THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 471 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 3-0732. Also 2848 Bloor St. W. To- ronto. Phone LY 7755. (Se12) 8--Building Trades STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, cupboards, i and f i general repair work and alterations, workmanship guaranteed. Jeitrey Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W. Dial 3-7361. (Oct) FOR MODERN AND FIRST CLASS plastering and stucco contracts, dial 5-2144. No job too small. (Se2l) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, and plastering. D. Robi Dial 5-0351. (Se.17) 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH. Chartered Accountants, 37 King St. BE. Dial 5-4662 R. @ordon W. Rienht, C.A., Resident Partner. (Sed) . LYNCH AND CO., ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll work, accounts receivable, income tax returns, 20 Albert St. Dial 5-5411. (Sel) ..3--Barristers jos math lio it, TERROR LOUIS 8. HYMAN, ter, etc., Alger Bldg. 37 Fast, Mortgage Loans Phones: Office 3-4043; , K.C., BARRIS- King Street Arranged. Residence §-0254. (Sel) CONANT & CONANT, BARRIS. and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con- t, K.C., Roger G. Conant, B.A. Of fices: Oshawa, Ont. Lt 8 Suncoe 5 2 ; Ajax, nt., one 25. 8, Dal al: doa, P (Se13) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C, BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc., 6 King St. West. Phones: Office, Dial 65-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604. Money to loan 8S. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. George ychy: Sate, ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C, RALPH 8S. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial 3-2269. Res. 58-1285. Money to loan. (Sel) A. W. 8. GREER, KC, BARRIS- ter. Solicitor, etc., 8 King Street East, Dial 65-4717, Residence 3-4759. John . Greer, B.A. Sc., residence 5-3368. MCpet : (Se10) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. Dial: office 5-3741, residence 8-380. (Se21) pn TR im CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrister &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C., G. K. Drynan. (Sel) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- sister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial 5-3405. (Sel) CARPENTER WORY, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone +1) (Se27y AND EAVESTROUGHING, NEW, repairs, work guaranteed. Dial 3- 9468 or 3-7207, (Se22) 9--Business Opportunities OWING TO ILL-HEALTH, MUST sell shoe repair business, good cus- tom, new machinery and full line of stock. etc. Whitby Shoe Rebuilders, 107 Colborne St, W., Whitby, A. Reardon. Phone 2729. (220c) 20--Personal WANTED 12 DEER HUNTERS FOR the hunt on private property in Bancroft District. Five dollars per week and supply own grub. Good lodgings and plenty of deer. Apply now and avoid disappointment, to Wm. Romhanyi, RR. 3, Bowman- ville. Phone 252 Bowmanville. (220b) TRANSPORTATION WANTED from Brock Road South, Pickering, 8 a.m. to Toronto, returning 5:30. Phone 65R2 Pickering. (220c) Architects so B Articles for Rent &0 INPEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Employment Wanted Optometrists Personal C |] Articles for Sole , 3 Agents Wanted . 21--Personal Services ~ PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. Foi free estimate call Wilson & Les, 79 Simcoe st a 22--Radio Re irs tennae installations, guaranteed re- pair service, all makes television and radios. Dial 5-1685, Earl Fowler Ra- dio, 1096 Kingston Rd. E. (Se28) RADIO AND TELEVISION RE- pairs by expert General Electric Technician. Dial 5-4331, Oshawa Ap- Ii (Sell) WELL EQUIPPED RESTAURANT in Port Hope. Seating pacity 46, doing $800. per week turnover. Must be sold at once. No r ble offer P 504 Simcoe 8S. 23--Women's Column refused. Parkview Restaurant, Port Hope. (fs Sept 21) 11--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK- ing, reasonable, dependable. Dial 5-1538. (Sept28) 12--Gardening & Supplies NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT new lawn, sod or seed. Care of nld lawns, fertilizing, nursery stock, bulbs, flag and rockery stones, Dial 5-1721, (011) 13--Household Repairs EXPERT ASSISTANCE WITH your drapery problems. Beautiful materials to choose from, track and rods installed. Phone 122, Brooklin. Estimates free. (Oct. 15) FURNACES PIPES, REGISTERS, chimneys vacuumed, cleaned or re- paired, also space heaters, oil burn- ers, installed in kitchen stoves, also caulking. Dial 3-4594. (Se23) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more! Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Sed) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE h ed. See our materials for ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2 Dial: Office 3-4311; Residence 3-4325. (Sel) A J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- eoe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. (Sel) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Sel) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, DS.C, OHIRDRD. dist, specializing in diseases ol foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621. (Sel) 4: --Chiropractors wl Lio L KBANTZ, D.C, # PRINCE St, Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. (Se23) 5--Dentists FETHR E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Sel) 5a--Engineers C. E. OLIVE, CONSULTING PRO- fessional engineer, mechanical, elec- trical, industrial, Ajax Road, north of No. 2 Highway, R.R. 1, Whitby. Phone Pickering 52J12. (020) 6--Nursing Services CIES AVAIL- able at. Middle Green Villa Rest Home, Courtice, for the aged or bed ridden; every kindness given; tray service. Approved by doctors. En- quiries Dial 5-4043, Oshawa. (Ses) 7--Optometrists A E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST-- Jury & Lovell, Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721. (Sel) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Sel) 7a--Surveyors recovering. Bruce R. Dalton. 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212, (Ses) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- alum or steel. Dial 5-0311 for free es- timate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. (Sel1tf) 14--Instruction . ENGLISH COMPOSITION AND Grammar tutoring available for pub- lic and high school students, Mon- days and Thursdays after school or evenings. Phone 05-3283. (220c) HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, BAL-~ let, toe, tap, baton twirling. Register Wednesday 4-6, Adelaide House, Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M. (My30) LANGTON'S LEARN TO DRIVE, safe, easy way, dual control cars. Course $20. Dial 3-3609. (017) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING school, ballet, tap, toe, character, Masonic Temple, Saturdays. Resi- dence Wednesdays, information 3- 7253. (on) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, P ter, dictaph New class- es each Monday. Evening classes Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Busi- ness College, 18 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4343. (Oct?) GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP them home. Yours on completion. Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian School. Leave phone at 5-0251. (Se2v) LEARN TO DRIVE, DUAL CON- trol cars. Phone 3-7071. (Se25) FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'nstruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment dial 5-0841. - (Se3) 15--Insurance ROBERT 8S. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance. Dial 5-6402. Fire, Life, Polio, Automobile, Outboard Motors and Boats, etc. (Se20) COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- fce. McMu Insurance Agency ti e I[mper:a) Life, 21 DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Se) 8--Building Trades BRICKS AND BLOCKS LAID, free estimates, reasonable rates. Chimneys a specialty. Dial 5-1474 and 5-1872 after 6. (Se21) LIME STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS, sand, gravel, loam and fill; also manure. Bud Galt. Dial 5-4498. (Sell) DIAL 3-948 -- GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull- doser for hire. Gravel, loam and JI. ( YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing and siding. Work guaranteed. W. Tucker, Dial 5-6161. (Sel?) ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon May. Dial 3-9011. Te (Sed) CEMENT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, sidewalks, driveways, curb. Work- manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. Dial 56-6378 after 6. -(Se23) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading . a (S97) BLOCK WORK, STUCCO, PLAS. tering, foundations, cement footings and floors, etc. Immediate service. Lilley Bros. Dial 5-4902. (Sel5) GRADING, LOADING, BACK FILL- ing, fill taken away, sand, gravel and loam for sale, also truck for hire. Bob Hoy, Dial 3-3779. (Se8) REMODELLING, RE - ROOFING, all types new construction, Residen- tial, "industrial. R. B. Wilkins, Air- port Road. Dial 5-4413. (Se13) 24 HOUR CARTAGE, ODD JOBS, and cement work. Prompt service, Roy Loveless. Dial 3-8515. (Se8) EXTERIOR PAINTING, LOW FALL rates. Call us for free estimates' Dial 5-5253. (Se21) boleum, jaspe, rubber, asphalt, Barker & Pigstic Wall Tile. Free estimates. Dial 5-1853. (Se23) FOR BULLUOZING, WACAVATING, etc, call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 3-3831, sr Whitby 2687. (8e29) | MADAME DE-LAINE, TEA CUP King St. W. Dial 3-3722. (Sel?) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV- ice for better insurance in all classes 22, King St. E. Dial 83-4667. Res. 5-4330. (Sel) 18--Lost and Found SMALL PURSE, CONTAINING house and car keys, lost, September 12, Write Box 427, Times-Gazette. (220b) LOST--LADIES' WRIST WATCH, Gruen, gold, vicinnty of R.C.E.M.E. Sargeant"s Mess, Dial 5-5608. (218¢c) FOUND--BEAGLE HOUND. OWN- er please call 3-2562 after 7:30, (218¢c) LOST--AT PORT PERRY, LAKE Scugog, outboard runabout, 13' long by 50" beam, white with red bottom, plywood. Anyone knowing where- abouts of boat please phone Oshawa 5-104 collect. Reward. (218¢c) 19--Money Tc Loa: CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILAB for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A, and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcos St. 8., Ospawa. Dial 3-2022. (Sel) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY We Buy Mortgages and Agreements of Sale 112 Simcoe Street North NORTH SHORE REALTY Cr. LTD. Dial 5-3568 OSHAWA (tts) 20--Personal | Lucas, Napanee. reading, 11-9, Thursday and Friday. Appointments only, Dial 3-8841. (219) | LI?TLE BUCKAROO RANCH can! accept a few more corn and weiner roasts; cabin -avaflable if required. | Dial 5-6092. ' (2184) 20a--Cartage ' CITY -WiDB DELIVERY AND cartage in speedy new panel trucks. Convenient, safe, courieous service, fully insured. Dick Bros. Dial 38-2158 or 5-4339. (Se21), MORNING SPECIALS, MONDAY, Tuesday, Thursday, iday, cold waves, regular $12 for $10; regular $10 for $8,560; machineless, $650 to $10, Lucienne Beauty Salon. Phone 3-0411, over Ward's. (018) PERMANENT WAVES $350 UP, cold waves $5 up, work guaranteed, Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2851. (Se13) PRENTICE'S HAIRDRESSING special, $5; Cream Wave, $3. Guar- anteed. 10 Church St, Dial 5-2241. (Se29) CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Page Hairdressing, 204 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Sel?) CHARIS FOR FOUNDATION GAR- ment. The only corsetiere with over twenty years experience. Mrs. Blat- ter, Dial 5-3434. (Se30) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON - OIL wave, $2.60 up: machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St.,. dial 3-4521. (Se27) 25--Real Estate For Sale $13,000 HOME AND INCOME, IN thriving community close to Osha- wa; good bus service, large solid brick residence, first-class condition; fully furnished; present income $82 per week; partial i ar- £r | and 20 words or less. 20c full of publication. REGULATIONS -- error occurs. P . 'Female Help w CLASSIFIED AD RATES THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .............. SIX CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . Above rates apply only to Hg Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a mew original order, listings, $5.00 per month ror additional for all words over 20. Bach initial letter, abbreviation, § ard c sign, figure, count as a word Box charged 15c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day Office hours: Daily, 8-@ Saturday, 8-12. The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errurs in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than ome incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor boyonsl the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in 'which And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classifications. P Services 21 Pets & Livestock 86 Physicians ... TIA Radio Repairs ... EKeal Estate «ents Real Estate For Sale Real tate Exd@ange Real Estate Wantad Roum and Board 30 Room and Board Wanted . 31 Summer Resorts 31A Veterinarians oo 8 Wanted to Rent 29 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 20 Words or Less 1.25 2.15 10 0 01% orders for consecutive insertions. Each Aad') Word 08% 25--Real Estate For Sale MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms, 11; years old, laun- dry tubs and electric tank, all hard- wood floors, kitchen and bath, mas- tic tile, southeast. Half cash. Dial 5-5656. after 5, (219d) $3,300-AT PORT PERRY, 38-ROOM insulated house, 11; acres good land, low taxes, 25 yards from pavement, on town line near site of new hospi- tal. Phone Port Perry 189R14. (218¢) ranged; reasonable down payment. R. H. Leggett, Realtor, 581 Bloor E., Toronto, PRincess 3333. (220c) 6 ROOMS, SIMCOE N., ALL CON- veniences; bus stop at door; close to school; easy terms. Dial 3-7949. (220c) NEW BRICK HOME, 5 ROOMS & bath, oil burner, oak floors through- out. Apply 283 Monash Ave. off Ritson S. (220c) NEW 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGA- low, all conveniences; garage. Will sell up to 5 acres of land. Immediate possession. Terms. 5 miles from Nap- anee on new highway. Write Bob : (220c) 5-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE LOT, some fruit, large garage and 1-room cottage. $6,200 full price, $3.500 cash will handle, Dial 3-4595, (2202) VACANT, 7-ROOM STUCCO BUN- galow, near St. Gregory's Church and school; 3-pc. bath, hot-air fur- nace, garage private drive, low taxes $3,000; full price $7,900. At 203 Church. Dial 5-0332 till 6 pm.; after six 38-3796. (220c) 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, GOOD CON- dition, all conveniences, electric hot water tank. $2,000 down, balance easy terms. Write Box 421, Times- Gazette, (218¢) 6-ROOM HOUSE, DECORATED IN- side and out, hardwood floors, hot- air furnace, 2; acres good garden land, garage; barn, chicken. coop; good location. Immediate possession. Apply 233 First Ave. (218c) $7,600--FULL PRICE, 4-ROOM MOD- ern bungalow, $2,600 down. Dial 5- 1661. (218¢) NEW MODERN 5-ROOM FRAME bungalow, all conveniences, school and park nearby. Cash buyers only. Phone 2257 Whitby. (218c) 5-ROOM, STOREY AND HALF, solid brick, 4-plece bath, garage, large garden. Dial 5-1960, (218c) LOTS, 50 x 6000 ON NEW HIGH- way, in city limits, terms. Write Box 414, Times-Gazette. (2171) $ 5 20 --VERDUN RD., large 4- ' room frame bungalow, built-in cupboards, 3-pe, bath, hot air heating, garage, 3; cash, or will ex- change for a 6-room house in south section with a large lot. See NOLAN Broker Dial 3-3311 (8e18,20) GRAND FAMILY RESIDENCE READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $1 5 50 --This solid structure ' is situated in a good residential district, centrally located in Oshawa. Its nine rooms are in im- maculate condition throughout with their %-cut sturdy oak floors. The five bedrooms upstairs 'are mostly large and the maser room is equip- ped with wash basin. The four-pc, gleaming porcelain bath with pedes- tal basin is modern in every respect. The ground floor is supplied with 4 well-planned rooms. The natural fire- place in the living-room equipped for the use of coal or wood add greatly to the charm and comfort of a larger type home, The kitchen with its in- laid linoleum floor, its unique style and modern fixtures; makes it an outstanding part of the house that you will be proud to show your friends. The full basement is equip- ped with oil-burning furnace that forces hot water to radiators in every room in the house. The well-land- scaped grounds is supplied with good garage at rear and the well-treed street add substantially to the value of the property. Although this residence is priced exceptionally low some further con- sideration will be given to a person desirous of buying for all cash. The good features of this home should assure a ready sale. Our advice is to act quickly by phoning. JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker WHITBY Phone 2874 -- Evenings 2473 (220a) Ld SUMMER COTTAGE, AT CAESAR- ea, winterized, for sale, rent or ex- change. Apply 135 Celina St. (219¢) BUILDING LOT, GOOD, 'NORTH- west locality, 50' x 150° Dial 5-6266. (219¢) MODERN 3-BEDROOM DWELLING 'in Oshawa, good locality; extras. i Dial 5-0253. (219d) LOT FOR SALE, SIMCOE SOUTH. Dial 5-0785. (219c) 6-ROOM, 2-STOREY BRICK HOUSE, newly decorated, quiet location, gar- age. $9,500, 1, cash, terms could be arranged. Dial 5-3881. (218¢) 4.ROOM RED ROLLON - BRICK house, good basement, garage, chick- en coop; one acre land, more if de- sired, nice location, one mile north Highway 2, and one mile east city |dimits. Phone 3-9925. 4219¢) LARGE FRAME HOUSE AT 16 Harmony Rd. S. Must be sold imme- diately. Available for occupancy now. Apply Walter Logue, 821 King East. (219b) A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE In N.E: Ward--$6,000 buys 6-roomed brick, 4 rooms and 3-pc. bath down- stairs, 2 bedrooms up. New furnace; insulated; garage. Possession Octo- ber 1st. EVERETT G. DISNEY Office 4-2333 Mr. Hall 3-4584 (219¢) $1 5,20 landscaped lot, double garage, living room with natural fireplace, dining room, modern tiled kitchen, single bedroom, double bed- room, 4-piece bath downstairs, 2 double and 1 single bedrooms, 6 large closets and washroom upstairs. Recreation room with panelled bar and stone fireplace, oak floors throughout, forced air heating. Terms arranged. Possession Oct. 1. DIAL 5-0257 "Brick house, large (2202) $80 DOWN---5 - roomed frame, hardwood floors, basement, garage, extra large lot. Immediate possession. $800 DOWN--4-room good insul- bric, hot-air heating, good basement, extras. $1 00 DOWN--§-room, 113-stor- ' ey, good insul - bric house, in immaculate condition; has all conveniences, garage, nice lot. A genuine bargain. $4,00 --$1,500 down, 3-roomed frame, conveniences. Immediate possession. $7 500200 down, 5-room in- ' sul-bric bungalow, large modern kitchen, hardwood floors, hot-air heating by oil, lot 60' x 170'. Immediate possession. $3 00 FULL PRICE -- 3-room ' insul-bric, with 3 extra lots, --$2,500 d , B= ; 11g $5,800 storey handy Ta veniences. $ 2 900 DOWN---9-room, 2-storey ' frame, all conveniences, hot-water heating. Quick possession. Must be sold. SMALL FARMS NEARBY $1 50 DOWN---3 acres with 6- ' room, 1l,-storey frame house; has 3-pc. bath, hot-air heat- ing, hot water tank, many extras Immediate possession. 5 ACRES with new 4-room good in- sul-bric house; has hardwood floors and good high basement, near new G.M.C. plant; will exchange for city Dial 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 16 BOND ST. EAST JOHN PENICKA--Salesman (220a) 25--Real Estate For Sale THREE-ROOM HOUSE, FOR SALE. Apply 245 Verdun Rd. (218c) V.L.A. BUILDING LOTS, ALSO A few smaller sizes, off No. 2 High- way north; between Oshawa and Whitby. Immediate possession. Dial Owner, 5-4009. (Sept22) 5-ROOM, VERY MODERN -BUNGA- low, 18 months built, fully insulated, storm windows, oil heated, land- scaped; many extras. Dial 3-4473 be- tween 4 and 9 p.m, (2151) CONNAUGHT ST. Brick veneer home on - beautifully landscaped lot in desirable district, living-room 12 x 20 with natural fire- place, large dining-room and modern kitchen with built-in leather break- fast corner, 3 bedrooms with ample closet space, modern 3-piece bath- room, semi-finished third floor. Forc- ed air-conditioned heating by oil, in- sulated, oak floors, storms and screens, venetian blinds, divided basement, lined garage with wide surface drive, May be seen by ap- pointment. DIAL 3-2995 (219¢) $7,000 DOWN Poor health necessitates owner dis- posing of old established bake shop and store on main corner of Ponty- pool. On the 175' x 55' lot is a large frame building with deep dry base- ment containing store, bake shop with séven room apartment and bath above; hardwood floors throughout, concrete block storage shed capable of holding carload of flour, wood- shed, all in excellent condition. Full operating equipment 1950 Chevrolet panel truck included. Stock at in- ventory. Newly decorated and paint- ed, located in the heart of the new tobacco district, this business offers a golden opportunity for a willing worker to exploit its many possibili- ties, Exclusive listing. Possession 30 days. Full price $14,500. $10,000 DOWN Established lunch room and sundries business with large turnover on Rit- son Rd. at 2A highway entrance, liv- ing . quarters in rear. Brick veneg" | 25--Real, Estate For Sale 25_Real Estate For Sale $ | 2 60032 - room 21; - storey ' brick house, large kit- chen, 3-piece bath, hot air heating with oil, garage, central, a perfect home for an income. . 8 - room x d . $6,800 5.5%, rd] 3-plece bath, hot water heating, immediate possession. WALTER R." SMITH Real Estate Broker 13 BOND ST. WEST DIAL 3-2911 (2202) $ 1 0/50 --On Gliddon Ave, near Yonge, 7-room rug brick, four 'bedrooms upstairs. Hardwood floors throughout. Half cash required. Possession Nov. 1st. $6 800 1°%= St. Owner's cosy ' 4 -room frame bunga- low, Immaculate condition through- out. Large kitchen with modern cup- boards, natural fireplace in living- room. Hot water heating. Full base- ment. $3,000 cash required. Posses- sion 2 weeks if desired, -- North Oshawa, near $9,500 Simcoe, 7-room bunga- low in good condition. Full 7 ft. base- ment. Hot air heated. About $3,000 required. Immediate possession. $4 50 --35 miles north of Belie- ' ville, 145 acre ranch with river running entire length of property. Six year old bungalow of 5 rooms with modern cupboards in kitchen and natural fireplace. Also 2-room log cabin. Ideal for fishing and hunting camp. Terms. W. E. HOLMES Broker BOND AT ONTARIO DIAL 5-2363 (220b) $7 000300 down, cosy 4- ' room insul-bric bunga- low, in nice locality; has garage, storm and screen doors and windows, venetian blinds. Immediate posses- sion. North End in City 8 500300 down, 6-room, 115- $ ' storey brick house, in excellent residential locality; has every convenience; clean through- out. Quick possession. Make Offer LOVELY 4-ROOM ' bungalow, fn north end of city, beautiful through- out; has every modern convenience; all the extras and lovely landscaped grounds. $10,500 or Best Offer 6-ROOM new 113-storey brick house, on Sunset Drive, privately built, Owner transferred out of city; has long term N.H.A. mortgage of $6,500, payable only $40.35 monthly to in- clude both principal and interest. In- terest rate only 4%. Open to Offers 8-ROOM, FULL 2-storey brick house, Park Rd. North, on city side. House in excellent condition, clean through- out, has garage, lot 45' x 180'. Must be sold immediately as owner is moving out of town. $3,100 NEW 5-ROOM brick bungalow, in a good locality. Occupied only a short time, all the extras installed. Owner must sell for personal reasons. Dial 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 16 BOND ST. EAST JOHN PENICKA, Salesman (220a) building with deep dry ba t, hardwood floors, insulated hot water heating--coal fired. Operating equip- ment included, stock at inventory. Excellent listing. Possession 30 days. Full price $20,000. After 6:00 p.m. Dial 5-6342 RALPH H. VICKERY .-- Salesman DIAL 3-2265 : Schofield ASSOCIATAS Realtors Mortgages Appraisals (220a) "WHITBY REAL ESTATE modern 11;-stor- --N $1 3. 1 00 "ih 8 - room . brick house, with attached. brick -garage. This is an exceptionally lovely home on a choice residential street. Large rooms throughout; beautiful oak floors, 4-piece bathroom. Oil air-con- ditioned heating. High dry basement. --New modern 115-store, $8,500 house, 3: bedrooms, id tra large lot with trees. This house has many extras that you do not get with the average new house. Low gown payment, Immediate posses- sion, $8 500A new modern bunga- ' low with a different plan. Living room, dinette, 3 bed- rooms, 4-piece bathroom. Immediate possession. Si $8 00 --T7-room frame house, 1 ' mile east of Whitby Post Office on No. 2 Highway. This old home has been remodelled and all redecorated. Modern conveniences. Extra large high lot with beautiful rees. CHOICE building lots on sewer and water, Small acreages. BOWMAN & GIBSON Real Estate & Insurance Brokers WHITBY ar 1st Door South of Post Office MRS. P. R. MaclLEOD (Representative) Phone Whitby 521 Evenings 544 (Se20) BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES INCREASE $1 5 500 Puys a 10-room, fur- ' nished rooming house, near G:M.C., 2 bathrooms, oil heat- ing, excellent revenue. $1 5 000 taxse 8-room, brick, ' and unfinished attic, 2 bathrooms, hot water heating with oil, garage, very central. $5,000 down, extra good. A, - brick, $ | 3 ,000 re water Heating with oil, extras and garage, near St. Gregory's. A real good home. | 3 00Q Taree 8-room and base- ' ment apartment, rug brick, near new, oak trim, 2 bath- room, hot water heating with oil. A good buy. . 12 500 Modern 5-roam rug $ ' brick bungalow, at- tached garage, hot water heating. A real dandy. Near St. Gregory's. $5,000 down. $ i 0 500 Whitey, on Brock St, ' South, 7 room rug bric,k, double garage, many extras. A real buy. $5,500 down. $9 50 --4 -room modern brick ' bungalow, 4-piece bath, extras, Hilleroft Ave., garage and nice lot. $6,700 down. $7 80 --5-room storey and half ' Cape Cod style, 3-plece bath, extras, arren Ave.' $7 50 --6-room brick, all con- ' veniences, near Albert St. school. $3,300 down. $7 0Q(QMedemn 4-room bunga- ' low, all conveniences, hot water heating, fireplace, new ga- rage, extras, west section. Only $3,000 down, $5 50 --115 acres, new 4 - room ' house, built in cup- boards pressure system, immediate possession. North of Highway No. 2, west of Courtice. Free transportation to inspect Ses or call W. McAULEY Realtor 13 PRINCE ST. RESIDENCE DIAL 3-2512 DIAL 5-2133 £2202) | SIMCOE STREET, 8-ROOM BRICK house, 4 bedrooms, finighed attic, hot water heated with oil, two 3-piece bathrooms, Close to schools. Imme- diate possession. Will lease for busi. ness purposes. Dial 3-3550. (220¢) TWO %-ACRE. LOTS. APPROXI: mately 51' x 660°, Dial 3-3550. (220c) $4,00 ~down, , for this new §- room bungalow, modern .| conveniences, some work still to be completed, full price $6,500. 27--Real Estate Wanted Property Wanted--large or small = Town or Country. Phone us now. SAI Corner Prince and Bond Phone 3-2612 28--For Rent ROOM FOR. GENTLEMAN, EVERY conv ve! 1, abstainer. (2151) $2,50 --down, takes p i of this nice 4-room frame bungalow, lovely large lot, 3« piece bathroom, hot water heating, full price $7,000, DIAL 5-3889 LLOYD AYERS Broker (220a) TOTAL PRICE $6,000 6-room brick, 3-plece bath, hot air furnace, garage, possession 30 days, priced low for a quick cash sale. DONALD SCOTT Real Estate Corner Prince and Bond Sts. Phone 3-2612 (220b) Ty Apply 114 Bigin East. (3%) FURNISHED BEDROOM, CEN- tral, near Motors. Dial §-6236. (220¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ONR block from bus stop, in quiet home, Dial 3-2037, 559 Masson, = (220c) COMFORTABLE DOUBLE BED- room, all con very tral, gentlemen only. Apply 57 Division St. (2201) ROOMS FOR 5 MEN, CONTINU: | ous hot water, one block from Meo- | tors. Apply 63 Colborne E. (220c) || FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH kitchen privileges. Apply 599 King W. Leh (220c) NICE, CLEAN BEDROOM, FURN- ished, oil heated, In quiet home. Ap- ply 778 Fairview Ave. East.- (230c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTIN- uous hot water, for lady or business girl, $5 weekly. Apply 91 Bucking- ham Ave, Dial 3-8320 after 6:30. (2200) HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, UNFURs ished, private entrance. Phone & QUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES S000 Spl iS 3550 between 4-8 p.m. (230b) FURNISHED ROOM, ALL CON= veniences; hot ater. Apply 26 Gladstone Ave, (220c) | pretty street close to shopping, churches and school, 4 rooms on each floor, furnace, electricity, full base- ment, spacious grounds, many ex- tras. Forced sale. Open for offer. $2 500A home in the country ' with all land necessary for chickens, cow, etc, Good frame house of 6 rooms and small steel roofed barn. Good gravel road. Best cash offer buys. LEROY HAMILTON Broker ORONO PHONE TR 16 (2202) --Cash. - $6, 20 Caen: da St., possession October. $1 3,00 --Half cash. 6-room brick, Huron. St., new oil burner, Vacant. | -- $3,100 h. 9- $8,10 ing Th st, ofl burner, possession arranged. $6 50 --Court St. 6-room frame ' in good condition. Cash, Possession arranged. brick Albert $9 ' 5 00 gry Tenanted. : tral Park Boule- $ 1 3 ,00 ph 8 Cen ask to see it. $4,000 down, balance on owner's mortgage. $ | 0,00 --Simcoe St. S., 8-room --T- brick, H 1$6, 500 br st. Xi ng 3282 cant. BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO girls, grill privileges. Dial 5-3314. (220¢c) FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED room, close to uptown and Motors. | Phone 5-0334. (2202) ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMEN, single beds; continuous hot water; close to Motors. Phone 3-9820. (2200) | LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, | for rent. Apply 209 Simcoe 8. (2304). | TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, IN | nice home, adults. Apply 633 Care negie after 7. (220a) 2 ROOM FURNISHED BASEMENT f apartment, heat, light, hot water, separate entrance, conveniences, | Adults preferred. .Dial 3-7088. (319f) | ROOM FOR TWO MEN, SINGLRE | beds, all conveniences, breakfast op- tional, Apply 45 Drew. Dial 3-4046. (319¢c) ROOM FOR ONE GENTLEMAN TO share, twin beds, continuous hot wa- ter, close to Motors. Dial 5.1666. (2199) FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR | couple or two ladies, adults only. Apply 212 Bloor West. (2199) | ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE GEN- tleman, all conveniences, hot gates continually, near Motors. Phone §- 282. (219¢) FURNISHED ROOM, CONVENIEN- ces, continuous hot water. warm ia winter; gentleman. Dial 5-5010. (2194) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR RENT in private home, suitable for couple only. Phone 3-7463. (219) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE. keeping room, continuous hot water, Dial 3-7538. (218¢) frame, busi sight. Cash. _-- bl brick, Elgi $ | 2,00 ae ig close > tate, Tenanted. 7 50 Whitey. Wellington St., $ ' new 4.rooms and bath, just completing $7,500, with $2,000 cash, $50 per month. A. E. MURDOCH Broker 1 121; Simcoe St. South ROBERT McCALLUM--Salesman A. H. MURDOCH--Salesman (2202) E. E. PATRICK OFFERS --down, 10-room stucco, $2,00 income home, excellent location, all conveniences, store pos- sibilities. If you want a good buy | don't pass this one up. | 1 raspberries, some strawberries, apple 'and cherry trees, chicken house. On | this property is a nice 5-room insul- | brick home having air heating, heavy wiring, good basement. This is an excellent little farm, immediate pos- session can be had. Exclusive listing. gives } llent $3,500 zaraen land, one acre in | 220 2 OR 3 -ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, built-in sink, newly dee. orated, 2 furnished bedrooms, suit 4, single beds. Phone 3-4997. (219¢) WELL FURNISHED HOME, OIL heat, large rooms, wood-burning fireplace, 2 bedrooms with twin beds, electrical kitchen, garage, available Nov. 15 to May 1st. sponsible adults oniy, Seen by ap- pointment. Phone Clark 3324. (219b) NICE LARGE. BEDROOM, PRI- vate home, suitable for two girls willing to share; 1 minute from bus stop. 424 Madison Ave., just off Gibbons Ave. (219¢) OFFICE SPACE, AVAILABLE. EX. cellent. location, above the A & P store. Approximate 4500 sq. ft. floor space. For further information apply Mr. Sam Bone, 467 Masson St, be- tween 5 and 6 p.m. Dial 5-1464. (219b) FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM FOR business woman, use of electric re- frig€rator, range, cupboards, ete., for light housekeeping. Phone 5-5216. (219¢) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, suitable for couple, 2 ladies or gen- tlemen. Apply 25 Brock E. Dial 3-| : (219c) | SELF-CONTAL APAR' private home, 3 large rooms, separ ate entrance, King E., adults, refer- ences, Box 404, Tim azette, (218b) TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, Frigidaire and water in room; suit quiet ple; Protestant abstal il also furnished bedroom for quiet gentleman. Dial 5-1417. (218¢) | --down payment, $4,500 you i diate p sion of a lovely 6-room rug brick, 2- storey home having air heating, heavy wiring, automatic electric hot water heater. Here is a home you'll be proud to own. For appointment to inspect phone us right away. Exclu- sive listing. . --down payment, gives $4,600 you Immediate posses- sion of a 5-room rug brick bungalow with recreation room, rubber tiled kitchen and bathroom, heavy wiring, alr-heating, automatic electric hot water heater. A beautiful home with completely landscaped grounds, E. E. PATRICK REALTOR 43 Bond St. West 2 doors west of Prince Street Dial 3-8551 Residence 5-3692 (2202) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT- ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512. (Se28) HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI- nesses wanted. For a quick confiden- tial sale, list your property with E. BE. Patrick; Realtor, 42 Bond St. W., 2 doors west of Prince. Dial 3-8551. (Se3tf) FARMS AND SMALL ACREAGES wanted for clients. Some with all cash. See or call W, McAuley, Real. tors, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3- 2133 anytime. (Se25) CLEAN NEWLY FURNISHED BED- room, suitable for ane or two girls. Apply 286 King West. (218e) ROOM APARTMENT, GROUND floor, furnished or unfurnished, elec- trical conveniences; central location; abstainers. Write: Box 420, Times- Gazette, (218¢) NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE room and double room with twe beds; continuous hot water; break- fast; central. Apply 211 Simcoe 8., after 5. ( | COMFORTABLY FURNISHED SIN- gle bedroom in private home, end; abstainer only; breakfast if de- sired, Dial 5-4149. (218¢c) | ROOM FOR 2 GENTLEMEN. AP] ply 31 'Albany St. (2161) BRIGHT, CLEAN BEDROOM, NEW home, suitable for one or two. D 8-9168. . ye (218¢. ROOM, _ SUITABLE FOR TWO. breakfast if desired. Dial 3-2392, 2 (21 TWO GIRLS TO SHARE BED room, kitchen privileges, $6 per week. Dial 3-2764 after 8 p.m. (218¢. FURNISHED BEDROOM, -TWI beds, inner spring mattresses, suf douple or 2 friends, ho objection light housekeeping. Dial 3-7122. (218¢ SINGLE FURNISHED BEDROO! for rent, west end. Dial 5-2773. pe (218¢ LARGE 'FURNISHED BEDROO. twin: beds, continuous hot water, gentlemen or business cpuple, = cooking. Apply 282 King E., at Rit son Rd. (217 FURNISHED ROOM, SUITAB for business man. Apply 253 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 3-4402, 217