Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Dec 1951, p. 16

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TRH HI] HHI Tm io it (ii ail ill X30 I | | (Te lil, A 8 ill LLL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 19% [1] goa img ot | ELL . Coll li BOY'S STATION WAGON CAR, excellent condition. Dial Seq, ' c CHOW PUPPIES, BEAUTIFUL thoroughbreds; reasonably priced. Dial 3-3864. (297c) BRAND NEW ELECTRO-AIR AND Eureka vacuum cleaners. Complete with attachments. Only §49.50 and up. Christmas. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (D.22) LARGE SELECTION OF BOXED chocolates, oranges, apples, candies, Christmas puddings and cakes. We have a large supply on hand. Visit Angi"s, 41 Gladstone Ave. (2951) $1 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD A SUN- beam Mixmaster, automatic toaster, iron or Shavemaster electric razor until Christmas, Easy terms. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe £. ' (Dec22) MUSIC, YOU GET TCHAIKOWSKY. | For permanents get Huyck"s. i (D22) PUREBRED COCKER SPANIEL puppies. These will make an ideal Christmas gift. Phone Bowmanville 2473. (2931) FOR MOTHER, THE NEW GEN- eral Electric Automatic Steam Iron. Actually 2 irons in 1. $27.50. Meagh- er's Electric. (Jan12) CHILD'S TRICYCLE, LARGE, good condition. Dial 5-2910. (298b) COCKER PUPPIES, REDS AND blonde; Gordene Acre Kennels, No, 7 Highway, Brooklin 18-R-15. (Dec 24) GIVE HER REVERE WARE, LIFE- time stainless steel, gopper-clad, rom Small deposit will hold until | 2317 FOR YOUR ELECTRICAL appliance gifts, see Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe North. Your Beatty Deal- er, Dial 5-1179. (292g) FOR CHRISTMAS BUY HER CAN- ada's finest and most advanced ven- etian blinds of Flexalum with wash- able Vinyl plastic tapes by Met-Wo Industries. Free estimates and instal- lations anywhere. J. W. Melley, 3- . (Dec 23) CHOOSE A COCKER SPANIEL puppy now for that Christmas gift. A deposit will hold till wanted. Wau- bena Kennels, new highway near Drive-In Theatre. (D29) LARGE-SIZED TRICYCLE WITH trailer; high chair; child's table and chair set. Apply 153 Central Park Blvd. (297b) TWO PAIRS MEN'S TUBE skates, sizes 5 and 8, Phone 7818, ) c §1 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD AN electric blanket or Northern Electric mantel or combination radio until Christmas. Easy terms. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (D.22) ROLLER CANARIES, CONTEST singing birds, priced for any purse. Christmas special, 1 bird and cage, $18. G. F. Mercer, 40 Fairbank St. Dial 5-5137, evenings. (295d) 12-GAUGE BELGIAN BROWNING automatic shotgun; 1 600x16 4-ply Firestone tire. Dial 5-5229. Apply 108 Wilson Rd, N. (295¢) REMINGTON DUAL ELECTRIC razor, ivory; idea] Christmas gift. Dial 5-1902. (298a) utensils. Large stock to ch Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (Jani2) COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE. APPLY G. Burgess, Stephenson's Rd. 8, white house at tracks. (298c) REGISTERED PUPPIES, COCKER spaniels, Fox Terriers, smooth, Wal' :;r Fox Hounds. Knowlton's uels, Dial 3-8932. (Jan8) GIFT SUGGESTIONS Cups ond saucers, salt and peppers, Novelties, Chinese figurines. Come in end see our gift display, today. SCOTT'S RECORD BAR 23 Bond St. West (Dec22) FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Potted plants -- The finest selection in town, Azaleas, Poinsetties, Cycla- men, Lady Mac Begonias, Assorted Pans, etc., fresh cut. flowers, beautiful corsages, memorial wreaths. No home is complete without Christ- mas flowers, STACEY'S FLORIST C. S. JORDAN, Proprietor 120 ARLINGTON AVE, DIAL 3-3243 (2041) One Year's Subscription to THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE is the one gift for the WHOLE FAMILY GIFT SUBSCRIPTION CARDS SUPPLIED CALL CIRCULATION Dial 3-2233 (Dec24) 39--Articles For Sale CHRISTMAS TREES, SCOTCH Pines, various sizes and prices. Ap- ply Wilbur Miller, 123 Brock St. E. (Dec22) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 St. N. Dial 5-1179. NEW MOZART PIANOS, APART- ment size, a small deposit will hold until Christmas. Easy budget terms ,arranged. Barons' Radlo & Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. (D22) CHRISTMAS TREES, SPRUCE, while they last $1 each. Dial 5-2800. (295¢) RECESS BATH TUBS $79, TOILETS $43, wash basins, sinks $10, new. 3-7088. (Jans) CHRISTMAS TREES, BEAUTIFUL Scotch Pine or Spruce. Delivered. Phone 3-9954. (D24) CHRISTMAS SPECIALS TELEVISION & RADIO 10-inch ADMIRAL table model 10-inch ADMIRAL 16-inch ADMIRAL Demo! See the new. Sparton and Admiral Television models 17-in. and 20-in. Very special installation prices on T.V. aerials until Christmas. One only Pye Radio phonograph, a ee A $209 $129 One only Ingersoll washer, new floor sample Philco 8-tube long and short wave radio, one owner 45 Only J We have a good stock of iroms, toasters, kettles, mantle radios, etc., at special prices. FOWLER RADIO & TELEVISION "The Television Specialist' 25 BOND W, AT PRINCE DIAL 5-1685 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS for quick sale to clean factory, $5 or $3 lots. Delivered. Dial 3-7391. (Jan20) HARDWOOD, 1 FT. AND 4 FT. lengths, also mixed slabs, 2 cords cut short and delivered, $34. Phone Bethany 18-R-33, (Jan2) (295e) '| MARTIN 60, 732 H.P. OUTBOARD 5. condition, $17. (298b) motor, first-class Phone 5-4330. A jolly good way to remember your friends and relatives this Christmas is to give them Books of Famou. Players Theatre Tick- ets. They are good the year round and come at- tractively boxed in gift cartonefges. The cost is small the pleasure given. Books may be both Adults and are accept- compared with purchased for and Children, able at all Famous Players Thea- from Coast to tres Coast. Now ON SALE Af the. Regent eatre Box Of- fice or Dial 3- 3021 for imme- diate delivery. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN BOOKS FOR ADULTS FROM ..$2.25 (289tf) 39--Articles For Sale TOYS! Rummoli 'Games 98c Twin Gun Sets (with holsters) $4.95 up Bronco Horse $2.49 HARRIS Cor. Oshawa Blvd. and Alice DIAL 5-1522. Open Daily Until 9 p.m. (297) 39a--Fuel Wood DRY MIXED SLAB WOOD, $4.50 per single 'cord. Dial 3-3649. (Dec 24) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVEN OIL, FUEL OIL, PROMPT daily deliveries, new drums and taps available. Cities Service Oil Prod- ucts. Dial 3-9443, (Dec31) 41--Articles Wanted SCOTTISH MOTHER WITH FOUR little children just arrived, urgently wants a good washing machine, low priced if possible. Phone 3-3781. (297b) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, *heate¥s, cook stoves. 2¢ Bond St. W., Dial 863 (Jadhi5) RAGS, SCRAP IRON, METAL, PA. per, etc, bought. Immediate service, Dial anytime, Jack (Jake) Shaw, 824 Rowena St. (Jan1) GOOD (SED FURNITURE WANT. ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat. ers. B68 King West. Dial 05-0132. (Dec15) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS * Want to buy all kinds of Wind In. struments as used in Bands and Orchestras, Highest prices paid. Write or ship your instrument for valuation to Waterloo Music Co. Limited Recent Bride, | Groom Honored By Solina Folk GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent Solina--Friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Messrs. Roy and Charles Langmaid on Sat- urday night to honor Charles and his bride of recent date. Bruce Taylor was chairman of the even- After calling the assembly to or- der, asked Harvey Yellowlees to read the address conveying best tending a welcome to Alma into our community. As a tangible token of the esteem in which they are held, gifts, a coffee table and satin ches- terfield cushion were presented by Rae Pascoe and Murray Vice, Sincere appreciation for these gifts and accompanying good wishes was expressed in suitable manner by the recipients. The remainder of the evening was spent playing cards and social chatting while some enjoyed. a sing-song around the piano with Faye Gilroy as the capable accompanist. Lunch was served by the boys. The Young People's Sunday School class presented the pre- Christmas worship service which opened Sunday School on Sunday afternoon. Miss Pearl Leach, who presided, was assisted by Miss Jean Montgomery who read the Scrip- ture passage and a poem, "The Inn- keeper's Excuse"; Bruce Taylor who read a story relative to the White Gift service of next Sunday; and Gladys Yellowlees who with Pearl sang the duet, "Star of the East"; Clristmas' carols were sung in this period with Miss Ileen Balson at the piano. Rev, Dr. Coburn of Ottawa spoke at the church service. His effective remarks were based on Matthew 25, the 40th verse, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me", The choir rendered the anthem, "O Bethlehem". Rev. G. Empey presided at the close of the Sunday School period for the election of officers. The superintendent, Mr. E. R. Taylor, was re-elected with Wes Yellowlees as his assistant. Murray Vice was re-elected to the office of secretary with Bruce Taylor and Ewart Leask as assistants. Rae Pascoe was also re-elected as the SS. treasur- er. | Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterbor- ough, was at home for the week end.' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Tink, Mrs. Addie Tink, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Leask, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and Mr, and Mrs. E. Cryderman at- tended the annual Holstein banquet at Blackwood. Mr, C. E. Shortridge attended the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Neal, at Toronto, Many from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Richard Pascoe on Friday. Interment was made in the Advent Cemetery here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees were Sunday evening visitors at Mr. Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and chil- dren visited Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Spires at Millbrook, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Petch of Aurora who were observing their silver wedding anniversary, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bray of Oshawa were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Walter Parrinder's. * Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery visited at Mr, Lloyd Ferguson's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox visited at Mr. Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. Mr. and 'Mrs. Reuben Hortop, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Hazel Harris. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Broome and sons visited at Mr. Wallace Mun- day's, Maple Grove. Mrs. H. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simpson visited at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Bow- manville, and Mr. Lawrence Squair 41--Articles Wanted PE -- HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out-of-town calls picked up free, Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals. 100 Annis St. east of C.N.R. Station. (Jan14) WANTED, BABY'S PLAY-PEN, IN good condition, reasonable, before Christmas, Dial 5-3224. (298a) WANTED, ELECTRIC TRAIN, good condition. Please phone 5-2361. (297) ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS. WE buy deer skins in season; sheep pelts, cow, calf hides. Dial 5-5873." - (Jan1b) WANTED, RAW FURS, LIVE poultry, feathers, scrap iron and metal. Dial 1. Turner, North Osh- awa, 35-4912 collect. (Déc6) RAGS, METALS, OLD. STOVES, furnaces wanted. Immediate piok- up. 222 Annis St. Dial 5-5313. (Jan3) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Jan16) 42--Female Help Wanted APAB GIRL FO! G housework and preparing meals, $20 weekly, Christmas Day free. For appointment dial 5-3568, (297t1) 43--Male Help Wanted ASSISTANT FOR CIRCULATION DEPT, Young man with ability to work with carrier boys and to learn the special- lized work of newspaper circulation. Should have chauffeur's license. Apply J. B. RODNEY TIMES-GAZETTE (29148; 46--Employment Wanted DD JO repairs, etc. You name the job, we Waterloo, Ontario | (D14.15, can do it. Phone Mr. Leger, 3-9768. aie) wishes for the future years and ex- | and Miss Ida Stephens, Salem, were Lg visitors at Mr. Roy S. The Y.P.U. meeting was held on Monday evening with the president, Bruce Taylor, in the chair for the exercises, and the business agenda. Mary Cryderman, Citizen- ship convener, led in the Christmas worship service. 'Jean Montgomery read the Scripture lesson and Ewart Leask read a Christmas story. At this time Donna Vice presided for the program which included a vo- cal duet by Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and Gladys Yellowlees; a humorous reading by Olive Cryderman; and harmonica selections by Bruce Tay- lor, Recreation was conducted by Ewart Leask. The officers for the Y.P.U. for 1952 are: Honorary president, Rev. G. Empey; president, Bruce Tay- lor; vice-pres., Jean Montgomery; treasurer, Murray Vice; secretary, Olive Cryderman; Faith and Evan- gelism convener, Betty King; Mis- sions and World Outreach, Don Taylor; Citizenship and Commun- ity Service, Joyce Abernethy; Stew: and Training, Gladys Yellowlees; Cultural and Recreation conveners, Pearl Leach, Elaine Spires, Donna Vice, Ewart Leask; planists, Joyce Abernethy, Jean Montgomery, Mary Cryderman; Auditors, Mrs. Harry Knox and Mrs, Ross Cryderman: Representa- tive to Official Board meetings, Harvey Yellowlees: Publications SoRveriers, Harvey and Lois Yellow- ees. To the editor and staff of The Times-Gazette and to the readers of this column "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", from the above correspondent. Marjorie Milner President Of W.A. At Scugog MRS. HOPE Correspondent Scugog Island. -- The Christmas Message will be given on Sunday morning at 11.15. You are invited to come. The choir will have a spe- cial message also. A Merry Christmas to all. The W.A. held its December meeting on December 12th in Grace Church with a good attendance. The following are the officers for 1952: President, Miss Marjorie Mil- ner; vicefpresident, Mrs. Russell Pogue; secretary, Mrs. Douglas Crozier; treasurer, Mrs. Baptism Service Features Sabbath M. HORN Correspondent Hampton--The Sunday morning church service was quite well ate tended and was in charge of our pastor, Rev. G. D. Empey, who conducted a * baptismal service when four children were presented. Stanley Clarence Yeo, infant son -of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo; Gary Alan Wilson, son of Mr, and Mrs, T. Wilson; Richard Warren Chant, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chant; and Debra Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds. The Juniors occupied the choir gal- lery and contributed a couple of selections, which were appreciated. Visitors at Mrs. E. Hawes' were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. P. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawforth, Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Glenny, Marion and Lois, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby; Mrs. Harvey Cor- den, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. O. Werry and Vernon, Caesarea. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hanna and daughter Rosellen, Haydon, visitel her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Or- ono with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kersey and son Jimmie, Toronto, with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, S. Kersey. A number from here attended the Goodyear Christmas Party 'in Bowmanville on Saturday after- noon, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn are leaving on Thursday to spend Christmas with their son, Dr. and Mrs. Walace R, Horn, and their granddaughter "Pattie" in oMnreal, Mr. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, was a visitor with "his sisters here last week. Many here are suffering from the flu in some form or other, which attacks adults and children alike. The weather has been cold and wintery over the week end. Crozier. All wish them the same good success as in the past. The lovely supper was very much en- joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gray of Man- chester visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, John Beckett, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Aldred vis- ited their uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Donald | Aldred, at Brooklin, on Sunday. North Oshawa Choir Elected 1952 Officers ELMA FARROW Correspondent North Oshawa -- Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crawford were host and hostess to the choir of North Osh- awa United Church on Wednesday eevning. The wives and husbands of the evenins, as well as some former choir members. After a half-hour of carol singing, a num- ber of hilarious games and con- tests were played. The election of officers for 1952 was as follows: Organist and choir leader, Mrs. S. C. Rundle; presi- dent, May Lutz; vice-president, Mr. E. Hurvid; secretary-treasur- er, Betty Tippett; librarians, Dor- een Crawford and Marylin Mof- fatt. With a suitable address signed by the choir, Mr. Crawford pre- sented Mrs. Rundle with a beauti- ful wall mirror to. which Mrs. Rundle replied with thanks for the gift and for the co-operation of the past year. was served. W.A. CHRISTMAS PARTY | The Senior W.A. of North Osh- |awa held a Christmas party at | the home of Mrs. Gerald Lang, in | the form of a turkey supper. Each | member contributed food and | work for this gay event. After supper games were played and ! comic prizes were won by Mrs. E. Math, Mrs. D. Hutcheon, Mrs. F, Crawford, Mrs. Sykes, Mrs. A. | Ward and Mrs. E. Hurvid. After | gifts were exchanged, the chair. was given to the Presbytery. The treasurer's report showed an in- crease in funds of $500 over last year. It was reported that a par- cel from the W.A, had been re- ceived by Mrs. Rundle's son who is in Japan with the RCEME. Mrs. Rundle thanked the group for the outstanding work that had been done during the past year and for the splendid spirit of working together in. harmony. She also thanked Mrs. Lang for kindly opening her home for this event. The meeting closed with the Mispah benediction. of choir members were the guests |. service when the Senior and Jun- ior W.A.'s will join in a candle- lighting service with the CGIT and Explorers. Miss Muriel Gifford, R.N., missionary, will be the guest speaker. ; 'ARTS' DISCOURAGING Ipswich, England (CP) -- The Ipswich Arts theatre has changed its name to plain 'Ipswich thea- tre." Authorities in this Suffolk town believe the word *'Arts" tends to discourage some of the public. COSTLY RABE i Deventry, England (CP) -- Charles Jeffery's automobile struck a rabbit, but when he stopped to pick it up he found it had already been seized by Eric Thompson. After a fight, both were fined for assault. Repairs and Service TO COFFIELD A dainty lunch | a short | | business period was held with the | | president, Mrs. S. C. Rundle, in| { Unfinished business of | the year was cleared. A donation | An event of interest will be held | on December 30 at the evening! WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS: 318 DUNDAS ST, E., WHITBY PHONE WHITBY 552 Memorials ® Markers nm---- Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Alr Unite 'Sales and Service to oll Mokes" DIAL 35-2734 RELIABLE GASOLINE ATTENDANT WANTED! ® PERMANENT POSITIO ® NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED ] Apply Box 145 Times-Gazette WANTED TO RENT or BUY RETAIL STORE LOCATION Large retail organization wants to locate in downtown section of Oshawa. Total area re- quired, 6,000 sq. ft. or more, basement or 2nd storey can be used to make up part of this area. Corner location: preferred. PLEASE REPLY TO BOX 144 TIMES-GAZETTE Calvert noi "MAY THE TRUE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS ALWAYS DWELL IN THE HEARTS OF MEN OF ALL NATIONS" Down through the years, Christmas in Canada has always been a time of family re-unions, a time of goodwill, a time of rejoicing. As we celebrate Christmas this year, the great family ox United Nations is gathered around the conference table to reach a goal of world understanding, It is our fervent hope that the spirit of our Cinadian Christmas -- the spirit of peace and goodwill, will prevail. With this in their hearts, nations and peoples will resolve their differences and, once again, rejoice in "peace on earth, goodwill toward men" \ ERS LIMITED, Amherstburg, Ont."

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