THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 Tre & DAILY TI Research Urged to Prevent Panic In A-Bomb Attack By .ALTON L. BLAKESLEE New York (AP) -- Disaster re- search on human emotions to pre- vent panic and save lives in A- bombings is proposed by Dr. Irving L. Janis, Yale University psychol- ogist. He tells of the need, and of what happened to people emotionally 'in Second World War air raids in a new book, Air War and Emotional Stress. Belief that panic, and mass hy- steria would be the main reaction if A-bombs hit U.S. cities seems to be a myth, he said. At least, so it proved to be in raids of the last war. But there may be some panic, and much foolish or disruptive ac- tivity by survivors, he writes. Facts are needed to guide people to bet- ter emotional control, so survivor can save more of the injured, or act wisely to save themselves from fires or other dangers in the bomb's wake. Some of Dr. Janis' Suggestions: Research teams of scientists to study peacetime disasters. They would try to learn how best to use » official communiques, warnings, and advice. Whether present meth- ods are effective in getting mes- sages to the people, how people react, what they understand and believe. Study of cancer patients, people facing serious operations, men in dangerous jobs, and communities threatened with epidemics. The purpose: Learning how they adjust to threats of danger or threats to life, their fears, their psychological needs and how they can be satis- fied. INOCULATION Perhaps some "emotional in- oculation" of civil defence workers, so they wouldn't break down at the sight of horrors after the bomb. Maybe movies, disaster exhibits, lifelik~ plaster dummies of casual ties could prepare them. Buf, he says, there are questions when this should be done during training, and whether it might be harmiul. Psychiatric first - aid teams, or training civil defence workers tc give at. Mary perme vill be tem- porarily emotionally shocked; anx- jous, apathetic, or near break- downs. This is a lesson from the Second World War, but bombings didn't increase psychoses and men- tal illnesses much. Study feasibility of underground communication lines, invulnerable to A-bombs, so public address systems could carry announce- ments from a central message of- ficer advising and reassuring sur- vivors of what to do, where to go, or what may happen next. Morale, he warns, will be deter- mined largely by the effectiveness of civil defence and rescue and re- lief measures. ' People can act more wisely the better they are informed in ad- vance. But research is needed on how to tell them the facts they need without arousing feelings of futility, or fears that might drive them to dangerous political or so- cial actions. A-bombings of Japan caught the Japanese psychgqlogically unpre- pared, and this 'helped boost the casualty toll, Dr. Janis said. But the U.S. strategic bombing survey findings show that A-bombs didn't give rise to any different kind of morale effects than other types of heavy air attacks. In Britain, Germany, and, Japan too, resentment after bombings fre- Juently was directed egainst home authori, es, for th: r failures or .s scapegosts, as well a; against the enemy, Dr. Janis said. GIVE ROYAL HOLIDAY Paris, Ont. (CP) -- Mayor Arthur Griffiths has announced a school holiday Friday on behalf of Prin- cess Elizabeth. The royal train FARM METHOD OF OLD QUEBEC EARNS PRAISE London (CP)--Praise for French- Canadian farmers was contained in a letter to The Times from P. C. Loftus, chairman of a Suffolk rural association. Contributing to a correspondence on farm production, Loftus said countries could learn a lot about how to handle soil erosion by study=- ing the French-Canadian example. "In the province of Quebec," wrote Loftus, "ihe land has been cultivated for nearly 300 years by the French-Canadian peasant pro- prietors, and it maintains its fer- tility with a high output of food, while in other parts of Canada, on land which has been farmed for only about 50 years, there are al- ready alarming symptoms of ero- sion such as the blowing away of the soil, the first® stage in the creation of man-made deserts. "The French-Canadian works in co-operation with nature and with an understanding of and reverence for the living soil. Many Ameri- can and Canadian farmers have been apt to regard.agriculture as a mechanical factory operation to be used to obtain quick and cheap re=- sults regardless of the future." Has Reported 1000 Trials Calgary (CP) -- George A. Mor- rison, a man who has written 32- million-words in the past 38 years has retired from 'the staff of offi- cial court reporters at the Calgary court. house. During his long term of service he has been the silent but busy recorder of every word spoken dur- ing more than a thousand trials. He has filled about 800 large note books with his neat shorthand notes and without hesitation can refer to his records of 30 years ago -and read them as easily as if they were | | typed. These notes sometimes tell a grim story of drama and pathos, and sometimes dreary arguments on law. But as George said on more than one otcasion: "It went in at one ear and came out at the point of | my pen." Morrison was born in Toronto where he learned shorthand. By eonstant practice he increased his speed to 250 words a minute and was able to maintain that speed for long periods. He started his career as a court reporter in 1913 at the Calgary city police court. * In 1915 he was ap- pointed to the staff of the official court reporters by the Alberta gov- ernment. Want to buy, sell, or trade? Classified Ad, the deal is made. A 2 Scientists Are Missing In Britain Londen Two British physicists who failed to return from their vacations set off another missing-scientist scare in London newspapers today. But Scotland Yard said it is satisfied there is nothing really wrong. The scientists, both 26 and bro- thers-in-law, failed to return Mon- day to the government-sponsored National Institute of Medical Re- search. Both are engaged in medi- cal research using - radio-active isotopes. London headlines said they are missing. "Two scientists vanish with families," said the Daily Mail. "Hunt starts for missing scientists," the Star said. Scotland Yard said it had been (CP) informed the two phyuicists, Den- | nis O'Conner and Willian Camp- | bel:, merely had left their hewnes | and "have not been reported miss- | ing" ; The National Inslitute of Medical | Research sald the .two physicists na. worked with radioactive ma- terials but had had no direct access to any atom secrets. | The institute said it knows only that the mother of one of the physicists had phoned yesterday-- a day after they were due back at work--to report they had "gone abroad." Both O'Connor and Campbell took their families with them wnen they left their homes two weeks ago. In the last 12 months two British foreign-office officials Donald MacLean and Guy Burgess -- and atom scientist Bruno Pontecorvo have also vanished without trace. INDUSTRIOUS ARTIST Although Raphael Santi was only 37 at his death in 1520, more than' 1400 paintings have been attributed 'to him. MES-GAZETTE - PAGE FIFTEEN kiisioric Rug To He Placed Unaer Cover Regina (CP) - Saskatchewan's most historic carpet is going under |- cover. The carpet that has lain on the floor of the provincial legisla- ture since 1912 is being covered by a new rug, not so faded and bear- ing none of the marks of times or- tradition, as yet. The older one nad many of those marks. It was trodden by virtually every governor-general of Canada since it was 441, as well as by the Duke of Windsor when he was Prince of Wales in 1919. Thé pres- ent King George and Queen Eliza- beth walked on it in 1939. It has felt the weight of the late Stanley Baldwin when he was British prime minister in 1927, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and many. other distin- guished visitors. It has also softened the fall of the occasional legislature - member v, fell asleep during droning de- bates and toppled over. The old carpet was woven on a specially-made loom in Scotland. The new one, going dow. right on top of the old, was obtained at a cost of $12,000. Jhe red carpet is part of the chamber redgcoration program, The old rug is being left in place because otherwise a mat would have to be laid down to protect the un- derside of the new one. But the new carpet will also cover wiring for loud-speaking, broadcasting and re- cording [facilities devices that hadn't been heard of when the ori- ginal carpet was laid. STATELY VISITOR Fort Frances, Ont. (CP) -- A giant white pelican with a wing- spread of about nine feet has been observed many times flying around a dock at rainy lake. Residents believe the bird was driven south by stormy weather. TTC Toa Diefenbaker Would Add Teeth to Act Ottawa (CP) -- Use of the com- bines act to prevent profiteering and exploitation of the people by individuals and corporations. was urged yesterday in the commons by John Diefenbaker, Progressive Conservative member of parlia- ment for Lake Centre. ? The 56-year-old lawyer from Sas- katoon, Sask. said the govern- ment has not been using the legis- lation to fight inflation and high prices. The act should be used "not as a feather duster, but as an instrument to strike fear into the hearts of those who unjustly take advantage' of the current in- fiation. ' Parliament should be asked to amend the combines act to make | ' : the penalties commensurate with the crimes commited under it. The present maximum penalty is a $10, 000 fine. The sum, he said, represented a "fraction of what the illicit gains may be by a person designing and endeavoring to evede the law and exploit the public." "If we were to say to those en- gaged in robbery, we shall take three or four per cent of what you make, we would not be discourag- ing robbery." - Hastinapur, a ruined city in the Meerut district of India, in ancient times was the capital of the Pan- LENNOX BRAND--CHOICE APPLESAUCE 2 SWEET TREAT--CHOICE--CRUSHED _PINEAP At' Dominion you get two-way protection. First, there's the manufacturer's label assuring you quality and purity. Second, there's the 100% guarantee that goes with all foods sold at Dominion, but 'with meats . . fact, everything on display at Dominion. . fresh fruits and vegetables . . . Not just with branded goods, in Shop with. con- fidence! Shop at, Dominion--the Signpost of Satisfaction. CHOICE QUALITY--HALVES BRIGHT'S PEACHES "2: 18¢ RED ROSE--ORANGE PEKOE 20 Oz. Tins 29¢ PLE=>25¢ TEA DAISY BRAND--SWEET Mixed Pickles \BELMAR--NUTRITIOUS SOUP MIX McLAREN'S--MANZANILLA 16 Oz. Jar 254 2 ne 25¢ - Pkg. of 30 BAGS Ix 78 AUNT SALLY'S--TWO FRUIT MARMALADE ALL PURPOSE '5 ROSES FLOUR ECONOMICAL MONARCH MARGARINE 24 Fl. Oz. Jar 5 Lb. Bag I Lb. Pkg. OGILVIE--CHOCOLATE--GOLD--SILVER STUFFED OLIVES '2 51¢ . CATELLI--IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI CAKE MIXES 16 Oz. Pkg. Yo 41¢ 31 37¢ 37¢ 35¢ 20 Oz. Tin 18¢ GOLD SEAL--B.C. PACK--RED Salmon FANCY 1's SOCKEYE Tin 45¢ MARGARINE xX ope J aragus CUTTI MEATY I Lb. NGS croc YORK GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2 YORK CHOICE PEAS YORK CHOICE TOMATOES YORK BEEF STEW wens serv YORK SPICY. BOLOGNA KAM PORK LOAF MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT DOMESTIC SHORTENING TENDERFLAKE UNGRADED OR LARGE TASTY IN SANDWICHES Tin DELICIOUS-- wo Q so 2O¢ so Se 20¢/ 314 a5¢ 53 a5¢ 35¢ NEW PACK 28 Oz. Tin 15 Ou Tin 12 Oz. 12 Oz. Tin 32 Os Tin I Lb. Pkg. I Lb. MARGENE = 4%. PURE LARD 4: EEE EEEENREIGEEEES I _-- RE DELICIOUS PURE TOMATO 13 Oz. 0 MACARONI | ied HEINZ KETCHUP :: AUTUMN TRAVEL [2a Millionaire Sardines THE THRIFTY WAY x7 // F § for 29: doz. 45. VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC 29¢ EEE 28¢ 25¢ 27¢ stopped here only for a moment | Sunday .on its tour. "Probably if | the Princgss had had a little more | time here, she would have given | the children a holiday," said the mayor. . MORE TE FIRST OF THE SEASON--MARSH SEEDLESS Size ORIDA GRAPEFRUIT + CALIFORNIA SUNKIST SWEET THIN SKINNED JUICY VALENCIA ORANGES Size 220's ONTARIO. FANCY--EATING OR COOKING McNTOSH RED APPLES CALIFORNIA FIRM RED RIPE TOMATOES Cello Carton 10 Oz. Tins Vegetable Soup 2 ALLEN'S--CHOICE QUALITY APPLE JUICE APPLEFORD--WAX PAPER 100 Ft. 21¢ Food Saver «i 34¢ SUNBRITE:2: Bottle 224 ECONOMICAL--SELF-POLISHING FAB MAKES IT EASY AEROWAX Pint 43 FAB DETERGENT Lgr9° 4 1 ¢ w 197 DELICIOUS 20 Oz. REFRESHING Tins CONCENTRATED JAVEL 6 Qt. Bskt. ONTARIO FRESH GREEN BRUSSELS SPROUTS Quart 29¢ Box ON SALE AT DOMINION NOVEMBER ISSUE Palmolive BETTER LIVING MAGAZINE STORE HOURS BOILING FOWL | pn Day 843 as 6 pn. --_-- Wed. 8.45 a.m. to 12.30 Noon Ib. 49: : : Saturday 8:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. FRESH MILK FED A ROASTING CHICKENS FRESH (GOOD VALUE) PORK SHOULDERS FRESH, LEAN AND MEATY LAMB FRONTS SMOKED, SLICED Ib. 59¢ BREAKFAST BACON Ib. 65¢ PREMIUM-BOLOGNA 1b. 49 These Values Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 18th, 19th & 20th In Oshawa FRESH GRADE A All Weights Ib. 45¢ For Business or Pleasure you have a choice of air- Yendfioncd sxcommsiation COACHES PARLOUR CARS LOUNGE CARS SECTIONS ROOMETTES COMPARTMENTS / BEDRQOMS DRAWING ROOMS For full information see any Conadion Pacific office or your own Travel Agent. Trave PICTURE WINDOW Air-Conditioned Coach See Canada at its colourful best this Fall... from the Picture Windows of a Canadian Pacific air-conditioned coach. Ride relaxed in your Sleepy FRESH WELL TRIMMED PORK BUTTS Ib. 57¢ CHOICE AUSTRALIAN DELICIOUS RABBITS 1b. 43c MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS Ib. 59 Hollow Chair . . . enjoy the ever- changing scenery amidst traditional Canadian Pacific courtesy and service surprisingly low fares! EE md SAUSAGE DOMINION STORES LIMITED