WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE iy PAGE NINETEEN CLASSIFIED MNIFICV A ANVE OVE TISING 5 nN {Continued From Page 18) ' 39--Articles For Sale PRINCESS BETH. COOK STOVE, reservoir, high shelf, good condition. Dial 3. 3-4952. KITCHEN CABINET, GOOD CON- dition, $15. Dial 3-2019. (2602) STAMPED APPLIQUED ED QUILT * blocks, the ideal Christmas gift for the woman who sews. Many beaut- Tul patterns to choose from. Apply Mrs. R. Pinch, 22 Gladstone Ave, or dia dial | 5 0876. (280¢) 4 4 HOT " WATER gR RADS WITH PIP- ing, one dome top jacket heater. | Dial 5-5903. is (260m) 4-PC. BEDROOM SUITE, STUDIO couch, cheap for quick sale. Dial 5- 0419. (269c) TRUCK "CHAINS, , DUAL WHEELS, 700x20, also set of flares, Dial Brook- lin 66R11, Charles Luke, Raglan. (260a) TICE BOX, 7-LB. Dial 3-2758. (260c) CIRCULATING HEATER, ROYAL- efte, $25. Dial 3-7064. (260¢) SPEED-O-PRINT DUPLICATING machine and supplies, like new. Dial | 5-3093. (260a) | FROST-KING capacity, like new. DINETTE TABLE AND FOUR chairs for sale. Dial 5-3815 after 3 p.m. BBACK SANDY LOAM, SEVEN fifty per 5 yd. load, also fill and crushed stone. Dial p-4izl. (ove) ELNA SEWING. MACHINE, IT Sews. It Darns, it Monograms in minutes with revolutionary open | arm--authoribed dealefs for Oshawa and District. Meagher's Electric. (Nov.9) LARGE ICE BOX, B50-LB. CAPA- | blonde | large size baby crib, Dial 5-2737. (2590) city, wood with mattress, (258¢) | | 3y--Articles For Saie ELECTRIC TRAIN, fr COMPLETE with transformer. Dial 5-1510. 259¢) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM sashes, dest free. Contact C. ithe Dial 3-4984. (Nov.16) SKATE EXCHANGE, NEW AND used, Ice skates for men, women and children, bought sold and ex- changed; also bicycles, tricycles, bought sold and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond St. East. Dial 5- 6344. (Nov25) SINGLE BED (NO MATTRESS) $9, men's ski boots, size 9, $4; men's skating boots, size 8 $4. Dial 3-9873. (260a) 3, 4"x2' LONG STEEL PIPES, | ideal for building purposes. Phone 2686 Whitby. (Nov9) SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER--PER- fect gift for a man, can be purchas- ed on our easy lay-away plan. Mea- gher's, 5 King St. West. (Nov.9) AWNINGS --~ SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Clevs Fox, Oshawa ( Novb) GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANERS, $79.00 up. British made, one year | guarantee--all attachmentsy includ- |ing sprayer. Meagher's EleMric. (Nov.9) VENETIAN BLINDS, 8TEEL OR | flexalum, made to satisfy; ulinds repaired. drape arms Installed Died Ron Trewin, 5-3322. (Nov19) | BATHTUBS $25, TOILETS, WASH | basins, sinks $8; jacket heaters, Ben- | dix automatic washer. Dial 3-7088. (Nov 29) | tan a Cedar Chest from Rutherford's | Beautiful Blanket | FREE' | with every Cedar Chest. Choose yours | | What more wonderful gift for her, | | Dial 5-2822. | Y.w.c A | 43--Male Help Wanted 41--Articles Wanted MODEI. A Maton Hoos BEDATD. Apply 602 Kent "N., Whitby | evenings. (258¢) RAGS, SCRAP IRON, METAL, PA. per, etc., bought. Immediate Service, | Dial 5-0382 anytime. Jack (Jake)! Shaw, 824 Rowena St. (Decl) | CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dia' 38-4861 Nov.14) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale [ron and Metals 100 Annis St. east of C.N.R. Station. (N14) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathérs, also fea- ther ticks of a descrintion. Live poultry, scrap fron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (Nové) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N (Nov16) GNOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 06 King West. Dial 65-0132 (Nov15) | 42--Female Help Wanted MUSICIAN, BASS FIDDLER, TO play Saturday night socials, union rates paid. Dial 5-5666. (260a) EXPERIENCED COUNTER GIRL, good working conditions and sur- roundings, must be clean, neat and reliable, to work night-shift. Apply Mr. Middleton, Genosha Hotel. (259¢) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR 2 adults, all éMnveniences, live in. | Dial 5-2532 or evenings 5-0600. | (259¢) | EXPERIENCED > GIRL 1 FOR DIN- ing-room and cafeteria work. Apply (259¢) | HANDYMAN WANTED, TO SHOV- el snow, cut grass, etc. For two resi- dences, north end. Dial 3-7986 after 6 p.m. (258c) Spare time? We want a man to make 3 RECORDS, BRAND NEW, 90c each, clearing at 39c. Meagher's Record Bar, 5 King St. . REG. | now, while Oshawa's Smartest Display | business reports in Oshawa as as- | sistant to our full-time representa- | tive. Should be able to type or will- stocks are complete (Dec6) | FIVE THOUSAND, SOUND, USED. Price bricks, 2¢ each; cash and car- ry. Immediate possession. 174 Ritson Rd. 8. . RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR old rugs, carpets and old clothing. Reversible and seamless broadloomn. in any size up to 13 ft. wide, any length, Continental Rug Co. Ltd. For information phone 5-2864. fol CANADA'S Blinds by Met-Wo Industries of Flexalum with washable Vinyl Plas- tic tapes. Easy terms if necessary Complete repair service, also drap: arms and tracks. Free estimates an: installation anywhere. J. W. Melley Dial 3-2311. (N23) %-BED COMPLETE, LIKE NEW. Cheap. Dial 5-4129. (258¢) WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA - tor, new, 8 cu. ft. standard model, at sensational low price $319. Meagher's Electric, 92 Simcoe St. N. (Nov3) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes Gf washers Jack Biddrlph. 68 Simcoe St. 'N. Dial 5-1179. (N25) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranted in every way. Also complete repa:r service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 5-3492 (Nov3) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch'type. The most start- Ung development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not onmly satisfy but create t without eb- ligation. George Reld. Dial 5-0633 66 Bond St. West. (Nov15) | BRAND NEW SPARTON MAN- tel radios, walnut, blonde or mahog- any wooden cabinets, regularly $49, special $29.95. Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. (Nov24) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833. Smith-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- tals. New and used machines: (Novstf) | ! West. | (259b) | FINEST VENETIAN | LANE - RED SEAL - HEIRLOOM | A small deposi. will hold. USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY | PLAN NOW Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (224tf) 9a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings, dry, clean, $5 or $3 lots de- livered. Dial 3-7301. (2571) ALE HARD AND SOFT MIXED | hr 2 cord load, cut and delivered \. Phone Bethany 18-33. (Nov 13) BODY HARDWOOD, HARD AND mixed soft slabs, 1 and 4 ft lengths. Phone Bethany 18-R-33. (Nov 13) | | ganization. | Station A., Toronto. BOY TO LEARN | inventory ing to learn. Remunerative, interest- | ing work for large international or- Reply P.O. Box 190, ' (2580) PRINTING | trade. Must have at least two years | { high school and be willing to stay | | with job until apprenticeship com- | | pleted: Apply Superintendent The | | Times- Gazette. (257t1) | | Require clerk to maintain perpetual | records (Cardex System). | Good knowledge and experience es- sential. Apply STARK ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS AJAX, ONTARIO (260¢) SOFT WOOD SLABS, PER SINGLE | cord, $5. Dial 3-2666 or 3-9073. | (Nov.10) DRY HARDWOOD AND SLAB- wood, in 4-ft. or 1-ft. lengths, deliv- | ered. For prices call Orville Wind- | over, 5-4084. Nov.19) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil | STOVE OIL, FUEL OIL, F PROMPT | daily deliveries, new drums and taps available. Cities Service Oil Prod- | ucts. Dial 3-9443. (Dec31) 40--Articles For Rent $I--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN. | ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial | | 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises, (Ng) | | 41--Articles Wanted RAGS, METALS, OLD 'STOVES, furnaces, wanted, immediate pics. | up. 222 Annis St. Dial 5-5313. (Dec3) | | 95 ORGANS, 6 SMALL PIANOS | | urgently needed for out-of-town | | churches. Must be reasonable. State | | price. Box No. 631, Times-Gazette. (Nov.10) | ARENA -- OVER-THE-SHOE -- women, misses and children. "genuine zip- Cream wool . Inside fur-protector ur cuffs. In black or Stylish, all-rnbber, per" overshoe. fleece linin collarette. brown and child's white. ZIPTITE -- OVER-THE-SHOE _ The Public Service of Canada Requires Immediately ' CLERKS Grade 2A--$130 monthly Grade 1 --$108 monthly For Federal Government Department | For full details see poster on display in Post Offices and National Employ- | ment Service Offices. Apply on forms | room chairs, square dining-room ta- obtainable thereat, to Civil Service | | Commission, Ottawa, quoting Compe- tition Number. (260a) | 44--Male or Female Help | bag,' mantel clocks, comforter, maga- | automatic con- | Wanted { LIGHT DELIVERY DRIVER, MUST | | know city thoroughly. Apply in per- son, Lewington's, Florists, 24 King East. (258¢) COVER-ALL -- OVER-THE- SHOE -- for women. F able all-rubber, with plaid Jesign, Stretchable get Nuint. omed strap over instep. black, brown er red. for children. Brown'rubber for JSenuine zipper Sot Excluder tongue. THERE ARE MANY MORE B.F.G. STYLES wo» em 'LEADERS V4 STYLE. overshoe with concealed ** fastener. fitting elastic web cuff; fleece lining, felt insole. THE BURNS CO. LTD. CORNER KING & SIMCOE | 3-4819. | YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSI- : chaivs, SALLY'S SALLIES A Copr. 1951, King Features Syndicate, loc., World rights reserved. "We've always wanted a grandfather clock, 80 I just put your picture in it, Gran'pa. 45--Agents Wanted WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR | increased earnings? A good Raw- leigh business is hard to beat-- big | line, well established, good profits. No experience required. Write today for information on how té6 get start- ed. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-K-310-225 Montreal. (Nov7,14,21 ,28) | 46--Etmployment Wanted INTERIOR PAINTING, EXPERT | workmanship at reasonable prices. For free estimates dial 5-5786 or b- 3762. (260c) PAINTING AND DECORATING, odd job efficiency, no job too small | or too large. Dial. 3-4997. (260c) WOMAN DESIRES HOUSEWORK | | in exchange for room and board, for | husband and herself. Write Box 917, T (259¢) RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES PO- sition, as housekeeper, in city home, or would do light housekeeping. Dial (259b) tion, cashier, filing or store. Dial 3- 2604. 48--Auction Sale The "undersigned has structions from Mr. Duke St., Bowmanville, first house south of Brookdale Nursery, to sell by public auction on Saturday, No-| vember 10, at 1 p.m. his entire house- | hold effects including electric re-| "received In- Charles Stire, | frigerator, stove, and washing ma- | chine, all new this year; 9-piece wal- | nut dining-room sulte, nearly new; bedroom and living-room dishes, glassware, bedding, etc.. '37 Buick sedan, '44 series, excellent condition, Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. (260b) | Auction Sale -- Stirtevant's Auction | room, 33 Hall St., Thiirsday, Novem- ber 8, at 7 p.m. 3-pléce chesterfield ' suite, combination desk and china cabinet, walnut; 2 single beds and springs. floor model radio, rangette, chesterfield, kitchen range, hall seat and mirror, jacket heater, dining- ble and buffet, man's bicycle, 2 electric motors, 1-3 and % h.p., wal-| | nut cradle, one crib and mattress, lend tables, smokers, dressers, high- 2 wall mirrers, rug, beds , bed | silverware, brassware, bed- springs electric toaster, leather club ding, zine stand, walnut; | trol rangette, dishes, and many other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. Dial 5-5751, ELF -- OVER-THE-SHOE -- for Teen- agers. Sprightly favorite especial- ly suited for Wedgies, Flatties, Baby Dolls. Adjustable strap for snug fit, extra comfort. In black, wn or Ir: DIAL 5-4611 a --" | who died on or about the 1st day of (259¢) | -- furniture, | (260b) ! |47--Legal Notices ~ NOTIC E TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of JAMES GIBSON, | Deceased, | AL#, persons having claims against | the estate of the said James Gibson, late of the City of Oshawa in the | County of Ontario, Clerk, deceased, | June, 1951, in the County of quired to file proof of the same with the undersigned executor of the last Will and Testament of the said de- ceased on or before the 30th day of November, 1951, after which date the | said executor will proceed to dis- | tribute the said estate, having re-| gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. at the City of Oshawa, Ontario, are re- (lawsuit for the Ute Indians of | DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 6th day of November A.D, 1951. | WILLIAM EVERETT GIBSON, Executor, by Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, his solicitors herein. (Nov?,14,21) Dismissed Avro Worker Wins Review Toronto CP -- The Globe and | | Mail says today in a newspage | story that the case of a Toronto | | aircraft workeg dismigsed from the Avro Canada plant near here un- | der security regulations is being re- viewed. The paper says the worker, George Robert Jackson, was fired five weeks ago with no explanation other than that the order came | from Ottawa. Jackson has denied | that he ever had any link with Communist organizations. He protested the dismissal through his union and his member {of parliament, and later made a trip to Ottawa in person, The Globe and Mail says there have been several other dismissals |from Avro Canada for security |reasons but until now none of the dismissed workers had protested. | 70 Lawyers Minister congress election candidates. WANTS BEST New Delhi (Reuters) -- Prime Nehru has asked the Share Fee Of $2,800,000 Washington (AP)--Seventy law- yers were awarded a $2,800,000 fee yesterday for winning a big | lorado and Utah. The case re- sulted in a $31,938,473 judgment for the Indians for land they said was wrongfully taken from them. About half the fee awarded by | the court of claims will go to Ern-| est L. Wilkinson, a Washington ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS SANDED WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER and WAX'SOLD 'DIAL 3-7251 r-- v NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. ® FOR QUICK DELIVERY @ FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DIAL 5-1253 MOSIER Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Decler ® ESSO OIL BURNERS @® NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Ale Units 'Sales and Service to all Mokes™ DIAL 53-2734 . lawyer and president of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Sixty-nine lawyers will share the rest. Wilkinson estimated he will have to return about half of his $1,400,- 000 fee in income taxes. The fee, believed to be one of the largest ever awarded in Amer- ican history, covered some -20 years of legal work In July, 1950, the court of claims awarded the Utes $31,938,473 for 4,500,000 acres of land in Colorado and Utah which the Indians contended was | taken way from them in violations | of treaties. Repairs and Service T0 . COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK ond EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E.. Whithy" Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vous assur- choose from the imported and { pe 7.50 | Child's 6.50 | Child's ZIPTITE . 6.25 | Child's Women's COVER-ALL . . 5 WOMEN'S ELF . .. 3.95 | Brown TARTAN... All colors FINE SHOES Co KING ond SIMCOE . 5.75 White . 5.95 hh JUNIORS' CHILD'S tseecscsssssceensssnes csesessssssssineseneng sessensessesncscscs HARDY cos Diol 5-4611 YUKON... sesssssssecssssns 10.45 9.25 7.75 6.95 TARTAN -- OVER-THE-SHOE -- for women. All rubber plaid design over. Rubber lined. Patented stretchable shank and. patented splash al, Three heel heigl ces YUKON -- OVER-THE-SHOK - In men's, black and brown; boys', juniors' and childs', black and brown. Boot lined with snug wool fleece. In- side shearling cuff seals out snow. Eesy on ond off, HARDY -- over-THE-SOCK = for men. Brown boot with Fayon and wool fleece lining for extra warmth. Removable \§ insole. Weather tight tongue, A Now on Sale at These Leading Oshawa cond Whithy Shoe Stores! AGNEW-SURPASS SHOE STORES 25 SIMCOE S. -- DIAL 3-7411 eo 122 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY -- DIAL 412 zipper" COMMUTER -- OVER-THE-SHOE -- - for mee Lightweight, flexible. Easy on and . Can be worn over or under trousers. 12 high. Real protection. Dome fas teners at top. .. NOW AT YOUR FAVOURITE ~~ WATERPROOF FOOTWEAR PG FOR WARMTH -COMORT FOOTWEAR STORE