Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Dec 1951, p. 16

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE GE CONIA J "PAGE FIFTEEN d by the Times-Gasetls prints does not assume responsibility for inaccurate MONDAY EVENING OXLENe s; Sports ~News; Bing Crosby WIR News: Sports PP individual stations. The 4 ana 8.00 P.M. CKLB-Radio Market CBL-Oracles are Dumb CJBC-Sports Round-Up CKEY-News; M. Lester CFRB-Share the Wealth as listings. | 10.30 P.M. CKLB-News; Sports CBL-Carols from Kings College CJBC-Press Conference CKEY-News; Sports <News CJIBC-Elwood Glover CBL-Weather for Christmas 615 P.M. Sivas. Sb ews; Spo! CFRB-Ont. Marches On WGR-Coach's Corner; Curtain Call WBEN-Sports 6.30 P.M. CBL-Int. Commentary; Rawhide CJBC-News; Sports CFRB-News; Sports; Smoke Rings WBEN-N. Selby Trio WGR-Your Song 645 P.M. CJBC-Byng's Basement WGR-News WBEN-Three Star Extra CKLB-Smiley Burngtt 7.00 P.M. CKLB-Doctors Orders CBL-8unshine Society CKEY-News; Ballrocm Theatre CJBC-Opport Knocks Nothing WGR-Arthur WBEN-Jussi CKLB-News; Jamboree arol WGR-Radio Encores CKEY-Voice CJBC-Canadi Panorama WBEN-Cisco Kid 715 P.M, CKLB-Tel, Highlights WGR-Jack Smith CFRB-Jack Smith 730 P.M. CKLB-Al McKaye CBL-Mr. Glencannon CJBC-2000 Plus CZRB-Club 15 WBEN-World News CKEY-Hi-Revue WGR-Club 15 745 P.M. WGR-News WBEN-One Man's Family CFRB-Kats Altken WBEN-Band Candidates 10.00 CKLB-News; Tops CKEY-News; CJBC-Seven WGR-Bob H Show 530 AM. CFRB-News; WBEN-Farm Reporter Briefs 545 AM. CFRB-Morning Melodies 6.00 AM. CKLB-News; Ken's Koffee Korner CKEY-News; Musical Clock CFRB-Breakfast on the Farm WBEN-News Barry and CFRB-Top © Morning WGR-News; Chore Time WBEN-News; Musical 6.30 AM. CKLB-News; Ken's Koffee Korner CFRB-News; Dawn Patrol WGR-Mus. Clock; news 7.00 AM. CKLB-News; Ken's Koffee Korner CKEY-News Music WGR-Musical Clock; News CFRB-News; Top o' the Morning; Livestock Review WBEN-News 715 AM, WBEN-Musical Clock 7.30 AM. CKLB-News; Farmer's Notebook CKEY-News; Music CFRB-News; Top o' the Morning; Sports 745 AM. CKLB-Koffee Korner 8.00 AM. CKLB-News; Sports CKEY-News; Sports CKLB-News; CFRB-News'; Singer CJBC-Music, CKLB-News; CKEY-News; Ginger CFRB-News; WBEN-News CFRB-Show CFRB-Birthd C. Wallace 10.00 CKLB-News; TUESDAY AFTERNOON WGR-Dr. Malone 12.00 NOON CKLB-News; Melodies CBL-BBC News CJBC-Jack Berch CKEY-News: Pick, the Hits; Listen Ladies CFRB-At the Piano WGR-News WBEN-News 12.15 P.M. CBL-Christmas in Europe CJBC-Riders of the Purple Sage CFRB-Farm and Home News . WGR-Aunt Jenny WBEN-J. Carol, show 1230 P.M. CKLB-News; Sports CBL-CBC Greetings; Hart House Glee Club CJBC-News; Small s Club -Lorne Greene CFRB-News; Women's News WGR-Helen Trent WBEN-Luncheon Club 1245 PM. CKLB-Vocal Spotlite CKEY-Round Up CFRB-Big Sister WGR-Our Gal Sunday 1.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Stop the Record. CBL-News; Weather CEBY-Newa; Tops in ps CFRB-Perry Mason WGR-Big Sister 115 P.M. CBL~Christmas Story CFRB-Widder Brown WBEN. WBEN-Sally CKEY-Wome; WBEN-T Be 2JBC-Double Nothing CKLB-Aunt WGR-Perry WGR-Nora WBEN-Live Millionaire ; Moods WGR-Hilltop WBEN-Life Beautiful WGR-House WGR-Ma Perkins WBEN-Road 130 P.M. CJBC-Carol for Canada CFRB-Second Spring CR Tale of Lonesome 1) WGR-House C. Adams WBEN-Rallroad , Hour WGR-Suspense 8.30 P.M, CKLB-Hollywood CBL-Armdale Chorus CFRB-Double e» 9.00 P.M. CJBC-A Christmas CKEY-News; L. Rum- ble; P. Brooks CFRB-Lux Theatre WBEN-Telephone Hour CBL~Symphonic 9.15 P.M. 9.30 P.M. CKEY-Howard Manning 945 P.M. CKEY-Municipal CBL-Nat. News CJBC-Present Duty CFRB-Box 13 WBEN-Mario Lanza 10:15 P.M, CBL-News Roundup TUESDAY MORNING WGR-Mus. Clock; News 8.15 AM. CKLB-Koffee Korner CKEY-Musical Clock; WBEN-Musical Clock 8.30 AM. Koffee Korner Morning; Gospel 8.456 A.M, CBL~-Music, News {CIBC-M. Bodington 9.00 AM. CBL-News; Music CJBC-Breakfast Club WGR-Musical Clock 9.15 AM. CKLB-Harmonies WBEN-Breakfast Club WGR-The Keatons |CFRB Kate. Aitken 9.30 AM. 945 AM, WGR-Interlude; News 145 P.M. CBL-Invitation Waltz CFRB-Dr. Malone WGR-Gulding Light 2.00 P.M. CKLB-Women's. News CBL-Music Room Word to the Wives; Show Business CFRB-Guiding Light WGR-Mrs. Burton 2.15 P.M. CFRB-Ma Perkins 2.30 P.M. CKLB-Dr. Paul CFRB-Gal Sunday CJBC-Gifts of Christmas 245 PM. CKLB-Sentimental CFRB-Brighter Day WGR-Brighter Day 3.00 P.M, CKLB-News; CBL-Emmanuel CKEY-News; CFRB-News; Surprise 3.15 P.M. CFRB-1010 Matinee 330 P.M. CJBC-The King WBEN-Pepper Young WCR-R. Q's Waxworks WBEN-Dangerous Assignment 1045 P.M. CKLB-The Unexpected CKEY-Hit of the Day; Hospital Talk CFRB-Sports 11.00 P.M. CKLB-News; After hours CBL-Linger Awhile CJBC-News; U.N, CKEY-News; Midnight Express CFRB-News; Tumpane WGR-News; Sports; Bowling Briefs WBEN-News 11.15 p.m. CJBC-Musical CFRB-Headliners WBEN-8ports; Diane 1130 P.M. CBL-Christmas in Hol- land CJBC-Christmas Carols CFRB-News; Sports; Merry Go Round WBEN-Sports; St. Jaul's Choir WBEN-St. Paul's athedral Service WGR-Glacy's Basement 11:45 P.M. CBL-Christmas Eve Cervice 12.00 MIDNIGHT CKLB-News; After Hours CBL-News CJBC-News CKEY-News; House Party ; CFRB-News; Sports WGR-News; Glacy's Basement WBEN-News; Orch. unity Godfrey Bjoerling Hillbilly Theatre of St. John an of America P.M. These Are Sports; Lessons awk CJBC-Bruce Smith Presents CKEY-News; Ballroom CFRB-News; Harmonies WGR-Arthur Godfrey WBEN-Welcome Travel. ers 10.15 AM. CIJBC-Ask Any Man CBL-Peace Tower Carillon . 1050 AM. CKLB-Westhill Show CJBC-Good Neighbour CBL-Christmas Music CFRB-To Be Announced WBEN-Double or Nothing 10.45 Breakfast Betty * the Ken's Top o' the AM. News CFRB-Helen Trent 11.00 AM. CKLB-News; Ballroom BL-Christmas Service CKEY-News; Ballroom CFRB-News; Market Basket Ann Adam | WBEN-Strike It Rich | 1L15 AM. CFRB-Dick Haymes 11.39 A.M. | CBL-BBC Music CKEY-G. Murray Devotions | Jay and | WGR-Grand Slam Tune Time WBEN-King"s Row 1145 AM. CKEY-Songs of Our Times; Bing Sings; CFRB-Strike up the Band; News WGR-Rosemary WBEN-Dave Garroway ay Party; AM, Ballroom 345 P.M. CFRB-Aunt Lucy CJBC-Christmas oncert Hour WBEN-Right to Happiness WGR-Gordon Jenkins 4.00 P.M. CKLB-News; Ballroom CKEY-News; Quiz CFRB-News; Hollywood WGR-News; Keaton WBEN-Backstage Wife 415 PM. A CFRB-R or WBEN-Stella Interlude 430 P.M, CKLB-Christmas Shopping CFRB-Record Shop WBEN-Widder Brown 445 P.M. WBEN-Woman in My {House 1 500 PM CKLB-News; Santa Claus; Ballroom CJBC-Of All Things CKEY-News; Studio Party . CFRB-News; Cooking With The Stars WGR-News; Keaton; Interlude WBEN-Just Plain Bill 515 P.M. WBEN-Front Page Farrell 530 P.M. CKLB-Community News; Ballroom CBL-Jake and the Kid CJBC-News; E. Glover CKEY-Ballroom CFRB-Who Am I? WBEN-Lorenzo Jones 545 PM, CFRB-Strike Up the Band; News WGR-Curt Massey WBEN-Eddie Arnold Work n's News; ry Dallas Mary Mason ake ke A News Concert Show House Can Be ' Party of Life Party; Canadians In U.S. Temporarily Need Not Serve Ollawa (CP)--Temporary Cana- dian workers and Canadian stu- dents studying in the United States are not liable to serve in the United States armed forces, External Affairs Minister Pearson said in the Commons today. Detailing further information on U. 8. selective service laws, Mr. Pearson said bona fide students holding a student's visa and tem- "|the ©. porary workers, employed for less six months in the U. S., do not need to register for service. Replying to M. J. Coldwell, CCF leader, Mr. Pearson said that other than students and temporary workers, no person employed in 8S. is exempt from the country's. selective service laws unless there is a specific agree- ment between the U. 8S. and the country of which the person is a national. BIG ISLAND Madagascar off the east African coast, fifth largest island in the TUESDAY EVENING P.M. 6.00 P.M. 8.00 CKLB-News; Sports CKLB-Crime CKEY-News; Ballroom Pay CFRB-Santa Claus WGR-News; Sports; Outdoor Barometer; Curtain Call WBEN-News 6.15 P.M. CKLB-Supper Club CBL-News, Weather CFRB-Show Hits WBEN-Sports 6.30 P.M. CKEY-News; Ballroom CBL-Sunshine Society CFRB-News; Sports; Smoke Rings CJBC-Newc; Sports WGR-Lascelles Show WBEN-Capella Choir 645 P.M. CJBC-Byng's Christmas Music WGR-News WBEN-Three Star Extra 7.00 P.M. CKLB-Russ Morgan; Tel, Highlights CBL-Christmas Away from Home CKEY-News; CFRB-Beulan WGR-Beulah WBEN-Buffalo Quartet 7.15 P.M. WBEN-World This Week CFRB-Jack Smith WGR-Jack Smith I 7.30 PM. CKLB-Al McKaye CJBC-Army Show CKEY-Clyde Beatty CFRB-G. Murray WGR-Club 15 WBEN-World News 745 PM. CJBC-Peggy and Lou WBEN-One Man's / Family WGR-News CFRB-Kat eAitken CFRB-Insp. WGR-People America 8.15 CFRB-Lib. Interlude; Boardcast "8.30 Carnival WGR-Mr., Theatre Family CKEY-News CFRB-Home Range WGR-Luigi Ballroom |CKEY-Music CKEY-Music Bills ; 9.30 book CKEY-Music 10.00 Parade of Tops Prepeat) Theatre CFRB-Meet CBL-Nutcracker Ballet CJBC-E. Terry Singers WBEN-Cavalcade of CKEY-News: CKLB-Favorite Story Broadcast; CKLB-Favorite Story CJBC-Christmas Mrs. Hos) CFRB-Fun Parade CFR Sports Yarns WBEN-Hollywood 9.00 P.M. BL-King David CKLB-News; Hardy ble; P. Brooks . WBEN-Bob Hope 9:15 P.M. CKLB-Nom de Plume CKEY-Drama Workshop CJBC-Christmas Scrap- CFRB-To Be Answered WGR-Pursuit WBEN-F{bber McGea 9:45 P.M, CKEY-News; Sports; CKLB-News; CBL News; the King CJBC-Hollywood WBEN-Big Town WGR-¥ou Name It 1015 P.M. CKLB-1These Are Tops CFRB-Ralph Flannagan C.C.F. Talk CBL-News Roundup 10.30 P.M. CKLB-News; Sports CGL-Christmas Group Comes to Life CJBC-Dance Orch. CKEY-News; Sports; WGR-R. Q.'s Waxworks WBEN-Playhouse CFRB-Outdoors 1045 P.M. CKLB-The Unexpected CKEY-Hit of Day; ital Talk Does Not Hearthstone are funny M. Lester; P.M. C.C.F. P.M. North 11.00 P.M. CKLB-News; After Hours CBL-Northern Messenger CJBC-News CKEY-News ; Midnight Express CFRB-News; Tumpane WG. -News WBEN-News Election 1L15 P.M. CJBC-The King (repeat) WGR-Late Sports; Bowling Briefs WBEN-Late Sports; CFRB-Headliners 1130 P.M. CJBC-Prelude to Dreaming CFRB-News; Sports Merry Go Round WGR-Glacy's Basement 12.00 MIDNIGHT CKLB-News; .After ; L. Rum. on the Box P.M. Box P.M. Bands These Are CKEY-News; House Party CFRB-News; Sports; Merry Go Round WGR-News; Glacy's Basement WBEN-News; Orch. Millie Forward Bible Class Elects Officers for Year Correspondent Columbus, Ont. -- The Forward Bible Class held their Christmas sacial evening in the basement. Mrs. T. Pereman was in charge of the worship service. Carols were sung and Mrs. R. Ratcliffe was the speaker of the evening. Election of officers took place and the slate for the New Year is as follows: Teacher, Mr. P. G. Pur- vis; President, Mr. R. Ratcliffe; Vice-Pres., Mrs. E. Powell; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. W. Holliday; Asst., Mrs. W. Scott; Pianist, Mrs. R. Ratcliffe. The December meeting of the Home and School Association was held in the school with a very en- couraging attendance. Mrs. A. C. McKenzie in the chair, the meet- ing opened with the singing of *'O Canada' followed by the Lord's Prayer. During the evening arti- cles on hand from the bazaar were auctioned. A vote of thanks was given to the conveners of the bazaar. The program consisted of a piano solo by Katharine Han- cock, reading by Carolyn Powell, and songs by Mr. McLeod and the boys of the school with Mrs. W. Scott at the piano. The door prize was won by Mrs. George Hayes. Lunch was served by the committee in charge and the usual social hour spent. The Women's Association held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. A. C. McKenzie. The meet- ing was held jointly with Mission- ary Society who provided the Worship Service for the meeting. Mrs. Webber favored with a solo, a reading was given by Mrs. A. Smith and Mrs. A. McKenzie con- ducted a short Xmas contest. At the close of the business period the report of the nominating com- mittee was read by Mr. Rickard and. the officers for the New Year are as follows: President, Mrs. T. Flett; 1st Vice., Mrs. A. C. Mc- Kenzie; 2nd Vice., Mrs. E. Mec- Cormack; Secretary, Mrs. W. Hol- liday; Asst. Sec., Mrs. C. Naylor; Treas., Mrs. S. Murison; Pianist, Mrs. Gordon Evans; Asst., Mrs. I. Orminson; Flower Comm., Mrs. H. Hayes and Mrs. J. Hayes; Manse Comm., Mrs. J. Lambert, Mrs. Harold Hayes and Mrs. C. Shaw; Visiting Comm.. Mrs. White- oke, Mrs. N. Gimblett, Mrs. E. White, Mrs. J. Lambert and Mrs. E. McCormack. Representative to official Board, Mrs, T. Flett. Press Sec., M. Dyer. The meeting was closed by the use of a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction after which the com- mittees in charge served lunch and the usual social hour was spent, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nesbitt and children attended the wedding of Mrs. Nesbitt's sister, Miss Hazel McCrea on Saturday afternoon in Prince Albert Church to Mr. Wil- liam Smiley of Port Dalhousie. During the Church Service on Sunday morning a very inspiring White Gift service was presented by the members of the Sunday School. This was arranged under the leadership of Mrs. Rickard. Each class of the school had bas- kets of white gifts which were pre- sented. Members of the congrega- tion was presented gifts of money to the Spirit of Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. G. Notenboom are happy with ¢he Christmas present a daughter, Anne in the Oshawa Hospital last week. We are pleased that Mrs. Gim- blett was able to return home from the Jospital at the end of the week. FLIGHT CUT SHORT | London (CP) A passenger plane took off -for New York but turned back and landed shortly after. One of the passengers said he felt ill and was unable to face the Atlantic crossing. BE PREPARED FOR world, has an area of 228,000 square miles. . 3 Farewell Party Held at Raglan MRS. WALTER SLUTE Correspondent Mount Carmel. -- On Saturday night, December 15, the Communi- ties of Mount Carmel and Raglan held a. presentation in the Raglan Hall for Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnard and family of Mount Carmel who have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Metheral of Whitby, and are moving to Port Perry. Mrs. A. Slute read the address and Mr. and Mrs. Barnard and Lola were presented with a floor lamp on behalf of the Community. Mrs. Barnard and Lola each re- ceived a beautiful cup and saucer from the W.A. of which they were both members. Wishing The Times-Gazette staff a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, . Mr. and Mrs. Barnard and Lola thanked their many friends and neighbors, Lunch was served and a pleasant evening spent by all We will miss the Barnard family, but wish them' much happiness in their new home, On Friday afternoon, December 21, the school children enjoyed a Christmas party at the school. They played games and contests and ex- changed gifts. Each child was giv- en a bag of candy by their teacher, Mr. Slute. All went home very hap- py and looking forward to the Christmas holidays. We have plenty of snow for Christmas which will be greatly enjoyed by the young people, and temperatures have dropped as low as 3s bdow in this district this week. Regent -- "Golden Girl," 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. Last complete show 'at 9:15. Marks -- "A Christmas Carol", 2:00, 4:40, 7:25, 10:10. "Gold Raiders", 1:00, 3:40, 6:25, 9:10. Last com- plete show at 9:00 p.m, Biltmore-- Mrs. O'Malley and Mr, Malone", 1:21, 4:11, 6:40 and 9:12 pm. "Apache Drums", (Techni- color) 2:30, 5:20, 7:49 and 10:21 p.m, Last complete show at 9:12 p.m. ] J 'CROSSWORD 3. Adverbial 22, Skill particle 23. Obstacle SILIYITIC[PIMTIAIS 4. Rubbish 27. Manner AISISIEIRIT | 5. In this place 29, The stitch- E 6. Animal's bird A foot 7. A wing 8. Swine 9. Escapable 10. Tropical plant DAILY ACROSS 1. Period of of time 6. Belonging to father 11. Worship 12. Living 13. A Siberian Mongol 14. Cart 15. Diocesan center 16. Ovum 17. Transgress (biol) 18. Ornamental 18. Droop in girdle the middle 21, Talk 19. A sudden, 24. District huge attorney snowslide (abbr.) 20. Xdentical 25. Topaz hum- ming-bird 26. A pasture grass 28, Street urchin 31. Social group 33. Showy tree (Hawaii) 35. Antlered animal 36. Mother 37. Tavern 38. Leg joint 39. Writing fluid 41, Sailor 43. Twist 46. One who gives 50. Scotch chieftain 51, Harden 52. Meaning' 53. Locomotor ataxia DOWN 1. Cushion 2. Room in a harem 3 DAILY CRYPTOQUOTE--Here's how to work it: . AXYDLBAAXR SsLONGFELLOW One letter simply stands for another. In this example A is used for the three L's, X 'for thc two O's, etc. Single letters, apos~ j trophies, the length and formation of the words are all hints, Each day the code letters are different. A Cryptogram Quotation PFL APZHSLFU TLZWF KO 1US ATHH PFL MHFWWFS-OLJEFLMW. Saturday's Cryptoquote: ON EARTH THERE 1S NOTHING GREAT BUT -MAN----HAMILTON, WE Distributed by King Features Syndicate GIAINIUITRRTIEISIT A] AJR] [SIERRAISIHIEIN] 0]! IRIEIS| THRSIUIL 1A) 32. Piece out 34, Emmet 36. Fogs 38. Monetary unit (Swed.) 40, Persian coin 42. Mine entrance 44. Half ems Saturday's Answer 45. Tiny 47. Knob 48. Metallig rock 49, Property (L.) STARTS FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE OUT-SHINING 'Em ALL... A THAT HAS BROUGHT | JOY TO MmiLLiONS ! A new screen triumph! * One of the world's most loved character actors \ in a masterful portrayal of one of the world's most loved characters "SCROOGE™ BUGS BUNNY CARTOON Starts TODAY | GEORGE O'BRIEN | tue THREE STOOGES STARTS TODAY ab SCREENS NEN ee alone Uo terrific 3 rete ee Ng Nd SCREAM TEAM ws MR. MALONE" will tickle the nation's funriybone! I MARJORIE (ma keTTLE) JAMES (BATTLEGROUND) i MAIN-WHITMORE ANN DVORAK - PHYLLIS KIRK - CLINTON SUNDBERG DOUGLAS FOWLEY --ON THE SAME PROGRAM! win Willard PARKER - Arthur SHIELDS HEY KIDS! Special! Christmas Holiday Week Treat! COLORED COMEDY CARTOONS Added to our Matinees Only Every Day this Week PLEASE NOTE! DOORS OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY AT 3 P.M. * Merry Christmas To All! od

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