New Simcoe Hall Building To Be Spoons Tomorrow Night THF DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA Combining The Oshawa Times and Whithy Gazeste and Chronicle VOL. 10--No. 242 OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1951 PAGE THIRTEEN New Facilities Will Allow Work To Be Extended By BOB RIFE Tomorrow evening, October 18, when the new Simcoe Hall gymnasium and club building will be officially opened, will mark a new milestone in the History of the Oshawa Women's Welfare' League, the social organization which]: operates Simcoe Hall. When you,are putting down the years - to - remember in your scrapbook, 1947 will hold an honored spot, especially if you are the least bit interest- ed in welfare work. That was the year that Harold McNeill, tlement House came to Osh- awa. It was also the year that * Harold saw the need for in- creased gymnasium facilities for the youth of Oshawa, and began cudgelling his brain "in an effort to find a solution. The one and only answer was a building to house a gymnasium, games-room and theatre. He approached the Advis- ory Board of the Women's Welfare League in this city, explained the need, and how' the problem might be solyed. They listened attentively tc Supervisor YLLIS MOODY sor of Simcoe Hall MISS Supervi Clerical Helper MRS. T. H. McDOWELL Clerical Assistant & Lg present-day | director of Simcoe Hall Set-| Director HAROLD W. McNEILL Director of Simcoe Hall the proposal and put their resources to work. Approval for the pian came quickly and Mr. McNeill start- ed to work drawing the gen- eral plans for the building. His ideas, plus those of differ- ent members of the Women's Welfare League were incor- porated in what is n.w known as Simcoe Hall Settlement House Gymnasium. . N. L. Young of The Pedlar People Limited was the man to take these plans and put them in blueprint form. HUNT CONTRACTOR Once this was 'done, the hunt for a contractor began. Mike Trimble accepted the job as General Contractor and the ground-breaking opera- tion began November 6, 1950. The business of clearing the ground, getting a base- ment dug and a foundation Director's Dream Comes True For four years, the new gymnasium for Simcoe Hall was a dream in the mind of Harold McNeill, director of the Settlement House. Here he is seen on the site on which the building now stands, looking over the blueprints of the building. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo. Simcoe Hall Staff Members TED LAFFERTY Woodwork and Crafts Supervisor MISS HELEN BULMER Nursery School Supervisor laid, was completed before the winter began in earnest. In this way, the building pro- per could be begun with the advent of spring. When the walks and roof were in place, Harold Stark installed. the plumbing and heating units and the sub- contractors working for the Trimble Company began the jobs of plastering, painting, electrical installation, floor- finishing and cabinet con- struction. Electrical work was done by the Colvin Electric Com- Bn pany. The Ontario Floor San- ders put the floor in shape for the Huntingdon Labora- tories to put on the gym fin- ish. Meanwhile G. Abramoff did the plastering and the Osha- wa Cabinet Company install, ed and completed the kitch- en and woodworking rooms. HAND OVER KEYS On October 5, 1951, the keys to the building were handed over to. Harold Mc- Neill. As far as the general OUR BEST WISHES. SIMCOE HALL RE-OPENING COLVIN ELECTRIC 399 Simcoe S. on their Dial 5-0733 Us TO IT HAS BEEN A PRIVILEGE FOR IN THE RENOVATION OF ASSIST MCOE HALL _ 387 SIMCOE SOUTH H R STARK \ PLUM 251 SIMCOE S. BING PHONE 5-0243 IT WAS A PLEASURE TO DO THE AND STUCCO WORK FOR SIMCOE HALL PLASTERING Best Wishes On Your Re-opening ABRAMOFF PLASTERER now be available with the opening o! Splendid facilities for indoor games for the young people of Oshawa will f the new building at Simcoe Hall New Addition to Facilities of Wonton! s Weltnre Leagre ~~ Above is the splendid new gymnasium, club and office building of the| work of the League, will he formally operied on Thursday evening, Simcoe Hall Settlement House, operated by the Women's Welfare League | The Women's Welfare League is one of the Red Feather Services supe of Oshawa. This new building, providing additional facilities for the| ported by the Community Chest. ~--Times-Gazette Staff Photo. Here a group of boys is finding lots of fun in a spirited game of table tennis, for which the games room is equipped. _Times-Gazette Staff Photo. contracting was concerned, the work was finished. All that remained to be completed were some minor paint and iron-work jobs. As for the exterior of the building, the grounds that is, the Oshawa Horticultural So- ciety have kindly offered to do the landscaping. The estimated cost of the| building was $35,000, and since the contractor has not exceeded that limit in these days of rising prices, one can figure he was working at ] cost. It is a surety that many of the other firms concerned, were doing the same. They felt that this was a community job that needed to be done and were willing to work close to the line. As a completed building, the gymnasium will be open| to all boys and girls of the city and to the older folk as well. The gym itself will house facilities for basketball, vol- leyball, badminton, archery, matwork (a springboard has| been donated - by the IODE and judo, (to be taught by the RCMP). A theatre will be made for showing films on Fridays, for the Drama Club, for the Osh- awa Fish and Game Club; and for a training room by thé St. John Ambulance Corps. The films shown are edu- cational types with the odd {comedy used as a tasty side- dish to keep the younger fry interested. All are donated by the Oshawa Public Library | nis. and the RCMP. GAMES ROOMS A games room has a billiard table, room for shuffle board, table-hockey games, bean-bag boards and crokinole boards. Right beside that room is an- other given over to table ten- Three tables of regula- tion size were donated by the Knights -of Columbus ta com- plete the equipment. The above-mentioned rooms are located to the west of the gymnasium proper. 'At the SIMCOE HALL (Continued on Page 19) 18 Wilson Phone 5-3073 -- and -- BEST WISHES -- on the -- RE-OPENING TOMORROW of SIMCOE HALL 387 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Mike Trimble General (Contractor Road North Oshawa Dial 3-3889