. ' THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, Apel n ne 8 T COMMUNITY GRACE M. MILLS Correspond nt AJAX -- Even before the hockey season is over this thriving club is well away with their plans for the ball season. Playing time is now being allocated to the many teams who hav sent in their requests for use of the ball diamond. An industrial league has been formed and the girls have all ready set up their schedule. Ar- rangements are under way regard- ing the flood lights, and these will | 9 be available when required. Jack MacKay has plans for his hard- \ ball boys and Vern Clark is out- fitting his basketball team. Moe Walsh will manage the girls' team. Jon Gibb'is president of a group called the Ajax Softball Associa- tion. All in all, it looks like a busy season. The Ajax Boys' Club has two other projects in mind. One is in co-operation with the Boy Scouts to take over the stone house on the base line and equip it. as a clubroom for the boys. There do 'not appear to be any difficulties in the way to accomplish this and several persons have offered to donate materials to finish the interior to suit the boys' require- ments. . The other project, the execu- tive of the Boys' Club has in mind, is of much higher magnitude and that is providing an artificial ice arena for Ajax. Many sites have been suggested, but the most favorable indicated at this time, is on the base line, west of the stone house, and on the border of what will be the Recreation Centre of Ajax. Many were th ideas and sug- gestions brought forth at a recent meeting and and it seems to be generally agreed that the most feasible plan to finance such an undertaking would 'be to form a stock company. : It is understood that the site k could be obtained very reasonably {if a portion of the park land were general meeting will be held e near future when Ajax resi- will hear more of plans and will be given an opportunity to invest their money. Apartments 'Are Ahead Of 'Schedule GRACE M. MILLS Correspondent AJAX--Construction of the apart- ment blocks on Harwood ave is ' proceeding ahead of schedule. e "prolonged spell of dry weather has been a contributing factor. These handsome red brick build- ings will each contain 38 suites, of 'one and two bedrooms. The build- " ings are three storeys high, and each ! apartment will be steam-heated and . self-contained. Dust Nuisance Being Remedied GRACE M, MILLS Correspondent AJAX--Residents on Harwood Avenue and King's Crescent drew a dustless sign of relief on Mon- day when a liberal coating of oil was applied to the road surface. Dust nuisance has never been 80 bad as this last week in\Ajax. Ten days of almost cloudless skies with only one brief shower of rain have spelt misery for the people residing on roads where the traf- , fic is heavy. The work will continue on all streets until completed. TWO-HEADED PIG FINCH (CP)--A two-headed pig is the star attraction on the farm of Sylvio Lachapelle near here. The freak animal has four eyes and two mouths. Finch is about 50 miles southeast of Ottawa. PERSONALS GRACE M. MILLS Correspondent AJAX -- Mr: Frank Darnley, Nelson Street, who has been in hospital for some weeks following a stroke, is expected home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Denham and Linda, Toronto, visited with Mr and Mrs. George Fletcher on Sun- y. Several members of the Wom- en's Auxiliary of the Church of the Holy Trinity attended a meet- ing of the Auxiliary at St. John's, Port Whitby, last Wednesday. Mrs. Tanner, Whitby, and Mrs. H. Ridge, a former resident of Ajax, visited former neighbors here last week. Two carloads of ladies of the United Church attended the Pres- bytery meeting in Broéoklin on Wednesday last. : Mrs. M. Boyes, York Street, re- ceived a nasty cut on the head when she tripped over a part of a sidewalk that was being repaired by Central Mortgage maintenance men outside the Ajax post office last Tuesday afternoon. Little Janet Marston, of Burcher Street, is very happy these days. Janet is 10 and an only child, ahd has longed for a little brother and companion. Her daddy and mum- 'mie have adopted a little boy, Bobbie, who-is seven and a half years old. Now the family is com- plete and everyone is happy. The Friendship Group of the W.A. of the Ajax United Church has planned a rummage sale for this Thursday, May 1, at 1.30 p.m., in the Sunday School room, Mrs. Bob Rowland, Sandra and Bobbie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mae, Oshawa Airport, last week- end. We have enjoyed several good feeds of smelts in the last 10 days or so. But the season for these tasty morsels is all 'too short. ' Farmers around here are busy seeding, and the smell of burning weeds fills the air every evening. One of our good neighbors, Mr. John Ronald, has his early crop of lettuce, onions-and radishes on the way. Tulip beds are looking very good just now, and the next bountiful crop will be those (love- py?( yellow dandelions. * A lot of birds have returned again the last few days, including the red-winged blackbird, and lots of martins. In fact, the clothes line was full of them this morning, with their little white shirts bob- bing in the breeze. Relief from the choking dust of the past week was very welcome, as the oil spray tank was busy on Harwood Avenue yesterday. Mr. George Hood is still under the weather and is going to hos- pital for treatment. Little 8andra Gill, Glyn Avenue, has had a nasty bout of bronchial pneumonia but is on the 'mend now. Mr. W. W. Rideout is still a patient in Oshawa General Hos- pital. His friends hope that the rest and treatment will soon have him on his feet again. Reading the Ajax Personal column last week we noted that our type-setter had made™a mis- take in the article about the little boy breaking his leg. It read, "the fall had caused a spinal fracture three inches above the knee." It Shona have xead, "spiral'" frac- re. Hospital Garden Party June 28 AJAX -- Plans for the garden party June 28 at "The Hermitage," the Pickering home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ruddy, are being ad- vanced since the return of Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy last week from the south. The party will be under the aus- pices of the women's auxiliary of Ajax and Pickering Township Gen- eral Hospital, It will help to provide funds for hospital linen and to furn- ish the nurses' recreation room. Present indications are that the hospital will open early in the fall. Firemen Are Hampered By Cars on Road GRACE M, MILLS Correspondent AJAX -- The local fire fighters had two nuns on Sunday to put out grass fires which was accomplished in a matter of minutes. A serious situation developed at the second call, which was about 10.30 p.m. when a number of eager citizens in their cars blocked. the roads leading to the fire. The seriousness of such a situa- tion cannot be emphasized too much. The volunteers hurrying to their job are handicapped and the Board of Trustees is considering passing a by-law making it an of- fense to follow the fire engine too closely. Citizens are asked to co- operate and keep off the road and give the firemen a chance to get there. The volunteers are doing a good job, full of enthusiasm, and only ask for room to work. The volunteers wish to publicly express their thanks to Stark Elec- tronics for the gift of a new tele- vision aerial and to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finley for the comfortable armchair which they donated for the club rooms. Midget Hockey Team Wins Two GRACE M. MILLS Correspondent AJAX -- Only four teams are in action at this date. Ajax won over Unionville on Saturday, 3-2. The four teams left are Ajax, Rhodes (Leaside), Unionville and St. Mike (Toronto), who are now in the course of elimination, On Monday night, Ajax took Unionville 8-1. Everyone here is pulling for the Ajax Midgets to win that Kinf Clancy Cup. Both the Leaside and Toronto teams are big- ger boys than Ajax, but the home town boys have put up 'a grand fight all season. So the 'best of luck to these grand kids. TIE GAME IN FINAL AJAX -- Ajax Midgets hockey team, meeting St. Michaels in the finals of the King Clancy Trophy series after having eliminated Un- ionville, played to a 2-2 tie last night in the first game of a three- game series. The second game will be played this evening at 7.30 p.m. in the Scarboro Arena, ahd the boys are confident that they can take the measure of their oppon- ents in this crucial final series. PACIFIC ISLES The Queen Charlotte islands off the British Columbia coast were so named by Captain Cook in 1778, taking the name of his vessel. MAKE RAPID PROGRESS ON APARTMENT BLOCK : The above picture shops the rapid progress which is being made with erection of the first of a series Nee of apartment blocks' being built | by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to provide additional facilities for present and future residents of the Ajax Community. Photo By Grace Mills, NEWS OF AJAX IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC Boys Athletic Club | Into Busy Season of Activity For Summer 49TH ANOTHER BUSY AJAX INDUSTRY The Atlas Tag Company, Limit- ed, is one of the smaller, but one of the busiest industries located in Ajax. It specializes in the manufacture of tags and labels. The picture shows some of its mdchines in operation. GUIDES' PROFICIENCY CONTEST Captain Marjorie Schrane of the 2nd Ajax Company, Girl Guides, receives the proficiency contest trophy from Mrs. W. Sloan, Dis- Some of the leaders of the Ajax Girl Guides, left to right: Lieut. S. Wiles, Captain M. Schrane, Mrs, Ajax Darts Club Holds Fine Banquet GRACE M. MILLS Correspondent AJAX -- The Ajax Dart Club, their wives and lady friends held, their annual banquet in the Whitby Legion Hall' on Saturday evening. A turkey dinner and all the trim- mings were served to about sixty persons, The Ajax Dart Club is composed of teams representing Rye Radio, Dowty Equipment, Kowland's Ap- pliances, Ajax Legion and O.R.M.'s. The banquet climaxed a winter of competition and was the occasion for presenting' the trophies to the champion team and individual champions. | Seated at the head fable were | Dick Walker secretary of the Inter- | City Dart League with which or- | ganization Ajax is affiliated; Sid Norman, president of the Cana- | dian Dart Association; John Irvine, | president Ajax Club and Treasurer | W. Sloan, secretary W. Sutherland, | also team captains, A. Newman of | Pye Radio; John Kyle, O.R.Ms., | and Dowty's Red Stevenson, Ajax B. and A. Stewart, Ajax A. One of the highlights of the eve- ning was the presentation to Mrs. | Margaret Sutherland of a beauti- ful corsage by John Mills on behalf of the assembled guests. Mrs. Suth- erland has just come through an operation to restore her sight and it was the first time she had been able to be out. Mrs. Sutherland then aided by Dick Walker present- ed to the winners the trophies they had won. Each in turn received a hearty kiss from Grannie, as she is affectionately known. Grannie will soon be 84 years old. Some of the younger ladies were quite a bit jealous. Ajax A won the championship and Pye Radio the challenge cup. A. Newman was the recipient of | Cures other trophies, one for high single, high single innings in base- | ball, and high score three darts, besides being captain of the cham- | pionship team. | It was a very: successful year. | Everyone concerned had lots of fun | trict Guide Commissioner, after her company won it in the annual competition. ° --Photo by Grace Mills. W. Sloan, District Commissioner and Captain Mrs. D. Godfrey. --Photo by Grace Mills. Proficiency Contest For Ajax (Guides GRACE M. MILLS Correspondent AJAX--First and Second Ajax Companies of Girl Guides held their annual Proficiency Tests in the Recreation Hall last evening, under the watchful eyes of a'group of mothers and some fathers and friends. District Commissioner Mrs. W. Sloan was in charge of the contestS and Mrs, J. Wilmott and Mrs. Miller were the judges. Cecil McGinnis and Bob Gates, Scoutmaster, judged the signals. Out of a possible 200 points, the 2nd Company won 134 points and the 1st Co. won 122. Demon- strations of first aid, marching, singing , knot tying, birds and wild flowers, and a campfire gathering were carried out. Brownies, too, had their share in the program although they .did not compete. Demonstrations of a first aid sling, setting a table for 4, washing dishes and shoe polishing were very well done, and received a big hand. Campfire songs around the "Toad Stool were very enjoyable. The Brownies are under the direction of Marilyn Henshaw as Brown Owl Marilyn is one of the Senior Guides. Mrs. J. Ellis will take charge in the fall. The Second Co. had the honor of winning the silver cup for the sec- ond time, and Capt. Marjorie Schrane received it from District Commissioner Mrs. W. Sloan on be- half of her Company. Following the contest, campfire was enjoyed with all the girls taking part. Guiding is one of the oldest organizations in | Ajax Swimming The rest of the évening was | spent dancing "to the music of | Cross and her orchestra. | | were very active and many parcels | Ajax Girl Guide Movement Shows Splendid Growth GRACE M. MILLS: Correspondent , AJAX-Tt has been said that a good soldier never looks behind. That is a debatable point, but it is sometimes both 4 interesting and profitable to look backwards, only thus, un- der certain circumstances; can one measure progress. This week in Ajax the local Girl Guides come te the fore with a special program, and efficiency awards will be made. It is therefore thought that interest in this group would be quick- ened if a backward glance were taken to mark the progress made by this very important group in the Ajax community. On February 5, 1943, an enrol- ment meeting was held to form the 1st Ajax Company. The enrolment exercises were held under the di- rection of Mrs. O. S. Hobbs, of Osh- awa, Divisional Commissioner, as- sisted by Mrs. V. Coombes, Oshawa District Commissioner, who brought with her twenty five uni- formed Guides from Oshawa. MOVEMENT LAUNCHED Miss Elizabeth Schell was ap- pointed Capt. and her sister, Miss Joyce Schell, was enrolled as her Lieutenant, A further organization meeting was held a week later and the first regular meeting was held on February 15, 1943. in the North Ajax School. Subsequent meetings were- held weekly on Monday eve- nings. Thus the Girl Guide move- ment was launched in Ajax. Miss Mary McNevin succeeded the Schell sisters in commanding the company when Miss Joyce Schell enlisted in the W.R.N.S. and Miss Elizabeth Schell was married and left the community. ACTIVE IN WAR WORK _During the war years the Guides were sent overseas to the armed | services. | In April 1945 the company closed down as no leaders were obtain. able but in the fall of 1945, Miss Grace Richer, Councellor at the Community Hall, approached a new comer to the village, Mrs. Sloan, | and also Miss V. Fenton with the | idea of re-opening Guiding. Mrs. Sloan, a former District Captain of Earlscourt, Toronto, was quite willing to resume her Guide work and the company was reformed with. 18 girls. Regular meetings continued, health and beauty drills were intro- | duced and proved very successful. patrols and 34 Guides. | In March 1946, a Mother's As-| sociation was formed. In July, 1946, the Guides took part in Community | Sports Day and won second prize | for their precision marching. About | the first Second Class Bade, | awarded in Ajax.. In December, 1946, the Guides gave the Nursing | School pupils a Christmas Party, | supplied the trée, Santa Claus and | a gift for every member of the | school. By this time Miss Fenton had left the village and Miss Arlene | Woods took charge during the tem- | porary absence of the Captain. | RAPID GROWTH The first Mother and. Daughter | banquet was held in June 1948 with Mrs. V. Coombes the guest speak-| er. Attendance at this time reach- | ed 40 girls and it was difficult to | accomodate new members. In which was a great success. At this | their assistance, Mrs.- W. Schrang | and Mrs. 'A. Blackmore being very active. LEADERSHIP TRAINING Dusing 1950 the scope of the girls' | work increased steadily. A real ef- | fort was put into money raising Lake. Bake sales, cookie days, hot cross bun sales were the order | of the day and Miss M. Scharne & * and Miss M. Wiles were able to [take the course and with their ex- | perience were able to open Com- | pany No. 2. At the same time Miss | I. Venner left the first company and {opened Company No. 3 which is |now operating under the auspices lof St. Bernadette's (RC) Church. | At the present time Mrs. K. Taylor is acting Captain for these Guides. |The memberhip had increased to |60 girls. | With the shift of leaders, 1st | Company was without a Lieutenant |and Mrs. D. Godfrey, a former |Guide of Lucknow, Ont., offered her services, and proved very ef- [ficient, 3 | The year 1951 saw further ex- pansion and promotions. Mrs. W, Sloan became District Commission. er, Ajax; Mrs. D. Godfrey, District | Captain, besides being Captain of |1st Company, and Miss S. Schrane became Lieutenent of 1st Company. To complete 1951 an inter-Com- pany competition was held and the 2nd Company was the winner. A trophy was awarded and this will be competed for annually. Mention should be made of the excellent work done by Lieutenant S. Wiles since the opening of the 2nd Company, Early in 1952 Miss M. Schrane completed the 1st Class Badge Test in Guiding, the first one awarded in Ajax. HELPING HOSPITAL ; The Guides this year have under- taken the preparation and sewing of ,infanst garments for the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital against the day when that new in- stition will be opened, One of the major difficulties en- countered by the Guides and | By February, 1946, there were four | their leaders is the apparent apathy of the Guides' mothers tg the grand work being done for their daugh- ters. Another effort is being made this year to form a strong Mothers' Association which can be both phy. {this time Miss Arlene Woods won |gjcally and morally such a strong support to the great effort being put forth by the Guide Leaders. BROWNIES ACTIVE During the steady growth over the years of the Guides, the Brown- ies were not forgotten, and the coming year looks still. brighter with new leaders coming forward. Miss M. Henshaw who succeed- ed Mrs. W. Marston has 32 Brown- ies in the 1st Pack, and Miss Mul- hall has 30 Brownies connected with the 3rd Guide Company, Mrs. J. Ellis, a former English Brownie Leader, has come forward to help. Mrs. M. McCartney is Badge J | Secretary, and has held a Badge | March, 1949, the Guides undertook | Test this past winter and 15 Badges |a St. Patrick's Tea and Card Party |have been awarded. Mrs. A. Silk is secretary of the {time more mothers were rendering | Mothers' Group and Mrs, C. Mec- Ginnis is treasures Total enrolmenj at the date 65 Guides, three of which old sec- ond class Badges, and 60 Brownies with one Brownie holding her Gold- en Bar and eight Leaders. At one time only was financial and good comradeship and plans (activities to enable some of the assistance given to the Guides. This- | are already being made to do it |older Guides to go to the Provincial | was a $50 donation from the Kins- all again next year, only better. |Leadership Training Camp at Doe |min Club of Ajax, which was used GIRL GUIDES (Continued on Page 13) Pool Re-Opening Now More Likely . GRACE M. MILLS Correspondent | AJAX--Mention of the feasibility | of reopening the disused swimming pool on the Ajax lake front has been made seeral times in the past few weeks. - Examination of the pool today shows that very little winter dam- age has occurred and the pool can be put into .shape for a very small | sum of money. Unfortunately, fencing will be re- quired but there are lots of posts and wire handy. : The area where the pool is situ- ated can also be converted into an ideal picnic spot, and ready access to the lake shore is quite close. Red Cross officers are confident that, with the co-operation of other service clubs, the pool can be open- ed and Red Cross are quite willing to do more than their share, BOWLING SEASON CLOSES The Ajax Recreation Hall bowling, alleys will close on April 30 after a fairly successful season. Playoffs wil be completed this evening. FIFTH VANCOUVER FIRE VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van: | couver's fifth major fire in eight days hit the National Shingle Com- | pany- mill last night and destroyed | the False Creek' industrial area plant in 15 minutes. Loss was esti- mated at about $50.000. Ajax, and almost the only one that has errried through the years with- owt a 'break. Great credit is due to | Mrs. "loan for her splendid work in | training girls as leaders, and et Hod ing them-to such a standard of per- | fection. |, | AT THE Absolutely FREE! FREE -- FREE -- FREE YOU CAN WIN ANY ONE OR ALL OF THESE VALUABLE PRIZES A] KIWANIS KARNIVAL in OSHAWA ARENA! THIS FRIDAY. and SATURDAY NIGHTS HOW TO WIN: Every time you patronize a booth, you will receive a ticket and there will be a special prize given away free every hour, on-the-hour. YOU MUST BE PRES- ENT TO CLAIM THE PRIZE! : j FRIDAY NIGHT'S PRIZES 8:00 p.m.--A beautiful china vase, donated by Bassett's Jewellers. 9:00 p.m.--A lovely table lamp, donated by Zellers' Limited. _ 10:00 p.m.--A set of "Fire-King" ovenware, donated by S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd, 11:00 p.m.--A set of fine dishes, donated by F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. 12:00 p.m.--A splendid Westinghouse refrigerator, donated by Oshawa Kiwanis Club (courtesy of Meagher's Electrical Appliances) SATURDAY NIGHT'S PRIZES 8:00 p.m.--An Eveready Delta lantern, donated by Jacksons Supply Ltd. 9:00 p.m.--A handsome piece of ladies' luggage, donated by Burns Co. Ltd. All These Prizes Will Be Given Away