Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Sep 1951, p. 13

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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1951 "THE DAILY TIMES GAZETTE --. PAGE THIRTEEN RESYL 32---Automobiles For Sale 48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN, new car condition throughout. Has had exceptional care. Will consider ood: older car as part yment. ormys arranged. Dial 3-3164, (215b} 32--Automobiles for Sale '50 PONTIAC SEDAN DELUXE, smart metallic green with matching seat covers, radio, white wall tires, heater, air-conditioner; low mileage. Dial 3-7735. > (214c) . An Exceptional Buy AUSTIN 10 - 1950 Perfect Condition Colour--Gunmetal Grey Price $1400 Very Advantageous Terms Arranged © Private Sale Phone 3-3761 After 6 p.m., 3-9715 Dick Bradley Motors Oshawa's Used Car Headquarters Ritson S. at the Cloverleaf 34 CHEV. COACH 34 FORD COACH 35 OLDS COACH 36 OLDS COUPE 37 BUICK SEDAN 37 AMERICAN OLDS SEDAN 39 DODGE SEDAN 46 CHEV. STYLEMASTER 47 CHEV. FLEETLINE 50 METEOR STATION WAGON 51 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE é Above Cars Priced To Suit You! Hackney Motor Sales CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH and FARGO TRUCK DEALERS Full line of new Chrysler and Plymouth cars and Fargo trucks in stock. USED CARS 51 PLY. CONVERTIBLE Radio, etc. 3,000 miles. $500 off list price, a very smart car $2,900.00 48 DODGE SEDAN Fluid Drive, New Tires A Good Car $1375 40 CHEV. COACH $650 39 FORD COACH Extra Good $650 © 37 PLYMOUTH COACH $425 '36 HUDSON 6 SEDAN A-1 Condition 54,000 Miles Only - $450 35 PONTIAC SEDAN" $200 30 CHRYSLER COUPE A Clean Quiet Running Car $200 TRUCKS 50 Y2-TON FARGO EXPRESS Heater and defroster. é ply tires, 7,775 miles only. Good. $1,250 47 STUDEBAKER 2-Ton Hoist and Dump. New Motor $500 : 38 FARGO PANEL $100 These cars are in lovely condi- tior? at attractive prices. 139 KING ST. W. Our car lot now located three doors west of previous lot. OSHAWA DIAL 5-3557 = 2b) '48 CHEV. COACH. TRADE OR terms. Apply Newt. Hodgson, King- ston Rd. W. 2% miles, third house past Ace Restaurant. (214b) Tom M<Kenzie NEW and USED CARS 506 RITSON RD. S. Offer You These Week-End SPECIALS 1941 PONTIAC COACH A geod clean car. With new paint. ® All tires like new. SPECIAL $665 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH You should see this car. A real bargain at . . , SPECIAL $495 1939 DODGE 5-PASS. COUPE A Real Good Car in Every Way SPECIAL $495™~ 1938 CHEV. COUPE Two-tone green, motor in perfect condition. All good tires, SPECIAL $450 1934 HUDSON SEDAN And you can drive it away for only SPECIAL $34.00 STOP IN AND SEE THESE WEEK-END SPECIALS Many More to Choose From At Tom M<Kenzie Motors 506 RITSON RD. S. DIAL 5-3271 Open Evenings Until 9 p.m. Saturday Till 6 p.m. RAY (2152) 32--Automobiles for Sale '47 PONTIAC COACH, CUSTOM push-button G.M. radio, heater, de- frosters, Prestone, back-up light, private. This car has had exception- al care and is in perfect condition; reasonable. Dial 5-1970 after 6. (213c) '40 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, HEA'™~ er, good condition. Dial 5-0694. (214b) 49 CHEV, 1007, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Dial 5-3282, (215b) '47 CHEV. SEDAN, IN FIRST- class condition; also. slightly used Frigidaire. Apply 402 Division St. - (2158) '46 CHRYSLER, RADIO, AIR-CON- ditioned; will accept trade-in as part of down payment, terms arranged. Phone 811 Bowmanville collect, days. Dial 5-4327 Oshawa, evenings. (215c) "3 CHEV, STANDARD COACH, good condition. Apply 225 St. Julien St. (215¢) '40 PONTIAC, GOOD CONDITION. Apply G. Larocque, Stevenson's Rd. N., opposite Louisa. (215¢) '49 CHEV., BLUE, LOW MILEAGE, many extras. Phone 3670 Bowmen- ville. (212e) AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, $23, 6 months to pay. Telephone O'Reilly, Toronto collect. Nights, days -- HOward 4041, 07) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates and proper protection. See McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 (Sed) Prince St., Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133. KE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Mourey's Garage at 5-4332 for complete front instal 39--Articles For Sale TWO TIRES AND TUBES, 550x17; battery G.M. Prestolite used 8 mos., good condition; reasonable. Apply 265 Haig St. (215¢) RANGHETTE, HEATWAVE, USED one year, excellent condition. Phone Bowmanville 2743. (215a) MARLIN .22 SHORT LONG AND long rifle, with boit aciion, i year old; Ranger single shot bolt action rifle. Hohner piano accordion and case; Hawaiian guitar and case; la- dies' white figure skates, size 61; man's tubes, size 7; badminton rac- quet, never used. Dial 5-0526. (215¢) NORGE REFRIGERATOR, 8); CU. ft., self-defrosting, owner leaving town; sacrifice cash or terms; also Westinghouse washer. Dial 5-4327 after 6 o'clock, (215¢) RANGETTE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion, also oak buffet. Apply 130 An- nis St., Cedardale. (2152) 3 SECTIONAL BOOK CASE, OAK hall rack, 2 small oak tables, 6 solid oak dining chairs, genuine leather spring seats, oak jardinnere stand, solid walnut settee, mahogany dress- er, Si cot, ph ph with records, oak chest of drawers (anti- que), mantel mirror, three-shelf book cg@ge, cistern iron pump, taupe Wilton rug 9' x11', 2 Sareuk hall rugs with matching runner, 4 yards; carpet runners, various lengths. Apply 143 King St. East, Friday evening, 7-9, and Saturdgy afternoon. (2152) BOY'S SCOOTER AND WHEEL- barow, also commode chair and dressing table, Dial 5-5101. (2152) 39--Articles For Sale KITCHEN SUITE, PORCELAIN top tables, cabinet and two chairs, newly refinished; rug 9x12, rust broadloom, nearly new. Dial 5-1319. (215b) COMBINATION SECTIONAL ORDERS "TAKEN FOR 1 39--Articles For Sale DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833 Adder, tals. New and used machines. Smith-Corona Typewriters, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- (Oct5tf) R STORM and esti- book-case and desk, 3-piece studio set, 3-piece chesterfield suite, coffee ticles. Owner leaving city, must sell. Dial 3-9966. (215a) SHOTGUN, SAVAGE MODEL, 28 pump, $85. Dial 3-8285 between § and 6. . : (213c) BEATTY WASHING MACHINE. Apply 364 King E. after b. (213¢) PIANO, GOURLAY, COMPLETE with bench, solid oak, good condition. Dial 5-3666 after 6. (213¢c WHITE AND BLACK ENAMELLED combination coal and wood stove. Apply 95 Nassau St. (213c) LOVESEAT AND CHAIR, TO match, brown and gold, reasonable price. Apply 114 Brock W. (213c) 213" AND 4" NAILS, ANY QUAN- tity, $11.75 per 100-1b. keg. Dial 3-3481. (2131) DELUXE WESTINGHOUSE range with automatic electric time clock, also scores of extra features selling without tax, Apply Meagh- er's Electric. (Sel4 BICYCLES--BOYS AND GIRLS.|! Now that the school term is here, come in and have your bicycles check- ed and repaired. Our prices are very reasonable. Highest trade-in allow- ance on your old bicycle when pur- C.C.M. CLUB RACING BICYCLE, like new. Dial 3-9480. (215¢) ing a new one. We carry a full line of accessories and parts for all ) of bicycles. ' Drayton Cycle. end service, and { di (Se?) tion. BARGAIN 34 PONTIAC 8--Very good motor, tirgs, body, radio, heater. Dial 3-4528 (213¢) 33--Automobiles Wanted '41-51 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road S. Dial 3-9421. (Bel) 36--Pets and Livestock COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE, CON- tact P. Barker. Phone 134 Brooklin. (215b) ATTENTION HUNTERS, TWO registered beagles, 14 months, run- ning well. Reasonable. Dial 3-9017. (215b) IRISH TERRIER PUPPIES, THO- roughbreds, females, 2 months old. Apply 705 King W. Dial 3-4992. (214c) COLLIE PUPPIES, NICELY MARK- ed, males $10. Dial 3-8932. (212f) REGISTERED PUPPIES, TER- rier, (smooth), cocker spaniels, Wal- ker fox hounds, Labrador retrievers, Knowlton's Kennels. Phone 3-8932. (Se28) COCKER SPANIELS, MALE AND female, black, 15 months, also pup- pies, blacks, blondes and parti- colors. Waubena Kennels, new high- way near the Drive-In. (Se24) 37--Farmers' Column WEANLING PIGS, YORK - TAM cross. Dial 5-4328 or Nestleton 184R3. (213c) DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED up promptly, horses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs, and calves. (We pay for horses and cows). Call us ¢ollegt. Live horses, 2 to 3c per 1b." fi crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowmanville 2679. Ty- rone, Ont. (Se28tf) BENNETT MOTORS 429 KING ST. W. (Formerly Stoney's) COMPLETE NEW STOCK 51 CHEV. SEDAN 51 FORD %4-TON PICKUP 50 OLDS. SEDANETTE 50 OLDS. COACH 49 AUSTIN SEDAN 47 FARGO %4-TON PICKUP BUICK CONVERTIBLE FORD SEDAN PONTIAC SEDANETTE CHEV. SEDAN PONTIAC. COACH PONTIAC 5-PASS. COUPE STUDEBAKER SEDAN FORD COACH PLYM. STD. COACH CHEV. STD. COACH PACKARD SEDAN OLDS. COACH CHRYSLER SEDAN FORD COACH FORD ROADSTER MODEL A FORD ROADSTER 47 47 46 41 41 4] 39 39 39 38 37 37 30 Your car us down payment OPEN EVENINGS DIAL 5-0264 y 38--Wearing Apparel WINE COAT, BLACK PERSIAN lamb collar, size 14. Dial 5-5871, (214c) MAN'S BROWN GABARDINE TOP coat, size 36-38, like new. Reason- able. Phone 5-3626. (214c) LADY'S BROWN SERGE TAILOR- ed suit, size 42; new tire, 525-550x18. Apply 278 Albert, Apt, 2. (214b) LADY'S BLACK SHORTY COAT, size 40-42, also black electric seal fur coat, size 42, both almost new. Dial 5-5605, (213c) 38a--Market Basket GENUINE PRUNE PLUMS, AGLO- ma Orchards, R.R 2, Whitby. (215b) ROASTING CHICKENS, WEAL- thy, Crab apples and pears, deliver- ed. Dial 3-9935. (214b) PEARS FOR SALE, NO. 1, 60c BAS- ket. Phone 3-3853. (213¢) DRIVE TO BILL SCATTERGOOD'S for vegetables. (2101) APPLES, SCARLET PIPPINS AND Wealthies, guaranteed fruit, $2.50 bushel. Dial 5-5549. (210g) SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY, NO. 1 white, special quality, comb and ex- tracted, your pails filled. H. F. An- derson, 272 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-3094. (Oct?) Every Day Low Prices. Store open all day every Wednesday and 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. every night. It's pleasant shopping at Glecoff's [.G.A. Super Market, 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. (Oct1?) BOX TRAILER, STRONGLY built, formerly used for boat, $25. Phone 5-5021, (215b) space heater, good condition. Apply 198 Conant St. (215b) PLAY-PEN, NATURAL _ WOOD; deluxe folding carriage; girl's coat, hood and leggings, 4-5. Dial 3-4718. . (215b) ARMY STYLE .22 RIFLE. 7-SHOT clip type repeater. Peep site, Hooded front sight. New. Dial 5-49010. (215a) CHROME KITCHEN SUITE, 3-PC. chesterfield suite, living-room rug, bedroom suite, other household arti- cles. Apply 54 William E. (215b) condition, with utility drawer, $20. Phone Bowmanville 3432, (215b) DUCK GUN, NEW, SELLING cheap, $45. Dial 5-1369. (215b) WINE LIVING-ROOM AND HALL rugs, Axminster; girl's navy 3-piece winter outfit size 4. Dial 3-4124. (214b) RCA VICTOR PORTABLE RADIO, used two months like new, battery and electric. Dial 5-1240. (214c) USED HECLA FURNACE WITH pipes and humidifier. Apply 473 Masson St. (214c) GURNEY COAL AND WOOD stove, white enamel, black trim, pol- ished steel top, hot water front, like new. Apply 186 Alice St. (214c) TRIPLE DECKED RUNABOUT, marine equipped, 16-h.p. Johnson mo- tor, all in Al shape, in water now. Demonstration arranged. Write Box 347, Times-Gazette. (214c) 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, rust; 8-piece breakfast suite, natural, blue trim. Dial 5-0706. (214c) COCA COLA COOLER (ELECTRIC), store-size Kelvinator, meat slicer (electric), scales, shelves. Phone 66R24 Brooklin. (214c) CONNOR WASHER, REGULARLY £199.50, sale price $149.50 (demon- strator), just like new. Easy terms. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Sim- coe S. (214c) 6 CU. FT. ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- tor, excellent condition, only $179.50. Easy terms. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (214c) McCLARY 4-BURNER ELECTRIC range, solid type metal elements. Just like new, $150.50. Easy terms. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Sim- coe 8 (214c) $50 TO $200 FOR YOUR WASHER on a new Connor Automatic, world's finest washer; convenient terms ar- ranged. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. (Se24) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddrlph. 68 Simcoe (Se25) WASHING MACHINE AT .$2.50 weekly, liberal allowance on your old washer. B. F. Goodrich Store, 453 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4543. (213¢c) FAIRBANKS-MORSE AND EVANS space heaters, for 1 to 4 rooms, only $79.50 and up. Easy terms, Save up to 50% in fuel oil, with an Evans automatic space heater, now avail. able at Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe South. (013) 3-PC. VELOUR CHESTERFIELD, wine and blue; also raccoon coat, size 14. 122 Hillcroft St. Dial 3- 9797. (214c) TAPE RECORDER, SLIGHTLY used. Phone Bowmanville 2629. (214c) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS for quick sale to clean factory, $5 and $3 lots delivered. Phone 83-7391. (Oct13) Roasting Capons Dressed and delivered Dial . Frank Hoag Dial 5-5046 Rossland Road West of Airport Corner (Thftf) 39--Articles for Sale CAR HEATER, $5. Apply 92 Elgin BE. : (2152) 20 SQUARES OF METAL SHIN- gles, used, less than half price. Dial 5-1834. 48 Brock West. (215b) NEW AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAY- er, attaches to your radio, complete with $10 worth of records of your own choice, $29.95. Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (018) NORGE REFRIGERATOR, VERY reasonable, Dial 3-2359. (215b) General Electric, Filter Queen, Air- way. Dial 5-5121, Rex-Air Sales. (014) FREE LUMBER FROM GARAGE in exchahge for tearing .down and taking away, Apply 296 Nassau. (215a) CHROME TABLES AND CHAIRS, silverware, table linen, steel folding chairs, dishes, davenport bed, com- mercial electric stove and stdam ta- ble. Apply Stone Lodge, R. R. 3, Oshawa, Phone 5-3131, (212e) NEW BASEMENT STAIRS, NEVER used, 9 risers: Dial 3-9101. (2132) HARDWOOD -KINDLING FOR Jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags for $4. Dial 5.0811. (Se28) 4 KITCHEN SUITE, CHESTER- field suite, vanity dresser, tri-lite lamp, lazy-boy chair, roll-a-way folding bed, all excellent condition. Apply 150 Division St. (211¢) ROSEWOOD PIANO, 100 YBARS old. Phone Bowmanville 3617. (214c) $4 ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD] battery, when you purchase a B.F. Goodrich Battery for your car. B. F. Goodrich Store, 453 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4543. (Sel2, 14, 17) BLACK AND WHITE ENAMEL- led cook stove with water front. Phone 3-8366. (214b) BROWNING AUTOMATIC SHOT- gun; man's C.C.M, bicycle; .22 Hor- net rifle complete with scope and shells. Phone 3-8883. (214b) DOUBLE-BARREL HAMMER shotgun, $18. Dial 3-4521. (214b) MAN'S" BICYCLE, GOOD CONDI tion; baby's play-pen. Dial 3-8203. : (214b) APARTMENT ELECTRIC REFRIG- erator, 7 cubic ft. Save $60. Reduced to $239--b5-year guarantee on unit. Home Appliances, 90 Simcoe St. 8S. Phone 5-5332. (214c¢) REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, POR- table, good condition, used 2 years, by high school girl. Dial 5-3026. (214c) WOODEN "BEDSTEAD, DOUBLE size, with spring. Dial 3-8722 even- ings. (214b) ICE BOXES, FLOOR MODELS, RE- duced to clear, 25% reduction. Home Appliances, 80 Simcoe St, S. 5-5332 SPACE HEATER WILL HEAT 3 rooms; almost new. Dial. 3-4587.-(214c). Dial 5-6344. 204 Bond East, block east of Division. (Ot5) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. ling d t in Vi jan Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats |! give better and more graceful em. closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. BHstimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633. 66 Bond St. West. (Selb) table, console radio; many other ar- !3-49 n ila POLISH, HUNGARIAN, RUSSIAN records; Meagher"s Record Bar. 5 King St. W. personal effects and every description usual to a dwelling against direct loss or damage by the perils of fire, lightning, wind. storm, by aircraft or vehicles, smoke dam- age, water escape, robbery or burg. lary, television ariel, Householder"s Policy. Don't delay. Agency, 13° Prince St. Phone 3-2512 or 5-2133 anytime. WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS horse or cow manure. Lovely black 5-4721, mates free. Please ordor early. Dial 989. (Oc15). clearing at half price. (Oct?) WESTINGHOUSE - ELECTRIC DRI- er, latest model, no tax to this, One only. Meager's Electric. pay on (Selq) 40--Articles For Rent 43--Male Help Wanted $1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN. ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises. ~~ (Oct4) 41--Arricles Wanted SMALL OIL SPACE HEATER wanted, good condition. Dial 3-8262. ae : (214c) USED STOKER AND CONTROLS for hot water furnace. Dial 3-3902. : (213¢c) SCRAP IRON, RAGS, METAL, etc., bought. Cellars cl d and the ELECTRICIANS Required By, 'Roxborough Electric Ltd. : 17 Davenport Rd. -- Toronto : (215b) garbage disposed. Immediate serv- ice. 5-0382 anytime. 824 Row ena St. vo: (Se21) ORDER YOUR VENETIAN BLINDS while ) finest by Met-Wo Industries of steel and Flexalum. Genuine Flex stamp- ed on every slat. Accept no substi- tute. imat and install tions anywhere. J. W, Melly. Dial 3-2311. (Se22) AWNINGS from Free estimates. Fol tables for rent. Cleve stock available. Canada's Free SELECT JOURS stri or plain colors. id ar chairs and 'ox, Oshawa. (Seb blinds installed (Se19) of ) | collect. VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to esatisfy; repaired, drape arms ) Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322, NSURE YOUR FURNITURE AND PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe Dial 5-2822, (Sel6) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI. ture, eds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 35-4863 (Se14) SPEC. PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and d feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a descrintion. Live pouitry, scrap iron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 (Set) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. B88 King West. Dial 5-0132. » - (Selb) 42--Female Help Wanted - hail, explosion, riot impact all under. a (Sept15) sand, gravel. Dial (Nov4) AND BELTS, AND oam, top soll, parts for all makes of vacuum clean- ers. Simcoe 8. Dial 3-8634. Residence 5- 2660. Call Murphy's Appliance, 117 (213c) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed In every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, yo} HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (Sed) WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERA- tor; Westinghouse washing machine; General Electric heavy duty stove; 3-pc. walnut bedroom suite, and numerous other household effects. Dial 5-4448. (213¢c) BEACH COAL AND WOOD RANGE, cream enamel; oak dining-room suite, also floor coverings, Dial 3-9823. (213¢) BODY HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD slabs, soft wood slabs, one or four- ft. lengths. George Heaslip, Janet- ville., Phone Bethany 18R33. (O11) SPECIAL SALE -- WHILE THEY last, powerful, brand new electro- aire vacuum cleaners, complete with attachments, $49.50. Easy terms. Hurry! Only a few available. Bar- ons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. KS (08) GOOD SOFT WOOD SLABS, $5 PER single cord or cheaper rates by truck loads. Dial 3-9078 or 3-2666. (Se24) Bl Wilson Says "It's Bedding Week Specials' HOTPOINT Perfect Costs $269. Immediate clearance. 6-PIECE Suitable for small mediate clearance. TRADE-IN SPECIALS 3-PIECE MOHAIR CHESTERFIELD SUITE -- Perfect condition. Marshall sp ing - construction. Costs $349.00. Our immediate clearance. $75 9-PIECE MODERN DINING ROOM SUITE ----- Very smart style, good con- dition. Costs $350. Immediate clear- ance. $99 [ .ECTRIC RANGE -- condition, . fully enamelled. $55 . BREAKFAST SUITE apartment, Im- $39 STUDIO COUCH -- Excellent condi- tion, fully spring filled. clearance. Immediate $39 BABY'S CRIB -- Large size crib. Slightly scratched. ance. Immediate clear- $16.50 WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. DIAL 3-3211 (214b) TERRIFIC BARGAINS 3-piece bedroom suite, genuine wal- nut with plate mirror, beautiful van- ity, combination chiffonier, full size bed. One only, to clear at half price, sensational value. $119 MADE TO ORDER STORM WINDOWS F. ZEDIC 100 CROMWELL AVE. DIAL 5-3169 (Se27) 10-PIECE BEDROOM GROUP Complete bedroom furnished aot a great saving. Specially chosen for this sale. Look at this low price. $99 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, spacious chest, full panel bed, lovely satin finish. This suite has glamour. Greatly re- duced for this sale. ' $96 IT'S A HONEY 3-piece bedroom suite, good looking, FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES All or part, 30,000 F.B.M. 2" x 10" spruce. 9,000 F. B. M. 2" x 4" spruce, plaster brick, 8, 8" 2Y4" and 4" common nails. 30,000 sq. feet insulating lath, 25,000 red rug face 10". 12" concrete blocks, cinder blocks. K. B. sheathing, ZELLER'S CONTRACTING COMPANY AJAX, ONTARIO Phone 213 (215¢) well constructed. Come early for this hot special. $71 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS Guaranteed quality, well - known make, tremendous value. $24.50 BED OUTFIT 3-piece bed outfit, complete. Save money, while they last. $29.50 AUTO RADIOS At special clearance prices, 5-tube B. F. Goodrich. Reg. $67.50 for only $54.95 Only 3 left, hurry. $18.50 down, $2.50 weekly. B. F. GOODRICH STORE 453 Simcoe St. Seuth i (215b) FOLDING COTS Steel cots, complete with felt mat- tresses, ideal for summer cottages. Specially reduced for this sale. $11.95 FLOORCOVERING CENTRE ~ DROPHEAD SEWING MACHINE Perfect running order, , $27. , Apply 16 ONTARIO STREET (214b) HOUSEKEEPER FOR NEW HOME in Toronto. Beautiful private room, all electrical appliances, good wages. Dial 5-2722, (2152) DRESSMAKER WANTED. APPLY Fashion Village. (2152) WOMAN OVER 30, FOR CUSTOM- er service work, excellent earnings from constant repeat business, back- ground and personality more impor- tant than previous business experi- ence. Phone 3-2564 between 6 and 8 p.m. (215b) HAIRDRESSER EXPERIENCED, for Souter Beauty Salon. Dial 5-6232 days or 5-3630 nights. (2151) CAPABLE WOMAN, TO CARE FOR children, afternoons and evenings. Write Box 246, Times-Gazette (213c) WAITRESSES, SOME EXPERI- ence preferred, meals and uniforms supplied; good wages, steady em- ployment. Apply in person, write or phone. Hicks Good Food, Lindsay. (Sept15) $40 WEEK TO START WITH FUTURE POSSIBILITIES Saleslady for Oshawa's finest women's shop. Do not apply unléss you have the following qualifications: 1.. Over 25 years of age. 2. At least 4 years experience in selling coats, suits, dresses. 3. An excellent sales record. All interviews confidential. Apply ® Manager FASHION VILLAGE (213c) SALES, CLERK AND TYPIST FOR OFFICE SUPPLY STORE - | Selling experience not essential but would be a help. Accurate typist. Good personality. APPLY MRS. JACKSON GOODFELLOW PRINTING CO. LTD. (214¢) 43--Male Help Wanted WANTED, JOURNEYMAN PLUM- ber. Phone 5-5352. (214c) WANTED--TWO ENERGETIC AP- pliance salesmen, salary and com- mission. Apply M. Dalley, McLaugh- lin's, North Oshawa, 1300 Simcoe St. N, Dial 5-4432. (215b) HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR part-time .ushers. Apply Plaza Thea- tre in person. ; (215b) YOUNG BOY, 17-18, ANXIOUS TO learn trade, Apply 21 Church St. (214c) NIGHT PORTER MUST BE GOOD cleaner, honest and reliable and able to supply good references. Apply Commercial Hotel. (2121) ENERGETIC CAR SALESMAN Experience not necessary. Apply in person to Sales Manager BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES Dial 3-4675 . (215b) 44--Male or Female Help EXPERIENCED FARM HELP, married couple preferred, English. speaking, year-round work; live in. Dial 5-3242. : (213¢) AMERICAN COMPANY REQUIRES five salesmen for nationally adver- tised product. Full or part-time. Must be aggressive and have car. Earn $100 a week. All leads supplied. Apply in writing, giving age, experi- ence and references, to Box 348, Times-Gazette. (214b) 45--Agents Wanted TWO SALARIES EACH WEEK TO bear increased cost of living! Use spare time selling Familex products. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real, B. . (215¢) AGENTS, CHURCH GROUPS, ETC. wanted to sell Canada's finest as- sortment of Christmas cards. Fifty items from which to choose includ- ing Feature assortment, Scriputre, Humorous, Metallic, Ornament, Catholic, French, Gift Wrappings, Books, Everyday items, Personal cards, etc. For liberal commission and prompt service write, W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co. 86 Kensington Ave, N., Hamilton, Ontario. (Seld) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS--Read all the ads but be sure to write Monarch for sample of our 25 card Feature box. Really, a beautiful as- sortment with eye-catching, glitter- ing metallic card which sells the box on sight. Also Foil box and brilliants ornament assortment. Amazing money-makers. 50c commission on each of these. Over 50 other boxes, gift wrapping and television books for extra profits. Samples sent on approval. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept, E., Hamilton, Ont. (830) MAKE MONEY AND SAVE MON- ey. Sell Oshawa cards, large seleo- tion of Christmas and everyday cards, gift wrappings, seals, etc. Lowest prices. Highest commissions. Oshawa Greeting Card Company, R. McKay, 421 Mary St. Dial 5-2003. (Sel?) OVER $5000 PROFIT EACH cleared by Henry Pare, Vic. Belle- mare, Mrs. Chabot and others last year handling 200 quality necessities including - Teas, Coffees, Spices, Soaps, Beverages, Medicines, Cosme- tics. Insecticides and Christmas Cards. $3,000 IN PRIZES being awarded Dealers and Customers in. cluding FUR COATS, WASHING MACHINES and RADIOS. Will con- sider reliable men or womne part or full time. Write Paula Co. Litd., Dept. 41, 21 St. Paul St. E., Montreal. J (810,12,14,17,240c¢t3) 46--Employment Wanted YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE PART time work, lawns, gardens, general clean-up, etc. Phone 5-5463. (215¢) WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED, & sources located. Phone 3-9353. (Se20) JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DEL{VERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Excellent location -- above the "A & P" store -- Approximate 4500 sq. ft. floor space. For Further Information Apply 467 MASSON ST. MR. SAM BONE Between 5 and 6 p.m. DIAL 5-1464 Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E. Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINS QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vous assure an.e when you choose from the wide "selection of . imported and { domestic Granites and Marbles # ¢ stock. ¢ FOR RENT... SMALL SHOP-OR WAREHOUSE / IN BUSINESS DISTRICT Size 26' x 35' HOT WATER HEATED -- ALL FACILITIES REAR OF 67 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 'Apply ROBERT HOLDEN Phone 3-7943 Just received, 5,000 sq. yds. of floor- covering, lovely patterns. Ideal for your summer cottage. Special low price. - 3%9¢ SQ. .YD. WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET DIAL 3-3211 » SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS Reduced floor models for sale, console and treadle machines. Brand new Singer portable electric from $89.50 and up. Bargains in good used Singer treadles. All these machines are guaranteed ond include an 8-weeks' sewing course with every new and used séwr ing machine. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 16 ONTARIO STREET ' a- 214b) - location on Simcoe Street. Price $9,50Q, with half cash to par BOND AT ONTARIO 3 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Modern fully equipped restaurant and soda bar operating in excellent derful opportunity for two partners who know their business. Ror Susth 2, 1. m-- responsible party. This is a won- DIAL -5-2363

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