\ THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE, Thursday, January 8, 1958 Think OfAllThe Unused Items You Have, Then Sell Them With A Times Ad.Dial 3-2233 "I Was Well Satistied With The. Response I Received!" Exclaim es My oS. ' This T " act 101 was Sold AV ADL 1st Caller ha CHILD'S Tractor. Good condition, Di 3 -- Business Opportunities 25---Real Estate For Sale Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1a-- Accountants, Chartered EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY SPARE TIME UP TO $400 MONTHLY MONTEITH, Dial | Devoting 4 to 8 houri weekly to a route of new type merchandising dis- pensing machines dispensing nation- 2--Auditors ally-known products. No selling as we secure locations and instruct you. ACCOUNTANTS, kins, Certified General Sg ey Applicant must have car, references and $900 cash capital which is se- cured by inventory. Excellent future 2 Barristers possibilities for operating full time with much greater income with help of our credit expansion plan. For lo- OUTS ir Biss 37 ete. ger vd rtgage Loans rr gg Bid 5-0254. Qc. King BARRISTER, Street Bast, Sitice Phones: Febd) | Ga cal interview include phone number in application. 830, Tiges- zette, (6c) AMERON, 18% ANNIS, JONES AND C on, B.A. Money (Feb) Street East, Dial 3-226. B.A. John A. Cameron, to Joan, loan. McGIBBON & BASTEDO, 8 and Solicitors. € Clone, st _mortga ery Charles C. Mi F. Bastedo. C.. R. D. HUMPHREYS, jaf West. licitor, etc., 6 King Ofice. Dial 51177 Hasidence Money to loan George Associate. Jehyn, BA. 8 BOYORYN: po ANT, ARRISTERS AND CONANT & CON. Conant G.C.. Roger B.A. Offices: Oshawa, oe (Jan13) Solicitors, Gordon D 4 ant, Th Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-2227: Phone 25. 11--Dressmaking TOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and gents' made - to - measure clothes. All materials of the finest British woollens. 18% Simcoe North. Tin $4633, BERNARDS TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' or gents' made-to-measure suits and coats of finest British materials or all work guaranteed. Reasonable 2 xices, Come and for yourself! 446 Simcoe St. 8. Dial ry (Jan26) 13--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED op 8 REUP: materials REER, Q.C. A ete TVe King Street Solicitor, ete. nce 3-4759, John M. 5-4717. Reside: Pty 3368. . B.A. Ss. BARRISTER. . Dial Greer, (Jan10) B.A.» 'Dial: office 5- SALMERS, BARRISTER, edit, stes oy Simcoe S'reet North. dence 5-542. 4, ros (Janae) See recov grag. Bruce R. Dalton, 7s Coates. oa) REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON XL trical appliances. Will pick up and liver. Dial 35-4168. ri CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOVER. $4 Like new. Way $aj idee? OUR Fai af aranteed MANGAN, Q.C. ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Resdence Dial 35-3405. Satisfaction BARRIS- Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa loan. Office 14% 3-8232. Oshawa. Dial Ea, va. (Febl) pho: stering Co. 8 (Feb3) 14--Instruciion Church St. Dial $0311. ERNEST MARKS, B. tor, 11 King Fast, Room 2. 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. SOLICI- Office (Febl) LEARNING JO DANCE 18 BAS) AND fun at the Oshawa Studie of Dancing, Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5-1860. PARKHILL AND J. EL Mortg: Act loans, 26 Simcoe i, Res. 3-17. A. YANCH, H (Jan10) DANCING--BALLET, TOE, TAP, IRENIE Harvey, Burk St. New classes now form- MANNING F. Solicitor, Notary. Block, Suite No. & SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Gibb St. 3%97, Residence * TT (rebD) LILLIAN MARSH DANCING School ~ Ballet; Taps Toe, Character, . AND DRYNAN: A CREIGHTON, FRAS] FRASER School--Masonic Temple, 7253. . Infor mation 3 (May$) Pre- | and ge A oral Sos, EK Crghion, GC. N. C. Fraser, Q.C. G. EK. Drynan, G. Reb) 4--Chiropodists 15--Insurance 20 ACRES GOOD LAND, NO BUILDINGS, north of flowing Oshawa. Bm. Ww. MeAulay. Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512; residence 5-2133. (5¢) $8,500 -- McMILLAN DR. Storey and three quarters, brick, on landscaped lot. Large living room, family ily diging room, fairly modern kitchen bedrooms. Deep dry base- ment, hot air coal heating. Hardwood down, loundry_ tubs, Possession 30 days, ; $8,750 -- GLIDDON Attractive brick bungalow, with gar- age, on landscaped lot. Good sized living room, built-in bokcase, large decorated. Deep dry basement, hot air oil heating. Possession 30 days. $10,800 -- COURTICE Attractive hew suburban frame bungalow with garage and chicken house, approximately acre of garden, berries and fruit trees. Good sized living room, built-in bookcases, large modern kitchen-dining room, 2 bed- rooms, modern 4-piece bath. Oak and tile floors. Automatic pressure system, good well. Deep dry basement, hot air coal heating. Possession 6 weeks, LET US SHOW YOU THESE EXCELLENT HOMES. (OFFERS WANTED Sd 6 SIMCOE ST, ae AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL Ralph Vickery 5-6342 Steve Macko 5-0771 APPRAISERS REALTORS LOANS (6a) NEW YEAR SPECIALS IN WHITBY HOMES $8,990 This modern five-room brick bunga- low is situated in a growing residen- tial district near 2A Highway, west of Brock St. The house is quite new recently decorated. Modern throughout with 3 bedrooms. and good-size living rooms, modern kitchen, full-size basement, with head clearance. The down McMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, AUTO, » Life (Rep., Imperial Life) ~ 2 West. Dial 3-3722. (Janl?) 18--Lo.t & Found and | LOST PAIR OF GLASSES IN BROWN 3-7355, (ie) leather case. Dial LOST---BROWN LEATHER KEY CASE, initialed M. L. Valuable to owner. Re- ward, Finder pleases zeturn to Fabric Town. (6c) PETER E. WILLSON, , OSH- 19--Money to Loan Hours 9 to 6 daily. lc. Dial 3.0632 er 33792. (Febl) 7 R. COLLARD, PENT 24% BIMCOR: CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mi and tor sale purch terms. J Bois 10.8 Sans morn- (Jan24) on Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. (Jani?) Nari Services Suns MONIES AVAILABLE FOR second mortgages. Mortgages Barrister 4. | Simcoe St." 8., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. for gale purchased. &e.o 3 (Feb1) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT Het A --s N.HA. and B Apply--M. F. Swartz, 7--Optometrists or arranged. North Shore' C. H. TUCK, Mon., Wed., and Fri. tact lenses and OPTOMETRIST. DISNEY Post Office. Daily oh evenings, 7 and plastie eyes. ia 56143. -! (Febl) Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. al 35-3568. (203t) 20a--Cartage FOR GENERAL CARTAGE CALL A. E. Pretty, 50965, 444 Simcoe South. (Jan8) Ja--Surveyors 20--Personal G T. SUR- Cres | curves! Gain 5 to 10 Ibs., new pep. Try Ostrex | The overall HORTON, ONTARIO LAND "SKINNY" GIRLS! GET LOVELY famous health and weight-builder, Tomy Ta 'Tablets. Tutrotuntory: "get-acquaint- ed" 'size enly All druggists. (5¢) WOULD ANYONE WITNESSING ACCI- 8--Building Trades Phone Brooklin 43-13, collect. CARPENTRY. Ra, pine ALTERATIONS, _ CUP- Work guaranteed. N. (Feds) MADAME ST. CLAIRE WILL BE 'AT 78 St. Fortune teller, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 7-11. (Se) 21--Personal Services G AND REPAIRS, water proofing Phone 3-8912. (Jan10) (Jani2) NEW PLASTERIN! archways, remodelling, b Free estimat A. Woods. GUARANTEED REPAIRS ON ALL akes of Sewing chines. drop- Dead for sale. Brrr ola 081, payment is $5,479 and the monthly payments are $50.40, which includes payments off principal, interest, in- surance and taxes, these payments will last for about ten years, when you will own your house for much less than the down payment when you take into consideration that this house will rent for $75.00 per month. Stop paying rent and own your home. $10,500 This 5-room clapboard bungalow Is just out of town nearing summer resi- dential area, back from lake on good gravel road, about 1 acre of land with fruit trees. The house which is recently completed has everything STRICTLY BUSINESS ' tr aroun "A ma nwants to discuss your recent article, 'Hunting Big Game with a: Camera!' " You don't have to hunt for customers when you sell @ camera through The Times-Gaxette Classified Ads, € Call 3-2233. A 28--For Rent TED APART- CTIVE 3-ROOM HEA' APARY 32--Automobiles For Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted 50 CHEV. £C0ACH, GOOD CONDITION, rifi 37855. de) ATTRA ment and bath, avi ol Adults referred. L. Clements. Phone , Bowmanvill (Be! ROOM FOR 1 GENTLEMAN, Dial 37754 or apply 182 Athol CENTRAL. East, (6c) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- room, all conveniences. Apply 254 Ritson Rd. South, (6b) 29--Wanted To Rent NEzD 3 og 4 foous, YNFURNIEHED: oung couple, school children. 5-1735. an UNFURNISHED FOUR-ROOM HOUSE or apartment. Four adults. Reasonable rept. Urgent. Dial 3.2731. (4¢) MOVING FROM LINDSAY, NEED 3 OR 4 roobs, flat or Spartment, heated and awa, Whitby Write Box 826, Times. self-contained, or Bowmanville. Gazette. ps WANTED -- 3 OR 4-ROOM APART- ent, elderly couple, Baptist minister. al 3-9316. (Se) 3 OR 4ROOM UNFURNISHED APART- ment, couple, no children. Write Box 932, Times-Gazette. (6c) 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, hs APARTMENT OR S-room bungalow. 3-4587. (6a) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 MEN NEAR Motors. Dial 5-1972. COMFORTABLE HOME FOR 1 OR 2 children over 3 years. Phone Brooklin 61R3. (6c) COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS, GOOD LO- cation, men only, meals arranged. Dial 3-4391. (6c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 GENTLE- man, willing to share room with single beds, abstainers. Dial 5-3689. (6b CLEAN ROOMS, SINGLE BEDS FOR 25--Real Estate For Sale MODERN 2STOREY BRICK, LARGE living room, dining room, large tile kitchen, tile bathroom, sun room, 3 good size bedrooms, dry basement, oil hot air heating, extras. 828 Mary St. North. bh 28--For: Rent 'D BEDROOM, CLOSE Motors. Two gentlemen. Apply 327 Lesite Dial 5-1014. an COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Apply 299 Simese 5 $2,500 DOWN obtains immediate possession of this nice family home consisting of 3 rooms down and 3 rooms with bath up. Hardwood floors throughout, Garage. Good residential locality. Full price $10, 500. May be inspected. anytime, W. EE HOLMES BOND AT ONTARIO DIAL 5-2363 Salesman ED. IRISH DUPLEX Rug brick, stone trim, air-conditioned oil heat, laundry tubs, storm sash; each floor contains 4 large rooms, 4-pc. bath, modern kitchen, excellent construction; beautiful location. Pos- session of ground floor in 30 days; other apt. showing good income. Listings needed. DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE DIAL 3-2612° Prince St., 1st door south of Bond (6b) 3-3301 Sb) modern and is ready. for | $2,500 down payment will handle this purchase and the balance on convenient terms, $200 each year off principal plus interest. Splendid one- car garage, $9,800 This stucco bungalow built so that 2 rooms can be added upstairs is situ- ated in good residential area on large lot 65° x 150°, this bungalow is built much larger than the average 5-room bungalow ond some work has. still to be e to complete the house. The Ider has spared nothing in using the best materials in this house. basement is equipped with oil fuel furnace, forced air, the house is fully insulated with 3-inch Johris-Manville pads. Possession one month, $8,500 This clapboard bungalow is in new district where a group of fine new houses have Been built, It is solidly constructed ond modern with large rooms, coal furnace, hot air heating, large kitchen and dinette, 4-piece bath room, large living room and 2 bedrooms. PORT PERRY 12-room, 2-storey income home. Con- veniences, double garage, heavy wir- ing, near school, low taxes. $5,900 or exchange on a good 6 to 8-room house in Oshdwa up to $9,000. QSHAWA 11 "acres, "good land, 5-room house, toilet, oil heating, hardwood floors, double garage, machine shop, barn, large hen house, brooder house, ce- ment floors, fruit trees, grape vines and berries. North Oshawa. $15,000 with $10,000 cash or will exchange. $3,000 DOWN Near new modern storey and half brick, 4-piece bath, large landscaped lot. Onlv $9,700, owner leaving city, Sunset Drive, North Oshawa. . $2,200 DOWN 4-room bungalow, 3-piece bath, Drew St. Only $4,700, low payments, See Us Today W. McAULEY Realtor (6a) 26--Real Estate Exchange 2 DOUBLE BEDROOMS, SINGLE BEDS, gentlemen only. Central. Dial 5-2889. «@n COMFORTABLE DOUBLE BEDROOM, suitable for 2 or 3 refined gentlemen, very gentral. Apply 57 Division St. «@) FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT: SUIT- able for two to share. . Dial 3-7504. an ROOMS. APPLY 86 J (4c) 3 UNFURNISHED William St. West. - 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, heat, lights and water su ; suitable for couple or two giris. App), 204 Drew. (4c MODERN APARTMENT, TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, heated, all conveniences; also use of garage. Dial 307M, Port Per- ry. "f) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, SINK, FRIDGE and stove, abstainers only, business cou- ple. Dial 3-8142. (6a) DOUBLE ROOM FOR 2 GIRLS, KITCH- en privileges. Dial 3-3568, after 6:30 p.m. (6c) ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMEN, KING and Ritson district. Dial 5-0754. Apply 74 Yonge Street. (6b) SINGLE ROOM FOR ONE GENTLEMAN, central. Dial 3-7698. (6a) SINGLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR GIRL or gentleman. Apply 207 Court Street. a" (4¢) TW UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ADULTS only. Must be trustworthy. Apply 320 Gibbs Avenue. e) near Duplate and G.M. Meals arranged. Dial 5-2000. 2 ROOM "AND "BOARD FOR 3 GENTLE- men. Apply 102 Elgin Street West. Dial 3-8601. 2n ROOM AND BOARD, GENTLEMAN PRE- ferred. Must be to share. Dial 5-1980. Apply 26 Gladstone. af) ROOMS AND BOARD. DIAL '5-0428. "un 2 GENTLEMEN TO SHARE LARGE room with twin beds; also single room. Meals optional. North end, close to bus. Dial 5-377 (4c) ROOM AND BOARD, DOUBLE BED, or two Al Near new GM plant or Pedlars. Dial 5- 3324. (Sc. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 MEN TO share, near General Motors, single beds. Dial 3.4079, (56) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMEN, continuous hot water, home privileges, bus service by door. 241 Ritson Rd. South. (5c) 31--Roem & board Wanted YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE ROOM AND board. Especially would like apartment situation. Write Box 817, Times-Gazette. (40) 32--Automobiles For Sale PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Motors. Dial3-4634. (Jan13) SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont Motors, 137 iKng West. Phone 5-0732. (Jan19) BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS & trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3- 2256 or 3-9672. (Jan28) '50 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, AIR ConpL tioned, heater, push-button radio, visor, 1 very po 3 ROOMS, PARTLY FURNISHED, PRI: vate bath and entrance. Oil heated, con- tinuous hot water and lights. Apply 342 mileage. Apply 45 Albert St. (Se) 40 PLYMOUTH, CLUB COUPE, BEST cash offer. Dial 3-8691. Se, Division Street. Dial 5-1433 and 8 o'clock. (4e) 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PRI- vate entrance. Young couple erred, abstainers., Dial 34078 from 6 to 8 p.m. "un Rooms, FURNISHED APARTMENT, 3 self-contained, with bath. Apply 406 Gil- bert St., Whitby. (40) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, GEN- Sloman pre ieferred, Apply 253 Bloor East. a 0 2 OR 3-ROOMED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, near Ross' Corners, itabl '47 M URY, 1-TON PICK-UP, .$600 cash. al 5-0483, after 5:30. Se) USED AND REBUILT MOTORCYCLES, small payments, tires, batteries and re- pains, etc. 160 King W., near Sharpe Flee: tric. FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evening 5-5706. (Jan13) GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGNMENT wheel alaning bd Moring's Garage, 1084 Simcoe St. (Jan10) for business couple. No children. Dial 3-4250, 11 to 5 o'clock. (4c) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM FOR 1 girl, very central. Dial 53937, - (de) COMFORTABLE ROOM, CENTRAL, single beds, suit two, willing to share. Dial 3:7125. 40) FURNISHED for 3-2621. 5-ROOM APARTMENT, INCL bedrooms, large bright rooms, heated. private entrance, central. Available im- di Write Box SUITABLE di Dial BEDROOM, (4c) TRADE-DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN trade any article of value, in on a good used car at Kenny Van Courte Motors, 83 Ritson Rd. S8.? For Instance, guns, outboard motors, dias, boats, etc. In fact, anything wi reason. We do this to help you Bg up your down pay- ment. We are the original traders. Many people took advantage of this offer last year with excellent results. So hurry ! -- to Kenny Van Courte Motors, 83 Ritson Rd. 8. (Jan22) REBUILT KNEE ACTION, 34'-'38 CHEV. and Pontiac. Retail and wholesale. Im- mediate installation or delivery. Morey's Garage, Verdun and Gliddon. Dial $4332 an23) 3) *37 CHEV. >| 38 237 ALL NEW TIRES. SEDAN, 8. (4c) Apply 337 Ritson 34 PLYMOUTH i SEDAN, HEATER, body in good con- Cubert Street, ter 4, '41-51 CARS BRING MORE CASH 0 you at Dodd's Car Lot. R 8. Dial 3-9421. LAKESHORE AUTO NBECHEERS w. cars for wrecking, Dial = 50533. ue Ficus pu art jan 36--Pets and Livestock Hackney Motor Sales NASH SEDAN -- With radio, in new car condi- tion. PONTIAC COACH--With radio. A lovely. car. MERCURY SEDAN MERCURY SEDAN--With radio. - PLYMOUTH SEDAN MERCURY SEDAN PLYMOUTH COACH CHEV. SEDAN : DODGE SEDAN TERRAPLANE COACH CHEV. SEDAN 33 CHEV. COUPE 31 FORD ROASTER USED TRUCKS 47 MERCURY 3 - TON Chassis and cab. 47 HUDSON 34-TON PICK- up 49 ) 47 46 41 40 37 37 33 40 CHEV. 25-TON -- Com- bination and hoist. 33 CHEV. %2-TON PICK-UP Don't Miss These Bargains Our Motto ls: Keep our. customers satisfied | Di USED CAR LOT Opposite Brewers' Warehouse Open Evenings White Rose Showrooms and Garage at 149 KING ST. W. DIAL 5-3557 ) | 33--Automobiles Wanted PRIVATE PARTY WANTS LATE MODEL Chey. Sedan, must he in perfect condition, all cash. Dial 5-427: BEAUTIFUL as. Waubena Kennels, new way near Drive-In Theatre. an COCKER AND SPRINGER PUPPIES Kinsale Ne 7 gene Po "a oon Way. one 00) 18R1S. nan BEAGLE HOUND FEMALE, 2 MO! old. Dial 5-2324. (5¢ BLACK COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, FULL registered. Palomar Kennels (regd) Dra: er 189. Port Perry. Phone 12R3. (6c) PURE THOROUGHBRED REGISTEREI cocker spaniel pups, black! Palomar Ken nels, Port Perry. Jean Dymond. "(8e 37--Farmers Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED U promptly. Phone collect Sow anvill 2679. Also live horses. Margwill Farm, Tyrone. (Novas 38--Wearing Apparel SEE! AT TOLE"S MILLINERY AND A cessories Shoppe, 59 King E., silk square: lingerie, nylons, infant's dresses, ers, costume jewellery. FUR COAT, HUDSON SEAL, SIZE 1 Dial 5-1271, (5b. MOUTON . COAT, "AMERICAN", length, size 14, excellent condition; sonable. Dial 3-2651. GREY AMERICAN BROADTAIL COAT, size 12-14, excellent condition. Cost $350.) Reasonable. Dial 5-5879, (6c) ;8a---Market Basket . rea (Se CHOICE McINTOSH AND SPY APPL well colored, delivered. Dial 85-3214 (Jan16p POTATOES FOR SALE, $3 BAG. DB! liveries made every Friday. Dial 3-7024, (Jan1?7) GOOD TABLE TURNIPS, $1 BUSHEL, carrots and parsnips $1.50. Dial 3-4953, early for delivery. (Jan5) MARSH POTATOES, 75 LBS., hid PER bag. 201 Verdun -Rd. Dial 3-7798 (3076) DELIVERED BY (de) COOKING Sg the bushel. Dial 3-9935. 39--Articles For Sale ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS. PHONE Bob Wright, Koolvent representative, 5-5509 for demonstration without obliga tion. (Jani?) VENETIAN BLINDS -- THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop. ment in venetian blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more grace- ful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid, Dial 35-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (Jan12) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls: and belts for all makes of washers. Pa Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. B. F. GOODRICH STORE -- TIRES, BAT- teries, aute accessories, Hotpoint pple ances--thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-454 Canin SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER, THE IDEAL man's gift. Terms: $5 down and $5 per Font, Meagher's Electric, 5 King St. West. (Jan2) SKATES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, all sizes. Oshawa Cyele Sales, 16 Bond E. Dial 3-4341. (Jan12) BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME NOW WITH our new Apex Klostop, Canada's finest custom-made venetian blinds. Save $3.00 to $4.00 on each blind. 5 years guaran. tee, steel or aluminum, no obligation, free measurements. Phone Alan's Venetian Blind, 3-0662, open from 9 to 6 including Saturday. (Jan9) WANTED FOR CASH 25 of Oshawa's cleanest used cars DICK BRADLEY MOTORS 299 Simcoe St. South " 100 CARS Immediately '41 - '52 Models Must be good, clean cars. Out-of-town dealer RUGS--SAVE UP TO % ON NEW RE- versible broadloom rugs, made from yous old woollens, rugs, clothing, etc. Dial 3-3836. (Jan27) SKATES, ALL SIZES, MEN'S, WOM- en's and children's. New and used, Sold and exchanged. Lowest prices. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. E. Dial 56344. . (Jan26) ROYALAIRE VACUUM CLEANER, er, all ood cle Apply 94 Willingdon. (6c) STUDIO COUCH, 2 CHAIRS, 9-PIECE dining room suite, tea wagon, wine rug, RCA radio console. Dial 3-9538. (6a) McCLARY OIL SPACE HEATER, USED 3 weeks, $75. Apply Larry's Drive-In, North Oshawa. (6b) BASSINETTE AND BATHINETTE. DIAL 5-1271. (5b) GE REFRIGERATOR, NEW UNIT, 6 CU. ft., first-class condition. B. F. Goodrich Stores. Dial 5-4543. "un VACUUM CLEANERS -- SPECIAL JAN- PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, 1. Times Gazelle, sponge ceilings, repairs, clean work guaranteed. F. Van Horn. Dial 54931. (Jan13) CARPENTER WORK. CUPBOARDS, RE- pairs, alterations of all kinds. Terms ar ranged. James Clarke, 1754, (Febl> J. E. LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS -- Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished, built-in cupboards and carpentér work. Dial 5-4902: afer 6 pom. dia) SEL 13 an. J. H. HENDERSON -- CONCRETE AND cinder blocks, large stock on hand. Dial 3-4412, , (Jan12) FRAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND Service, Tiling kitchen, bathroom. JA Via. Modern Woodworking Shop. Phone (Febd) CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, BLOCKS floors, mpt service. Rental mixer. Lilley Bros. al 5-4902. (Janl3) CARPENTRY, ALTERATIONS, BUILT-IN cupboards, all general repairs: also paint- , ing, gyptexing and paper hanging. All work guaranteed. F. Dial ' 5.4931. (Jan19) EAVESTROUGHING, ROOF REPAIRS. Dial 3.4373. (Jans) $10,575 | SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANL Down Payment $5,500 tary way. Dial : HAVE YOUR CUPBOARDS AND CABIN- in An rR ts a hroug ets, etc. made to order by Scotch T: | blinds, fully insulated, economically heat- Dial 5-4520. (aJnl2) | ed by coal; newly decorated and tatty ' CALL LOU RASIC FOR BRICK, landscaped. Principal and interest car- ried at $27.75 monthly with an NHA 4% block or chimney work. Dial 5-1474, To * evenings. " (Febg) | Mortgage. This low monthly paymment evenin, would enable one to carry a second mort- 'A. GORDA, CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR | $38¢. Dial 53887. i cabinet work, alterations, house repairs, " trimmings and novelties. Phone Ajax i 162W, 69 se Cres., Ajax. Free J estimates. eo) 5-room house and woodworking fac- tory, 10-roem house plus 4-room apartment in Peterboro. Would ex- change for house or apartment house in Oshawa. Dial 3-8178." Can be reached at 3-8412 after 9 p.m. Brooklin 54R24. (288t1) uary sale. Filter Queen Sales, 51 Albert Street. Dial 3-7938. "un COMBINATION ELECTRIC AND COAL stove, 4 burner, good condition, $80. Dial 5-2962. (5b) 1 PAIR OF WHITE LADIES' FIGURE skates. Size 7. Phone Pickering ici > (Se! SPRING MATTRESS AND COIL SPRING, doule bed and dresser. Apply 99 Alma, 3 IC. 3BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE, GOOD condition. Apply 644 Simcoe North back , door, after 7. (6a) LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE, SILVER grey, Foi also small kitchen fable, 3 Dial 3-8225, 6c) SINGER SEWING TREADLE MACHINE, reasonable. Dial 5-5756 WESTINGHOUSE CONSOLE RADIO, EX- cellent condition, $35; end table, lamp table, smoker, $5; occasional chair. Dial 5-3124, (6b) GRANDFATHER, ELECTRIC, alarm clocks d. Called for and delivered, prices reason- azle. Dial 5-4283, (Feb2) YOUNG MAN, WILLING TO COACH children,, age seven to fourteen, in all school subj Dial 5-0205, Se) SEVEN-ROOM BRICK $13,500 This grand new home located .in 1st class residential district is now com- pleted and ready for occupancy. The builder of this house spared little time and effort in making this one of the better homes in Whitby. The large living room 13' x 18' and the dining room, 9' x 13', with hard- wood floors, sanded and finished to a high gloss in both rooms and the natural fire place, make these two rooms outstanding. The kitchen, with its Jaspe floor colored to. blend into the decorated top of kitchen equip- ment gives this section a cheerful appearance. The two bedrooms down- stairs and the 4-piece bath room with its gleaming porcelain tub and basin are finished with Jaspe flooring, as are also the 2 bedrooms upstairs, The basement is equipped with electric hot water tank, stationery tubs and a Gurney oil furnace that forces hot air to all sections of the house, this home is so attractive that it will sell soon. So act quickly. A SPECULATION OF THE FIRST ORDER 51 MERCURY %-TON PICK-UP, BLACK. Back built in. Not used commercially. Good d! $1,075 Dial 3-4738. Ap- ply 20 Beatrice Street. 26) 31 PONTIAC SEDAN, BLACK, WHITE Dial 3736s, POWer Slide. Apply 63 Charles | 4) Automobiles For Sale Give-Away Prices WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM SO 'OUT THEY GO EVERY CAR ADVERTISED IS READY TO GO AND WINTERIZED GOOD TRANSPORTATION AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES 1936 DODGE SEDAN, Heater and Radio $145--SOLD 1935 FORD COACH $80 1934 CHEVROLET. COACH, Heater ........ $130--SOLD 1933 DODGE SEDAN $95 1933 DODGE COUPE, heater .. vs vovvdvviis iannns ve $95 1932:CHEY. SEDAN. heater .....cvcisvesnnsesse. $85 1932 CHEV. COACH $85 1934 FORD COACH, in excellent condition . 1937 OLDS. CLUB COUPE, heater, new motor job .. $395 1940 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, radio and heater .... $595 1937 BUICK SEDAN, new motor. Complete ....... $395 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room, in quiet home, for Dial 5-0834. (5b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, FOR ONE lady or gentleman; central. Dial 28, after 6. FURNISHED ROOM TO SHARE, BUSI en girl preferred; grill privileges. Dial Sc! 4ROOM UPPER DUPLEX, PRIVATE entrance. Heavy wiring. Suit couple. Pos- session February 1. Write Box 824, Times- Gazette. (5¢) FRONT, LARGE FURNISHED, HEATED room, ve preferred. "Dial 3-9401, (5b) EVERY LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, convenience for light housekeeping, with for two ab- stainers. Apply 164 Alice. (5c) FURNISHED ROOM, 32 SINGLE BEDS, Apply 40 Royal st 3-ROOM APARTMENT, NO CHILDREN; couple Dial 3-3518. se) L¢ ROOM FOR ONE GENTLEMAN, VERY central. Apply 88 King Street West. p 6a) 4 NEWLY, CONSTRUCTED 4-ROOM apartments available now. No Saliaren: Apply Apt. 2, 165 Verdun Rd. (6c) 1 FURNISHED ROOM, WITH 2 SINGLE Dial 5-2363 | béds, gentlemen only. Apply 123 Church (Janz9) | St ee) WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR entleman in private home, very central. Dial 5.1981. (6c) 2-RC ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, private entrance, 3-piece bath. House, 18 LaSalle Court. « rk XN LARGE BEDROOM, IN FINE HOME ON 16 BOND E. DIAL 5-3692 Simcoe Street South. Exceptional oppor- 100 WILSON RD. N - DIAL 3.3800 | tunity for gentleman who desires quiet Salesman R. J. Fursey Dial 3.7055 | home surroundings. Dial 55137, after 5. (Jan30) (oh) LARGE = ROOM ENTLEMAN, close. to Motors, central, nice home, ab- stainer. Apply 114 Elgin E. (6c) BED- 23--Women's Column PEGGY'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOUR, Church St. Snappy curls, $2.50 up. iat 3-4521. (Jan20) (5b) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, cash or your equity. For quick results ALL Saeisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, yaajios, Prince St. Dial 3-2512. Residence 5- Gand HOMES -- HOMES We have buyers for all types of homes. Big or wall; good down yments ree esti av given. MH. GOLDSTEIN 13 Bond St. Eg Dial 3-3822 J. Penicka -- Salesmen -- J. Barnoski (Janll) HOUSES WANTED To Buy and Sell W. EE HOLMES BROKER Bond at Ontario MACHINELESS PERMANENTS, $3.50 UP, cold-wave, $5 up, guaranteed. Dial 3-2651. Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 i 0 (Jan CHARIS JANUARY SALE, SUAVITE girdle, beautiful slips, half slips, tailored o Charis. B. Blatter. Dial 5-3434. (Feb8) 25--Real Estate For Sale BUILDING LOT--WILLINGDON STREET, BIRD CAGE, IN GOOD CONDITION, Dial 5-0356 after 5. 490 CEDAR POSTS ¢ CUT IN 1951, 5" tops and up, 9° long; also quantity of heavy corner posts. Karel Pavlik, Port Perry. (7b) BENCH SAW, 7-IN. TILTING TABLE, ball bearing precision built, brand new, never used, $25 or exchange for electric motor, Jig saw or drill press. Write Box 35 Times-Gazette. . (6c) LARGE 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH GOOD garage. Apply 489 Cubert St. 3076) North Mary St. $11,900 This grand old solid brick Duplex is situated on a, through highway with- in the Whitby limits, situated on about V2 acre of land and since over 50' "on the corner is vacant, leaves a speculation for immediate sale or a splendid hold for future appreciation a certainty. There is also sufficient land to the west of the house for an- other town building lot. The two! apartments are separated in the basement and the upstairs as well, and separate hot air furnaces heat both apartments. Separate bath- V2-PRICE SALE 0 used Jadios; Sombinations, consoles t 1 " - out they N Ww Ya price. Hurry! They won't _-- long! BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe St. S. -- Dial 5-4822 (Jan6) WILSON & LEE MUSIC STORE ARE OFFERING ses ee sbes sess rears BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker Listings Wanted Personal Service (5b) GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY $3,500 -- Half cash obtains early possession of this neighborhood' business. An excellent opportunity to obtain a business of your own. Books open for inspection. Living quarters 15a--Sharpenng Services - sews FILED AND SET, RETOOTHING, : ete. Percy Neil, 102 Highland Ave. Osh. awa. Dial 3-8363, (Jan15) U. JONES | AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, , Tetoothing and gumming. All : 1305 Stan's Sharpeningg SETTING GROCERY, CONFECTIONERY and SERVICE STATION 9---Business Opportunities Well located in Oshawa, this thriving STORE FOR SALE OR RENT Owner H. BATEMAN DIAL 3-3559 APPLY 410 ATHOL EAST a cern, Well equipped, good gas gallon- age. Stock ot invoice, Building of stucco construction. Living quarters | with all conveniences. About $15,000 down required. Possession arranged. W..EE HOLMES Broker Fonsist of 2 rooms at present. Good of | saws, lawnmowers, shears, etc., sharpdn gase Gt 340 por women, King (Jan22tf) business to be sold as a going con-| i BOND AT ONTARIO = DIAL 5:2363| rooms and a large septic tank takes care of the sewage. Each 5-room apartment is in good state of repair and rents for $50 monthly, one apartment will. be vacant in two weeks time and can be re-rented or ept- open for the new owner. This is a speculation worth while, so get in communication with listing broker | at once. JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker WHITBY Phone Evenings 2473 2874 as) | Broker Farm and' house listings urgently needed. 6Yz PRINCE ST. -- DIAL 5-6412 (Jan1$) 28--For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT, 2 ROOMS, heat, light, water supplied, separate en" trance, $15 weekly. Dial 3-7088. sf) | 1 UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. pal 5-3015. eo) | EWLY | FURNISHED BEDROOM, _ Suitanie far twa. Dial LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for two gentlemen, wi Quiet and clean. Apply 107 UPPER DUPLEX ARARTMENT, AVAIL al 'ebruary 1st. m, living, dining, kitchen and bathroom, all large rooms, separate entrance. Al modern conven- iences. $90 monthly. Apply Box 828, Tir" Gazette. us FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE EN- | trance, near Motors. Dial 3-4789. (6c) LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for two quiet adults. Cen- tral. Dial §-1031. (6a) THESE ARE Juss A FEW BUT WE MUST MOVE THEM OUT O HURRY -- LET'S DEAL \ Bonny Van Courte Motors | 1. Gamace sr SPACE FOR. CAR. CENTRAL | 83 RITSON RD. S. Dial 3.3807. DIAL 3-4331 10 y their largest 'sale of records albums. Reductions in_price from 33 1/3% to 509% off hundreds of albums and singles. . ALL THREE SPEEDS TO CHOOSE FROM. " COME EARLY AND MAKE * . YOUR SELECT! IONS. WILSON & LEE MUSIC STOR 2 79 'SIMCOE 'ST. N.. LH