Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Dec 1951, p. 11

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MOWDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN MINOR BASKETBALL . . . = an =a [With the-Simcoe-Hall Minor Bas- ketball League expanding at its ent. rate, the management will have to eall a halt soon, or they'll be overloaded. That's Tor sure. Two weeks ago there was a total of five teams taking part. . Last Saturday morning there were 10 teams. What will happen next week is a question, An expansion at that rate is really something fo talk about. Added to last week's clubs are the following 'new ones; Oskosh, Phila- delphia, Los Angeles, Texas and Fort Wayne. They'll probably ab- sorb the names Indians, Warriors, Rams, Oilers and Zollners, respec- tively. . Saturday's games ended with the following results: Boston Celtics defeated Syracuse Nationals 26-7; Rochester Royals downed New York Knickerhockers 18-10; Fort Wayne Zollners bested Flyers 22-6; Oskosh Indians dumped the Philadelphia Warriors 22-18 and the Los Angeles Rams 4 tripped the Texas Oilers 22-14. Those are some good scores for sn age-group in basketball that goes from 12-16 years and includes all boys not on any other regular teams. Stars for the individual teams were Neil Collins of the Oilers with st. Louis |r 8; John Ruskay of the Rame with 18; Jack MacConnolly of the In- dians with 8; Gord Nichol of the Warriors with 18; John Campbell of the Zollmers with 12; Joe Roz- nik of the Flyers with 4; Griffin of the Knicks with 6; Jim Nelson of BASKETBALL pa STANDINGS : Player Casanova (Ajax) Rodd (Lions) M. Anderson (Whiby). A. Anderson (Lions)... Wilson (Grads)....... 16 Fg., field goals; Ft., free throws; fotal points; Avg. average points game. : ODBA STANDING WiLL PF 39 35 2 34 p.m, Tuesday's Games Oshawa Rovers vs. Ajax Cleaners, Ajax Recreation Hall, 8: p.m, Wednesday's Games Whitby vs. Oshawa Irish Juniors, Simcoe Hall gym, 8:00 p.m. Conference Win : Registered By Cleveland Browns New York (AP) -- The battle for the right to represent the Na- tional Conference against Clev, land Browns in the National Foo! ball League playoff comes down to the wire Sunday with three teams still in the thick of the fight. And a fourth has an out- side chance of breaking into the picture. While the Browns defeated Pitts- burgh Steelers 28-0 yesterday for their second successive American Conference - title, Detroit Lions moved back into first place in the National division by edging Los Angeles Rams 24-22, At the same time Chicago Bears remained a strong contender with a 45-21 decision over New York Yanks. San Francisco's 49ers stood ready to move in to at least a tie if the leaders slip by turning back Green Bay's Packers 31-19. So as the leagues goes into the final week of regular competition the standings show the Lions lead the National Conference by a half game with a 7-3-1 record. The Rams and Bears each have won seven and lost four for second place. The 49ers trail with a 6-4-1 performance. Next Sunday the Lions meet the 49ers at San Francisco with a vic- tory necessary for the Conference crown. Only a week ago the 49ers beat the Lions 20-10 at Detroit. Meantime, the Rams and Bears meet what figures to be easy com- Sports Roundup By HUGH FULLERTON, Jr. New York (AP) -- Toward the end of the summer golf season, Manager Bob Pinney of the Hart- ford, Conn., golf club decided to reward waiter Pete Skowroneck by taking him to a ball game in Yankee Stadium. . .with the Yanks drawing near the pennant, tickets were hard to get, but Bob man- aged to come up with a pair of seats directly behind home plate. Pete took one look and declared: "These seats are no good. I could never catch a ball here -- there's a screen in the way.". . .Pinney went back and traded the good ducats for a pair high/in the stands back of third base. . .This is better," Pete said as they settled in the seats. And the words tor were hardly out of his mouth when Joe DiMaggio hoisted a high foul; the ball bounced around the stands and landed squarely in Pete's lap. MONDAY MATINEE With a refreshing display of frankness, the Florida State U. publicity dept. declares the new recruiting program already has begun to pay off. Four good high school prospects have agreed to accept FSU scholarships. Clarence Self, Detroit Lions halfback, holds a master's degree in dairying from the U. of Wisconsin. One of the butter-educated athletes. . . Mel Hutchins, the Milwaukee Hawks basketballer, and his sister, Col- leen Kay (Miss America) Hutchins, are making simultaneous appear- ances in National Basketball As- sociation arenas. When Colleen steps on the court it's the custom- ers who dribble. petition. Los Angeles will be at |DOTS ALL home toGreen Bay and the Bears meet the lowly Chicago Cardinals. Bob Waterfield did his best fo send.the Rams home victorious over the Lions as he kicked five field goals for a league record. The kicks varied from 17 to 40 yards. | stiffs. , BROTHERS King Tut (Henry Tuttle), top- flight lightweight boxer of 20 years ago, is rubbing race horses at Hialeah this winter. No cracks, please, about King Tut being right at home among the other Gage Loop Adds rive Teams tha Royals with 10; Carl Reed of the Celtics with 16 and Al Thomp- son of the Nats with 3. On tre schedule \for this coming Saturday (Dec. 15), morning are the following games: 10:00 a.m, -- Syracuse vs. New York. 10:40 a.m, -- Boston vs. Roches= ter. 11:20 am, Oshkosh. 12 noon ~-- St. Louis vs. Phila- delphia. 12:40 pm. -- Los Angeles vs AHL CHIPS Pittsburgh Hornets took two -- Fort Wayne Vs. s.,|week - end games to continue a pace that has them atop both sec- tions of the American Hockey A ague. ts. | Leagu Last night they toppled the Cin- cinnati Mohawks 5-3 and Saturday night closed the door on Buffalo Bisons with a 9-1 rout. Two third period goals in 47 seconds gave Hornets the victory over Cincinnati. The goals, both tallied by Chuck Blair, came while the Mohawks had Ed Harrison and Jack Lan- cien in the penalty box. They had been banished 18 seconds apart shortly after a wild fracas in which Hornet goalie Gil Mayer and Coach King Clancy protested that Bill Wylie's goal, which knotted the game at 3-3, did not go into the cage. Blair's two rapid - fire tallies gave him three goals for the game. Phil Maloney and Bob Hannigan scored the other Pittsburgh goals. Cincinnati's other goal - getfers were Pat Egan and Jean * Paul Denis. At Buffalo the Bisons and the In- dianapolis Caps played to a 3-3 overtime tie before 4,872 specta- tors. Enior Sclisizzi scored two Cap goals, set up the other and was robbed of the three - goal hat- trick in overtime by a great save on the 'part of Lou Crowdis. Earl Riebel also counted for the visi- 5 Eddie Mazur, Lorne Davis and Stan Long scored for the Bisons. At Providence, rookie Stearns scored. thred goals as Cleveland Barons blasted the Reds Barry Sullivan scored the Prov- idence goal. The other Cleveland scorers were Fred Thurier, Steve Wochy, Fern Perreault and Ike Hilde- brand. In other Saturday games, Syra- cuse beat Indianapolis 5-3, Cleve- land defeated Cincinnati 3-1 and St. Louis shaded Hershey 3-2. This UNION LABEL appears in every TIP TOP garment sp - This crane actually lifts . . . Irs a MECCANO model Lo R anos X A Ei \o 4 esos 2225 Everything your boy makes with his Meccano Outfit can a real working model . . . Cranes lift, bridges swivel, 'windmills turn and dump trucks actually dump. That's why Meccano if so much fun--why every young Canadian wants one for Christmas. Meccano--the one sure gift that will keep your youngster interested throughout the year --and for years to come. In building new: models, his creative imagination is aroused, "his joy complete. Choose the Meccano Outfit of the proper size to suit your youngsthr's age--add accessory outfits as he grows. Meccano parts are tough--they'll last for years. MECCANO MECCANO LIMITED, 671-681 KING ST. W., TORONTO ' ss and Dinky Toys. CHECKING ON SPORT Rather a blue Monday, wot For hockey fans, at least, the weather must seem somewhat dull. The Generals took it cn the chin in two games . . . 7-3 Satur- day here from St. Mike's, and 5-1 -at the Gardens ca Sunday from - the Dukes. It looks very much as if, de- spite all the precautions about getting to bed early (they have a before-game-night bed check, and the rest from practice (two whole Says), the boys just don't have Now if we could define "it", we'd be a hockey coach. Coach Aurie and the other brass of the Gens have been working on the problem for months . . . they've tried just about every- Even Captain Herve DeJordy is wearing a furrowed brow these days ...he can't figure just what that something is tha the team lacks, . Saurday night, when the Gens came back quickly on two quick goals via Pete Hudson (within 34 seconds of one another), the fans loved 'em ,..a8 the re marked to us, "Give that club a leader and they'd not lack for fans, or wins." . He said it rather unknowingly «+. just a chance remark, but when you look back over things, maybe that's just what that "it" is, If we'd had some rallying point in the early minutes of the third frame . . . some fiery lead- er, the Irish would be licking their wounds, not vice versa. Now the problem . .. where to find that leader. In the club, around the circuit, or in some out - of - the - way place. Who knows? That December 15 trade dead- line is just five days off. In the cage world tonight, a very important game is on tap. The undefeated Oshawa Grads meet the highly-rated third place Port Perry Lions up at the OCVI (game time 8:00 p.m.). . The Grads' high-scoring cen- tre, Ron Wilson is at present potting goals at a rate of 11.3 per game, The Lions have a pair of high scorers in George Rodd and Andy Anderson, their playing coath, Rodd is second-high scorer in the league with a 15.3 average, while Anderson is in fourth spot with his 11.6 average. The last meeting between these .two teams was a rough, tough af- fair in Port Perry that ended 50-31 for the Grads, but not be- fore the Lions had done a lot of damage, At a meeting on Sunday, the All-City Basketball Tournament 'officials agreed on dates, times and places for this year's games. The meet will include only teams from the city and will be moved ahead from the March setting of last season, to a two-day period between Christmas and New Year's, Those teams inyiied to parti- cipate are ine ioiiowing: Usnawa Central Collegiate Seniors (last year's champions), Oshawa Grads, (runners-up), Oshawa Irish Juniors, the OCVI Senior team' (if one is available), Osha- wa Rovers, and a team made up of home-for-Christmas College players . of the district . . . they might be called the Mac-Vads- Wes-Rit-Gaels. We'll have further word on the final arrangements for this tour- ney, the first the season . .. but Tot the last, in tomorfow's edi- on. ' CHECKLETS----A chdp named Bill Nemis of Courtice ran down a male bush wolf with his hound last Saturday and gave the pre- dator what-for with a 12-gauge shotgun. tn The wolf welghed between B0 and 60 pounds and was shot in some cedar brush country about two miles north of Ceurtice. Bill brought down tle wolf from a Jase of about 60 feet. Nice hunt- Certain St. Thomas Legion fac- tions are trying to interest the Toronto Maple Leaf Baseball or- ganization in making the Inter- county club a farm team for the Bay Street group. According to the idea, a good one for the Le- gionnaires, all their player prob- lems would be solved if it came about. They failed to mention the Leaf's player problems. Speaking of the Intercounty, Jack Parks of the London Free Press, reports high enthusiasm in Sarnia toward an entry in the Senior ball loop. He figures since they can support a hockey team in an Intercounty set-up, why not a ball club? And the stories, rumors and the like about the Windsor Spit- fires leaving Junior "A" hockey company next year continue to go the rounds. Laurie Brain in Galt Guild stating that Dunn, who now says, "They're having a tough season at the gate and on .the ice, and tne jong hauls around the circuit eats up a lot of lettuce of which there isn't too much around." Along the same line, Rex Mac- Leod in Guelph reports, "Bill Butcher, co-.wner ofthe Windsor Arena and president of the Spit- fire club, admits that Windsor is seriously considering withdraw- ing from the league." "Butcher didn't say so," con- tinues Rex, "but there is reason to believe that Windsor might re main in the league if Detroit Red Wings restrict their sponsorship to ONE club in the OHA." "Last season, Windscr spokes men say, the Spits might have won the OHA crown if Detroit had assigned Lou Jankowski and Alex Delvecchio to Windsor in- stead of Oshawa." , To al iy which we might say .. Oh . « + by Bob Rife. Cantor's Conqueror 'Grounded' By Guild Following Battle Edmonton (CP)---Georgie Dunn, winner of a hotly - disputed deci- sion over Solly Cantor of Troonto Saturday night, will have to pile up a few more points in another league before he gets the shot he wants at the Canadian lightweight boxing title. The Negro boxer, ranked 10th internationally in his division, has some explaining to do back at his previous stamping grounds of Hartford, Conn., before he gets any fights against top - ranking opponents. Jack (Deacon) Allen, Toronto matchmaker, said in Toronto last night he had received a letter from the Connecticut Boxing Managers' fights out of Edmonton, was be- ing "grounded'" pending clarifica- tion OI his status. The letter said Dunn had obtained permission to travel to Edwonton for -& number of giths but had not returned to his Ameri- can connections when the permit- ted time had elapsed. Meanwhile Dunn's status was clarified in another respect -- after a committee - room huddle -- it was decided that his decision over Cantor was unanimous des- pite the contrary opinion of many of the 3000 fans present. Immediately after the fight Dunn was announced as winning on a split decision. The boos were loud and prolonged. Sunday night Roy Haliburton, chairman of the Edmonton boxing and wrestling commission, Te- ported the decision should have been' unanimous because Referee Johnny Smith's scorecard was counted wrong. A bout with Canadian champ- ion Armand Savoie of Montreal was announced before the bout as a prize for Dunn if he got by Cantor. But after the fight Dunn sald he also would like to have a rematch with Cantor because of fhe dispute over his Saturday night Torontonian Scores Auto Race Victory Palm Beach Shores, Fla. (AP) (AP) -- Peter Dillnut of Toronto and John Fitch of White Plains, N.Y., shared honors in the second annual European-type road races held here yesterday. Dillnut won the special 15-lap race for new 500 cc. International Grand Prix formula three cars, driving an English Cooper. Second Yas Alexis Dupont of Wilmington, el. Fitch won both the feature and the one-hour Hoffman trophy race. The tops of the modern soda Pe } ' Ah rye INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KIN Jountain and ice cream cabi- net are a gleaming nickel Slleye.siniiary, rust-proof, Hundreds of everyday uses for Nickel have been developed by the Nickel industry through a planned program of research. Today a large share of Canada's Nickel production is being diverted from peacetime uses into channels for preparedness. So the Nickel mine facilities, greatly expanded over the past decade, are again being operated at peak capacity. There is actually more Nickel now being delivered by Canada to the free world than in any peacetime year, Freezing coils for refrigera- tion and ice cream freerers are made of corvosion- resistant nickel alloys. Nickel alloy containers pro- tect the purity and flavor of [fruits and syrups, a Ren of SL US ope bt ful is ! a PRRs request to anyone interested. STREET WEST, TORONTO

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