i ne tet SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ~ od PAGE NINETEEN | 10.00 a.m. -- Sat-R-Day Camp-- | a club programme for girls 9-12 years of age, Programme include crafts, games, folk dancing, club projects, parties, skits, etc. 9.00-12.00 p.m. -- Over-20 Club dance--a weekly club dance held for those in the community who are over 20 years of age. SUN. DEC. 9 > 3, p.m.. Library open. 2, .00 p.m. - Art Exhibit '"'Que- bec Exhibit." 7.00-9.00 p.m. - Library Open 7.00-9.00 p.m. - Art Exhibit *'Que- bec Exhibit." 8.30 p.m. - After-Church Musical -this programme is open to the public, Christmas Musicale under direction of Oshawa Branch Onta- [rio Music Teachers' Association. VAON, DBC. 10 9.30-11.30 a.m. -- Morning Nur- sery-a nursery school programme for cuiidren 4 years of age. 9.30-11.30 a.m. and 2.00-5.00 p.m. --Crafts -- a fully equipped craft work shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, wea- ving, felt work, etc: All day-Art Exhibit-Open to the public whenever building is open. Exhibit: --"Quebec Exhibit." TUES. DEC. 11 9.30-11.30 'a.m.--Morning. Nursery -a Nursery School programme for children 4 years of age. 2.00-5.00 p.m. --Crafts -- a fully equipped craft work shop open for the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, ete. 3 . 7.00. p.m.--Keep-Fit class -- a rhythmical activity class of exer- cises for business girls in indus- dry, offices, stores, etc. Both classes at same time. 7.00-10.00 p.m -Crafts-a fully equ- ipped craft shop open for the teach- ing of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc. All day-Art Exhibit-Open to the public when ever building is open. Exhibit: '"'Quebec Exhibit' 7.00 p.m .--~YWCA Board of Di- rectors. 8.00 p.m .-'Hanging of the Green" -Annual '"'Y" Christmas program- ie opel (0 ail Seiivr Mewivers. WED. DEC. 9.30-11.30 a.m.-Morning Nursery- a nursery school programe foc children 4 years of age. 1.30 p.m.-Student nurses. 2.00-500 p.m.--~Crafts--a fully equipped craft work shop open for the teaching of leathercraft,! weaving, felt | gloves, slippers, work, ete. 2.1, p.an.-Student nurses. 3.00 p.m.-8lim and Trim Class- weight reducing and weight nor- malizing class for married ladies. 4.00-7.00 p.m. - Irenie Harvey | Dance Academy. 7.00-10.00 p.m. -Crafts-a fully eqiup ped craft shop o Sper, for the teach- ing of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc. 7.30-8.30 p.m Ballroom Dancing- Beginners-a series of Ballroom dan- cing lessons given each term to men and women. 8.30-9.30 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing- Advanced-a series of Ballroom dan- cing lessons given each term to men and women. 9.30 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing-Spe- cial Class - 8.00 p.m.-Oshawa Camera Club- this hobby club meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday cvening each month, and has an interesting schedule of | ing Club. Junior Boys' Gym Club-- A RED FEATHER SERVICE MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 9-11.30 am. -- Nursery School -- 5 year olds -- free play, music, story rhythm band, Golden Age |Party. Public Library -- Children's Lounge Room open. 3.30-5.30 p.m. -- Boys' Woodwork- various | boys under 13 years. Junior Boys' phases of photography, print cri-| Games Club -- boys under 13 years timisins, exuivits, and salon showings. All day-Art Exnibit-Open to the | Girls' Craft Club. Public Library -- pupiic whenever the building is; Chniidren's Dept. : 'Quebec Exhibit" "Special (--piliiardas, crokinoie, snuiiie board, hockey games and ping pong. Senior 4.00 p.m. -- Piano Lessons. 700 p.m. -- Oshawa Nursing Cadets -- Drill, Practical First Aid. | Simcoe Hall and C.C. Holman Ca- dets -- First Aid, drill, woodburn- ing, woodwork, punch work, photog- raphy. 7.00 pm. -- Golden Age Lounge Room open. 730 p.m. -- St. John Ambulance --Senior Brigade. 9.00 pm. -- Rovers Basketball, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11 9-11.30 am. -- Nursery School -- 4 year olds -- free play, music, story hour, finger play, rhythm band, books, crafts. 1.30-5.30 p.m. -- Golden Age Club Lounge Room open. 330-530 p.m. -- Boys' Wood-~ working Club. Senior Boys' Games Club -- boys 13 years and over -- Billiards, crokinole, shuffle board, hockey games, ping pong. Junior Girls' Craft Club -- Christmas Dept. Girls' Volleyball League -- Public School Teams. q 400 pm. -- Piano Lessons. 6.00 p.m. -- Rovers Basketball. 700 pm. -- Junior Fish and Brownie Pack, Guide House. = 700 p.m. -- 8th Guide Company, 1st" Guide Company, Guide House; 6th Guide Company, Christ Church} a Game Ciub = Movies; swiries; "Baie laws, safety, conservation, business meeting. 700 p.m. = Golden Age JTiuv Lounge Room open. 730 p.m. -- Oshawa Volleyball League. WEDNESDAY, ; DECEMBER 12 9-11.30 am. -- 'Nursery School -- | 5 year olds -- freé play, music, story hour, finger play, rhythm band, books, crafts. 1.30-5.30 p.m. --- Golden Age Club Lounge Room open. 3.30-5.30 p.m. -= Boys' Woodwork- ing Club. Boys -- Gym Activities -- all ages. Boys -- Games Room -- all ages -- Billiards, crokinole, shuffle board, hockey games, ping pong. 6.00 p.m. -- Teenage Girls -- Bad- minton. 6.30 p.m. -- Teenage Girls Club -- gymnasium, business meeting, table tennis, dancing. 700 pm. -- Golden Age Club Lounge Room open. 7.00 p.m. -- Boys' Stamp Club. 730 pm. -- Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club. 8.00 p.m. -- Flying Irish v& Whit- by Basketball. GIRL GUIDE ACTIVITIES GIRL GUIDE ACTIVITIES MONDAY 4.00 pm. -- 2nd Brownie Pack, | 12th Brownie Pack, Guide House. 700 p.m. -- Rangers, 5th Guide Company, Guide House; 3rd Guide Company, King Street School; 13th Guide Company, North Oshawa School. TUESDAY 4.00 pm. -- Ist Brownie Pack, 7th iin Guide Cumpany, Saivauon Army. 8.00 pm. -- 11th Company Moth« orla wad Mm coms Es AURMAITY. WEDNESDAY 400 pm. -- 3rd Brownie Pack, {11th Brownie Pack, Guide House; 10th Brownie Pack, Salvation Army¥ ; | 4th Brownie Pack, Westmount Scout Hall; 8th Brownie Pack, St. Greg+ ory's School; 6th Brownie Pack Christ Church; 18th Brownie Pack, North Oshawa School. 7.00 pm. -- 2nd Guide Company; 11th Guide Company, Guide House; 4th Guide Company, Westmount | Scout Hall. THURSDAY 4.00 pm. -- 5th Brownie Packs Guide House. 7.00 p.m. -- 7th Guide Company, 12th Guide Company, Guide House. 8.00 p.m. -- 5th Company Moths er's Auxiliary. SATURDAY Brownie Proficiency Tests. BRITISH OILFIELD * Oil wells in Nottinghamshire, England, have yielded about 700, 000 barrels of oil since 1939. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MONDAY, DECEMBER DIV. 20--Bounded on the north by Hillcroft St.; Ward No. 1--North-West Ward 1--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd.; on the south by McLaughlin Blvd. pro- duced to the Creek; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on pe yest by the Creek; at KELLY DeGRAY's, 625 Carnegie Ave, DIV. 2--Bounded on the north by McLaughlin Blvd. produced to the Creek; on the south by Westmoreland Ave. produced to the Creek; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek; at R. CLAYTON'S, 34 Arlington Ave. DIVE 3--Bounded on the north by Westmoreland" Ave, produced to the Creek; on the south by Alexandra St. produced to the Creek: on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek; at J. LYMER'S, 25 Buckingham Ave. 4--Bounded on the north by Alexandra St. produced to the Creek; on the south by by Louisa St. produced to the Creek: on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek; at MRS, B. SIMPSON'S, 156 Alma St, 5--Bounded on the north by Louisa St.; on the south by Richmond St.; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by Church St.; at MRS. WM. HUGGINS', 54 Brock St, W. 6--Bounded on the north by Richmond St. produced to the Creek; on the south by King St.; on the. east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek; at the CITY HALL, Simcoe St. North, T--Bounded on the north by Louisa 8t. pro- duced to the Creek; on the south by Richmond St. produced to the Creek; on the east by Church St.; and on the west by the Creek; at W. J, DUNCAN'S, 178 Church St. 8--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd.; on the south by King St.; on the east by the Creek; and on the west hy Park Rd. and the easterly limit of Plan 172; at MRS, WM. MURRAY'S, 73 Gladstone Ave. Ward No. 2--South-West Ward DIV. 9--Bounded on the north by King St.: on the south by John St.; on the east by Nassau St.; and on the west by Park Rd.; at GEORGE PUCKETT'S, 78 Burk St. . 10--~Bounded on the north by John St.; on the south by Gibbs 8t.; on the east by Nassay St.; and on the west by Park Rd ; at W. SIMKINS', 151 Burk St. LV. 11--Bounded on the north by Gibbs St.; on the south by Canadian Pacific Railways; on the east by the Creek; and on the west by Park Rd.; at L. R. SKELTON'S, 276 Burk St. . . 12--Bounded' on the north by Canadian Pacific Railways; on the south by Mill St. from the Creek to Cubert St. and by Johnston Blvd. from Cubert St. to Park Rd.; on the east by the Creek; and on the west by Park Rd.;, at GEORGE BELL'S, 176 Mill St. A 13--Bourijed on the north by Mill St. from the Creek to Cubert St. and by Johnston Blvd. from Cubert St. to Park Rd.; on the south by Bloor St. from Park Rd. to the Creek; on the east by the Creek: and on the west by Park Rd.; at J. A. CAM- ERON'S, 161 Min St. . 14--Bounded on the north by Rite S8t.; on the south by Gibbs St.; on the east by the Creek; and on the west by Nassau at: at MRS. S. J. DRINKLE'S, 65 Nassau . 15--Bounded on the north by King 8t.; on the south by John St.; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west - by the Creek; at CENTRE STREET SCHOOL. . 16--Bounded on the north by John St.: the south by Gibbs St: on the east oy Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek? at ROGER COOK'S, 35 Lloyd St. . 17--Bounded on the north by Gibbs St.; on the south by Canadian Pacific Railways; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek; at C. F. BENNETT'S, 34 Fairbanks St. . 18--Bounded on the north by Canadian Pacific Railways; on the south by Bloor 8t.; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the Creek: at JOHN VIS.' NER'S, 15 Mill St. Ward No. 3--North-East Ward DIV. 19--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd.: on the south by Hillcroft St.; on the east by Mary St.; and oh the west by Simcoe List of Polling Places for Municipal Elections on 10, 1951, FROM 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. DIV. 72--Comprising the following parts of Ward on the south by Aberdeen St.; on the east, by Mary St.; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at G. L. NOLAN'S, 419 Masson St. . 21--Bounded on the north by Aberdeen St.; on the south by Elgin St.; on the east by Mary St.; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at G. R. DULMAGE'S, 76 Elgin St. E. . 22--Bounded on the north by Elgin St.; on the south by William St.; on the east by Mary St.; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at ALEX SIMPSON'S, 140 Mary St. . 23--Bounded on the north by William St; on the south by King St.; om the east by Mary St.; and on the west by Siincoe 8St.; at MRS. EDITH FULLERTON'S, 37 Richmond St. East. . 24--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd.; on the south by Connaught St. from Mary St. to Jarvis St., and Hillcroft St. from Jarvis St. to Ritson Rd.; on the west by Mary St. from Connaught St. to Rossland Rd.; on the east by Ritson Rd. from Hillcroft St. to Rossland Rd.; at the SCOUT HALL, 85 Hillcroft St. . 25--Bounded on the north by Connaught St.; on the south by Rosedale Ave.; on the east by Division St.; and on the west by Mary St.; at MRS. G. ALLISON'S, 355 Mary St. . 36--Bounded on 'the north by Rosedale Ave.: on the south by Alice St.; on the east by Division St.; and on the west by Mary St.; at GORDON GRAHAM'S, 98 Alice St. . 21--Bounded on the north by Hillcroft St.: on the south by Alice St.; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Division 8t., from Alice St. to Connaught St. and Jarvis St. from Connaught St. to Hill- croft St.; at MRS. HENRY DIONNE'S, 192 Alice St. . 28--Bounded on the north by Alice St.; on the south by Elgin St.; on the east by Division St.; and on the west by Mary St.; at MRS. L, E. WALES', 140 Elgin St. E. . 20--Bounded on the north by Elgin St.; on the south by a line connecting the south boundaries of 115 Mary St. and 116 Division 8t.; on the east by Division St.; and on the west by Mary St.; at MARY STREET SCHOOL. . 30--Bounded on the north by a line con- necting the north boundaries of 111 Mary St. and 112 Division 8t., and by Alice St. from Division St. to Ritson Rd.; on the south by King 8t,; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Mary St. from King St. to north line of 111 Mary St. and by Division St. from a point opposite the north line of 112 Division St. $0 Alice St.;, at MRS. M. R. ELLIOTT'S, 35 Division St. . 31--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd.: on the south by Alice St, from Ritson Rd. to Oshawa Blvd, 'and Elgin St. from Oshawa Blvd. to Wilson Rd.; on the east by Wilson Rd.; and on the west by Oshawa Blvd. from Elgin St. to Alice St. and by Ritson Rd. from Alice St. to Ross~ land Rd.; at LEONARD ANDERSON'S, 310 Alice St. . 32--Bounded on the north by Alice 8t.; oh the south by King St.; on the east by Oshawa Blvd.;: and on the west by Ritson Bd at CHARLES MASON'S, 55 Ritson Rd. N. . 38--Bounded on the north by Elgin St.» on + the south by King St.; on the east by Patricia Ave.; extended to Elgin St.; and on the west by Oshawa Blvd.; at MRS. M. LOGAN'S, 155 Oshawa Blvd. . 34--Bounded on the north. by Elgin St.; on the south by King St.; on the east by the westerly limit of Plan 306; on the west by Patricia Ave., extended to Elgin St.; at CHARLT 0 N TRANSPORT LTD, OFFICE, 438 Richmond St. East. . 35--Bounded on the north by Elgin St.; on the south by King St.; on the east by Wilson Rd.; and on the west by the west boundary of Plan 306; at MRS. F, G. WONNACOTT'S, 517 Rogers St. Ward No. 4--South-East Ward DIV. 36--Bounded on the north by King St.: on the south by Bruce St.; on the east by Prospect St.; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at GARFIELD FERGUSON'S, 70 Celina St. DIV. 37--Bounded on the north by Bruce St.; on the south by Ash St. and Emma St.; on the east by Tiospect Si., and on the . west by Simcoe St; at ALBERT DIV. 38--Bounded on the north by Ash St. and Emma St,; on the south by Elm St. and Barrie Ave.; on the east by Prospect St.; and on the west by Simcoe St. and by DIV Albert St. from Elm St. tp Barrie Ave.; ' at JOHN TROTT'S, 213 Albert St. . 39--Bounded on the north by Elm St. and Barrie Ave.; on the south by Fisher St.; on the east by Prospect St.; and onthe west by Simcoe St; at FRANK STAR- | DIV. ZYNSKTI'S, 307 Simcoe St. South. . 40--Bounded on the north by Fisher St.; on the south by Bloor St.; on the east by Prospect St.; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at MRS. HARRY RUDKA"S, .563 Albert St. . 41--Bounded on the north by King St.; on DIV. the south by Eulalie Ave. and Emma St.; on the east, by Drew St.; and on the west by Prospect St.; at WALTER RITZIE'S, 186 Bruce St. . 42--Bounded on the north by Emma St. and DIV. Eulalie Ave.; on the south by Barrie Ave. from Prospect St, to McKim St. and by Eldon Ave. from McKim St. to Drew St.; on the east by Drew St.; and on the west by Prospect St.; at F. JOHN'S, 269 Court St. . 43--Bounded on the north by Barrie Ave. from Prospect 8t. to McKim St. and by Eldon Ave. from McKim St. to Drew St.; on the south by Canadian Pacific Rail- ways; on the east by Drew St.; and on the west by Prospect St.; at the POLISH HALL, 168 Eldon Ave. . 44--Bounded on the north by Canddian Pacific Railways; on the south by First Ave.; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Prospect' St.; at M. RIEGER'S, 511 Howard St. . 45--Bounded on the north by First Ave.; on the south by Bloor St.; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Pros- pect St.; at J. STANLEY'S, 240 Second Ave, 4 . 46--Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by Gliddon Ave.; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Drew St.; at A, M. HELLIWELL'S, 225 Arthur St. . 47--Bounded on the north by Gliddon Ave.; on the south by Stacey Ave.; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Drew St.; at W. LEAVITT'S, 118 Tylor Cres. . 46--Bounded on the north by Stacey Ave.; on the south by Canadian Pacific Rail- ways; on the east by Ritson Road; and on the west by Drew St.; at RITSON ROAD SCHOOL. . 49--Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by Eulalie Ave.; on the east by Yonge St.; and on the west by Ritson Rd; at W. G. RAMSHAW'S, 155 Ritson Rd. South. . 50--Bounded on the north by Eulalie Ave; on the south by Canadian Pacific Rail- ways; on the east by St. Julien St.; and on the west by Ritson Rd.; at TONY FURYK"S, 281 Ritson Rd. South. ~Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by Gliddon Ave.; on the east by Willingdon St.; and on the west by Yonge St.; at CHARLES GUNN"S, 351 Athol St. East. . 52--Bounded on the north by Gliddon Ave.; on the south by Vimy Ave.; on the east by Willingdon St.; and on the west by Yonge St. and St. Julien St.; at MRS. HARRY KNIBB'S, 132 Verdun Rd, . 533--Bounded on the north by Vimy Ave.; on the south by Canadian Pacific Rail- ways; on the east"by Willingdon St.; and on the west by St. Julien St; at MRS. KATHERINE MARKS', 371 Verdun Rd. . 54--Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by Eulalie Ave.; on the east by Cadillac Ave.; and on the west by Will- ingdon St.; at R. J HARVEY'S, 76 Cadil- lac Ave. South. . . 55--Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by Eulalie Ave.; on the east by Wilson Rd. South; and on the west by Cadillac Ave.; at J. KIRKBRIDE'S, 132 Highland Ave. . 56--Bounded on the north by Eulalie Ave.; on the south by Canadian Pacific Rail- ways; on the east by Wilson Rd. South; and on the .west by Willingdon St.; at A. HARDIE'S, 254 Cadillac Ave. South. ..57--Bounded on the north by Canadian Pacific Railways; on the south by Bloor St.; on the east by Wilson Rd.; and on the west by Ritson Rd.; at GEORGE Ward No. 5--Cedar Dale . 58--Bounded on the north by Bloor St.: on the south by Canadian National Rail- ways; on the east by Wilson Rd.; and on the west by Park Rd.; at E. JONES', 45 Bloor St. East. 59--Bounded on the north by Canadian Na- tional Railways; on the south by Thomas St. and the south limit of lot 4, Plan 180; on' the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by Glen St. and .the northerly 'and southerly productions of the west limit thereof; at WILLIAM HENDER- SON'S, 722 Simcoe St. South, 60--Bounded on the north by the Canadian National Railways; on the south by Con- ant St.; on the east by Ritson Rd.; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at MRS. J. E. BREWSTER'S, 125 Annis St. 61--Comprising the following parts of Ward Five: (a) Bounded on the north by Thomas St.; on the east by Simcoe St. and Henry 8$t.; on the south by Lake Ontario; and on the west by the westerly limits of lots C-12, C-23 and C-24, Sheet 30, Municipal Plan. (b) Bounded on the north by Conant St. from Simcoe St. to Ritson Rd. and by Canadian National Railways from Ritson Rd. to the east boundary of lot 7, Broken Front Con- cession; on the east by sdld east boun- dary of lot 7; on the south by Harbour Rd.; and on the west by Simcoe St. (¢) bounded on the north by Harbour Rd.; on the east by Lyman Rd.; on the south by Lake Ontario; and on the west by Simcoe St. and Hénry St.; at CEDAR DALE SCHOOL. Ward No. 6--The Annexed Area DIV. 62--Bounded on the north by the centre line of the 4th Concession; on the south by the road between the 3rd and 4th Con- cessions; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the west boundary of the City; at ROBERT AMBROSE'S, Albert's Rd. 4th Con. West, . 63--Bounded on the north by the road be- tween the 3rd and 4th Concessions; on the south by Beatrice St.; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the west limit of lot 11, Concession 3; at EDGAR BUTTON'S, 144 Orchard View Blvd. . 64--Bounded on the north by Beartice St.; on the south by Switzer Drive; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the west limit of lot 11, Concession 3; at NEIL'S HARDWARE, 926 Simcoe St. North, . 85--Bounded on the north by Switzer Drive; on the south by Rossland Rd.; on the east by Simcoe St.; and on the west by the west limit of lot 11, Concession 3; at JOSEPH LYNCH"S, 32 Jones Ave. . 66--Bounded on the north by the road be- tween the 3rd and 4th Concessions; on the south®by Rossland Rd.; on the east by the east limit of lot 12, Concession 3; and on the west by the west boundary of the City; at FRANK HOAG"S, Rossland Rd. West. . 87--Comprising the following parts of Ward Six: (a) Bounded on the north by Ross- land Rd.; on the east by Park Rd. and the easterly limit of Plan 172; on the south by Gibbs Ave.; and on the west by Gibbs Ave. (b) Bounded on the north by Gibbs Ave.; on the east by Park Rd.; on the south by Elgin 8t. and the south boundary of block B, lot 7, Plan 176; and on the west by Gibbons St.; at H. - BROWN'S, 332 Gibbs Ave, . 68--Bounded on the north by Elgin St. and the north boundary of block C, lot 17, Plan 76; on the south by King St.; on the east by Park Rd.; and on the west by Gibbons St.; at the CLUB AVALON, 424 King St. West, . 68--Bounded#on the north by Rossland Rd.; on the south by Madison Ave; on the east by Gibbons St. and Gibbs Ave.; and on the west by Stevenson's Rd.; at CHARLES BOYLE'S; 434 Miller Ave. . T0--Bounded -on the north by Madison Ave.; on the south by King St.; on the east by Gibbons St; and on the west by Stevenson's Rd.; at the CLUB AVALON, 424 King St. West. . T1--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd.; on the south by King St.; on the east by Stevenson's Rd.: and on the west by the west limit of the City; at THORN- 8ix: (a) Bounded on the north by King St.; on the east by Park Rd.; on the south by Pine Ave.; and on the west by the west limit of lot 13, Concession 1. (b) The north half of lot 14, Concession 1, bounded on the north by King St.; on the east by the east limit of said lot; on the south by the centre line of Conces- sion 1; and on the west by Stevenson's Rd.; at WESTMOUNT SCHOOL. DIV. 73--Bounded on the north by Pine Ave.. on the south by Park Ave.; on the east by Cromwell Ave.; and on the west by the west limit of lot 13, Concession 1; at WESTMOUNT SCHOOL. DIV. 74--Bounded on the north by Pine Ave. from Park Rd. to Cromwell Ave. and by Park Ave. from Cromwell Ave. to the west limit of lot 13, Concession 1; on the east by Park Rd.; on the south by the centre line of Concession 1; and on the west' by Cromwell Ave. from Pine Ave to Park Ave. and by the west limit of lot 13 from Park Ave. to the centre line of Conces- sion 1; at WESTMOUNT SCHOOL, ~ DIV. 75--Bounded on the north by the centre line of Concession 1; on the south by Bloor St.; on the east by Park Rd.; and on the west by Stevenson's Rd,; at MRS. V. KNAPP'S, 606 Montrave Ave, DIV. 76--Bounded on the north ,by King 8t.; on the south by Bloor St.; on the east by Stevenson's Rd.; and on the west by the west limit of the City; at ROBERT BRAVENER'S, Thornton's Corners, R.R. No. 3. DIV. 77--Comprising the following parts of Ward Six: (a) Bounded on the north by Bloor 8t.; on the east by Park Rd.;. on the south by Lake Ontario; and on the west . by the City limits. (b) Bounded on the north by Canadian National Railways; on the east by Glen St, and the northerly and southerly productions of the west limit thereof; on the south by Lake On- tario; and on the west by Park Rd. (¢c) Bounded on the north by the north- erly limit of lot 3, Plan 180, and by Thomas St.; on the east by the westerly limits of lots C-12, C-23 and C-24, Sheet 30, Municipal Plan; on the south by Lake Ontario; and on the west by Glen St. and the southerly production of the west limit thereof; at BLOOR ST. WEST SCHC TL. . 18--Bounded on the north by the north boundary of the City; on the south by Rossland Rd.; on the east by the east boundary of the City; and on the west by the Oshawa Street Railway from Rossland Rd, to Robert St. and by Simcoe St. from Robert St. to City limits; at NORTH OSHAWA SCHOOL. . 19--Bounded on the north by Robert St.; on the south by D'Arcy St.; on the east by the Oshawa Street Railway; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at SHAW'S STORE, 821 Masson St. . 80--Bounded on the north by L"Arcy St.; on the south by Rossland Rd.; on the east by the Oshawa Street Railway; and on the west by Simcoe St.; at MRS. J. 8, FORDER'S, 72 Rossland Rd. East. . 81--Bounded on the north by Rossland Rd. from Wilson Rd. to east limit of lot 6 Concession 2, and by the centre line of Concession 2 from 'the west limit of lot 5 to Harmony Rd.; on the east by the east limit of lot 6 from Rossland Rd. to centre line of Concession 2 and by Har- mony Rd. from the said centre line to King St.; on the south by King St.; and on the west by Wilson Rd.; at A. LAV« ENDER'S, 89 Wilson Rd. North, . 82--Bopunded on the north by the north limit of the City; on the south by King St.; on the east by the east limit of the City; and on the west by Harmony Rd.; at MRS. EFFIE GOYNE"S, 846 King St. East. . 83--Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by the centre line of Conces- sion 1; on the east by Farewell Ave. and on the west by Wilson Rd.; at HAR- MONY SCHOOL. f. 84--Bounded on the north by King St.; on the south by the centre line of Conces- sion 1; on the east by the east limit of the City; and on the west by Farewell Ave.; at HARMONY SCHOOL. . 85--Bounded on the north by the centre line of Concession 1; on the west by Wilson Rd. and by the west limit of lot 6, Broken Front Concession, north of Harbour Rd., and by Lyman Rd.; on the south by Harbour Rd. west of Lyman Rd. and by Lake Ontario east of Lyman Rd.; and on the east by the City limits; at N SCHOOL. St;. at SIMCOE STREET NORTH CLARKE'S, 173 Celina St. CITY HALL, OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1951 HARDSAND"S,. 287 Currie' Ave, TON'S CORNERS SCHOOL. F. E. HARE, BASE LINE EAST SCHOOL. Returning Officer