Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Dec 1951, p. 4

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Hans Let FR pose THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1951 ., PAGE FOUR "J. H. ORMISTON «Editor and Manager tn apes rp lan A gy Court Will Rule Whether a ne Bri Bey PHONE 703 RICT N EWS ROBT CORBETT News Editor PHONE 703 . Owner or Driver Liable & ia 3 i AY A li ' Judge F. J. MacRae yesterday re- "served his decision in ar ident '" damage case. The action was not, as customary, between the owners of ' 'two. 'automobiles, but was between 'the owner of a car who Is trying to "recover all or part of accident dam- © "ages he paid and the driver who it red appears was the chief cause of the accident, the defendant. His Honor ' will attempt to assess what liabil- ity, if any, lies with the driver of the car. - Plaintiff Edward John Hughes, 30, of 85 Cromwell Ave., Oshawa, told his story of what happened on the afternoon of November 17, 1950. . . At 2:30 in the afternoon, he was with his brother Bill and the de- fendant McCutcheon in an Osh- awa beverage room. They all had a drink or two. McCutcheon said he wanted to go to a place in East- ern Ontario and asked Hughes to take him there. At first Hughes would not agree to go but then con- sented. They started off eastward. Just past Bowmanville, Hughes said 1. he was tired from working nights r and wanted to turn around and +2 come home, But McCutcheon of- fered to drive his car and the trip was eontinued. At Newcastle, they vall went into another beverage room sfor two pints each. When they left the * hotel, they were all sober, Hughes testified. McCutcheon continued to drive but he came too close to approach- ing traffic to suit Hughes. Before reaching Welcome, he almost hit a car and Hughes then said he was going to take the wheel but could not do anything about it when Mec- # Gutcheon turned "a little ugly" and a 3 " AY De nw Weis = ict] et ."refused to give up driving. At the ~ Welcome turn, McCutcheon made too wide a turn and there was a collision with a "Segal" car. Defendant Earl. McCutcheon, 68 _ Montrave Avenue, Oshawa, was rep- resented by Russell Humphreys, i - K.C., while Joseph P. Marigan, K.C., appeared for the plaintiff. The . hearing was before Judge F. J. Mac- Rae without jury, because when the case appeared for hearing, it was chiefly a question of - law, rather su --than questions of fact, which had aul & Sg ote to be determined. On the witness stand, the de- fendant said he had never made . «any committment to assist Hughes to.pay any of his damages. He had no reasonable recollection of the wizs quantity of beer consumed on that a av AS aia w drive had been an; ol day but said they were all "pretty 'well lit" and that Jack asked him to drive the car. However McCut- 'cheon denied that his ability to way impaired by the liquor, including "four or five pints at Newcastlé", "McCutcheon 4.1 admitted that the accident was the hy Wa 4 i a 27 fesult of his faulty driving. He said that he had no driving permit at 'the time. A four-leaf clover is considered "lucky because its four leaves form a " Cross. ~ Mrs. Robert Anderson, Perry St., * wishes to express her deep apprecia- tion and thanks to the many kind 'friends' who sent cards, flowers and offered - expressions of sympathy while she was a 'patient in hospital; .especially to the Ladies' Auxiliary, . Canadian Legion, Whitby, members "of the Whitby High School staff and the Bennett Construction Company. (295a) RT. REV. A. R. BEVERLY Bishop of Toronto Who conducted confirmation ser- vice for a large class of candi- dates at the Church of All Saints' last Sunday. Brock Theatre Plans Annual Kiddies' Treat The Brock Theatre's Christmas mas gift to its youthful patrons will come in the form of a spe- cial free show next Saturday af- ternoon, Manager William Good- man said today. To accommodate everyone, two showings have been arranged. The first will be at one o'clock for pupils of Hill- crest, Dundas Street and St. Ber- nard's School. The second at 2:30 is for King and Brock Street Schools... In spite of the large number who will attend, Mr. Goodman is not going to draw any hard and fast line and also welcomes children from the dis- trict.. Santa Claus will visit the theatre at the conclusion of each show, Mine-Mill Union Returns Officers Denver, 'Colo. (AP)--The Inter- national Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Ind. sald yester- day its top officers have been re- turned to office in the biennal referendum election. All were re- elected for two-year terms. President John Clark of Great Falls, Mont., and vice-president Charles Wilson of Bessemer, Ala., were named without opposition. All members of the international executive board also were re- elected, 'and Nels Thibault of Sud- bury, was 'elected to the board for district eight. SUBMARINE SUCCOR At the height of its siege in the Second World War the Island of |. Malta was supplied to a large ex- tent by submarines. rg DEPARTMENT STORE WHITBY The MERCANTILE g : OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK BROC MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY Evening Shows 7 p.m, -- Last Complete Show 8.20 p-m. Paul DOUGLAS Linda DARNELL Joan BENNETT GIVE BROCK THEATRE GIFT ; FOR CHRISTMAS SALE AT OUR BOX CFFICE WHITBY PHONE 618 vw TICKETS § | First C. E. GOODE Board of Health WILLIAM DAVIDSON Library Board DONALD A. WILSON District H, S. Board WALTER A. THOMSON Planning Beard These four men were appointed last night by town council te be the | municipal representatives for 1952 on various civic Boards, United Church W.M.S. Had A Fine Year The Christmas meeting of the Woman's Association of {he United Church was held in the schoolroom. The president, Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, presided.. : Interesting and encouraging 're- ports. were brought in by treasurer and committee conveners. Dona- tions were voted to the Board of Stewards, the choir and the Sun- day School by the' Association. The Dorcas Group, under the leadership cf Mrs. H. Read, was. in charge of the programme. Mrs. Whittle read the Christmas lesson and several carols were sung. The speaker was the minister, Rev. R. J. Scott, who spoke on the two kinds of Christmas. Many, he 'said, lose the real meaning of Christmas with too much preparation and celebra- tion. The officers for 1952 were install- ed by Mr, Scott. They are: Hon. Pres--Mrs. R. J. Scott; Past Pres.--Mrs. Jas. Read; Pres.-- Mrs. H. T. Fallaise; 1st Vice-Pres.-- Mrs. R. H. MacCarl; 2nd Vice-Pres. --Mrs, H. Quantrill; 3rd Vice-Pres. --Mrs. 8. Murdock; Treasurer-- Mrs. L. Richardson, assistant-- Mrs. E. Bond; Corresponding Secre- tary--Mrs. C. Broughton; Record- ing Secretary--Mrs. E. R. Elliott; Press Secretary--Mrs. J. Moore, as- sistant--Mrs, H. C. Blanche; Litera- ture Secretary--Mrs. Leo Smith; Supply Secretary--Mrs. N. M, Lind- say; Temperance Secretary--Mrs. D. J. Kean; Service--Mrs. E. B. Killens; Devo- Qtional Conveners--Mrs. R. J. Scott and Mrs. Osborne; Broadcaster and Observer--Mrs. V. Johnston; Cards --MTrs. Thos. Farndale; Flowers-- Mrs. Jas. Anstey; Pianist--Mrs, R. Phair, assistant--Mrs." Howard; Kitchen Convener--Mrs. Wm. Elli- son; Parsonage Convener--Mrs, S. Murdock; Leader of Socidbility Group--Mrs. F. Allen-Bittle, : At the close of the meeting a so+ cial half-hour was enjoyed by all present, tthe Dorcas Group serving. Legion Hosts To Children Of Ex-Servicemen When Santa Claus, passing through town from the north, stopped at the Whitby Legion Memorial Hall last night he was greeted by close on 250 children of ex-servicemen who were guests of Whitby branch of the Canadian Le- gion at the annual Christmas party. The parents were there, too, and the hall was packed to the doors. To the accompaniment of the popular melody, "Jingle - Bells", Santa arrived with his back, and, after being assured that all the little boys and girls had been good since last Christmas, proceeded to dis- tribute gifts to all. Not one child was overlooked, for the committee in charge saw to that. A lovely Christmas tree stood on the stage. The welcome was extended by re- tiring president Harold Augustus, and -in the absence of President- elect Russell Johnston on account of illness, recording secretary Frank Threadgold marshalled the assist- ants. In the kitchen the ladies of the Auxiliary had assembled chocolate milk, sandwiches, cookies and what have you, while tea was provided for the adults, It was a great job distributing the refreshments on ac- count of the crowded hall, Prior to the arrival of Santa Claus pupils of Miss Harvey's School of Dancing entertained the audience and did a very nice job. On the whole the event was an outstanding success. : "Running the gamut" drived from use of gamut as a term for the eight notes of an octave. Chas. Bradley & Son Decorating Contractors ' For Efficient Service Call Scarboro 7125 Whitby 559 T. C. MYGLAND ciass painting and decorating Anterior finishes o Dundas St. WHITBY Phone 488 Convener of Social | t| Rec. Association Given Major Jobs For Coming Brooklin W.A. Elects Officers For Coming Year MRS. M. A. DYER, Correspondent Brooklin, Ont. -- The December meeting of the Woman's Associa- tion of the Brooklin United Church was held in the Sunday School room which was beautifully decor- ated for the Yuletide season. The president, Mrs. Wm. A. Heron, pre- sided. Miss Edna Burton of the Sun- shine Group conducted the worship service assisted by Mrs."W. C. Dyer, Mrs. E. Acton, Leader, and Mrs. A. Wilson. After the reading of the Scriptural passage telling of the] birth of the Christ Child, Miss Bur- ton reminded her audience of the crowded days that are being experi- enced at the present time and ask- ed if people were making room in the Inn of their heartts for the Christ today. Group leaders presented the year's reports, showing efforts on he part of the members to visit, to study, and to sponsor projects of interest. The $852 given to the treasurer represented much free- will giving on the part of each member, as well as remuneration from services rendered the com- munity in catering for ' banquets, weddings and teas. Rev. M. C. Fisher, pastor, con- ducted the election of officers for 4952 and expressed appreciation to the ladies for the work and inter- est in the church activities this past year. Plans were made for a "Pot Luck Supper" for the members and hus- bands to be held in the second week of January. Detailed notice later. Mrs, L. Bradley, the United Church Observer Secretary for the Association, reported thirty-four subscriptions for the year and 'en- couraged group leaders to keep be- fore their members this very splen- did church paper., Correspondence was read during the meeting regarding "the New Training School Campaign. This United Church School, situated in Toronto, is the only centre in Can- ada for the exclusive purpose of training women for all types of full- time work in the United Church, except the ministry, Since 1925 over three hundred women have grad- uated from the school, one hundred of these in the last six years, Fifty- one of the one hundred were uni- versity graduates, seventeen were registered nurses and thirty-two trained and experienced teachers, business women, music teachers, librarians or with some other spe- cialized training. More adequate ac- commodation is urgently needed to meet the demand for women church workers and the women of the church are asked to give this cam- paign their wholehearted support when it gets under way in the spring of 1952. Under the direction of the Reli- able Group, Mrs. Acton on behalf of Mrs, H., Jones, gave a reading, "Ruined or Redeemed". Following the closing the Lend-a-Hand Group Served the usual delicious afternoon a, The following officers were elect- ed for 1952: Past President--Mrs. DoE. Ham- er; President--Mrs, Wm, -A, Heron; 1st Vice-Pres--Mrs, N. Alves; 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs, F. Holliday; Rec- ording Secretary--Mrs, Arthur El- liott; Assistant Secretary--Mrs. C. Davies; Treasurer--Mrs. H. Mows= bray; Corresponding Secretary-- Mrs. C. Richardson; Peace Secre- tary--Mrs. Wm, Medland; Temper- ance Secretary--Miss L. Mowbray; Observer Secretary--Mrs. L. Brad- ley; Official Board Representative --Mrs. D. E. Hamer; Parsonage Committee--Mrs. A. J. Cook (Con=- vener), Miss L. Mowbray, Mrs. Ruby Sonley and Mrs. F, Holliday, Sunday School Committee--Mrs. N. J. White (Conyener), Miss A. Ol- ver, Mrs, F. Jones and Mrs, N. Alves, NO WARNING Mist or fine rain sometimes falls from a cloudless sky in tropical countries, , caused by cooling: of water vapor in the air, BIG OFFSPRING Greenland, Denmark's chief colony, is about 50 times larger than Denmark itself. 3 » Year Two major tasks were handed to the Recreation Association by Town Council last night. One is that the Director, Foster Kelsey, is expected by council to be the local Director of Civil Defence from now on and imposing' file of material thereon will be passed over to him. The second is that the Recreation body will be notified officially that the partly completed community swimming: pool "is now their baby" and they are responsible for its completion and operation. At the same time, council made final decision to pay the Association none of the $3,000 which it raised. for the Association by tax levy in the past year. For six months of this year there was no director and consequently no money was spent. Now, the finances of the Association are in condition to carry it to the end of the year and it would be im- proper municipal financing, out of harmony with similar practice with other local bodies, to pay over the $1,500 asked by the Association, council decided. If the 1952 council decides to continue the life .of the Recreational Association, it may (in January) fill requisitions for finances, A hoist into next year was given a request from the Recreational Association that the town hall be made available to it two evenings a week for use of the Badminton Club, It was indicated that a fee of $5 per night would be paid for the hall but Reeve D. B. McIntyre pointed out that $15 would be the actual cost of renting the hall and that it takes a half a ton of coal most nights to heat the auditorium. HOPEFUL FUTURE In his final words to the 1951 Town Council last night, retiring Mayor William Elliott offered his congratulations to the candidates who have been returned to office. Civic finances are in better shape than a year ago, he said and a tax reduction should be possible in the coming year. A recent interview with the Hon. Dr. McKinnon Phillips, Minister of Health, brought the promise that Whitby will receive an amount equal to its 1952 tax levy on the houses at the 'Ontario Hospital -- a matter which has been a bone of conten- tion for some years. "I feel that 1952 will see the es- tablishment of some industries for negotiations have been in progress," said His Worship, "I have great hopes that 1952 will be a banner year." After the meeting, the Mayor entertained the council at lunch. Collector of Taxes Miss Helena Richardson has been granted three months' leave of absence to allow for full recovery from a serious ill- ness, Action has already been taken on a request from a number of resi- dents of Cochrane Street for im- proved road. A letter from the County of On- tario discussing a Provincial- Muniscipal hail insurance scheme was set over for 1952 council to deal with. No action was taken on a sugges-- tion of Corporal Murray Bruce to the effect that many minor corner accidents could be prevented by designating some of the back streets as "through streets", A request for a grant from the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children was turned over to 1952 council. Authorization was given treasurer to invest $1,500 accu lated interest from the Allin fund, in Ontario Hydro bonds. | the 2629 Whitby. MU- | por RENT -- 8 UNFURNISHED estate | rooms. Whitby Day By Day Accounts of social events, any news items of local interest and names of visitors are appreciated PHONE 1708 CHRISTMAS SERVICES .. Holy Communion services are to be held in All Saints' Church Christmas Eve at 11.30 p.m., and on Christmas Day at 9.30 a.m. There will be a carol service on the evening of December 23rd. HOCKEY PRACTICE The ice at Kinsmen arena is now in perfect shape, Manager Gordon Hawes reports. «There will be junior and jpvenile hockey prac- tice tonight at six o'clock. Public skating begins tonight and every other evening this week. SEND FOOD PARCEL A Christmas food parcel has recently been sent by the Parish Guild of All Saints' Church to Rev. C. B. and Mrs. Snell in Whitby, England. HOLD TURKEY SUPPER Mrs. R., Vanstone was the con- vener of a turkey supper for the ladies of the Ladies' Aid of Whitby Baptist Church held in the Sunday School of the Church last Tuesday evening. Over 30 members attended. After an excellent supper gifts were exchanged; four of the members were presented with corsages, they were Mrs, Goldburn, group pres., and the three oldest members, all of whom were over 80 years young. They were Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Stiner. Following the din- ner .the regular meeting of the group was held. POWER INTERRUPTION An - over-loaded power circuit caused trouble in Whitby between 5:20 and six o'clock last night. Cause | of the trouble is believed to be an | overload caused by a rural power | line which goes through the local | sub-station, Frequent power inter- ruptions have been caused by this condition tlas fall. Plans are made to remedy The trouble but it is not | yet certain just when the work will be carried out. Canadian provinces this year will spend about $475,000,000 on highway construction and repairs, \ o ogo Whitby Classified FOR ROCK WOOL INSULATION- Rock Wool blown--Roofing--Asphalt and Slate. General Maintenance. Phone 2963. (Jan8) FOR INSULATION ROCKWONL, blowing, batts, call your local dealer Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street. Phone 2563. i (Jan1j) FOR SALE-LOGGING CHAINS, 1 truck tube, 750x20. Steel truck bump- ery muffler, other parts of "35 Ford car. 915 Green Street South, after 6. (295b) FOR SALE---GEESE FOR CHRIST- mas." Wagner cooking apples, $1.50 bushel, Norgrove Clemence, phone 866. (295a) FOR SALE--SHOULDER AND SHIN pads and hockey gloves; large size; half price; also men's skates, size 8. Phone 522 or 2669. (294a) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, spruce and pine, by St. John's Men's Club. Apply Edward's Booth, Port Whitby. (Dec22) LOST--IN KRESGE'S SATURDAY afternoon, parcel containing yel-low twin sweaters. Finder please phone Brooklin 136. Reward. (295a) (2952) LOST IN WHITBY SUM OF MON- ey tied with elastic band. Reward. Finder kindly leave at Times-Gazette office, Whitby. (293c) WANTED LADY COMPANION FOR elderly widow, light housekeeping du- ties. References required. Phone (294c) Apply 109 Centre Street S., Whitby. (205) SKATING , . . Opening Night . . . Kinsmen Arena WHITBY TONIGHT, Tuesday, Dec. 18 AT 8.00 P.M. AND EVERY EVEN! {G THIS WEEK COME ON OUT FOR THE FIRST SKATE OF THE SEASON 1 ADMISSION 25¢ - MRS. M. A. DYER, Correspcadent Brooklin, Ont. -- The Young Peo- ple's Union of the Brooklin United Church held their meeting in the Sunday School room last Tuesday evening and it took the form of a Christmas party. After a wonder- ful worship service conducted by Norma Harris and Don Patterson the meeting was turned over to tle president, Ray Hodson, to discuss the business on hand. The slate of new officers for the year 1952 was presented and approved. A rerort was given the play committee and after a brief discussion of the financial standing of the Union the business was closed. Rev. M. C. Fisher was called cn and he favored the meeting by showing some beautiful slides of the | Birth of Christ. The members enjoyed many laughs as the comical gifts were opened and the meeting closed with a delightful lunch served by Miss Verna Sonley and Jeannie Duval Members of the Young People's Union of the United Church had charge of the evening service Sun- day as they held their annual cffi- cers installation service. Tre service was led by John Medland, assisted by Ray Hodson and Ann Goodwin. This was followed by a very stir- ring address by Mrs. J. H. McKin- ney. The installation of officers was conducted by Rev. Mr, Fisher and the service was closed witth a can- dlelight service led by Miss Mad- lyn Wilcox, © The officers of the Ycung Peo- ple's Unicn for 1952 will be as fol- lows: President--Ray Hodson; 1st Vice- Pres.--John Medland; 2nd Vice- Pres.--Donald - Patterson; Secre- tary--Loreen Stanton; assistant Secretary--Norma Harris; Treasur- er--Bill McAndless; Pianist--Lois Harris; Assistant Pianist--Helen Alves; Publication Ccnvener--Lyle Stevenson; Conveners, Faith and Evangelism--John Medland and Ann Goodwin; Stewardship and Training--Merle Ormiston and Geophrey Holt; Citizenship ana Community Outlook--Don Patter- son and Bill McAndless; Mission and W.rld Outreach--Verna Son- ley and Loreen Stanton; Culture and Recreation--Ray Hodson and Ncrma Harris; Social Convenors-- Loreen Stanton, Jack Lee, Marjor- ie Hall, Melveen Fisher and Jeanne Duval. ABC GROUP The December meeting of the AB.C. Group of the Woinan's As- sociation of the United Chun was held at the home of Mrs. Cliver Graham on Wednesday evening, December 5th, with thirty members and one visitor present and took the, form of a Christmas party. Mrs. C. S. Tuomp:on, as leader, opened the meeting by candlelight and all joined in the singing of "Silent Nizht" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem", Mrs. F. Hill had charge cf the devotional period and - took as her theme the Christmas story. Mrs. W. A. Heron gave the Scripture reading and this portion of the meeting closed with prayer. Roll call was answered by. each member naming their favorite Christmas carol. Several Christmas hymns were sung. Mrs, Wm. A. Heron presided for the election of officers and Mrs, C. Davies presented the slate cf of=- ficers for the year of 1952 as fol- lows: Leader--Mrs. Wi, Medland; As- sistant Leader--Mrs, Wm. Ormis- ton; Secretary--Mrs. D. Crawford; Treasurer--Mrs. John Hall; Ex- pense Treasurer--Mrs. H, MacPher=- son; Social Secretary--Miss L, Mowbray; Quilt Committee--Miss A. Olver, Mrs. W, Ormiston; Nom- inating Committee for 1952: Mrs, V. Parkin, Mrs. Biggs and Mrs, Al- dred. As there were no moire nomina- tions frem the floor, these officers were declared elected. The January meeting of the (Continued on Page 5) WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant WATER HEATERS - FARMS INSTALLATIONS - FIXTURES Phone 650 Whitby F. MUNRO Warden THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE OPENING OF FAIRVIEW LODGE (THE NEW ONTARIO COUNTY HOME) AT WHITBY, ONTARIO . BY . The Hon. Leslie Frost, Prime Minister of Ontario AND The Hon. Wm. A. Goodfellow, Minister of Public Welfare ON Wednesday, December 19, 1951 at 3:00 p.m. THE BUILDING WILL BE OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION ON Wednesday December 19 from 3:30 - AND Thursday, December 20 from 2:90 - 4:00 and 7:00 - 9:00 n.m. K. M. READ Superintendent 5:00 p.m. WM. G. MANNINS Clerk-Treas. Cologne 3. 5. 8. "Brock St. N.,, Whitby - fresh as all outdoors... Woodhue for a lovely lift, an enchanting gift { Parfum 6.50 10. 18. ..in "Fabergette" 3.0C Ensemble of "Fabergettc purse app...alor iiicd with perfume, gift boxed with matching cologne, 4.75 the set i COURTICE PHARMACY Your 1.D.A. Store' Phone 2394 G Brooklin Young People Hold Impressive Installation |

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