WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINETEEN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued From Page 18) 39--Articles For Sale SINGLE BED, SPRING, CHEST OF drawers, vanity table and stool, desk, night table, suitable for girl's room. Dial 3-4831. (231b) ALLOVER PATTERN RUG AND ad, 9' x 106", excellent condition. Dial 3-T124. (231b) TON HAY FOR SALE; ALSO runner rug. Dial 3-4035. {231¢) 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, ROSE & blue, silk tapestry, $08. Phone 5- 4043. (231c) COAL - WOOD RANGE, WITH shelf, black, white, like new, $25. Phone 5-5919. (231a) BABY'S BASSINETTE, WITH mattress and stand, $6. Apply 216 Centre St. (231b) BLECTRIC-COAL-WOOD RANGE, perfect condition, bargain; soil pipe, elbows, some furniture, other articles. Dial 3-7055. (231c) set, completely installed in your home, full price $249.50, easy terms. | 39--Articles For Sale 2 DEER RIFLES, 30.30 carbine and automatic loading 30M1. Phone 3- 4800. - (281c) TWO HOOKED WOOL RUGS, ALSO orders taken. Apply 476 Albert St. : (231b) Dial 5- (231d) WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE; electric washer, 2 rangettes, fire- place, basket and screen; table and chairs; 6 garbage cans; stepladder; 2 outboard motors; numerous other articles. 61 Riverside Drive (231b) COMBINATION DOOR, 610" X 2'91;"; also 3-section_ radiator. Apply 314 Jarvis St. (231a) COOK STOVE, "MODERN", GOOD condition, $18. Apply 130 Colborne E. (231c) WHITE ENAMELLED COOK stove, with oil burners. Dial 5-5827. (231c) mattress. Apply 228 Burk St, 0859. YENETIAN BLINDS THE AD: véniced Kirsch type. The most start. Ung de t in Venetian Blind Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 8i 8. Hurry if you want to see the World Series. (230¢) NEW CEDAR DECOYS FOR SALE. Apply 176 Mill St. after 6. "(230c) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833, Smith-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- tals. New -and- used machines. : (Oct5tf) SPECIAL SALE -- WHILE THEY last, powerful, brand new _electro- aire vacuum cleaners, complete with attachments, $49.50, Easy terms. Hurry! Only a few available, Bar- ons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (08) UNIVERSAL COOLER REFRIGER- ator, best offer, with i; down pay- ment, balance easy terms; also Beat- ty washing machine. Phéne 5-5936. , (229¢) TWO TABLES, 5 CHAIRS, 1 POP cooler, 2-burner gas range, 1 grill, 1 milk-shake machine/ two counter show cases. Apply 217 Stacey Ave. after 6 p.m. " (230c) McCLARY, -ELECTRIC STOVE, 4- burner, Oven, gas water heater. Phone 5-4242. (230c) RANGETTE, 2 HOT PLATES, SIN- gle beds( clock 'and other household articles, Dial 3-2798. (230c) 8-PIECE -- DINING-ROOM SUITE; good condition. Phone 3-3824. (230c¢) 35MM CAMERA AND ENLARGER, complete, dissolving tanks and photo mounts. Some extras. Phone 5-3131. (230b) RCA VICTOR TABLE RADIO, AL- most new, $25; shot gun, 12-gauge, single; Belgium ideal duck, $25; gunshells; davenport almost new, half price, $50; bicycle, girl's, cheap, $10, violin $10. Phone 3-2829. {230b) WILLIAMS UPRIGHT PIANO, 9- piece solid walnut dining-room suite. Apply 114 Gladstone Ave. after 6. (228c) GIRL'S C.C.M. FIGURE SKATES, winter club, size 5!;. Excellent con- dition. 278 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-4546. (01) SMALL HOT WATER BOILER, cheap. Phone 3-3841, (229¢) BATHTUBS $35, TOILETS COM- plete $43, wash basins $10, sinks $10 (new). Dial 3-7088. (Oct18) NEW AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAY- er, attaches to your radio, complete with $10 worth of records of your own choice, $29.95. Meagher's, § King . (015) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; olinds ropaired. drape arms, installid Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322. (Oct19) BICYCLES--BOYS AND GIRLS. Now that 'the school term is hére, reome in amd have your bicycles check- from gay stripes or ed and repaired. Our prices are very reasonable, Highest trade-in allow- ance on your old bicycle when pur- chasing a new one. We carry a full Mone of accessories and parts for all makes of bicycles. Drayton Cycle. Dial 5-6344. 204 Bond East, block east of Division. (Ot5) CANADA'S FINEST VENEIAN blinds, by Met-Wo Industries of steel or Flexalum, genuine Flex stamped on every slat. Accept no substitute. Budget terms if desired. Free es- timates and installations anywhere. Jd. W. Melley. Dial 3-2311. (Oct 22) VBNETIAN BLINDS, LIFE. FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 5- (Oct3) SELECT YOURS plain colors d AWNINGS Free estimates. Folding chairs tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Osha (Oct5) "BRAND NEW TELEVISION SETS Large screens. Reg. $399.50. Sale price $299.50. Limited supply at this spécial price. Easy terms. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 4268 Simcoe 8, -- iia (E500) TWO EDIPHONE TRANSCRIBERS One ediphone electronic executive Model dictator with telephone record- ing one cylinder shaver. Dial OSHAWA 5-3568 (2271) SHOPPING NOTES! THIS HOLIDAY WEEK ONLY Free Delivery and Taxi Service on shopped in store orders of Twenty Dollars and over -- open every day 8 am. to 10 pm. GLECOFF 1.G.A. SUPERMARKET Low Prices Every Day 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH (229 e) JEFCO STORM SASH DOUBLE PROTECTION AT HALF THE COST See These Modern COMBINATION STORM & SCREEN SASH PERMANENT INSTALLATION PROMPT SERVICE : FREE ESTIMATE & DEMONSTRATION Dial 5-5411 (230e) ~ | slabs, soft wood slabs, one or four- nistory. Flattened S-shaped 'slats give better and more graceful em- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without eb- ligation George Reid. Dial 5-0633 66. Bond St. West. (Oct15) POLISH, HUNGARIAN, RUSSIAN records; clearing at half price. Meagher's Record Bar. 5 King St. W. (Oct?) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM sashes; measurements and esti- mates free. Please ord>r early. Dial 3-4989. (Oc15) RUGS, 9X12, 8X11, 6X9, MATCHING. Will sacrifice. Must sell. Write Box 533, Times-Gazette. (230c) SET BAR BELLS, ALSO MAN'S bicycle, Call after 5. Dial 5-2506. (229¢) MODERN DINING ROOM FURNI- ture, Electrohome radio, phonograph. All brand new; 3-piece studio set, rugs. Dial 5-2344 between 6 and 7. (230c) GIRLS BLUE BICYCLE, GENDRON convertible carriage, silver greyy both good condition. Dial 5-0303. (231¢) 'BABY'S CRIB $6; GURNEY HEAT- er $10. Phone 3-4350. (231b) WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA - tor, new, 8 cu. ft, standard model, at sensational low price $319. Meagher's | Electric, 92 Simcoe St. N. (Nov3) | DORMEYER . ELECTRIC _ FOOD mixer. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 5-5670. (230c) THOR GLADIRON, EXCELLENT condition. Dial 3-8401. (230b) 78 R.P.M. SINGLE RECORD PLAY- er attachment, in good condition, with about 30 records, $10, 1470 Sim- coe St. S. Phone 5-6282. (230c) FINDLAY SPACE HEATER; ICE | box, 50-1b. capacity. Apply 225 John- son Blvd. (230c) UPRIGHT PIANO, IN GOOD CON- dition. Dial 5-5041 between 6 and 7. (230c) McCLARY RANGETTE, AUTOMA- | tic. oven, good condition. Phone 3-| 8985. (230c) AUTO PARTS, IGNITION PARTS, motor supplies and accessories. At 209 below list price, "If it is hard to get, we have it." Hutcheson's | Auto Parts, 826 Simcoe St. N. Dial §- | 2622 or 5-2173. (024) | $19.95 UP, HOOVER ELECTROLUX, General Electric, Filter Queen, Air- way. Dial 5-5121, Rex-Air Sales. (014) WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS horse or cow manure. Lovely black loam, top soil, sand, gravel. Dia} 5-4721, (Nov4) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddriph. 68 Simcoe (Oct25) FAIRBANKS-MORSE AND EVANS space heaters, for 1 to 4 rooms, only $79.50 and up: Easy terms, Save up| to 50% in fuel oil, with gn Evans automatic space heater, now avalil- | | able at Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 | { Stmeos South. (013) | | What more wonderful gift for. her, | | than a Cedar Chest from Rutherford's | Beautiful Blanket FREE with every Cedar Chest." Chbose yours | now, while stocks are complete. | H Oshawa's Smartest Display i LANE - RED SEAL. - HEIRLOOM} A small deposii will hold. OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN NOW Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (2240) L 39a--Fuel Wood DRY HARDWOOD AND SLAB- wood, in 4-ft. or 1-ft. lengths, deliv- ered. For prices call 5-4084. (O19) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS for quick sale to clean factory, $5 and $3 lots delivered. Phone 3-7391. ft. lengths. George Heaslip, Janet. ville. Phone Bethany 18R33. (on) HARDWOOD ~~ KINDLING FOR Jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags for $4. Dial 5-0811. (Oct28) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL, FUEL OIL, PROMPT daily deliveries, new drums and taps available. Cities Service Oil Prod- ucts. Dial 3-9443. (Dec31) 40--Articles For Rent $1-ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN- ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial 56-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises. (Oct4) 41--Articles Wanted CASH POR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-463 (Oct14) SET OF BUNK BEDS WANTED, IN good condition. Dial 5.5227. (231a) WANTED, SHOTGUN, AUTOMA- tic or pump, 12-gauge; also duck de- coys. .Dial 38-7061. (230b) tresses, papers, etc. Apply 222 Annis. Phong, 5-5313. (018) RAGS, PAPER, wena Street. iu HIGHEST PRICES PAD FOUR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial §5- , Cedardale fron and Metals 100 St east jof C.N.R. Station, Petre) (Oct13) | 'NOW, Name-on 41--Articles Wanted goose and duck feathers, also fea. ther: ticks of a' descr Live 45--Agents Wanted in Oshawa. Experience not ry." A fine opportunity to step Dealer uitey,. scrap irom and metals. Blast Turney North 'Oshawa 5-4912 colleet. (Oct$) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat. ers. B68 King West (Oct15) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now Wilson. and Lée. 79 Simcoe \ Dial 5-2822. : (Oct16) 42--Female Help Wanted DOMESTIC WANTED, YOUNG girl or woman for refined home in Toronto, 2 adultg, 3 children, Private room -for help. Salary $75 month. Write Box 537, Times-Gazette. Phone Russell 11368. © €230¢) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, TO act as companjon to lady. Apply or write Orvil Windover, General De- livery. 1 mile north, town line. (230c¢) COMPANION . - HOUSEKEEPER, for elderly lady, blind. Dial 5-4086. (230c) DOMESTIC WANTED for refined doctor's home in Toronto, 2 adults, 1 child. PHONE 3-7322 BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER Experienced, neat appearance, able to meet public. For building supply office. Please state experierice and salary. desired 4nd phone number. Write to BOX 547 TIMES-GAZETTE (231¢) HOUSEKEEPER TO CARE FOR elderly gentleman, light housekeep- ing duties. Sleep' in. Write Box 643, Times-Gazette. (231c¢) WOMAN TO CLEAN HOUSE, HALF day weekly, Dial 3-2111. (231b) EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES | for full-time and part-time employ- ment. For large dry good. store in Oshawa. Apply Box 436, Times-Ga- zette. AVON REPRESENTATIVES RE- quired to service customers in good territories in Bowmanville and Osh- awa. Pleasant, profitable work. Write Box 503, Times-Gazette. (230b) WAITRESS WANTED, 4 PM. TO midnight, experienced preferred. Ap- ply Genosha Grill. (229c) SINGLE OR MARRIED WOMAN, with some bookkeeping experience. Write Box 531, Times-Gazette. (229c) ~ YOUNG LADY for Classified Advertising Department Good telephone personality 2s- | sential. Previous sales experi- ence helpful. Apply in. writ- ing to D. A. HOULDEN The Times-Gazette 43_Male Help Wanted TOOLMAKERS We have a number of interesting openings in. our Toolroom for fully | qualified men, SURFACE GRINDERS CYLINDRICAL GRINDERS DIE MAKERS GAUGE MAKEKS BENCH HANDS Graduating" cost of living bonus --|* top rates JOHN INGLIS CO. LTD. 14 Strachan Ave. Toronto, Employment office open until 8 p.m. daily to October 4th. (Oct1,3) 45--Agents Wanted EASY MONEY FOR YOU. EARN highest commission selling Name-on istmas cards and Everyday card assortments, wonderful values, over forty items including 25 card Christ. mag . feature assortment, Beloved Authors. stories assortment, Velve- tone and Star-Brite metallic assort- ments, Canadian scenes, Christmas carol, , Mountain scene pictures. and cards, personal and religious cards, gift wrappings, ding dong bells, pop- ulat comics and animated humorous cards, kiddies Christmas books and cut-outs, also Everyday assortments. Write for catalogue and samples Stationery Com- pany Limited, Dept. 14. Room F, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ; (Sel8,20,22,24,26,28-02,4,6,8,10,12) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS---Read all the ads but bé sure to write Monarch for sample of our 23 card Feature box. Really, a beautiful as- sortmen® with eye-catching, glitter. ing metallic card which sells the box on sight. Also Foil box and brilliants ornament assortment. Amazing money-makers. 50c commission on each of these, Over 80 other boxes, gift wrapping and television books for extra profits. Samples sent on approval. Monareh Greeting Cards, Dept. E.,- Hamilton, Ont. (Oct20) OVER . $5,000. PROFITS BACH cleared by Henry Pare, Vic. Beller mare, Mrs: Chabot and others last year handling 200 quality necessities including teas, coffees, spices, soaps, beverages, medicines, 'eosmetics, in- sacticides and Christmas cards. $3,000 IN PRIZES heing awarded dealers and customers - including FUR COATS, WASHING MACHINES and RADIOS. Will' consider reliable men or womén 'part' or full time. Write Paula €o. Ltd., Dept. 41, 21 St. Paul St, E:; Montreal, (Se2400t3) (230¢)° into old profitable business wheré Rawleigh Products have been: sold for years. Big profits. Products fur- nished .on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept, ML-J-310-163, "Montreal. 4 (0Oct2,9,16,23,30) 46--Ltmployment Wanted YOUNG - MAN ~ WITH 8 YEARS' Prefer position in Oshawa. Dial 3-3271. (231b) CARPENTER WORK, GENERAL repairs, alterations and woodwork. Dial 5-3642. (230c) YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE PART- time work, Lawns, gardens, general clean-up, etc. Dial 5-5463. (230c) WIDOW, 47, WOULD LIKE HOUSE: keeping position, very dependable. Write, giving particulars, to Box 635, Times-Gazette. (230b) BODY REPAIRMAN, PART-TIME. Write Box 537, imes-Gazette. (230c) FOR WOOD CUTTING, CALL ROB- | ert Young, Mt. Albert 2311, Will he I in Oshawa district about 2 months. (2270) 47--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Thom- as Smyth, late of the City of Osh- awa, in the County of Ontario, Gen- eral Motors Employee, Deceased. - | ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named de- ceased who died on or about the [13th day of September, 1951, are re= to file proof of the same undersigned on or before | the 1st day of November, 1951, after | which the Estate will be distributed quested | with the | having regard only to the claims of | | which notice shall be had and to the | exclusion of all others. | DATED at Oshawa this 22nd day | | day, | of September, A. D. 1951. Rev. Philip Coffey, Executor, by his Solicitor, Ernest Marks, Esq., Barrister, etc., 11 King Street E.,. OSHAWA, Ont. (Oct3,10) Treosarer's SALE OF LANDS For Arrears of Taxes Corporation ef the City .of Oshawa County of Ontario To Wit: . By virtue of a warrant issued by the poration of the City of Oshawa bearing date the 4th day of June, 1951, taxes in the City of Oshawa, will be held at the Assembly Hall, Centre Street Public School, Oshawa, at the on Wednesday the 10th day of Octo- ber, 1951, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby fven that the list of lands for sale or arredrs of taxes has been pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of July, 1951. Coples of the the City Treasurer. Dated at Oshawa, this 7th day of July, 1951. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer, WANTED -- RELIABLE MAN AS [° | the late Reverend A. A. Drummond. Mayor of the City of Oshawa, under | his hand and the seal of the Cor. | ¢ {tric tea kettle, coffee table, Master | a sale of lands in arrears of | | garden y | other articles too numerous to - hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon | 10, wen said list may be had at the office of | (Tues.-Oct.2 | 47--Legal Notices IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF WILLIAM JOHN McCAR- THY, LATE OF. THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, MECH- ANIC, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors "nd others having claims against the Estate of the said Wil liam John McCarthy, who died on or about the 5th day of September, A.D. 1951, at the City of Oshawa, are required oh or before the 15th day of October A.D, 1951, to send by post prepaid ,or deliver to the under- signed, the Executrix of the last Will and Testament of the sald decbased, their full names and addresses in writing, of their claims and the na- ture of the security if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that the said Executrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim, notice shall not have been received by ner at the time of such distribution. DATED at Oshawa this 24th day of 'September, A.D. 1951, Mabel Sylvia McCarthy, Executrix, by her Solicitor, Joseph P. Mangan, K.C., 141; King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. . (Se25,0ct2,9,) Union Guards Interests 0f Cowboys By JOHN L. WORK Denver (AP) -- The professional cowboy is a tough, colorful and hard - living hombre, a rugged individualist, man, His union has a pay scale rang- ing up from nothing and a broken arm to earnings like thoseof a movie star. This cowboy union is as casual about its affairs as a bucking horse. Most. of its business is carried un- der cowboy hat. Decisions usually ere made by telephone. The Rodeo Cowboys' Association has nominal headquarters in Den- ver. The RCA has a membership of about 2500 cowboys. More than half do nothing for a living but ride the rodeo ranges. They work only at RCA - accredited profes- sional shows in the United States (and Canada. Last year RCA members com- peted at 600 accredited rodeos and rode off with more than $2 million in prize money. Divided evenly, that amounts to only $800 for each cowboy, -hardly-enough to feed his horse, but they keep trying. The money is big at the top. Bill Linderman, top money - win- ner in 1950, took more than $30.- 000 in prizes and perhaps as much again for commercial endorse- ments. The RCA lists ten men in the 48--Auction Sale To sell by public auction on Satur- October 6, commencing at 1 p.m., at his late residence, Kingston Road, Newcastle. Plan to attend this large sale. Terms. Cash, no reserve; property sold. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. (Oct3,4) Auction Sale -- Stirtevant"s Auction Room, 33 Hall St., Thursday Even- ing, October 4, at 7 p.m.--9-piece din- | --is this year's president. ing-room suite, Connor Thermo| Such men as Linderman are un- washer, rangettes, chests drawers, 8- | orthodox executives. They won't plece dinette suite, (walnut); studio couch, ice box, 3-piece sun porch set, | i i i rocking Chat pie FUP Dore Han | sort, Most association direction is | done by telephone. steel beds, springs and mattresses, | 2 end table, 2 chesterfield chairs, occa. |, The RCA keeps track of its cow- sional chair, 6-piece kitchenette | POY members' points -- one point suite, dressers, chest drawers, (wal- lor each dollar of prize winnings-- nut); hall tree, kitchen ranges, and where they stand on champion- piano and bench, mantle radios, bed | ship ladders. room suite (new); floor lamps, ta-| It pays insurance, in a business ble lamp, dresser lamps, kitchen ta- which insurance companies fear bles and chairs, electric heater, elec- to touch. It obtains minimum standards in | prize money and facilities, at .all | in more than $15,000 in prize money |last year. Officers are elected each year by the membership. Always they are professional cowboys. Linderman-- world's champion cowboy of 1950 Craft saw and motor, Jacket heater, hot plate, door windows, rug 9x 10, hose and tools and many | tion. Terms cash, Frank Stirtevant, | Auctioneer. Phone 35-5751, (231b) | Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES ® Gor Wood Tempered Als Units 'Sales end Service to oll Makes" DIAL >-2734 JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 - 241 KING ST. EAST He also is a union | all-around cowboy class who raked | | write letters, except as a last re-| approved rodeos. The RCA refuses to approve a show if total prizes are regarded as too low. It may refuse to approve a rodeo where performers' horses. Discouraged : Little Lady Dies Alone Vancouver (CP) -- The little old lady of Stanley park--Mrs, Annie Stewart--is dead. ! The tiny woman, crippled by arthritis, who was forced to live in the park for a time this sum- mer because of poverty, died in loneliness in her attic room near English Bay. Her body was found Monday in her gas-filled room. Gas jets were turned full on. About her were found tragic signs of her loneliness--letters she had sent to her daughter, returned "address unknown.' ! Six weeks ago the gentle, refined 54-year-old woman was found hud- dled in the shelter of the Pauline Johnson memorial in the park. She explained she was trying to conserve her meagre funds. It was a case, she said softly, of 'lseep my room and starve, or live out- doors and eat." RLS For 10 days she had existed like that, doubled up with rheumatism. The Salvation Army found her a room and got her a social service grant. Medical treatment was ar- ranged, and doctors said she could have been cured in a year. She was eating regularly, had a radio, and the army had arranged for a friend from the east to visit her. | 'The army said Mrs. Stewart was | the daughter of a surgeon in Pe- {terboro Ont., and came from a | military family. | NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. ® FOR QUICK DELIVERY © FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DIAL 5-1253 'll Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE DIAL 37752 there are poor accomtnodations for | Legislative Probe Asked Toronte 5) -- W. L. Houck, Liberal member of the legislature for Niagara Falls, yesterday meved to have the legislature crime com- mittee investigate the ,Ontarip rac- ing scandal. \ He said the "real culprits' in the extensive race fix probe had not yet been apprehended. He added that previously, such suggestions from _had been "'dropped like a hot potato." ey "There are no hot potatoes," committee chairman Dana Porter countered. iid The crime committee was form- ed last spring to investigate crime conditions jn the province. The committee resumed its héarings in- to stock frauds Monday, after one months adjournment. Mr. Houck asked that the com- mittee shave 8. Tupper Bigelow, chairman of - the Ontario Racing Commission, and Sam .Roher, named at previous committee hear- ings as an "important man' in gambling circles, appear before it. Mr. Houck named the liquor. pro- blém as another sphere for com- mittée investigation. - ANCIENT NAME "East Anglia". as 'a designation for the English, counties of Norfolk and Suffolk is. a relic of the old times when England was divided into different 'kingdoms. ' ONTARIO - FLOOR SANDERS 4 FLOORS SANDED WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED. AND LAID, TILE CLEANER and WAX. SOLD DIAL 3-7251 Stafford rer MONUMENTAL WORKS | 318 Dundes. S¢.. L. Whithy Phone Whitby 852 © MONUMENTS AND: . FINE QUALITY . MARKERS Precise workmanship ottention to detail are vow domestic ' Grariites and stock. | DIAL 5-6122 meonc 56 00 BUDGET PLAN TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED