Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Dec 1951, p. 19

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE PAGE NINETEEN | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | 42+-Female Help Wanted WANTED, CLEANING WOMEN | 4s for Sundays, 9-4 p.m. Apply Queen' of OIL SPACE HEATER, COCA-COLA | Hotel. {psse) cooler sat of mealak 2 showeasés, all GIRL WITH KNOWLEDGE OF! good condition. Dial 3-3150. «288c) | bookkeeping, typing shorthand; | steady position with established elec- VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD-| trical store. Apply 426 Simcoe St. S. | Yaieed Kirsch ee. The most aan. (283¢) nikon. Fr ned S-.abaped siats | LADY FOR GENERAL DOMESTIC give better and more graceful en. duty, day care of two children, sleep in, couple ornew immigrants con- | re Ty satisfy but create | Sidered. Write Box $48, Times-Ga- | hs without eb. | Zette. (283¢) Geo ir DAY, SUSI | mre ne eer ion. Gevige Reid, Di ects) Neat, accurate typist for in-| : 35% : | SIZES A voicing and other clerical work. | RUGS--SEVERAL AND colours. Must sell, Will sacrifice. Box Good working conditions. Apply 935, Times-Gasette. (DB) GOOD USED FURNITURE, 6 din- : BOX 101 TIMES-GAZETTE (2834) ing-room chairs, 2 arm chairs, auto ve double bed and apting, adjust- able dress form, urk St. Dial 50681. =. (282%) USED SERVEL ELECTRIC RE- frigerator, 5.5 cu. ft., excellent con- dition, $140, 1/3 down, balance $10 monthly. B. F. Goodrich Store, 453 Simcoe St. 8. Dial 5-4543. (284b) HAND-MADE COSTUME JEWEL- lery, genuine mastercut rhinestone; men's tie clips. Dial 3-7884. (284¢c) RANGETTE, KITCHEN BUFFET,| pale blue, Reasonable, excellent con- | WANTED, BOY TO WASH WIN- dition. Apply 157 Warren Ave. Dial dows. Apply Fashion Village. (284a) 5-2285. (384c) | WANTED FOR LIMITED PERIOD, 43---Male Help Wanted LARGE MOTOR TRANSPORT RE- quires freight solicitor for city of Toronto. Previous transportation ex- perience preferred, but not essential. Car supplied. Reply stating .age, marital status, business experience, etc., to Box 109, Times-Gazette. (284c) o | WORK, beam and Remington, sold_on our high school graduate for position. f 45--Agents V Wanted | | kit, to Buper-Sox Canada, 18 York | FREE | Employ by day or by«the hour. | extension table with perma-leaf and | YOUNG MAN WANTS Duncan Phyfe style table. with stain. house. John Cain, Keswick, Ont. SAVE MONEY. | cense available. Dial 3-2440. (283c) | TROTRIC RAZORS BSHICK. SUN- | full or part time laboratory techni- ELECTRIC RAZORS, SHICK, SUN cian. We are willing to train recent | Christmas Lay-away Plan. The ideal gift for a man. Meagher's, 5 King St. Apply Administrator, Oshawa ose) | Ww. (Decl?) | ____ -- wo WANTED HANDYMAN, ABLE TO | do some painting and cleaning. Ap- | F ply Q Queen' s Hotel. (288¢c) | gp | d AMAZING ONE YEAR GUARAN- . tee on Men's hose. Here's your | . chance to make a real income with | | world-fangous Super-Sox Hosiery. | | Wonderful bona-fide free replace- | ment guarantee your sure-fire sales | | clincher. Complete line of Women's | Nylon Stockings. Write for free sales | a S * | st., Hamilton, Ont. (Dec3) | | 46--Employment Wanted * | RELIABLE BABY- SITTER, WILL! "This Christmas Buy Chrome" [sit anytime. Dial 3-7703. (284a) | YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN, EX- | perienced in house and laundry, etc. Gold Seal Congoleum Rug, | Helene Streics, 24 Charles St., or | size 6 x 9 with every chrome | phone 5-6245 before 6:30. (284c) | suite. EXPERIENCED TYPIST WIT H| { own typewriter: Any kind of typing | DELUXE MODEL | andévinken. Phone Ajax 31-W. S-pc. chrome kitchen site, beautiful | chrome Duncan Phyfe bose. 4 smart- | good driver, reliable, full or part ly styled chairs, 6 colours to choose | time. Will consider anything. Write from. Sensational value .... $99.00] | Box 107, Times-Gazette. 284a) | EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN | 5-PC. CHROME sui TE wants job on farm, capable of man- | In gleaming, easy-to-clean chrome. | aging if needed: with separate | resistant arborite top, 4 sturdy chairs, | (2844) | stre.ight leg style, upholstered ia plas-- TREES REMOVED, REASONABLE | tic. Choice of colors. Sersobione) rates. Call Harry Thorne, Dial 5-3928. (Dec, 7 Soc MARRIED MAN RE. | | quires employment; chauffeur's li- | KITCHEN BUFFET BOY, 16, DESIRES WORK, PART | Another Christmas gift to please the | "0," 0 ™ Ui Yo learn; will | housewife, glass doors, smooth arbor- | baby-sit evenings, ial 3-7049. { ite top, convenient cutlery drawer. | Reg. $79.50. Sensational savings $49.50 47--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of tthe Estate of GEORGE H. CAREY, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of | Ontario,, General Motors Employee, | Deceased. FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. DIAL 3-3211 ceased who died on or about the £th day of November, 1951, are requested | to file proof of the same with the! .undersigned on or before the alst | day of December, 1951, after which | the Estate will be distributed having | regard only to the claims of which | notice shall be had and to 'he ex- | clusion of all others. | DATED at Oshawa this 23rd day of November, A.D, 1851. ANNIE LOUISE CAREY, NOR- MAN CAREY and JOHN CAREY, Administrators, by their Solicitor: E. Marks, Esq. Barrister, etc., 11 King St. E., OSHAWA, Ont. N28. -D5, 12) | -- | 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD, 1-FT, AND 4 FT. lengths, also mixed ¢labs, 2 cords cut short and delivered, $34. Phone Bethany 18-R-33. (Jan2) DRY MIXED SLAB WOOD, $4.50] per single cord. Dial 3-3649, (Dec 24) 4 HARDWOOD -- FACTORY CUT- | tings, dry, clean, $5 or $3 lots de- | livered. Dial 3-7391. \ (Decl6) | 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL, FUEL OIL, PROMP1 daily deliveries, new drums and taps | 48--Auction Sale available. Cities Service Oil Frod- - ey 9443 | Auction Sale, 8tirtevant's Auction | ucts. Dial 3- {Dac3)) | room, 33 Hall St., Wednesday even- | 40--Articies For Rent ing, December 5 at 7 p.m. Studio re ee sme | couch, as new; kitchenette suite, 6 $1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN. | pleces: tricycle, card table Ena) ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dia/ 5-5121, Dean Kelly Enterprises. (D4 chairs, beds, springs and mattresses, | kitchen ranges, electric ranges, ice- | ) boxes, guitar, rocking chairs, Kkit-| | chen table and chairs, McClary elec- | | tric range, jacket: heater, French doors, honey containers. buffets, doors and frames, chesterfield, dish- es and many other articles too nu-| merous to mention. Terms cash. | Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. Dial 5-5751. (283b) Stafford Bros. ! MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E. Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY: MARKERS Precise workmonship and earef.s atteniicn to. detail are vou owur. $ an.e you the { wide selection of imported ond ond Marbles wn domestic Granites oT 41--Articles Wanted LIVE SILVER BLUE MINK FE- male kits, will pay better than pelt price. Dial _5-5860. (284¢) WANTED -- HEATING STOVE, 4nd wood, boy's sport jacket 12 or 14, new condition, for sale. Dial 3 3972. (284¢) WANTED, JIG-SAW, WITH OR without motor, good condition. Dial 3-4042, (284b) | SPRAY GUN WITH COMPRESSOR | ¢ and motor for oil or énamel paint. ) Write Box 102, Times-Gazejte, 4 ( CRGANS URGENTLY NEEDED, must be reasonable; also small planos. Please state price. Box 631, Times-Gazette. D135) "GRAND PIANO WANTED BY the Ryerson Ingtitgte of Technology, 50 Gould St., Toronto, address re- plies to C. L. Bird stating make, ser- ial ber, and last tuning date." (282¢) ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS. WE buy deer skins in season, sheep polka. cow, calf hides. Dial gi (D185) WANTED, RAW FURS, LIVE poultry, feathers, scrap iron and metal. Dial I, Turner, North Osh- awa, 5-4912 collect. (Dech) RAGS, METALS, OLD STOVES, furnaces. wanted. immediate picke up. 222 Annis St. Dial §- (Dec3) RAGS, SCRAP IRON, METAL, PA. pes etc., bought. Immediate service. Dial 5-0382 anytime. Jack (Jake) Shaw, 824 Rowena St. + (Decl) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI. ture, beds, cribs; heaters, pool stoves. 24 Bnd . dial 38-4863 (Deci14) _ GOOD #65 ED BURNITURB WANT- oe: -Drepsers, heds, stoves and heat- ers. 08 King West. Dial 65-0132. (Dec15) PIANOS. CASH SH FOR Tou K PIANO aow Wilson and 7 Simeoe \ Dial 5-2822, (Dec16) HIG CES FOR and , TRgS, ! metals Loca) asd out town oalls up free. Dial bv Cadardale Tdi ph Metals 100 Annis St a of C.N.R. Station. D14) 42--Ferale 8 Yelp Wante Waka CAPAB WOMAN TO TAKE charge of cooking, serving, cleaning on Christmas oe Hours approxmgptely 10. a,f.-10 p.m, Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK ond EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N DIAL 3-7752 FLOORS SANDED WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER ond WAX SOLD | THURSDAY, SALLY'S SALLIES N " G 4 yy Copr. 1951, King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved, | 1 | | | i i | -- | i | | | "You'll stop laughing at my pew ha when you read what came ; with it." DEC. 6TH 9:30-11:30 a.m.--Morning Nursery, | & nursery school program for chil- dren 4 years of age, 2:00-5:00 p.m. -- Crafts, a fully equipped craft work shop open for | the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work. etc. 3:30-7:00 p.m. -- Irenie Harvey | Dance Academy. 6:00-8:00 p.m. --YWCA Behketball, girls basketball practices and games | | held weekly. Open to business girls | working in industry, offices, stores, etc. Held at Simcoe Hall gym. 7:00-10:00 p.m. --Crafts, a fully equipped craft work shop open for | the teaching of leathercraft, gloves, slippers, weaving, felt work, etc. 8:00-10:00 p.m.--YWCA Badmin- | ton Club. This club is for young | men and women in the commun. | ity. New members are welcome to join at any time. Held at Simcoe Hall Gymnasium. 8:00 p.m.--YWCA Bridge Club. | day each month for the purpose of | of bridge playing. Men and ladies | welcome. Instructor: Mrs, M. R.! Clarke. Social after lesson. 8:00-10:00 pm --YWCA Rendez- | | | Vous Club. A weekly social club | | mas Social. All Day--Art Exhibit. Open to public whenever building is open. | FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7TH 9:30-11:30 a.m.--Morning Nur- sery. A nursery. program for chil- dren 4 years of age. 9:30-11:30 a.m. 2.00-5:00 p.m.-- Crafts. A fully equipped craft shop | open for the teaching of leather- | craft, gloves, slippers, weaving felt | work, ete. 3:00-5:00 pm --~YWCA Birthday "Open House". 4:15 pm.--YWCA' Junior Lead- | ers' Corps. A leadership course for | girls 13-16 years of age. Course in« cludes instruction in crafts, games, folk dancing, party planning, pro- gram planning, etc. 8:00 p.m.--Oshawa Chess Club. This hoppy club meets every Fri- cay evening; they have coaching for beginners and keen competition for advanced players. All Day--Art Exhibit. Open to | public anytime building is open. 8:30-11:30 p.m'--YWCA Badmin. | ton Club Dance. 7:00-9:00 pm.--YWCA Birthday | "Open House", SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8TH 10:00 a.m.--Sat-R-Day Camp. A club program for girls 9.12 years | of age. Handicrafts, games, folk dancing, club projects, parties, skits, etc. 9:0012 pm--Over - 20 - Club Dance. A weekly club dance held for those in the community over 20 years of age. trophy | | Recent News 'Of Whitevale {lieves that abolition of retail price' | fixing will recuce prices to the con- | sumer, i mittee 'ment legislation to ban resa'e price | MAY DESTROY LANDMARK Castle Combe, England (CP) My Castle Combe's 13th-century mar- | ket cross may have to be de- B. Taylor, vice-president of Gener- | al Steel Wares, urge it to exercise | {the "utmost caution" in prohibit- | ing price maintenance. He suggested it would be intro- |ducing a new principle into the molished. Repairs will cost $1650 | and | combines law -- that an act is al ne Price Costs r: lerime, even though it can't pe | CARROL be. ra sed locally. Buver Manaw {proved to be detrimental to tha © J Wa aVEMWERW J [general public. That was a "very | | of the legislation juerious thing," As chairman Ottawa (CP) -- Fred McGregor, | committee of the Canadian Manu- {former combines investigation com- |faciurers Association, Mr. Taylor | jmissiorer, said yesterday he be- presented a CMA brief suggesting | | abolition of price maintenance may bring higher prices for Canadian consumers today. | Says Fixed MURDOCH INSURANCE He told the parliamentary com- studying proposed govern- | maintenance that he is rtain re- | taillers will not maintain prices if they are not under any require- | {ment to do so. There was no comparison in Canada upoh which to base such a eonclusion, but in areas in the Units | ed States where price maintenance | did not exist, it was "perfectly clear" | that prices were lower than those in! areas where it did. Earlier, the committee. heard R. VOTE and RE-ELECT JOHN WwW. NAYLOR Alderman 1952 PHARMACY 1. FORMER MEMBER OF BOARD 885 SIMCOE ST. N. OF EDUCATION ® FOR QUICK DELIVERY 2 MEMBER OF CITY CoUNCIL = ® FOR PRESCRIPTIONS |} 3. VICE-CHAIRMAN OF FIRE PRO- D - 5 TECTION AND CITY PROPERTY IAL 5-1253 COMMITTEE. NORTH SIMCOE Represented Council on , , . (es) WELFARE BOARD. (b) C.R.A, L. F. RANDALL (Corresnondent) Whitevale--Mrs. J. Cook, mis- | sionary Superintendent gave a very inteersting talk in the United | Sunday School. . Mr. and Mrs. J.¥Whitfield from Springville visited with Mrs. 8. C. Reddick, recently. Mrs. R. H. Johnson spent the weekend with her son Wilbur and Tamily and helped Keith celebrate | his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Randall, Mrs. | Blanche Fielding, visited with N. and Mrs, Randall on Sunday. Mr. Stanley Tweedie from Dixie, (e) CHILAREN AID BOARD DURING 1951. FOR SOUND CITY ADMINISTRATION VOTE NAYLOR X JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST spent Sunday with his ewn folks. An enjoyable evening will be | held in the United Sunday school | | December 7 when there 'will be | | progressive crockinole, contests, ete. The November meeting of the | Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. W. Price. | | The president, Mrs. J. Tweedie | conducted the business session in| | which a letter was read from Mrs. | Howard of Toronto, thanking the ladies for the splendid bale of | clothing to be forwarded out west. included in the bale was a fine box | of By wi from The Mission Band. ! Mrs. G. Van Blaricom and Mr. | J. Pugh were selected as a nomin- | _ (282¢) | | This club meets 1st and 3rd Thurs- | ation committee for electing offic- | ers for 1952. Mrs. L. Hagerman | ---- | teaching beginners -the fine points | conducted the Worship Service. Mrs. C. 9. Reddick.read a de-| lightful poem on a Small. Boys' | School in Alberta. Mrs. Randall gave some extracts | {from a letter received from a ALL persons having claims against | for married ladies, Newcomers are Christian student in India, enclos- | the Estate of the above-named ge} always welcome. Program: Christ | | ing a sample of crochet work done | by his mother. | Mrs. J. McLachlan offered up praycr for a missionary, Miss Rob- inson. This is requested to be a | regular item of each meeting. | Mrs. Morton from Brougham, | was guest speaker. Her theme | | "Christian Stewardship' was a| well thought out and interesting paper. She spoke of conditions in | Greece where aid is urgently (needed. Mrs. Norton told of sev- eral instances of urgengy in the {need of more doctors, nurses and | missionaries everywhere. Follow- | ing the meeting the hostess served | a delicious lunch. | Mr. and Mrs. Attaleer and chil-| | dren spent Sunday with Charles | Horn and family, oe Mr. and Mrs. N. Randall re-| | ceived word their son P.C. Norman | Randall is in = Toronto General | Hospital with a fractured hip and | injured back., following an acei- | dent while on duty in Toronto on | his motor cygle. Sunday visitors with G. Van | Blaricom and family were: Mr. | and Mrs. Donald Massey and three | Shridren of Morganston; Miss Mar- jorie Massey and Mr. Ken Wright |and Mrs. F. A. Johnson, all of | Toronto. | FLYING MONSTER Largest of all types of bats, the great kalong of the Far East | measures nearly five feet across |1ts wings. DIAL 3-7251 Welcome to bring halper, good pay. Hayward Re-elect ZALDERMAN Murdoch wee) 3 YEARS' Civic Experience RT A MEMORIAL , TO A GOOD CITIZEN This week the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada unveiled a plaque i in honor of Sir John Carling at London, Ontario. : Sir John Carling was born in London Township on January 23, 1828 and died in 1911, During his life he did much to further the development of Canadian agriculture. One of his most important acts was to establish the first Dominion Experimental Farm . . . a fore-runner of the many which stretch across Canada today. The plaque says of him: i "Industrialist and Promoter of Scientific Agriculture for Canada (1885-1892)" We at Carling's take this opportunity to thank the people of Canada for this memorial to the son of the founder of our company. An Honest Effort In The Interests Of The Citizens Of Oshawa ----, MURDOCH X Dial 3-TT14. (284, ~ Ae L) CARLING'S CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED, TORONTO AND WATERLOO, ONTARIO 828 ZF FESTIVE. FRAMES FOR * Lovely Ankles! pi Outline Heels «+. a well-defined black border on a traditionally flattering heel. 1.29 revi 709081000 sorvoecey | ""oass0,, - lace Frame Heels «+. dainty black lace, to frame a trim ankle in fashion's newest. 1.39 ru vec Peek-a-Boo Heels « + « a faint tracery outlines a wispy heel on 51 gouge, 15 denier sheerest nylons. 1.49 Per Pair Dupliquette Heels +. . the original "Picture Frame" heels," ' in sheerest of sheer 51 gauge, 135 denier, / ' 7 9 Per " Th Reifman: here Smart Young Wome 232 Simcoe St. South Dial 5-6221 OSHAWA © OTTAWA o [HAwiion + *

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