5-5706. (Janis) TRADE-DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN trade any article of value, in on a good used car at Kenny Van Courte Megors, 83 Ritson Rd. 8.7? For instance, outboard motors, radios, boats, etc. In fact, anything within reason. We do this to help you make up your down pay- ment. We are the original traders. Many people took advantage of this offer last year with excellent results. So to Kenny Van Courte Rd. S. 50 FORD COACH, GOOD CONDITION, $1,295, or best offer. Phone Brooklin on GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGNMENT wheel balancing at Moring's Garage, 1084 Simcoe St. North. (Febl0) '50. HILLMAN, TERMS ARRANGED. Dial 5-3215. ain) pe RSA RE LAME ds '35 DODGE COUPE, GOOD CONDITION. Apply 208 Verdun Rd. (10¢) More Cive-Away Prices a AT io. Kenny Van Courtef Motors BE WISE! -- USE OUR Lay-Away Plan! HERE IS HOW OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN WORKS You buy your car now, at the lowest price of the year -- 'sav- ing at least $100 to $200 compared with Spring prices. We store your car -- Free of Charge until you want delivery, without interest or carrying charges of any kind. You'll find it's the smart way to buy your car. HERE ARE A FEW AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS 1951 1950 1950 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, air conditioning, many extras .... NOW vos wun' $1595 Spring 2 CHEV. 1069 DELUXE SEDAN, black, air conditioning .... FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN, immaculate $1395 Spring ? radio, ; $1425 Spring : 1949 CHEV. SEDAN, 2-tone green, extras $1295 Spring : 1949 CHEV. 2-DOOR SEDAN, equipped CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, radio, heater 1948 1948 throughout .. CHEV. owner, CHEV, loaded 1940 CHEV. 1947 radio, heater 1941 with extras DELUXE, radio, DELUXE COACH, one Vie ev, . $1325 Spring black, .. $1095 Spring ? CHEV. SEDAN, blue, Al $1095 Spring ------ Spring ? oe COACH, radio, Hodes $645 Spring ? $595 Spring Whi, " GOOD TRANSPORTATION AT GIVE - AWAY PRICES 37 BUICK 2-Door Sedan 35 FORD COACH, needs seat covers and polish 33 DODGE SEDAN, pretty fair car 32 CHEV, COACH, dandy little number ..... . 28 FORD "A" MODEL, perfect motor, etc ... : sees +: $395 «+395 .:$ 95 .$ 90 $75 USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN AT KENNY VAN COURTE MOTORS YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID 83 RITSON RD. S. DIAL 3-4331 ? | new, $110. Apply 100 Burk St. COCKER AND SPRINGER PUPPIES, HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR quick sale to clean factory, $5 or $3 lots. Delivered. Dial 3-7391. (Jan30) dogs boarded. Gordeene Kennels. Apply Kinsale, No. 7 Highway. Phone Brooklin 18R15. (Jan 15) i9b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil MANCHESTER TERRIER PUPPIES. d Dial 3-2448. (11a) 200 PULLETS. APPLY BLUITT'S FARM, STOVE OIL AND FUEL OIL, PROMPT ally deliveries by metered trucks. Cities (Mars) Service Oil Products. Dial 3-9443, Thornton's Road North. 37--Farmers Column a 40--Articles For Rent DEAD FARM STOCK, promptly. Phone collect Dowilauville 1 FOLDING CHAIRS, PICKED UP | quet tables, for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. CARD AND BAN. (Feb6) 2679. Also live horses. Margwil Farm, Tyrone. (Feb28) 41--Articles Wanted 38--Wearing Apparel ELECTRIC SEAL COAT, PERFECT WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, scrap iron, ttresse: Dial L Turner, Nortb Oshawa, 32043 col le metal, rags and ma Lo (Febll) condition, size 38-40. Dial 5-2852, after 6 p.m. (9c TWO LADIES' COATS, SIZE 40, condition. One tweed, one fur trim. Dial 5-4896, evenings. (1ob) | 5 ) GOOD USED , FURNITURE WANTED, GOOD | dressers, stoves, Crysler Furni heaters, kitchen sets, ture, 56 King West. Dial (Jan23) -0132. WINE FITTED COAT, BLACK MOUTON collar, size 12-14; excellent condition, $10. | now. 5-2822 Dial 5-4894, (10b) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Dial . (Jan23) GENTS' FORMAL, SIZE 40-42, COM- WANTED Phone 2502 Whitb; WOODEN BUNK BEDS. (10e) plete with vest shirt, collar, tie, shoes, like new, all for $45. Phone 3-8086. «10f MAN'S FAWN OVERCOAT, tall, $12. Apply 653 Masson St. s3a--Market Basket CHOICE MCINTOSH AND SPY APPLES, |, well colored, delivered. Dial 5-3214 (Jan16) $3 BAG. DE: SIZE 44 (11a) POTATOES FOR SALE, CEOATERE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Loca! and out-of- own calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. (Jan15) Dial ,3-7024. Janl?) GOOD TABLE TURNIPS, $1 BUSHEL, carrots and parsaips $1.50. Dial Foi 'eb DELIVERED BY (9c) liveries made every Friday. early for delivery. COOKING APPLES: the bushel. Dial 3-993! SHAW RAG and METAL 89 BLOOR EAST Dial 5-2311 J. Shaw Res.: 3-9111 Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, JANUARY SALE--3-4's OF WHITE OR [F385 batteries, mattresses, ete. Factory al amber honey for $2. Di livery. (Febl13) 5-2441 for de- | accounts appreciated. (Feb2) 39--Articles For Sale 42--Female Help Wanted B. F. GOODRICH STORE ~ TIRES, BAT- teries, auto accessories, Hotpoint appli ances--thrifty budget plan. Dial i 15 an12) RELIABLE WOMAN, AS COMPANION help for elderly lady, live-in or out. Must have highest references. Dial 3-4759. (10e) SKATES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, 2 sizes. Oshawa Cycle Sales, 16 Bond E. al 3-4341. (Jan12) YOUNG WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER - companion light duties, tial. Write Box 939, Times-Gazette. (8f) Replies confiden- BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME NOW WITH our new Apex Klostop, Canada's finest custom-made venetian blinds. Save $3.00 WOMAN FOR KITCHEN WORE IN REST- aurant, South. Dial 50965 or apply 444 to $4.00 on each blind. 5 years guaran- tee, steel or aluminum, no obligation, free measurements. Phone Alan's Venetian Blind, 3-9662, open from 9 to 6 including Sa ay. (Jan9) RUGS--SAVE UP TO 3% ON NEW RE- versible broadloom rugs, made from your EXPERIENCED SENIOR CLERK, curate typist, knowledge of purchasing and inventory control an asset. This is an unusual opportunity for permanent ree muneration work. Apply in first instance je 3 writing to Managing Director, General AC- TS. (11e) old woollens, rugs, clothing, etc. Dial 3-3836. (Jan27) GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR STORE. Write Box 944, Times-Gazette. (9c) SKATES, ALL SIZES, MEN'S, WOM. en's and children's. New and used. Sold and exchanged. Lowest prices. Drayton's Cycle, 204 (Jan26) EXPERIENCED NURSE-MAID, er's help, country home near Oshawa. At- Bond St. E. Dial 5-6344. srartive wages, Box 845, Times-Gazette. MOTH- liberal time off. Write, references and wages expected, to «aon FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, 7% CU. ft., good working order. Dial 3-2456. DRUG STORE CLERK, FULL 9c) | Ply North Simcoe Pharmacy. . AP. (10d) DOUBLE BED, SPRING, MARSHALL Phone 1b GIRL, WHO DESIRES GOOD HOME, to care for ie children while mother works. -7275. Dial 3 11e) ut also heavy-duty electric. stove. 5-2407. RECORD CABINET, GOOD ) CASHIER -- FOR STAFF CAFETERIA, steady part-time work. Apply office ma. bilo" 1 0) Holds over 100 records. $15 or | ager, Oshawa General Hospital. 16) Dost offer. Apply 82 Fernhill Blvd. he = CATABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN- live in; all modern ap- BED DOUBLE SIZE, SPRING Phianoes. good home. Dial 3-4029, (110) WALNUT and mattress, baby's metal g and mattress ;all good condition. Dial 5-03086. (11e) GUERNEY WHITE ENAMEL COOK stove, coal or wood; also No. 60 hot water jacket heater, both in excellent condition. Reasonable. Dial 5-3086, 148 Tylor Cres, c CONTENTS OF 4 ROOMS, COMPLETE kitchen, ving room, 2 bedrooms, all of recent Must be sold by noon WANTED PART-TIME OPERATOR BELL TELEPHONE CO. Apply Chief Operator, BROOKLIN, ONTARIO (10d) January 14, Dial 3.9101. (Jan9,14) ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS. PHONE Bob Wright, Koolvent representative, 5-5509 for demonstration without obliga: tion. (Janl?) VENETIAN BLINDS -- THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop- ment in venetian blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more grace- ful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. GIRLS, TRAVEL VANCOUVER - WINNIPEG - MONTREAL with our sales staff. Average $250 per month. $35 to start, Transporta- tion paid. Apply Miss D. Irwin. State telephone number Times-Gazette. with Box 46, (11h) Estimates without obligation. George Reid, Dial 5-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (Febl2) JOHNSON 5 H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR, recently reconditioned. Apply 310 Nassau. Dial 3-8129. (10¢) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of washers. iddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial (Jan25) PRACTICALLY COMBINATION RADIO, SALES WOMEN WANTED to sell costume jewellery full or part time. No experience necessary Apply 132 Central Park Blvd. (1c) (10c) 43--Male Help Wanted Cf OULD YOU USE AN EXTRA $5 FOR ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS REASONABLE PRICES APPLY 58 QUEBEC ST. 3 hours spare time. Our products are nationally advertised. We have opening for two men. Choose your own hours. Write Box 146, Times-Gazette. (11e) ASSISTANT MANAGER SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Febl13) Excellent future, young man, 21 to 29, to executive posi- tion. Must own car, senior matric or equivalent, person- ality, abili o meet people essential. car allow- ance, and FOTO unlimited. PHILLIPS TELEVISION and RADIOS and APPLIANCES Free installation for the first 10 sets sold. PHONE 307 WHITBY Regular salary fnareges PERSONAL FINANCE co. 11% SIMCOE A

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