PACE TWO iad j : THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1951 Deaths Liquor Issue Ohman Gnd. Frost Claims | Royal Fair Christmas Seals Two Injured, Income Tax ---- oy --~ . BOYES: Entered into rest' suddenly (Continued from Page 2) 177) Sy Ea i (Continued from Page-1) (Continued from Page 1) | (Continued from Page 1) Seven Street . (Continued. from Page 3) November 14th, 1951, Robert Camp. | POWer in Ontario the CCF will as Lathuct | which in most previous elections | went to the Central Durham BulljCouncil; G. Fronk rant, Prost and $7.000--80; between $5,000 amd Sysmbe 4 ly . - | soon as possible take over and oper- | have returned Conservatives. | Club. |W. BE. Murkar, Publisher, Picker- o - Dell, Boyes Aloe nr Ela ETO | remi ks i ling News; Mrs. R. G. Mills | $5,000--180; between, $4,500 and $5,- \ eer), and beloved husband of late as a public utility the brewing, ROTARY SPEAKER | Today the premier speaks in| The famous Glenafion strain, de: [IIE ES el ial, cclaents LO 200; Tetwore Sindy ork. one Mildred Boyes and dear father of winery and distillery industry with- The speaker at the luncheon | Renfrew and Pembroke, Mr. Jol- veloped by J. J. E. McCague, was £ Eb "Mes ET es : X | Clarence, of 8 York St., Ajax. in the Province. The profits of the eeting of the Oshawa Rotary Club lffé remains' in Toronto and Mr. | represented in the Hols.ein bull, | president. ¥. W. C. A: Don -- --380; between $3,500 and $4,000 -- Mr. Boyes is resting at McRachnle industry will be used to: on | - | Thomson has addresses scheduled * an r 4 division. |Siorie Presic NGwohis. :| Police have reported seven auto|720; between $3,000 and $3580 -- 1 H Pickering, after Sun- on Monday will be Kenneth Mec- | S$ 3-year d unde ision. | storie, Presicent, Kiwanis Club; | po | $3, Say mown. Funeral notice Inter. "(8) Maintain and care for aloo- |, op "ole "reporter of The To- for Campbellford, Lindsay and [Third place was taken by Glen Everett Lovell, President, Rotary accidents since yesterday noon, With |1 700; between $3500 and $3,000 -- helics and if possible Jesiore ronto Globe and Mail. He will, Peterborough. afton Futurity owned by Central|Clu; Ren Wilson, President, Kins- [two people injured, one of them in jo.' between $2,000 and $2,500 CHE ERR OH Entered 2 Jon hem 10.a user] place speak about' the Royal Tour of| Mr. Frost coupled with his sea-| Durham Bull Club and J. J. E. men Club; Ceorge Hood, President, | hospital. ! J : ih the Oaliawa enstal ios jial on society; '| Canada and to Washington. way remarks an asseriion that his | McCague of Orono and Kitche-e~ Lions' Club: Sam Horwich, Presi-| At 1 o'clock this morning, Valerie | 1,880; between $1,506 and $2,00-- ay mc." boloved hus.| (0) Provide for the innocent vic- government's policy has been to| Getting closer to home, seventh dent, B'Naj B'Rith; Syd. Currell,|J. McC. Hughes, 705 King Street |1330; between $1,000 and $1300-- band of Annie Totten, in his 67th| tims of the liquor Meanie; DECLARE DIVIDEND cooperate with all other govern-| place in the same class was taken re: /deai, Kinsmen Olubof Whitby! South, Whitby, Was driving east On 1330) under $1000..%. an © Conan =» Saumation van, Fittings Limited has dgclared a ments in Canada, regardless of | by Park Acres Rag Apple Historian, Dr. M. B. Dymond, Pretjcent, King Street East, hem Beulsh Earned income declared by Osh- Funeral from the Armstrong Fun- bagn semi-annual dividend of 30 cents | politics. ' owned by F. R. Ormiston and O. Port Perry Lions' Club; J. G.|Young, 31, of 107 Carlton Street, awa neovle AmouTied ts $302) eral Home, Oshawa, Monday, Nov. the use of alcohol for bev- |... sare on the outstanding Con- | THOMSON LIQUOR POLICY Parks and Sons, of Brooklin. Elm- Geikle, President, Chamber of Toronto, walked into the side Of land Investmant au a 2500 ember 19. Service 2 2m, Interment Lo. erage Purposes: al | Vertible Class "A" Shares of the Mr. Thomson, speaking in Nap- | croft Rag Apple Champion, owned Commerce; Don Lander, Presi-|her car and was thrown to the!" mremptions and deductions clate. Oshawa Union Cemetery, (d' Contribute to the Eons company. The dividend will be pay- | anee, said his policy on the liquor |by G. R. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, dent, Junior Chamber of Com-|pavement. Rushed to the hospital ed were divided: personal, $19,163; 1 M . Yelfare of the people of ON- | ye on January 1 to shareholders question probably will be made was placed fourth in the aged bull ens! Wig an, President, | by orlgeiers, olen Brooks, To) Ring pension fund deductions, $324,000; . . on record at the close of business |known Monday. He was prepared | class. | . Street West, an SS vay, charitable donations claimed, $242,- An emoriam "The CCF will prohibit all Tors on December 6. to support an investigation, federal | WHITBY GUERNSEYS WIN | - Today letters are being mailed Ritson Road South, she was €X-1000; medical expenses claimed, : 3 and loving memory of liquor BAVErsIng The peop e ' or provincial, into the liquor situ-| J Milligan and Sons, RR. 1, oat ¥ Slyzens throughout De City |amined by Dr. E. Gla er and |g1ag 0p, apa mother, Who. 17%. te i be given an pa or BRAKE LINING FIRE ation in Ontario and would take | Whitby, long' an exhibitor in the gd 3 Tn g for |found to have head injuries. She | Net taxable income declared was a cl 8 by vo NDR The brake lining of one of the | advice from anyone on the prob- | Guernsey show took fifth place In: which they ate asked to Ye tarn | 1S still in the hospital, £1 Tepor- | $13,583,000 an dtotal tax declared If all the world were ours to give mel ho vB 'of the administra- | Oshawa Railway buses caught fire jem; . the junior calf bull division with their contributions to the Christ-| cd to be resting comfortably. {on taxable inzome, $2,685.00. We give it, yes, and more y right in front of the Cedar Dale| 1h Ringston, he said the forests | his Cairnpat Nimble's Emory. In Two trucks were involved in @| The number of taxpayers given fon now jmas Seal Fund, c-o Bank of Nova 5 ¢ a To see the face of our dear Mom |tion of the Liquor Legislati fire station yesterday about 3 PM.|of Ontario will help pay for the |fact the Milligan farm exhibited 8 , collision about 4.30 yesterday after- | for Ontario Couuty o i cotia, Oshawa. These seals have i ari nty was 15,870 and Come smiling Jhroygh Ue S00 in force Rave Bien ihe menivers of It was a fairly simple matter for Liberals' proposed provincial hos. | many cattle and took several Tow Bocomo va dely used in Christ. | 2000 at the corner of Simcoe and [the total income, $45,682,000. Total man "grandsons Wayne and Grant. When the appointment of a select one of the Seemen Jo wale gue with pital care plan. He said his party, A t Nimble Pri «| mas mailing, and add a touch of Plser Shears. They were Pig 0, [tax was $3,349,000. Vo a Pyrene extinguisher and quenc q pa imble rince too : iles . Goulding o g | committee to investigate the ad- | 3100 Tie damage was done. | elected, intends to collect stump- seasonal brightness to letters and i i | Qt ros ili 85, FEB mee Sa CLARK--In loving memory of our : seventh award in the senior calf parcels. And at the same time, Street and William D. Tanes, Ra dear mother who left us November | ministration of justice in Ontario AES uss ION re OOS ust | hs ad Catrnpat Nimble's' frase contributions will help in the | Colborne Street East. There was islature last and will, at the same time, see . : 18; 1949. Was proposed in the leg SLIGHT DAMAGE " ; Patsy sixth' in the junior calf heifer i slight damage to the Goulding ve- Nothing can ever take away March, it was largely through the| po. uincio) police reported two that there is a fair distribution be- class, Catrnpat Nitoble's Lady Astor work of Sighting sue dread Disease ego Bh Bai llontog on Balt The love a heart holds dear, insistence of our Leader, E. B. JOl- | jinor gecidents in Whitby yester- | tWeen logs and pulp. , 2 Os Vs | driv y and' Cairnpat Nimble's Rose took |ACTIVE PROGRAM driven by Tanes. Both trucks were Fond memories linger every day, life, KC, that the terms of the |... oreroon Robert Cook, 520, He again pledged his party to ixth and eighth places respectively . insured Remembrance keeps Mom near. uti ere broadened suffi- | 92 hE i obtaining higher pay for school |SXih 8 Pp pe The T. B. Prevention Committee, L an . ring! embered by her |ToSOUtOD Ww i Kent Street, Whitby, and Malcolm in the senior calf heifer division. [whose work is financed by the| At 6.30 p.m. there were two more 0 ey 0 ue a vest ation | J. Prentice, 913 Brock Street South, | teachers and to ensuring that the | ".ryic came breeder took a fourth | Oro mee, Geo} Fund, had carried | accidents reported by police. In | : into the administration of the |ypithy, were in collision on Brock young men of Ontario have a in the junior get of sire class and fon an active program throughout |one of them, a car driven by John RL thor 'and grandmother, | aur License Act. Such an Investi- | greet 'South. There "was slight| chance to enter the medical Pro-| 5 arth in the junior herd showing. | re past year. Throughout the en-|Reid, 62 Elm Grove Road, Toron- a dear mother Jang ZraRumorier) gation was on the agenda of the damage to both vehicles. Another fession if they so desire. R. Stenger and Son, of Enniskil- [tire county, clinics: for persons re-|to, was parked on Simcoe Street RE Ve th, To. Select Committee when the com- | minor collision took place between | Earlier he addressed '100 per-|ien did well in the Jersey show. ferred for treatmdnt as a result|South near Albany Street, and Time speeds on, one year has passed (Mittée was dissolved and its Work | pimer Brooks, 514 Perry Street and |sons at Enterprise. His Enniskillen Royal Volunteer |of the last mass T.B. survey were when the driver opened his door it | Since death its gloom, its shadow | brought to nothing by the action of | sifreq Legroulx of Belleville. Little | JOLLIFFE HITS LIBERALS placed tenth in the junior calf bull |operated weekly. In Oshawa, these [was hit by northbound Alvin Monk, | cast the Premier in obtaining dissolu-| Gamage was done. Mr. Jolliffe said in Toronto that | division and his Enniskillen Royal |were carried on by Dr. A. F. Mac- |g R. 1, Columbus. Both cars, which | Within Jue home, where all seemed um of the Legislature earlier this BR Liberal party promises have been |Monarch eighth in the senior calf Kay and he Jatt ou He Oshawa were insured, suffered door dam- | bright 7 month. oye "dreamed up in hotel rooms to|bull entry. Enniskillen Royal Flora |General Hospital. In the county, age. ion. that ight. and eves wii |, 1 can assure you jas 18 elacted Atrocities catch votes" and the 'Liberal plat- | was fifteenth in the junior yearling [8 mobile unit from the Gage In'| 'Tic other accident at that time Her vacant place there is none can 0 the Provincial Legislature on form is *'a tremendous bluff blown |heifer-class and the Stenger farm's |Stitute was used, and Dr. E. P. i voived another parked car. John ill November 22nd, this is the policy I mm -- up by unlimited money and ex- |exhibit was eighth in the junior |Snider, yoonautan fron the Pro- Zinkiewich, 5 Bloor Street East, Down here we mourn but not in vain [intend to pursue. (Continued from Page 1) travagant newspaper ballyhoo." [get of sire class and also eighth in vincial Department Health, was was backing out of a driveway at For up in Heaven we will meet Yours very sincerely, relatives of those soldiers still J the junior herd. brought in to give further periodic 302 Bloor Street East, and hit a again. T. D. THOMAS, MLA. |listed as missing. W. .D. Thomson, of Brooklin, |check-ups.on all patients and sus- arked car belonging Ao Fred Sere- --Lovingly remembered * by sons GEORGE A. WALTON On Wednesday Lt.-Col. James an ' ' | pects. p ] Albert and Harold, daughter-in-law |, Fo date, Durham Riding |M. Sale noes of Hie ear chon ro ar ensions placed 20th in the senior calf heif- As a further step towards pro-|Ment, 510 Sterling Avenue, deniing | Lillian and granddaughter Beverley. Please accept my sincere thanks |section of the U.S. 8th Army, dis- SSE with Shalomar Royal tection of the school children of the ie jeer It was raining at t t LLS-- f f ber 25th con- [closed in Korea that nearly 6000 ; e city and county, the.teaching per- he . CROW: I I a Jor Jour Lote o Opel adopted at|Allied soldiers --5500 of them (Continued from Page 1) Westgate Brilliant and Westgate | sonnel and staffs of all schools,| Later in the afternoon there was | vay N : serning. The resoiulio P American had been slaughter- [€mPloyability supplement, begun | Bomber owned by Harry Boges and both city and county, were X-rayed |& minor collision at the corner of | way Ney, 2, ao. ih tAay Orono by your Presbytery, wo ane 'Communists since the |Jast June, will be dropped when |gon of Pickering placed seven- |pefore the schools opened in Sep-|Simcoe and Hall Streets, involving | As in the hour she passed away, I feel that the solution to the the new rates become effective. teenth and eighteenth in the. se- [tomber. Hansen Richards, 217 Mary Street | problem is not an easy one by any | start of the war. i The announcement of the in- | Though absent she is always near, ob Ridgway's statement did not nior bull calf division of the Ayr-| More than 6,000 persons in the |East, and Peter Snyder, no address | loved, still missed and ever dear. |means, It is deplorable to see sugh creases was applauded by mem- d + ] Sull love er by daughter-|an increase in drinking among |mMmention the figures announced by | perc cf all parties, but Col. A. J, |Shire show and Cluaren Farms, of outlying sections of the county given in police report Oshawa placed tenth with Cluaren - i Two more accidents occurred at in-law Dorothy Crowells 'and grand- young people and my own stand Hanley. came. Tokyo Sodey Brooks (PC -- Royal sald they De i a C were x raved I regicua) Siveys 9 a en uy) FOR TOP VALUE! Son Wrauliin, A Tort | wills Col, Gewrie Eirice. Welch, Same 916 year wo late: Ms, Le Another important service fs [involved a truck driven by George || FOR TOP PERFORMANCE! 4 iio by Er Ridgway's public information of-i%7 00 16" the war veterans' allow- . that of rehatiii' 'lon of T.B vr' |R. Moore, 85 Wilson Road South, RY Cards of Thanks how difficult it is to change the |liCEl; Presumably to answer any | ~~ paid to veterans of the First Canadians ients returni.. .o the city and a car driven by Teresa S. Clea- Table Model NETY set wl feel that | Questions while the Ridgway state-| o "iy sanatoria. The Rehabilitation Com- (son, no address given. There was Fith 14° Pic 3) incere | RaDits of older citizens and feel that | pont" was being prepared. on ar, % d te mittee takes an active interest in|slight damage to both vehicles, saver... ideal for $369 50 TS en Captor on Ke ih ey [Ve Would be. well wuvised b Sisdcy Shortly before Ridgway spoke i Sell hay anounced (Continued from Page 1) all such patients, and gives them |which were insured. | small" homes. . ricpds, relatives and neighbors for og elitr DYINE Poop ig pi ot, Peipine Fedo entered & plank: established at the next session iy |88de commander, sald his troops valuable : Jeugance in nied a| The other aclier, on Elm bio Ti 2nd many apts of Jind our | oncoming generation of prospective ad tliat UN, prisoners of | consider what changes should be ee ne i COMMITTEE IN CHARGE es eo . pp etna | Moder wi 17 $439 50 ye oiey Hall. A sgecial RISTHOLCS: f ting | VAL Were treated well "despite dif- Hide ID Tie war veterans' allow. September and then on Sept. 11 be-| All of this work is carried on|gtreet, who collided with Robert | ; Picture Tube, " to Rev, L x Moftat) an Again thankin g you for iy ficult conditions. to Mr. Lapointé said the increases 88h to work toward the enemy's through the wise use 3 the money | gmay1 21, of 102 Nassau Street. | YOUR NORTHERN ELECTRIC DEALER DE! Cuneral ne theta: and best wishes for success in you Then the Chinese Communis in the disability pensions meet ard |®&in positions. made available in 'the Christmas Police reported that Small, who re- | 1S A GOOD MAN TO KNOW ¥rs. Ada efforts. radio countered with its own char- "We had two good fights on the [Seal Campaign which opens today. (ft cad to see a doctor, was treated | i " in some cases surpass the demands | * to extend my heartfelt. . Sincerely, ges that 'thousands and tens of way, against Chinese in stren The campaign is being carried on to nose and forehead by | 'HG TE Digi huni Wh: Mico oi GEORGE A. WALTON. |thousands" of the Chinese and |Of the Canadian Legion and other | TAY: PERTUC CREE In strength, J€ CC n Re od See Oshawa aslo 3 200 Josied 0 oriiierna of kindness, messages of sympathy| HON, JOHN W. FOOTE, MLA |North Korean Red soldiers "who Ya ren 0! a tacked by the 2nd battalion Royal |Kiwanis Club, made up of A. E. South v and all donors of the many beauti-| progressive Conservative Candidate, [fell into the hands of the U.N. It se Increase It no longer|. Regiment with terrific tank |Johnson, Chairman; Fred Bartlett, : Jecfric ful Floral offerings received from the Ontario Riding forces have been massacred." [Was felt necessary to pay the un- support from "C" squadron of the | Treasurer; Mrs. Hazel Merritt, i ; nel hbors of Alice st. King St. Jn: «I think you are aware of the| This ran counter Wo all reports Smplovaniiny een er Lord Strathcona's Horse. It was |Secretary; Hany Millen, Prog Good Taste Wins In Sst. e urc By el East. : .N. treatment of risoners. 1 a 5 of ' nt-Elect of the Kiwanis ub; COMPANY LIMITED Stat; Rebekah Lodge No.3, General a tn fr hag g Se in his ert ll all Red (martied pensioner gets $125 a |the best infantry-tank support I've | de i Art. Crockett M , relatives and many friends, A: : _|ever seen. The tanks. were firing |Dr. Oscar Mills, , Hg J ge Wy ig and Dr. |search Foundation in Ontario' to |Drisoners were well cared for. [Month and $40 additional if un so close ahead of the advancing |Everett Disney, Fred Kitchen, Manchester Handicap i ) i employed. Under the new rates h Patterson, nursing staff of B2 of |study 'alcoholism and that out of| Ridgway's statement emphasized | &HP oh Ts ne Mines infantry that they were almost|Murray Sparkes and Allen Cay, Oshawa Hospital; especially wish to |¢hat study has come a Clinic and |that there had been no intention of : / ; i clipping the hair from their heads. | Who are devoting their tifne gener- : : WE SELL, WE SERVICE, WE IN- thank Rev. Bury for his consoling Sat Sy Toronto, and the first Withholding the atrocity figures. sahily Denson J 2 8 "Then, on the 27th, the day be-|Ously to the endeavour to make it Manchester, England (Reuter s ) SE CUR OWN id VION olds SNe") Yerenvement of 2 iprison hospital in North America| "It had been concluded some rg ow A 9 fore 'Operation Commando,' th e|28 8reat a success as it has been |--Good Taste, a seven-year-o J loving wife; also pallbearers and J on lag in | months ago, that at an appropriate a nonin. The new scale will lio" .tinck went in the 2nd bat. |in previous years. to-1 outsider, today won the Man- RECEIVERS. A PERSONAL SER- General Motors for loan of cars and |for the treatment of sease in time when the accumulated evi-|&ive him $125 without the supple- talion Prin Patricia's Canadi The committee appeals to all |chester November handicap -- last ; jo Luke Mcintosh Funeral Home Mimico Reformatory. We Rave also| 10 eR 2, and when due co- | ment. Re alicia CANANIAN line respond promptly and |big race of the English flat racing |; VICE THAT ASSURES SATISFAC- for their kind services. sponsored a research program at |9€ -- Light Infantry attacked Chinese on 1 ing the letter [season -- from Solar, a 100-to-6 Sam Clarke , ordination had been effected with a bump 600 yards north and cap- | generously on receiving the letter ber AT MODERATE COST! Sy on {Queen's University which I hope o'yroper authorities in Washing: C fi tured it. and Christmas seals, so that the shot. French Design, a four-year-|j TION AT |10 see: followed by a clinic in King- |y,, 'this evidence should be made easeiire "At the same time the 2nd bat- |8reat work of fighting tuberculosis old, was third. S ston. _ public," Ridgway said. * [talion Royal Canadian Regimezi May go on with unabated zeal in| Good Taste, oldest horse in the | -* There are many other practical |". i SEE i =| the community. race, won by a neck from Solar | ® bitua results coming from our studies mL thiy coordmation Nog Bo (Continued from Page 1) had Shoal a un lo the welt ord iii ARRAN with' six length between second A Which 1 have not time to go into this release is of the utmost regret |AITangements for the exchange of'| Ve Jus ke the Chinese. PIONEER INDUSTRY and third. French Design was at the moment, but which may be " prisoners probably will be diffi- | "Y} Massachusetts, one of the main placed third after a photo - finish | a"certained from our Director, Mr. | 'his headquarters." = cult to work out. Among the re- rahe Jol S22 Sheraton com shoe - manufacturing centres in |with Clare Hill. There were 31 run- HiLL-C N EDWARD JAMES CHESEBROUGH David Archibald. and training, temperate in, all| gommendations to be drafted is objectives by nightfall, By noon |the United States, produced shoes | ners. LIMITED In failing health for the past| My idea is that treatment of this things. I grew up during the OTA |one covering the" withdrawal of all ihe next day we had exploited | by hand in 1635. i ------------ ELECTRIC LIM three years, Edward James Chese- disease with an accompanying re- days and my experience has been'|troops from Korea, another poten through to our present positions GARDEN DIET " in Television brough passed away in the Oshawa habilitation program 'is imperative (that total prohibition is not the [tial stumbling block. "Our most spectacular action| Ore deposits at Lake Allard,| Fruits and vegetables are esti- For: the Finest in General Hospital on Friday, No- and as one man cannot do every- solution. On the other hand, I-am| Jf the sub-committee since then was a raid using one Quebec, are believed to be the mated to make up between 15 and || 50 PRINCE ST. PH. 3-2248 vember 16, in his 67th year, thing, I have spent most of my deeply concerned at the organized, (agrees to the proposal, the ful five- company from each of the three [world's largest single source of {20 per cent of the total bill in| Born in Rawdon Township on|time on this phase, with, I think, [commercial debauchery of our young | member armistice delegations will battalions, together with the tanks. ' titanium. Canada. ! March 9, 1885, the deceased was 8 better results than have been [People today. I think the CCF has |pe called into session to adopt it . son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Raert |achieved in Ontario. the right approach in rigid con- formally. C. Chesebrough. A resident of Osh-| However, I am keenly afvare of [trol and restriction of the 'liquor awa for 22 years, he was employed the need of a program dealing with | trade, plus universal education of SWAMPY AREA P) in the Parts and Service Depart- the prevention and have helped to [our youth in the evils of heavy ment at General Motors for 22 years | plan this. within the Foundation |drinking and the virtues of tem- With 7400 square miles under and was a member of Local 222,/and have also urged assistance for |Peérance. 5 waier. Lousians supplies Dibst of Predeceased by his first wife, the |a]) organizations doing this work. Sincerely, the muskrat furs in the "United former Ethel Maud Hales, on Janu-| 1 am sure that Albert Johnson SPENCER W. CHESHIRE. | States. ud 1920, Mr. Chesebrough is ary 20, I will tell you that I have assisted in survived by his second wife, the every possible way to bring about former Annie Hotten and: four sons, |jegisldtion agreeable to his Feder- ; d . Norman E, Grant M. and Gamet| ation znd this I will continue to do. 5 L. Chesebrough of Oshawa and| 1 appreciate the interest that your ou R i Lorne J. Chesebrough of Kingston. Presbytery is taking inthis whole ; Also surviving are four sisters, question; , . p S Mrs. L. anoolt, Mes Xe MeMylien Yours sincerely, of and Mrs. A. Lott o awa an JOHN W. FOOTE. . Mrs. A. Dunkley of Stirling and SPENCER ONESIES vis At The three brothers, Robert and Blake of | cop Candidate, Durham Riding vm Oshawa and Ormel of St. Cathar-| wo ir tne COF have an official n d ines. : held |ANSWer to your question. It'is an - an - The funeral service will be held|,ncyer which was decided at our ; 3 from the Armstrong Funeral Home | ono atic annual Convention in REV. E. H. HARDT, above, holding United Church, will conduct the." ot European areas were -- to the -~ Joseph Wright Taylom Oshawa, | ".pociiveq that when elected. to church, conducted the service. MF. |g phi; "the Province, The profits body "was 'brought here Tweday | Lots 80d, pe WORD OF FAITH AND body was brought here Tuesday.| on od \f BORDle vestore , tims of the liquor traffic; 72 years ago and has made his| (4, gontripute to the general wel- cide by vote upon the method or P M 7 P. M. Pallpearers were four nephews, |s 999, 'abstainier. I am, by nature, N ntl Taylor, Oshawa, Don Shepherd, crutch of woman healed recently at 2 pm. on Monday, November 19,1147 "1 "may 'sau that the resolution ® . followed by interment in the Sn We passed. at that time Tad. dor. 3 EST | . 245 Simcoe St S awa Union Cemetery. Rev. 8. C. H.1i50:9h1e thought and research be- : ' ° . services. carefully studied. The "promotion R EV i A R DT i and sale" rather than liquor control C. J. W. TAYLOR ] i Prescott The funeral of Charles |SXists here presents a sorry con N EW U. A. W. A . ® ° ° wag held at the George T. Apple- | ower sn "Ontaris the COF will as y : f Y k P ton Funeral Home, wad Sire soon as possible take over and op- © or ' a. Welinesday afternoon. Rev. ~ |erate as a public utility the brew- Tayler had been in poor health for |; the industry will be used to: i ) L) LJ Ll Intérment was made in Catarqu jety: O f h Off | Cernetery, Kingston, with the cor- society; : ccasion oO t elr iCia | -- DELIVERANCE The son of Mr. and Mrs. Johna-| () conduct an educational cam- G d O 1 | thah, Taylor, he was a brother of paign upon the dangers of ran pening 1 home in Oshawa, Lindsay, Toronto, fare of the people of Ontario, It was our privilege fo have been awarded the sistér, Miss Florence Taylor, Osh- Mnethods of sale. ishes on this occasion! awa, and several nieces and. neph- Personally, I am not a. total ab- Marmour Pretty and Cecil Apple- f vies SE Eh SH | || AND EVERY NIG ker, Castorland, N.Y. and George . q 3 T. Appleton, Prescott. y ~ Aftending the funeral from out ya SURE WE (Plasterers) EXCEPT MONDAY ® Oshawa, Jack Taylor, Trenton, Mr. || '< Se Atkinson, minister of Albert Street hind it, as methods in Scandinavia trast. The resolution is as follows: Chima. conducted the sence i. oy ney 400 diy dusty WITH A MINISTRY OF THE soe time. His death occurred Mon- | oy Maintain and care for alco- -- on the : y (b) Provide f. - tege motoring to Kingston e for the mnocent vie Mrs. George Appleton, George the use of al - i I Stréet, He was born in Kingston bi omar ono! or move: Prayer For T e Sic In very eeting Eraplions and Prescott, He Was an | pe GOP will prohibit all forms [I contract for the *Eamplete plastering of this ! organist. of - liquor advertising. The people rand new Union Hall, and we take pleasure his sister, Mrs. Appleton, i 4 . . 9 oppo pie Re by & second | VL be given an opportunity to de- n extending our congratulations and best os [J ews, stainer. I guess you could call me of town were Miss Florence M. . (0) 3 ; shawa rghpl 330 Pine Ave. Mrs: Maisie White, Ogdensburg and Mrs. C. E. Foxton, Ottawa. and' Mrs. W. Barker, Castorland, Tommy THOMAS : Dial 5.2144 7 Run : ET 5) Pastor R. A. Bombay in his meeting. {