951 THE DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE PAGE FIFTEEN . TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1 | -- | Vv, n | Il I al anil! wali * (iil i i I 1 HHI ili HAL jn | 7 Lotti He Ui 'or ih atl ) thi Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1==Architects En ARCHITECTS, HANKS & TRWIN, 47 Prince Streai, Oshawa Phone 3.9742. Also 284 Boor St. Ww. To. ronto. Phone LY. T7155. (Decl2) 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH Chartered Accountants, 37 King st ©. Dia) 5-4662 R Gordon W. Rieht, C. A., Resident Partner. (Dec8) 1b--Accountants' : LYNCH AND COMPANY, COM- plete Bonkkeeping and Accounting Service, Economy for the small busi- St. 8. Dial 5-411. ness. 458 §imcoe A Dect) 3--Barristers % LOUIS 8. HYMAN, K.C.. BARRIS: ter, etc., Alger Bldg., 37 King Street Mortgage Loans Arranged. 8--Building Trades PAINTING AND PAPER HANG: ing, sponge ceilings, stripping, re. pairs, clean work guaranteed. F. Van Horn. Dial 5-4931. (Janll) FOR MODERN AND FIRST CLASS lastering ard stucco contracts, dial -2144. No job too small. (Dec21) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS. For immediate service call Ontario Plastering Contractors, Dial 5-5711. (Dec30) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, stucco and cement plastering. D Robinson. Dial 5-0351. (Dec2) SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED, IN. stalled and serviced. Phone 5-3546. (Dec2) CARPENTER WORK, CUP- boards, repairs, alterations of all kinds. James Clarke 5-1754. (Dec!) PLASTERING, STUCCO, RE- pairs, Plastering, waterproofing foundations. Blocks laid, cement work Prompt service. Rental mix- er. Lilley Bros. (D15) CARPENTER WORY¥, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Fhone 5-3917 (Dec27) fice 3-4943; Residence Office (Janb McGIBBON & BASTEDO, BARRIS- fers and Solicitors. Clients funds vailable for first mortgages. Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-3566. Char- les C. McGibbon, K.C., Edgar F. Bastedo. oo (Dec24) CONANT & CONANT, BARRIS. ters and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con- ant, K.©., Roger G. Conant, B.A. Of tices: Oshawa, Ont, '7% Simcoe >t 2 . Ajax, Cat., phone 25. S., Dial 38-2227; AJ p oe 25 K.C., BAR- | | RD. HUMPHREYS, rister. Solicitor, etc, 6 King St West. Phones: Office, Dial 5-1177; Residence Dis} Sls Money to Jorn chyn, LA. Assoc George 3 Baychy! nee ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C., RALPH s. Jones, B.A. 18% ging St. E Dia) 2260. , 3-1235. Money to loa 3 Res. 3 y oan AW. S. GREER, K.C., BARR.S. ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 King Stree Hast Dial 5-4717, Residence 30 a 3 B A. Sc. residence 5- M.. Greet (Decl10) #7. SALMERS, S.A. BARRIS. tar, Solicitor, etc., 18's Simcoe Street : office 5-3741, residence north. Dial: of idence | | CREIGHTON, PRASER & DRYNAN, garrister &c, Nank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C. N , K.C., G. K. Drynan, C. Fraser, Decl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan. or fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa * , sidence Dial 5-3405. Dial 3-9232. Reside! i A ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. Solieitor, 11 King East, Room 2 Diat: Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Del) Aga. PARKHILL AND J. A. Youth, Barristers -Mortgage loans National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- cos North. Dia) 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. (Decl) MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRIS. ter Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Bassett Block, Suite No. ¢. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Decl) 4--Chiropodists ; JAMES A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF | Surgical Chiropody. Specializing in foot and leg diseases. Foot orthope- dist, X-ray diagnosis. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621. we (Decl) 4; --Chiropractors LEO LT KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE St Closed Wednesday afternoons Open evenings. Dial 3-2634 _(Dec23) 5--Dentists PETER E, WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily. | Saturday morning. Dial 3-863. or 3 3792. (Decl) Sa--Engineers Li CE. OLIVE, CONSULTING PRO- | fessional engineer, mechanical, elec- trical, industrial, Ajax Road, north of No 2 Highway, R.R, 1, Whitby. PHone Pickering 52J12. (Dec20) 7--Optumetrisis AE JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST Jury & Lovell, Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721. (D1) ¢. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, ® to 12, 2 to 5 and Mondsy, Wednesday and Friday evenings. 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Decl) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor, Civil Engineer, 14 Edward St., Ajax. Phone Pickering 200W2. (Dec27) DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes. sional engineers, 2'5 King St E. Phone 5-5632. (Dec8) R--Building Trades CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR: ed, stucco and masonry, repairs. Roofing and repairs. Gordon May. Dial 3-9911. : (Jan8) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dia) §-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus. tom loading (Dec?) REMODELLING, RE - ROOFING, all types new consiruction. Residen- tial, industrial R. B. Wilkins. Air port Road. Dial 5-4413. (Dec13) FLOOR AND WALL TILES, MAR. boleum, jaspe rubber, asphalt, Barker & Plastic Wall Tile ~ree estimates. Dial 5-1853. (Dec23) NEW =~ PLASTERING AND RE- pairs, archways. remodelling, water roofing basements Free estimates. Phone 3-8012. A. Woods. (Dec10) SPECIALIZING iN TILE FLOORS, walls, kitchen cabinets, stairs, alter ations, free estimates. P. Warren. Dial 5-4815. (Dec8) WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES of plasterine and repair work, stuc- co and waierproofing. Free esti mates. Dial 3-8475. (Decil) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing and sid- ing. Work guaranteed. H, W. Tuck- er, 5-6161. (Dec24) ALTERATIONS AND REMODEL- ling. attics and bathrooms modern ized; Kitchen cabinets built and m stalled; general repairs. Floor and wall tiling. Work guaranteed. G. Parks, 3-263). (dec 17) INLAID LINOLEUM AND TILES, plastic wall tiles. Easy monthly terms arranged. L. R. Mason. Dial 5-2628. (Decld) STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, frames and sash, all kinds of doors, capboards and wardrobes Oshawa Woodwork. Dial 3-2601. Dec16) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM AND fill. Call Mel's Trucking Service, Phone §5-5711 for quick service. : (Dec) 13--Household Repairs LOOK! ELECTRICAL REPAIRS of all kinds of appliances. Washers a specialty. Prompt service. Come and see Don at 364 King West. 5-6456. (D16) CHESTERFIELDY REBUILT. RE covered Like new WLY pay more Our rates aie reasvnable Satisfac tion guaranteed 'Matiresses rebui't Oshawa !Inholstering Co. 8 Chure: St. Dial 5-0311. (Dec3) FURNITURE REPAIRED ANL RE upholstered See our materials for recovering Bruce R Dalten 43 Charleg Dial 3-7212. (Dec3) BETTER VENEFIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfactior Flex: alum or steel. Dial 5-0311 for tree es- timate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., & Church St. (Declitf) 14--Instruction THE HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, ballet, toe, tap, baton twirling. Re- gister Wednesday 4 tom 6 Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey, R.M.T. (May30tt) LEARNING TO NANCE IS EASY and fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5-1860. (Dec10) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING school, ballet, tap, toe, character, Masonic Temple, Saturdays. Resi- dence Wednesdays, information 3- 7283. '(D11) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, | comptometer, dictaphone. New eclass- | Evening -classes | es each Monday. slonday and Thursday. Oshawa Busi- ness College, 18 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4343. them home. Free trial lesson. Bell's School. Leave phone at 85-0251 (Dec29) 15--Insurance FIRE IS NO RESPECTOR OF persons, property or time. Lock your estate against loss now--Mur- doch Insurance, 12!; Simcoe St. 8. Dial 3-3843.. (D156) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV ice for better insurance iu all classes 22, King St. E Dial 3-4627 Res 56-4330. (Decl) McMURTRY INSURANCE AGEN. cy Fire, Auto, Life, Burglary, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722. (D17) 1/--Loan Wanted MONEY WANTED FOR RESPON- sible clients on 1st and 2nd mort- gages, good security. Real Estate. Phone 3-2612. 18--Lost & Found LOST--SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, between Oshawa and Whitby old No. 2 Highway, a '2-wheel trailer, license . No. 46840T, grey box, blue fenders and tongue. Reward. Dial 3-3562. 163 Nassau St., Oshawa. (289a) LOST--YELLOW BUFF PERSIAN cat, male, vicinity College Hill and Burton Rd. Dial 5-2073. (289¢) LOST MALE IRISH SETTER, ANY information leading to his return will be rewarded. Phone 3-8605. (288¢) LOST -- MAN'S GOLD WRIST watch, Fontaine, on Celina St. be- tween Bruce and Athol, Wednesday Dial 3-3913. (287c) 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first ana second mortgag Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased ' N.H.A. and Builders Loans arranged Appiy~M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c.. 83 Simcoe St S., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. (D1) 20--Personal CAR LEAVING FOR KIRKLAND Lake, Friday, December 21, room for 3 passengers. Dial 3-9296. (2801) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS -_ Have you a drinking problem? If so, write Box 245, Times-Gazette. (D17tf) 20a--Cartage Phone 5- (Jan4) CITY DELIVERY AFTER 4 AND all day Saturday. Prompt, efficient service, Dial 5-4637. (D19) 3-TON STAKE TRUCK AND DRIV- er for hire, reasonable rates. Dial 3- 3649. (Decl5tf) CITY-WIDE DELIVERY AND cartage. Convenient, safe, courteous service, fully insured. Dick Bros. Dial 3-2158. : (Dec20) ROY LOVELESS, PARCEL TAXI and cartage, 24-hour service. Dial 3- 8515, (D8) TRACTOR TRAILER AND DUMP trucks for. hire, hourly or by contract. driver. Reasonable rates. [Tocal or long distance. Powell Trans- part, N. Osawa. (lan 2) 21--Personal Services HOME MOVIES SHOWN FOR clubs, parties, etc. 16MM movie films for rent. Dial 5-0355. (289a) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. or free estimate vall Wilson Lee, 79 Simos 3¢t : (Dect) id--Radio Re' 'Its SPECIALIZED TELEVISION AER- fal installation--from $60 up. Televi- sion and radio repair service, Ad- miral. Spartan, Addison, Pye sales. Dial 5-1685 for free information ser- vice. Store 25 Bond W. Shop 1096 King E. Fowler Radio and Televi- sion. (Dec29) 23--Womer's Coluni., ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL---MACH- ineless permanents $3, cold waves $6. Page Hairdressing, 394 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363, (Dec26) PRENTICES HAIRDRESSING, permanents $2.50 up, cold waves $4.85 up. 10 Church. Dial 5-2241, (Dec 29) (Dec?) | GUITARS SUPPLIED KEEP Yours on completion | Hawaiian | Donald Scott, | (289¢) | CLARKE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE, i Permanent Wave specials for Decem- | ber--oil machineless $3.50 up, cold wave $5 up. For appointment Dial 3-2651. 172 Gibbon St. (Janl) SPIRELLA WEARERS -- FREE Christmas offer. Dial £5577 or 3- 1. wave $2.50 up. machineless $395 & up. 72 Church St, dia) $4521 (Dec27) 25--Real Estate Fo. Sale MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 years old, good buy: owner leaving city. Apply 226 Mitchell Ave., even- ings, Dial 5-5656. (280e) | $10,000, NORTHEAST SECTION, | modern 5-room bungalow, plus 2- | room basement apt. which will pay for house. Terms arranged. Donald Scott, Real Estate. Phone 3-2612. | (289b) | $1,500 DOWN, 8 . ROOMS, INSUL- | brie, 3-pc. bath, built-in cupboards, | hot water heating. Possession Janu- ary 1st. Apply 394 Pine Ave. Phone 5-5363. (2891) | NEW MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE, brick veneer, insulated, oil heated, electric water tank, fruit cellar. Ap- ply 19 Hall St. (2801) | $6,000, 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, i new furnace, electric tank, Early i possession. Apply 369 Pine Ave. | (2891) | 14 ACRES FACING ON HIGHWAY No. 2, suitable for garage or busi- | ness property in Darlington town- | ship, just outside the city limits. | Apply 101 Central Park Blvd. | (289¢c) | 6-ROOM HOUSE, FRAME, WITH {3 acres land, % mile from school, | church, store; near Seagrave Vil- lage. Apply to O. W. Shunk, . 350 Stewart St., Peterboro,* or Isiah | Irwin, Seagrave Post Office. (285f) '$1 000 DOWN Modern bunga- ' with large lot, near | Dunbarton. ! Possession. '$1,20 DOWN----Near Pickering | bungalows, Village, new 5 - room $1,50 outstanding = value at | large rooms 1€2.000 DOWN Modern bunga- | low, attached garage | Rosebank, a real bargain. 3 ~-- Village of Pickering, 9- $9 500 room home in excellent | repair. Vacant. | GORDON G. CROSS i REALTOR MAIN ST. -- PICKERING Phone PICKERING 1 or 290) (2 86¢) DOWN---Near Ajax - modérn bungalows, Possession. 2 5 T. L. McEACFERN Real Estate Broker has opened his office ct 43 Bond St. West Dial 5-5135 Mr. M .0. Tindall, Salesman (289a) | { 4 ROOM 'frame bungalow, hardwood floors, | tile kitchen, built-in fireplace, 3- | piece bath, electric hot water tank, 25--Real Estate For Sale i 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NEWLY decorated, hardwood floors, also new furnace, will consider good late mod- el car as down payment. Dial 5-2737. (288c) 5 RQOM 12 STOREY LOW DOWN PAYMENT. $7 80 --This house situated in ' Oshawa on a good Te- sidential street short distance from businegs section is immaculate in | every particular, hot air heated on good .size lot, good garden soil. $2 50 --will handle this house, ' Act quickly on this one, as it is rare to find a modern house at such a low down payment, Terms (as low as rent. JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker, Whitby Phone 2874 2473, (289a) | Residence HIGHLAND AVE. $ | 0,600 --5-room brick bunga-! low, 2 bedrooms, four I' piece bath, full cellar, electric hot! water heater, hot air heating with' oil, air conditioned, oak floors, heavy duty wiring, large lot, --half cash, near Hospi- $9,800 tal, 8-room brick house, | modern kitchen, hot air heating, ga- rage. This is a nice family home. WAL TER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker DIAL 3-2911 | (2892) 1] -} RE EE SR OA 5 ; -- down, lovely 4-room $2,000 brick bungalow with 2 room basement apartment. This home is decorated in pastel shades, | all the rooms" being large with hard- | wood and tile floors. Tile kitchen and bathroom, hot water heating, central, This house must be sold, make an offer. \ 1$2,50 --down, clean, §-room 11 storey home in nice dis- | trict. This home is in immaculate | condition and is being sold at builld-, | er"s cost, modern conveniences. i down, new 5-room brick $3 000 220%, Bet no rt h-east | section, hot air heating with oil, hardwood and tile floors, i-piece bathroom. This is a new home and is ready for immediate occupancy. 1 | 18 BOND ST. W. Mr. Addison, Salesman DIAL 5-3889 LLOYD AYERS BROKER Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 pm (289a) FARM -50 acres -- all workable --- 8- | room frame home, barn implement | shed and brooder house, 1 mile from { highway. Immediate possession | $6,000 Total price, Will exchange for | | small home in or near Oshawa. { | sunNsET DRIVE -- New 3 bedroom brick bungalow complete with elec- tric hot water heater, light fixtures, | sidewalk, iron railing, partially de-' GARAGE WANTED, VICINITY | viist. | near Motors. Phone 3-7862. 28--For Rent ments, running hot and cold water, flush toilet, Newcastle, $28 and $33. Dial 3-7244. 4D11,15) LARGE 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, bath upstairs, all conveniences; cen- tral, $23 weekly. Write Box 122, Times-Gazette. > (289n) FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE, FOR gentleman. Apply 38 Colborne W. (2891) THREE - ROOMED FURNISHED apartment. Apply 201 Simcoe S., Apt. 4. Adults or business couple prefer- red. 289b) SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, clean, warm, large clothes closets, continuous hot water, also light housekeeping room for busi cou- 32--Automobiles For Sale 1051 PONTIAC , COACH, LOW! mileage, winterized, slip covers, air conditioned, heater, undercoated. ! Cash. Phone 658 Whitby. (289b) '50 DODGE SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- | tion throughout, one owner. Dial 3- | 8117. (289c¢) | '38 CHEV. COACH, $250. CONSID- er older car as part payment. Phone Bowmanville 3282. (289c) 33--Automobiles Wanted 41-61 CARS BRING MORE CASH tor you at Dodd's Car fot ¥00 Pars Road 8. Dial 3-9421. (D1) RITSON MOTORS, 808 RITSON RA. 8. Will pay better prices for good cleun cars. Dial 3-4851. Open evenings until 9. (247t1) ple, very central. Apply 77 Ontario St. (287¢) DUPLEX, SELF-CONTAINED, OLL Heated, 4 rooms and bath, central, on bus line, Immediate possession, North Simcoe. Write Box 931, Times- Gazette. (288c) TWO ROOMED FURNISHED apartment, heat, lights and water supplied, separate entrance, all con- veniences. Dial 3-7088. (2881) 6-ROOM BRICK WITH GARAGE, for lease, hardwood, hot air heating by coal. Immediate possession $100 monthly. Dial 5-6342 (288b) ROOM WITH 3-PIECE BATH, ground floor, private entrance, suit one or two persons. Dial 3-7272, 214 Second Ave. (2881) CLEAN, ATTRACTIVE NEWLY furnished rooms "for sober men; spring-filled mattresses, quiet home, (2881) FURNIS HED ACCOMMODATION for couple, all conveniences. 3-3701. 2 FURNI rooms, all conveniences, Ave. ROOMERS WANTE from King St. Appl . (288c) SHED OR UNFURNISHED 134 Barrie (288c) y 2! BLOCKS (288c) FURNISHED ROOM, VERY CEN- tral, close to Motors, all conven- fences, suit young man or lady. Dial 5-6350. (2871) BABY WELCOME, FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms, electric stove, washing machine, everything sup- plied. Write Box 108, Times-Ga- zette. (2841) 'RAPID EXPRESS, ROOMER service baggage, furniture, ete., '3- ton truck; reasonable; anytime, any- where. Dial 5-0166. (2851) DESIRABLE "OFFICE FOR RENT OFFICE OVER PLAZA THEATRE 104 KING ST. APPLY TO MR. WEISER AT THE PLAZA THEATRE (asen) 29--Wanted To Rent Dial | 16 Albert St. T) 14953 for Saturday delivery. Out-of-Town Buver will be at BOWER'S SERVICF STATION on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12 From 12 - 7 p.m, Highest Prices Paid for Good Clean Cars (Mon, Tues, tf) EG RE A GIFT THAT Se PLEASES EVERYONE A LAY good way to remember Your friends' and relatives this Christmas is to give them Books of Famous 36--Pets and Livestock DUCKS FOR CHRISTMAS. DIAL | Oshawa 3-902. (287¢) | s/--rarmers Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED | up promptly, horses, cows, heifers, | sheep, pigs, and calves. (We pay for norses and cows) Call us collect | | Live horses, 2 to 3c per ib. for | crippted and old horses. Margwill| | Fur Farm, Bowmanville 2679 Ty-| rone, Ont. (D28tr) 38--Wearing Apparel | LADY'S GREY MIX TWEED COAT, | size 16-18, good condition. Dial 3-; | 4391. (289b) | TUXEDO, SIZE 38, AND TAILS, size 40, like new. Dial 5-1643. (288c) BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT, will fit sizé 16 or 18, like new. Dial! 3-7322, - (287¢) 38a--Market Basket ORDERS TAKEN AND DELIVER-| ed for fresh dressed turkeys. Apply | | Mrs, Garnet Wright, Port Perry, | 196-4. (289¢) {GOOD TABLE TURNIPS, ONE | dollar bushel, any quantity. Dial 3-| (289c) | TURKEYS ORDER YOUR ! | Christmas turkeys now. Town Line Turkey Ranch. Roland Dial 5-4233. Vallieres. | (D19) | THRIFT FOOD 'STORE--HIGHEST | quality merchandise at lowest prices. | A wide variety of fine meats, fruit, { and vegetables. Phone for free home | delivery. 74 Celina St. Dial 5-3711 | | (D2) | spy & MacINTOSH APPLES, $2.5 | bushel delivered. Dial 5-3214. i | (Dec20) | | OSHAW finest red and blue orand beef, | young local pork, veal, lamb and | smoked meats. Open every night un- | til 10 p.m. IGA Super Market, 174 | Ritson South." We carry over thirty | | kinds of cooked meats and sausage | at lowest market prices. Pay us a (Jans) | attached garage, large lot just out: | corated $9,200 with $3,600 cash re-! north, 0.C.V.I. Phone 35-0848, even- FOODS! FINEST FOODS AT LOW | C ! | side city limits. About ready for oc- cupancy. 6 ROOMS on good street, hardwood floors | throughout, newly decorated, 2-piece bath, garage, fenced-in lot. Must be sold quickly. 3 ROOMS | water, hydro, garage, large lui, close { to Motors new parts building. Real good buy. $3,000 with $1,000 cash. T. L. McEACHeRN ; Real Estate Broker | 43 Bond St. W. Dial 5-5135 ! .M. O. Tindall, Salesman | (289a) | SMALL FARM 5 ACRES land, 4-room bungalow, j running stream, and other buildings, | $4,500 --7 miles from Oshawa, a good buy, or exchange. 150 ACRES land and timber, thirty acres workable, 6-roor.. house, trout stream and lake frontage. Bancroft district, Full price only $2,500. $5,600---lovely 4-room bungalow, fur. nace, city water, hydra, Montrave Ave. A cosy economical home. $2,500 down. Extras. $5,000--Modern 4 - room bungalow, conveniences, hot air furnace, nice lot, St. Julien St. Half cash. For a better deal see W. McAULEY Realtor 13 PRINCE ST. RESIDENCE DIAL 3-2512 DIAL 5-2133 $2,000 DOWN---NASSAU ST. 2-storey cement block, landscaped, 6 rooms, hardwood down, hot air heat- ing by coal. Immediate possession. $3,000 DOWN---CADILLAC S. 5-room brick bungalow, good sized rooms, deep dry basement, not air heating by coal. Immediate -posses- sion. . $3,000 DOWN---RITSON 'RD. N. ed lot, deep dry basement, hot air heating by coal. Possession 30 days. "Comfortable, fully equipped homes. Arrange an appointment to see them TODAY. After 6.00 p.m. call 5-6342 Ralph Vickery, Salesman 5-3877 Don Ellison, Manager DIAL 3-2265 chofie INSURANCE ASSOCIATES | Mortgages Realtors Appraisals | (289a | Harry Holmes, Bill Allen, Salesmen (289a) | 4-room frame bungalow on landscap- quired. Immediate occupancy. | | HORTOP STREET -- New 2-storey home with modern kitchen large hve | ing-room, dining-room and three bed- | rooms. Immediate possession, $10,700 | with $3,700 cash required. | GLADSTONE AVE--6-room, 2-storey home ready for immediate occupan- ley, has been reduced to $6,650 with | only $3,000 cash payment required. | See this bargain today. HIGHLAND AVE. $8,500, nearly new 4-room brick bungalow with ex- tra finished bedroom in basement. House completely decorated on in- | sside, landscaped and fenced, side-: walks, iron railing, venetian blinds, all included with immediate occu- pancy, $3,800 cash required. ALEXANDRA STREET -- $11.500, large 2-storey brick home on large | lot in very desirable location. Living- | room, dining-room and modern kit- chen on first floor with three bed- rooms, bath and sunroom on second floor, paved drive, garage, landscap- ed lot. Terms and possession arrang- | ed. Exclusive listing . After 6.00 p.m. dial Lloyd Metcalf -- 3-3983 | Everett Elliott -- 3-9290 (Sales Representatives) DIAL 3-3849 | { | | Real Estate--Insurance 13% Simcoe Street North 289a) ! 27--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY A SMALL apartment building or 10-12-room | house, central. Write Box 123 Times" Gazette. (289¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, NEAR Motors for 1 or 2 gentlemen, also garage. Dial 3-2040. ( ec) | HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT. ed for clients. All cash or your équity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or | 32512, (Dec) | Gazette. ings. 289c) GARAGE, VICINITY RICHMOND and Ontario Streets. Box 119, Times- Gazette. (287c) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for working lady. Box 120, Times- (287¢) MIDDLE AGED COUPLE DESIRES heated bachelor apartment on ground floor, near Fittings. Dial 3- 9738 after 5. (287¢) WANTED by local manager of Singer Sewing! Machine, apartment or house . suit- able for four, 2 children 6 and 9. APPLY SINGER SEWING MACHINE 16 ONTARIO ST. WANTED Private party wishes to rent hall New Year's Eve to accom- modate 50 people. PHONE 5-2631 Good references if desired. (289¢) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD AND BOARD without room, lunch boxes filled. Dial 3-8588. (289a) ROOMS WITH BOARD. DIAL 5- 0428. (289¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR EITHER man or lady. Diai 3-3187. (288c) | YOUNG GENTLEMAN WILLING to share large room in residential district close to Motors, board op- tional. Dial 5-1014, (288¢) 32--Automobiles For Sale 47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, RADIO & 'heater, perfect. condition. Cash or terms. Apply 431 Watson St., Port Whitby after 6. (289b) 48 PLYMOUTH DELUXE, RADIO, heater, winterized, good condition, $1,000. phone 5-3936. (288b) 49 MONARCH SEDAN, HEATER, air-conditioning, white wall tires, $1,200, Apply 508 Front St. Dial 5- 5217. |28--For Rent 2 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, suit 2 girls or couple. Dial 5-1730. (289¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, PRI- vate home, suitable for one or two gentlemen, central. Apply 136 Elgin East. (2801) 2 UNFURNISHED - ROOMS, NO objection to children. $7 a week. Apply 1347 Simcoe North. (289a) CLEAN ROOMS FOR GENTLE- men, nesr Duplate and Skinners, hot | water, oil heated, boarding house one | block. Dial 5-2000. (289¢) | LOWER HALF OF DUPLEX, CEN- | trally located, available January 1st. Dial 5-4221 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; nights Brooklin 143. (289¢) TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms, children welcome. Dial 5- 5936. (289b) 2 CLEAN UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, abstainers. Dial 5- 0275. (289¢c) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE or two children. Dial 3-7308. ' (289c) (289b) REMEMBER No Finance Charges TOM McKENZIE MOTORS 506 RITSON RD. S. (286t1} | | prices, every day at Glecoff's 1.G.A. | | Super Market, 174 Ritson Rd. South, store open daily 8 am. to 10 p.m | Pleasant shopping--for your conven- | night. 39--Articles For Sale McCLARY REFRIGERATOR AND Findlay 4-burner range, will sell rea- sonable for quick sale, Dial 659, Whitby. (289b) GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR polishers with the new counter. rotating brushes. Home demonstra- tions given without obligation. Mea- gher's Blectric. Dial 3-3425, (D28) MAN'S BICYCLE, NEW BALLOON tires, reconditioned throughout. Ma- roon and white. Twenty-five dollars. Apply 283 Gibbons St. (288c) ELECTRIC RAZORS, SHICK, SUN- beam and Remington, sold on' our Christmas Lay-away Plan. The ideal gift for a myn. Meagher"s, 5 King St. w. (Dec12) (Jans) lence we are open to 10 p.m. every | Players Theatre Tick- ets. They are good the year round and come at- tractively boxed The in gift cartonettes. cost is small compared with the pleasure given. Books may be purchased for both Adults and Children, and are accept- able at all Famous Players Thea- tres from Coast to Coast. NOW ON SALE At the Regent Theatre Box Of - fice or Dial 3- 3021 for imme- dilate delivery. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN BOOKS FOR ADULTS FROM . $1.00 ..$2.25 (289a)/| FOR FURNITURE AND ELECTRICAL GIFTS Rutherford Furniture Co. 156 Simcoe St. S. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS (288t1) | NEW MOZART PIANOS, APART- | ment size, a small deposit will hold until Christmas. Easy budget terms | arranged. Barons' Radio & Electric, | 426 Simcoe S. (D22) | REGISTERED PUPPIES, COCKER | spaniels, Fox Terriers, smooth, Walker Fox Hounds. Knowlton's Kennels, Dial 3-8932. (Jan8) 39--Articles For Sale SUNBEAM ATTACHMENTS, drink mixer, food chopper, butter churn, slicer and shredder. Meagh- er's, 5 King St. W. (Dec19) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and beits for all makes of washers Jack Bidd»iph. 68 Simcoe AXMINSTER RUG, RED GROUND Persian, size 6'9" x 9" with pad, $45. | Dial 3-3840. (289b) NEW COLEMAN RADIANT CIR- culator oil burner, factory No. 444C, tank and draft meter, $75. Dial 5-| 0626. (289¢) | | MASONIC PICTURE, ORIGINAL | etching of Robert Burns, as Deputy | Master from the Grand Lodge, Edin- ! burgh, Scotland. 8 Nelson St., Ajax. | (289a) | PC." BEDROOM ~ SUITE, LIKE new; studio couch; two Lazy Boy chairs; floor lamp; end table; two rugs; table lamp. All for $250, or best offer. Also '40 Hudson. 163 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 5-9496. (289c) CHRISTMAS TREES, SCOTCH Pines, Spruce; also German Shep- herd pups. Phone Brooklin 76R2. (289¢) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, Scotch Pine and Spruce. Apply to F. Taylor, 209 Nassau St. (289c) CEMENT MIXER, 1/3 HP. MOTOR attached, in new condition; steel tray, rubber tired wheelbarrow, $73. Apply 833 Mary St. Dial 3-8528. 3 (289¢) NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, suitable for barber shop or confec- tionery store. Dial 3-4019. © (289a) WHOLE SET OF HEAVY ALUMI- num saucepans, new; ironingboard (Beatty make) and sleeve-board, as new; infant's handmade real silk dresses; boy's Buster suits, 2-3 yrs; custom-made bridesmaid's dress, blue silver taffeta, size 16; Majestic loor model radio, excellent tone; baby's high chair, pink; never used, hardwood ; new chromium high stool, green leather, spring upholstered; 3 hand-finished man's suits, 42, blue, brown, and dark grey executive suit with two pairs of trousers. Very reasonable. Phone 3-3781. (289h) GENERAL ™ ELECTRIC STOVE, side oven, good condition, $50. Phone 5-4517 between 6-7 only. (289a) St. N. Dial 5-1179. (D25) $50 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON your washer, on a new Westing- | houge model COP. Meaghers. 92 Sim- coe (D27) GIVE HER A PERMANENT HOLI- day from the drudgery of wash day with the new Westinghouse Laun- dromat washing machine. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe St. N. \ CHRISTMAS TREES, BEAUTIFUL Scotch Pine or Spruce. Delivered. Phone 3-9954. (D24) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833. Smith-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren: tals. New and used machines (Decbtf) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE.-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed In every way. Also compiete reps.' service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 5-3492 (Dec3) pact revolutionary design, see it dem- onstrated. Meagher's Electric, 5 King St. West. (D20) ADMIRAL TELEVISION, COM. pletely installed, only $249.50. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (Dec8) $50- $100 FOR YOUR RADIO, washer or ice-box when traded on a new Emerson combination radio, Fairbanks - Morse washer or Gibson refrigerator. Your trade-in as com- plete as part down-payment. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric. 426 Simcoe S. (Dec3) RECORDS, BRAND NEW, REG. 80c each, clearing at 39c. Meagher's Record Bar, 5 King St. West. (Dect) SKATE EXCHANGE, NEW AND used. lce skates 101 mei, women and children, bought sold and ex- changed; also bicycles, tricycles, pbougnt sold and repaired. Dra;ton St. School. Dial 5-6344. MAN'S FULL DRESS EVENING suit, size 36, only worn twice. Dial | 3-8139. (287c) CHRISTMAS TREES, PERC. BAR- rett's lot, 449 Simcoe South. Priced right. (287c) ABOUT 15 TONS OF HIGH GRADE bitumous coal, can be seen at base- ment. of IOOF Hall, 8; King St. E., Oshawa. (287¢c) SINGLE BED AND SIMMONS spring, good condition. Dial 3-7139. (287c) \ {UGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR old rugs, carpets and old clothing. | Reversible and seamless broadlonmn, +n ary size up to 13 ft. wide, length Continental Rug Co. For information phone 05-2864. (Dec 23) any Ltd. But why worry, we can supply you with warm, re-conditioned clothing for all members of the family at bargain prices. Men's Coats Ladies' Coats Wool Skirts Kiddies' Coatr Snow Buits Ski Pants ... Skates RENO URE Germs don't care, but we do. shoes disinfected. CRIPPLED CIVILIANS' STORE 22 Bond Street West (T,THt{) J6. | GIVE HER THE NEW ELNA| All! clothing laundered or dry cleaned, {$1 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD AN | electric blanket or Northern Electric mantel or combination radio until | Christmas. Easy terms. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (D.22) BRAND NEW ELECTRO-AIR AND | Eureka vacuum cleaners Complete with attachments. Only $49.50 and up. Small deposit will hold until Christmas. Barons' Radio & Electric, | 426 Simcoe S. (D.22) $1 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD A SUN- beam Mixmaster., automatic toaster, iron . or Shavemaster electric razor until Christmas, Easy terms. Barons' | Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (Dec22) COCKER SPANIEL, RED, FE- male, four months old; reasonable. Phone 3-2570. (289a) LADY'S WHITE FIGURE SKATES, size 6, good condition. Dial 3-8319. | a (289¢c) TRICYCLE, LARGE SIZE. $18, like new; girl's white skates, size 2, $5: ideal Christmas gift. Dial 5-0639. 489 Albert St, (289¢) ELECTRIC TRAIN, AMERICAN flyer with extras, nearly new, $20. Quebec cook stove, nearly new. Dial | 5-0649. 76 Montrave Ave (289¢) | 12 VOLT AUTO RADIOS. WILL FIT most English cars, $64.95. Regular $73.50. Terms. B. F. Goodrich Store, 453 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4543. (289¢) MAN'S OR BOY'S C.C.M._ BICY- | cle, used 3 months. Dial 5-5113. ! : (289¢) | DELUXE MODEL, C.C.M. GIRL'S bicycle, practically new. Phone 892, Whitby. (289c) |2 PRS. MEN'S SKATES .22 CALI- bre rifle; lady's C.C.M. bicycle, ex- | cellent Christmas gifts; good condi- tion. Dial 3-3946. (289b) {CHOOSE A COCKER SPANIEL | puppy now for that Christmas gift. | A deposit will hold till wanted. Wau- bena Kennels, new highway near | Drive-In Theatre. (D29) BAEY BUDGIES, READY FOR training, also canaries in song. 114 | Elgin E. Dial 3-9767. (Dec?) FOR CHRISTMAS BUY HER CAN- | ada"s finest and most advanced ven- | etian blinds of Flexalum with wash- able Vinyl plastic tapes by Met-Wo Industries. Free estimates and instal- lations anywlere. J. W. Melley, 3- 2311. ] (Dec 23) | CCM. BICYCLE, MAN'S GOOD | working condition. Phone Brooklin | 8T R11. (288c) {| BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR , training, also canaries in song. 114 Elgin E, Dial 3-9767. (Jan 8) BROWNING AUTOMATIC SHOT | gun, like new, best offer. Dial 3-7111. ] (287¢) I NT ANE RETRO 0 | One Year's Subscription | to |THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE l is the one gift for the | WHOLE FAMILY { GIFT SUBSCRIPTION CARDS | | SUPPLIED CALL CIRCULATION Dial 3-2233 | | { (Dec24) aa 39--Articles For Sale VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy: olinds repaired. drape arms tnstallca Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322; Decl19) "WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA- tor, 8 cubic ft., racks on the door and super sanalloy freezer, 5-year warranty. Terms arranged, $319. Meagher's Electric." (J6) TELEVISION AERIAL INSTALLA- tion and service, Best reception guaranteed."Over 30 models of Tele- vision to choose from. Easy terms. Trade-ins accepted, Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (D.22) Ed Wilson Says | "This Christmas Buy Chrome" FREE Gold 'Seal Congoleum Rug, size 6 x 9 with every chrome suite. sewing machine for Christmas, com- | | DELUXE MODEL 5-pc. chrome kitchen suite, beautiful extension table with perma-leaft and chrome Duncan Phyfe base. 4 smarts ly styled chairs, 6 colours to choose fron. Sensational value .... $99.00 5-PC. CHROME SU.TE In gleaming, easy-to-clean chrome. | Duncan Phyfe style table with stain- | resistant arborite top, 4 sturdy chairs, strc ight leg style, upholstered iy plas- tic. Choice of colors. Sensational value ... Cycle, 204 Bond St, East near King | (Dec25) | "JACK FROST IS HERE AGAIN! | SAVE MONEY KITCHEN BUFFET | Another Christmas gift to please the | housewife, glass doors, smooth arbor ite top, convenient cutlery drawer, Reg. $79.50. Sensational savings | .. $49.50 FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. DIAL 3-3211 | (Continued on Page 16)