» : ~ PAGE TWENTY-THREE Carrol Levis THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Invited Here After Escape ». 3 . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING] LAFF-A-DAY PRESCRIPTIONS Qui kly and Accurately Filled -- (Continued from Page 22) 41--Articles Wanted rp -------- Ay ENS PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe Dial 5-2822, (Sel6) 42--Feinale Help Wanted MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR light h keeping in hange for room and board with small remun- eration. Dial 5-2586 after 6 p.m. (220c¢) RELIABLE WOMAN TO LOOK AF-, ter baby, full time; state wages. Box 429, Times-Gazette. (220c) WOMAN TO DO HOUSECLEAN- ing, 3 days a week. Phone 5-6284 be- tween 8 and 9 a.m. (220c) 45.Agents Wanted EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time. Just show our Beautiful Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many box assort- ments and beautiful line of Personal Cards. Just write for Free Personal Album and samples on approval. It's easy! It's fun; It's profitable! Write today! Douglas Greeting Card Com- pany, 50-J Bleecker St., Toronto. (Se1,4,6,8,11,13,15,18,20,22,25,27,29) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS--Read all the ads but be sure to write Monarch for sample -of our 25 card Feature box. Really, a beautiful as- sortment with eye-catching, glitter- ing metallic card which sells the box on sight. Alo Foil box and brilliants t assortment. Amazing EXPERIENCED ADDING MA- chine operator and general office clerk, 5-day week. Apply 50 McMil- lan Drive. . (220b MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN FOR general housework in Toronto. Beau- tiful private room, all electrical ap- pliances. Good wages. Dial 5-2722 be- tween 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. (Se18,20) GIRL FOR GRILL WORK, 4 TO 12 evenings, reliable person only need apply. al 3-9212. (219¢) EXPERINCED CASHIER SALES clerk for groceteria in Oshawa, plea- sant, neat and courteous, high school education, Write full particulars, sal- ary expected etc, Box 423, Times-Ga- zette. (218¢c) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework in Toronto. Private room, money-makers. 50c commission on each of these. Over 50 other boxes, gift wrapping and television booke for extra profits. Samples sent on approval.' Monarch Greet! ; Cards, Dept. E., Hamilton, Ont. hi EASY MONEY FOR YOU. highest commission selling Name-on Christmas cards and Everyday card assortments, wonderful values, over forty items including 25 card Christ- mas featur¢ assortment, Beloved Authors stories assortment, Velve- tone and Star-Brite metallic assort- ments, Canadian scenes, Christmas carol' Mountain scene pictures and cards, personal and religious cards, gift wrappings, ding dong bells, pop- ular comics and animated humorous cards, kiddies Christmas books and cut-outs, also Everyday assortments. "Has madam ever considered going barefooted ?" Is Star. Turn Of BBC Show By NORMAN ERIBBENS ..London (Reuters) -- Three months after returning to British radiv, Canadian-born Carrol Levis claims to have the largest listening public in Britain. His weekly program of 'dis- coveries"'---talented amateur per- formers picked from all counties of England and Scotland--has topp- ed all other variety shows by sever- al thousand listeners, says the sta- tistics department of the British Broadcasting Corporation. "During my three years away. in Canada I was afraid the British public would forget me," the burly 41-year-old Levis said in an inter- view. "Now I'm getting close on 500 letters a week from all over the country. It's mighty encourag- 2." In 1947, after 12 years on the British stage, Levis suffered a ner- vous breakdown and went back to his native Vancouver. Two weeks after doctors pro- nounced him fit again, he was on his way back to England. He tour- ed Britain for several months gathering new talent and made his come back on the BBC last June. The show was so well received he was asked to put on a weekly MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE Diol 3-3401 JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 -241 RING ST. EAST MOSIER Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS © NEW IDEA FURNACES ® Gor Wood Tempered Air Units "Sales and Service to ofl Makes" DIAL 35-2734 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundos St. E.. Whithy broadcast. His discoveries include whistling errand boys, singing dock laborers, girl machinists with a gift for mi- FINE QUALITY micry, crooning waitresses, shop MARKERS assistants with xylophones and Precise workmanship and careful clerks with hot trumpets. attention to detail are your At rehearsals the 260-pound Levis ante when you chovss i uses every trick of showmanship to put newcomers at ease. To ner- vous performers he says: "Don't worry if you're nervous--the audi- ence will love you for it. But if you are cocky you will antagonize them." ° V ] all conveniences, good working con- | Wiite for catalogue and samples Jaroslav re the freedom-loving Czech engineer who his Geographers Studying A .| NOW, Name-on Stationery Com- J Broatin, rs "5004 Te pany Limited, Dept. 14. Room F,| family, friends and a number of other Czechs through the Iron Curtain ! R Phone Whitby 552 ; { into West Germany in a daring from C ist-ruled Czecho- or ern esources * ----re ® MONUMENTS AND M. Breslin, 8564 Bowmanville. 218c) | Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. p { (Se18,20,22,24,26,28-02,4,6,8,10,12) | slovakia, is shown with one of his children as he reported on his ad- 46 n venture. West German authorities negotiated the return of some of the Work, sud help With children, Seep Employ ment Wanted "unwilling riders" aboard the freedom train but granted asylum to some out. Phone 3-9315 ) reer rea TN ARR SAR TIRE IN Prince Albert, Sask., (op) ane} - - ANYTHING IN ODD JOB LINE IN- | 53 haccengers and crew members. Konvalinka told West German authori- | sources Minister Brockelbank says New Book On side or out. Gordon E. Wilson, 106) io ong the press that Communist terror in Czechoslovakia is ting [the Saskatchewan government is | William W, Phone 3.7618 (2200) | 4oily. He has been offered a home in Canada by a fellow countryman, |making a detailed study of re-| sources in the north with a "= Bibl e H eld (219b) Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT IYrise Woe Lie WORE % now a nattiralized citizen, ~--Central Press Canadian, gir A YE, o at home. Dial 5-3857. ng productivity. | EE The study -- first of its kind in| WOMAN DESIRES POSITION AS | ° o po o Saskatchewan -- is being made by | OF CANADA [Edit wie sw Another Link Pacific Defence Chain iv, wwie:, Se, Importan rite 0X mes-Gazette, , | ra 8 in" WOMAN WILL MEND BEDDING, re Ln Ge | New York (AP) Religi schol i Dicedeanie he Jags Se Jude iis a 2 OM : . y 3 A ew Yor! --_-- ous ol- | audience in applauding ach suc- Is hiring girls to be trained as; "shirt collars, or do other repair : Be dae Brockevan: said Wig lll have unveiled the first of a cessive "discovery," chaffing and work; reasonable rates. Dial S181, 1 x Sraphors - LIL govern. | 13-volume series cataloging all that | joking continuously. Telephone Operotors | weirs sus avo ta uvs. 2 | 1 / : ee ores and programs to de. Mankind has learned sbout the| "Many people." he says. "are WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED, & velop and conserve resources in | Bible from ancient times to the content to realize their dreams in In B kli sources lofated. Phone 3.9353. (Se) DP dh | present. a glorious three minutes on the n Brookiin SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, SER: OO Tor the study has resulted| Ivs called "The Interpreters stage, then reiurn contentedly to | viced and installed, Dial 5-1209. their normal. jobs. Others take up | Apply in person immediately . to MISS J. M. RUDKIN, BROOKLIN, ONT. (TTS!) 43--Male Help Wanted MAN TO REPAIR GRAND PIANO. Phone 5-6284. (220c) WANTED AT ONCE, APPLE pickers, 60c per hour, 4-week work. Phone Brooklin 68R12, (220b) QUALIFIED STEAMFITTER, steady employment for right man, will pay $1.75 per hour. Reply G. D. Burnett, Plumbing and Heating Co., 10 Athol W. All replies confidential, (220¢) TRUCK DRIVER WANTED, GOOD opportunity, steady work, must be reliable. Apply Wilson Furniture Co., 20 Church St. (218b) CLERK, MUST HAVE NEAT AP- pearance angl be able to meet public, be able to type, also accurate with figures. Apply Commercial Hotel, (2191) HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT WANT- ed for service station work, after school, Write Box 417 Times-Ga- zette. (219¢) RELIABLE SERVICE STATION attendant wanted. Write Box 416, Times-Gazette. (218c) WANTED: RELIABLE MAN AS Dealer in Oshawa. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products fur- nished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept ML-1-310-163, Montreal. (T.T.8.8e27) COLLECTION BOY For south-east section of city. Must have bicycle, and be relicble and embitious, Apply Classified Advertising Dept. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Ee, 44--Male or Female Help American company requires five sales- men for nationally advertised pro- duct. Full er part time. Must be oggressive and have car. Earn $100 a week. All leads supplied. Apply in writing giving age, experience and references to : BOX 348 TIMES-GAZETTE (21800 (Octl) 47--Legal Notices On and after this date, September 18, 1951, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, without my written order. Harman J. Rogérs. (218¢) TENDERS WANTED For fuel oil during the coming year for the Oshawa Public Library--ap- proximately 4,000 gallons. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- able. Oshawa Public Library Board. (219¢) 48--Auction Sale Auction Sale--S8tirtevant"s Auction Room, 33 Hall 8t., Thursday evening, September 20 at 7.30 p.m. Heat Wave electric range and annex, kitchen cabinet, 3-plece chesterfield suite, studio bed and mattress, dining-room tables, sewing machine, 12-gauge shot guns, (good condition); rang- ette, living-room tables, chest draw- ers, baby crib and mattress, vanity dresser, pressure cooker, kitchen chairs, space heater, beds, springs and mattresses, poster bed spring and mattress, coal oil stove, runners, cooking utensils and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auc- tioneer, phone 5-5751. (219b) Four Months On Atlantic Voyage New York (CP)-- Two English- men who spent four months almost continuously at sea in their 20-foot yawl Nova Espero, have tied up at the Mirneford yacht yard here. Stanley T. Smith, 35, a builder, and Charles Vilet, 32, teacher, left from London May 11. With the ex- ception of two unavoidable lay-ups less than three weeks, they fought the weather and the sea the rest of the time. They said their 120-day battle with the Atlan- tic was "a bit grim at times' and confessed that they "shouldn't want to do it again." - The yawl was designed and built by Smith and his brother, Colin, at Shelburne, N. 8., of native pine and plywood. They sailed it from there, in 1949, to their heme at Yarmouth, England, in 43 days. On the way to the Azores, one of the stops on the return trip to North America, the Nova Espero broke her rudder lying-to in a gale. A makeshift rudder enabled them to reach the islands to make more extensive repairs. On July 4, they set a course from there for Nove 8cotia, and finally to New ork. SPANISH TONGUE The national Library of Guate- mala contains about 80,000 vol- umes in the Spanish tongue, offic- ial language of the republic. A good will gift of an ivory cane is made to President Truman by President Elpidio Quirino of the Philippines during his call at the White House. The visiting chief of state came to Washington in connection with the signing of a mutual defence pact. Canada, threugh various U.S. pacts with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Indonesia is one link in the extensive military defence chain, --Central Press Canadiun, CROSSWORD - - - . By Eugene Sheffer 12 13 | 12 1° in 9-20 in an agricu | Cumberland House--mostly Ppopu-| lated by whites and Indians--and a planned tourist development for Beaver Lake. Siam Comes In Anti-Red Powers' Camp By SEYMOUR TOPPING Bangkok (AP)-- Premier P. Pi- bulsonggram has abandoned Thai- land's traditionally-neutral role in world politics and committed this prosperous kingdom on the side of the anti-Communist powers. In gambling that the west will] win, Thailand's strong man is ac- cepting the challenge of a hostile Communist China to the north and the,danger of his country's eastern flank posed by the Communist-led Vietminh in Indo-China. | Some Thais fear Pibulsonggram | has jumped into the western camp too soon. They believe Thailand should continue to steer a middle | course until it becomes certain which side will win, { For centuries, Thailand pre-| served her independence by bal- ancing off the ambitions of the great powers. The Netherlands and Portugal fought to a stalemate in their efforts to control Thailand, as later did France and Britain. When compelled to, Thailand has reluctantly abandoned her neutral ity. In the Second World War, Ja- pan knocking on his door, Pibul- songgram yielded Thailand to the Japanese but kept the country re- latively free of direct domination. There are several explanations offered for Pibulsonggram's shift in policy. One is a Thai belief that, al- though there may be initial Com- munist victories in Southeast Asia, the west eventually will come out on top. Another is that he is strongly anti-Chinese and fears Peking"s hungry outlook on the fat, strate- gic kingdom. Finally, Pibulsonggram knows that he and his political backers are finished if the Communists take Thailand. What has given the regime mor courage to face up to Communi rea. To reinforce Pibulsonggram's position, the west is giving Thai- land increasing aid. The World Bank has furnished a loan of $24,500,000. Last year the Economic Cooperation' Admin- istration provided $8,500,000 for technical assistance and equipment for communications, agriculture and public health. With peace, stability and west~ ral program for | Bible" | research and assembling material. {and historical and geographical China is the U. N. success in Ko-| fy Stanislaw thought it important |rain checks. Several letters have appeared in Top theologians from various de- nominations have been at work on | the project for seven years. About | thing from $30 to $150 a week. 'Sometimes professionals com- plain I am creating unfair com- . 3 1 $1 million has been investeC in paiition by introducing amateurs "Unquestionably this is the most to the stage. These folk are selfish. Th., forget they were once ama- important publication in the reli- |teurs themselves." gious field for over half a century, Levis says he works 15 hours a said Dr, Halford Luccock, # leading | day, seven days a week and likes t Biblical expert, of Yale Divinity |i school, The initial volume of the eight million-word work was presented to some 200 religious leaders and edu- cationists at a dinner. Almost in encyclopaedic fashion, the new work presents each verse of the Bible, along with all data concerning the verse that has been dug up through archaeological ex- cavations, new-found manuscripts research. Questions like these are answered: 'Who wrote this book of the Bible? When was it written? Where? Under what conditions and in the midst of what. events? In the series, both King James and revised standard translations of each verse appear side-by-side. Below this are brief documentary explanations, exegeses giving in- formation turned up by modern search. | The exegeses point up new hints | discovered concerning the meanings and derivations of the original Greek and Hebrew words, and cite historical forerunners of ideas ex- pressed in the Bible. . Besides the exegeses, expanded | commentaries accompany each sec- tion of the Bible, relating the various; opinions, questions, contro- versies and theories that have arisen concerning' them. The remainder of the 12 volumes will be published on scheduled dates within the next six years, The first volume out, dealing with the Biblical books of Matthew and Mark, is actually No. 7 in the series. Insects Figure In Warsaw Rolls Vienna (Reuters)--Stanislaw fig- "I have to work all the time-- otherwise I'm bored." He is producing two new variety programs to be broadcast to Can- ada and the United States. Cow's Nest in Tree The Cause of Glee Richland Centre, Wis. (AP) -- You'd think that you would never sée a cow a-roosting in a tree, but it happened here. Willard Sippy went looking for his Ayrshire cow which had spent the night in a pasture abutting a 100-foot cliff, He found she had fallen into trees about halfway down. Sippy called an automobile wrecker. They lowered a harness over the edge, put bossy into it and had her pull- er's windlass, Heard Devereaux Say Tve Just Killed Vi' Brantford (CP)--Donald Dever- eux, 23, was quoted in court yester- day as having told his brother E. D. ward on the evening of June 15 that "I've just killed Vi." George Hanley, a baby sitter who was minding Edward Devereux' children on the night that Mrs. Violet Thomson was killed, told the court that he had overheard Don- ald Devereux make the statement in 'the course of a telephone con- versation. Donald Devereux is accused of the murder June 15, of Mrs. Thomson who was found, knifed to death, in his truck, parked outside the home of her estranged husband, George Thomson, HOLD STRIKE | Toronto (CP). -- Stock car race ured the rolls il Warsaw's People's | drivers went on strike last night at Bakery No. 5 were as good as any |Oakwood Stadium over distribution until he bit into one and found a|Of gate receipts. The races were dead bed bug, a beetle leg, and a cancelled. The 5000 spectators had enough to write to the Polish news- paper Zycie Warsaawry. He com- mented it was scarcely the sort of thing that should happen in a peo- ple democracy -- and he enclosed the specimens extracted from the Iron Curtain newspapers recently urging the need a choice between cash refunds or the stage as a career and earn any- | SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N DIAL 3-7752 I'VE: BEEN HAVING A LOT OF TIRE TROUBLE LATELY, BUTI CANT AFFORD NEW TIRES | SAY, HAVEN'T YOU HEARD ABOUT THE LOW-PRICED GOODYEAR MARATHON? ITS JUST THE TRUCK TIRE FOR OUR JOB, ed back to pasture with the wreck- |g CONSTRUCTION,TOO,BUILTTO | THETIR I'LL STAND THE GAFF. DELIVERS PLENTY OF MILES ON MY TRUCK! | MA TODAY. 162 KING ST. E. PHONE: 5-5512 EXPERT TIRE SERVICE TIRE REPAIRS & RECAPPING. RATHONS ® TRI-TEETHING TIME their horses have been thrown by Baughurst, England (CP) -- An [countless holes. 80-year-old grandfather competed -- with his daughter and grandson in BIG CATCH cutting a new tooth. Grandpa cut | The finback type of whale, 9. nervous an eyetooth, his daughter cut a [caught in British Columbia waters, twitch - wisdom tooth and her infant son |somestimes reaches a length of 85 12. sharp prophet VERTICAL 11. arrived mineral (abbr.) * struction of approximately 920 feet of concrete sidewalk 22. capital of 39. among A ti f lution: 26 minutes. . verage me of solution minu A 47. air: comb. for more food ern economic aid, Thailand is cleanliness. : booming. Rice, rubber, teak and tin are her main exports. Her fav- orable balance of trade runs an- nually Shout $40 J tlion. aiivia ; An American military advisory group is assisting the Thai army F A LS 3 TE ET H and air force in training. By June, - 1953, the army of 30,000 troops| Here is a pleasant way to over Ww - | come loose plate discomfort. FAS- will be re-equipped and reorgan: TEETH, Pn Woking ized. sprinkled on upper and lower plates Besides stiffening Thal national | PPI on" rirtier so that they feel defence, American military aid 18 | more comfortable. No gummy, gooe strengthening the government's in- | pasty taste or ay mmy, focey. ternal position. In Thailand, poli-|(non-acid). Does not sour. Checks tical power rests largely upon arm- | "plate odor" (denture breath). Get ed force. 'ASTEETH today st any drug store. McLAUGHLIN'S COFFIELD WASHER . REGULAR $148.00, SPECIAL FLOOR MODEL ~~ BEAUTIFUL DRESSER LAMPS COMPLETE WITH SHADES 1300 SIMCOE ST. N. 9. ancient Gaelic capital 10. Mohamme- dan cleri¢ HORIZONTAL 34. town in Jowa 49 wrath 1. ethical 35. rote in scale $0. shield 6. Greek letter 36. bed canopy 51. lair 38. sea eagle 52. finish minor 53. change More Comfort Wearing 1947 CHEVROLET COACH, custom radio, $1 295 new tires recently, shows excellent care . . macaw 1941 FORD SEDAN, clean condition, new tires . $695 EE PP RE EAR I cesses Answer to yesterday's puzzle. T|E| FILlY NI | [ERNRIV[E] FIL[AIC R E | A N T L WEEK-END SPECIAL! 9.00 DIAL 5-4432 1946 WILLYS JEEP, 4-wheel drive, power take off and governor .................. $850 24 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM . . . SEE FOR YOURSELF! SISSON'S GARAGE 1 MILE SOUTH OF ORONO -- HIGHWAY 35 started on his milk teeth, feet. mountain . unit of 1. bird's craw 19. mellow spur heavyweight 2. declamations 20. takes out . correlative . eggs 3. fortification 21. restricted of neither . chart 4. solar disk menu wine vessel . marsh 5. guided 22. old-fashioned . walked . genus of 6. results 23. rambler T § wg i» E Ww through grasses 7. s0t 25. small pies 8 e. spring 28. alienate . 3 male shee 29. repress Lump sum Tenders will be received by the undersigned (|| igiunburn = [& 31. symbol for until 12 clock Noon, 19. regret L calcium v extremely B 32.s0 be it 20. woman of 34. expiated SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1951 Yon 34, sxpiat o . A. ti for the removal of existing sidewalk, grading, and con- 21, continuous F the Villoge : South Dakota |T| 40. aromatie in vil of Brechin, 24. mythical S spice : maiden 41, overt + oo 3nd specifications inay be seen ot the office os Dale 43. slightly r. . Brennan, Brechin. gently elliptical : 26. more 45. expression ARCHIE NEWMAN, Clerk, . antiquated 0 f To nship of Mare, 30. enclose ( UDNEY, Ontario. 122. reluctant water 48. frost 27. doctor 38. turn inside loud noise out in case . 46. 9-20 Negrito {83. Russian I= sulers ~~ 0 disapproval n ized bv Mag Pate Joanie Zoom oo =