PAGE EIGHT MES-GAZETTE y TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1951 In Jhe Home. ~. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN -~ =. | Nuptial Rites Held in Pickering MR. AND.MRS. GORDON ROBERT WILSON whose marriage was solemn! Pickering. Formerly Miss daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ized recently at St. George's Anglican Church, Geraldine Alberta Grenke, the bride is the A. W. Grenke, of Ajax, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, of Toronto. --pPhoto bv' Campbeil's Studio. Wed in Double-Ring Ceremony MR. AND, MRS. EDWARD ALEXANDER KNOX . principals in recent ceremony held in Centre Street United Church The bride, the former Miss Florence Madeline Askew, is the daughter of Mr. John Henry Askew, of Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Reta Askew, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. THE DAILY TI and Mrs. Andrew Knox, of Oshawa. --Photo by Campbell's Studio. Oshawa Man and Brougham Bride Feo MR. AND MRS. KENNETH HERBERT WHITTINGTON principals in recent ceremony performed at Brougham United Church. The bride, the former Miss Dorothy Alberta Bayles, is the daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bayles, of Brougham, and the bridegroom is the son | o¢ the pajlet. of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Whittington, of Oshawa. ¢ --Photo by Times Studio. To Make Their Home In Oshawa MR. AND MRS. CHARLES BENJAMIN WELLS pictured following the receni ceremony held in St. Matthew's Presbyterian | Church, Toronto. Formerly Miss Margaret Doris Prince, the bride' is' the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prince, of Toronto, and the| bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. W. Wells, of Oshawa. REDPATH-JIBB Baltimore United Church was the setting for a quiet wedding recently. when Mr. Douglas Red- path, of Oshawa, was united in marriage with Miss Evelyn May Jibb, of Baltimore, with the Rev. A. C. Luffman officiating. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Luffman. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Charles. Jibb, of Baltimore, "and 'the late Mr: Jibh andthe bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Redpath, of Camborne ddan | ~--Photo by Cecil Morris Studio, Toronto, The bride wore a street length dress of romance blue, charm crepe and Chantilly * lace, with navy blue accessories, and a cor- sage of Talisman roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Redpath, Oshawa, was in grey | wool with burgundy accessories {and a corsage of American beauty | roses. Mr. Milton. Jibb, Baltimore, was best man. Mr and--Mrs-- Redpath. left im- | mediately following the ceremony for Ottawa and Northern points and will reside in Oshawa. Perform 'Coppelia' With Superb Artistry By BROCK BRACE Opening night of the week's run of the Sadler's Wells Theatre Bal- let ccmpany at Toronto's Royal Alexandra Theatre last night was greeted by a full house in gala | mood. The three-act ballet "Cop- Hospital Auxiliary Sadler's Wells Juniors| {Holds Busy Meeting i pelia", with music by Leo Delibes, |and the Ivanov-Cecchetti choreo- | graphy reiurbished by Nicolai Jer- | troupe of dancers in a show-case of typically British color and charm. | Dame Ninette de Valois, director | of the Sadler's Wells Ballet, made | no mistake in sending the junior troupe to follow the epochal trail blazed by the senior company through Canada and the U.S. dur- ing the past two' years. Without exaggeration, these two companies are the most disciplined and ar- tistic dancers appearing on this side of the Atlantic in a score of years. Last night they mimed the story of Dr. Coppelius, the frenzied toy- maker and the mischievous youth of a pseudo-Tyrolean village in two hours of sheer dance magic. A great part of the enchantment must be credited to the bouncing Delibes score, played by a symphony or- chestra which spilled over into a stage box, and brilliantly conduct- ed by John Lanchbery. In this bal- let, we insist, are two of the love- liest waltzes in the whole litera- ture of music. One of them was ex- | quisitely brought to life in the | third act pas de deux by Donald | Britton and Elaind Fifield, who were, indeed, the individual stars | The crochety role of Dr. Cop- pelius got a really magnetic inter- pretation from David Poole, em- phasized By the almost surrealist quality of the Sainthill setting in the Second Act, which portrays the good doctor's workshop, with alem- bics, book of spells and life-size clock-work dolls. In fact the scenery and costumes throughout had that subdued glow of both color and de- sign which subtly realizes the needed atmosphere, and seems to characterize English stagecraft in general, It was a pleasure to see one of Britain's rising young choreo- graphers, John Cranko, partnered by Sheila O'Reilly in the third act Betrothal Dance, and again, To- ronté's own Don Gillies as The Crusader in the toy-shop scene. Ballets by Ashton, de Valois and Cranko are to be featured during the remainder of the week at the Royal Alex, with music by Bliss, Lambert, Walton and Arnell. lan D. Findlay Weds Eleanor Alberta Butler ww In a setting of white chrysanthe- mums at Knox Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon Ian Davey Findlay, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Findlay, of Oshawa, took as his bride, Eleanor Alberta Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Butler, of Sydney, Nova Scotia. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. B. Coles. Mret. G. R. Booth played the wedding music win Miss Eleanor Booth as solo- st. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her 'uncle, Mr. Garfield Anthony, of Toronto, wore a white strapless gown of French velvet with a Guipure lace jacket and a finger-tip veil. She carried a bou- quet of white chrysanthemums and yellow roses with maiden hair fern. Miss Jean MacLeod, of Toronto, was maid-of-honor, wearing a rust velvet - strapless gown with a lace Jacket. The bridesmaid, Miss Nor- een Butler, of Sydney, Nova Scotia, was in green velvet styled identi- cally to that of the maid-pf-honor but with a velvet jacket. Both wore headdresses to match their gowns and carried cascades of yellow chry- santhemums, Mr. Bruce Findlay, of Montreal, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Ian Forbes, of Toronto, and Mr. Irwin Burns, of Oshawa, A_reception-was-held-at Adelaide House where the bride's mother re- ceived wearing navy blue sheer. The bridegroom's mother who assisted {of Christmas dolls, and books of | oy | tickets were given out. Twelve of gueeff, displayed a briiliant young The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of thé Oshawa Hospital was well-attended yester- day afternoon. The vice-president, Mrs. F. J. Rundle presided and routine reports were given by Mrs. John Brock, secretary, and Mrs. Hugh Hall for the treasurer, Miss Mabél Whitney. Plans were made for the raffle the dolls bought by Mrs. Collacutt and Mrs. J. J. English have al- ready found "dressers' and offers to dress any of the remaining eight vould be appreciated. Mrs. Rundle read an invitation | to attend the Fair being planned by the Women's Auxillary, Hos- pital for Sick Children, and Miss Bourne brought an invitation to attend the yOntario Hospital As- | sociation conve\tion, both in To- ronto shortly. Mrs. Brock read the proposed amendments to the constitution made by the executive at a recent meeting. The amendments will be voted on at next zionth's meet- ing. Mrs. Cyril Schofield reported on the circulation of books and maga- zines among the patients. There is still a need for the smaller type of magazines and paper covered detective fiction. Mrs. D. E. Sturgis, sewing con vener, accepted 19 finished baby gowns and handed out six to be stitched. The hospital visiting report was made by Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle who, accompanied by Mrs. James Smart, had been conducted through the hospital by Miss Mary Bourne, superintendent, prior to the meeting. The report stated that the hos- pital facilities were taxed to the very limit by the greatly increas- ed number of patients. Work- rooms, kitchens and lounges have all been made over into wards, and every nook and corner is be- ing used as cupboard or storage space. Beds have been put into the solarium, and due to added congestion at the weekend many beds lined the corridors of two floors. All this throws increasing de- mands on the laundry and kitch- en equipment. A new dish wash- ing machine, to replace two old smaller ones has been purchased at a cost of $1500 and an enlarg- ed diet kitchen has been made by converting a former store room and knocking . out a partition. Whereas in the old days the aver- age number of special diets was ten, today the number is fifty. Despite the overcrowding the nurses and staff encountered on the tour were going about their business with a ready smile and quiet efficiency. The older part of the hospital wears a cheery look having been painted this summer in soft apple green for the corri- dors, and peach, mushroom pink and pale green in the wards. The new building is making marked progress and will accom- modate 28 beds. The rooms will take four or two beds comfortab- ly and will have wardrobes for each patient and private toilet fa- cilities. : Mrs. Aldwinckle concluded by saying that the problem of over- crowding was one®that would have to be faced in the not-too-distant future, not only by the auxiliary alone, but by the whole commun- ity. 3 --r Three new members were intro- duced, Mrs. E. C. Ryan, Mary Street; Mrs. G. D. Andrews, King Street East, and Mra. R. J. Kim- merly, Mary Street. : Afternoon tea was served follow- ing adjournment. | was #in keepsake blue. Both wore matching accessories and corscqes of roses. Later Mr. and Mrs. Findlay left on a wedding trip to. the Lauren- tians and Quebec 'apd on their re- turn will live in Toronto. For trav- elling the bride chose a light green tweed suit with a matching hat, dark green accessories and a top- coat of camelhair, ! | Alger for a few weeks. (Personals Accounts of secial events and of visitors to and .from the city are appreciated by the Social Department, TELEPHONE 3.2:33 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fernbough and family were recent visitors with relatives at Marmora. Mr. and Mr-. Nicholas Beckwith, Dearborn Avenue, visited relatives at Marlbank over the weekend. Mr, William Barr spent the week- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Barr; at Arden. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Loyst, Huron Street, apd Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Loyst, Thornton Road South, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Loyst at Arden. Mr. Fergie Fleiler and Miss Freida Fleiler spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fleiler, at Ardep. Mrs. Edward Gurr of Bermuda, the former Miss Margaret Alger, is visiting her mother Mrs. O. M. Miss Marjorie Perry and Miss Lois Perry, Ritson Road South, have returned from a vacation trip to Buffalo, New York. Mrs. Hugh McCulloch, Colum- bus, had as recent guests Mrs. C. Real, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pascoe, of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lauder, Bur- ton Road, and Mr. Harry Burkitt spent. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Burkitt and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Minaker at Mountain View. Several farewell parties are being held in Windsor, "Ont. for the Rev. and Mrs. Mervin A. Bury who are moving to Oshawa the end of the month. Mr. Bury will be the pastor of King Street United Church. Mrs. Jabez Wright and Mrs. Clarence Scott will give piano selec tions at the tea to be held tomor- row afternoon at. Northminster House 'under the auspices of the W.M.S. of Northminster United Church. Mrs, Ewart Cornish will preside at the annual supper meeting of the ladies' section of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club to be held at the Club House on Thursday Oct- ober 18. Among the guests at the wedding | in Guelph recently of Miss Doris Walker to Mr. Renald Greer of Osh- awa were Mr. Alson Walker, Mrs. Lew Walker, and the Misses Lola and Eva Spencer of Park Head, Ontario. ' Following the concert on Wed- nesday evening in St. Andrew's United Church the Golden Crest Ladies' Choir will be entertained by a committee of the Jessie Pan- ton Missionary Auxiliary convened by Mrs. Percy Mason, Mrs. Charles Kinton and Mrs. Thomas D. Kerr, up to and now everything is ready for Friday's and Saturday's big doings at the Armouries. : Kinette Club to Stage Children's Fair, . | In the Armouries Fearing a polio epidemic many parents this summer took thé pre- caution of keeping their children away (from crowded places, many young people missed the fun of the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. The Oshawa Kinette Club, composed. chiefly of young matrons, has realized for a long time that a lot of youngsters had been dis- appointed, and has had a brain wave. : 4 and . A special committee has been set arrange a Children's Fair, . All the attractions have been planned to delight the hearts of the little folk. There will be cartoon movies, pony rides, airplane rides, a Punch and Judy Show, and 'a 'Midway for Kids." : Old friend Fido is included, and Junior can enter him in a Mutt Show, witha thance to win a nice prize. And while all this is going on, the convener, Mrs. E. J. Reed and her assistants, Mrs. Jpseph Vietor and Mrs. Gordon Attersley, planned a little entertainment for mothers in the form of a fashion parade of tiny tots. have Of course there will be all kinds of light refreshment stands, mostly in the nature of "pop" lemonade and popcorn, and who is going to win the two big pri they? A large station wagon auto for a lucky boy and Norma the talking doll for girl. s? What are some. fortunate Children's Fair opens at 4 pm. on Friday and will continue till all the little people have gone home to bed, and will open again on Sat- urday at 1 p.m. Groups, Clubs, GOLDEN LINKS GROUP The October meeting of the Golden Links Group of Albert Street United Church was held in the board room. The president, Mrs. Gibson, presided and opened the meeting with a poem. Mrs. Hornby took charge of the wor- ship servite with a call to worship and prayer. the _ scripture. played a piano 'solo and worship service closed with a reading by Mrs. Fleming. Mrs. Allman read the minutes of the previous meet- ing and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Taxton. sons reported on the 'sick. Mrs. Corbman read Mrs. Graham Mrs. Par- A letter from the Presbytery W.A. was read inviting members to the Presbtyery W.A. Rally at Myrtle Station on Oct. 31. Final arrangements 'were made for the fall bazaar to be held on Nov. 7. Refreshments were serv- ed by Group 4. On Monday afternoon next when members of Castle Chapter, On- tario Ladies' College Alumnae hold their annual bridge and tea at the college, many alumnae and friends from Oshawa, Whitby and Toronto will be guests at this greatly anticipated autumn event. ~~ ~- ial Notices Marriage A . En t A Wedding Pictures $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Creighton were guests at the wedding in St. Philip's Anglican Church, Weston, of Miss Margaret Frances (Peggy) Insole and Mr. Gerald Ballingal Wilkes. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Insole, formerly of Whitby and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilkes of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Redpath, whose marriage took place recently were honored at a reception held at the Baltimore United Church Sunday school hall. About 50 rela- tives and friends enjoyed a turkey dinner which was catered for by the Baltimore Woman's Association and served by the choir girls. Fcl- lowing the dinner the guests were entertained at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Charles Jibb, Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McDonald, Midland; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yule, Brechin; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McKee, Mr. Lloyd Yule, Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Yule and Mr. Glen Yule, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yule, Newtonbrook, and Miss Eileen Balson, Solina, en- joyed a family gathering on Sat- urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Colborne Street East, on the occasion of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yule. An anticipated event to which ail citizens interested in commun- ity welfare are invited is the op- ening of the mew building of Sim- coe Hall on Thursday evening at 8 pm. Mrs. R. G. Mills, presi- dent of the Women's Welfare League will welcome the guests, and the Reverend H. D. Cleverdon will dedicate the building. Also taking part officially will be the Mayor, Mr. Michael Starr, Mr. A: E. Lovell and Mr. Harold Mc- Neill. Musical entertainment and refreshments are also part of the evening's program. Out-of-town guests at the Find- lay-Butler wedding were Mrs. A. Butler, Miss Noreen Butler, Mrs. L. Anthony, Sydney, Nova Scotia; Dr. M. L. Craig, Miss M. Appleton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams and Margaret, Miss Jean MacLeod, Miss Jane McGanity, Miss Joan. Lind- say, Miss Gwynne Davey, Mr, and Mrs. Ian Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Feagan, Mr. and Mrs. G. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. C. Putt, Miss Doris Shef- we engagement of her Dorothy Shestowsky, the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shes- towsky, to Arthur Clarence Sheri- dan, son of Mrs. Frank Tuck and the late Mr, Sheridan. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, Nov- ember 10, at 4 o'clock in the Ukrain. ian Presbyterian Church, Oshawa. field, Dr. Gordon Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Anthony, Ross, Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Crawford, Mrs. John MacIntosh, Mr. William J. Edwards, Beattie, Miss Barbara Davey, Mrs, W. Findlay, Miss Ruth Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Sheila Anthony; all of Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. James Drummond, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McGirr, Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey, Vankleek Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Findlay, all of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Oland, Ajax; Mr. D. Campbell, Windsor, Ontario. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. W. J. Harmer announces the sister, Zena daughter of Miss Bette Dr. and Mrs. H W. Kenneth Findlay, WELFARE WORKER "Lisle things count" "Although social work keeps me busy, I find time to advise my daughters, even on little things like getting their clothes really white. 'Just swish Reckitt's Blue through the rinse," I tell them, 'and out of the blue comes the whitest, wash. Yes, Reckitt's pre- vents yellow tinge. Marvelous for rinsing white hgir, too!" B-6-R Dozens of Prizes, Tasty Dishes Featured At Cooking School Mrs. E. M. Burke, Masson Street, Oshawa, was the happy winner of an electric kettle, the major prize awarded at the cooking school held in the Central Collegiate, Oshawa, last evening. Mrs. Eric Norris, Patricia Avenue, Oshawa, was the winner of the second prize, an electric clock, and the third prize, a car rug, was won by Mrs, Edward Luke, Burk Street, Oshawa. The auditorium was well 'filled for the demonstration of cookery given by Mrs. Joan 'Thomas under the auspices of the Friendship Group of the Woman's Association of King Street United Church, Oshawa. Keeping up a running com- mentary, Mrs. Thomas evolved a delicious Brown Eyed Susan Cake topped with Chocolate Fluff Frost- ing. She explained that before making up any relipe it was im- portant to have all the ingredients sitting out for at least two hours beforehand so as to have them at room temperature. She also stres the fact that tie cream, sugar and shortening should be mixed until light and fluffy, alternately be- ginning and ending with the flour. From prepared domestic pastry she made a Cherry Mince Pie ex- plaining.that all pastry used should be prepared beforehand and stored in the refrigerator, well covered, for at least 24 hours. She made a Jiffy Casserole, us- ing raw rice, tomatoes, spiced beef, chopped green pepper and celery, cheese and bread crumbs and ex- plained the different cuts of meat and how to prepare them for the oven. Mrs, Herbert Porter welcomed those in att®ndance and Mr. Art Clark was, master of ceremonies. Mrs. Ruth McHenry assisted Mrs. Thomas, Bags of groceries: were won by Mrs. F. Hoag, Mrs. A..8. Gwodz, Mrs. H. Gay, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Leslie Skewis, Mrs. H. R. Gil- christ, Mrs. Edward Allin, Mrs. Harry Hancock, Mrs. John Payne, Mrs. Jack Hooper, Mrs. Arthur Lymer, Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Mrs. E. J. Hart, Mrs. N. Rytzey, Miss Minerva Greentree, Mrs. A. D. Westnutt, Mrs. H. Porter, Mrs. Mel- ville Greenley, Miss Elsie Biddulph, Mrs. L. Thibadian, Bobcaygeon; Mrs. John Crook, Mrs. H, C. Ed- mondson, Mrs. L. C. Luke, Mrs. Walter Johnson. Gift packages were won by Miss W. L. Drayson, Mrs, Antheny Mc- Carthy, Mrs. R.' D. Fowler, Mrs. Frank Proctor, Mrs. J. R. Morrison, Mrs. W. H' Jackson, Mrs. Allan Morgan, Miss Marion Ireland, Mrs, Harold Donald, Mrs. A. F. Blyth, Miss Margaret Fellow, Mrs. Robert Behm. Other prizes donated were: cup and saucer, Mrs. A. J. Imeson; Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Chase Married 25 Years Honoring the silver anniversary |of their marriage Mr. and Mrs. John Hubert Chase, Colborne Street East, were guests of honor at a party on Friday evening ar- ranged by a group of friends and relatives and held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lean, Oshawa Boulevard. Chrysanthemums in autumn tones graced the rooms. Pink and white ribbon streamers and wedding bells also contributed to the decorative theme. On arrival the bride of a quarter of a century ago was presented with a corsage of pink roses. and the bridegroom with a bouton- niere. Mr. and Mrs. Chase also received a trilight floor lamp, an address being read, by Mrs. Ewart Clemence, while 'Mr. William Gray made the presentation. Mrs. Chase was the former Miss Eula Aileen Terry, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terry of Frankford, Ontario, and Mr. Chase is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chase of Consecon, Ontario; their marriage was solemnized at the United Church parsonage in Foxborough with the Reverend Isaac Snell officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Chase lived in Consecon for two to three years prior to taking up residence in Oshawa where Mr. Chase is connected with the Oshawa Fire Department. They have one daughter, Mrs. Robert Lean (Bar- bara) of Oshawa. Cards and other games were en- joyed during the evening. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Fred Lean, Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Mrs. Leonard Hagerman, Mrs. Harry Blakeley and Mrs. Robert Lean. A two-tier wedding cake nested in pink tulle and flanked with pink tapers in crystal holders centered the tea table. Mr. Chase's only sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chase of Consecon, and the only brother of Mrs. Chase, Mr. Harold Terry, accompanied by Mrs. Terry of Frankford, Ontario, were out of town guests. Before leaving the bride and bridegroom of 25 years ago were presented with a large basket of vari-colored chrysanthemums. man's tie, Mrs. Kenneth Hann; glass tumblers, Mrs. S. R. Mann; perfume, Miss Barbara Clark; hose, Mrs. Norman Diehl; voucher for groceries, Miss June Fowler; cas- serole, Mrs. Wiliam" Pipher; mince pie, Mrs. A. L. Huston; bouquets of flowers, Miss Ruth Barwell; cas- serole, Mrs. Clarence Hansel; roast of beef, Mrs. Ross Mann; casserole, Mrs. R, S. Virtue; one pound of Margene, Mrs. R. A. Rutherford; flowers, Mrs. Frederick Winstanley. SPEC WARD'S Wednesday Morning IALS! 65¢c Yard WED. MORNING . SPECIAL! Wabasso Broadcloth This is an excéllent finely woven standard Wabasso qual- ity. Comes in a full range of tubfast colors, 36 inches wide. Offered at a saving that will interest sewing groups as well as women who like to make their own quilts. 4 9c Yad rosewood. Regular 1.69. On sale, yard Save 20c Per Yard! Colonass Connaught SAT N! A beautiful heavy rich quality ideal for cushions. Note the width, 54 inches. Colors are black, white, beige, grey, light royal blue, gold, rose, hunter's green, medium green, peach, sky, red, dark brown, nents 1449 'Dominion BATTS Finest combed cotton, 70 x 90. | On Sale 98- Each 1 LB. Regular 1.15 : Simcoe at Athol St. Dial 5-115 '