WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE Lh i PAGE NINETEEN CLASSIFIED r A ADVERTISIN "(Continued From Page 181 39--Articles For Sale USED FURNACE, 22° FIRE POT 522 Rogers St. Dial 3-2702. ~ (265c! WALNUT FINISH, BED & SPRING, large size. Dial 5-2745. (265¢) LARGE SIZE WOODEN CRIB, natural finish, flat springs, excel- lent condition. $15 or nearest offer. Dial 5-2300. (265b) 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, also Quaker space heater. Phone 3- 4870, after 6. (2656¢) LARGE COLEMAN SPACE HEAT- er, in good. condition. 264 Jarvis St (265¢) CONSOLE PIANO AND BENCH, not a used piano, not a demonstra- tor, but a brand new piano and bench. Only $405, Liberal allowance for your old piano. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (265¢) §50-3100 FOR YOUR RADIO, washer or ice-box when traded on a new Emerson combination radio, Fairbanks - Morse washer or Gibson refrigerator. Your trade-in as com- plete as part down-payment. terms. Baron's Radio and Electric. 426 Simcoe S. (Dec8) WESTINGHOUSE RADIO, LONG & short wave, 7-tube, beautiful cabinet, Just like new, $79. Terms if desired. Meagher's, 5 King St. W. (264c) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for 'all makes of Jack Biddel 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5 1179. (N25) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO, DIAL 83-3833. Smith-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- tals. New and used machines. (Nov5tf) WESTINGHOUSE, 4 -BURNER, table top electric range. Apply 93 Colborne E. (265b) LEICA 3C CAMERA, LIKE NEW, Flash. cases $349. Phone 5-2307 even- ings. (264c) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD. vanced Kirsch type. The most start- Ung Seveiopment in Venetian Blind history lattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reld. Dial 5-0633 66 Bond St. West. (Nowt5) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM sashes, measurements end estimates free. Contact C. Dickson. Dial 3-498Y. (Nov.16) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE.-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 65-3492. (Nov3) FINEST VENETIAN by Met-Wo Industries of CANADA'S Blinds Flexalum with washable Vinyl Plas- | Easy | 46--Employment Wanted | TOME SOWING CHILDREN'S smocked dresses, layettes, etc. 5-1603. (2662) A--Articles Wanted WANTED--JUNIOR SIZE, CHILD'S bed, in good condition. Dial 5-4028. (266b) PRIVATE PARTY DESIRES TO purchase good used typewriter, pre- ferably Underwood: 16-inch. Also electric train outfit. Phone 5-2609. (265¢) 25 ORGANS, 6 SMALL PIANOS, urgently needed for out-of-town churches. Must be reasonable. State price. Box 631, Times-Gazeiie. (Dec8) DOLL CARRIAGE, MIDDLE SIZE; also kiddie car; girl's winter outfits, size 3 & 6. Must be in good condi- tion, Dial 5-3983. (265b) CHILD'S TABLE AND CHAIRS, also clothing and toys for boys, 3 and 6. Dial 83-2675. ' (264c) WANTED, RAW FURS, LIVE poultry, feathers, scrap iron and metal. Dial I. Turner, North Osh- awa, 5-4912 collect. (Dech) RAGS, METALS, OLD STOVES, | furnaces, wanted, immediate pick- up. 222 Annis St. Dial 5-5813. (Dec3) RAGS, SCRAP IRON, METAL, PA. er, etc., bought. Immediate service. ial 5-0382 anytime, Jack (Jake) Shaw, 824 Rowena St. (Decl) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond 8t. W., dia' 3-4863 (Nov.14) De SE -- kr ---------- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 65-3432, Cedardale ton and Metals 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (N14) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now Wilson and Lee. 70 Simcoe N\ Dial 5-2822. (Novig) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed, ers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 068 King "West. Dial 5-0132 (Nov1s) 42--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER or apprentice. Dial 3-7011. Hall's Beauty Parlour. (266¢) GENERAL OFFICE WORK, TYP- ing only, office hours, 9:15 a.m. un- til 4 p.m, 5-day week during sum- mer months, salary and bonus. Dial 3-3448. (266b) CLEANING WOMAN FOR STORE, 1 night each week. Dial 5-1511, HOUSEKEEPER, WHO WANTS home in preference to making high wages, small family. Dial 3-2419, af- ter 6. (264c) CLERK TYPIST, WITH SHORT- | hand and aptitude for figures. Ex- perience not. necessary. Apply Busi- ness Manager, Oshawa General Ho¢- pital. (2631) tic tapes. Easy terms if ry. Complete repair service, also drape arms and tracks. Free estimates and installation anywhere. J. W. Melley. | Diag "3-2311. (N23) | GOOD TYPIST FOR BRAND NEW SPARTON MAN- tel radips, walhut, blonde or manog- any wooden cabinets, regularly $49, special! $29.95. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 6 Simcoe S. What more wonderful gift for her, than a Cedar Chest from Rutherford's Beautiful Blanket FREE . with every Cedar Chest. Choose yours now; while stocks are complete. Oshawa's Smartest Display LANE RED SEAL HEIRLOOM | A small deposi. will hold. USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY | PLAN NOW Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SOUTH Wanted! Used Washing Machines (Nov24) | (224t1) | - INVOICING and other clerical work. Single gir! preferred. APPLY V. A. Henkelman TIMES-GAZETTE (262tf) | 43--Male Help Wanted | DRUMMER FOR OLD TIME AND | modern band, two nights weekly; | steady job for right party, Write | Box 848, Times-Gazette. (266¢) | Yoong -- MAN, NEAT APPEAR: | ange, to learn and assist in clothing | store. Good salary and benefits, | Write Box 943, Times-Gazette, (265¢) BOY TO LEARN PRINTING trade. Must have at least two years { high school and be willing to stay | with job until apprenticeship com- | pleted. Apply Superintendent The Times-Gazette. (257tf) | LETTER CARRIERS AT "OSHAWA, | Ont. Details re salary and qualifi- cations on posters in Post Qffice and National Employment Office. Appli- cation forms, obtainable thereat, * We will pay you generously for your should be filed immediately, with the old washing machine on the purchase | Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. of any new machine in our store. | Complete range of prices and models to choose from. Convenient terms. No | terested in the shoes , finance company. HILL -CORNISH ELECTRIC LTD. 50 PRINCE §7. . PHONE 3-2248 (266a) Ir you are a young man--in- business {and desirous of advancement, see Mr. McDonald at . , . | | | REWARD SHOE STORES (262) | ~ CHESTERFIELD TRADE-INS AT RUTHERFORDS 3-pigce striped velour suite, excellent condition, used six months . $129.00 2-piece Charles of London suite, in green silk brocitelle, very good con- | 3-piece floral velour suite, 2 wine, one | green, modern styling $79.00 2-piece mohair chesterfield suite, con- | Jon and covering exceptionally | $29.0 Ruerord FURNITURE COMPANY 156 Simcoe St. S. (266¢)-| 12 Simcoe St. North Friday, Nov. 16th. | mila LL (8856) NEW PLANT NATIONAL CONCERN Has Immediate Openings | FOR JOURNEYMEN DIE MAKERS Heavy Stamping Preferred 6-day week and overtime aver 40 hrs. Apply in Person to Mr. E. D. Williams HOTEL GENOSHA THURSDAY, 2 P.M. TO 8 P.M. FRIDAY, 10 AM. TO 8 P.M. | SATURDAY, 10 AM. TO 3 P.M. { (266¢) 39a--Fuel Wood SOFT WOOD SLABS, ONE- FOOT | lengths, $5 per single cord. Dial 3- 9078. (Nov26) SALE HARD AND SOFT MIXED slabs, 2 coro loau, cut und delivered $34. Phone Bethany 18-33. (Nov 13) BODY HARDWOOD, HARD AND mixed soft slabs, 1 and 4 ft lengths. Phone Bethany 18-R-33. (Nov 13) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL, FUEL OIL, PROMPT daily deliveries, new drums and taps available. Cities Service Oil Prode| ucts. Dial 3-9443. 40--Articles For Rent $1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial $5121. Dean. Kelly Enterprises. Wy (Dec31) | 85--Agents Wanted | WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR | increased earnings? A good Raw- line, well established, good profits: No experience required. Write today for information on how to get start- ed. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-K-310-225, Montreal. (Nov7,14,21,28) SALESMAN FOR OSHAWA AND district, Imported English Toffees and Chocolates. Good commission. Write 622A Oakwood Ave., Toronto. Phone REdfern 4518. (265¢). 46--Employment Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE, NOW AVAIL- able, references. Dial 3-7839, 142 Al- bert St. (266¢c) MIDDLE-AGED LADY WILL BA- | by-sit any evening. Phone 3-2020. (266¢) ~ | the list of all persons entitled to vote [oth day of November A.D, (265¢) | leigh business is hard to beat--big | REPAIRS, REMODRLLING _OF all kinds, recreation rooms a spe- cialty. Cellars remodelled to your satisfaction, Phone 55786. (265¢) OFFICE AND STORE FLOORS cleaned, waxed and polished by ex- perts with modern equipment. Let us solve your floor-cleaning problem. Write Box 745, Times-Gazette. : (2651) YOUNG ENGLISH GIRL, AGE 16, wishes office work as filing and typing clerk. Phone 3-2187. (265¢) 47--Legal Notices EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS : VOTERS' LISTS, 1951, MUNICIPALITY OF EAST WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Columbus, Ont., on +she second day of November, 1951, in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby' call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 16th day of November, 1951. 1951. Wm. E. Noble, Clerk, Township of East Whitby. (N14) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of JAMES GIBSON, Deceased, ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said James Gibson, late of the City of ©shawa in the County of Ontario, Clerk, deceased, who died on or about the 1st day of June, 1951, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are re- quired to file proof of the same with the undersigned executor of the last Will and Testament of the said de- ceased on or before the 30th day of November, 1951, after which date the said executor will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 1951. WILLIAM EVERETT GIBSON, Executor, by Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, his solicitors herein. (Nov7,14 21) 48--Auction Sale Auction Sale -- Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall Street, Thursday, evening, November 15 at 7:00 pm. | Floor model radio, 3-piece davenport | suite, antique couch, chesterfield, ice-box; desk, music cabinet, couches, electric heater, rolls linoleum, ran- gette, buffets, chairs, upholstered chairs, day bed, oil heater. quantity preserved fruit and vegetables, table | lamps, table top rangette, dresser, | rugs, dishes and many other articles | too numerous to mention. Terms | cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer. Phone 5- 5751. (266b) JAMIESON DRUGS J PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST §! Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS © NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempared Alr Units 'Sales and Service to oll Mokes* DIAL 35-2734 ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS SANDED WALL AND FLOOR TILE * SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER and WAX SOLD DIAL 3-7251 --_-- Dated this 12th day. of November, | | must ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern NOW "THAT IA NOT GOING TO WHAT. WILL I. DO WITH. THOSE 10000 CLAY PIPES I WAS GOING TO PASS OUT IN THE CAMPAIGN 7- + --HOW WILL I RECOVER THE $ 700'1 SPENT FOR THEM ? RUN FOR SENATOR NEXT YEAR, I THINK PINKY HAS THE ONLY ANSWER. - 'RUN AN AD IN A CARNIVAL SHOW TRADE PAPER, OFFERING EM FOR SALE TO THEIR SHOOTING GALLERIES, FOR. NEXT SUMMER / MOTOR CITY LADIES' "A" League McCallum Transports are still] having things pretty much their | own way. This week they showed | Dobbie's Jewellery the short end of a 3-to-1 score. Fashion Village are now the Transports' nearest oppo- sition, for the Village chalked up a 4-to-0 win over Glory Ann's. Osha- wa Furriers dropped down a notch this week in losing three points to Coca Colas. Hayden Macdonalds | took Franklin Simon's for three points also. The other event saw Val Mae's Beauty Salon and Victor's Sports & Cycle split the points even- | ly. Several of the bowlers, who have up to now found the pins rather | tough, came into their own this | week. Dud. Mills headed the parade with a lovely triple of 797, single of 332. Mary Bircham hit 741 (304); Bea. Ross 735; Mabel Clements 714; Earline Keeler 713; Marj. "Tribble 707 (370); Ef. Hezzelwood 669; Jean Walker 663; Rose Stovin 654; Lil. | Yourkevich 654, | The Standing: | McCallum Transports Fashion Village Oshawa Furriers Hayden Macdonald Dobbie"s Jewellery Victor's Sports & Cycle Coca Cola Frankin Simon Gory Ann Shoppes Val Mae's Beauty Salon MAJORS agp, N ST. GREGORY'S .LEAGUE On Monday night four teams were put in the shade "BY losing out on points, It was sursiy..a tough time for the Jokers, whi had as many as three players away. I guess it have been the weather that kept them away. The Speak-Ins, Smoothies, bies and Black Jacks each collected the full count from their opponents of the night, Jokers, Dilly Dally's, Duds and Aces. Dodgers, and Flukes split 3-1 with Bouncers and Hard Lucks. We welcome back two familiar bowlers, Roberta and Loretta Gates. Keep coming, kids! Irene Harlow takes thé women's high single with a nice 274. Shirley Powers is in there again, with a | berta Gates | Spitballs, | the { point by four pins. The Topnots and | | hit Zom- | high triple of 627. Bernaré@ O'Brien made the men's | high single with 290, Bernie Shaw took the men's high triple with 663. Good bowling, kids! | Men's high triples: Bernie Shaw | 663; Harry McGuire 639; Lyman Beatty 630; Ted Martin 627; Tom Simmons 617; Bob Allen 613; Frank | Vennor 608. | Men's high singles: Bernard O'- Brien 290; Frank Vennor. 267; Bill Wheeler 257; Bob Allen 254; Fraser Erratt 248; Lyman Beatty 237; Ted Martin 236; Harry McGuire 231; George Canfield 228. Women's high triples: + Shirley Powers 627; Irene Harlow 626; Shir- ley Shaw 586; Olga Andrey 569; oMnica Jordan 542; Clara Rolland 529; Ruth Lee 526. Women's high singles: Irene Har- low 274; Olga Andrey 248, 216; Ruth Lee 221; Doris Vann 218, 217; Shir- ley Powers 215, 208, 204; Carrie Shaw 215; Bea Bourne 206; Clara Rolland 206. Lemon League: Mary Holowaty 80, 83; Amelda Beaupre 86, 98; Ro- 93; Marguerite Smith Team Standing: Hard Lucks Flukes Jokers Aces Duds Dilly Dally's Dodgers Sneak-Ins Smoothies Zombies Black Jacks Bouncers i f 7 7 5 5 4 HAPPY DOUBLES BOWLING LEAGUE Monday's bowling made some changes in the standing because the Hecklers bowled (or heckled) their way to a three-point win over the and after the them, too. This put the Hecklers on top of the league. Nice bowling, folks. The Whippersnappers held their winning streak to take Spitballs | had been instructed what to do to| ] the Shmoos divided their honours the Topnots taking two points, leav- ing one for the Shmoos. Highlights of the evening's bowling twhich your reporter unfortunately missed) was. the duel between the Spitbails and the Hecklers-for that last point. Ladies' honour roll: As I said last week, we sure are slipping, girls. Emma Holmes was Jhigh lady with 238. Mary had the ladies' high dou- ble with 410 (216). Others over 209 were Ruth Brown 208; Audrey Keys 207, 201; Barbara Lean 206. Men's honour roll: Bob Cresswell took the men's high with a nice score of 302, Harold Perry taking the high double with 260, 236. Other scores over 225 were Kelvin Edgar 282; 'Walt Mosier 272; Stan Gomme 252; Merv. Cryderman 229; Chester Robinson 228;; Wallace Holmes 226; George Lean 225. Lemon League: Marg. Gomme) Eileen Cresswell, rion, Bigwood, Kay Finlay. Hecklers Lollipoppers Topnits Shmoos Screwballs Spitballs Pinbusters Whippersnappers . Bea Downey, Ma- NEIGHBOURHOOD LADIES The Neighbourhood Ladies met Monday afternoon for the second day of point counting games. And we are off to a flying start. There were sbOme two hundred with ony five ladies absent, I think games but we can always use more. So come on girls let's show the men that we can be as good as they think they are, High triple -- G. 214). High singles -- Ada Garrett 224; Joan Blake 219; Betty Hedger 239, Bunny Ambrose 210, 217; Vi Moore 263; Blanche Pelow 224; Doris Ball 200; Joan Mepham 223; Marian Pol. oz 227; Doris Hinton 212; Jean Feas- by 245. Knight 631 (252, Team Standing Loafers .. Neighbours Ramblers . Chums Nic Nacs .. Bell Ringers Magnetics Whiz Bangs . Cut Ups ... Spots... Spoilers . . Sloppy JOBE ......viesesesn, NNWUNT RoE OOD MOTOR CITY LADIES MAJOR BOWLING "B" SECTION With two more nights to go to end the first section Mitchells are | points from the Screwballs, and this | ©Ver Dixon's Coal. Mitchell's took all | puts them right back in the run- ning. Lloyd is already figuring that plied by three points each night. The | Lolli their second Pinbusters, losing | four nights left in the section, multi- | | four points from Saywells. Burns and Meaghers took three points from Whites and Hendersons. Biddulphs | and Dixons split the points evenly. Val-Mae's and Nesbitt's who are poppers took two points from | trailing this section did likewise. A record number for this season | over the 600 mark--Jeannette | Tharan leading with 716; Velma] Goyne bowled a 309 single to total | 701; Leta Nelson 686; Agues muCaue 674; Audrey Branton 664; Flo Don- ald 6569; Dot Barclay 656; Ev. Granik 654; Ena Etcher 628; Mary McCon- nell 628; Doris Angus 610 and Rene Cutler 609. . Team Standing Mitchell's Drugs . Dixon's Coal .. Jack Biddulph .. Saywell's Leather Burns' Shoes .. Meagher's Appliances White's Insurance . " Henderson's Books ....... Nesbitt's Ladies Wear .... Val-Mae's Mae's Beauty Sal Salon A ASKSU.S. LEAD IN LOWERING TARIFF WALLS By FORBES RHUDE Candian .Press .Business Editor Toronto (CP) -- Canada's trade was described Monday as "rosy" by Jnintin J. Gwyn, Montreal, pre- sident of the Canadian Exporters' { Association, but at the same time he outlined '"'weaknesses" in the general export picture. Addressing the association's two- day annual meeting, which opened today, he expressed misgiving over the large proportion of exports go- ing to the United States (85 per cent); urged that the United States give world leadership in lowering of tariffs; said Canada should pro- cess more of her raw materials and so export more manufactured goods; and expressed surprise | that more Canadian firms have not | been' exhibiting at the Canadian In- | ternational Trade Fa "Can Canada and the United | States expand, 'each to its maxi- um," he asked, 'through their pre- |sent tendency to take in each | other's washing? | | "I do not believe it is sound for | | Canada to be closely tied to the | U.S. economy with its past hi-| | story of fairly violent ups and| | downs. While continuing to de-| | velop our U.S. business, we should | | explore every avenue so as to ex- | | tend our export trade in other | all |out in front with a five point lead | areas.' Mr. Gwyn said the dollar short- age in the sterling area has set an "iron clamp" on the natural ex- | pansion of trade with Europe and | | the Commonwealth; yet, "we must | | strain every effort to ease this | problem in our own interests. i adian exporters have not made the | fullest use of 'such concessions as have already been made, available in the West Indies." 4 Mr, Gywh declared that the "dead hand of tariffs still clutches he bing organism of international trade. A NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. ® FOR QUICK DELIVERY ® FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DIAL 5-1253 Repairs wilt Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 - Stafford Bros, MONUMENTAL WORKS. 318 Dundes St. E. Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assure an.e when you choose frum the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. RELIABLE STATION ATTENDANT WANTED WRITE BOX 940 TIMES-GAZETTE | "It is to be regretted that Can- | / HEAR MME. THERESE CAS GRAIN LEADER OF THE CCF IN QUEBEC! Mrs. Casgrain is a woman of outstanding ability and achievement and an ex- tremely interesting speaker. A popular leader in Quebec public life she is greatly respected for her sincerity and devotion to the welfare of those in need. DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! -- THE NEW UNION HALL See THURSDAY EVENING -- 8 P.M. LIBERAL RALLY ST. JOHN'S UKRAINIAN HALL CORNER BLOOR ST. OSHAWA THURSDAY, NOV. 15 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER STEVEN KREPADEWICH WELL KNOWN UKRAINIAN LAWYER AND SIMCOE ST. ALL WELCOME JAMES HEFFERING President ONTARIO COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS RUSSELL FRAME Sec. Treasurer RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION IN ONTARIO*RIDING ELECT ONTARIO'S NEXT PREMIER ON NOVEMBER 22 (VOTE... THOMSON |X} AND BE SURE OF 1. Your future security from hospital bills, A reduction in the price of milk by 1c. Immediate erection of houses for the people of Ontario. A sound, workable plan 'to help solve labour's problems. ONTARIO RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION