PAGE TWENTY i HT HTT | m ai! il I il ll - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1951 ii Ll all | ql! If | Ul I gi i wil | i Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects dtu SERS Tn TS, HANKS & IRWIN, ARCHIE Streat, Oshawa. Phone 3-9732. Also 2848 Bloor St. a To- ronto. Phone LY. 7755. (Novi2) ja--Accountants, Chartered ro NTEITH AND MONTEITH. id) Accountants, 37 King St. BE. Dial 5-4662 R. Gordon W. Rieht, C. A.; Resident Partner. : (Nov9) 1b--Accountants Bs AND COMPANY, COM- ting ete Bookkeeping and Accoun v iconomy for the small busi- ervice, Ecol y Ete small IN ness. 456 Simcoe St. (Nov1) 3--Barristers * BON AND BASTEDO, BAR- ee and Solicitors. Client's funds available for first mortgages. Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-3566. Chase les C. McGibbon, K.C., Eagar Bastedo. g ( 2 iS 8S. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- 100s Alger Bldg., 37 King Street East, Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones: Office 3-4943; Refidencs 5-0254, ---------------------------------------------------------------- SONANT & CONANT, BARRIS- bin and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C., Roger G. Conant, B.A., Of fices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. S., Dial 38-2227; Ajax, Omt., phone 2. R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc.,, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office, 'Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604. Money to lpan George S. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. . (Nov1) ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C.,, RALPH 8S. Janes, B.A. 18% King St. E. Dial 3-2260. Res, 53-1235. Money to loan. (Novl) A. W. S. GREER, K.C.,, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 King Stree' East, Dial 5-4717, Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A. Sc., residence 5-3368. (Nov 10) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. Dial: office 5-3741, residence 3-3830, (Nov2l) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrister &c, Nank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C,, G. K. Drynan, (Novl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan, Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial 5-3405. » (Nov1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, = , 11 King East, Room 2 Dial: Office -3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Nol) A. Jv PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- coe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. asl " ov. MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS. te citor, Notary. Money to loan, hy Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Novl) 4--Chiropodists JAMES A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF Surgifal Chiropody. Specializing in foot «and leg diseases. Foot orthope- dist," X-ray diagnosis. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621. (Novl) 4: --=Chiropractors LEO.L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Opeti.evenings. Dial 3-264. (N23) 5--Dentists oo PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily. Saturday morning. Dial 3-8632 or 3- 37192. (Novl) 5a--Engineers C. E. OLIVE, CONSULTING PRO- fessional engineer, mechanical, elec- trical, industrial, Ajax Road, north of No. 2 Highway, R.R. 1, Whitby. Phone Pickering 52J12. (N20) 7--Optumetrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST-- Jury & Lovell, Office Hours: 9 to 6: Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721. (NI) fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Nov1) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor, Civil Engineer, 14 Edward St., Ajax. Phone Pickering 209W2. (Nov27) DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Nov8) 8--Building Trades LIME STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS, sand, gravel, loam and fill; also manure. Bud Galt. Dial 5-4493. : (N11) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon May. Dial 3-9911. (Nov8) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & perated by F. Bi rtner. Dial 5-295). Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. (Nov?) REMODELLING, RE - ROOFING, all types new construction, Residen- tial, industrial. R. B. Wilkins, Air. port Road. Dial 5-4413. (N13) FLOOR AND WALL TILES, MAR- boleum, jaspe, rubber, Barker & Plastic Wall Tile. estmiates. Dial 5-1863. (Nov23) STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, cupboards, casings and framing, gereral repair work and alterations, wor hi uaranteed Dial 3-7361. (N6) asphalt, free 8! Jeffrey Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W. 8--Building Trades CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed. Phone Bowmanville 2098. (269c) ALTERATIONS AND REMODEL- ling, attics and bathrooms modern ized; kitchen cabinets built and in- stalled; general repairs. Floor and 20--Personal WAY. QUIT SMOKING--THE EASY Use Tob Eliminator, a scientific treatment, quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco, rids the system of nicotine. King Drug Pharmaceuti- cal Chemists (Alberta), P.O. Box 673, 'London, Ontario. (Nov3,10,17,24) wall tiling. Work guaranteed . Parks, 3-2631. (dec 17) INLAID LINOLEUM AND TILES, plastic wall tiles. Easy monthly terms arranged. L. R, Mason. Dial 5-2626. (Dec15) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, + t plastert «Nov2) and P Robinson. Dial 5-0351, walls, kitchen cabinets, stairs, alter- ations, free estimates. P. Warren. Dial 5-4815. (Dec8) CARPENTER WORK, CUP- boards, repairs, alterations of all kinds. James Clarke 5-1754. (Dec1) PLASTERING, STUCCO, RE- pairs, Plastering, Taterproaiing UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated from any part of the body with Saca-Pelo, a remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo contains no harmful in- gredient, and will destroy the hair root. LOR-BEER LABCRATORIES 679 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. b 4 (Oct13,20,27.N.3) 20a--Cartage ROY LOVELESS, PARCEL TAXI and cartage, 24-hour service. Dial 3- 8515, (18) 3-TON STAKE TRUCK AND DRIV- er for hire, reasonable rates. Dial 3- 3649. (Novistf) foundations. = Block laid, work. Prompt service. Rental mix- er, Lilley Bros. 902. (N16) 20 | GHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, cement blocks laid. Phone 5-0521. (Nov4) STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, frames and sash, all kinds of doors, cupboards and wardrobes. Oshawa Woodwork. Dial 3-2901. (Nov16) NEW PLASTERING AND RE- pairs, archways, remodelling, water proofing basements. Free estimates. Phone 3-8012. A Woods, (N10) 9--Business Opportunities GOOD RETAIL BUSINESS, FUR- niture and electrical appliances, with or without building. Record of sale is good. D. C. Christian, Sutton P.O. (268c) INVEST IN AN ESTABLISHED auto parts business instead of a house, good opportunity for one or two persons. For full particulars contact W. C. Hutchison, 274 Wil- liam St. E. by appointment.. Dial 5- 2173. (266d) 13--Household Repairs LOOK! ELECTRICAL REPAIRS of all kinds of appliances. Washers a specialty. . Prompt service. Come and see Don at 364 King West. Dial 5-6456. (D16) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Nov3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212, (Nov3) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- alum or steel. Dial 5-0311 for free es- timate. Oshawa Ubpholstering Co., 8 Church St. (Novlitf) 14--Instruction THE HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, ballet, toe, tap, baton twirling. Re- gister Wednesday 4 to 6 Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey, R.M.T. (May30tf) LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY and fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince. St. Dial 5-0MY orf eo ooo oe J (Noviv) | NEW HOUSE FOR SALE--_IMME- Residence 5-1860. LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING ; diate school, ballet, Masonic Temple, dence Wednesdays, 7253 tap, toe, Saturdays. (N11) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, Telephone Port Perry 139J. comptometer, dictaphone. New class- es each Monday. Evening classes Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Busi- ness College, 18 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4343. (NT) Sharacien | kitchen information 3. | Electric water heater on tank. In- CITY -° WIDE DELIVERY ANL cartage. Convenient, safe, courteous service, fully insured. Dick Bros. Dial 3-2158 or 5-4339. (Nov16) TWO TON STAKE AND DRIVER, reasonable rates. Dial 5-6308. (N29) 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND Seconditoniag. 'o1 free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simeve x 3 ov 22--Radio Repairs . SPECIALIZED TELEVISION AN- tennae installations, guaranteed re- pair service, all makes teievision and radios. Dial 5-1685, Earl Fowler Ra- dio, 1096 Kingston Rd. E. (N28) 23--Womer's Colum: PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up; machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St, dial 3-4521. (Nov27) CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Page Hairdressing, 394 Pine Ave, Dial 5-5363. (Nov13) REPRESENTATIVE HERE, ONE month only. We specialize in Mar- shal and Beautyrest repairs. Spring mattresses rebuilt, returned like new. Eiderdowns recovered. Ontario Bed- dinz Co. Dial 3-3632. (Nov. 11) EDWARDS BEAUTY PARLCR, morning special 10% off on all Per- manent Waves. Phone 3-7633. 5 Ce- lina Street. (HNov2) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING cold waves, $4.95 and up, guaran- teed. 10 Church, Dial 5-2241. (N29) 25--Real Estate For Sale 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, new, many extras, immediate pos- session. no agents. Phone Bowman- ville 883. (269¢c) PRINCE ALBERT, 5 ROOM BUN- galow, plus sunroom, all city modern conveniences, with 15 acres of work- able land. Immediate 'possession. G. Nolan, Broker. Dial 3-3311 or 3- 3301. Ed. Irish, Salesman. (268b) 6 ROOM HOUSE, UNFINISHED, Dial 3-4955. (269b) 1 f FIRE INSURANCE, PROPERTY or contents. Don't delay, Call Mec- Auley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133 anytime. (N23) possession. Four-room and bathroom with shower. Modern witth built-in cupboards. sulated. Easy to heat. Price $4,500. $2,500 down and terms on balance. (267c) 134 STACEY AVE.--6-ROOM BRICK, extra lot, $5500. $2,000 or more down, Monthly payments. Vacant. Immediate possession. A. E. Mur- doch, Broker. 12; Simcoe St. 8S. GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP | Dial 3-3843. Robt. McCallum, Sales- them home. Yours on completion. Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian School. Leave phone at 5-0251. (N29) WANT A BETTER JOB? STUDY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Machine Shop Auto Mechanics Mathematics Drafting | man. Dial 35-6402. (267c) 6-ROOM STUCCO HOME, EAST district, hardwood floors, hot alr, overhead garage, laundry tubs, ex- tra toilet, fruit cellar; reasonable down payment. Dial 5-3219. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, SEW- er and water, near G.M. Parts and Engineering - Building - Business | Service; also busline. Dial 3-2153. 26 Faculties, Engineering, Business} General Education Phone or write INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- ENCE SCHOOLS CANADIAN LIMITED 23 Drew St, Dial 5-2687 (Nov22) 15--Insurance FIRE IS NO RESPECTOR OF persons, property or time. Lock your estate against loss now---Mur- doch Insurance, 12!, Simcoe St, Dial 3-3843. (D15) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE BSERV- ice for better instirance in all classes 22, King St. E Dial 3-4607. Res. 5-4330. (Nov1) McMURTRY INSURANCE AGEN- cy, Fire, Auto, Life, Burglary, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722. (N17) 17--Loan Wanted GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST in Jackson's Point . . . Top grade buildings available as security, high rate of interest. D. C. Christian, Sut- ton, P.O, (268¢c) 18--Lost & Found LOST--GIRL'S PINK GLASSES, IN brown plastic case. Reward. Dial 5- 4611. (268b) 8. | I (267c) TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, modern conveniences, 8 rooms avail- able to buyer January 1 or sooner. Phone 3-4177. (267¢c) 6-ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY DECOR- ated, hardwood floors, hot air fur- nace, 2; acres of land; garage. Im- mediate possession. For further in- formation apply 233 First Ave. (267¢c) 4-PIECE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, bath, forced air heating, lent condition; residential district. Immediate possession, Dial 5-5493. (267¢) 5,ROOM BUNGALOW, HARD- wood and tiled floors throughout, 4- pc. bath, electric hot water tank, convertible furnace. Built two years ago. $5,000 cash required, $3,600 mortgage can be arranged on bal- ance. Owner leaving city. Must sell. Apply 226 Mitchell Ave., evenings. (2661) $12,000 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, modern five-roomed, 1!5-storey bun- galow, all modern city conveniences, gleaming white clapboard, fully in- sulated, breezeway, garage, 7 acres, workman's bus passes door on No. 7 Highway at Kinsale. Phone Brooklin 18R24 for appointment at week-end. (268b) LOST -- VANITY STOOL FROM moving truck, Thursday afternoon, between Oshawa and Prestonvale. Reward. Dial 3-2742. (268b) LOST--A RED COCKER SPANIEL. Answers to 'Rusty'. Anyone know- ing whereabouts please dial 3-4866. (248¢) LOST--SMALL BLACK PERSIAN kitten, vicinity of Mary St. N. Dial 5-1692. (267c) CARPENTER WORE, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone 5-3937 (N21) SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED, IN- stalléd and ®erviced. Phone 5-3986. (Nov.2) yh oe _ ee FOR! MODERN AND FIRST CLASS plastering and stucco contracts, dial (Nov21) 85-2144. No job too small. TT Ir Ia Tr a a CALL US FOR ROOFING, INSUL- bric .siding, applied at prices any time. Phone 72R31, Brook- lin. . (2661) Speebo: WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES of plastering and repair. work, stuc- co and waterproofing. Free esti- mates. Dial 3-8475, eN11) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT and sid- W. Tuck- hingles, built-up Toorog guaranteed. repairs, p. interior de- Van Horn. Dial (Dec), moderate 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcos St. 8., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. (N1) 20--Personal DRIVING TO CAPE BRETON, N.S.; have room for 2 passengers. Dial 5-6195. (267c) GOING WEST? WE NEED EXPER- | INVESTMENT PROPERTY 18 and 20 CHARLES ST. Solid brick double dwelling, attach- ed garage, Six rooms each, i condition, Easily converted to four apartments or suitable for r ing house. 1 diate p of 6 rooms with 30-day possession for remainder. DIAL 3-9848 (268b) EAST SECTION $4,000 4-room house, good basement, hydro, water system in, 2 acres of land, $1,600 cash, balance as rent, Imme- diate possession, as owner is leaving city. G. NOLAN Broker 69 KING E. DIAL 3-3311 (N14,16,17) KING ST. EAST -- $22,000 ienced drivers with good references Large 10 room brick house, 2 floors, to drive brand new cars to Vancou- ver for us. We will y gasoline axpenses an Enjoy a real vacation trip now Write today Box 621, Times-Gazette. (247t1) "ANONYMOUS, problem? ALCOHOLICS Have you a drinkin, {4 es-Gazette. so, write Box 245, T ANoviTiL), reception hall, log fireplaces, sun art of the ! room, lounge, 27 feet, vita glass win- will allow you' dows, extra mileage for pleasure detours. | ators, 2 bathrooms, oil furnace, radi- 12 acre landscaped garden + well treed, vegetable garden fenced. | 589. New screens, storms, awnings. Can be used as duplex. Suit doctor, ex- =| ecutive. Write BOX 814 TIMES-GAZETTE i A A (368c) (267c) h beautiful | | basement apartment, garage; excel- ood | 5-347. large | 25--Real Estate For Sale LOTS, 50, 60, 100 FT. HARMONY Road S. Apply 136 Park Rd. N. (2699) 6-ROOM YEAR-ROUND HOME, 8 acres of land, barn, poultry house, good well, heavy duty hydro wiring --at Utioa. Phone Port Perry BR (268¢. 28--For Rent WOULD LIKE GENTLEMAN TO share room with another. Meals o tional, 2 minutes' from Motors. Dial 5-3057. (268¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH kitchenette, suitable for 2 young men, very central. Apply 968 Centre St. (268¢) BUNGALOWS $13 000 the reduced price ' for a lovely 6 room stucco home on Masson St. Hot air heating by Chrysler oil-temp. Pos- session 30 days. $6,000 down. $1 3 50 --for a 5 room with at- ' tached garage, fire- place, on Eigin St. $5,580 down and monthly payment of $52.04 under N.H.A, financing. After 1:00 p.m. Dial 5-6342--Ralph H. Vickery, Salesman Dial 5-3877--Don Ellison, Manager, Real Estate DIAL 3-2265 REALTORS Appraisals Mortgages (269a) FOR SALE THE HOUSING SHORTAGE 1S ACUTE $9 80 --Masson Street, ' brick bungalow, $36.80 monthly. N.H.A., 4!2%. Oil heat, storms, screens, laundry tubs, vene- tians, Possession arranged. --Warren Ave., 7-room $9, 50 brick and garage, large living-room, 4 bedrooms, new roof --all in good condition. Possession early 1952. Cash deal. Mortgage can be arranged. -- Ave.,, N.H.A. $ 1 0, 50 ee $3,500 down, $55 monthly, air conditioning 5-room 7 BEDROOM FOR YOUNG GIRL willing to share, separate beds, in clean private home, some housekeep- ing privileges allowed. Dial 3-9800. (268c) 3-ROOM HEATED APARTMENT, partly furnished, separate entrance, adults preferred. L. Clemens, Phone Bowmanville 2436. (268c) COMFORTABLE LARGE ROOM for one or two gentlemen, very cen- tral, 77 Ontario St. : (268¢) 2 OR 3 ROOM APARTMENTS, FUR- nished, heat, light, water, separate entrance, conveniences, adults pre- ferred. Dial 3-7088. (2641) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, 50 Division St., all conveni Busi- 32-- Automobiles For Sale 38--Wearing Apparel '38 HUDSON COACH, RADIO, heater, good tires. $250 or best offer. Apply D. Piney, Alberts Rd. West. (268b) '51 CHEV. COACH, HEATER, slip covers. Dial 5-4064, after 5. (268c) 46 FORD PANEL TRUCK, A-1 condition, with extras. Best trade-in | accepted and take over payments. | 706 Green St. Phone 2372 Whitby. (268c) '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, RADIO, heater, winterized, good condition, $1,025. Dial 5-3936, after 5. (268b) '46 PONTIAC =. COACH, DARK green, A-1 condition, radio and heat- er, winterized, private. Dial 5-6378. (268b) '46 FORD PANEL TRUCK, GOOD condition, new engine, 6,000 miles, $620. A. Goralczyk, across from Ma- ple Lodge, east of Whitby. (268b) '50 AUSTIN SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition, privately owned. Dia! 5- (267c) ness girl, non-drinker and smoker. Dial 5-3322. (2641) WARM FURNISHED BEDROOM, centrally located, girl preferred, Dial 5-4204. (2641) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NO objection to one child over one year. Apply 546 Cubert. Dial 5-6203. (269c) 5-ROOM HOUSE, 2 MILES FROM Oshawa, For information apply at 396 King West. (268¢ ONE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, or room -and board if desived, all conveniences, south end. Dial 3- 1800 Rel ld (268¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- able for couple, no children; 1 furn- ished room. Apply 33 Whiting Ave. \ (268¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT one or two girls. Dial 5-4470 or 66 Lloyd St. (265¢) NEW, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, FOR 6 months. Dial 3-4848. (266d) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL conveniences, very central, near General Motors, single beds, suit 2 friends. Dial 5-6344. (2661) oil burner. Early p i $1 | 30 --Cadillac Ave. Posses- ' sion December 1st. 6- room brick, water heated, oil-burner, laundry tubs, venetians. Beautifully landscaped, garage, fenced. Cash deal. Good mortgage can be arrang- ed. A. E. MURDOCH Broker 122 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL 3-3843 Robert McCallum -- Dial 5-6402 (268a) WHITBY REAL ESTATE ' SMALL FARM $1 | 0002 acres of good land. ' Large house attached garage, 4 bedrooms, extra large kitchen, living - room and - utility room. Good basement, cistern and 2 wells. Barn, tie up 20 cattle, 4 hors- ! es, 3 pig pens. Implement shed. Root cellar, young orchard, apple, plum, pear and cherries, grape vines, strawberries, raspberries, black and white currants. Choice high loca- tion just off No. 2 highway between Whitby and Oshawa. --New modern 1; storey PY $8,90 clapboard, house, Living room, large kitchen, bedroom and bathroom on 1st floor, 2. large bed- rooms on 2nd floor. Plenty of cup- boand space, Oil heating. Oak floors. High dry basement, laundry tubs. Lot 55° x 130 '. Choige location. Im- mediate possession, $6 80 --Stone house, large liv- ' ing oom, dining room, mode! kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs. Newly decorated. Large utility room, basement laun- dry tubs, hydro tank, Taxes under $70.00. Low heating cost. Extra large landscaped lot. Immediate pos- session. Home for rent. Modern brick, 8 large rooms, newly decorated, -fire- place. Automatic stokef, hot water heating, near Ajax. Rent $115 month- ly. Dec. 1st possession. For Rent -- 2 modern apartments. Large apt. $90.00, small apt. $65.00 per month. Bowman & Gibson Real Estate and Insurance Broker Mrs. P. R. MacLeod, representative Whitby, 1st door south of Post Office Phone 521 Evenings 544 (260a) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT: ed for clients. + All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or (N2) HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI- nesses wanted. For a quick confiden- tial sale, list your property with E. E. Patrick, Realtor, 43 Bond St. W., 4 doors west of Prince. Dial 3-8551. 3-2512. FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR gentleman, in private home. Apply 136 Elgin E, (2651) ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- i or bedroom, all conveniences, suit gentleman or girl. Apply s1 Bond West. PP 26st) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Dial 3-2754. (267c) ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO WORK- ing .girls, very central, rent reason- able. Dial 3-4984. (2641) LARGE ROOM, SUIT COUPLE, man to share room, single beds. Dial 5-0747. 62 Division St. (267c) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, TWO beds and kitchen; continuous hot water; separate entrance; central. Bathroom to share with one person, suitable for two girls or gentlemen. Dial 3-2764 after 6 p.m. (268b) LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, suit 1 or 2 girls, one block from city bus. Dial 5-3214. (267¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman, private room. Dial 3- 2382. (267c) APARTMENT, 3!3,-ROOM, SELF- contained, with stove, refrigerator and washing facilities. $75.50 per month, available December 1st. Ap- ply Box 901, Times-Gazette. (267c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GEN- tleman, very central, Apply 209 Bond St. E. (267c) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2, central; all conveniences. Dial §.- 4373. 116 Albert. (267¢c) 2-ROOM APARTMENT, 1 OR 2 children welcomg, Dial 3-7398. (267c) STORE 16' x 54 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Apply J. PERNOKES 134 SIMCOE SOUTH For Particulars 29--Wanted To Rent BY CHRISTIAN COUPLE WITH 1 child, unfurnished apartment or flat. Phone 3-3789. (268b) UNFURNISHED HOUSING AC- commodation for family of four, ur- gent. Phone 3-8858, after 6, or any time Saturday. (267c) MAN WITH FAMILY DESIRES living accommodation in Oshawa or suburbs. Write Box 804, Times-Ga- zette. (267c) WANTED TO RENT -- URGENTLY required by responsible English cou- ple, with two well-ccntrolled child- ren, ages 9 and 4 years, a 4-roomed house or apartment, vicinity of Whit- by, Ajax or Pickering. Write Box 6, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (Novis) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR AN EL- derly man, pensioner. Dial 3080. (268¢) (268c) (N3t) 28--For Rent NICE FURNISHED BEDROOM, suit one or two girls, private en- trance. Dial 5-1718. (269¢c) TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms, conti hot water, central, Dial 5-5227. (269a) UNFURNISHED FRONT UPSTAIRS bedroom for light housekeeping, north end, $8 weekly, abstainers. Dial (269b) 3 ROOM UPPER DUPLEX, RESI- dential district, $65. Adults. Dial 3- 9557. : (2692) 1 QR 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for gentleman or lady, housekeeping n be arranged. Dial '5-0112. (269b) UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 2 large rooms, private bathroom and entrance, heat, lights and, continu- ous hot water, use of telephone, washer, abstainer. Apply 1320 King- ston Rd, E. Dial 5-27 (260¢c) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, AP- ply 73 Fernhill Blvd after 6 p.m. (269b) WARM, SOUTH FRONT ROOM, for gentleman, close to Motors and business section; abstainer. Apply 114 Elgin E. (268c) ROOMS FOR RENT, ALL CON- veniences; continuous hot Apply 25 Fairbanks. (268¢c) TWO - ROOMED ~ UNFURNISHED flat, business couple preferred, avail- able Dec. 1st; abstainers. Dial. 5- 3. 2 ROOMS FURNISHED OR UN- furnished. Apply 537 Howard St. ' (268b) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DIAL 3-3137, (268c). water. (268b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GEN- tlemen, separate beds, private home, abstainers. Dial 3-8419. (267c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tleman, willing to share room; pri- vate home, near Motors. Dial 5- 2425. (267c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN only, one block from Motors. Apply 63 Colborne E. (2671) 32--Automobiles For Sale '47 PONTIAC SEDANETTE, RADIO and heater, excellent condition, reasonable price, payments arrang- ed. Dial 5-1480. (2692) "47 CHEV., RADIO, HEATER, DE- froster, excellent condition. Dial 3- 4292, (269a) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors, New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Nov3) '47 STYLEMASTER CHEV. COACH, excellent condition, radio, heater, new slip covers. Dial 5-3815. (268b) "41 PLYMOUTH 7-PASSENGER SE- dan, Cheap for quick sale. Dial 5- 1669 before 5. (267c) AUTO GLASS INSTALLED WHILE you wait. Vern Auto Specialty, 70 Gibbon St. Dial 35-2242, (Dec$) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates, and proper protection. See McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St, Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133 any- time. (N23) '50 CHEVROLETS, 4 TO CHOOSE from -- $1,650 to $1,800. Donalds, Whitby. (266e) 50 AUSTIN, $350 CASH; $800 FI. nanced. Phone 169R3, Ajax. (267c) '40 FORD PICK-UP, GOOD TIRES, new front end, good condition, best offer. Dial 5-337T1 before 7. (2661) '41 INTERNATIONAL TWO-TON stake body, tarp and heater, winter- ized, new motor, good. tires. Cash or trade for car. 155 Brock St. East. (267c) KE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Mourey's Garage at 85-4332 for complete front end service, and {immediate installa. tion. (Nov?) 33--Automobiles Wanted '41-81 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road 8. Dial 3-9421. (N1) RITSON MOTORS, 508 RITSON Rd. 8. Will pay better prices for good clean cars. Dial 3-4851. Open (2471) evenings until 9. 25 CARS WANTED 46 - 51 MODELS MUST BE CLEAN BELMONT MOTORS 137 King St. W. (269d) 36--Pets and Livestock RHODE ISLAND RED OR BAR- red Rock pullets, started to lay. Phone Port Perry 124-R-14. Mrs. Cecil Wilson. (269c¢), 2 CRAZY KITTENS WANT GOOD home. 61 Riverside Drive, (268b) 113-YEAR-OLD PUREBRED TAM- worth boar, §75, reg. 5 %-cross Tam- worth weanlings, 7 weeks, $55. Ted Condon, Highland Grove, Ont. (268¢c) COCKER SPANIEL PUP, MALE, pedigreed, $15. Dial 35-3337, after 7. (268b) ENGLISH SETTER PUPS, 11 WKS. old; papers available. Dial 3-7247. (268b) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR training, also canaries in song. 114 Elgin E. Dial 3-8767. (Dec?) REGISTERED PUPPIES, BOSTON Terriers, Fox Terriers (smooth); Cocker Spaniels, Walker = Fox Hounds. Knowlton's Kennels. Dial 3-8932. (Dec?) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL Puppies 6 weeks old, blondes and reds. Gordeene Acre Kennels, Kin- sale, No. 7 Highway. Brooklin 18R15. (Nov31l) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS puppies and older dogs. Waubena ennels, new highway near Drive. {Nov.17) In Theatre. 37--Farmers' Column COCKSHUTT 60 TRACTOR ROW- crop with mounted attachments. May be seen at 393 King St. E. Dial 3-8378. (2691) 9 PIGS ABOUT 60 LBS, DIAL 3-9042. (267c) DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED up promptly, horses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs, and calves. (We pay for horses and cows). Call us collect. Live horses, 2 to 3c per Ib. for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowmanville 267. Ty- rone, Ont. (N28tf) 38--Wearing Apparel MAN'S NAVY CHINCHILLA COAT size 42, $12; lady's black coat, size 42, $10; suit coats, size 36, $1 each; men's shoes, size 7, $1 pr. Dial 5- 1882, (2692) 3 SUITS, COAT, DRESSES, SIZE 12-14, coats, size 6-12. Dial pi ( c) BROWN MOUTON SHORTIE COAT excellent condition; youth's camel shade overcoat, any reasonable of- fer accepted. Dial 3-748. (269a) LADY'S RED FOX SCARF. AP- ply 24 Bagot St. (2692) LADY'S FIGURE SKATES, SIZE 6, good condition. Dial 3-9707, (269a) TURQUOISE EVENING DRESS, size 16, excellent condition; even- ing slippers, black and silver, size 7. Dial 3-3087. (269¢) BOY'S BROWN TWEED, FLY front box style coat, sand gabardine station wagon coat, both excellent condition, 12-14, $12 each. Dial 5- 4677. (268¢) MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT, size 38-40, lady's wine winter coat, Persian lamb collar, size 46, reason- able, In good condition. Apply 139 Conant. (267c) FOR SALE "33 CHEV. MASTER SE- dan, best cash offer. Apply 601 Mary St, E., Whitby. (268b) '51 PONTIAC SEDAN, MILEAGE under 3,000, all accessories included, must sell. Apply 675 Ritson Rd, 8S. (268b) '37 CHEV. COACH, HEATER AND radio, new paint. Will be sold for best cash offer. Dial 5-4200. 23 Arling- ton Ave. & : (268b) '20 PONTIAC, GOOD RUNNING condition, 4 néw tires, $70 or best offer. Dial 5-0808. £268¢c). SABLE COAT, GOOD CONDITION, size 16. Apply 119 Highland. Dial 5- 19. (268b) PAIR LADY'S WHITE FIGURE skates, size 6. Apply 63 Hogarth St. (268c) MAN'S SUIT,. LIGHT BROWN, size 42; worn twice; reasonable. Dial 3-9888. (268c. LADIES' GREY SUIT, SIZE 16-18: maroon suede shoes, size 6, never worn; boy's navy mackinaw. coat, breeches 14, high' cuts; hockey skates; size 5. 158 Burk St, (267c) pacama winter coat, like new; rea- sonable; size 38-40. Dial 5-1635. Pas rs (268b) MINK TONE MUSKRAT COAT, new condition, size 14; real bargain. Apply 20 Drew St., Apt. 1. (268b) BLACK PERSIAN LAME COAT, size 18-20, good condition. Dial 5- 6222, (267c) 38a--Market Basket FOR SALE NO. 1 DELICIOUS AP- ples and McIntosh apples. Bring containers. Black's Orchard, 919 Athol St., Whitby. (268b) NO. 1 SPY & MacINTOSH AP- ples, $2.50 bushel delivered. Dial .3- 3214. (D135) 20 LARGE BROWN HYBRID YEAR. ling hens, one seventy-five each. Dial 3-7565, evenings. (267c) GOOD TABLE POTATOES, FOR sale. Will deliver. Apply Ken Hub- bert, Myrtle. Phone Brooklin 67R41. (Dec8) FOODS! FINEST FOODS AT LOW prices, every day at Glecoff"s I.G.A. Super Market, 174 Ritson Rd. South, store open daily 8 a.m. to 10 p.m Pleasant shopping--for your conven- lence we are open to 10 p.m. every night. (Jans) HONEY BUTTER, FIRST PRIZE amber and white honey, Roy Ander- son, 268 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-2441, Deliveries free over $2 any part of city. (2541) OSHAWA'S HEADQUARTERS FOR finest red ana blue young local pork, veal, smoked meats. Open every night un- til 10 p.m. IGA Super Market, 174, Ritson South. We carry over thirty kinds of cooked meats and sausage at lowest market prices. Pay us a viist. (Jan8) 3s--Articles For Sale LARGE UTILITY CABINET, 62" high, single door, 4 large shelves, roomy bottom shelf. Phone 5-1331. re Co (268b) QUEBEC HEATER, COUCH AND mattress, bed and spring, kitchen nook table, Victrola and records. Dial 5-0965. (268b) SAXOPHONE, C MELODY, EXCEL- ent condition. $90 or nearest offer. Dial 5-0591. (267c) PAIR GIRL'S WHITE SKATES, good condition, size one. Apply 630 King West. (267c) MODEL V8 ELECTRIC COCA- ola bottling vending machine, ap- Prox. 2 years old, in excellent condi- tion, $525 when new. Located approx| 75 miles northeast of Toronto. May be seen on receipt of a reasonable offer to Box 906, Times-Gazette. (268c) STEWART - WARNER CONSOLE | radio with separate cabinet record player, perfect condition, reasonable. Will sell separate. Dial 3-7366. aL AR (268b) COMBINATION QUEBEC KIT. chen stove and heater, good condi- tion, $20. Phone Port Perry 145. (249¢c) TRICYCLE C.C.M. 24"; GIRLS white skates, size 6, good condition. Dial 5-2023. (269c) DINING ROOM SUITE, SOLID walnut, excellent condition. Phone Whitby 2726. (269¢c) R.CA. VICTOR TABLE RADIO, | almost new; shotgun, 12-gauge sin- gle barrel; paint sprayer with 14- horsepower electric motor. Apply i La Salle Ave, S. (268b) PIANO AND BENCH, USED, smaller size, Heintzman and Co., tone and condition excellent. New, Console model pianos only $495, up. Jrsieon & Lee, 7 Simcoe St. N. Dial REFRIGERATOR, 9 CU. FT. 3 YRS. old; cook stove, fired by oil; 9 piece dining room suite, all in excellent condition. 132 Summer St. (268c) USED 30 GALLON HOT WATER tank, stand and pipes, good condi- tion; also double diamond glass, 38" x 59", 84 Alice St. (269b) PR. MEN'S DUNN SPEEDERS skates, size 8, $12. Apply Crystal Grill. a (269b) ONE DOOR TWO PANELLS, French door, 3 windows, 4 cellar windows; one 45 gallon oil drum with taps. Dial 3-7140. (269b) BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 7, $2.50; boy's sport jacket, as new. Size 12-14. Dial 3-3972. (269a) ELECTRIC RAZORS, SHICK, SUN- beam and Remington, sold on our Christmas Lay-away Plan. The ideal gift for a man, Meagher's, 5 King St. wv. (Dec12) COMBINATION RADIO, LATE floor model with automatic changer, special $79.50. Easy terms. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. (267c) 3-BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, new condition, special $79.50. Easy terms. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. (267c) VIKING OUTBOARD MOTOR, 3- h.p., '47 model. Dial 3-9441. (267c) brand beef, | lamb and | 39--Articles For Sale CHROME TABLE DUNCAN PHY- fe, grey arborite top; electric fan, both excellent condition. Dial: 5- 0604. (268¢c) WOODEN BABY CRIB, $3; ROLL- Away bed without mattress, $3; Ace, white enamelled ice box, $20. All in food Sondition, Apply 174 Stevenson's LB. ( MEDIUM SIZE UPRIGHT PIANO, Colonial, with bench, good condition. Dial 5-2248. (2692) ELECTRIC RANGE, VERY GOOD condition, 4 burners. Apply 818 Sim- coe N. Dial 5-5200. (268¢c) WRECKING '35 OLDS. PARTS for sale, including radio, heater and tires. Dial 5-5927. (268b) FLAT TOPPED WALNUT VE- neer desk, plate glass top, good con- dition. Phoite 3-8114, after 6 pm. wn (268b) i McCLARY DELUXE ELECTRIC range, antique walnut whatnot and | music box, ten-tune; Roman chair | needlepoint seat, other articles. Mov- ing. Afternoons only. No dealers, | please. 435 Simcoe St, N. (268b) [1 DOZ, FISH KNIVES & FORKS, mother-of-pearl handles, new, $"M | each. Philco mantel radio, $15. Apply Apt. 1, 39 Simcoe N., after 7 o'clock. ! (268b) GENERAL ELECTRIC IRONER, reasonable; men's C.C.M. skates, size 10}, like new; radiator, 7-section, good condition. Dial 3-9888. (268c) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR old rugs, carpets and old clothing, Reversible and seamless broadloom, in any size up to 13 ft, wide, any length, Continental Rug Co. Ltd. | For information phone 5-2864. GTR Noy) ELECTRIC IRONER, TABLE TOP model, medium size Quebec heater, child's 'commode chair, new. 209 | Bond St. E. (267¢c) | BABY'S PRAM, GREY, GOOD CON» | dition. Dial 3-8601. 381 Short Celina. | eT Lo : (267c) [CONTINENTAL BED, 3 SIZE, | padded head board, box spring mat- | tress. Dial 3-7911. (267c) SMALL FINDLAY COOK STOVE, $15. .32 Browning automatic pistol, registered, $25; also '33 Chev. coupe, $85. Dial 5-4891. (267c) BAND SAW, SHAPER & DRILL press, complete with motor and stand. Dial 5-4006. (267¢) ADMIRAL TELEVISION, CO M- pletely. installed, only $249.50. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 'S. (Dec8) JEFCO COMBINATION STORM windows. Low in cost; permanent. Phone 5-5411. (T.Th,8,Nov30) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM sashes, measureraents and estimates free. Contact C. Dickson. Dial 3-498. (Nov.16) BRAND NEW SPARTON MAN tel radios, walnut, blonde or manogz- any wooden cabinets, regularly $49, special $29.95. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S.. VENETIAN BLINDS, steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 23492. : (Nov3) ! - -- - - | BLACK SANDY LOAM, SEVEN | fifty per 5 yd. load, also fill and | crushed stonc. Dial 0-47:1. (ao0v SKATE EXCHANGE, NEW AND used. Ice skates for men, women and children, bought sold and ex- changed; also bicycles, tricycles, bought sold and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond St. East. Dial 3 6344. (Novas) AWNINGS -- SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Clevs Fox, Oshawa. ( Nov) $50-$100 FOR YOUR RADIO, washer or ice-box when traded on a new Emerson combination radio, Fairbanks - Morse washer or Gibson refrigerator. Your trade-in as com- plete as part down-payment. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (Dec8B) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers Jack Biddplph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-1179. (N25) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833. Smith.-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- tals. New and used machines. (Novbtf) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. Ung development in Venetian Blind history. lattened S-shaped slats give better and more grater) en- closure. We are cure these blinds will not only satisfy but create t | Es without eb- ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633. 66 Bond St. West. (Nov1s) CANADA'S FINEST VENETIAN Blinds by Met-Wo Industries of Flexalum with washable Vinyl Plas- tic tapes, Kasy terms if necessary. Complete repair service, also drape arms and tracks. Free estimates and installation anywhere. J. W. Melley. Dial 3-2311. (N23) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum. made to satisfy; olinds repaired, drape arms installed. Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322. (Novi19) BATHTUBS $25, TOILETS, WASH basins, sinks $8; jacket heaters, Ben- | 1368. dix automatic washer. Dial 3-7088. : (Nov29) RECORDS, BRAND NEW, REG. 90c each, clearing at 39c. Meagher's Record Bar, § King St. West. (Dect) PRINCESS PAT RANGE, GOOD heater, baker, $25. 294. Park Rd. South. Phone 3-7720. (2641) CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE One 6-foot cigar case. One 6-foot serving counter, oak. Suitable for barber shop or store. KARN"S DRUG STORE (269b) What more wonderful gift for her, than a Cedar Chest from Rutherford's Beautiful Blanket FREE with every Cedar Chest. Choose yours now, while stocks are complete. Oshawa's Smartest Display LANE - RED SEAL - HEIRLOOM A small deposii will hold. USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLA Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (224t1) " = PORCELAIN BATH TUB, LARGE size; drain pipe--$35. Phone Picker~ ing 348 or 50J2. , (2687c) SINGLE BED AND SPRING-FILL~ ed mattress, good condition. Dial 5- y= e (268¢) PINK GENDRON PRAM, CHROME fittings, new, pink playpen, yellow evening gown. Dia! 3-2639. (268¢) PIANO, GOOD CONDITION. DIAL 3-8791. (268b) 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings, dry, clean, $5 or $3 lots de- livered. Dial 3-7391. (Dec16) 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD, CUT INTO STOVE length lots, 3 cords. Apply 630 King West. (267c) SOFT WOOD SLABS, ONE-FOOT lengths, $5 per single cord. Dial 3- 9078. (Nov26) SALE HARD AND SOFT MIXED slabs, 2 cord load, cut and delivered $34. Phone Bethany 18-33. (Nov 13) BODY HARDWOOD, HARD AND mixed soft slabs, 1 and 4 ft lengths. Phone Bethany 18-R-33. (Nov 13) WQOD FOR SALE STOVE LENGTHS Apply BEATH FARMS. R. R. 2 OSHAWA Phone 3R 12 Brooklin oe 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL, FUEL OIL, PROMPT daily deliveries, nev drums and taps available. Cities Service Oil Frode ucts. Dial 3-9443. an i (Deol) (Continued on Page 31) '