aan i ded EL TEE PES ATIRIATLS EPEC VERE INE ¥ ¥ PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 195% USE OUR WANT tn ADS 70. ii | I A) ' Iii ILL | | Hol Iie od HETIL | Busingss -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ~~ ____ ARCHITECTS, HANKS & TRWIN, 47 Prince Ho I oy "ncie LY. 7755. (Geti2) {a---Accountants, Chartered fONTET "EITH. TH AND MONTEITE low Accountants, 37 King * B. Dial 5-4662 R. Gordon W. Het, C. A., Resident Partner. (Oc ib--Accountants a iC CO., ACCOUNTI! DYVCH AD services, pyro work, accounts receivable, neon tax returns, 20 Albert St. Dial =a Barristers FGIBEON AND BASTEDO, BAR- yg Bo Solicitors. Client's funds available for first mortgages, 29 Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-3566. 3 les C. McGibbon, K.C., Edgar F. Bastedo. - = [OUIS 8. HYMAN, K.C. Lo ete., Alger Blag, | 5 Mortgage Fo A oftice 3.4943; Residiste / --------------------------e m-- 30 ; ARRIS- NANT & CONANT, B ters and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con ant, K.C., Roger G. Conant, B.A., D fices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. ? , Gat., phone 25. 8, Dial 8-2227; Ajax . Pp Nov13) D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- PR ter, Solicitor, etc, 6 King St West. Phones: Office, Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604. Money o Joss George 8. Boychym, B.A. Ass pr ig ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C., RALPH 3. Jones, B.A. 18% King St. E. Dial Money to loan. 3-2269. Res. 5-1235. y oct1) A. W. S. GREER, K.C., BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, ete., 6 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence Beting Berisy ., B.A. Sc., residence , M-Gress : (Oct10) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A, BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. Dial: office 5-3741, resi TBARRIS- ng Street Arranged. I (N24) BEAUTY SALON 8--Building Trades CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed. Contact George Canfield. Dial 5- (250¢) TUCCO, RE- pairs. Plastering, waterpronfing foundations. Blocks laid, work. Prompt service. Rental mix- er. Lilley Bros. Dial 5-4902. A 8 PLASTERING cement | {twenty years experience. Mrs. Blat- (N15) i YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT ' shingles, built-up roofing and sid- ing. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tuck- er, 5-6161, (N24) WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES of plastering and repair work, stuc- co and waterproofing. Free esti- mates. Dial 3-8475. (N11) STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, frames and sash, all kinds of doors, cupboards and wardrobes. Oshawa Woodwork. Dial 3-2901. i (Nov16) NEW PLASTERING AND RE- pairs, archways, remodelling, water proofing basements. Free estimates. Phone 3-8912. A Woods, (N10) - | CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, cement blocks laid. Phone 5-0521 (Nov4) 9--Business Opportunities "IN ~ WHITBY. Priced low for quick sale. Apply R._C. Woods, Real Estate, 45 Rich- mond St. W., Toronto. (023,26,27) | agents please Dial 5-4902, WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY! Limited is now in a position to con- sider applications for a limited num- ber of franchises which will enable you to own and operate your own business and become associated. with a chain store organization, offering to the public a line of automotive parts and accessories at competitive prices. © For further information write: Western Tire ®& Auto Supply ; Litd., 86 King Street, London, Ont. (250c) GARAGE, SERVICE STATION. AND AUTOMOBILE SHOWROOM Ideal for car dealership. Building less than 5 years old and of modern de- sign. Corner lot with ample parking space in rear. Can be seen at 1080 Simcoe St. N. $10,000 will carry. Mortgage arranged on balance. WRITE BOX 729 TIMES-GAZETTE (249¢) 8-3880. (Oct21) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrister &c, Xank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C., G. K. Drynan, (Octl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C,, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial 5-3405. (Oct) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2 Dial : Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325.(Octl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- rth. Dial 3-419. Res. 3-2417. 5 No (Octl) 13--Household Repairs RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- ing, in own home.or our plant, mod- | ern electric machines. . Nu - Way Cleaners, 5-0433. . (Oct 29) FURNITURE RE - BUILT, RE- styled, re-uphoistered. For full parti- culars, dial Toronto Furniture Manufacturing Co. (025) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more! Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Oct3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered, See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212. (Oct3) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Bassett Block, Suite No. ¢. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Oct1) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General . chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621. (Oct1) *4p--Chiropractors a LEO L. KRANTZ, D.C., 41 PRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. (N23) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- um or steel. Dial 5-0311 for free es- mate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St, (Oct11tf) 14--Instruction LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY and fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5-1860. (Nov10) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING school, ballet, tap, toe, character, Masonic Temple, Saturdays. Resi- dence Wednesdays, information 3- 7253 (N11) 5--Uentists ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, t di hone. New class- PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 dally. Saturday morning. Dial 3-8632 or 3- 3792, (Oct 1) 5a--Engineers C. E. OLIVE, CONSULTING PRO- pes hon es each Monday. Evening classes Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Busi- ness College, 18 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4343. (NT) GUITARS SUPP LIED, KEEP them home. Yours on completion. ree trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian « A 1, elec- trical, industrial, Ajax Road, north of No. 2 Highway, R.R, 1, Whitby. Phone Pickering 52J12. (020) 7--Optumetrists A. 'B. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST-- Jury & Lovell, Office Hours: 9 to 6: Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721, (N1) €. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Nov8) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor, Civil Engineer, 14 Edward 8t., Ajax. Phone Pickering 200W2. (Oct27) DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Oct6) 8--Building Trades LIME STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS, sand, gravel, loam and fill; also manure. Bud Galt. Dial 5-4498. pa CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon ,May. D 3-9011. : (Novs) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2051. .Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. all types new construction, Residen- tial, industrial RB. Wilkins Air. port Road. Dial 5-4413. (N13) 24 HOUR CARTAGE, ODD JOBS and cement wrrk Promot service, Roy Loveless. Dial 5-4413, (N8) FLOOR AND WALL TILES, MAR- asphalt, Tile. ree estimates. Dial 5-1853. (Oct23) STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, cupboards, casings and framing, general repair work and alterations, work hip g d. Jeffre Woodworking Shop, 160 King St W Dial 3-7361. (N6) CARPENTER WORE, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone 5-3° (N27) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVAT. «ws ete . call Tavior Bros., Oshawa or Whitby 2687. (N29) SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED, IN. stalled and serviced. Phone 5-396. (Nov.2) FOR MODERN AND FIRST DIRstiiog aad bes . 5-2144. No job too small. FLOOR SIDING AND REFINISH- ts, ough 3761. PLASTERING « Stucep and cement plastering. D Robinson. Dial 5-0351, (Oct21) | (Nov2) | 394 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. ! . hool. Leave phone at 5-0251. (N29) 15--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV. ice for better insurance iu all classes 22%; King St. E. Dial 3-4667. Res. 5-4330. (Novl) McMURTRY INSURANCE AGEN- cy Fire, Auto, Life, Burglary, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722. (N17) 17--Loan Wanted $4,000 FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY required on new house in Whitby. | Best security. Write Box 634, Times- Gazette. (250c) 18--Lost & Found LOST--GIRL'S GLASSES, VICIN- ity Ritson School and Post Office. Reward. Dial 5-3700. (250b) 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for Cirst second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders" Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. lal | 20--Personal GOING WEST? WE NEED EXPER- fenced drivers with good references to drive brand new cars to Vancou- ver for us. We will pay part of the gasoline expenses and will allow you extra mileage for pl e det i --G: ' t and - 1$4,700 rocery, meat an eon | basement, jhot air heating--coal | down. Immediate possession. {23--Womer's Colum: { EDWARDS BEAUTY PARLOR, morning special 10% off on<all Per- manent Waves. Phone 3-7633. 5 Ce- lina Street. .. (Nov2) CHARIS FOR FOUNDATION GAR- ment. The only corsetiere with ovef ter. Dial 5-3434. : (Oc30) PERMANENT WAVES $3.50 UP, cold waves $5 up, work guaranteed, Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. (Oct13) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON - OIL wave, $2.50 up: machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church (Oct27) PRENTICES H RESSING special, $6; Cream Wave, $3. Guar- anteed. 10 Church St. Di:l 5-2241. (Oct29) 25--Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW, modern 3-pc bath, one minute to bus stop, outside city limits, cheap taxes Immediate possession No (2481) FIRE INSURANCE, PROPERTY | or contents. Don't delay. Call Mec-! Auley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133 anytime. (N23) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE OFF Park Rd. North, Dial 5-0878 after 4:30. wn $10,500 -- BUYS NEW 5-ROOM brick bungalow, oil heated, north- east section. Dial 5-1082 after six. (2471) TODAY'S BEST INVESTMENT INCOME HOMES Will pay you plenty of easy cash and rent free accommodation. Put your savings to work. Buy one now. ee W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince St. Residence Dial "3-2512 Dial 5-2133 ANYTIME (247¢) $1 50 --down payment, full ' price $4,000 for 5-room stucco bungalow in Bowmanville area, modern kitchen, full basement, very clean condition throughout. Im- mediate possession. NEW, MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGA- low, on city outskirts, 4-piece bath, hardwood and rubber tiled floors, hot-air furnace, very close to bus service, will be feady for occupancy in thirty days. Full price $8,200. $ 1 7002" payment will pur- ' chase 5-room winterized cottage, hydro, water, stool and bath. Immediate possession. Natur- al fireplace, very easily heated home. 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW IN very best northeast residential sec- tion will be completed in one month, oil furnace, very large-sized rooms. 6 - ROOM BRICK, TWO - STOREY 'Toom cottage, 25--Real Estate For Sale : UNFINISHED HOUSE WITH 3- temporary dwelling $4,200. Phone 5-5051 (2495) 6 ROOM, 2 STOREY, STUCCO home, newly decorated inside and out, oil heating, all modern conven- iences, central. $9,800. Dial 2-084 } ( $1,200 CASH, 8 ACRES, NO BUILD- ings. 2), miles north of town on Highway 30. Leaving district. Apply Mrs. Thos. Head, R. R. 1, Brighton. (249b) BUILDING LOT 84 x 180' CORNER Bloor and Farewell $700. Dial 3-2563. (248¢c) 4 LARGE ROOMS WITH SUN- room, 1% acres land, raspberries, strawberries, one mile from school. Terms arranged. Dial 3-9974. (2461) $9,500, 6-R northend, hardwood floo: electric fireplace, new roof, oil er, ga- rage, close to school,' bust Immedi- ate possession Dial 5-5331 or 3-9167. 6-ROOM, 2-STOREY BRICK VE- neer, venetian blinds, modern kitch- en, garage, laundry tubs, automatic water heater, close to St. Gregory's School and Collegiate. Dial S004 (2471) FRIDAY'S SPECIAL On Central Park Blvd., reduced to $9,500. 6 rooms, brick, must be sold. U. JONES Real Estate Broker 6Y2 Prince Street JOE BARNOSKI, Salesman (250: EXCHANGE IF YOU WISH $ | 0, 50 TO es it on 150', nice modern kitchen with tile linoleum. Lovely living room, 4-piece bath, hardwood throughout. Hot air heated with oil. You can exchange your older home on this. BAILEY & TAYLOR Brokers Dial Oshawa 3-2062 a, Whitby 2152 (250a) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $ I 0,90 Fs Ble yor 11/,-storey 'home, on LaSalle Avenue. This home has many extras, includ- ing expensive vitrolite tile in bath- room, oil heating, crystal chandelier in dinette, work bench in basement. Lot fully landscaped. Down payment | about $6,600, leaves carrying charges only $36 monthly including taxes. ° DIAL 3-2107 $7 5(Q(Q Buys this lovely 6- ' room home, with all conveniences, oil heated, double gar- age, close to school. Terms. $2 70 ¢ DOWN---6-room brick, ' all conveniences, cen- trally located. A real buy, full price home within two blocks of the four | $7,200 corners. This home is entirely mod- ern in all respects; has only been built within the past six years; in very clean condition throughout: Suthicient room on lot to build small store. For further particulars contact this office, DON MEREDITH Real Estate John Ukrop--Salesman 20 Bond St. W. Dial 3-8274 (250a) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE STORES --Buys grocery, meat and $3,200 257: treo: wea! fixtures and stock, 3 rooms living quarters, lease, low rent, extra in- come--a good deal. fectionery store, ing and fixtures. Terms, $1,000 cash plus stock at invoice. Hurry for this. $17,000 Grocery. meat and confectionery business and fixtures, 8-room home and large lot included, good turnover, stock at invoice. See today and make offer. W. McAULEY Realtor and General Insurance 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 Residence Dial 5-2133 (248¢) Anytime _ BUNGALOWS 6-room modern brick og Central Park, good sized rooms, deep dry recreation room, sewing room, extra toilet and shower, hot water heating--oil fired. $5,000 down. Possession 60 days. 6-room modern brick with stone front on Park Road South, large rooms, deep dry basement. Hot water heat- ing--oil fired. $5,000 down. Imme- diate possession, 5-room modern brick on Cadillac 8., good size rooms, deep dry basement, fired. $3,185 8-room modern brick, stone trim, on Highland. Large rooms, deep dry basement, hot air heating--oil fired, extras, $4,240 down. Immediate pos- Enjoy a .real vacation trip now. Write today Box 621, Times-Gazette. ¥ (247t0) Have you a drinking problem? 80, write Box 245, Times-Gazette. (Novi7tf) 20a--Cartage ; CITY - WIDE DELIVERY AND "c2ped lot on LaSalle S., good sized cartage. Convenient, safe, courteous | °°™S: tastefully decorated. Dick Bros. service, fully insured. X (Nov18) Dial 3-2158 or 5-4339 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson Lee, 79 Sieve St N (Oct8) 22--Radio Re- irs SPECIALIZED TELEVISION AN- tennae installations, guaranteed re- pair service, all makes television and radips. Dial 5-1685, Earl Fowler Ra- dio, 1096 Kingston Rd. E. (N28) 23--Womzen's Column Sass REPRESENTATIVE HERE, ONE month only. We specialize in Mar. shal and Beautvrest repairs. Spring mattresses rebuilt, returned like new. ing. For estimates phone Scarbor- iiderdowns recovered. Ontario Bed- (247e)» ding Co. Dial 3:3632. AND REPAIRS, CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. (Nov. 11) School girls, $3. Page Hairdressing, (00.25) | ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. , -- (completed, heated basement apart-] if | ment, extra toilet and sink. Forced lair conditioned heating--oil 5-room modern frame on Hibbert St., large rooms, deep dry basement, une fired. $3,800 down. Immediate possession. 4-room modern brick on lovely land- Deep dry basement, hot air heating--coal fired, $5,000 down. Possession 30 days. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION THESE HOMES INVITE YOWR INSPECTION After 6:00 p.m. Dial 5-6342 Ralph H. Vickery lesman ad Dial 5-3877 Don Ellison Manager DIAL 3-2265 Mortgages Appraisals £49404 {SiS 3 ' Don't miss these bargains. .G. BARROW Real Estate Broker 25 Burk St. Dial 5-3852 (250a) --1%2 cash, 6-room, 1%. $ 7 ,80 storey brick veneer, good condition, all conveniences with three-piece bath. See it today and make offer. $1 1 00 --15 cash, buys 7-room, ' 2-storey brick house, in good location, 4 rooms on first floor, 3 large bedrooms on second floor, 3-piece bath, stool in the cellar. Deep dry divided basement. landscaped lot and garage. $10,50 --$6,000 cash, 6 115-storey brick Wouse, hardwood floors, 4-plece ba; heating, garage, in. very go part of the city location, b Listings of all kinds needed. List your property with us and we give you prompt and honest service. We try to get the best results. J: MISZTAK Manager of F. J. PISZON Real Estate Broker 155 Simcoe South Dial 3-3933 Residence Dial 3-8413 reese (250b) ET M BRICK HOUSE, | 25--Real Estate For Sale DESIRABLE 2-STOREY HOUSE for sale in new district, Low down payment. Phone 5-0253. (250c) E. E. PATRICK OFFERS 4 ACRES, 6 ROOMS $2 00 --down, owner will give ' immediate possession of a 6-room home, 3 bedrooms, heavy wiring, 3-plece bathroom, 4 acres of choice garden land, small hen house. Full price only $5,500. For appoint- ment, to inspect phone E. E. PATRICK REALTOR 43 Bond St. West Dial 3-8551 Residence 5-3692 (250a) HAIG ST. -- $2,500 down, 6-room, 113-storey home, with good garage, near G.M.C. v $2 50 --5-room, near new, in- ' sul-bric bungalow, fully modern, all conveniences; has gar- age. DOWN--6-. kb $ 2 ' 5 00 low, AR og oil heated; has garage. $3. 000 DOWN -- 6-room, good ' brick bungalow, on lot 60 ft' x 120 ft., air conditioned, oil heated, fully modern and immaculate throughout; has extra good double garage, and many, many other worthwhile extras, in west end. $4 500810 down, 4 - room ' stucco home with some conveniences, large lot. . --Terms, 6-room, 2-stor- $8,50 ey brick house, in ex- ceptionally good condition, clean throughout. $8 90) Easy M.H.A. terms, §- ' room, 3-bedroom bun- galow in good residential district Quick possession. $9 500 Easy N.H.A. terms, b- ? room brick bungalow with all the extras in nice residen- tial district. Dial 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 16 BOND ST. EAST .JHN PENICKA--Salesman (2502) i BOWMANVILLE BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, bath, furnace, hydro, hardwood floors, venetian blinds, electric fixtures, heavy - wiring, garage, landscaped, $9,000. Terms. 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 3-piece bath, new furnace, hydro, heavy wiring, garage, hardwood floors $6,500. Beautiful home, 7 rooms, modern conveniences, garage, residential street, $7,500. Possession 'arranged. 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, hydro, bath, furnace, barns, full stable, im- plement shed, hen house, garage, lit- ter carrier, water in house and barn. 125 acres, close to school. $23,000. Terms. FARMS AND DWELLINGS JAMES NIXON Broker 160 LIBERTY ST. N., BOWMANVILLE PHONE 682 LIVE RENT FREE In your home built by G. & G. Con- struction in a new subdivision on Warren Ave. NOTE THE FEATURES 1--Built by master craftsmen with the best of 'materials. 2--Some homes still - N.H.A. terms. 3--115-storey homes with 6 bright 1 rooms. under 412% GENERAL STORE 25 Miles to Oshawa Excellent opportunity for anyone want- ing a business of their own. Owner ill and can give immediate possession. Handles full line of groceries, hard- ware, "dry goods, etc; It would pay you to investigate this. Good yearly 1 rnover. Books open for inspection, Only $5,000 cash obxins possession. FURTHER PARTICUPARS ON REQUEST W. E. HOLMES Broker [ Bond at Ontario Dial 5-2363 © (250b) ; - h , all $8,000" "or 3 hearoome, 3-plece bath, hot air heating with oil, air conditioned, double garage, central, near Motors. $6 80 --Five-room, 113-storey ' house, 2 bedrooms, 3- piece bath, hot air heating, garage, many extras. This home 18 in lovely clean condition. $7 800A lovely bungalow, in ' good clean condition, large kitchen, 3-piece bath, hot wa- ter heating, garage, See this home to appreciate it. $ | 4 00 --Central Park, 7-room, ' 113-storey brick house, modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, hot air heating with oil, gar- age. 2 weeks' possession. Anyone wishing a home in this lovely new district, then see this property. "WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 BOND ST. W, PHONE 3-2911 250.) » 4--Downstairs has 4 large rooms and 2-plece washroom. B--Beautiful modern kitchen loads of built-in cupboards. 6--Upstairs has private self-contain- ed apartment with 4-piece bath- room. 7--Rental received will amply cover your charges. 8 Close to downtown shopping. stop at corner. with from i upstairs carrying Bus For further information and inspec- tion contact H. GOLDSTEIN Real Estate Broker i5 Bond East Dial 3-3822 (250b) SUNSET HEIGHTS Rapid progress is being made on this new subdivision situated only one block west of Simcoe Street North. A choice of completed and nearly com- pleted homes are now available in 5 room bungalows, 6-room storey and one half, and 5 room with at- tached garage. These homes are all financed through N.H:A. and re- quire only reasonable down pay- ments, Phone our office for an appoint- ment to inspect these homes at your convenience. : After 6 p.m. please call 3-9290 -- Everett Elliott 3-3983 -- Lloyd Metcalf (Sales Representatives) DIAL 3-3849 Broker & Ins. Agent 13V2 Simcoe Street North (20a) | | Ply 26 Gladstone or Dial 5-0755. 25--Real Estate Por Sale 28--For Rent 30--Room and Board 7 - ROOM STUCCO: BUNGALOW witle bath, garage, immediate session. Half cash. Furniture includ- ed if desired. Dial 3-7088. (2451) 3-ROOMS, CLOSE TO MOTORS AND ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 GEN= Al all con i close to Fite bus stop. Dial 5-1014. (250c) 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keepi (250c EVANS REAL ESTATE Number of choice level farms of 150 to 250 acres with modern homes, priced at $100 per acre and less. Also several 100 acre farms with hy- dro, as low as $4,000. Contact your Farm Broker W. C .EVANS Phone 84-8 Orono a) ping. Dial 3-9804. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for married couple, no chil- dren. Dial 5-3097. 235 Eulalie Ave. (024,26-N1) garage, self-contained, new home, close to new General Motors ware- house. See by appointment. Phone 5-4348. (250a) 3 ROOMS, HEATED, SUIT COU- WHITBY BUNGALOW $7 500 -- T= brick cottage is situated in good resi- dential area, near new highway, re- cently built, 2 bedrooms, living-room and kitchen are all in immaculate condition and the three piece bath 1s modern. Full size dry cement base- ment with plenty of head clearance. Pown payment $4,000, balance $35 monthly includes taxes, interest and payments off principal. An easy way to buy a house, as the pay- ments are only about half what the house will rent for, Why pay rent? JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker Phone 2874 Evenings 2473 (250a) LOOKING FOR REAL BARGAINS? $2 00 --down, takes possession ' of this 5-room storey and a half rug brick home, hot air heating with oil, hardwood floors, 3- piece bathroom, garage, very cen- tral, $2 50 --down, for this 5-room ' storey and a half home in good condition, 3 bedr: ,- living- small baby. Call Bow- ( ple; manville 3414. 250b) 'TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, self-contained, private entrance, ground floor, unheated. Adults only; working scouple preferred. 241 Que- bec St. (250c) WARM SUNNY SINGLE BED- room, every conveniqnce, very cen- tral. Apply 319 Leslie or dial 5-3613. (2501 COTTAGES FOR RENT, APPLY Fred L. Cowan, Corbett's Point Rd. (250¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, Apply 184 Simcoe St. S. (250b) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN- tlemen, single beds, all conveniences, breakfast if desired. Apply 184 Ce- lina St. Dial 3-8233. (250c) LOWER FLOOR, FOR RENT, business couple, abstainers, furnish- ed or unfurnished. Apply 343 Ritson (250a) WANTED AT ONCE, LADY PEN- sioner to share home with working lady near Brooklin, in exchange for light duties. Phone Brooklin 32R14. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, all conveniences. Dial 3- 8573. (250a) room and large kitchen with built-in cupboards. $5,500 full price. $2 500 down for this 6-room ' storey and a half brick home, hot air heating, conveniences, central. $2 80(Q down, for this lovely 4- ' room bungalow with all the modern conveniences you are looking for, hot air heating with ofl, finished hardwood and tiled floors, 3- piece bathroom, venetion blinds,. landscaped lot, only $7,500. LLOYD AYERS BROKER DIAL 5-3889 Office hours 9 a.m. -10 p.m. (250a) INCOME HOME? ®$11,200--BLOOR W. Storey and three-quarters new mod- ern frame, with stone front, large rooms, deep dry basement, insu- lated. Oak hardwood throughout. Hot air heating--coal fired. Excel- lently suited for duplexing or room- ing house. Possession 30 days. $11,000--OSHAWA BLVD. Two storey brick with frame garage on landscaped lot. Living room 11'6"x 18' with electric fireplace, dining- room, large modern kitchen down. Three large bedrooms converted to flat; large modern kitchen with three-wire gervice; three-piece bath 3-ROOM COTTAGE UNTIL APRIL 30, 1952, to those that will give 2 months' rent as bond until end of term, Dial 3-2911. (250a) FURNISHED ROOM, ALL CON- veniences, for one gentleman. Apply 73 Rowe St. (250b) TWO UNFURNISHED, PARTLY furnished or furnished rooms, busi- ness couple; abstainers, no children, south end. Dial 3-8650. (250a) tings and G.M.C. Dial 3-9896 or Ape i Ply 214, Clark St. (249¢) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO girls, or men, near Mators. Dial 5-1972. L (249b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO LA- dies, private home, continuous hot water. Dial 3-4783, 12491) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen willing to share, central, all ocnveniences. Dial 3-7509. (248c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- man, continuous hot water, near Motors and Fittings. Apply 32 Charles St. (2451) FOR ONE GENTLEMAN, WILL- ing to share room, single beds, every convenience, abstainers. Dial 5-1719, (2451) 31--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD FOR BOY, 7 years. Good character reference, west district preferred. Dial 13-0487. Tosh el (250b) ROOM AND BOARD WANTED for one gentleman, North Oshawa preferred, abstainer. Write Box 723, Times-Gazette. (248¢c) 32--Automobiles For Sale '41 DE SOTO SEDAN FOR QUICK sale. Phone 3-7948 or apply 172 Rose- hill Blvd. \ (250c) '38 DODGE SEDAN, HEATER AND defroster, in good condition. Must be sold. Apply 272 Grooms Avenue. oo (250b) 1951 CHRYSLER WINDSOR DE- luxe, clock, heater, air conditioned, under-coated, new price $3673, still in warranty. Quick sale $3000. Dial 3-3198 between 5-7. (246e) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates, and proper protection. Ses McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133 any- time. (N23) LATE MODEL, '49 CHEV. COACH, heater, good condition throughout. Dial 5-3943) or Apt. 3, Amylene Apts. 9 Quebec St. (238tf) KE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Murey's Garage at 56-4332 for complete front end service, and immediate instalia- tion (Oct?) ROOMMATE WANTED, CLEAN young man, willing to share home privileges; breakfast if desired. Dial 5-4473. (250c) BEDSITTING ROOM WITH KIT- chenette, furnished. Apply 16 Elgin East. Dial 5-0342. (2490) A GOOD COMFORTABLE HOME for elderly people near town, nice surroundings, reasonable. Apply Mrs. Wm. H. Bowley, R. R. 1, Port Perry, Ont. 1249b) SINGLE 'AND DOUBLE ROOMS for gentlemen, abstainers. Apply 56 Division St. (249¢c) 4-ROOM APARTMENT IN GOOD brick house, 4 miles from Uxbridge on highway hydro," water. Norman Kennedy, Uxbridge, phone 183R21, (249¢c) TWO PARTLY FURNISHED rooms in private home, suitable for business people. Write Box 730, Times-Gazette. (249¢) man, continuous hot water, oil heat. ed, central, residential, use of tele- phone, abstainer. Apply 114 Elgin E. (249¢) ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME FOR up. Deep dry divided ba t with finished recreation room, tiled floor, forced hot air conditioned heating by oil. Tastefully decorated, oak hard- wood throughout, insulated. Posses- sion 30 days. $10,000--GLIDDON Storey and a half brick on land- scaped lot. Good sized living room, large modern kitchen, three bed- rooms and three-piece bath down, two bedrooms and two-piece toilet up. Deep dry basement, hot air heating--coal fired. Fully insulated, hardwood floors. Possession 30 days. $9,500--RITSON N. Storey and three-quarter brick with frame garage, on beautifully land- scaped lot. Large living room, dining room, attractive modern kitchen, three good sized bedrooms, three- piece bath, Divided dry ' basement | with fruit cellar, hydro heater. Hot | air heating--coal fired, oak hard- wood down. Possession 60 days. INCOME FROM THESE HOMES, WILL PAY FOR IT OVER THE YEARS. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS DON'T MISS -- INSPECT THESE NOW! After 6:00 p.m, Dial RALPH H. VICKERY Salesman DON ELLISON . Manager Dial 3-2265 5-6342 5-3877 cholield 15 SBRANGH ASSOCIATES Realtors Mort, Appraisals ortgages PP Son) 27--Real Estate Wanted WANTED: LAKEFRONT COTTAGE or building lot on Scugog Island. Dial 5-4576 after 6. (2461) HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT- ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512. (N2) HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI nesses wanted. For a quick confiden- tial sale, list your property with E. E. Patrick, Realtor, 43 Bond St. W., 4 doors west of Prince. Dial am I have a client, who will pay $5,000 to $6,000 cash for a good 4 or 5- room bungalwo. Must be central. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 BOND ST. W. DIAL 3-2911 -(250b) 28--For Rent FURNISHED, LIGHT HOU SE- keeping Yoom, all conveniences. Ap- £250¢) busi gentleman, abstainer, break- fast optional. Dial 3-9506. (249¢) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN- tlemen. Apply 476 Albert St. (219c) FROM NOV. 15 TO MAY 15, 1952, 8-room brick house in nice locality. Timken ofl-fired, hot air furnace, venetian blinds, recreation room and extra toilet in basement. Good in- come home. $125 monthly. References required. Write Box 728, Times-Ga- zette, i (249b) NICELY FURNISHED LARGE bedroom suitable for 2 gentleman. Apply 299 Simcoe S. (249d) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, downstairs; hot wa- ter; also garage. Apply 716 Cedar St. (248d) TWO - ROOMED APARTMENT, sink, cupboards, private entrance, ground floor, suitable for adults. Apply 20 Maple St., evenings. (248c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR gentleman near Motors, will rent sin- gle or double; garage. Dial 3-2940. (248f) TWO ROOM APARTMENT, THIRD floor, completely furnished, suit business couple, Also one furnished ping room, d floor. Dial 5-1368. (248c) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, close to Motors, heat- ed, continuous hot water. Dial 5- 2927. (248f1) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. Apply 27 Rowe St. (248c) BED-SITTING ROOMS, FURNISH- ed, business person or couple with- out 'children, Dial 5-3206. (248c) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, suitable for two girls or married couple. Dial 5-0281. (248c) 3-ROOM FLAT, NEW HOUSE, heated, conveniences, $60. Dial 5-1212 after 7 p.m. (248e) FURNISHED BEDROOM OR light housekeeping room, in clean, quiet home. Dial 5-3214. (2471) THREE "ROOM FURNISHED apartment, heat, light, water, se- parate entrance, conveniences, adults only. Dial 3-7088. (2451) LIVING ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Father and eleven-year-old boy are looking for a respectable couple to share their modern home. Willihg to work out a good proposition for the right people. . PHONE 5-5989 (249c) 29--Wanted To Rent YOUNG BACHELOR DESIRES two or three-room house, semi-furn- ished. Have own cooking utensils and heater. References. Write Box 733, Times-Gazette. (250b) WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE with one child, 4-room apartment, or small house. Oshawa or surround- ing district. References. Phone 5- 1741 between 8 and 6. (250c) 3 OR 4¢ ROOMS, URGENTLY NEED- ed by November 1. Expecting a child in December. Phone 3-3985. (2481) 3 OR 4 ROOMS, OR HOUSE, UN- furnished, for couple, 2 children. Dial 3-9131. (2481) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARY, FOR ONE gentleman, to share room, single beds. Dial 5-2640. (250b) ¢ ¢ FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEB Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors, New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Oct3) '50 CHEV SEDAN, RADIO, HEAT- er, slipcovers, low mileage. Will take older car as trade, preferably Eng- lish model. Phone 3-8948. (249) 83 TERRAPLANE COACH, NEW tires, Al condition, wrecking '47 Mercury dump, all parts and box and hoist. Dial 3-7088. (2491) $1575. '49 CHEV. COACH, DARK blue, new car condition. Cash or terms. Phone 3-3609, (2489p) '3¢ CHEV. STANDARD BODY, MO- itor in good condition. Apply 178 Church St. Dial 5-0515. (250c) '31 CHEV. COUPE. PHONE WHIT- ' by 2807. (250a) '40 CHEV. COACH, A.1 CONDI- tion, 4 good tires; upholstery very good; heater; nearest offer to $700. Dial 3-3778. ® (250c) PRIVATELY OWNED, 1950 GREEN Pontiac sedan, radio, air-condition- ing heater, seat covers, whitewall tires, low mileage. Price $1,850. Dial 3-7735. en (250b) 1951 PONTIAC COACH, NEW CAR condition, low mileage, sun-visor, G.M. radio, underseat heater, slip covers. Apply 354 Masson St. Dial 3-3083. i (250a) '89 PLYMOUTH COUPE, GQOD shape. Dial 5-4637. (250b) '35 CHEV. COACH, GOOD SHAPE. Apply 594 Front St. (250c) 50 CHEV. SEDAM DELUXE Radio, heater, low mileage, apply Apply KENT'S SERVICE STATION Albert and Athol Sts. Dial 3-3733 . (248¢c) SPECIAL SPECIAL 1951 CHEVROLET POWER GLIDE SEDAN FULLY 'EQUIPPED RADIO, WHITE WALLS BACK UP LIGHTS, SIGNAL LIGHTS, ETC. THIS CAR IS PRIVATELY OWNED -- NO TRADE IN PHONE 5-2764 (249¢), ARCHER MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY USED CARS FOR SALE | 1950 MORRIS SEDAN 1939 BUICK SEDAN (beautiful car) 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1948 PONTIAC COACH 1950 PONTIAC COACH 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Buy now and save on any. of these reconditioned used cars. PORT PERRY Phone 57 : (250a),