TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1 951 THE DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE PAGE SEVEN In The hy Pictured at a Happy Moment During the Military Ball Held by 11th Armoured Regt. ~ OF INTERES -------------- Personals Accounts of social évents and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Meens, Madison Avenue, were week-end guests at the Cooley and Trever- ton homes in Thurlow Township. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morim and sons, Allan and Gary of Sintaluta. Saskatchewan, are guests at the home of Mrs. Morim's brother, Mr Maurice Proctor, and Mrs. Proc tor, Mary Street. Mrs. Gordon Hawkshaw and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Naylor, of Toron- to, spent Sunday visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw, Kingsdale Avenue, and attended the baptism of their small nephew, Bobby Morey, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Street. Mrs. E. A. Middlemass, son Avenue, won the door prize, 'Dress Blues' Parade At Military Ball For the First Time The Warrant Officers, Staff Ser- geants and Sergeants of the On-| tario Regiment, 11th Armoured Regiment, allied with the Welsh Regiment were hosts at a formal military ball held in the Hotel Gen- osha last Friday evening. The new dark blue dress uniforms | of the officers, warrant officers and | chronically ill, a week-end beauty kit at ahe pre- Christmas At Home held by Mrs. H. E. W. Brownlee, Madison Av- enue, on Friday. Assisting the hostess was Miss Joan Blair, who | kept the door and Mrs. H. E. Groves and Mrs. Bert Edwards who greeted the guests as they ar- | rived. VON Monthly Report Shows 336 36 Visits The pier meetin meeting ot the board of the Victorian Order of Nurses | was held yesterday afternoon in| |the Oshawa Public Utilities Com- | mission board room. Miss Edna Knutson, supervis- | ing nurse, reported that during ' November 336 visits had been | made. These included 158 to the 59 to medical and | Mrs. R. J. Smith has arrived in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she will spend the winter months. Before leaving Mrs. Smith was entertained at the home of Mrs. Ferd Kunkel, by her Cloyd Morey, | Grier- friends. | sergeants made a perfect contrast |surgical cases, 3 to cancer cases, to the lovely pastel gowns worn by| 77 for the purpose of supervising | their ladies. The new uniform is of | mothers in the care of herself and | Cards were enjoyed during the evening and a presentation of a black morocco handbag and cos- Highlight of the Military san neld by the Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants of the 11th navy blue serge. It has a stand-up the infant. collar, gold regimental buttons, gold rank insignia, and a broad yellow | new cases admitted, stripe down the trousers signifying | an armoured regiment. Special guests included Lt.-Col. and Mrs, E. Pearson, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. E. F. Bastedo, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. A. G. Coulter, Major and Mrs. W. Higgins, Major and Mrs. J. R. Carson, Major and Mrs. E. R. Flewelling, and Sgt. A. A. Hurst, 29th Tech. Sqdn. RCEME, Oshawa. At intermission Sgt. Stanley Skea, orderly sergeant for the evening, introduced SSM J. R. Homes who was chiefly responsible for the suc- Homes in turn introdr~ed *"» ™- mental Sergeant Major M. J. R.' guests, American Beauty roses were pre- sented to Mrs. A. G. Coulter by Mrs. Mrs. J. R. Homes and to Mrs. Homes by Mrs. J. H. Jonassen. Out-of-town guests representing Toronto Regiments included RSM and Mrs. F, Whigmore, 48th High- landers; Sgt. and Mrs. J. H. Mur- phy, Irish Regiment; Sgt. P. Ku- senko and Miss Fern Stoddert, Queen's York Rangers; SSM and Mrs. R. A. Westoner, Queen's York Armoured Regiment was the pr Rangers; RSM and Mrs. J. Barnes, Queen's Own Rifles; RSM and Mrs, of of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums to three of M. J. R. Barker; to Mrs. Barker by | Barker, O.B.E, who welcomea Gu I Bo nurses had accom- | tume jewellery were made to Mrs. Smith. Lunch was served these were |by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. sub-divided into 22 medical, 3 sur-| A. Brown and Mrs. Reg Smith, gical, 1 pre-natal, 8 obstetrical for | Jr. Mrs. Smith motored to the service and nine new born for | South from Syracuse, N.Y. health supervision, making a total | her sister, Mrs. A. W. Becker, of 504 cases admitted to date this that city. year compared with 479 last year, Fees collected for the month to- talled $220.50 made up of $25.00 | for Metropolitan Life Insurance| cases and $195.50 for all other ser- vices. Last year the fees totalled | $167.50. Fully paid visits totalled 105, partly-paid, 88, MLI 25, the During the period there were 43 Knox W.A. Re-elects Mrs. Jas. - McConnell visits. Miss Knutson stated that four | Church at its regular meeting held | recently. panied the VON nurse on a total of | _ The other officers are so follows: During the evening bouquets of | 72 Visits and had each received two | ier vice-president, Mrs. Jack ohnston; second vice-president, rs. Fred McKee; secretary, Mrs. . M. Soanes; treasurer, Mrs. | James Cormack; card secretary, Mrs. J. Taylor; flower convener, Mrs. J. W. Heath; pianist, Mrs. W. C. Young; purchasing commit- tee, Mrs. W. R. Archer, Mrs Lorne | Hewson, Mrs. W. F. Taylor. The Union of South Africa has| Mrs. James McConnell presided six universities with an average |at the meeting and let in prayer. total enrolment of more than 20,000 | The scripture was read by Mrs. students, A. J. Campbell. days observation period. 132 Mr. William Boddy, president, | M presided at the meeting and Miss | Kate Connolly read the secretary's report AFRICAN SCHOLARS with | of | Mrs. James Tm was re- | balance were free and no charge | elected president of the Woman's goss of the dare. Sergeant es | Association of Knox Presbyterian | the ladies present. Top right shows Mrs, J. R. Homes who has just presented flowers to Mrs. M. J. R. Bar- ker. To the left, Mrs, Homes holds the roses she has received from Mrs. J. H. Jonassen and, below, Mrs. Barker and Mrs. A. G. Coulter admire the bouquet she has just been given. The husbands smile and look R. Thompson, Governor-General's Horse Guards. on admiringly. The guests danced to Bernard Tierney's orchestra which featured --Times-Gazette Staff Photo. Gnoups, Clubs, a P. M. A. CLUB Mrs. Charles Wells presided at this week's meeting of the Pleas- ant Monday Afternoon Club. Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs. Thomas Wilcox. Mrs. French was presented with a piece of sil- ver on the occasion of her silver wedding anniversary. The Christmas party was held with Mrs. George Lee as convener. Mrs. Clement Hewett gave a read- ing, "The Christmas Star." Mrs. Ellegett sang 'The Holy City." Mrs. John Callison and Mrs. Ben Jacklin sang a duet, "O Little Town of Bethlehem;' Mrs. Kay Woodward and Mrs. Doris Law sang "It Came Upon the Mid- night Clear;" Mrs. Olive Harrison, Mrs. George Lee and Mrs. R. Col- lison sang "Joy to the World;" Za GIVE HIM $36.00 -- CHARGE IT! BURNS CREDIT JEW_.LLERS LIMITED 32 KING ST. W, DIAL 3-7022 Miss Louise Thompson as soloist. Mrs. Sidney Snelgrove sang "sil-| and the Christmas cake inscribed ent Night." { "Merry Christmas' was cut by| The members exchanged gifts | Mrs. W. J. Collins. Want to buy, sell or trade? A | Classified Ad, the deal is made, For Your Holiday Entertaining enjoy the extra. quality an of Tender Leaf Tea Bags! Christmas is one season you should never be without Tender Leaf d convenience Tea Bags! Flatter your gus the exquisite cup quality--finest fragrant Orange Pekoe. Enjoy the extra convenience and economy -- no measuring beforehand, no muss after serving. Get a supply of Tender Leaf Tea Bags today. Ask aboot oor Chprshmas LAY-AWAY PLAN $1.00 "lay-away" deposit holds any gift in our store for Christmas delivery. SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SELECTION OF Verl-T in "DAINTY FLEX" -- 10 kt. fold: top, stainless ay tru bracelet $52.59 BURNS 32 KING ST. W. \ 3 Veri-Thin "SHADOW" Verl-Thin "POWE! -- 10 kt. gold-filled top, FLEX" -- 10 kt. Jem stainless Guildite back filled top, stainless y 75 expansion bracelet RN CREDIT JEWELLERS LIMITED DIAL 3-7022 |Her 85th Birthday Just 'Anither One' To 'Grandma' Weyrich | Celebrating her 85th anniversary yesterday was "just another birr- Jhday" to Mrs. Andrew Weyrich, | Ritson Road North. A resident of Osnawa for 26 years this re- markable woman has lost none of her Scottish brogue, and in a broad Aberdeen accent she in- formed a reporter that she was born at Lochside, Portlethen, Kin- cardineshire. MRS. ANDREW WEYRICH | The former Margaret Masson was fourth of a family of 13, sev- | eral of whom are still living in Scotland. She has three daugh- ters, Mrs. Bert Ball (Peggy), of Vancouver; Mrs. Donald Mec- Naughton (Lottie) and Mrs. David Carrie (Bette), both of Oshawa, and two grandchildren. | "Grandma' to all her friends, Mrs. Weyrich enjoys remarkable health and does all her own | housework and cooking. She can see and hear well and takes a | lively interest in all the local news | and her favorite radio programs. |. For her birthday yesterday she uel a small family party, and taken aback when the photo- ner called to take her picture. "I never saw the like of the | thing," she laughed, "I certainly don't feel like 85." Reminiscing a bit about her girlhood in the *'auld country," Mrs. Weyrich said that in Loch- side, which was only a small fish- ing village they all had far more fun than the young people "over here." "Of course, kind of fun. On Christmas Eve we all went around visiting from one house to the next. Every- it- was a different | Her good health she attributes to simple living. "I have never taken * wines or spirits or smoked tobacco," she said. "Some think the smoking soothes the nerves, so maybe it's all right for them, but I have-no need of it." She admitted that she did en- joy "a good cup o' tea." HOUSEHOLD HINT II starch: sticks to your iron and scorches, making it hard to work and using up extra current and effort, let the iron cool, then run it over a waxed paper (paraffin dislodges starch); - lastly, wipe clean with a soft cloth. If some starch still remains, soften it with beeswax, then scrub with soap- suds or very mild scouring pow- der, using only a very little water. Jury & Lovell brings Paris te you vie MONTE CARLO'S See "Bali Bali" today in cur exciting Perfame Dept. A Most Wonderful Perfume Jury & Lovell 8 King E. Dial 3-2245 530 Simcoe 8S, Dial 5-3546 body knew everybody else." Jack SIMCOE ST. N. Make "HER" The Happiest and Proudest Woman in Town 3 There is no FINER WAY to express your love and appreciation than to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" with a SBeatty AUTOMATIC WASHER Order NOW For Christmas Delivery! "Look For The Store With The Yellow Front" ROLLS ON CASTERS NO INSTALLATION * USES LESS HOT WATER ONLY ONE CONTROL 5 YEAR GUARANTEE on FLEXATUB WASHES CLEANER BANISHES WASHDAY COSTS LESS BUDGET TERMS! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! DDULPH DIAL 5-1179