Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Oct 1951, p. 13

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"TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETT 4 PAGE THIRTEEN _ FOR Quicy RESUL [3 rer-- Business -- Professional' DIRECTORY --=Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 3-9732, Also 2848 Bloor St. W. To- ronto. Phone LY. 7755. (Get12) Ja~--Accountants, Chartered ONTEITH AND MO TH, dd Accountants, 37 King St. Dial 5-4662 R. Gordon W. Rieht, & A., Resident Partner. (Oct9) ib--Accountants os LYNCH AND CO., ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll work, accounts receivable, income 5, 20 Albert St. Dial 5-5411. tax return So 3--Barristers TL IS 8. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- = e Alger Bldg., 37 King Street 8--Building Trades 140--Personal . .. | SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED, IN- ENDEAVORING TO CONTACT | stalled and serviced. Phone 5-3986. Robert Alexander, believed 'to be (Nov.2) | employed in General Motors, 17 to 18 CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR. |YT8. of age. Anyone knowing. his Gd. G. Canfield, Dist 5-5108. (227) whereabouts please call 5-3587. cian is (2301) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVATING, TREAL THURS- ete., call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 3-3851, is or Whitby 2687. (Oct29) day evering, eturning Monday, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Architects rh | + Optometrists A | Articles for Rent & Personal i Articles for Sole . 3v Personal Services 21 Agents: Wanted ab Pets & Liveatock 38 Attivi Wastes h | hysicians SE uction os Auditors 1 Fadio Repaits ... 22 A Heal Estate Employment Wanted . 46 Farmers Columin 37 Female Help Wanted For Rent ' Gardening & Supplies Household OF HODERN AND FIRST CTAE room for 4. Dial 5-4482. (2308) FOR MODERN AN IR. CLASS plastering ard stucco contracts, dial 21--Personal Services Repairs sessaes s.Jents A A Hepairs instruction 5-2144. No job too small, (Oct21) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND insurance cessese B Rea! Estate for Sale .......®R A b Lawn Mower PLASTERING AND REP AIRS, | reconditioning. For free stucco and cement plastering. D |eall Wilson & Lee, 70 Bimess 8t N Robinson. Dial 5-0351. (Nov2) arlene (Oct8) EXTERIOR PAINTING, LOW FALL EA RR MANINIS: SS OB, rates. Call us for free estimates i, rdre » Dial 5-5253. (Oct21) 394 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Oct1?7) veeees 3B For Sale Real Estate Wanted . .. Barristers Exchange Real Estate Building Trades . Business Wanted Opportunities .. # Service awe Legal Notices .... Loan V/aated .... Lost and Found .. Male Help V, Wanted EAVESTROGGHING, NEW, AND | 22--Radio Re- 'irs repairs, work guaranteed. Dial §- |gPECTALIZED TELEVISION A! 9468 or 3-7297. (Oct22) | tennae installations, guaranteed . T pair service, all makes television an 11--Dressmaking radios. Dial 5-1685, Earl Fowler Ra- ALTERATIONS ON dio, 1096 Kingston Rd. E: (Oct28) suits, coats or skirts. PE a ( rates, Phone 3-2886. 23--Women's Column - EDWARDS BEAUTY PARLOR, {_ DRESSES, Reasonable (2241) East, Mortgage ns Arrang 12--Gardening & Supplies | morning special 10% off on all Per- : 3-4043; Phones: Office ; pip ONANT & CONANT, BARRIS- Hoy and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C., Roger G. Conant, B.A., Of shawa, Ont, 7% Simcoe St. 3-2227; Ajax, Ont., phone 25. (Oct13) RD. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- rister. Solicitor, etc.,, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office, Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604. Money to loan e S. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. gery Yuhyn (Oct) ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C., RALPH 8. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial 3-2269. Res. 5-1235. Money to loan. (Octl) A. W. S. GREER, K.C.,, BARRiS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 8 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A. Sc., residence 5-3368. ' (Oct10) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. Dial: office 5-3741, residence 8-3880. (Oct21) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrister &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C.,, G. K. Drynan, (Octl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan, Of- fice 142 King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232, Residence Dial 5-3405. (Octl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2 Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325.(Octl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- coe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. (Octl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Octl) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializing "in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621. (Octl) 4a--Chiropractors EO L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. (Oct23) 5--Dentists oi FETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 3-8631 or 3-3792. (Octl) 5a--Engineers C. E. OLIVE, CONSULTING PRO- fessional engineer, mechanical, elec- trical, industrial, Ajax Road, north of No. 2" Highway, R.R. 1, Whitby. Phone Pickering 52J12. (020) 7---=Optumetrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST -- Jury & Lovell; Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721(Octl) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF fice, 8 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Octl) 7a--Surveyors &. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor, Civil Engineer, 14 Edward St., Ajax. Phone Pickering 209W2. (Oct27) DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Oct6) 8--Building Trades BRICKS AND BLOCKS LAID, free estimates, reas nable rates. Chimneys a specialty. Dial 5-1174 and 65-1272 after 6, (Oct21) LIME STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS, sand, gravel, loam and fill; also manure. Bud Galt. Dial 5-4498. (Oct11) DIAL 3-9348 -- GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull- dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fil! (Oct8) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing and siding. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tucker, Dial 5-6161. (Oect17) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon May. Dial 38-9911. (Oct8) CEMENT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, sidewalks, driveways, curb. Work. manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. Dial 5-6378 after 6. (Oct23) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial $-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- loading. ~ (Oct?) BLOCK WORK, UCCO, PLAS- Bering, foundations, cement footings and floors, etc. Immediate service. Lilley Bros. Dial 5-1902. (Oct15) BRADING, LOADING, BACK FILL- ng, fill taken away, sand, gravel d loam for sale also truck for ire. Bob Hoy, Dial 3-3779. (Oct8) REMODELLING, RE - ROOFING, all types new construction, Residen- tial, industrial. R. B. Wilkins, Air. port Road. Dial 5-4413. (Oct13) $4 HOUR CARTAGE, ODD JOBS, and cement work. Prompt service, Roy Loveless. Dial 3-8515. (Oct8) FLOOR AND WALL TILES, MAR- boleum, jaspe, rubber, asphalt, Barker & Plastic Wall Tile. Free sstimates. Dial 5-1853. (Oct23) TORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- er, cupboards, casings and framing, general repair work and alterations, workmanship guaranteed. Jeffrey Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W. Dial 3-736 (Octs) WORE, CUPBOARD* all repair work. Phone 5-79:37 : ct. 1 _ 4Oct2m) fices: | S., Dial NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT | manent Waves. Phone 3-7633. 5 Ce- new lawn, sod or seed. Care of old [lina Street. (Nov2) lawns, fertilizing, nursery stock,| CHARIS* POR FOUNDATION GAR- bulbs, flag and rockery stones. Dial! ment. The only corsetiere with over B-1721, (O11) | twenty years experience. Mrs. Blat- . ter, Dial 5-3434. (Se30) 13--Household Repairs _ PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- wave, $2.00 up: machineless, $190 & ing, in own home or our plant, mod- Wp. 72 Church St, dial 3-4521 ern electric machines. Nu - Way Cleaners, 50433. (Oct 29) FURNITURE RE - BUILT, RE- styled, re-upholstered. For full parti- culars, dial 3-4377, Toronto Furniture Manufacturing Co. (025) EXPERT ASSISTANCE WITH your drapery problems. Beautiful materials to choose from, track and rods installed. Phone 122, Brooklin. Estimates free. (Oct. 15) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more! Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattres: rebui't Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Churel St. Dial 5-0311. (Oct3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for (Oct27) NEW FUR COATS MADE TO measure or your old one remodelled to latest style. Very reasonable. Rep- resentative will call in your own home. All work guaranteed. Phone 5-5783 after 5 for information. (220b) AVON COSMETICS REPRESENTA- tive available for your cosmetic needs, For information. Dial 5-2341. (229¢) MORNING SPECIALS, MONDAY, Tuesday, Thursday, riday, cold waves, regular $12 for $10; regular $10 for $8.50; machineless, $6.50 to $10, Lucienne Beauty Salon. Phone | 3-9411, over Ward's. (013) PERMANENT WAVES $350 UP, cold waves $5 up, work guaranteed, . a Summer Resorts 31A Veterinarians . Wanted to Rent 29 Male & Femole 0 Help Wanted .. & 4 | Market Basket . 38A 8 | Money to Loan . 19| Wearing Apparel 38 3 | Nursing Services , ¢| Women's Column 28 CLASSIFIED AD RATES Room and Board 3 Room and Board Opportunities Wanted Chiropodists . Dentists CRT Kach Add') Word 08% 10 THRER CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .... SIX CONSRBCUTIVE INSERTIONS TY EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO 01% Above rates apply only to om, J orders for consecutive insert'ouns. Subsequent inserwans ordered at a late: date constitute a mew original order, . oT Ia B listings, $5.00 per month for 2 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. Hach initial letter, abbreviation, $ ard ¢ sign, figure, count as a full word Box charged 15c additional. All Classified Adver MUST be In by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Office hours: Daily, 8-6 Saturday, o-12. REGULATIONS The Daily Times-Gasette shall mot be responsible for errurs in advertisements submitteu otherwise than in writing, nor for more < than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor buyon'; the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classifications. Z5--Real Estate For Sale $4,000 DOWN, BUYS NEW 5-ROOM | bungalow in south end, many extras. 25--Real Estate OWNER'S COSY BUNGALOW, modern conveniences, includin, Has to be seen to be appreciated. | water heating with oil; ws: Wrong Dial 5-6370. are __(230c) {room in basement and good garage. | 96 ACRES GOOD LAND AND | Landscaping \complete. Apply 670 | buildings, inside Oshawa city limits. , Carnegie Ave. after 6 p.m. (230b) Dial 5-6077. (B00) | rr il i | hot | recovering Brnce R. Dalton. 73 Charles. Dial 3-7212. (Oct3) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- alum or steel. Dial 5-0311 for free es- timate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. (Octl1tf) 14--Instruction __!33800_FULL PRICE, CLOSE TO TUTORING ALL GRADES, SPEECH | stores, school, bus service, 4 miles classes, experienced in teaching Eng- | east of Oshawa. A good income in- lish to New Canadians. Phone 5-2398, | vestment. Dial 3-8942. (230¢) 6-8 evenings. (229¢) | BUILDING LOT ON LUKE ST. 40' x | LEARN TIME STUDY--THE STEP- ping stone to executive positions--at home. If you have high school edu- cation and practical working experi- ence, we can prepare you for this interesting and remunerative work. For free booklet writegDept. O, Ca- nadian Time Study School, 810 Os- one horse, some hay, and straw, and sington Ave., Toronto. (22411) | ee seriagiey | ; z "!horse-drawn implements included. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, BAL- large barn, implement shed, poultry let, toe, tap, baton twirling. Register | house, hydro in house and barn. This Wednesday 4-6, Adelaide House, Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M. (My30) LANGTON"S LEARN TO DRIVE, safe, easy way, dual control cars. Course $20. Dial 3-3609. (017) | LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING school, ballet, tap, toe, character, Masonic Temple, Saturdays. Resi- Sence Wednesdays, information 3- Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. (Oct13) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING: special, $5; Cream Wave, $3. Guar- anteed. 10 Church St. Dial 5-2241. ' (Oct29) I 25--Real Estate For Sale -- 9-room "stone 1$9,800 good condition and 30 acres of choice garden land, 3 acres | of raspberries, !; acre of strawber- | ries, ever-running spring in pasture, appointment to inspéct, phone E. E. PATRICK REALTOR 43 Bond St. West 2 doors west of Prince Street To Dial 3-8551 ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, Residence 33692 comptometer, dictaphone. New class- -- es each Monday. Evening classes we Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Busi- LOVELY BRICK-VENEER HOME (Oct?) | ness College, 18 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4343. GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP | them home. Yours on completion. | $°° . : Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian | dining room and kitchen downstairs. School. Leave phone at 5-0251. i Large master bedroom, two other bed- (Oct29) | rooms and bath with shower up. Extra | -- | finished room 'n basement. Interior DN TD Rly CoAL COX | recently decorated and in excellent TH A -~ | condition. The house is insulated FO Se te Eh uEs, and heated with oil. Garage and pri- | Oshawa Studio of Dancing Private | vate drive. Screens' and storms tor | or class 'nstruction 47 Prince st | 9/l Windows and doors. For appointment dial 5-0841. (Oct3) | DIAL 5-0832 | (220tf) (2802) above Hillcroft. Large living rane | | 15--Insurance ROBERT 8S. McCALLUM, GENER.| 3 --$2,500 dov.n, 8-room | al Insurance. Dial 5-6402. Fire, Lite, | 4.6 80 Polio, Automobile, Outboard Motors ' stucco house, 3-pc. bath, | hot-water heating, garage. Immedi- | and Boats, etc. (Oct20) COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV. | ate possession. A good home for an! | income. | | ice. McMurtry Insurdnce Agency representing The Imper.a) Life, 21 $8 7007: storey and a ' half frame house, mod- ern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece King St. W. Djal 3-3722, (Oct17) | bath, hot-air heating with ofl. PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV ice for better insurance iu all classes Er Me St. E. Dial 38-4867. Res. : Oct) $7 500 Fun price for 6-roomed : ' house with modern con- ntti -- i veniences, hot-air heating with oil, LOST--PAIR LADIES' GLASSES, ' on a beautiful lot on the highway in gold rimmed tops, in black case, be-4 Hampton. tween Centre Street School and The; 18--Lost and Found ES dl) {GRAVEL PIT ~-- | Test pits open for inspection. Apply | rear yard 150°, $800. Apply 146 Agnes St. (230c) | 30 ACRES | house, | equipment, fixtures and stock; 3 | price; other farm only 6 milés from Oshawa. For | on west side of Mary Street just | $5.50 | down. | ences. Beautiful stone fireplace, mas- BUILDING LOTS 100 x 280, SIM-| 'WARREN AVE. coe St. N. Frontage at both ends | : for exchange on a 1 St. N. Owners only. 3, ev ~ ~, " house. 977 Simcoe | 12* storey Cape Cod brick a a. { concrete drive. Beautifully landsca - | AT HIGH POINT. | ed with large shaded and ba . Living room, 21' x 12'6" | 146 Agnes St. ann (230c) | natural fireplace, 1 $2,700 DOWN, 4-ROOM BRICK | hall with oak parquet floors, large | bungalow, 4-pc. bath, venetian blinds | modern kitchen, double sink, arbor- | throughout, electric hot water heat-| ite back and counter tops, down, two | er; low monthly payments. Dial 3-|large and a medium sized bedroom, | 9158. (230c) | four-piece tiled bath and hall up. | GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY Grocery, | recreation | and bar: all ar room, natural laundry tubs, heater and tank, extra toilet, hot | | water heating oil fired. - Storms, | screens, awning and many other ex- tras. Terms. Possession 60 days, AIRPORT RD. { New seven room, storey and a half | brick veneer, concrete drive on large | landscaped lot. Large living room | with natural fireplace, oak hard- | wood, large modern kitchen, three bedrooms and four-piece bath down, | two large bedrooms, linen room and! two-piece bath up all with tiled | E. E. PATRICK floors. Deep dry basement with fruit | OFFERS | cellar. laundry tubs, large hydro | heater and automatic pumps. Forced 'air conditioned heating -- oil fired. | | Fully insulated. Terms. Possession | 80 days. fireplace large hydro | meat, confectionery, reoms, living quarters, good turn- over, lease, low rent. Only $3,900 full income in connection | | with this business. Ask us about it. | W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince St. Residence Dial 3-2512 Dial 5-2133 (230c) --3-room frame bungalow, $3,200 heavy wiring and 3 acres of good garden land with trout stream, 3 other small buildings. | Some furniture included. Immediate, GRIERSON AVE. Possession, ony $1,000 down. Exclu- | Comparatively new storey and a half I brick with garage on double land- | 70 --4-room stucco bunga- scaped lot. Living room, 17° x 11'6", $4, low, toilet in basement, | 4ining room, both with leaded glass all newly painted and decorated. A | Windows, modern large kitchen nice home. Immediate possession. | [sarge master bedroom and two me- Only $1,800 down. Exclusive listing, | dium sized ones. Modern four-piece bath, extra toilet in deep dry base- | ment, ample cupboard and closet | space, hot water heating--blower { fired, nicely decorated, excellent pik --4-room insul-bric bun- galow, hydro, good basement, A comfortable well-built 30-day possession. Exclusive listing. home. | er extras. Terms, Immediate posses- | fon, $6 800 Fort Perry, 4-roomed | Son ' frame bungalow, lovely corner location. All modern conveni- | LASALLE AVE. | Brick veneer bungalow on beautiful tic tile floors throughout. Only $2,000 | jandgcaped lot. Living room, 176" x | down. Immediate possession. EXelu-| ny, modern kitchen, two bedrooms, | sive listing. | four-piece bath fully insulated, hard- --5-room insul-bric bun- | wood floors, deep dry basement, $7,800 galow, oil heating, hea- | laundry tubs, fruit cellar, hydro vy wiring, insulated, oak floors, large | heater. venetian blinds, tastefully. lot. Immediate possession. Only decorated. Hot-air heating -- coal | $1,500 down. | fired. Terms. Possession 30 days. | | --6-room, storey and half | $8,200 frame, all modern con- | CADILLAC N. veniences. Nice large kitchen, Very New centre hall brick bungalow on conveniently located, Owner will give | landscaped lot. Living room, 14' possession in one week. Only $2,500 | 17', large modern kitchen, two large down. Exclusive listing. | bedrooms, deep dry basement with | laundry tubs. Hydro heater and tank, --6-room brick home. A closet | single Canadian Legion Friday evening. Re- ward. Dial 5-4339. (2308) | ea ra pd os. -- i Sp---- | LOST--RED LEATHER WALLET with initial D.C.0., between Simcoe| !8 Bond St. Ww. Street South and College Avenue ou | Bunday, keepsake. Reward. 5-1769. (230c) | LOST -- GREEN BUDGIE BIRD, Diallo. --Servi ($1 3,500 ing first time of- WALTER R. SMITH Réal Estate Broker Diel 3-2911 (280m) station and $8.50 home with all the ences. Only $4,000 down. 30-day pos- session. Exclusive listing. $8,500; 0 7 acres good garden land. 1 acre of beautiful well - kept latest conveni- , Storey and half, furnace, hydro, | ample cupboard and space, ' fully insulated, hardwood 'and tiled | floors. Forced air conditioned heat- ing by oil. Screens, awning, other ex- tras. Terms. Immediate possession. MARY ST. Storey 'and a half brick with large vicinity of Rosehill and Gibbon. Dial 3-8300. (230b) LOST--LARGE SUM OF MONEY, downtown district Friday afternoon, urgently needed. Reward. John J. Gannon, 139 Albert St. (228c) 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first ana second mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for sale purchased. Naa. apd Builders' Loans arrang Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., of St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. (Oct1) DIAL 3-3311 FIRST MORTGAGE ED. IRISH -- Sal MONEY oo Sgr (02,6) We Buy Mortgages and HERE IT IS Agreement. of Sal NORTH SHORE REALTY CO. LTD. BROCK STREET EAST Large brick fully furnished home, 112 Simcoe St. North Dial 5-3568 Oshawa | living room, dining room, tiled kiteh- y (tts tf) | en and large sunporch on first floor; 20- rE "| 3 large 'bedrooms and 3-pc. bath on 2 Personal : second; finished attic; oil heating; TEACUP READING---CALL FOR '8arage; nice lot. Near Motors. Elec- | evening appointments after 7. Dial, tric stove and refrigerator and all! 3-3195. (230c) | furnishings included, A real good NT IA A ST IT ie ;home or income, in good. shape. See GOING TO TIMMINS 'today and make offer. Must be sold. Contact fered for sale, on main highway in Oshawa, doing large gas and repair trade. The above price includes prop- erty and garage equipment. $1 5,00 --Athol St. E., brick house, hard- wood floors, hot-air heating, open fireplace, 3-pc. bath, separate toilet, | garage. Income from this property is over $350 per month. Possession 30 days. See 11-room NOLAN BROKER Room for four. Leaving Thursday W. McAULEY REALTOR DIAL 5.2133 DIAL 3-2512 night or Friday morning. Dial 5-3447 + | RESIDENCE + Exclusive listing. raspberries, !; acre of strawberries, 20 apple trees, 3 chicken houses, See this at once. Immediate possession. stucco garage on landscaped lot. Reception hall, living room, 15'6" x | 11' with 12' x 7" sunroom, large din- ing room, den with natural fireplace, good sized modern kitchen and ex- tra toilet on ground floor, three large bedrooms and three-piece bath up. Deep dry basement with recreation room, laundry tubs, large hydro heater and tank. Hot-air heating-- oil fired. Venetian blinds, storms, screens, awnings, many extras. Pos- session 30 days. Terms. Exclusively listed with us these beautiful homes, excellently located, tastefully decorated, in immaculate condition, await your ingpection. $5,000 DOWN or more required. ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT NOW $9 00QQ Brand new (not yet ' completed), but will be ready at the end of the month at no extra charge. 5-room ultra modern brick bungalow, The last word in all the latest conveniences. Good loca- tion. Only $3,000 down. Act fast. --B-room brick bungalow, $9,600 lovely large rooms, 4- piece bathroom, all the latest modern conveniences. Good location. 2 weeks possession with only $3,100 down, Be sure and see this, $12 50 --A beautiful S-roomed ' brick bungalow, all modern conveniences, oak floors and finished recreation room with fire- place, hot-water heating by oil, at- tached heated garage. Immediate Pp ion with r able down pay- ment, A home you would be proud to own, Don't pass up the opportunity to see this home. Phone now for ap- pointment to inspect. E. E PATRICK REALTOR 43 Bond St. West doors west of Prince Street Dial 3-8551 After 6:00 p.m. Dial 5-6342 RALPH H. VICKERY, Salesman Dial 3-226F cholic \ INSURANCE ASSOCIATES REALTORS - | 13 PRINCE ST. €2302) | , / £830c), Residence . 5-3692 / on) | 25--Real Estate For Sale | 28--For Rent SIMCOE ST. S. A real money-maker--9-room house, 2. complete bathrooms, hot water heated, 3-room apartment rented for $55. Owner can have possession of 6- rooms--3 bedrooms. Price $14,000-- $6,000 cash, balance at 5%. See this today. ALICE ST. DISTRICT 6-room home--hardwood, hot air heating, new garage, 60' lot. In good condition = throughout. A buy at $7,500. 2 For Real Service in Real Estate EVERETT G. DISNEY Realtor 82 Simcoe S. Phone 3-2333 (230b) $¢ 6.50011 | price, for this new ' 5-room bungalow, not completed but livable, Down pay- ment $2,500. $1 70 --down, for this 4-room ' bungalow, garage, con- veniences, near Lakeview Park: Full price $5,900, --_ f this ' 6- $2,5007400k dwelting, hot. air heating, 3-piece bathroom, on Ver- dun Road. Full price $8,000. LLOYD AYERS Dial 5-3889 (230a) Broker MARY STREET Near Laracor Avenue--§$12,500--8$6,000 cash. Ultra modern bungalow on large lot. Early possession. MARY STREET Near Aberdeen--$13,500--8-room stor- ey and one half bungalow. Oak floors, natural fireplace, oil burner. Many extras, GOLF STREET ing-room, 12 x24 natural large master bedroom, modern kit- chen, oil burner, on large lot, resi- dential district. Early possession. MASSON STREET | Near Hilleroft--$11,500--7-room brick (228) | with attached garage, overhead door, | rage, many extras. Immediate pos- | session. DREW STREET room home, hot water heating, ga- rage, good income home. CADILLAC AVE. eep dry divided basement. finished Ja Te, 6-room brick home. very | central. Phone 5-5755 after 5. m ern, hot water heating. Imme- diate possession. MASSON STREET $10,300--8$5,000 down--modern §-room bungalow on landscaped lot. Many extras, immediate possession. Terms arranged. SUTHERLAND AVE. $11,000--86,000 cash--5-room home, 1p storey. Oil burner, recreation room, immediate possession. Terms arrang- ed. After 6 p.m. 3-9290 -- Everett Elliott 3-3983 -- Lloyd Metcalf (Sales Representatives) Dial 3-3849 Broker and Ins. Agent © 13V2 Simcoe Street North . (230a) 27--Real Estate Wanted ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512. (Oct2) HOUSES, TARWS AND BUSL-y "od | nesses wanted. For a quick conliden- | WANTED, 3 OR 4 ROOMS, APT. or house, family of four, Oshawa or | Good- | tial sale, list your property with KE. E. Patrick, Realtor, 43 Bond St. W., 2 doors west of Prince. Dial 34-8351. (Oct3tf) SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, large clothes closet, nice home, cen- tral, abstainer, Apply 114 Elgin E. (229¢) TWO BEDROOMS, DOUBLE OR beds, continuous. hot water, central. Dial 3-4997. (229¢) TWO LARGE FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms, including sink, heat, lights and water; also single furnished bedroom. Total abstainer only. Write Box 532, Times-Gazette. : (229¢c) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for two men or two girls, Apply 26 Gladstone Ave. ed rooms, hot water tap and soft, Apply Mrs. Harold Wilson, Fonty- pool. (230b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL conveniences, near Motors, gentle- men preferred. Dial 5-3613 (230c) LARGE BEDROOM, TWIN BEDS, near Motors and Fittings for gentie- men, also single room with double bed, conveniences, quiet home, ab- stainers. Apply 142 Verdun Rd. Dial 5-1705. i (230a) SINGLE UNFURNISHED ROOM, centrally located, suitable for a sin- gle girl. Phone 3-7643. (230h) TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS for gentlemen. Garage. Phone 3-2040. » (229¢) TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APART- ment, ground floor, private entrance. Dial 3-2305. (230a) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing room, central. Dial 5-2027. (228c) SINGLE® ROOM FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 40 Royal Street. (230c) 3 ROOMS, AT 263 MARY ST., ALSO garage, on Connaught St. Dial 5-1945 after 6 p.m. (230b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT gentleman, abstainer; very central, all conveniences. Djal 3-8491, (230a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, TWO gentlemen willing to share, near 'bus, in Oshawa. Apply 48 Park Rd. N,, Apt, 3. (230c) LARGE CLEAN FRONT ROOM, close to Motors. Phone 5-0801. (229c) - | ple. (230c) | TWO LARGE PARTLY FURNISH-| | FURNISHED BEDROOM, SPRING | mattress, clean, quiet home, Meals | optional. Phone 3-8162, ~£230c) |LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, suitable for two girls; central; also | garage. Dial 5-3738. . (230c) 4-ROOM SELF-CONTAINED APT, ground floor, $85 month, electricity included; central; no children; ab- stainers only. Write Box 534, Times- Gazette. (230b) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, everything supplied, -| suit two girls or young couple; ab- stainers. Dial 3-9415. (230c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, AND bathroom. Apply £99 St. Eloi bp- tween 12 a.m. and 4 p.m. (230¢) unfurnished, private entrance, no ob- Jection to one small child. Phone 3- 3550. (2302) TWO VERY NICE BEDROOMS TO rent, in refined home. Gentlemen preferred, abstainers, Apply 25 Divi- sion St. (230c) FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING | room, near bus stop. Apply 305 Ver- | dun Rd. (230c) | 4-ROOM APARTMENT WITH bath, for young business couple, no | children. Immediate possession. Ap- | ply 229 Parks Avenue. (2302) | ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO girls to share, light housekeeping if | desired, near Hospital; references. { Apply 28 Buckingham Avenue. (230c) ONE FURNISHED _ROOM, \SUIT- able for lady or two business girls; reasonable rent. Dial 5-4301. (230c) SMALL, APARTMENT, MIDDLE- aged couple without children, de- sired. Write Box 434, Times-Gazette. | (230c) BRIGHT FURNISHED FRONT room, near bus stop and motors, con- jLnuous hot water, gentleman. Phone | 5-4428. (229c¢) ALL | 417 000--2-storey, 6-room home. RE a hp fireplace, tleman, good location. Apply 202 Ar- thur St. Phone 5-1036. (228b) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN- tlemen, breakfast optional. Apply 112 Division St. (229c) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room in private home, east end, veneer | home. Ideal location, oil burner, ga- | breakfast if desired. Dial 5-4149. (229¢) | SINGLE FURNISHED BEDROOM, | in quiet home, suit gentleman. Apply | 38 Colborne W. Dial 3-8616. (228c) dining room and gg 100-$3,000-- cash -- 2-storgey, nine | TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- | ing rooms, all conveniences. Apply | 94 Bloor West. (220¢) FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE | house, double with two beds, very (229¢) | FURNISHED ROOM FOR BUSI- | ness gentleman. Apply 253 Ritson | Rd. S. Phone 3-4492. (2291) {NEW HOUSE, | burner, laundry tubs; all conveni- ences. Rent $100 monthly. Box 524, Times-Gazette. HOUSE FOR RENT, GOOD RESI- dential area, please state number in family, referemces, Write Box 330, Times-Gazette. (228¢c) LARGE BEDROOM, 3 WINDOWS, oil heated, breakfast and dinner op- tional, Dial 5-1906. (228¢c) FURNISHED ROOMS ONE SIN. gle, one double, on King St. near Yonge. Phone 5-3206. (228c) FURNISHED, BIG BEDROOM, adults, 2 men or 2 women. Apply 69 Eldon Ave. (228¢) UPPER DUPLEX, PRIVATE house, separate entrance, King East. Adults only. Executive or profession- al. References. Write Box 523, Times- Gazette. (228c) BABY WELCOME, HOU 8 E- keeping rooms, electric stove, wash- ing machine, refrigerator, everything supplied. Write Box 438, Times-Ga- | zette. (227e) | LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, | suitable for 2 men or business cou- 282 King East at Ritson. Dial [>on (2261) ly $700 diti 'ni renets i "| GAGE XL RINDE WANT. Qply $7 | lon, awning, venetian blinds, oth-| HOUSES OF ALL KINDS | Z9--Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED SELF-CONTAIN- | ed apartment or flat, by business | couple. Box 538, Times-Gazette. | (230¢) | Vicinity. Write A, Christie, | wood, Ont. ! URGENTLY roomed house in or near Oshawa. Dial 35-0503 after 5. (230b) HOUSE, OR 3 ROOMS, ADULTS, no children. References. Dial 5-85675 evenings after 5. (230c) SMALL APARTMENT OR HOUSE- keeping rooms, by couple. Phone 5- 2062. (230¢) APARTMENT URGENTLY RE- | quired by young couple, no children. by October 13, Whitby or Pickering districts preferred. Telephone Pick- ering 355 J 3. (229¢) G.M. OFFICE EMPLOYEE RE- i quires 5 or 6 room house. References. | Dial 5-0872. (229¢c) 3 OR 4 ROOMS, OR APT. UN- furnished, reasonable rent, refer- ences. Dial 3-4086 after 6 p.m. : (228c) URGENT--4 ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, Oshawa or district, 2 children, references. Phone Whitby 686. al (2281) WANTED BY NOV. 1, 4 OR 5 ROOM house, within 15 miles of Oshawa on bus line. Write Box 525, Times-Ga- zette. (228¢) SPACE DOWNTOWN OR SUBURBS for beauty parlor. References. Write Box 526, Times-Gazette. (228¢) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentlemen in private home, every convenience. Write Box 539, Times- Gazette, (230c) GOOD CARE, IN PRIVATE HOME for three children, close to school. Dial 5-4686. @30c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE men, south end. Phone 5-5570. wt (230b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tleman. Apply 250 Athol E, (230b) FOR TWO MEN WILLING TO share, central, we falk French and English, Dial 3-2650. (229¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR CHIL- dren under school age, $8 per week, Phone 5-5936. (220b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman in new home, all conven- iences. Phone 3-4131. (228¢) (230¢) '(Continued on page 10 (229b) | NEEDED, 4 OR 5-| 32--Automobiles for Sale Tom MKenzie BETTER 'USED CARS 506 RITSON RD. S. '50 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH ) Air-conditioning heater and defroster, like new in every way. '49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN Two-tone grey, with custom radio and heater, low mileage. '49 CHEV, SEDAN Maroon, "air-conditioning heater and defroster, a real clean car inside and out, '48 PONTIAC COACH Oshawa blue, heater and defroster. This car is immaculate inside and out and in perfect mechanical condition, $48 PONTIAC SEDAN Custom radio, heater and defroster, All tires like new. ~ ; '48 CHEV. COACH Heater ond defroster, low mileage, perfect condition, : '48 PLYMOUTH S-PASSENGER COUPE With a very nice light blue finish, radio, heater and defroster. Many other extras. "47 PONTIAC SEDANETTE Ligh: blue with custom made slip covers, heater ~nd defroster. '47 PONTIAC SEDANETTE Beautiful jet black finish, heater ond defroster, a real nice car in every way, '47 BUICK SEDAN A lovely black car with white-wall tires, custom radio, 'underseat heater, directional indicators and other extras '46 CHEV. FLEETMASTER " SEDAN Custom radio, heater, defroster, @ nice clean car. '46 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN Lovely two-tone finish, heater and defroster. Perfect mechanical condition, '41 PLYMOUTH S-PASSENGER COUPE Heater and defroster, real good con- dition, tires like new. '41 PONTIAC COACH New paint job, heater and defroster, good mechanical condition, all good tires. "40 DODGE SEDAN Heater ond defroster, a real bargain on this one. '39 DODCE 5-PASSENGER COUPE Heater and defroster, perfect condition, '38 CHEV, COUPE Two-tone green, heater and defroster, A very nice little car. '35 OLDSMOBILZ COACH In real good condition with heater and defroster. '35 FORD COACH Transportation bargain. DIAL 5-3271 OR 3-485] And have one .of our salesmen pick you up at your door and demonstrate a completely winterized Better Used Car or drive to our location at 506 Ritson Road S. ond see a fine selec- tion . of Better Used Cars at TOM McKENZIE MOTORS CASH -- TRADE -- TERMS 'Saturday until 6 Opén 'evenings until 9 . £830b),

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