"80 CHORCH ST 18\THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, Octéber 3, 1952 39---Articles For Sale 35--Ariicies For Saie TWO - PIECE WINE CHESTERFIELD or Sov gr Tage xX (Continued from Page i7) 39--Articles For Sale BUY YOUR SUNBEAM MIXMASTER on the installment plan. Terms $10 down and $5 per month. Meagher's Electric. OE; dave ius S$ boy's station wagon coat, mouton collar, sand, size 14, $8; t shirt, flannel, $2. Dial 5-1325. (231¢) CEDAR DECOYS. APPLY 176 MILL Hi fas WmANAT A mranER B. F. GOODRICH STORE -- TIRES, BAT- | Dial 54237. ONE AXMINSTER RUG AND PAD, # X 12', one bed couch, one floor model ra- dio, one brown steel bed apring: -filled mat 23. \ 42--Female Help Wanted SALESGIRL--GLORY ANN SHOPPE, 10 | | South. (229) Simcoe St. Mais Ed ade Miantad Tienes wiv iw clean; al storm door. piat 3-9850. "nid Gladstone Ave. IN "PER- 2 USED REFRIGERATORS, lect condition, guaranteed 90 days. Apply (5 Drew a Bloor. (231b) nd Dial FIOIp YYuihatis WAITERS FOR BEVERAGE ROOM, must "be P good wages. Apply a] Hotel, Oshawa, 2 to 4, or 8 to 9 p.m. (2290) NEAT, COURTEOUS DRIVERS WANTED. Appiy United Taxl.'143 King E. ~ (213th) futher rain "coat 'in good c 5-4418. (2312) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MAGA ) | zines, sold > exchanged. Kingsway Book od St. Open every UR INVITATION TO evening, (Oct20) teries, auto accessories, Hotpoint appli budget plan. Dil a QUEBEC HEATER, 4 RED CHROME kitchen chairs, kitchen table, library table suitable for dishes, boy's bicycle, rfield and chair suitable for rump- liability, ete. | ~---- fi agune loss by tie auto ability GUNS BOUGHT AND SOLD. h im Insurance Seryice 12 bo Open evenings. po BLINDS -- THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling Flevelop. ment in venetian blind history. S-shaped slats give better and more grace: enclosure. are sure these blinds will not only satisfy out rents enthusiast. Estimates without obligation. George «dial 50633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (Oct6) ONE THOUSAND RECORDS, REGULAR clearing at 3%¢ each 's Rec: G Paul's, (Oct18) $17.95 DOWN DELIVERS A +BURNER Gurney range. $2.50 week- ly. Elements guaranteed 3 yrs. Tradedn accepted. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. (Oct1?) COW MANURE, sandy, clay loam Sand, us room, blinds, curtains and drapes, boiler, ironing board and iron, lumber for shelves, 2 wardrobes, electric radiator, garden tools, boy's skies. All cheap for quick sales. Dial 3-8246. (231a) GENDRON CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE, grey and good condition, with new mat. tress, $15. 193 Verdun Rd. Dial 3-2397. (231a) RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, GOOD condition. Apply' Waiter Cummings, 256 Celina St. £2320) fill, , cinders. Dial or gravel, = 0c, ~ofd Bay, Bar, 5 5 King § St. West. (Oct28) ANK: ew | JACKET HEATER, HOT WATER T H bed and springs. Apply 230 Burk St. ORDERS "TAKEN FOR R_STORM SASHES, 16 CANVAS COVERED CANOE, ALSO 16 M moving camera and Projestor; F 3.0 lense.+Dial 5-4237, after 5. (232a) Boe Dial 3am Oct13) NEW FHILCO REFRIGERATORS $265 €230b) FLOOR COVERING Trade-ins accepted. Bar- Had Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. | CENTRE p+" dio & Electric, im - . . (Oct1?) | pyerything for your Floors. Our low prices ECTRO Trix | Will save Jou money. Hundreds of Pat EL OLUX, ' terns in stock. General Electri Airway. Dial 55121, Rexair Sales. WHAT A BARGAIN! (Oectll) SSA 20,000 YDS. ENGLISH QUALITY FLOOR A Ey 10 0 ON NEW fori COVERINGS, bright, cheerful colors, great: ah Dial | ly reduced. clothing, ete. on 49¢ SQ. YD. GENUINE GOLD SEAL CONGOWALL, | choice of colors, very special. 55¢ RUNNING FOOT GENUINE GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM | rugs, greatly reduced. SPECIAL 9 x 9 -- $6.50 WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. DIAL 3-3211 $19.95 UP -- HOOVER, c Filter Queen, old woollens, rugs, 3-3836. KITCHEN TABLE AND FOUR CHAIRS, | $15; davenport, $8; buffet, $6; new wali- nut three-quarter bed and ° spring, $25; dresser, $8. Dial 3-9307, after five. Ge) REWOVEN FRUM YOUR OLD RS and old clothing. Reversible na seamless broadloom, in any size up 13 ft. wide, any length. Continental Ltd. Yor information phone 5 Ru . (Oct®) LARGE SIZE JACKET HEATER WITH pipes, furnace coil, hot water tank, all an Sood condition, $18 complete. Dial 38. 231d) Weekend Specials, at MURPHY APPLIANCES DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO., 136 SIM- | Deep Freeze HOME EREEZERS, up- coe St. S.----New portable typewriters | t from $69.50 up. Rental machines, i onl other models, clearing a student rates. Dial 3-3833. Oct.2) RA PLUMBING LIES, NORGE RANGES, "table top, com- Bath tubs tollets, basins, inks sinks. Piping Ping | plete with deep-well cooker $299.00 Dollers, heaters, radiators, new. usef, Pit! | RANGETTES (new) ...... $49.50 7% AND '3 CUSTOM FORD RADIOS, | NORGE SPACE HEATERS, 52000 $25 'each. Dial 37967, Ble) | BTU. Reg. $129.50, selling NEW EASY WASHING MACHINES, $109.00 only $13.95 down, balance $2.50 weekly. Limited supply. Barons' Radio & Oa PYE TELEVISION, console model, trie, 4 Simevs 5. complete with doors $449.00 Serviced by Factory Repair Men Jfrom Ajax A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRRNGER | USED ARTICLES beits for all makes of washers. ft. REFRIGERATOR, $30 INSTALLS A 17" ADMIRAL TELEVI- sion in your home. Balance $3 weekly. Fres aerial and installation. Barons' Radio |, Electric, 426 Simcoe S. "First With Television in Oshawa". © (Oetl?) STOVE--$400, MOFFAT ELECTRIC, § burners, two ovens, warming closet, au- Dial 33180. after § p.m. $1179. (Oct25) #52 ELTO 12-H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR, best offer accepted. Dial 3-8727. (232¢) ~ cabinet. Apply 66 Thomas St. PIANO, UPRIGHT, WITH BENCH, SIA sonahle. Dial 3-3206. 232b) DEER RIFLE, 32 REMINGTON, AUTO- Dial 5-2040. (232b) 8 CU. FT. FRIDGE, A-1 CONDITION, $160; also pair. ladies' skates and boots, size 7, $3. Dial 3-9792 between 6 and 7. (232a) 9-PC. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut tea wagon, rug and felt pad, 7° x 9'. Dial 5-4385. (2320) LOVE SEAT, ANTIQUE, NEWLY UP- holsteréd. Dial 3-7807, (232b) OAK LIBRARY TABLE; ALSO GIRLS C.C.M. bicycle. Dial 5-5247. (232¢) 16 MM FORWAY SOUND MOVIE PRO- Jjectors, movie screens and 16 mm sound films. Dial 5-0355. (231b) OLD-TIME LAZZY-BOY CHAIR, LAMP to match, cheap. Dial 5-1882. (2322) EASY WASHING MACHINE, GOOD SON. dition. Dial 5-1919, 2¢) 2-WHEEL OPEN BOX TRAILER FOR sale; also milking goat, 2 years old. Dial 5-5196. 232¢) WALNUT DRESSER, | ROCKER, 1 EATON- wing machine; boy's C.C.M. skates, 7 7. Dial 3-3015. (232¢) MOPERN DINETTE SUITE, WALNUT veneer = jack-knife leaf table, 4 chairs, maroon leather seats; buffet with silver (232¢) HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC STOVE, $20; Frigidaire, guaranteed 32 years, $175; cabinet radio, $15. Dial 3-2091. (232a) LADY'S C.C.M. BICYCLE, GOOD CON.- dition, cheap. Dial 5-2902, (232b) ARTIFICIAL FIREPLACE AND BOOK- unit, 8 ft., 8 in, long, 39 in. high: bi ette with mattress and detachable pink corduroy skirt; Coffield washing machine. Dial 5-5766. (2322) BABEE-TENDA, GOOD CONDITION, $8; walnut hall tree, $4; Rolls razor, ply 608 Somerville Ave. chairs. Apply 294 Gliddon Ave, QUEBEC HEATERS 2; FURNACE long. 3- NORGE 8 cu. {used 2 months. SCOTT'S RECORD BAR GIFT *SHoP 111 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL 5-6245 pid Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N Dia Reg. $339, selling $279.0 Fess SPACE HEATER, 50,000 BTU, | $89.00 small size, $89.50, selling | | selling for | Fess SPACE HEATER, 32,000 B.T.U. Reg. | for | RANGETTES, used' $15. 00 | | frode- in afowance on your present | refrigerators, stoves, radios, etc. Several used washers, rangettes ond | radios at reasonable prices. {Oct2?) | ELNA THE MIRACLE SEWING MACHINE With many spkcial features Exclusive Free Arm i Forward and reverse stitch i sewing light, knee-control lever. | Modem in design with built-in Doms, mends, embroiders, etc. | There is only one genuine Eina. (Across from Memorial Park) any OSHAWA DIAL 3-8634 5 KING ST. W. DIAL 3-3425 BOWMANVILLE PHONE 811 (TF Af ED. WILSON SCOOPS AGAIN Just arrived, full carload®fam- | ous Kroe h ler Cushionized! Furniture. Terrific savings at| carload sale prices -- Newest - styles -- Finest fabrics -- Come in Now -- You'll save money. Limited time only. ADD NEW LIFE TO YOUR |able low price HOME LIFE SCOOP 1 New ! Kroehler -- 2-piece Chester- | Gorgeous' Blond Bedroom Suite--It's field Suite, upholstered in beautiful |a real beauty. large Mr. and Mrs. wool frieze with the famous Kroehler Dresser, cious chiffonier, beauti- * cushionized construction, the life- | ful new bookcase bed, wonderful time suite af*sensational | value LS... $169.00 i $188.00 . Drop in and see them, MURPHY Appliance and Furniture 117 SIMCOE ST. S. CERIO coo SAVINGS Mr. and Mrs. Bedroom Suite--lovely, large Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, chiffon- ier, with matching bed, waterfall style, sensational low price . $99.00 v SCOOP, | 10-Piece Bedroom Group--Unbeliev- $88.00 Continental Beds--Superb bedding Kroehler Bed Chesterfield Suite -- value -- real comfort spring-filled latest creation, genuine cushionized | mattress ,and inner spring base construction, smartest coverings, | mounted bn sturdy legs, greatly re- Extra special $199.00 duced $47.5 Kroehler Sectional = Furniture--new beauty for your living room, famous kK What a value! Kroehler construction, very tive coverings. Very low price $149. [table with genuine Cb Wis sd | elaborate Duncan Phyfe base an SCOOP j four gleaming chrome chairs with Jen-Piece Living Room, group, un-| upholstered seats and well- godded believable low price, just imagine a | backs, Rare value $ genuine Kroehler Chesterfield group | at a price made only possible by our | SCOOP carload purchase--limited quantity, | Tri-lite Lamps ~-- Genuine chrome 10 pietes complete . $169.00 !tri-lite lamps complete with ET | sensational value SCOOP Famous Kroehler Rest Rockers--You SCOOP. will enjoy complete relaxation Coffee Tables--Genuine walnut cof-| these wonderful chairs, sensatiofal | fee tables with Durican Phyfe base-- low price $49.50 | very low price $12.95 SCOOP \ Hostess' chairs, lovely variety of cov- | Fancy Chesterfield Cushions--Choice erings. Come early for first choice, | of colours and shapes. $16.9510ut they go $1.49 WILSON ~ FURNITURE CO. "Out of the High Rent District' DIAL 3-3211 0) CHROME KITCHEN SUITE Beautiful chrome seveveves BREE 0 ewan 0 | Apply 468 Eulalie Ave. (231b) | attrac- | kitchen suites comprising extension 37 WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, Capers, BABY PRAM, $10. (232b) GREY "SUNSHINE" | COAL CIRCULATOR HEATER; DAY bed and mattress, Books of Knowledge. | Dial 5-2306. (232a) | from Rutherford's? Beautiful 3- ge. Ciystal Mirror, Brush | and Comb Se FREE $3, ah) | WHITE KITCHEN TABLE AND AND "Two | Dial 3- 3383. (2322) | coils 2; large heap of firewood, one foot | % 2320) | | | Local manufacturers | production | operate millers, shapers, lathes, HOTEL NIGHT PORTER. APPLY IN person or by letter to Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. (2320) HELPERS WANTED FOR FURNACE and oil burner installations. Apply Mosier Sheet Metal, 21 Church St. (232b) AMBITIOUS B BOY, 16 TO 18, TO LEARN food business. Apply in person to Stroud"s Food Market, 54 Simcoe St. North. (2302) ATTENTION DIRECT SALESMEN Is it time you had a promotion? Opening in your territory for man- ager interested in $12,000 yearly or more. Must be capable of hand- ling men. Car essential. Write Box 216, Times-Gazette (2296) YOUNG MAN AGE 22-30 | Wanted by large organization, as local representative, strictly white-collar job of public contact nature (no selling), Must be high school or commercial graduate, be able to type or willing to learn and | have a car. Attractive financially, inter | esting job, employee benefits, mileage allowance and promotion up to limit of, one's ability. An opportunity for a nigh, | grade young man to get somewhere op | his own. Reply to | P.O. BOX 132, WESTON | (FStH) Young | Man With mechanical ability to! understudy foreman in small plant making wiring assem-!| blies. Good prospects for right man. Knowledge of injection | moulding helpful. Write stat-' ing experiences, etc., to BOX 236 TIMES-GAZETTE (232b) --t BE A MACHINIST urgently Fill de- trained machinists. this bottleneck. mand ver- | | tical die shapers, and modern tool $59.50 | {her than a CEDAR CHEST mens, grinding equipment. Learn to read { What more wonderful gift for | blueprints, and use precision instru- Train now without interrupt- | ling present income, Send coupon. | | Free information. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box 234, Oshawa Times- Gazette | Name | Address with every chest. Choose yours now, | City | while stocks are complete. | Oshawa's Smartest Display. LANE - RED SEAL - HEIRLOOM A small deposit will hold, use our Christmas Lay-Away Plan now. RUTHERFORD FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE S. 31th 39a--Fuel Wood ! HARDWGOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR quick sale to clean factory. $5, $3 lots Je- livered. Dial 3-7391. (Oct20 BODY HARDWOOD, HARD AND SOFT slabs, 4-foot, twelve-inch, delivered. Dial Bethany 18R33. (Oct6) | | SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT LENGTHS cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 5-2490. (Oct28 | | | To make more money. If so, and you are (to sell but have never done anything | about it, then S, | ing orders for our beautiful 25 card Xmas $4 single cord; hardwood slabs, $5.50 single | jin. "Over 60 other leading items to help Yi (232) | | , SURVEYOR ASSISTANT. TELEPHONE | Ajax 247R, after 6 p.m. | CAR WASHER, STEADY EMPLOY- ment. Apply Hackney Motor Sales. (231b) MEN IS YOUR WIFE NAGGING You? under 35 years of age and have a desire DIAL 3-4954 (2296) 7 45--Agents Wanted SELL OSHAWA GREETING CARDS, save time, save money, get your card earn to|J8 'SURPLUS STORE 86 SIMCOE ST. N. (Next to Liquor Store) . PHONE 5-4462 WEEKLY SPECIAL SALE '® MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED . Sat. Specials -- ONE HOUR Children's Heavy FLEECE-LINED SLeepeRs, reg. $1.49 . ... 99¢ oid | - 12¢ $1.95 Lovely quality m TERRY TOWELS Children's TRAINING PANTIES, 25 dor. only, 'each Men's top quality BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS, reg. $2.89 . Boys' zipper front STATION WAGON COATS, sizes 6-14, in satin or poplin, regular $9.95 ... First avality FLANNELETTE SHEETS, doublé bed size Men's ZIP-IN-LINE TOPCOATS, with remov- able quilt lining) reg. $34.50 . .. ALWAYS LOW PRICES LN ONLY -- Sat. 9-10 a.m. $6.95 $1.99 $22.50 ) ® FLANNELETTE SHEETS, double bed, extra warm, top qual- ity make, 70 x 90. Regular 6.95 pr, each COTTON SHEETS, 81 x 99. Regular 3.89 each COTTON SHEETS, 72 x 99. Regular 3.49. each 69 HEAVY QUALITY SHEETS, 42 x 94. Cot size, unbleached. 2 39 PILLOW CASES, first quality, mostly hemstitched each ... .49 CHICKEN FEATHER PILLOWS, full size, good steady tick- ing. Regular 1.79. .. KAPOK FILLED PILLOWS. Regular 1.39. ARMY BLANKETS. Genuine guaranteed double size grey. Regular 7.95. each BEDDING and HOUSEHOLD ITEMS e CHROME PLATED SMOKER STANDS, about 3' high. Regu- ° ar 11.95. WOOL AND COTTON BLANKETS. borer size. Satin bound. Regular 5.95. TERRY TOWELS. Medium es TERRY TOWELS. Extra large size. Regular 1.29. "only . IRISH LINEN, large size tea towels PLASTIC APRONS SCATTER RUGS. Belgium type. HEAVY WEIGHT BLANKETS. Reversible animal design. Regular 3.95. COTTON AND WOOL ARMY BLANKETS tarce size INFANTS -- 16 YEARS OLD . BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS, pleats and zippers . ... . 2.89 BOYS' PARKA JACKETS, fully lined, fur trimmed hood. 8 to 16. BOYS' FIGURED PULLOVERS, "national knit", 8 - 16. . 2.49 BOYS' WOOL PULLOVERS. Zipper, neck ond colorful cuffs. and waist. Regular 2.95. ... 2 [BOYS' DOESKIN PLAID SHIRTS -. 8-16 BOYS' DEER PICTURE DOESKIN SHIRTS, 8-16 . BOYS' CHEVIOT WOOL PANTS, 8 - 16. .... BOYS' GOLF HOSE, Penmans, 1st quality. BOYS' SHORTS AND TOPS, 6 - 14, . .. BOYS' TOP QUALITY DRESS OXFORDS . 1.95 RUBBER BOOTS, sizes 8 - 16. ZIMMERKNIT COMBINATIONS ZIMMERKNIT PLUMB TYPE COMBS. A - 16. . BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' A FANTASTIC PRICE . . KIDDIES' SOCKEES 2.49 CORDUROY JACKETS, sizes 6/- 14. 1 25 KITDIES' CORDUROY 'PULLOVER JACKET with zipper. .. .. KIDDIES' 2-PC. JERSEY KNITTED PLAYSUITS SATIN WINDBREAKERS, lined. PAIR 10. KIDDIES' DISNEY PULLOVERS DENIM JEANS, Sanforized KIDDIES' CORDUROY COVERALLS (American pinwheel) .. KiDDIES' FLANNEL TROUSERS Drape loops belt, elastic back, zipper fly Sizes 4 - 1.99 KIDDIES' "NATIONAL KNIT" CARDIGANS KIDDIES' 3-PIECE SNOWSUITS KIDDIES' SATIN-LINED FUR-TRIMMED HOOD SNOWSUITS 6.25 1.29 18 CORDUROY BOXER LONGS DENIM JEANS, boxer type .. FLANNEL OVERALLS KIDDIES' KIDDIES' KIDDIES' EE Girls' & Boys' Gabardine and Poplin Parkas «.. .... .. gv 95 eLADIES Ladies' First Quality Gab. Station Wagon Coats Full Mouton collar, | Navy, greén, beige fawn. res, a3 . 2 17.95 LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES, 1st quality ARTIST'S SMOCKS 1ST QUALITY NYLONS, 51 gpuge, 15 donor, Reg. 1.69 SUBSTANDARD NYLONS, 51 gauge and 45 denier ........ 31 19 LADIES' 1ST QUALITY RAYON PANTIES. eoch ... SHORT WOOL AND RAYON SOCKEES, 1st quality, NYLON PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS WHITE COVERALLS "KITCHEN PEABODY" for work. Ladies' All-Wool Botany Cardigans FIRST QUALITY omy 1 99 eMENSe locally for fast delivery. Large 1 Christmas, everyday and novelty cards. Gift Wraps, seals. Dial 5-2003. (Oct8) DO YOU NEED MONEY? $35 AND Ul UP | can easily be made by showing and tak- Send today for Free boost your profits. an on approval. Mon- | Moon, Raglan. 7 ring 12. 40--Articles For Rent FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD AND BAN- quet tables, for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. 0nt2) 41--Articles Wanted scrAp IRON, RAGS, MATTRESSES diate pick-up. © Dial anytime 3.911) Alma St. Jack (Jake) Shaw. GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets, Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial | 5-0132. (Oct28) ORGAN AND SMALL PIANO URGENT- ly needed. Will pay cash. State price and phone number. Box 208, Times-Gazette. good condition, reasonabe; also hot water Sicuianng pump, cabin trailer, oo ron, metal, rags and mattresses. lect. SMALL HOT-AIR FURNACE, small oil heater. Dial Shr now Wilson & Lee. 79 Simcce N. Dial 5-2822. (Oct23) | rags, paper, batteries, etc. Local and out-of-town calls picked up free. Dial §- 3432. Cedardale Iron and Metals, | nis St., east of C.N.R. station. 42-Fermaie Help Wanted EXPERIENCED TYPIST FOR INVOIC ing dept. Must be fast and accurate. Ap- ply in person to office manager, National Grocers Co, Ltd., Bloor St. E. (231¢) EXPERIENCED SALES LADY ON COATS suits 'and dresses, unless experienced do not apply. Write Box 227, Times:Gazetie c REGISTERED NURSE, PERMANENT, live in. Apply Superintendent, York County Home, Young St., New Market, Phone 34. (232¢) COOK-GENERAL, NO HEAVY LAUNDRY or waxing, other help kept. Phone Picks ering 78. CLERK FOR FOOD MARKET, "EXPERI enced preferred' but not necessary. Apply in person Stroud"s Food Market, 54 Sim- coe St. N. (2323) | BRIGHT GIRL IRL OVER - 18 y FOR "MOTH: er's helper, light duties, ecellent wages. private room, liberal time off. Write 15 Calvin Ave, Wilinwdale. or phone B.A. MIXED SOFT SLABS, $17 CORD DELIV. | Arch Greeting Cards, Dept, Brooklin | Ontario. (Oct8,30) | | | metals, batteries, etc. Best prices, imme | able business where Rawleigh's Products 166 | have been sold for years. (Noy1l) Products furnished on credit. rr { ~ (Octi2) | items, terrific sales appeal. Tremen- PLUMBER'S AND CARPENTER'S TooLs dous values including 25 card Deluxe | iro Dial Pe Turner, Nnarth Oshawa, i i t PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR Fiaxo | Christmas stockings?" books, | SCRAP IRON AND METALS WANTED, | 100 'An- | (Octl14) | ) | tions, E, Hamilton, (Oct18) INTERESTED IN MAKING $60 PER week or more part-time? Agency with exclusive Oshawa and district territory now has opening for full and 'part-time direct sales help with car. No canvassing, leads supplied. Reply, stating age and phone number to Box 228, Times-Gazette. 1c) WANTED--RELIABLE MAN AS DEALER in Oshawa. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old . profit- Big profits, Write Raw- Montreal. (Oct3,10,17) EXTRA CASH FOR Y you! | Sell Name-On Christmas and Every- day assortments. Earn highest 'com-. missions. Over "sixty outstanding {leigh's Dept. ML-J-310-163, Christmas assortment. Christmas | card boxes include Velvetone, Holly | Box, Star-Brite metallics, Christmas Beloved Authors, Canadian { Winter and Mountain scenes, English | or French Pageant assortments. Every- | religious, personal humorous Personalized cards, ribbon, nap- stationery. Gift wraps, Kiddie's cut-outs. | Write for catalogue = and = samples NOW. Kindly print name, 'address. Name-On Stationery Company Limited, Dept. 14, Room F, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto | (Sep23,25,27,29-0ct1,3) | %6--Emp loyment Wanted BOOKKEEPER- STENOGRAPHER RE- | quires podition with well-paying firm, 6 | experience in bookkeeping ma- chine, dictaphone, shorthand and | office routine. References for interview. | Write, stating particulars, t0 Box 233, Times-Gazette. an) YOUNG LADY, QUALIFIED BOOK- keeper, desires position, part-time, full- time. Write Box 237, Times-GaZette. ~ aE years' SEWING, MENDING, ALTERA- | by electric machine, experiencett Dial 5-4435. 20) | "ST. _ THOMAS '(CP)--Apple trees are in blossom at. Port Bruce, {about 10 miles from here on Lake | ! Erie, Jack Roberts reported green- ing apple trees covered with large blossoms and at the same time SAVE! Doeskin Plaid WORK SHIRTS. Reg. 1 as - SAVE! Men's First Quality Navy Blue WORK SHIRTS Men's Cream Rib Combi- long leg. Sizes 36 to 44. First Quality Gebardine Station Wagon Coats. Mouton collar, quilted lining, zip- per front with double cigarette pockets. Navy, blue, beige, grey ond taupe Short sleeve and 2.98. vw . 2.99 .. 5.95 . 3.95 i: 89 . 8.98 . 7.49 5.95 2.49. Now . .. MEN'S HEAVYWEIGHT DOESKIN LUMBER SHIRTS . MEN'S ALL-WOOL SHIRTS. Reg. 8.95. MEN'S CAVALRY CORD HUNTING BREECHES MEN'S REVERSIBLE HUNTING CAPS WINTER WEIGHT RAYGORD DRIVERS' UNIFORMS . SPRING WEIGHT AIRFORCE MELTON CLOTH TROUSERS MEN'S SATIN BOMBER JACKET with fur collar and quilted lining. Reg. 12.95. 8.¢ MEN'S SHEEPSKIN LINED BOMBER JACKETS. Reg. 21. 95 12.95 MEN'S JUMBO CARDIGANS 4.95 MEN'S DOESKIN PLAID SANFORIZED SPORT SHIRTS. Regular 3.95. MEN'S STATION WAGON COATS. No collar. MEN'S SHORTS & TOPS First Quality . NAVY DRILL _SANFORIZED WORK TROUSERS ......... 2.99 DENIM COVERALLS _.. . 4.95 DENIM OVERALLS ..3.79 MACHINIST APRONS MEN'S NAVY COLORED .MILTON BUSH COATS ........ MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHORTS. Regular .99. MEN'S "BRACES FOR DRESS WEAR OR WORK. MEN'S 1ST QUALITY SMART TIES. each MEN'S FIRST QUALITY GABARDINE SUITS. Guaranteed Quality MEN'S DENIM OVERALL PANTS Sanforized . MEN'S ALL-WOOL CARDIGANS MEN'S FLEECE LINED CARDIGANS MEN'S PURPLE TOPPED ""PENMAN'S"" WORK SOCKS 3 pair 1.00 ALL-WOOL FANCY DIAMOND DRESS SOCKS . .. 59 SHEEPSKIN LINED B-29 LEATHER BOMBER JACKETS . SOMETHING NEW! MEN'S WORK SOX Nylon and wool. 88c Guaranteed 'or 60 days MEN'S CABLE STITCHED ALL-WOOL PULLOVERS, POLICE LONG LEATHER JACKETS WITH SHEEPSKIN LINING. 29.96 SENSATIONAL - cteanance or MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS Gabs, Sharkskin, Worsteds, Pic 'n' Pics. Reg. to 14.9 FLEECE LINED SWEATSHIRTS 1ST QUALITY LEATHER JACKETS. with colorful piping on sleeve 'and shoulders. Reg. 22. 16.95 MEN'S SHARKSKIN of BIR "PARKAS. Quilted lined with hood. Reg. 17.95. 12.95 MEN'S FIRST QUALITY DRESS SHIRTS. Sanforized in blue and white in fused or windsor collar. PLAIN KNIT COMBINATIONS FLEECE LINED COMBINATIONS ® WAR SURPLUS and HUNTING EQUIPMENT eo SLEEPING BAGS, ZIPPER AND PILLOW REVERSIBLE HUNTING CAPS .. SKINNING KNIVES GUARANTEED C ARMY RAINCOA ARMY PACKSACKS AND HAVERSACKS RECONDITIONED ARMY BOOTS, GUARANTEED NEW ARMY TYPE BOOTS NEW BRITISH ARMY BOOTS _ OILSKIN OVERALLS OILSKIN CAPES ARMY TUNICS NEW NAVY MELTON WOOL SEA COATS AIR FORCE FLYING SUITS. Waterproof Worth 25.00. ARMY. CAPE STYLE GROUND SHEETS .. ARMY WOOL AND COTTON BLANKETS ARMY DOUBLE BUNK BEDS , cesses csenens Men's" canvas hunting parkas with drop seot back and red blanket lining. Large flap pock- etc. Regular 9. 2 5 24.95 Lee Enfield Rifles, .303, 1-year guarantee, ideal for deer, etc. Worth Overnight Duffle ond zipper _ BINOCULARS (Carl Sweitzer) 7 x 50, coated 8 x 30, coated 8 x 26, coated Bags, canvas .99 = FOR QUALITY SHOP AT A. & A. SURPLUS STORE, 86 SIMCOE ST. NORTH _