Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1952, p. 8

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» Silay with . Ubon 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, December 24, 1052 FANARAARAANANARRARAANAARARRNARRAAAAN ANE £0 ARAFAT RARRRRAAARARAAANAAN ANNAN & ANANN LAA AR A AAR AA XAAR AR AA AAA a 1 > 2] > 4 And when it com:s, $n pr Moliday Personals "Christmas comes but once a year it brings good cheer" @ Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Orton Sim-, coe Street North, plan to spend Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Orton Sr. of Toronto. * Miss Peggy Thompson of the, staff of the Cerebral Palsy Centre, | Hamilton, will spend the holiday | season with her mother, Mrs. E. Thompson, Agnes Street. Dr. and Mrs, H. C. Hall, Con- naught Street, will have as Christ- | mas guests Mrs. Hall's parents, | Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Armstrong-of | Victoria, B. C. who are spending the winter in Toronto, Mr, James Lavis who is read- ing law at Osgoode Hall will be at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lavis, Connaught Street, for the Christmas vacation. Miss Laura Jeffery of Toronto is expected home to spend Christ- mas with her mother, Mrs. Ed- ward Jeffery, Brock Street East, and other members of the family. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. James, El- gin Street East, will be in Toronto on Christmas Day with Mrs, James' niece, Mrs. G. Riches and Mr. Riches. Mrs. R. 8. Ideson, Simcoe Street | North is spending Christmas with | her parents at Grand Bay, New Brunswick. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J, Kimmer- | ly and family Mary Street, are | leaving to spend Christmas with | Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown in| Mr. and Mrs, Charles Langfield, Athol Street East, will have as Christmas guests, their son, Cadet Ray Langfield who will be ac-| companied by Cadet Willlam Brown from Westminster, B.C.! Both are students at the Salvation | Army College in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. G. Maroosis, | Lauder Road, will be spending | Christmas with Mrs, Maroosis' | mother, Mrs. George Inksater at) Paris, Ontario. | ' | Miss Shirley Crowe and Miss Lily Huska have returned to their homes in Oshawa after spending the summer in Vancouver, B.C. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cox, Kings- dale Avenue, will be Mr, and Mrs. Frank Canzi of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nettle of Whitby. Miss Mary Ireland WAAF sta- tioned at Trenton, Ontario, will be home for ' Christmas leave with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert | M. Ireland, Gibbons Street. | 8 Miss Vivian Diederichsen, a nurse at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, is coming home to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Diederichsen, Osh- awa Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pellow, Colborne Street East are expect- int their daughter, Miss Dorothy Pellow, London, Ontario, to be with them for Christmas. | | 4 ¥ Mrs. A. G, Kearney, Bowman- | kh i Montreal where they will be join- | ville, has as a Christmas guest, | ed by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. W. Kim- | her daughter, Miss Doreen Kear- merly of Toronto. Mrs. Ralph |ney, from Vancouver, B. C. Other Kimmerly plans to stay till Sun-|guests will be Mrs. Kearney's bro- day when the baby daughter of | ther, Mr, Herbert Ahlers, and Mr. her sister, Mrs. G. R. Groom, is | Douglas Stuart, both from Birm- to be christened. | ingham, England. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Wilson of | Mr. Donald Fox of St. Catha- Chatham will be Christmas guests rines will spend Christmas with of Mr. Wilson's parents, Mr. and | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Nassau Fox, Simcoe Street North. | Street. 1 HHH na 4 A | The many friends of Mr. Rob- | Dr. Walter Bapty, King Street | ert Walker, Tresane Street. will be East, is planning to spend Christ- sorry to learn that he is a patient mas Day with his sisters at Lon- in the Memorial Hospital, Bow- don, Ontario. | manville, having undergone an | operation. Robert is-a student in HAPPY BIRTHDAY, "The Child That is Born on Christmas Day is Blithe . and Bonny, Good and Gay." Lost in wonder is Alexis Marie Bremner who will celebrate her birthday tomorrow when she will be one Lake; Miss Phyllis Henry, Ottawa; Miss Hean Hodsdon, Toron- to; Miss Mary Ann Wickham, To- rorto: Miss Barbara Dedrick, St. Williams; Mrs. Doris Lymer, Myrtle; Miss Jean Cryderman, Enniskillen; Miss Margaret Staf- ford, Elora: Miss Bernice Colville, Bowmanville, J » PF. A. Cochrane, for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Legge, Di- | vision Street, will have as a | Christmas guest, their daughter, | Mrs. Ray Davidson, from Roches- | ter, N.Y. AARRS ASS » RE Intriguing Accessories Wisely Worn Give Your Party Dresses Personality By DOROTHY BARKLEY ¢ Dressing for a party is the one Christmas occasion which does not eall for too much decoration. Most women, fortunately, will agree that a minimum of trimmings and fur- belows create s far better effect. But some party-goers still con- trive to: flaunt the "Christmas Tree look"--too 'much jewellery, too many artificial flowers, and a posse of 'bracelets worn at one and the same time. There is a simple explanation for this. It is caused by & lack of systematic planning, A great deal of time and trouble have been spent on choos- ing the dress--be it cocktail, even- ing or dinner; but too little time and trouble are spent on the ac- cessories that are to be worn with it. Yet 'it is the accessories that mark the difference between a woman who is elegant and one who is merely well-dressed. It is not only those who have money to spend on beautiful clothes who 'are the outstanding amongst party-goers. Those with original and inexpensive ideas of their own for' accessories--even if the dress itself is two years old-- can be equally successful Consider some of the ideas sug- gested here, Their success depends on the way you wear them. Can . you carry them off with a flair, wearing them in an individual, not everyone else's, way? COOK BOOK SLIPS Thanks to readers for send- ing in the following corrections for the Cook Book. Make these corrections now "and ayold future disappoint. ment. ' Page 34. Whipped Cream Cake submitted by Mrs, Harry Norton-- instead of 2 cups of baking powder the line should read 2 cups sifted flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt. These dry . 3 4 ingredi ents, after being sifted together, sh be folded very gently into the foamy batter, at the last. Page 15, Date Pudding submitted by Mrs. C. B. Deyo, -- delete line reading 13% cups chicken stock and add % teaspoon each nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. Page 15, Half-hour Pudding sub- mitted by Mrs. W, M. Scott, -- add 1 cup flour to the first mixture. Page 24, Christmas Cake sub- mitted by Mrs. Russell Richard- son, -- add % teaspoon baking soda and 2 cup sour cream. Page 52, Butter Tarts submitted by Mrs, Arthur Howard, -- add 2 eggs. - Page 40, Chocolate Indians sub- mitted by Mrs. Leslie Guy, -- de- letg line that reads salt and vine. gal. . - 40, Refrigerator Cookies submitted by Mrs, Hazel Thomp- pn, -- Yi teaspoon soda should be teaspoon salt. Sage 44, Raisin Oatmeal Cookies submitted "by Mrs. L. Coull, -- add 2 eggs. Apologies are due to the con- so Ya Sributors, and to the readers who | may have tried the recipes with- ut success, Starred for Christmas evening occasions are: Reversible shawl, with long black fringes. This par- ticular model 'is in light-weight wool jersey--emerald green con- trasted with black--and is simple enough to make yourself at home. If even a light-weight wool dress does not suit the climate, choose a fringed shawl in open-work lace pattern. It is the most fashionable complement for a cocktail or ev- ening dress. . Cocktail gloves. Do you realize that gloves are not merely some- thing to keep the hands covered, concealed or warm, but can be the elegant accessory? Take these cocktail gloves as an example. The way to be different with gloves this Christmas is to have them fringed, spattered with soapbubble sequins or trimmed round the cuff and side seam with a nylon frill. To be original, wear da bracelet outside the glove. The art of wearing flowers the fashionable way is an art to be acquired. This year, v-ear an out- sige, double-centred rose pinned to the shoulder of the dress. Or make an "'armlet" of flowers, sewn onto a band, and wear it just below the elbow. Again wear a pair of gold gipsy earrings and twine a tiny flower round each one. (II- lustrated). Or sew a group of ar- tificial flowers to the corner of a handkerchief and let it trail from a hip pocket. To give an unusual touch to your evening dress, why not have a mink (or other fur) choker and match it with a miniature fur muff? The muff can do double duty as an evening bag--if it has a zipped pocket in the lining. If you want an evening bag in the newest shape, choose a cir- cular one in transparent perspex, fastened with a gilt clasp. Or a gay cap with a different air? The newest is simply a band of ribbed knitting pulled on over the head, 1920's style, and finished with any type of brooch from a cairngerm to costume jewellery. Finally, go to the party in a mood to enjoy yourself, and not in the mood expressed by Proust: "Parties have little reality until the following day, when they oc- cupy the attention of the people who were not invited," Going Home For The Holidays? Expecting the Family For' Christmas? What a friendly, sociable time is the Christmastide! Won't you share your pleasure with others by telephoning the Social Department and telling us your plans. There is no charge for a paragraph in the Personal Column, 'Dial 3-2233 and ask for _ the Social Department. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockle- hurst 'and daughter, Lynda, Bowmanville, will spend Christmas Centre Street W A. Holds Election with Mrs. Brocklehurst's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Burns, Mary Mrs. Fred Graham was re-elect- | Street. Mrs. Burns' father, Mr, A. ed as president of the Woman's gE. Pisher, Thornton's Corners, will Association of Centre Street Unit- | also join the family circle. ed Church at its regular meeting | held recently. { The other officers are as folows: Vice-president, Mrs. Herbert Ter- Kirkland Lake will be Christmas willegar; honorary president, Ms. guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Mr, and Mrs. Fred Madden. of Mrs, J. C. Merrill of Morrisburg | will be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. | Masson Street, | of | Kingston and Dr. A. Skudwick, | industrial chemistry at the Ryer-| son Institute of Technology, To-| officers of the Ontario Regiment ronto. | and their ladies spent a hanpy eve- . : +... (ning lask Saturday at a Christmas Mrs. George Fleming, Dearborn | oy held in the Officers' Mess. Avenue, will spend Christmas In| nq, those present were Lieut. Ajax as the guest of Mr. and MIs. co) and Mrs, A. G. Coulter; Ma- Charles Churchill. {jor and Mrs. J. R. Carson; Major J os and Mrs. F._J. Wotton: Capt. and Mr. and Mrs. William Pomeroy. nrc john Rolls; Capt and Mrs. Celina Street, will have as Christ- | yr Wilton: Capt. and Mrs mas guests, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred AS, on, can Mrs. ue. Snell of Toronto. liam Paynter; Lieut. and Mrs. R. a : J. Warner; Lieut. and Mrs. John Mrs. D. G. McPherson, Simcoe nroagam: Lieut. and Mrs. E. V. Street South, will spend Christmas Hes: Lieut d rs. Murray | with her mother, Mrs. E. M. Row- Daviceh Licht, and Mes, N uray land, Pickering Beach. | Sheldrick; Leut. Bruce Mumford and Miss E. Spiller;- O-C and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lambert, . i Ya aks ; Athol Street East, will have as Ear] Lince; O-C Jeffrey Wilcox and Miss C. Eliott; Mr, and Mrs. Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. George S Hor and NL and MTS. W. H. Brown and son, Gordon, M inkl from Port Henry Heights, Kings- ¥. M. Drinkle, A. F. Cowan; gecetary, Miss Flor French; assistan secretary, Mrs. | Dean Peel; treasurer, Mrs. David Morris; flower convener, Ms. Wal te Vice; assistant flower conven- er, Mrs. Earl James; press; Mrs. William Frost; lunch convener, Mrs, John Johnston; parsonage ! committee, Mrs. Cory DeGuerre, Mrs. David Morris, Mrs. Fred | Graham. The election of officers | was conducted by the Rev. A. F.| Cowan. The devotional 'period was led by Mrs. William Chester. The Rev. | A. F. Cowan offered prayer. Mrs. Percy Fletcher sang a solo ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. en by Mrs. Herbert Terwillegar. | Miss: Flora French called the roll. | The secretary's eport for the west goup was given by Miss | Flora French. The east group re- | port was given by Mrs. "Harry | Young and Mrs. William Chester. | Other reports were given by Mrs. David Morris. | It was announced that the cap- | sule sisters banquet would be held on December 30 in the form of a pot luck supper, Mrs. Graham was presented with a gift by Mrs. De- Guerre, Mrs. Ace Abbott and Mrs. James. Refreshments were served. | Westmount WA Elects Officers The Woman's Association of | Westmount United Church enjoyed | a pot luck supper on Tuesday eve- | {ning at the church. Mrs. Ebart Small welcomed those present. | The theme of the devotional per- | iod, conducted by Mrs. Rupert Har- rison, was 'Let us bring Christ back 'into Christmas'. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Anne Potter at the piano. A poem was read by Mrs. Rupert Harrison fbl- lowed by "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". | Correspondence was read and the | penny bank collections were made. Those on Mrs. James Sutton's list will provide lunch for the January meeting. It was decided that to have a Tupperware demonstration on Tuesday, February 9, at the church. The congregational supper will be held on Friday, January 16, at 6.30. Dr. R. L. McTavish installed the | officers for the coming year: hon- | McTavish; president, Mrs. Ebert M. Small (re-elected); 1st vice- president, Mrs. Kenneth Markle; Ross, Courcelette Street. ton, Miss Mary Bourne, superintend- ent Oshawa General Hospital , is spending Christmas Day at her home in Watford. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, Bonniebrae Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eder and family, Oshawa Blvd, and Mrs. James Smail will | join other members of the family | : = for Christmas Day at the home of | The following students of the Mr. Eric Aldwinckle, Spillway, Oshawa General Hospital School of Richmond Hill. : Nursing are going home for Christ- |mas: Mr. Ian Murdoch will visit his| Miss Helen Grier, Collingwood; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mur- | Miss Joan Miles, Tilbury; Miss 'doch. at Grimshy for Christmas. Christine Kinninmonth, Toronto; 5 | Miss Jacqueline Gibson, Cobourg: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power, | Miss Margaret Knight, Uxbridge; Catherine and James, of Orono, Miss Beth Ansdell, Oro Station; will spend Christmas with Mr, Miss Eunice Leask, Taunton; Miss | Joanne Phillips, enelon Falls. Miss Margaret Avery, Cold Mr. and Mrs. John Lay, Pick- Springs: Miss Joy Nicholoff, Little ering, will have as Christmas | Current; Miss Frances Snetsinger, guests, Mrs. H. M. Lay and Mr. Cornwall; Miss Vera Embury, Ma- and Mrs, J. R. Oates from Bar- doc; Miss Barbara Loucks, Min- rie, | den; Miss Lillian Ennis, Elora; | Miss Helen Goodenough, Belleville; Miss Dorothy Pogue, Bobcaygeon; Miss Evelyn Robertson, Huntsvil- le; Miss Kathleen Bradbury, Ux- bridge; Miss Ruth Becking, To-| ronto; Miss Marin Boyd, Toronto; | Miss Barbara Kerr, Cobourg; Miss | Mrs. George Montgomery, Jar- Lois Harkin, Copper Cliff; Mrs. vis Street, is spending Christmas | Viola Green, Fenelon Falls; Miss | in Campbellford as the guest of | Miss Bonnie Dobbin, Toronto; Miss | Mrs, Edward Hendricks. Barbara Dickson, Beaverton; | Miss Nina Johnson, Burke-| ton; Miss Joyce Bragg, Bowman- | ville; Miss Mary Ounjian, Toronto; Miss Eva Gray, Uxbridge: Miss "vangeline McDonald, Allenford: Miss Eleanor Jones, Cobourg; Miss Kathleen Dunk, Toronto. Centre Street. Holiday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, R. A, Watson, Sher- wood Avenue, will be Mr. and Mrs. [van Lee and sons, Peter and Dav- id, from London, Ontario. Mr, William Edwards, Athol Street East, will spend Christmas in Millbrook as the guest of Mrs. | Michael Hickey. Miss Oonah Hewson, Director of the Cafeteria, YWCA, is spending Christmas in Cobourg as the guest of Mrs. Morgan Hewson. Mr. and Mrs, Jeff Ames of Bowmanville will have as Christ- mas guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and daughter, Jill, from Quebec City and Mrs. Dora Palm- er from Oshawa. The following staff nurses at Oshawa General Hospital have leave of absence for Christmas: Miss Agnes Thomson, Port Hope; Miss Margaret Highfield, Port Hope; Miss Faye Gilroy, En- niskillen; Miss Theda Jones, Be- leville; Mrs. Mildred Gulliver, Kinmount; Miss W. Taylor, Bob- caygeon; Miss Shirley Porter, ! Orono; Miss Patricia Lehrbass, Alvinston; Miss Viola Vander- Residents of the YWCA who are spending Christmas out of town Miss Mary Jane Love and Miss Frances Love who are students at St, Joseph's College School, Toron- to, are spending Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Frank Love, Hillcroft Street. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owen, Gib- | sons Street, have as a Christmas guest, Mr. Owen's brother, Mr. Hugh Owen, from Toronto. Mr. William Gibson, Dearborn Avenue, is expecting as her guests for the Christmas holiday, her sis- ter, Mrs. M. Barregar, nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Barry | Barker from Toronto, and her | Harry Young. A reading was giv-| Power's mother; Mrs. E. J. Power, | Ruth Snowdon, Port Perry; Miss p.other, Mr. J. J. McBrien, from Sunnybrook Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Charlton, King Street East, will have as their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carette of Montreal; | Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Charlton and children, Belleville; Miss Maude | Griffith, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Shewring, Oshawa, and Mr. | Gordon Charlton, U.S. Marine | Corps, Memphis, Tennessee. The many friends of Mr. J. M. | Dresser, LaSalle Court will be glad | to learn that he has returned home after being a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital and is greatly improved. Mr. and. Mrs. V. H. Corbett, Gib- bons Street, are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary on Christmas Day. | 101 year old. Alexis Marie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bremner, Verdun Road, and the idol of her sisters, Lynda, five, and Janet four. She is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hall, Lauder Road, are celebrating their 51st vedding anniversary on Christmas Day. Miss Evelyn Leary 6f Toronto has been visiting Dr. and Mrs, R. W. Graham, Simcoe Street, for the past week. Miss Grace Anerson, Ritson Road South, is spending Christ- mas in Galt as the guest of her uncle Mr, E. H. Anderson. More than a hundred callers from Oshawa and district extended con- gratulations and best wishes to Mr, and Mrs, William Riding, King Street East, and evening on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Spe- cial guests were Mrs, Riding's bro- ther, Mr. Samuel Cole and Mrs. Cole of Wetaskiwin, Alberta, and the Rev. Dr. W, PF. Riding of Union City, Pennsylvania, the couple's only son, with Mrs, family. To make the occasion a double event Dr. Riding christened | the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Keith Fletcher of Westmount. The | baby named Catherine Anne is the four-month-old granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher of Harmony who are half-relatives of Mr. Riding. HOUSEHOL DHINT Empty a steam iron as soon as | you finish ironing, while it is still | hot. Heat left in the sole plate will | dry up moisture remaining in the | | tank. yesterday afternoon! Riding and | HAPPY CHAISTMAS TO ALEXIS MARIE ! Bremner, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Love, Toronto, and great-granddaughter of Mr. Pet- er Bremner, Wiek, Caithness, Scotland. Photo by Dutton--Times Studio Don't let Christmas wrappings accumulate: get them out in your metal-covered trash barrel or burn ed in your incinerator as soon as possible. Don't allow smoking near the tree, decorations or piles of wrappings. Have plenty of good big ash trays around and use them. Keep. matches away from tiny hands. Plan on what yoy must do if fire breaks out. Have operative fire extinguishers, buck- ets of water or éven your garden hose connected to a faucet within reach of the tree. But remember, unless you can put a fire out im- mediately, call your fire depart ment at once. LOOK YOUR BEST For the holiday season with a professional hairdo styled by expert stylists at the THE VOGUE BEAUTY SALON 3 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 5-1843 hha WIS . HES D I | Eades, Toronto; Miss Kay Conboy, are Miss Norma Shearer at Whit- by; Miss Dorthy Benson, Lindsay; Miss Helen Luxton, Bowmanville; Miss Peggy Cotton, Toronto; Miss Bernice Ryan, Belleville; Miss Felicity Speller, London; Miss Sal- ly Todd, Bowmanville; Miss Avis Moore, Bowmanville; Miss Clara Belleville; Miss Constance Watt, | London; Miss Helene Gaudien, | Trenton; Miss Eileen Doubt, Kit- | ghiener, Miss Joan Evans, Hamil- on. 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Harry Dr. and Mrs. William Shaw, Bennett; treasurer, Mus. Miles Simcoe Street North, have Mrs, Stoughton; recording secretary, Shaw's mother, Mrs. A. Huchalek Mrs. William Haynes: correspond- | ©f Winnipeg visiting them for the ing secretary, Mrs. Myles Smith; holiday season. . devotional conveners, Mrs. Rupert | : a | James Potter; literature convener, | adit. 2nd Mrs, lan Muir, Higtiland ' . ' | Mrs. James Sutton; visiting com- 4 § mittee, Mrs, A. E. Eagleson, Mrs, | MS: J. TOIRiinson of Sm th alls ~N Hebert: White. Mrs. Garfield Cle- Cannon and | ment, Mrs. William Murray: kiteh- | nani il en convener, Mrs. Garfield Cle- ment; literature . convener, Mrs. R. J. Fursey. plan to spe Mr mh family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chant, Park : Road North will be Mr. and Mrs. : Ji W. E. Chant from Montreal and | Classified Ads are sure to pay. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chant from | Phone The Times with yours today. | Bronte. HH, voort, Toronto; Miss Jill Coggin, Toronto; Miss' Marion Harris, Lon- don; Miss Dorothy Davidson, Bar- rie; Miss Carol Kezele, Kirkland | With a 9% 801g + oo with notes of good cheer, our Chuistmas greetings to all HALL'S BEAUTY SALON 15° King St. E. To Our Customers and Friends... in the spirit of friendship and good will of Christmastime, we thank our many friends and customers for your patronage . . to each and every one of you -e we wish the best of evervthine! YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER 90 SIMCOE ST. §. DIAL 5-5332

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