THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1951 PAGE TWELVE USE ThE FOR Quis mma QUICK RESYYL yo Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects 5 ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 3-0732. Also 2848 Bloor St. W. To- ronto. Phone LY 7755. (Sel2) 8--Building Trades 15--Insurance { PLANKS, 2" X 12, 2" X 13; 6 TO 21' long, 2" and 3" thick. Apply 306 Gibbon St. (214c) SMALL CONCRETE JOBS, SIDE- walks, driveways, etc. Dial 5-4853 be- tween 4 and 8. (213¢) STORM WINDOWS MADE TO OR- der, cupboards, casings and framing, general repair work and alterations, workmanship guaranteed. ' Jeffrey Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W. Dial 3-7361. (Oct6) ia--Accountanis, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH. Chartered Accountants, 37 King St. BE. Dial 5-4662 R. Gordon W. Rient, C.A., Resident Partner. (Sed) 1b--Accountants ii LYNCH AND CO., ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll work, accounts receivable, income turns, 20 Albert St. Dial 5-5411. tax retur Fi 3--Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, etc., Alger Bldg.; 37 King Street East, Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones: Office 3-4843; Residence 5-0254. (Sel) CONANT & CONANT, BARRIS- ters and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C., Roger G. Conant, B.A, Of fices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. 8., Dial 3-2227; Ajax, Ont., phone 25. ((Sel3) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc., 6 Xing St. West. Phones: Office, Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604. Money to loan George 8S. Boychyn, B.A. Assorians, e ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C., RALPH 8. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial 38-2269. Res. 5-1235. Money to loss, ) (Sel A. W. S. GREER, K.C, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A. Sc., residence 5-3368. (Sel0) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., BARRIS- ter, licit etc., 13% Street north. Dial: office 5-3741, residence $-3860. (Se21) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrister &c, Bdnk of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N. C. Fraser, K.C.,, G. K. Drynan. (8e1) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan, Oi- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232, Residence Dial 3%. 9 e FOR MODERN AND FIRST CLASS plastering and stucco contracts, dial 5-2144. No job too small. (Se21) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, SER- viced and installed. Dial 5-1209. (Octl) PLASTERING AND REP/IRS, stucco and cement plastering. D. Robinson. Dial 5-0351. (Se.17) CARPENTER WORK, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone 5.3087. (Se27) EAVESTROUGHING, NEW, AND repairs, work guaranteed. Dial 3- 9468 or 3-7297, (Se22) BULLDOZER AND SCRAPER NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR EXCAVATING AND GRADING NEEDS No job too small No job too large PHONE WHITBY 731 L. C. Racher Construction Co. 127 Palace St., Whitby (19681) 9--Business Opportunities ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2 Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Sel) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- coe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. 200 " e WELL EQUIPPED RESTAURANT in Port Hope. Seating capacity 46, doing $800. per week turnover. Must be sold at once. No reasonable offer refused. Parkview Restaurant, Port Hope. (fs Sept 21) HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS, FOR sale; new equipment; doing good busi ; long legse. Cheap for quick MANNING F* SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loah, Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Sel) sale. Box 337, mes-Gazette. 12¢) DEALER WANTED FOR OSHAWA, alumi combination windows. 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.S.C. CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial Ge5621. (Sel) 4a--Chiropractors LEO L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. (Se23) 5--Dentists ' PETER E. WILLSON, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Sel) 6--Nursing Services ONE OR TWO VACANCIES AVAIL- able at Middle Green Villa Rest Home, Courtice, for. the aged or bed ridden; every kindness given; tray service. Approved by doctors. En- quiries Dial 5-4943, Oshawa. (3e8) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST-- Jury & Lovell, Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721. (Sel) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST "OF- fice, 9 to. 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Sel) 7a--Surveyors + DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Se6) 8--Building Trades BRICKS AND BLOCKS LAID, free estimates, reasonable rates. Chimneys a specialty. Dial 5-1474 and 6-1272 after 6. LIME STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS, sand, gravel, loam and fill; also manure. Bud Galt. Dial 5-4498. (Sell) (Se21)' This is a sturdy, all extruded win- dow replacing storms, screens and awnings. 'Write Box 344, Times-Ga- zette. (2131) SNACK BAR $2 0QQ--Fuu price. Elderly own- ' er wishes to dispose of this business as a goipg concern. Price includes all equipment, stock, etc. No living quarters. Ideal for anyone wanting extra income. Good location. Books open for inspection. W. E. HOLMES Broker .J. Mouncey, Salesman Dial 3-4148 . Dial 5-2363 (215b ) Bond at Ontario 11--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS DONE, DRESSES, skirts, coats, etc, Dial 3-2886. (215¢) ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK- ing, reasonable, dependable. Dial 5-1538. (Sept28) 12--Gardening & Supplies NOW 1S THE TIME FOR THAT new lawn, sod or seed. Care of old lawns, fertilizing, nursery stock, bulbs, flag and rockery stones. Dial 85-1721, (011) ROBERT 8S. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance. Dial 5-6402. Fire, Life, Polio, Automobile, Outboard Motors and Boats, etc. (Se20) COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ice. McMurtry Insurance Agency representing The I[ Life, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722. (Sel?) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV: ice for better insurance iu all classes 22), King St. E. Dial 3-4667. Res. 5-4330. (Sel) 18--Lcst and Found LOST--PARKER "51" PEN, BEIGE with gold top--between the Times and Gliddon Ave. Dial 3-7092. (215c) LOST -- HASSOCK CONTAINING number of valuable articles between Hampton and Enniskillen. Contact Mr. J, Vanderzwet, R.R. 1, Hamp- ton. (2121) LOST--SET OF KEYS ON CHAIN with rabbit foot ornament, King E., Four Corners to Jamieson Drugs, Tuesday afternoon. Liberal reward. Dial 3-7788. (215a) LOST--LADIES' GOLD BULOVA wristwatch downtown section, Wed- nesday night between Celina St. and Biltmore. Dial 3-4807. (215a) 19--Money Tc Loa: CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sal purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. PF. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcos St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. (Sel) 20a--Cartage CITY - WIDE DELIVERY AND cartage in speedy new panel trucks. Convenient, safe, courteous service, fully insured. Dick Bros. Dial 3-2158 or 5-4339. (Se21) 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simous St. N. (Se8) 22--Radio Rerairs SPECIALIZED ' TELEVISION AN- tennae installations, guaranteed re- pair service, all makes television and radios. Dial 5-1685, Earl Fowler Ra- dio, 1086 Kingston Rd. E. (Se28) RADIO AND TELEVISION RE- pairs by expert General Electric Technician. Dial 5-4331, Oshawa Ap- pliances, 504 Simcoe S. 23--Women's Column PERMANENT WAVES $3.50 UP, cold waves $5 up, work guaranteed. Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. (Seld) PRENTICES HAIRDRESSING special, $5; Cream Wave, $3. Guar- anteed. 10 Church St. Djal 5-2241. (Se29) CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Page Hairdressing, 294 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Sel?) CHARIS FOR FOUNDATION GAR- ment. The-only corsetiere with over twenty years experience. Mrs. Blat- ter, Dial 5-3434. (Se30) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON --- OIL wave, $2.50 up: machineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St, dial (Se27) 25----Real Estate For Sale (Sell) | 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, TWO 3- piece baths, hot water heating with oil, Simcoe St. 8, Immediate posses- sion. Dial 3-3559. (213c) | MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW | with 3 bedrooms, 11; years old, laun- | dry tubs and electric tank, all hard- wood floors, kitchen and bath, mas- tic tile, southeast. Half cash. Dial 5-5666 after 5. (2111) $9,000--$3,000 DOWN, NEW MOD- ern 5-room brick bungalow, land- scaped lot, 58" x 130'; hardwood and tiled floors, 4-piece bath, built-in cupboards, large cellar, hot-air with oil. N.H.A. mortgage. Owner leaving city. Apply 501 Louisa. Phone3- 9179. (212e) V.L.A. BUILDING. LOTS, ALSO A few smaller sizes, off No. 2 High: way north; between Oshawa and Whitby. Immediate possession. Dial Owner, 5-4009. (Sept22) INSUL-BRIC HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, hydro. Good well, chicken house. 1 acre Jand. 1 mile north Enniskillen, 1 mile east. Cash. Write Box 328, { 13--Household Repairs EXPERT ADVICE WITH YOUR drapery problems. Beautiful mate- rials to choose from, track and rods, Installed. Phone 122 Brooklin. Esti- mates free. (214b) FURNACES PIPES, REGISTERS, chimneys vacuumed, cleaned or re- paired, also space heaters, oil burn- ers, installed in kitchen stoves, also caulking. Dial 3-4594. (Se23) RITCHIE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. Repairs to all makes of electrical ap- 11 all work guaranteed, 364 DIAL 3-9348 -- GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull- dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. (Se8) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up roofing and siding. Work guaranteed. H. Tucker, Dial 5-6161. (Sel?) CHIMNEYS BUILT, AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon May.. Dial 38-9011. (Se8) CEMENT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, sidewalks, driveways, curb. Work- manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. Dial 5-6378 after 6. (Se23) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by. F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading . (Se?) BLOCK WORK, STUCCO, PLAS- tering, foundations, cement footings and floors, etc. Immediate service. Lilley Bros. Dial 5-4902. (Sel5) GRADING, LOADING, BACK FILL- ing, fill taken away, sand, gravel and loam for sale, also truck for hire. Bob Hoy, Dial 3-3779. (Se8) REMODELLING, RE - ROOFING, all types new construction. Residen- tal, industrial. R. B. Wilkins, Air- port Road. Dial 5-4413. 24 HOUR CARTAGE, ODD JOBS, and cement work. Prompt service, Roy Loveless, Pal 3-8515, (Se8) EXTERIOR PAINTING, LOW FALL rates. Call us for free estimates. Dial 5-5253. (Se21) FLOOR AND WALL TILES, MAR- Boleum, jaspe, rubber, = asphalt, Barker & Plastic Wall Tile. Free estimates. Dial 5-1853. (Se23) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVATING, ete, call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 3,3831, or Whithy 2687, 18620) King Street West. Dial 5-6456, (8e17) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE. covered. Like new. Why pay more? Dur rates ae Jessonable, Satisfae- oD g rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Sed) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE. upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton. 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212, (Se3) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- alum or steel. Dial 5-0311 for free .es- timate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. (Selltf) Times-Gazette. (211f) | BOWMANVILLE | | 8-ROOM solid brick dwelling, 3-pec. | bath upstairs and 3-plece downstairs, | oil furnace, mew roof, new eaves- trough, built-in cupboards. This property is in excellent condition -- $8,500. BRICK HOUSE, 8 rooms, 3-plece bath, new furnace, hydro, heavy wiring, hardwood floors, large lot -- $6,500. . Farms and Dwellings For Sale JAMES NIXON Broker N one Bowmanville 160 Liberty St. Ph (Sel2,14) 7-ROOM RUG BRICK, 2-STOREY, square plan, in a residential area, oak floors throughout, living-room, dining-room and kitchen down, four bedrooms and bath up, good income home, garage, storms, etc., included. Owner leaving city so must sell. Ask- ing $5,000 down. Apply 321 Gliddon Ave. Dial 3-7788. (2111) 14--Instruction LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING school, ballet, tap, toe, character, Masonic Temple, Saturdays. Resi- dence Wednesdays, information 3- {i Eee (on) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, comptometer, dictaphone. New class- es each Monday. Evening classes Monday and Thursday. Oshawa Busi- ness College, 18 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4343. te Ney (Oct?) GUITARS SUPP LIED. KEEP them home. Yours on completion. Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawaiian (Se13) | School. Leave phone at 5-0251. wha (Se29) LANGTON'S LEARN TO DRIVE, safe, easy way, dual control cars. Commne. $20, Dial 3-3609. LEARN TO DRIVE, DUAL CON. trol cars. Phone 3-7071. (Se25) ENROLL NOW FOR PIANO, CLAS- sical and Popular, For infor contact Patricia M. Tuck, 74 Burk St. Dial 5-4587. . (Sel?) Fox - THAT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Bam Swings taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'mstruction. 47 i St. For appointment dial 7.0841. (8.3) EXCLUSIVE LISTING OWNER LEAVING Canada -- must sell lovely 5-room brick bungalow on city limits. There is one acre of good garden land with this home. Dwell- ing has 3 bedrooms, large ern kitchen with dinette and good living room. Oak and tiled floors, oil fur- nace, 3-piece modern bathroom, elec- tric hot water tank. Heavy wiring, storm and screen doors and windows. Double garage. There is also on this same property a small 3-roomed home presently rented at $20 month- y. : This extra home has separate hydro 13)! meter. Income from this will carry a large part of interest and tax pay- ment. Full-price complets $9,800, 'with about $4,000 cash required. Possibly some lesser amount down will be considered. DON MEREDITH Real Estate 3 ond at. Dial 3-8274 JOHN UKROP, Salesman AA mc vvesl (Beli i314 25--Real Estate For Sale MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 3 years old; all conveniences, many extras. Dial 5-1812 or 5-2145. (Sel4,17,18) PORT PERRY -- 6-ROOMED AND bath, stucco house, nicely landscap- ed, large living-room! fireplace, mod- ern kitchen. Phone 70J, Port Perry. : (214b) 4-ROOM INSUL-BRIC BUNGALOW, hydro, cistern, well, double hen- house and double garage, with ce- ment floors, 41, acres good garden land. Phone 3-8980. (215¢) 5-ROOM, VERY MODERN BUNGA- low, .18 months built, fully insulated, storm windows, ofl heated, land- scaped; many extras. Dial 3-4473 be- tween 4 and 9 p.m, (2151) $8,000--5-room bungalow, immediate occupancy, rug brick with hard- wood floors, large kitchen, 4-piece bath, good cell#, hot air heated. Terms to be arranged, Phone 5-1429. (214c) TWO NEW HOUSES, CLOSE IN, also set of Dayton scales. Apply 92 Warren Avenue. (214c) $14,000-LOVELY 8-ROOM HOUSE. Possession arranged. Storms, hydro heater, venetian blinds, electric fix- tures included. 3 well-located lots also for sale. 83 Chadburn St. Phone 3-7769. (214¢c) LOT, 45' X 115', HAS WATER AND sewer, on Ballard St. Phone 5-3873. (213f) 51,-ROOM RANCH HOUSE STYLE unfinished clapboard bungalow, % acre lot, handyman's opportunity, Oshawa, close to school. Dial 5-4289. (214c) ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS down; bungalow and garage, near Oshawa. Full price $3,350. Immediate possession. Write: Box 907, Times- Gazette, Whitby, (214b) TWO 3% ACRE LOTS, APPROXI- mately 51' x 660', Ritson Rd. N. Dial 3-3559. (213c) IN UXBRIDGE 6-ROOM INSUL- bric house, all conveniences, garage, centrally located. $3,000 down. Phone owner: Uxbridge 221. (2131) EVANS' REAL ESTATE 1 5 -ACRE tractor farm on coun- ty road, 1 mile from highway, 50 acres maple and beech bush and pasture, good spring. Large steel hip roof barn, horse barn, new henhouse, cement block drive shed, double gar- age, 7-room brick house with all mod- ern conveniences. Beautiful sur- roundings. To see is to appreciate this property at $21,000. 10 ACRES of level land, 12 mile from highway. All steel hip- roof barn, 10-room house, henhouse and drive shed. All in good condition. $6,000--can be bought as' going con- cern. 10 ACRES, !2 mile from No. 2 Highway; some bush, and stream; buildings in good condition-- $8,900. Many more farms to choose from. W. C. EVANS Broker ORONO (215a) Phone 84-8 GROCERY STORE Completely equipped for grocery and butcher business, has large walk-in refrigerator, slicer, grinder, meat block, pop cooler, ice cream cooler and show cases. Splendid volume. Stock at invoice. Store is part of 14- room building containing 3 family suites complete 'with 3 standard bathrooms. In addition, owner has 5 rooms for his own use. Entire build- ing is in splendid condition and' is Mmmaculate. Immediate possession of 8 rooms. #ull price $24,000, $14,000 down, BAILEY & TAYLOR BROKERS Phone 3-2062 (215a) $16,375 -- AIRPORT ROAD New seven-room, storey and a half brick veneer, concrete drive, on large landscaped lot. Large living-room with natural fireplace, oak hard- wood, large modern kitchen, three bedrooms and four-plece bath down, two large bedrooms, linen room and two-piece bath up all with tiled floors. Deep dry basement with fruit cellar, laundry tubs, large hydro heater and automatic pumps, Forced alr conditioned heating--oil fired. Fully insulated. Terms. Possession 90 days. Exclusive listing. $8,900 -- RITSON RD, North of Rossland Log siding bungalow with large gar- age and workshop. Heavy duty wir- ing on 120' x 234' landscaped lot, Panelled living-room with large pic- ture window overlooking beautiful scenic view. Modern kitchen and dining nook, two good sized bed- rooms, modern four-piece bath, util- ity room. Oak hardwood throughout, rubber tiled in kitchen and bath, forced air conditioned heating by oil, laundry tubs, aluminum storm sash and screens, automatic water pres- sure system. Koolvent awnings. Hy- , dro heater and tank. Terms. Exclu- sive listing. $6,000 -- CORBETT'S POINT Completely furnished six-room frame cottage on concrete foundation, large landscaped double lot overlooking lake. Heavy wiring, large cistern, excellent well, Large rooms, natural fireplace, inside toilet. Heating by stoves. Immediate possession. Exclu- sive listing. Suburban living at its Best Appointments Arranged After 6:00 p.m. Dial 5-6342 RALPH H. VICKERY, Salesman Dial 3-2265 cholic INSYRANGE ASSOCIATES REALTORS Loans Appraisals 'place, electric stove and 25--Real Estate For Sale $1,650. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM, DOU- ble wall summer cottage, suitable for couple. or three. Excellent condition, completely furnished. Buy now and enjoy the pleasant fall week-ends and avoid further rise in' prices. Ap- ply Toronto Murray 8919 or C. Coul- ter, Highland Beach, Port Perry. it (215b) Yur choice of bungalows, storey-and- half, apartment houses, income homes, businesses, farms and insurance. See W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince St. -- Dial 3-2512 Residence -- Dial 5-2133 Anytime (215b) DOWN--4-roomed 'brick $ 3 ' 20 ing sin lot fully landscaped; many extras. Immediate possession. $7 500 Fun price for 6-roomed ' house, with modern con- veniences, hot-air furnace with oil, on a beautiful lot in Hampton, on highway. : $3 900 Fer a small bungalow ' in nice, clean condition, garage, on a large lot. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 'Bond St. W. Dial 3-2911 (2152) 6 ROOM BRICK 1007 Hortop. In restricted area. Sale price fixed. Sunset Heights subdivision by CMHC at $10,300 (including $150 extras). $7,000 mortgage, 15 years, 4Y2%, $53.40 monthly. Possession during September. Apply PARKHILL & YANCH or your own agent (214c) $2 30 --down, ' frame bungalow, and conveniences. Nice garage. Full price $6,700. $6 500 price, for this han- ' dy man's home, consist- ing of 3 nice bedrooms, large living- room, modern kitchen, 2-piece bath- room in private room in basement. Some work still to be done. Dial 5-3889. LLOYD AYERS BROKER (2158) $7 800 nice family home con- ' sisting' of 7 rooms, all in immaculate condition. Hot air heated, hydro water heater, handy to North Oshawa school. $3000 cash required. Possession 30 days. $9 60 --Possession in one week ' of this lovely 5-roomed modern brick bungalow located on Highland Ave. Excellent condition. Large kitchen, tiled floor. Full 7-ft. basement, electric water heater, About $3,100 cash. Balance under N.H.A. terms. °° $800 DOWN---Within commuting distance of Oshawa we have a 10-room dwelling, in good con- dition with heavy duty wiring, inside conveniences, There are 6 bedrooms furnished with spring-filled mattress- es. Living room, dining-room all fur- nished and nice kitchen with a mod- ern electric range, G.E. frigidaire, built in cupboards complete with all dishware and etc. Family illness forces quick sale. Possession one week. Full price $5,800. --$800 cash. 5- f $ 5, 500 so a ! Road. Full basement, hot-air heated, Outside conveniences. Possession 30 days. If buying or selling, try our service. W. E. HOLMES Broker Dial 5-2363 (215b) Bond at Ontario WHITBY HOMES $11,90 ed garage) oil furnace, hot water heating, situated in growing residen- tial area, on large lot, 66' x 135, with an extra lot of equal size, hard- wood floors throughout with a large sunroom at entrance. Good value. 12 STOREY CLAPBOARD y This newly-built home $12,800 is modern in every respect and is situated in a choice residential area commanding a grand view of Ontario Ladies' College. It is a four-bedroom home and has 1000 square feet In its downstairs floor space. Down payment is $9,700 and monthly payments of $38.01 for the balance includes taxes, payments off principal, and interest. If you can arrange the down payment the bal- ance is easy. $48 00 --Farm with modern ' house and large barn, near Whitby betwesn the two main highways, 86 acres. Terms to respon- sible purchaser. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $4 500» town and country as ig, oJ well, 1; mile from school. This workingman's home is finished with insul-bric, heated from stoves, 2 bedrooms and. living-room and large kitchen, new house almost completed, nearly ls-acre lot, fruit trees. --This six-room brick $1 1 QQ () Lasse brick bunga- ' low, beautifully fin- | ished throughout; 5 rooms and 4-pe. | bath, situated in splendid residential area, finished apartment in base- ment with toilet and shower, renting for $45.00 monthly to good tenant; garage at rear of lot, Electric fire- imported rug in living-room included in the price. About $6,000 cash to handle, balance $56 monthly; includes taxes, interest and payments off principal. This is worthwhile looking over. JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker WHITBY 15a) Phone 2874 -- Evenings 2473 for this 4-room water | Very | bungalow with attach- | 25--Real Estate For Sale [$1,000 DOWN, 5-ROOM INSUL- bric, large size living-room, one-piece | bath with room to enlarge. Full price $6,500, balance as rent, $40 monthiy. Phone 3-7882. ; (213¢) CHOICE CORNER LOT ON CEN- tral Park Blvd.,, water, sewers side- walk in, Dial 3-8737. (215b) LOT, 57 X 186', ON HORTOP. DIAL 5-1594. (214c) GRAND FAMILY RESIDENCE READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $15,50 --This solid structure is situated in a good | residential district, centrally located in Oshawa. Its nine rooms are in im- maculate condition throughout -with their 3 -cut sturdy oak floors. The five bedrooms upstairs are mostly large and the master room is equip- ped with wash basin. The four-pe. gleaming porcelain bath with pedes- tal basin is modern in every respect. The ground floor is supplied with 4 well-planned rooms. The natural fire- place in the living-room equipped for the use of coal or wood add greatly to the charm and comfort of a larger type home. The kitchen with its in- laid linoleum floor, its unique style and modern fixtures, makes it an outstanding part' of the house that you will be proud to show your friends. The full basement is equip- ped with oil-burning furnace that forces hot water to radiators in every room in the house. The well-land- scaped grounds is supplied with good garage at rear and the well-treed street add substantially to the value of the property, Although this residence is priced | exceptionally low some further con- | sideration will be given to a person | desirous of buying for all cash. The good features of this home should | assure a ready sale. Our advice is to act quickly by phoning JOS. E." SHIELDS Real Estate Broker WHITBY Phone 2874 -- Evenings 2473 (215a) $1 | 00Q Quebec St., just off ' Centre St., smart 5- room brick bungalow, hot water heat- ing with - oil, finished recreation room, garage; many extras. This is | a real buy. $25 QQ Store in centre of the ' business 'district, adja- cent to large chain store. Further in- | formation can be obtained at this! office. LAUDER RD,--Large T7-room, two storey brick house, gumwood trim, 4 bedrooms, oak floors throughout, new furnace with oil, good garage. Immediate possession. GRIERSON AVE.--5room brick bun- galow, hot-air heating with oil; hard- wood floors throughout; good lot; sewer. A real buy at $8,800 with $3,500 cash. See this today. Immedi- ate possession. EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate Broker 82 SIMCOE SOUTH Office Phone 3-2333 Mr. Hall 3-4584 (215¢) E. E. PATRICK | OFFERS ey $500 fun price. A beautiful 5- acre parcel wooded land with stream. No buildings, 450' front- age on TA Highway by a depth of | 532". Here is a most desirable build- | ing site. | '$1 50d. Port Perry. Six- ' room, brick and frame | bungalow. Hydro, part basement, | 1asge lot, garage. A good buy. Full price only 4,000. $4 70 --4-room stucco, hydro, ' one-piece bathroom, good basement, electric hot water tank, two weeks possessino. $6 9003 acres good garden i ' land, 4-room insul brick bungalow, hydro, hardwood floors, | immediate possession. --9-room frame, 6 bed- $8,10 rooms, hot water heat- ing, all conveniences, private drive and garage. Two weeks possession. | 1 $8,800 0. eavy wiring, an | heating by oil, immediate p 25--Real Estate For Sale (V()--For. 7- room brick $1 2,00 Boe in pg A | location, on Hillcroft. This home is | rooms hot-air heated with oil, 4 bedrooms. | furnished. L Clemens. See this lovely, quiet family home to appreciate it. ' WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 BOND ST. W. DIAL 3-2911 (214b) BROCK ST. EAST 7-ROOM brick, hardwood floors throughout, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, new hot-air furnace, sunroom, garage, laundry tubs. House is in 1st-class condition throughout. Terms, Possession 30 days. NOLAN BROKER Dial 3-3311 (214c) 27--Real Estate Wanted . GENTLEMAN HAS 87,500 CASH down payment on home, not more than 6 rooms. Price approximately $9,000. Must be in Oshawa. What have you? Dial 3-8580. (2131) ed for equity. clients. All cash or your See or call W, McAuley, Realtor, {3 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512. (Se28) HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI- nesses wanted. For a quick confiden- tial sale, list your property with E. E. Patrick, Realtor, 43 Bond st. W., 2 doors west of Prince. Dial 34-8351. (Se3tf) wanted for clients. Some with all cash. See or call W., McAuley, Real- tors, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3- 2133 anytime. WANTED, BY PROFESSIONAL man, 4 bedroom. house, unfurnished, to rent or purchase, must be reason- ably close to public and high schools. Write Box 339, Times-Gazette. (214d) HAVE YOU A 5-ROOM BUNGA- low for sale? We have clients with good down payments. List with us for quick sale to out-of-town buyers. Jones Real Estate. J. Barnoski, Salesman. Dial evenings 3-7086, : (214e) Property Wanted--large or small -- Town or Country. Phone us now. DONALD SCOTT Real Estate "orner Prince and Bond Phone. 3-2612 (215f) {28--For Rent ROOMS FOR 5 MEN, CONTINU- ous hot water, one block from Mo- tors. Apply 63 Colborne St. E. (215c) 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED BASE ment rooms, heat, light and contin- uous hot water, shared bathroom. Adults only $10 weekly. Write Box 402, Times-Gazette. (215¢) LARGE BED-SITTING ROOM IN private home, modern conveniences, with or without board, central, ab- 3-T244. | stainers, gentlemen. = Dial (2152) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms suitable for working couple, Call after 5 in eveninig. Apply 382 King St., West. (215b) SINGLE ROOM AND DOUBLE room two beds. Private house, Sim- coe South, central, gentleman, ab- stainers only. Breakfast. Dial 5-5755. (215¢) TWO ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, -heated, continuous hot water, $60 monthly; also two fur- nished bedrooms, single beds, accom- codate four business people, refer- ences. Apply 239 Simcoe N. FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO girls or couple, some cooking privil- eges. Dial 5-0844. (215b) LARGE COMFORTABLY - FUR- nished bed-sitting room, in pleasant home, central, lady preferred. Dial 5-6135 after 6. (215a) FURNISHED ROOM, BOARD OP- | tional for gentleman, abstainer. Dial 3-3164. (215¢) THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, PRI- vate entrance, running water, ga- rage, also two-room apartment on third floor, furnished with 3 single beds. Phone 2861, Whitby (215b) FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE beds. Apply 24 Ritson Rd. S. Dial 3-4069. (2152) TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms. Dial 5-2959. (215b) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR light housekeeping, in better private - t d , 189,000 as. I fences, air heating by oll. 2 home, middle-aged woman preferred; abstainer, non-smoker. Write Box 349, Times-Gazette. © (215¢) LARGE .BED-SITTING ROOM, suit one or two girls. Apply 28 Prince St. (215b) ! ; [510,300 321, Ht, to room rug brick bungalow, recreation room, rubber tiled kitchen and bath- room. A little beauty. . FARMS: $4 50 --T7 acres, all workable ' good level black sandy loam, planted in 280 apple trees, mixed MacIntosh and Melbas. This is a good property and close to Osh- awa. Has a one-room building 8 x 20'. Terms arranged, $6 50 --Nestleton. 75 acres of ! ' good clay loam, all fenc- | | ea, 65 workable, 7 acres in bush, 3 in | pasture, good bank barn 36' x 96', 10 iroom brick house. Fall possession. | Half cash required. $8 500 E==t of Bowmanville, 75 1 ' acres, all in grass at the i present time; 3 acres of bush with! | trout stream. This farm suitable for | poultry, sheep and cattle raising; 8- room brick house. Low down pay- | ment, or will exchange for house or | business. $8 500 Elactstock. 100 acres, 5 ' 7 acres of bush, 85 are workable, good bank barn 120' long; T7-room frame house, hydro available, If you're looking for good land, here it is. Half cash required. --45 acres level black, $8,90 sandy loam, close to Oshawa, has a small 3-room house, 3 acres of berries and some apples, (Spies and Delicious). This is an ex- | cellent market gardening farm. Act fast. Terms arranged, E. E. PATRICK REALTOR 43 Bond St. West 2 doors west of Prince Street Dial 3-855i Residence 53692 (215a) LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR one or two gentlemen, close to down- town and Motors. Apply 162 King E., at rear after 5. (215b) SINGLE BEDROOM FOR RENT, all conveniences, very central; ab- stainers preferred. Apply 175 Celina St. (215¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, IN PRI- vate home, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; near Motors. Dial 3-2940, (215b) ileges, with washing machine; ab- stainers. Apply 145 Ritson 8. (215b) FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT 2 girls. Apply after 6, 668 Lloyd. St. (215¢) BRIGHT, CLEAN ROOM, SUIT- able for 2 girls, single beds; continu- ous hot water; large clothes closet; very central; abstainers. Times-Gazette. (215¢) COUNTRY HOME, 7 ROOMS, ALL conveniences; Kelvinator electric stove; 10 miles west of Oshawa; reli- able party only. 6 months' rent in advance. Write Box 710, Times-Ga- zette, Whitby. & (213c) 3 OR 4 CLEAN, BRIGHT ROOMS, abstainers, share bathroom. Dial 3-9089, (214b) LARGE SINGLE OR DOUBLE modern roomec, board optional; con- tinuous hot water. Apply 306 King West. (214c) NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bedroom, twin beds, for girl to share with quiet office girl, centrally lo- cated. Dial 5-4217. (214¢c) NEWLY DECORATED LARGE front bedroom, oil heating, semi-pri- vate bath, 4 blocks from four cor- ners. Apply 196 Celina St. , (214c) VERY CENTRALLY LOCATED large room, well furnished as bed- sitting or bedroom, suitable for busi- ness person desiring a nice quiet home, lal 3-9852. (214c) / (Se25) | (215b) | Box 401, | _ 1 Dial 5-5848. 28--For Rent ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT IN Bowmanville, separate entrance; two and small kitchenette partly | Phone 2436 Bowmanville. (214c) NICELY FURNISHED CORNER room, twin beds, Simcoe Street N. near Hospita! and Motors, suit 'cou- ple or two friends. Dial 3-7122, (214c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR rent, good location. Phone 5-1036. 292 Arthur St. (214b) | SELF-CONTAINED 3-ROOM FLAT, oil heated; continuous ho water; prefer elderly or business couple. Apply 163 Conant. (214c) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM for gentlemen to share, single beds, continuous hot water. Private en- trance, breakfast optional; near Mo- tors and Fittings, 32 Charles St. Sole (214c) BED-SITTING ROOM, SUITABLE for lady or gentleman, good location. Phone 3-4087. (214b) | FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATH |'home, business gefitleman preferred. | Dial 5-0582. (214c) 1] FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for workipg couple, grill privileges, abstainers. Apply 130 Albert St. A : (214c) ARCH FURNISHED BEDROOM, suit business couple or gentleman; | continuous hot water. 343 Ritson N. Dial 3-4817. (214¢) COMFORTABLE SINGLE ROOM, continuous hot water, suit one girl. Dial 5-3889. (213c) 2-ROOM FURNISHED BASEMENT apartment, heat, light, hot water, separate entrance, conveniences. Adults preferred. Dial 3-7088. (213c) | FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE | for business man. Apply 253 Ritson | Rd. S. Phone 3-4492, (2111) | DOUBLE BEDROOMS, FOR TWO ! girls to share; home privileges. Dial 5-2093. (213c) | COMFORTABLE DOUBLE BED- { room, spring mattresses, all conveni- ences, very central: suitable for two ior three gentlemen friends. Apply 57 Division St. (2131) 4-ROOM UNFURNISHED APART- ment, hardwood floors, heat, light, ( water in Bowmanville. Write Box | 341, Times-Gazette. (213c) ~-- | RURNISHED BEDROOM, _ ALL | conveniences, continuous hot water; | central. Phone 5-0755. (213c¢) {LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, ground floor; suit lady or gentleman; bus at door; also garage. Phone 3- 5603. (213d) |2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- | ing rooms. Apply 118 Summer St. (Se12) | TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with sink. Apply 251 Annis St (213c) | ONE OR TWO ROOMS, SUITABLE for business couple. Dial 3-3136. | (215¢) | 29--Wanted to Rent '4 OR5-ROOM APARTMENT WANT- | ed immediately for 3 business peos | ple. Good referenées. Phone 3-2650. | (215b), HQUSE, 4 OR 6 ROOMS, BY G.M.G, employee, 2 children, Phone 5-1644. (215b) BUSINESS COUPLE DESIRES unfurnished 3-roomed apartment as soon as possible. Dial 5-3294. (214b) SMALL UNFURNISHED APART- ment or two housekeeping rooms, dee sired by business girl. Write Box 340, Times-Gazette. (213c) YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE 3 OR 4- room unfurnished apt. Dial 3-3807. (213c) YOUNG SCOTTISH BUSINESS couple, no family, desire 3-room tvn- furnished self-contained apartment, Phone 3-4178 after 6. (213¢) URGENTLY REQUIRED, OCTO- ber 1st, 4 or 5-room furnished apart- ment or duplex. Best references. Dial evenings, 5-0677. (213c) COUPLE WITH 2 SCHOOL-AGE children desire 3 or 4 rooms or small house, Oshawa or vicinity. Dial 5- 2633. (213c) ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 1, 4 or 5-room house or apartment. Dial | 3-2550. (213c) | FAMILY OF FOUR REQUIRE 4- { room, self-contained apartment, in j Oshawa or vicinity; references sup- | plied if necessary. Write P.O. Box | 339, Whitby. (2121) !Youna COUPLE DESIRE THRER | room unfurnished apartment by Jan- juary 1, 1952. Hame no children and | are 'abstainers. Must be in Whitby. | Phone 2114 or 388 Whitby. (524) | 30--Room and Board | ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO | gentlemen, in Christian home, cen- | trally located, Phone 3-9807. (215b) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR 6 MEN, | $15 weekly. Apply 209 Nassau St. | Dial 3-7603. (215b) | LARGE ROOM FOR 2 GENTLE- | men, single beds, board, 7 days per | week; all conveniences. Apply 184 ' Simcoe S. Phone 5-6440. (215b) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO i gentlemen. Dial 5-6357. '(214b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO j ens private home. Dial 5-5463, (214c) school-age | ROOM AND BOARD FOR 4 MEN, $13 week, south end. | single beds, (213c) i Phone 5-3871. ] 32--Automobiles For Sale PLARGE FRONT ROOM, FURNISH- | 13; CHEV, SPECIAL SEDAN, VERY 1 ed or unfurnished, housekeeping priv- | good condition. Best offer. Dial 5- { 0730. (213c) | "40" PLYMOUTH SEDAN, GOOD | condition, cash or terms. Dial 5-2708 ! after 5. )214c) | '38 STANDARD CHEV. COACH, IN excellent condition. Phone 5-2292. (214¢) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEH Johnnie Walker. Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Sed) {'46 PLYMOUTH DELUXE COACH | with heater in excellent condition, {two new tires, Reasonable. Dial (21c) 5-2318. ! '35 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, excellent condition, good tires. Dial 3-7846. s (214c) '38 DODGE, GOOD TIRES, HEAT- er, $375 or best offer. Dial 3-8826. (214c) 48 PONTIAC SEDAN, RADIO, heater, defroster, good condition, Would consider cheaper car' and terms. Dial 3-9547. (214b) '41 FORD SEDAN, NEW TIRES & battery, good motor. 111 King's. Crescent, Ajax, Phone Ajax 62R2. (214c) '36 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, good condition, Apply 155 Brock ®, 214c) | 33 MASTER CHEV, COACH, GOOD condition. Apply 506 Drew St. after 6. (214c), » : : : 4 N-. ¥ A13JVS ONDIW