Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1952, p. 18

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18 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, * *twAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS" et Wednesday, December 24, 1958 | | Where Christmas Is Greeted By Firing Cannon A cannon fired from the hitoric Castle of San ANGELO AT SUNSE Christas Eve proclaims the be- ginning of the Holy Season in| Rome. By nine o'clock everyone is in chrreh to witness the color-| ful and solemn pocessions of ec- twenty-four hours, festive banquets are in order after the religious solemnities. It is a gala after-mid- hotels and res- night in Rome; taurants remain open, friends ather around tables in gaily decorated homes; and in anticipation of ties, many people attend church dressed in formal attire. Between Christmas hany, the | Pifferani figs and where they were most cordially welcomed during Advent when they came down the hills to play their Italian bagpipes before the shrines of the Virgin. The Piffer- ani play for their Advent hosts during the post-Christmas holidays and receive gifts of wine, dried from their hosts. Calabrian shepherds -- revisit the homes small sums of money passenger amiles asd sumptuous the festivi- and Epip- CRASH INJURES THREE GLENCOE car in an intersection collision near here Tuesday which sent three to hospital and caused over $2,000 damage. In hospital at London are Maurice Declerk, 33, Alvinston dis- trict, injured right ankle and super- | g ficial cuts to head and hand; Ar- CKEY-News; Ballroom seen Vandenhender, district, head injury; and Joseph McVicar, 46, Glencoe district, bro- CBL-Christmas Report ken wrist and injured back. (CP)--Driver and were tossed clear of Christmas Customs A season rich i the winter scene, The burned, cards and shyoush the mails with reckless | with abandon. Today we accept these as every Christmas events, but centuries have gone into the making of some of the The present-day appearance of Santa Claus is practically exclu- sively a New World creation, but he has been a figure personalities and through the ages "Sint Nicklaas," shop, With three-cornered and breeches, he resembled er Knickerbocker in 1 New York. Was changed him into a chap with a jolly air. Dr. Clemen Moore, professor of theology in New York, wrote a poem "A Visit From Saint Nicholas." describing the kindly fellow much as we know him today. Thi. poem has become a Christmas tradition in itself. First cartoon of Santa Claus is said to have been drawn by Thom- as Nest, creator of th phant, Democratic donkey, and the Tammany tiger: Nast's picture depicted the jovial fellow replete with ermine-trimmed coat and cap in his sleigh powered by reindeer. He is known as Saint Germany, Pere. Noel Father Christmas in England, bu whatever his name, he spirit pf Christmas throughout the world. Legend credits Martin Luther with starting the Christmas tree custom, but it first appeared in 1604, at literature in raiment down . Knowing him as a beneficient bis- in their native country, Dutch immigrants brought him to America. Since then, his stature, dress, and countenance all have undergone many changes. And Their Origins age-old cus- toms is ushered in each year by the coming of Christmas. Glitter- ing ornaments, fruits never devis- ed by Nature, cover the fir tree's drab coat of green, and the pudgy figure of Santa Claus intrudes France. Spreading hence to Ger- many and made a part of their nation's Christmas traditions, it is said to have been taken to Eng- land by Prince Albert, Queen Vic- toria's consort. Burning of the Yule log goes back to the Druids, ancient priests of the British Isles and Germany, their annual festive celebra- tions called Houl, during which they burned a sacred log. Only clean hands could touch the log and three things were taboo in its presence: a flat-footed woman, a squinting person, and a barefoot person. If the log went out dur- ing the night, bad luck was be- lieved assured during the follow- ing year. Many parts of the world still burn a Yule log at the mas season. Honor for invention of the Christ- mas card is claimed by three men, but the gay mementoes made by W. C. Dobson, ome. of Queen Victoria's favorite artists, carry the greatest authenticity. In 1845, Dobson sent lithographs of a Christmas scene to his friends. In the following year, John Calcott Horsely, another British artist, de- signed a card for Sir Harry Cobe, a nobleman who was too busy to write the customary Christmas notes. The custom of sending Christmas cards began in the Uni- ted States under Louis Prang, in 1874. Prang, a German exile, print- ed the first American cards at Roxburg, Mass. Early Cards were printed in lithography, colored by hand, and were the size of a lady's card, in- scribed "A Merry Christmas" and 3 Happy Sow year Robi, i olly branches, emboss gures, Nicholas in landscapes, and other things which tare now quite common were add- ed gradually. upon Yule log is seals flow all se customs. of dicerse hat, wig, 8th century n Irving tubby little e GOP ele- is the very AVOID TENSION!. Solve every- day problems the easy way-- through The Times-Gazette classi- field ads.! Dial 3-2233 for an ad- writer. Strabourg, THURSDAY EVENING 6.00 P.M. CJBC-Elwood Glover CKLB-News; Sports 13, Glencpe RADIO LOG CKFY 580 © CBL 740 © CJSC 860 ® CHML 900 WBEN 930 © CFRB 1010 © CHUM 1050 e CKOC 1150 CKi WGR 550 LB 1240 ® WKBW 1520 eo CHVC 1600 Information on radio programs is su ppiled by the imdividual stations. The 1 and as d and Times-iazette prints pi does not WEDNESDAY EVENING 615 P.M. CELB-What's on at the Theatres; Christmas CBL-Chiristmas Weather WGR- Sports; Heartbeats in 6.45 P.M. CJBC-Byng's Choice WGR-News WBEN-News 00 P.M. CKLB-News in a Minute: Follow the Band CBL-News Roundup CKEY-News: Ballroom Beulah CFRB- WGR-Beulah WBEN-H. V. Kaltenborn 7.15 P.M. CBL-Introduction CFRB-Jack Smith WGR-Jack Smith WBEN-Camarata Conducts 7.30 P.M. CELL-ureat Music CBL-Peace on Earth CJBC-Choral Time CKEY-Curtain Calls ub 15 WGR-Club 15 5.30 AM. WBEN-Farm Reporter 6.00 AM. WBEN-News; Musical Clock CKEY-News; Musical Clock 7.00 AM. WBEN-News: Musical Glock CKEY-News; . Musical Clock 8.00 AM. WBEN-News; Musical Clock CKEY-News;: Sports; Musical Clock CFRB--News; Around the Tree WGR-News; Musical Clock 8.30 AM. CBL-Musical Program 8.45 AM. CBL-The Bells of Christmas CJBC-Musi 9.00 AM. WBEN-News WGR-Musical Clock CFRB-Queen's Inheritance CBL-Queen's Inheritance +HURSDAY A: TERNOON ' i 12 NOON WBEN-News CKEY-Happy Prince CFRB- TBA CBL-News; Christmas Commentary WGR-News 12.15 P.M, WBEN-Old Saddlebags CKEY-Housewive's Holiday CBL-Chairman's Holiday WGR-Aunt Jenny 12.30 P.M. BEN-Choristers EY-News CJBC-News: Small Types Club CBL-Christmas on Fogo Isle. WGR-Helen Trent 12.45 P.M. CFRB-Big Sister - WGR-Gal Sunday. Loh P.M. CKEY Cinderella; Dick Haymes > -Perry Mason 2 ews: Weather WO Bib Sister LI5 P.M. CKFRB-Widder Brown CBL-Through Children's Eyes + 130 P.M. WGR-Ma Perkins WBEN-Sally Work CKLE RCA Chorale ad NEA Liz © sar: Malone Lig ibility for WBEN-World News 7.45 P.M. 10.15 P.mx. oO CF tken | WBEN-One Man's Family | 8.00 P.M. |CBL-Scripture Reading CJBC-Ozzie and Harriet CKEY-News; WGR-FBI In War 8.30 P.M. CKLB-Manger Miracle CJBC-Great Gildersleeve CFRB-T a Chance WGR-Dr. Christian WBEN-Great Gildersieeve 9.15 P.M. Down Dairy Lane CKEY-Charles Antel » 9.30 P.M. CKLB-Court Dramas WBEN-Bi¢ Story CFRB-Boston Blackie CJBC-Present and Accounted For WGR-What's My Line CKEY-Carols P.M 10.00 CBL-National News WGR-C {CJBC-Carol for Canada !WBEN- Jason and the Golden Fleece CKEY-News; CKLB-News; CJBC-News CJBC-Breakfast Club 9.15 AM. WBEN-Lennox Breakfast 10.00 . WBEN-Welcome Travellers CKEY-Queen Elizabeth CFRB-Queen Elizabeth CBL-Queen Elizabeth CKLB-Queen Elizabeth WGR-Arthur Godfrey 10.15 A.M: CKEY-Juggle and Our Lady CKEY-Carols CFRB-Citizens of Heaven CBL-Peace Tower Carillion CKLB-Rudolph 1 AM 0.30 A.M. WBEN-Double or Nothing CKEY-Ballroom and Carols Christmas CJBC-Your Good Neighbor CBL-Heart of Shelter CKLB-Crosby Christmas 10.45 A.M. CJBC-Bod's Scrapbook 2. M. VBEN-Choristers CKEY-Mutual of Omaha "FRB-Guiding Light WJBC-Double or Nothing CBL-Children's Party WGR-Mrs. Burton CKLB-Holty and Hearth 2.15 P.M. WBEN-Home News CFRBMa Perkins WGR-Perry Mason 2.30°P.M. WBEN-Dave Garroway CFRB-Gal Sunday CJBC-Queen's Inheritance CBL-Bob McMullin's Music WGR-Norah Drake CKLB-Uncle Remus 2.45 P.M. WBEN-Kukla, Fran and Ollie CFRB-Brighter Day WGR- Brighter Day 3.00 P.M. WEFN-Life Can Be Beautiful CKEY News; Lullaby CFRB-Christmas Lane CBL-Shantymen Ashore GR-Hilltop House CRLE Christmas with the 3.15. P.M. WIEN Roat of Lie WGR-House Party 3.30 P.M. WBEN- Pepper Young SREY Special Show Christmas CBL-The Vigil of Christmas ; |[CKEY-News; Nativity Story al Kim's Corner THURSDAY MORNING 'CKLB-Queen's Inheritance 10.30 CKLB-News: Sports CKEY-News; Joe Crysdale: Music Box CJBC-Each In His Own Way WBEN-Keyboard Melodies Dangerous Assignment CFRB-Hospitality Time we PM CKLB- Parade CFRB-Song for Tonight, Passing Years; News CJBC-R. Flanagan Orch. 1.00 P.M CKLB-News: Sak Pm, For Pete's e CBL-Haydn's Christmas Symphony CJBC-Dominion News CFRB-News: 1.15 P.M, CBL-Piano Recital CFRB-Santa WBEN--Sports Diane CJBC-U.N. Today 1L30 P.M. CKEY-Mass CBL-Music; Christmas Eve Service CJBC--Prelude to Dream CFRB-News; Sports: Merry-Go-Round 12.00 MIDNIGHT WGR-Mass CKLB-News: For Pete's ake gh Ma. |CFRB-News: Sports; Merry '" Go-Round | 11.00 AM. |WBEN-Strike It Rich |CKEY-News; Ballroom and | Carols CFRB-TBA |CJBC-Bruce Smith Show |CBL-Christmas Service |CKLB-Christmas Carols | 11.15 A.M, |CFRB-Memory Lane | 11.30 A.M. WBEN-Bob and Ray CFRB-Kate Aitken CJBC-Music for Christmas CBL-Noel de France WGR-Grand Slam CKLB-Mr. Pickwick's CBL-News; Weather FRB-Denny Vaughan WGR-News WBEN-News 6.15 P.M. CFRB-Show Hits WGR-Heartbeat in Sports WBEN Spons CBL-Rawhide CJBC-News; Sports CFRB-News; Melodies * Smoke Rings WGR-John Lascelles WBEN-Hits ad a 6.45 P.M. CJBC-Byng's Choice P.M. | WGR-News | WBEN-Three Star Extra 7.00 P.M. CKLB-News CBL-Armed Forces Christmas CFRB-Beulah » CKEY-News; Ballroom WBEN-Richard Harkness WGR-Beulah 7.15 P.M. CFRB-Jack Smith WGR-Jack Smith WBEN-Gordon Jenkin: 7.30 P.M. CKLB-Angel with Cold | CIBC+Voice of Army CFRB-Lindy Carson | WGR-News 5.45 AM. ' WGR-Cho~e Time: This 1 eve 530 AM. WBEN-Farm Reporter Believe CFRB-Morning Melodies 6.00 AM. CKLB-News; CFRB-Breakfast on the Farm CKEY-News; WBEN-News: Musical WGR-News; Chore Time: Farm Reporter 6.30 A.M: CKLB-News; Koffee CFRB- WGR-Mus. Clock; News 6.45 AM. CFRB-Dawn Patrol Morning WGR-Mus. Clock; News WBEN-News; Music 7.30 A.M. "News; Music CFRB-News; Top o' the Morning 7.45 AM. CBL-Music CFRB--Lost and Found Koffee Korner Musical Clock Korner News; Dawn Patrol CBL-News; Concert: Melody News; Koffee Korner |WBEN-Judy Canova 10.15 P.M |CBL-Queen Elizabeth CFRB-Al Harvey 10.. A CKLB-News; Sports CBL-Christmas Party CJBC-Dance Music CFRB-Orchestra CKEY-News; Sports Music Box WGR-Queen Elizabeth WBEN-One Man's Family 8.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Carols CBL-Surprise Party CJBC-Christmas Souvenir CFRB-Radio Folks CKEY-News; Mickey Lester WGR-Meet Millie |WBEN-Roy Rogers 8.30 P.M. CKLB-Roadside Chapel CJBC-Terry Singers CFRB-Turn About WBEN-Keyboard Melodies WGR-Junior Miss Through the Years Knows Best 10.45 P.M. WBEN-Father 9.00 P.M. WVGR-Orchestra 1.00 P.M CKLB-News; Miracle of X . Ci mas CKLB-News; For Pete's CBL-Come Let Us Join Sake CJBC-Escape With Me CBL-Prairie Schooner |CFRB-Suspense CJBC-News ICKEY-News; Back Talk CFRB-News | Joe Crysdale CKEY-News; | WGR-Romance 8 {WBEN-Truth or ; Glacey's WBEN-News dL P.M, 9.15 P.M. s |CKEY-Re-Broadcast of | CJBC-Home Towners CFRB-Orchestra 1.30 P.. Queen's Heritage and P.M Queen's Speech P.M 5 WBEN-Sports; Diane Christmas Christ- | cepted the faith without remodel- Pilgrims Deplored "Ye Christmas Day" all fairness to Leif -- who, accord- Puritan disapproval of Christmas ing to excellent testimony, was a | celebrations disembarked from the Mayflowe. with the Pilgrims in 1621 and, accordingly, Governor Bradford issued a statement publie- ly rebuking certain young men who declined to work on December 25, "ye day called Christmas." - This first New England Christ- mas -- Or non-observance thereof -- should not be credited as the first Christmas on American soil, since Leif Eriksen spent a winter or two on the North American con- tinent around the turn of the 11th century. Leif was a Christian and it is likely that members of his crew were Christians, too; although it is quite possible that some had ac- to assume that there was a trace | of religious observance. Perhaps Leif remembered the few words of Latin prayer he learned at th. time of his conver- sion and recited them in honor of the birthday of the Redeemer he had accepted. Thus, the first | Christmas in America was -ob- | served. THE ORIGIN OF THE CRACKER Christmas Crackers originated in Britain some 70 years ago. The idea | was brought back from a Continen- | tal holiday by Tom Smith, a con- fectioner and maker of wedding | cake ornaments. Tom saw a French confectioner make his candies more attractive by wrapping them in tissue paper. That Christmas, he wrapped his sugared almonds in this way. Later, to make the pack- ages more entertaining he included a loving message in each, wrapping and so began the 'present - day Cracker. ling their pagan natures, since King Olaf's methods were ruthless and his command, "Be baptized, or else!" left them little choice. Undoubtedly, flagons of crude, raw wine fermented from the grapes of Leif's vineland were pass- ed around and the celebration may have been rather boisterous, but in CROSSWORD PUZZLE [PRIA IM] RIAITIE] PIA 24. Past #3 25. Cry of a cat 6. Motive 27. Erbium 7. Always (sym.) 8. Take dinner 28. American 9. Malt Indian beverage 30. Sesame 11. Man's 33. Swells, nickname 15. Stitch 17. A light, sparkling wine 18. Pole 19. Humble 20. Constella- tion 23. Half anem 4. Marry 5. Celerity 13. Setting 14. Hole ino needle 15. Cubic meters 16. Conceal 19. Music nr'e 21. In what manner 22. Gang 26. Mountain nymph "8. Scorch « slightly 29. Possessing heat 30. Hebrew letter 31, Cry of pain 2. Setsa value on 35. Attack violently 38. Metallic rock 41, Yearns for 42. More secure 44. Saline solution 45. Dwell 46. Mimics 47. Gazelles | (Tibet) DOWN IE] E} [TIRIETT] RIOo10] Baturday's Answer (Bulgaria) 35. Ecclesias- 10. Before 42. Droop in the middle £3. Firmish seaport 37. Small cut 39. Shades of a bright color 1. Skin 2. Citrus fruits 3. Evening | 7:00 a.m.--Today; | 5:15--Dick (poet.) TELEVISION PROGRAMS CBLT -- CHANNEL 9 THURSDAY 3:30--Hansel and Gretel 4:00--Bush Christmas sincere convert -- it is reasonable | 5:30--Sick Children's Hospital Christmas arty 6:00--Merton Marionettes .:30--~Small Fry Frolics 7:00--Uncle Chichimus 7:30--Christmas at Dingley Del 7:45--The Christmas Story 8:00--Carols of the Nations 8:30--Coventry Miracle Play 10:00--Greetings from Overseas FRIDAY 5:30--Film 7:00--Christmas Story 7:15--Uncle Chichimus 7:30--Tales of Adventure 8:00---TBA 8:30--Foreign Intrigue 9: rossword Quizz 9:30--Christmas Oratorio 10:15--Feature Film WBEN --- CHANNEL 4 WEDNESDAY EVENING ail b ore 6:45--Sports Spotlight: Chuck Healy 7:00--Superman J 7:30--Armchair Adventure 7:45--News Caravan . 8:00--Arthur Godfrey 9:00--T.V. Theatre 10:00--Christmas Music ~ 10:45--Sports Spot | 11:00--News; Sports; Weather 11:20--Industry on Parade 1:35----The Web 11: | 12:05--Playhouse THURSDAY Dave Garroway ¥ a.m.--Your rigure, Rollie Huts 9:15--News--Jack Ogilvie 9:30--Learn and Live 9:45--Children's Theatre 10:00--Shoppers Guide 10:15--Arthur Godfrey | 11:00--Plain and Fancy Cooking 11:30--You and Your Family | 12:00--News | 12:15--Love of Life | 12:30--Searcch for Tomorrow | 12:45--March of Wooden Soldiers | 2:00--Everywhere I Go 2:30--Bell Aircraft Chorus 2:30--Meet the Millers 3:00--Short Dramas 3:15--Music Mart 3:30--Bride and Groom 3:45--Welcome Travelers 4:00--Kate Smith 5:00--Fun to Learn Tracy 5:30---Howdv Doody THURSDAY EYENING 6:00--Short Dramas 6:15--News 6:25--Almanac 6:30-5 ean. of Sports 6:45--Sports Parade 7:00--Dicken's Christmas Carol 7:30--Dinah Shore 7:45-- ame: [News Caravan 8:00 -Crouciio Vara 8:30--~T Men in Action 9:00--Where's the Pair 9:30--Ford Theatre 10:00--Martin Kane 10:30--Life Begins at 80 11:00--News 11:10--Almanae 11:15--Broadway (Dumont FRIDAY 7:00--Today 9:00--Test Pattern 10:25--Thought for the Day A ad 11:00--One in Every Family 11:38 Hie 12 Noon--Bride and Groom 2 i i Pay 12:45--Make -It and Market 1:00--Mid-day Midway 1:30-- 2:00--Double or. Nothing 2:30--Guidi 3: 3:30--Welcome Travelers 4:00--Kate Smith EH" i alls 5:15--Gabby Hayes 5:30--Howeiv Doody WHAM --- CHANNEL 6 WENDY NST "ENING 6 p.m.--Christmas Carols 5:1 Ww 5-- News 6:25--Almanac 7:30--Those Two - 7:45--Cauiel ews Caravan 8:00--Boston Blackie 8:30--John Kieran 8:45--~Wonders of the Wild 9:00 -Kraf: I'v eatre 10:00--Christmas Show 10:45--Chronoscnpe 11:00--Christmas Five Services 12 Midnight--Mass THURSDAY 7:00--Today 9:00--Christmas Seivice 10:25--Thought tor the Day 10:30-- Take It Eas 11:00--~Christmas Service 12:00--Bride and Groom 12:15--Love of Life 12:30--Search for Tomorrow 5 Do It? 1:00--~Arthur Godrey 1:15--Welcome Travellers 3 arry Moore Show 2:00--Everywhere 1 Go 2:30--Guiding Light 2:45--Ladies' Fair 3:00--Big Payoff 3:30--Christmas Program 4:00--Yuletide Square 5:00--Christmas Music Festivi THUIINDAY tire 6:00--~Amahl and the Night Visitors 6:20- News with Ed Dinsmore 7:30--Washington Spotlight 7:45---News Caravan (NBC) 8:00--Groucho Marx :30--~Treasury Men in Action 10:30--Dangerous Assignment Harry Webb 11:10--Final Svorts. Chick Healy 11:18 Weather Repo™ 11:30--P. Winchell land J. Mahoney 12:00--Hol!ywood Guest Star FRIDAY 7 a.m.--Today, Dave Garroway 9:00- "on ire Rollie Huff 11:00--Late News , 9:15--Ship's Reporter 9:30----Learn and Live 9:45--Children*s Theatre 10 sho Guide 10:30--The Way Ahead 11:00--Plain and Fancy Cooking 11:30---8'rike it kien. Warren Hull 12:00---News----\ cil Booth 12:15--Love of Life. dra-ia (CBS) 12:00 = "for nr row, drama (NES) 12:45---Matinee Playhouse 1:30--CGu'din" Ligh 1:45--Johnny's Show 2:00--Double or Nothing 2:30--Meet the Millers 3:00---Big Payoff 3:30--Bride and Groom :45--Welcome Travelers :00--Kate Smith 5:00--Fun to. Learn 5:15--Buck Rogers 30-1 0oW with Sob Smith THREE DIE IN FIRE KINKORA, P.EI. (CP)--Three men lost their lives early Tuesday when fire destroyed a farhmmoe when fire dtesroyed a farm home |near here. Dead are Frank Moan, 48, his brother, Hugh Moan, 38, and James Clause MacInnis, 40. All were unmarried. : h .#AIRS TO T.V.- RADIOS WASHERS Fast, Expert Service WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N.--DIAL 3-7752 .30 P.M. CKLB-Christmas Around the World CBL-Northern MN CJBC-Two Piano Team CJBC-Prelude to Dreaming CFRB-Johrny Dollar CFRB-News; 'Sports; WGR-Bing Crosby Orchestra WBEN-Eddie Cantor 12 MIDNIGHT 9.45 PxM. CKLB-News; For Pete's CJBC-Queen Elizabeth 10.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Christmas Lane CBL-News CJBC-The Dickens of a Christmas CFRB-Queen Elizabeth WGR-Musical Memories Music in the Air CFRB-News; Orchestra CKEY-News; House Party WGR-News; Glacey"s Basement WBEN-News; Stars in Jazz Sports; FRIDAY MORNING - 10.15 A.M. CBL-Kindergarten of the Alr CFRB-Martha Logan, Harmonies CJBC-Hope for the Ladies CFRB-News: Top ¢ the Morning CKLB-Koffee Korner CBL-Devotions -Mus. Clock CFRB-Top o' the Morning WBEN-Musical Clock 8.30 AM. ; Musical st cal Muse. a FRB-News; Top 0' s -Your Good Neighbor Moning; P. Brooks WBEN-Double or Nothing CKEY-Weatherman 10.45 AM. CFRB-Organ,' Rosemary Boxer CBL-Food Facts CJBC-Bod's Scrapbook 11.00 A.M. 8.45 AM. CJBC-Music; News CFRB-Top o' the Morning: Gospel Singer 9.00 A.M. CKLB-News; Devotions CJBC-Breakfast Club CKEY-News; Ballroom CFRB-News, Birthday Party - WBEN-Strike It Rich 1L15 A reg CBL-Front Page Farrell CJBC-Forenoon CFRB-Kate Aitken WGR-Grand Slam WBEN-Bob and Ray CKEY-Stars Sing 1.45 AM. CKEY-Songs of Our Times: Bing Sings CBL-Laura Limited 9.45 AM. CBL-Light and Lyrical 'RB-Claire Wallace, Market Basket WGR-Gems in the News 10.00 AM. CKLB-News; Pop Hit Parade WGR-Arthur Godfrey CKEY-News:' Ballroom CFRB-Strike up the Band; CFRB-News; Homemakers News Harmonies WGR-Rosemary CJBC-Roses from Rose WBEN-Bob Hope Brand CJBC-Personality Time W CKLB-Forbidden KEY-Smail One; Crosby tC) -Small One; C WBEN-Bob Hope CFRB-Strike Up The Band WGR-Rosemary wen ig P.M. -Right to Happiness ICJBC-Christmas ey WGR-Mario Lanza | "4.00 P.M, WBEN-Backstage Wife CKEY-Angel with Cold Nose |CFRB-News CBL-Peter Pan WGR-News: Carl Smith CKLB-Under The Christmas | { 4.15 P.M. |WBEN Stella_Dallas CFRB-Rose Mary WGR-Keaton 4.30 P.M. WBEN-Widder Brown CKEY-Mr. Pickwick's | Christmas CFRB-TBA WBEN wl P.M. { N-Women in My House CJBC.Of All Things f | 5.00 P.M. | |WBEN-Plain Bill CKEY-News: Barrymore Christmas Caror FRB-TBA Cl _ CBL-Jake and the WGR-News; Keaton Bi BEN-F 5.15 P.M, wi -Front Page F 5% Pa arrell | WBEN 12.00 NOON CKLB-News; Community lodies Lucy 'FRB-Farm and Home News CJBC-What's New VGR-Aunt Jenny -0ld Saddlebags 12.30 P.M. 'KLB-News; Sports 'BL-Farm Broadcast; 3 Greene JFRB-News: Women's News WGR-Helen Trent WBEN-Luncheon Club 12.46 P.M. JKLB-Vocal Spot[ite 'KEY-Round Up 'FRB-Big Sister NGR-Gal Sunday 1.00 P.M. !KLB-News: Stop the Record 3 'BL-News; Weather WGR-Big Sister WBEN-Luncheon Club: WBEN-Lorenzo Jones CKEY-Baliroom CJBC-News: Highlights; At Ease s WGR-Kea on and Barom: 545 P.M. eter WBEN-Homefolks and | Amesican Marches CFRB-News Personalities WGR-Curt Massey Better Business | ZJBC-Maitland Manor | J¢ | "1 3 ERB Wate rown CBL-Happy Gang WGR-Ma Perkins FRIDAY AFTERNOON -Fo! Diary = S WGR-Dr. Malofie CBL-Right to Happiness CKEY-Tea Time WEEN-RUM » - appiness WGR-News, C. CKLB-News Showcase Conc Seas Styles CELE Women's No Ci rave Voyage CKEY-Women's News: Word WBEN-Backstage Wife to Wives; Show Business 4.15 P.M. CFRB-Guiding Light CFRB-| ary WGR-Mrs Burton WGR-Keaton : WBEN-Brighter Day WBEN-Stella Dallas CJBC-Double or Nothing 4.30 P.M. 2.15 P.M. CFRB-Record Shop |CKLB-Aunt_ Mary CBL-In Tempo CBL-Trans-Canada Matinee WBEN-Widder Brown CFRB-Ma Perkins CJBC-Of All Things WBEN-Home Edition News 4.45 P.M. WOR Perry Mass CFRB-Record Shop CIBC-Maitiand Manor WBEN-Womnn in My House CKLB-Betty and Bob CFRB-Gal Sunday |WGR-Nora Drake WBEN-Dave Garroway 2.45 P.M. ZKLB-Meet the Menjous CFRB-Brighter Day {WGR-News; Keaton; WGR-Brighter Day Outdoo! r Barometer WBEN:Kukla, Fran and |WBEN-Just Plain Bill ' Ollie 5.15 P.M. CFRB-Martha Reid WBEN-Front Page Farrell 5.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Supper Club "#CKEY-News-Studio Party CBL-Your m CFRB-News: Carmen Cavallaro 3.00 P.M CJBC--Afternoon Concert CKLB News, Showcase CREY News 33 PM : 3 CBL-Sleepy Time Sto CFRB-Daily De: Teller ny WBEN-Life Can Be Beautiful WGR-Hilltop House ds 1M {WGR-House Party |CBL-Ma Perkin CKLB-Community News; Supper Club CKEY-Ballroom CFRB-Barry and Betty CJJBC-News At Ease WBEN Road of Life WBEN Lorenzo Jones 3.30 P.M. 5.45 P.M. SBL-WBEN-Pepper Young's _}'HB-Personalities: News Family CBL-Sounds Fun Christmas and a |WREN Homa. Falke: Howard Johnson WGR-Curt Massey CFRB-Aunt Luey O'Keefe's wishes everybody a Very Merry Happy New Year.

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