"PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE 5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 | In Jhe dome 'Wed in St. Andrew's United Church MR. AND MRS. Formerly Miss Betty Mr. and Mrs. James Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Jollow, UIDES-BROWNIES AUX. Bn poy meeting of the Fall and Winter term took place last Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs. | Gordon Lane, president. Following routine pusiness Se ollow convenors were ap - on Bh iy Mrs. Charles Reader; Telephone, Mrs. Emil Rutishauser; Press, Mrs. Melvin Son. | Hodgson decided to make home | made candy for Hallowe'en. A | euchre was planned for the early part of Noveniber, convenors be- ing Mrs. D. Hutcheon, Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. Edward Brown and Mrs. M. Hodgson. The next meet- ing is to be held at the home of Mrs. D. Hutcheon on October 16. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. Brown and Mrs. E, Ruti- shauser. PRESBYTERY W.A. EXECUTIVE An executive meeting of the Woman's Association of the Osh- awa Presbytery was held in the parlour of Whitby United Church on nday afternoon, Mrs. H..T. Fallaise, president, presided. The main business of the meeting was to arrange for the Autumn Rally which is to be held in Myrtle Unit- ed Church on Wednesday, October 31st. Registration will begin at 9.30 with the morning session op- ening at 10 a.m., dinner at 12 noon, and the afternoon sessidn opening with a twenty-minute question- naire at 1.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. V. W. Kinsman, Stoney Creek, president of the Hamilton W.A. Conference, and, guest soloist, Mrs. Ralph Wescott, Brooklin. Mrs. Fal- laise will preside. There were 26 members present at Monday's meeting, which was very gratifying. The Whitby mem- ber; were gracious in serving after- noon tea, making the occasion a pleasant "get-acquainted" event. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. 43 The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion was held on Tuesday even= ing when the president, Mrs, Charles Lamb presided and wel- comed a visitor, Mrs. George Ste- phenson of Peterborough Legion Auxiliary. ud Mrs. Alfred Gunnell reported on the cedar chest which will be pur- chased and a number of articles A u POUND OF (ANNER SALON YIELDS A POUND OF EDIBLE THOMAS EARLOTON JOLIN Ciro rriag solemnized iecently in St. Andrew's Un urch. Whose wa, ® Bett Kathryn Crouch, the bride is the daughter of E. Crouch and the bridegroom is the son of all of Oshawa. | regarding the revision in rates for | for the Remembrance Day dinner ---------- -- -------- ~ OF INTEREST TO WOMEN -- © In The , Commuruty. --Photo by Hornsby Studio / were donated for the bazaar among them being a pair of sheets from Mrs, William Evans for the Hope Chest. Mrs. Edward Bouckley ask- ed for donations of print or bias tape for the apron booth. Mrs. Lamb reported on the table- linen and dishes which had been purchased recently for the ' Kkit- chen, The secretary read a letter from the director of the Blue Cross hospital care under their plan. It was decided to cater as usual | of the Legion Branch which will be held on November 9. Mrs. Charles Wilcox will be con- vener of the social next Tuesday evening * following the business | meeting. NORTHMINSTER JR. WA, The Junior W.A. of Northminster United Church held its first meet- ing of the fall season at North- minster House on Tuesday evening with the first, vice-president, Mrs. Arthur Bryant presiding. The Rev. H. A. Mellow led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Harry Middleton. Future projects were brought for- ward and a general discussion fol- lowed. Refreshments were served by the members of Mrs. Fred Jamie- son's group. CENTRE STREET H. & S. The first meeting of Centre Street Home and School Association, for the fall season, was held last Mon- day evening. Mrs. Ross Cook, pre- sided, and extended a welcome to the guests, and a special welcome to mothers of the Grade Eight pu- pils from Westmount school. Plans were made for a candy sale to be held at the school on October Post-Nuptial Event For Mrs. F. Crome, Jr. Mrs, Fred Crome and Mrs. E. H Webster entertained at a tea at the latter's home, Saturday afternoon and evening in honor of Mrs. Fred Crome, Jr., the former Miss Elva Crown of Lindsay. Mrs. Crome received her guests wearing navy blue printed crepe with a corsage of white and red carnations. She was assisted by the bride who wore her going-away dress of pale blue nylon crepe with a corsage of pink rose buds. Mrs. bride, also received wearing navy J. J. Crown, Lindsay, mother of the blue sheer and a corsage of white and red carnations. The tea table was centred with a low bowl of pink gladioli and white asters flanked on either side with tall white candles in ofystal holders. Mrs. Samuel Stephenson poured tea. The tea assistants were Mrs. Arthur Howard, Mrs. Harvey Skinner, Mrs. William Fish, Mrs. Prank McClure, Mrs. Harry Birch- om, Port-- Hope; Mrs. --Douglas Forrester and Mrs. Alex Knihniski. Miss Moira Crown of Lindsay, sister of the bride, presided in the room where the shower gifts were displayed. Mrs. E. H. Webster, in the room containing the bride's linens, her wedding gown and her attendants' gowns. Mrs. George Kerry was in the room containing the wedding gifts, in the afternoon, and Mrs. Williard Cook presided in the evening. 19. Miss Frances McLeod won the room attendance prize. Mr. A. W. Jacklin, principal, introduced the new teachers on the staff this term. Mrs. Cook introduced Mr. Donald McLaren who played several piano selections. Miss Grace Ritcher took charge of the remainder of the program, and presented a series.of get-ac- quainted games. The meeting closed with refreshments, served by Mrs. Allan Brown and her assistants. HOLY TRINITY EVENING AUX. The Evening Women's Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Anglican Church met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday last. The meeting opened with the special order of service and was conducted by Mrs. Clarence Keith, | treasurer, and Miss B. Helliwell, secretary. The main topic of discussion was the forthcoming tea to be held October 24. The event will be an- nounced as a Hallowe'en Tea. This suggestion was put forth by Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Armstrong, presi- dent, suggested that a letter be sent for sewing material immedi- ately in order to have one or two articles made for October. Arrangements were completed whereby certain members pf the Auxiliary will be on hand through- out the Women's Deanery meeting. It is expected that a compre- hensive report will be given at the next meeting on the results of the previous season's activities, and definite dates will be set for the fall and winter events for 1951-52, At the close of the business on the agenda a supper was served by Mrs. Keith and Mrs. Stewart, fol- lowed by a pleasant social hour. LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING Soturdays: 8 ® Ballet Masonic ® Top Wednesdays: ED) 18 Patricia Temple Toe Barre [J For Information Character Phone 3-7253 % 32 King St. W. Credit Jewellers Led, Dial 3-7022 v w\ va Chrysanthemum Tea Arranged by IODE Is Most Successful A delightful social event opened the fall season yesterday when the Prince Philip Chapter of the Im- perial Order Daughters of the Em- pire held a Chrysanthemum Tea. The charming house and garden of Lt.-Col. and Mrs, R. B. Smith, Al- exandra Street, was a perfect loca- tion for a warm September after- noon and evening, The visitors thronged the living- room, wandered in the secluded garden, and clustered in animated groups. In the living-room arrange- ments of zinnias in vibrant colors caught the eye, and a bowl of yel- low and bronze chrysanthemums centred the tea table. Mrs. R. B. Smith and Mrs, F. N.|3 McCallum, Regent of Prince Phil- ip Chapter, received the guests, and the -hostesses during the afternoon and evening were Mrs. Morley Can- ning; Mrs. T.-H. Coppin, Mrs. DE: Sturgis, Mrs. E. C. Salmon, Mrs. Ernest Reading, Mrs. C. G. Luke, Mrs. Hugh Allen, Mrs. Leslie Eagle- son and Mrs, Robert McNe'. Arrivals were met at the door by Mrs. J. P. Mangan, Mrs. L. O. Ir- win and Mrs. J. L. Beaton who were on duty at different times. The cashiers were Mrs. A, S. Whattam and Mrs. Fred Fordham who reported that the total attend- ance was close to 370. ~ The roster f those pouring tea included Mrs. R. G. Langford, Re- gent of the Viscount Greenwood Chapter, Whitby; Mrs, Frank Tay- lor, Courtice, convener of the 'ea; Mrs. S. A. Willson, Regent of the Golden Jubilee Chapter; Mrs. George Ansley, Mrs. C. B. Deyo and Mrs' H. M. Smith. The servers who were kept con- stantly busy were Mrs. Leo Glover, Mrs. Ben T. Ward, Mrs. R. F. Aker, Mrs. E. J. Luke, Mrs. H. C. Hainer, Mrs. C. H. Jenkin, Mrs. W. R. Gar- diner, Mrs, E. Rowe, Mrs. J. A. Mit- chell, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. J. L. Lindsay, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. W. I. Mercer, Mrs, E. C. Hughes. All the members of the chapter helped in some way to make the tea a success, and many spent the entire time in the kitchen. The gypsy fortune teller, who was much in demand for reading tea- cups, was Mrs. Kenneth Farrow. Personals. Accounts of social events and of visitors to snd from the city are appreciated ' by the Social Department. TELEPHONE 38.228 Miss Doris Whiteley, Sutherland Avenue, and Miss Ella Durno, Mary Street, left on Monday by plane for a week's holiday in New York City. Miss Jessie Coulthurst, who has been living in Vancouver fq the past few years has been transierred by The Royal Bank of Canada to Oshawa. Mrs. George Kinsman and Mrs. Ignatius Clark will receive at the bazaar to be held tomorrow after- noon in the Masonic Temple under the auspices of Rebekah Lodge, No. Mr. Charles Luke, Raglan, at- tended the wedding of his grand- daughter, Miss Donna Luke, to Mr Harry R. Fahrner, held last Sat- urday in St. Mary's Church, Royal Oak, Michigan. Miss Luke is the daughter of Mr. Aylmer C. Luke, formerly of Raglan. Mrs. S. J. Payne, assisted by Mrs. Frank Black, Mrs. Harold Sliter, Mrs. David Jamieson, Mrs. Jack Carter and Mrs. Percy Gould will convene the annual tea of the Len- ore Group of Simcoe Street United Church to be held on Wednesday afternoon, October 3, at the home of Mrs. Bruce Bradley, Simcoe Street North, At St. Andrew's United Church last Sunday the sacrament of Christian baptism was adminis- tered by Rev. George Telford to Alan Fraser Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Morrow of Osh- awa, and to George Montgomery Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts of Toronto. Mrs, Roberts is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sadler of Oshawa. A group of relatives and neigh- bours gathered at the Canadian National Railway station on Tues- day evening to bid "bon voyage" to Mrs. Frank Staple who was leaving on an extended trip to Sussex, Eng- land, where she will visit her 84- year-old mother. This is. Mrs. Staple's first visit to her homeland since she came to Canada 37 years ago. She also plans to visit rela- tives and friends in London and the south of England and Mrs. Staple Sr., who is- also 84 yedrs old. Mr, Staple accompanied her to Mont- real. Of interest to Raglan was an event held recently in Royal Oak, Michigan, when Mr, and Mrs. Ayl- mer C. Luke celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. Luke, formerly of Raglan, is the son of Mr. Charles Luke, of Raglan, and the late Mrs. Luke. His wife, the former Miss Helen Hedge, is the daughter of Mr. Samuel Hedge, of Chicago, and the late Mrs. Hedge. They were married in Detroit on August 15, 1926, where Mr. Luke operates the Luke Motor Sales. They were honored at a surprise party given by their children, Rob- ert, of Ferndale, and Donna and Audrey, at home, who presented them with a silver tea service. They also have one granddaughter, Christine Louise. Also celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary were Mayor and Mrs. Vernald E Horn, Royal Oak, Michigan, an the two couples celebrated at a luncheon held at the Royal Oak Lions Club where they were pre- sented wifh silver-slipper - decked cakes. The presentation was made by Mr. Ralph Conselyea, president of the Lions Club. Look your slimmest and smartest this Fall! Slenderize the Collette Way New Reducing Equipment Has Been Added COLLETTE BEAUTY SALON 141% KING EAST DIAL 3-9511 FOR APPOINTMENT MEDICAL MONK 1098 was physician to Edward the Confessor and to William the Con- The Abbett Baldwin who died in | queror. Ah, that rare flavor! from the economical way to serve finest teal SE fe RANGES RADIOS ' eo SMALL APPLIANCES OSHAWA APPLIANCES -- YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CENTRE GE REFRIGERATOR 9%2 CU. FT. AS LOW AS $439.00 Special! 72 CU, FT. REFRIGERATOR $295.00 The G.E. Washer with the famous daily dipper for only BLACK DAYLIGHT TELEVISION ' With the AS BIG AS LIFE Screen G.E. 17-Inch T.V. Console G.E. 17-inch T.V. Table Model . G.E. 14-Inch T.V. Console . . .. G.E. 14-inch T.V. Table Model . .. $499.50 . $439.50 . $419.50 . $369.50 WASHER 169-00 SPECIAL! ONE WEEK ONLY! A T.V. installa- tion with each set sold. You'll be amazed at the money we will save you on the antenna. DEPARTMENT set-------- ® Budget Terms ® Trade-ins Accepted as Down Payment ® Satisfaction Guaranteed SPECIAL 'NOTE ! ; We Employ A Specially Trained G-E. Television Technician To Serve You.