Daily Times-Gazette, 8 Nov 1951, p. 23

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1951 JHE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE PAGE TWENTY-THREE ~ OUR gop (Hr Ui Bramley Motor Sales ALL CARS GREATLY REDUCED : 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. NORTH OSHAWA 51 PREFECT Used 51 CONSUL 50 METEOR COACH 48 FORD COACH Radio and Heater $1295 42 PONTIAC COACH 42 DODGE Fluid Drive Coach 41 FORD COACH Heater and Defroster $495 38 PLYMOUTH COACH $350 38 PLYMOUTH COACH $195 37 BUICK SEDAN $375 37 CHRYSLER SEDAN $375 37 BUICK SEDAN $395 36 CHEV. COACH $195 36 CHEV. SEDAN $295 35 OLDS. COACH $150 33 FORD COACH $99 ¥ 47 STUDEBAKER 3-Ton Cab and Chassis $495 47 HUDSON /4-Ton Pickup with Racks $695 Many 1935-38 model! cars from $99-%$195. As low as $49 down payment. ENGLISH CONSUL Made by Ford. Combine Canadian styline with low-cost operation. Now on display in our showrooms. See Us For Your New Car TOP DOLLARS ALLOWED ON YOUR TRADE-IN ON A NEW METEOR OR MERCURY SEE THEM TODAY at Bramley Motor Sales 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. North Oshawa Dial 3.4675. A. Sw mess (2612) Phone Oshawa 3-7669 between 6:30- 9. | GIRL'S | lining, | size 12. Dial 3-2501. 36--Pets & Livestock 3 GERMAN SHEPHERD POLICE dogs, 7 weeks old, 5-1036. (261a) COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, PEDI- greed males, $15. Dial 5-3337 ane (261c) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR training, also canaries in song. 11% Elgin E. Dial 3-9767. (Dec?) REGISTERED PUPPIES, BOSTON Terriers, Fox Terriers (smooth); Cocker Spaniels, Walker Fox Hounds. Knowlton's Kennels. Dial 3-8932. (Dec?) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL puppies, 6 weeks old, blondes and reds. Gordeene Acre Kennels, Kins sale, No. 7 Highway. Brooklin 18R15, (Noval) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS Jiipples and older dogs. Waubena ennels, new highway near Drive- In Theatre. (Nov.17) 37--Farmers' Column | WANTED--CATTLE TO WINTER, good feed. Phone Bowmanville 2377. (261c) DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED up promptly, horses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs, and calves. (We pay for horses and cows). Callf\ys collect. Live horses, 2 to 3c pes Ib. for crippled and old horses. Margy Fur Farm, Bowmanville 2679 Ty rone, Ont. (N28tH 38--Wearing Apparel ONE OVERCOAT, FOUR LADY'S coats 14-16, 1 grey fabric 3, coat, flare back, like new, size 16. Several pair of shoes size 5'3-6(C); also girl's clothing size 8, all in good condition. (261b) PERSIAN LAMB COAT, GOOD condition. Dial 5-6222. (261c) BOY'S OVERCOAT, SIZE 11, $5; man's overcoat size 40, $8, both in good condition. Apply 630 Carnegie Ave, (261c) GREEN DRESS SUITABLE FOR frolic, worn twice; green coat worn | 3 months, skirts, all size 14; man's | black overcoat, size 40, Dial 3-9827. (261b) | MOUTON FUR COAT, EXCELLENT condition, size 11-14. $50. Dial 3-7911. (261c) WINTER COAT, PLAID warmly interlined, suits, | dresses, blouses, | skirts, (261a) | ONE LADY'S BLUE COAT, ONE| green, size 16. Pair of ladies' skates, | size 7; pair of men's skates, size 8. | | Apply 149 Celina St. (260b) | BLACK ELECTRIC SEAL COAT, | size 20; (260c) | BROWN SEAL FUR COAT, "FIT | ted style, 'size 16. Apply 28 Prince | St. after 6. (260c) | WINTER OVERCOAT, YOUNG man's size 40, blue; excellent condi- tion--$25. Dial 5-0467. (260c) BOY'S GLEN CHECK SUIT, LONG pants, like new, size 12, $12. Dial 5-2963. 259¢) | YOUTH'S OVERCOAT, GOOD CON- dition; cheap. Dial 3-7436. (259¢) LADY'S C.C.M. FIGURE § SKATES, size 6, like new, $15. Dial 5-5420. (258¢) 38a--Market Basket OSHAWA'S HEADQUARTERS FOR finest red and blue brand beef, young local pork, veal, lamb and smoked meats. Open every night un- til 10 p.m. IGA Super Market, 174 Ritson South. We carry over thirty kinds of cooked meats and sausage at lowest market prices. Pay us a| viist. (Jans) FOODS! FINEST FOODS AT LOW prices, every day at Glecoff's 1.G.A. Super Market, 174 Ritson Rd. South, store open daily 8 am. to 10 p.m. Pleasant shopping--for your conven- fence we are open to 10 p.m. every night. (Jans8) NO. 1 DELICIOUS APPLES, Me- Intosh and cooking apples, for sale. Bring containers. Black's Orchard, 919 Athol St., Whitby. (260d) HONEY BUTTER, FIRST PRIZE amber and white honey, Roy Ander- son, 268 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-2441, Deliveries free over $2 any part of city. (254tf) "ROASTING CAPONS Dressed and Delivered Also cooking and eating apples Dial 5-5046 or 3-8144 FRANK HOAG Rossland Road West of Airport Corners (Th.1.tf) 39--Articles For Sale 4-BURNER McCLARY ELECTRIC range, apartment size, just' like new, To clear $149.50. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Sim- coa S. (261c) EIGHT PIECE FUMED OAK DIN- ag-room suite, Wilton rug 6x9. hone 3-4710, (261b) SPACE HEATER, COAL AND wood, good condition, 262 Blood W. Dial 3-7972. (261c) MINNEAPOLIS HONEYWELL thermostat, good condition $15. Ap- ply 860 Masson. (261a) PIANO, GOOD CONDITION, REA- sonably priced. Dial 3-2318, (261c) 6-PIECE KITCHENETTE SUITE, white, black leather seats $50. Dial 3-7911. .- (261c) CHROME LEG, EXTENSION TA- ble, 4 chrome chairs $25. Dial 3-3983 or 35¢ Masson St. (261a) 850-5100 FOR YOUR RADIO, washer or ice-box when traded on a mew "Emerson combination radio, Fairbanks - Morse washer or Gibson refrigerator. Your trade-in as com- plete as part down-payment. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. (Dec8) 26 FT. SEMI-TRAILER, COMPLETE with racks, also the fifth wheel, one power take off to fit. G.M.C. truck, one 26-ft. tarpaulin. Dial 5-2628. (261¢c) ADMIRAL TELEVISION, COM: pletely installed, only $249.50. Easy terms. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcpe S. ' (Dec8) SINGER TREADLE SEWING MA- chine, one year old, $100. Dial 5-1355. (261a) ACME CIRCULATOR HEATER, also, Acme combination coal and gas range, 6 lids, good condition. Dial 3-4861. (261a) ELECTRIC RANGETTE, TWO burners, good condition, studio] couch, wine shade. Dial 3-2017 after 5 o'clock. (261a) SET OF DUAL TRUCK CHAINS, size 750 x 20, truck heater, Dial = (261c) - sweaters, | -- reasonable. Phone 3-3214. | 39 Articles. For .Sale 3y--Articles For Saie KITCHEN TABLE, 4 PADDED chairs, red $27. Apply Apt. No. 8, 281 iii St. 8. (261a) JEFC COMBINATION STORM es. Low in cost, permanent. Phone 5-5411. (Tu, Thu,Sat. Nov30) IVORY ENAMEL COOK STOVE, with warming oven, ivory pram, child's Firechief's car, all in good condition. Dial 5-1954. (261¢) NEW FROST KING ICE BOX, rock- er, ash sifter. Dial 5-1520. (261c) FUR COAT, GUARANTEED HUD- son Seal, man's suit, overcoat, sew- ing machine, 3-piece bathroom set, new. Dial 3-7088. (2611) BABY'S CRIB AND MATTRESS, good condition, buffet. Dial 3-4235. 259¢) TWO WHEEL BOX TRAILER with spare tire, $35. Apply 43 Park Road S. Dial 3-9810. (250¢ PIANOS, CONSOLE MODEL, 38" high, 57" long, used for demonstrat- ing, quality tone, $660 for $485. Char- les H, Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N. Dial 3-9346. (259e) GENERAL ELECTRIC MANTEL radio, single bed complete, also 9 bags good potatoes. Dial 3-7398. (259¢) STAMPED APPLIQUED QUILT blocks, the ideal Christmas gift ford the woman who sews. Many beauti- ful patterns to choose from. Appl Mrs. R. Pinch, 22 Gladstone Ave., or dial 5-0876. (260¢) FROST-KING ICE BOX, 75-LB capacity, like new. Dial 3-2758. €260¢) PRINCESS BETH COOK STOVE, reservoir, high. shelf, good condition. Dial 3-4952. (260b) BLACK SANDY LOAM, SEVEN fifty per 5 yd. load, also fill and crushed stone. Dial 5-47z1. BELNA SEWING MACHINE, Sews. It Darns. it Youograms in | (Novis) | RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR old rugs, carpets and old clothing. Reversible and seamless broadloom, in any size up to 13 ft. wide, any length, Continental Rug Co. Ltd. For information phone 5-2864. (No23) CANADA'S FINEST VENETIAN Blinds by Met-Wo Industries of Flexalum with washable Vinyl Plas- tic tapes. Easy terms if necessary. Complete repair service, also drape arms and tracks. Free estimates and installation anywhere. J. W. Melley. Dial 3-2311. (N23) CIRCULATING HEATER, ROYAL- ette, $35. Dial 3-7064. 9 (260c) WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA - tor, new, 8 cu. ft, standard model, at sensational low price $319. Meagher's Electric, 92 Simcoe St. N. (Nova) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers Jack Biddelph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-1179. (N25) VENETIAN. BLINDS, LIFE FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 85-3492. (Nov3) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. ling d n th Blind nistory. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful em- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without eb- ligation George Reid, Dial 65-0833 66 Bond St. West. (Nov1h) '| BRAND NEW SPARTON MAN- tel radios, walnut, blonde or manog- any wooden cabinets, regularly $49, special $40.95. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (Nov24) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833. Smith-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- tals. New and used machines. (Nov5tf) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM minutes with revoluti open h measurements and estimates arm---authoribed dealers for Ph ig and District. Meagher's Electric. 0 (Nov.9) LARGE ICE BOX, 50 3. CAPA- city, large size baby crib, blonde wood with mattress. Dial 5-2737 (259¢) RECORDS, BRAND NEW, REG. 90c each, clearing at 39c. Meagher's Record Bar, 5 King St. West. (Dec6) TOYS Fire Trucks (Metal) .. $1. Guns (Plastic with whistle) .. 25 Choice selection, candies, cookies and | 8roceries. Open daily to 9 p.m. HARRIS' | Corner Oshawa Blvd. and Alice St. | PHONE 5-1522 free, Contact C. Dickson. Dial 3-498. : (Nov.16) SKATE EXCHANGE, NEW AND used. Ice skates for men, women and children, bought sold and ex- changed; also bicycles, tricycles, bought sold and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond St. East. Dial 5- 6344. (Nov25) 3, 4'x25 LONG STEEL PIPES, ideal for building purposes. Phone 2686 Whitby. (Nov9) SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER---PER. fect gift for a man, can be purchas- ed on our easy lay-away plan. Mea- gher's, 5 King St. West. (Nov.9) AWNINGS SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Clevs Fox, Oshawa. > ( Novb) CLEANERS, GOBLIN VACUUM (261b) | $79.00 up. British made, one year FURNACE BLOWER In new condition, can be used for space heater. Can be seen | at Westmount Welding behind the Commercial Hotel. DIAL 5-2443 (261a) "HERE IT IS! NOT A Used Piano NOT A Demonstrator BUT A brand new piano with bench, only $495 ; WILSON & LEE 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822 (261b) JACK FROST IS HERE AGAIN! But why worry, we can supply you with warm, re-conditioned clothing for all members of the family at bargain prices. Men's Coats Ladies' Coats Wool Skirts ...... Kiddies' Coats Snow Suits Ski Pants .. Skates .... 99 - Germs don't care, but' 'we do. clothing laundered or dry cleaned, shoes disinfected. CRIPPLED CIVILIANS' STORE 3.95 . 3.95 .50 1.26 1.25 7% 22 Bond Street West (T, TH!) Specials . at "Murphy's Norse electric refrigerators $309 and One only---Crosley Shelvador, 6 cu. ft. refrigerator, freezér across top. Brand new One only--General refrigerator 7 cu. feet. 5-year guarantee . $229 One only--Orley 912 ou. ft. refrigera- tor, freezer across top. Regular $399 Used refrigerators guaranteed, $99.50 up. Westinghouse 4-burner electric range, used one mcnth only reconditioned, Daveno bed.--wine 3-Pc. bedroom suites Walnut finish Slat Springs Spring-filled mattresses Chrome kitchen tables Extension tables $ 1 9. 50 Used kitchen set, buffet, 4 chairs (had table, natural wood $39.50 Complete One only Addison Television sét 17" screen, combination phonograph and T.V. floor sample Regular $469, Addis.\i Combination Radio and Ph h Begular $230 $199.50 MURPHY APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 117 SIMCOE ST. S.° Across from Memorial Park DIAL 3-8004 BOWMANYVILLE 811 $89.50 $329.50 guarantee--all attachments includ- ing sprayer. Meagher's Electric, (Nov.9) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired. drape arms installed Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322. (Nov19) | = - - eee - BATHTUBS $25, TOILETS, WASH basins, sinks $8; jacket heaters, Ben. dix automatic. washer. Dial 3-7088. (Nov29) What more wonderful gift for her, than a Cedar Chest from Ruthertford's Beautiful Blanket FREE with every Cedar Chest. Choose yours now, while stocks are complete. Oshawa's Smartest Display LANE - RED SEAL - HEIRLOOM A small deposi. will hold. USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY AWAY PLAN NOW Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (2241) | LEAVING CITY FOLLOWING ITEMS FOR SALE McClary 4-burner stove, used four month, original price, $342.50. Sale price, $265.00 Chrome kitchen suite, used four months. Original price $105.00. Sale price, $80.00. Duncan Phyfe Table with four chairs, Sale price, $35.00. Frost King Ice Box, used one year. Original price, $59.00. Sale price, $30.00. 3-piece bedroom suite, $75.00 Numerous other household effects at bargain price, PHONE 5-5574. CHESTERFIELD TRADE-INS AT RUTHERFORD'S Two-piece mohair chesterfield suite, construction and covering exceptionally good. Three-piece striped velour suite, 6 months old, very good condition, new, $269. Used price Two-piece Charles of London suite, in green silk brocatelle. Our price Three-piece American figured velour suite, two wine, one blue. Regular $319. Rutherford Furniture Co. Sale price, | 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale Rutherford FURNITURE CO. LEADS AGAIN! 10-piece Living Room Ensemble 2-pe. beautiful chesterfield suite, up: holstered in the finest coverings. 2 lovely end tables. 2 attractive silk cushions. 1 beautiful table lamp and shade. | 1 two-tone hassock. 1 attractive metal smoker, 1 leatherette upholstered card table. Only at Rutherford's! Complete 10-pc. group $159. 10-pc. Bédroom Group 3-pc. blonde bedroom suite consisting | of spacious dresser with sparkling | mirror, tomy chest of drawers and | full-size bed. 1 fluffy felt mattress. 1 steel cable spring. 2 sleep-tight feather pillows. 3-pc. vanity lamp set. Complete ten-piece group -- $129 7-pc. Chrome Kitchen Ensemble 1 modernistic end extension chrome | table with life-time heat-resistant top. * 4 sturdily constructed chrome chairs, 1 6' x 9' heavy felt base floor cover- ing, your choice of pattern to match yout kitchen, 1 heavy-duty guaranteed electric iron, Only at Rutherford's! Complete 7-pieces $79 Super Value Christmas Gifts Double pedestal Duncan Phyfe din- ette table, opens to a full 6 feet, yet takes very little space when closed, genuine mahogany. Reg. $71.50 'value Only at Rutherford's! $39.50 Large size fluted back arm chair, gen- uine walnut arms, choice of friezes, damasks, tapestries. Reg. $58 value ' Only. at Rutherford's! $39.50 vores $14.95 $18.95 choice of colors. Tri-light Lamps ..... Walnut Telephone Sets .... Studio Couches, Reg. $74.50 6-pc. Chrome Dinette Suites, Reg. $109.00 $69.0 Ibex Blankets. Pr, Cedar Chest, all makes, from $49.50 Chrome Smokers Walnut End Tables 3.-pc. Chester-Bed Suite, finest of vel- our coverings. Modern styling. Reg. $209.00 $169.0 Shop and Save At Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SS. {381b) | fabric tailoring. [ tractive colors, Ed Wilsen Says "We are mighty proud to offer the very latest creations by KROEHLER" A fortunate and timely purchase, direct from the factory, makes these spectacular savings possible! Chesterfield Suite, featuring the fam- ous Kroehler cushionized construction with the exclusive new 'loop-frieze' it's different. $289 Ed Wilson says--' 'Buy buy Kroehler', the best-- 8-pc. Kroehler chesterfield group -- beautiful Kroehler chesterfield and chair, with walnut coffee table, mod- ern end table, 2 fancy chesterfield cushions, colorful hassock, and smok- ng stand -- all harmonizing to pro- vide you with an attractive suite at a real low price. $199 Ed Wilson says--' Buy the best-- buy Kroehler". Kroehler chesterfield special in 6 at- featuring. Kroehler chesterfield and chair with Lawson style backs and latexed hair-filled arms. Special new value at $229.50 | ma Wilson says---"Buy the best-- Only at Rutherford's! buy Kroehler". Kroehler sleep or lounge, the new Kroehler sleep or lounge -- by day | ed a gorgeous sofa -- by night a large | comfortable bed. . Comfortable cush- ionized construction. Bd Wilson says--" Buy buy Kroehler". the best-- Kroehler rest rocker -- "enjoy the comfort of the 'old fashioned rock- ing chair' combined with deep spring construction. Tailored in the finest of fabrics. Only $59 Ed Wilson says--"'Buy the best-- buy Kroehler'. \ COFFEE TABLES Beautiful wahut coffee tables with glass top -- Duncan Phyfe style. Buy now and save. $19.95 HOSTESS CHAIRS Special purchase makes this buy pos- sible. Spring filled, with good cover- ing. $14.95 OIL HEATER Something new. Perfect for any room in the home. Good-looking, walnut finish. You will like this one. Special $29.95 END TABLES Satin rubbed finish. Buy now and . $3.99 CHENILLE SCATTER MATS Five colors to choose from. Buy now and save. $4.29 50 ONLY Fancy satin chesterfield cushions -- Choice colors -- Cash and carry. $1.99 FLOORCOVERINGS Wilson's -- Your floorcovering head- quarters. Floorcoverings to suit each individual taste. Let Wilson's help you select your floorcovering today. WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH S$". DIAL 3-3211 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD -- FACTORY CUT- tings, any, ok Sean, 5 or $3 lots de- livered. SALE HARD ron SOFT MIXED slabs, 2 cord load, cut and delivered $34. Phone Bethany 18-33. (Nov. 13) BODY HARDWOOD, HARD AND mixed soft slabs, 1 and 4 ft lengths. Phone Bethany 18-R-33, (Nov 13) SOFT WOOD SLABS, PER SINGLE cord, $5. Dial 3-2666 or 3-9078. (Nov.10) DRY HARDWOOD AND SLAB- wood, in 4-ft. or 1-ft. lengths, deliv. ered. For prices call Orville Wina- over, 5-4084. Nov.19) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL, FUE OIL, PROMPT daily deliveries, new drums and taps available. Cities Service Oil Frod- ucts. Dial 3-9443. (Dec31) 40--Articles For Rent $1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN. ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises. (N® 41--Articles Wanted WANTED, RAW FURS, LIVE poultry, feathers, scrap iron and metal, Dial I. Turner, North Osh- awa, 5-4912 collect. (Dec8) SMALL, USED, CASH REGISTER. Apply Meagher's, 5 King St. W. (261c) DOUBLE BED COMPLETE OR full size, spring-filled mattress, also good dresser. Dial 5-2797 after 7. (261a) RAGS, METALS, OLD STOVES, furnaces, wanted, immediate pick- up. 222 Annis St. Dial 5-5313. (Dec3) 25 ORGANS, 6 SMALL PIANOS urgently needed for out-of-town churches. Must be reasonable. State price. Box No. 631, Times-Gazette. (Nov.10) MODEL A MOTOR, GOOD REPAIR, Apply 602 Kent St. N., Whitby evenings. . (250¢c) RAGS, SCRAP IRON, METAL, PA. per, etc., bought. Immediate service. Dial 5-0382 anytime, Jack (Jake) Shaw, 824 Rowena St. (Decl) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI. ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dia' %-486% (Nov.14) inn LE PRICES PAID FOR paper, matiresses, iron and metals. yo and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale [ren and Metals 100 Annis St.. east of C.N.R. Station. (N14) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now Wilson and Lee. 70 Simcoe N Dial 5-2822. (Nov16) GoD USED #URNITURE WANT. . Dressers, beds, stoves and heat. ers. 06 King West. Dial 5-0132 (Novis) 42--Female Help Wanted LADY TO BABY SIT 38 AFTER- noons weekly. Dial 5-3557 days. (261b) AVON REPRESENTATIVES ARE earning greater income than ever before. There are 2 good territories open for capable women, Write to- |day and cash in on big Christmas | business, Box 824, Times-Gazette. (261c) | PUBLIC SCHOOL GIRL FOR TAK- ing baby for airing; vicinity Patri- cia and King. Dial 3-8576. (261c) EXPERIENCED COUNTER GIRL, good working conditions and sur- roundings, must be clean, neat and reliable, to work night-shift. Apply Mr. Middleton, Genosha Hotel. (259c) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR 2 adults, all conveniences, live in. Dial 5-2532 or evenings 5-0600. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR DIN- ing-room and cafeteria work. Apply Y.W.C.A (259¢) Male Help Wanted LICENSED MECHANIC. 3-4233 ask for John. HANDYMAN WANTED, TO SHOV- el snow, cut grass, etc. For two resi- dences, north end. Dial 3-7986 after 6 p.m. (259¢) BOY TO LEARN | PRINTING trade. M have at least two years high :! and be willing to stay with til apprenticeship com- pleted. oly Superintendent The Times-Gazette. (257t1) Advertising Canvasser Man between 40 and 60 years, for Oshawa territory; full or part-time. Liberal commission. PHONE 5-6266 (261c) Require clerk to maintain perpetual inventory records (Cardex System). Good knowledge and 'experience es- sential. Apply STARK ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS AJAX, ONTARIO (260¢) 44--_Male or Female Help. Wanted LIGHT DELIVERY DRIVER, MUST know city thoroughly. Apply in per- East. (258¢) 4o0--Employment Wanted RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES edposition as housekeeper or assiat- ant cook, experienced. Dial ER ' EXPERIENCED IN COLLECTION and sales, requires smployingnt for winter, or permanent. ould consi- der appliance or furniture store. Dial 5-2744. 5 (261c) COMPETENT SECRETARY, TEN years experience, desires part-time position, B-day week, Box 829, Times-Gazette. (261b)- YOUNG MOTHER IN CEDAR- dale willing to look after young child for working parents during their working hours, moderate charges. Box 828 Times-Gazette. (281c) DY DESIRES ursing prefer- or 389 Windsor MIDDLE-AGED position, practical red. Dial 65-1225 Ave, (261c) MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN DE- sires position as companion to el- derly lady, or caring for children. Box 832, Times Gazette, (261b) INTERIOR PAINTING, EXPERT workmanship at reasonable prices. For free estimates dial 5-5786 or 5- 3762, £260c), FS J ~ (2071) (259¢) | DIAL | (261b) | Mysterious Malady Hits Korea Troops Tokyo (AP) -- A strange - ness for which no sure cure has . been found has broken out am United Nations' forces in Korea, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway's head: quarters said toddy. Brig. - Gen. William. E. bora, surgeon - general of the East Command, said the myster« ious malady strikes suddenly and is characterized by fever and head- ache. These symtoms are common in the early stabes of several known infectious diseases. » Sulfa and antibotics have failed to stem the disease, Shambora said. (Reuters news agency reported that the disease turns its victims' + eyeballs bright red. The report quoted Sahmbora as saying one: fitth of the victims became ex. * tremely ill with blood poisoning and affected kidneys). The malady is strikingly similar to that reported by the Japanese among their Manchurian troops in 1939. Headquarters said it was too ° early to say the two diseases are identical. Shambora said some patients re- cover gfiickly while others develop further symptoms. These include hemorrahages under the skin, around the eyes and the internal organs. In some instances the dis- ease affects the kidneys. 46--Employment Wanted . PAINTING AND DECORATING, odd job efficiency, no job too small or too large. Dial 3-4997. (260c) WOMAN DESIRES HOUSEWORK in exchange for room and board, for husband and herself. Write Box -917, Times-Gazette. (258¢) YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSI. tion, cashier, filing or store. Dial 3. 2604. (258¢) 48--Auction Sale The undersigned has structions from Mr. Duke St., Bowmanville, first house south of Brookdale Nursery, to sell by public auction on Saturday, Nos, vember 10, at 1 p.m. his entire house. hold effects including electric 'ree frigerator, stove, and washing mas< chine, all new this year; 9-piece wal- nut dining-room suite, nearly new; bedroom and living-room furniture, dishes, glassware, bedding, etc. '37 Buick sedan, 44 series, excellent condition, Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. (260b) Auction Sale .. Stirtevant"s Auction room, 33 Hall St., Thursday, Novem- ber 8, at 7 p.m. 3-piece chesterfield suite, combination desk and china cabinet, walnut; 2 single beds and springs, floor model radio, rangette, chesterfield, kitchen range, hall seat and mirror, jacket heater, dinings room chairs, square dining-room tae ble and buffet, man's bicycle, '2 electric motors, 1-3 and % h.p., wale nut cradle, one crib and mattress, received i in- Charles Stire, {end tables, smokers, dressers, Righe chai.s. 2 wall mirrers, rug, beds, oed springs silverware, brassware, bed. ding, electric toaster, leather club bag, mantel clocks, comforter, maga- zine stand, walnut; automatic con- trol rangette, dishes, and many other articles too numerous to men= tion. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. Dial 5-5751. (260b), Li V PRESCRIPTIONS Qui kly ond Accurately Fillgd -- GL -- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Diol 3-3431 JAMIESON DRUGS MPT DELIVERY! "DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Oecler ® ESSO OIL BURNERS © NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gor Wood Tempered Abr Units 'Sales and Service to oll Makes" DIAL >-2734 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundos St. E Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vows assur i on.e when vou choose from the § wide selection of imported and domentie Granites and Marbles Repairs and Service 'COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK end EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE DiAL 37752

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