THE DAILY TI LS MES.GAZETTE - BY MIDDLE-AGED, COUPLE, FUR- nished house, or apartment, for win- ter months or longer. Reliable te- nants, references. Oshawa or Whit: by. Write Box 321, Times-Gazette. (209¢c)> COUPLE WITH TWO CHILDREN, desire house, apartment or fiat, Dial 5-2325. (209¢) 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APART. ment, by blind man, burnt-out pen- sioher and wife, quiet couple. Phone 3-4310. (208b) THREE - ROOMED APARTMENT, unfurnished for business couple, ab- stainers, by Nov, 1st. Dial 3-7082. : (208¢c) YOUNG COUPLE WITH 2-YEAR- old child desire 2, 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms fs soon as possible; abstain- ers. Phone Whitby 873. (208¢) THREE. OR FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms for young couple with child. Apply Box 308, Times-Gazette. ah (207c) . 4 OR 5-ROOMEDP APARTMENT, OR duplex, by local business manager, wife and two children. Phone E. Ran. dell, 5-3832. (207c) TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, for mother and son; both working; abstainérs. Box 306, Times-Gazette. (207c) RELIABLE FAMILY REQUIRES * house; careful tenants; references. Dial 3-7503. \ (207¢) WAREHOUSE :- SPACE WANTED, 500 to 1,000 sq. feet, State icu- lars. Apply Box 305, Times-Gazette. (207c) THREE OR FOUR ROOM, SELF- contained apartment; ground or first floor, wanted by elderly widow. No children or pets. Rent assured, Ap- ply Box 145 Times-Gazette. (206d) ELDERLY WIDOW DESIRES rooms with quiet family, self-con- tained preferably. Write Box 244, Times-Gazette. (207c) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD IN COMFORT- able, clean, newly decorated room, all conveniences, suit two gentlemen. Dial 5-2649. (208g) near Motors. Dial 5-1972. (209a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, close to G.M.C. and Fit- tings, single beds, all conveniences. Dial 3-9896. (200b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, single beds; private home. Dial 5-2248. (209b) SINGLE ROOM WITH BOARD OR breakfast, in a private home. Gen- tlemen preferred. Central. Dial 3- 2582. (2092) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO girls, continuous hot water, private home, Dial 3-4783. (208e) RQOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman in Christian home, non- smoker, abstainer, centrally lodated. Dial 3-9807. (208b) DAY CARE FOR CHILDREN whose mothers are working, 5-day week. Phone 5-4028. __(208¢) 31a--Summer Resorts NOR'LOCH LQDGE AND COT- tages on Lake-of-Bays. Safe, sandy beach, $30 week. Also housekeeping i 32--Automobiles for Sale 0 CHEV, COACH, VERY CLEAN car! Dial 5-0203. ~~, (208¢) '39 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN IN GOOD condition, price reasonable. Dial 5-5850 between 6 and 7 pm. (208¢) '4¢ CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN, heater, defroster, excellent condition. Phoné 5-1830. o = (207¢) $1 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOOR, HEAT~ er, air-condition, low mil 39---Articles For Sale GENDRON "CONVERTIBLE BABY carriage, good condition. Reasonable. Phone 5-4560. (2002) 39---Articles For Sale HARDWOOD KINDLING - FOR jacket heater, stove or furnaces, 12 bags for $4. Dial 5-0811. (Se27) OIL SPACE HEATER; TWO OIL drums with taps; girl's bicycle; all in new condition. Apply 1st house south on Farewell Ave. (200b) COOK STOVE, MASTER CLIMAX, wood omly. Phone 5-0873 after 5. (2082) ge. Easy terms. Apply 573 Oxford St. after 5. (2071) '46 MAPLE LEAF 3-TON DUMP, new motor and tires, $400 down, bal- ance easy terms. Must be sold this week. John Powell Transport, North Oshawa. AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates and proper on. See McAuley Insurance Agency, L Prince St., Dial 3-2512 or 5-21 be . ed) KBE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorver service. Call Murey's Garage at 5-4332 for complete front end service, dnd immediate installa tion. (Sel) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEB Johnate Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used ears. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. ' (Sed) 47 MERCURY SEDAN Good running condition. $600.00. Apply 154 STACEY AVE. After 7 p.m. (2090p) 33---Automobiles Wanted "41.'51 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road 8. Dial 3-9421. (8el) 36--Pets and Livestock YOUNG BOSTON BULL, LOVELY pet, good with children. Dial 3-2291, after 5 Dial 3-3101. (209a) GOOD HOME FOR EXCELLENT watchdog; part Great Dane. Apply W. Whittaker, Newcastle, 2nd house past subway on Orono Rd. (209b) REGISTERED PUPPIES, TER- rier, (smooth), cocker spaniels, Wal- ker fox hounds, Labrador retrievers, Knowliton"s Kennels. Phone 3-8032. (Se28) COCKER SPANIELS, MALE AND female, black, 15 months, also pup- pies, blacks, blondes and parti- colors. Waubena Kennels, new high- way near the Drive-In. (Se24) 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED up promptly, horses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs, and calves. (We pay for horses and cows). Call us collect. Live horses, 3 to 3%c per Ib. for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowmanville 2679. Ty- rone, Ont. (Se28tf) 38--Waearing Apparel GIRL'S ROSE WINTER COAT, dresses, tunic, flight boots, sixe 10-11 years. Dial 5-4577. (200b) MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT AND twe suits, size 40-42. Too small for owner; reasonable. Dial 5-5018. (209a) cottages, George H. t ight. (Th, Sept?) WYLDEWOOD LODGE, WASAGA Beach, housekeeping cabins, July - August, $18 per week. September lower rates, A. Henry, 70 Wellesley W., Toronto. (Th,S6) LAKE DALRYMPLE, FURNISHED cottages, hydro, ice, boat, $20 and up weekly. Good fishing. Write Thompson's Lodge, Seabright. (Th,S6} CLINTON LODGE, LAKE ONTAR- io--week-ends or holidays, good meals. Accommodation by appoint- ment, Reasonable, Mrs. N. ton, Box 6, Wellington, (Th,8e7) 32--Automobiles for Sale *38 PONTIAC CH, GOOD CON- dition; radio, heater. Apply 30 Glad- stone. Ave. (200) 50 DODGE, SPECIAL DELUXE 4- door sedan, like new, driven 12,500 miles; undercoated; air-conditioned heater, Phone Whitby 2254. (2092) AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, $23, 6 months to pay. Telephone O'Reilly, Toronto collect. Nights, days -- , HOward 4941. on 33 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion, $250 or best offer. Apply Dennis Bonner, R.R. 1, Hampton, after 6:30. (209¢) 38 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT condition. ~ Apply 25 McLaughlin | Blvd. (209a) "5 FORD, GOOD CONDITION; cheap. Phone 5-6081. (209a) 35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, IN GOOD condition; 'heater. Cheap for cash. Apply 16 Park Rd. 10. (209¢) 732 CHEV. COACH, HEATER, GOOD condition; tires good. Phone 3-3656. BC '50 CHEV STYLELINE SEDAN, AN- napolis green, radio, air conditioned ; heater, slip covers, windshield wash- er, privately owned. $1800. Apply 51 Cadillac N. (200b) 38 NASH, GOOD CONDITION. Cheap for quick sale. Dial 5-6442, 279 French St. (208b) 35 CHEV. STAND A R D COACH, good condition, good . tires. Dial 3-7846. (2002) 3 CHEV. GOOD TIRES AND heater, best offer. Dial 3-4175. (208b) 40 CHEV. COACH, SPECIAL DE- luxe heater, good condition $575 cash. Apply 270 Oshawa Blvd. (208c) 3 CHEV. COACH, HEATER, DE- froster, good tires, body and motor, inside real clean. This is a good solid car, $600. Apply 251 Simcoe S., 5- (208c) Apt. 2, -'4§ PLYMOUTH SEDAN, EXCEL- lent condition; cheap for quick sale. Phone 360 Whitby, (208c. #4 PONTIAC SEDAN, NEW MO- tor job, very clean, $200 cash. Apply 75 Hall St. (208¢c) 782 CHRYSLER, FLUID DRIVE 5- passenger coupe, Windsor model, ex- cellent condition, good tires, radio, heater, defroster, best offer. ARS (2081) 132 Alexander Blvd. 46 PLYMOUTH COACH WITH heater, in excellent condition, 2 mew tires. Phone 5-2318. (208¢) 0 CHRYSLER SEDAN, GOOD condition, best offer. Apply 210 Ca- dillac 8. Dial 5-2186. (208c) '50 CHEV, COACH, RADIO, HEAT- er, good condition. Apply 176 Rox- borough. (208¢c) Fr en 47 CHEV. SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition. Terms. Dial 5-4524. (207¢c) 30 BUICK, 5-PASSENGER COUPE, good condition, $600. Dial 3-8266. en i) 38 OLDS." SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion throughout; also 2 16-inch snow tives. B-4857 0174)! MAN'S NEW DARK BLUE SUIT, custom made, size 38-40. Dial™3- T7707. (207¢c) 38a----Market Basket 8 BLOSSOM HONEY, NO. 1 white, special quality, comb and ex- tracted, your pails filled. H. F. An- derson, 272 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-3004. * (Oct?) MILK - FED CAPON HYBRID, dressed or pre-dressed, 65c 1b. Dial 8-8085. (200¢) WHITE CLOVER HONEY, 18¢c LB, in your containers until Septembre 15. Get your winter supply at this low price. Eric Lilley, Tooley"s RA., N., Courtice. { (2001) LARGE YELLOW EGG PLUMS, 40c basket. Dial 5-1754. (207b) CHOICE MILK-FFED, PRE-DRESS- ed roasting chickens, for week-end delivery. al 3-3024. (207¢) FINEST QUALITY FOODS AT Every Day Low Prices. Store opsn all day every Wednesday and 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. every night. It's pleasant shopping at Glecoff"s 1.G.A. Super Market, 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. (Oct1?) Roasting Capons Dressed and delivered Dial Frank Hoag Dial 5-5046 Rossland Road West of Airport Corner > (Tht) 39--Articles For Sale NEW LEONARD REFRIGERATOR, 25-cycle, regularly $397.50. Sale $349.50. Terms. 5-year guarantee. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe Souths (208¢) DELUXE WESTINGHOUSE range with automatic electric time clock, also scores of extra features Selling without. tax. Apply Meagh- s Electric. (Seld) BROWN METAL BED, SPRING and spring-filled mattress 3; size, also Quebec heater. Dial 3:7673. LATE MODEL UPRIGHT VACUUM complete with rotating floor polisher, $30. Dial 3-9162, before 7. (209a) 12-GAUGE REMINGTON PUMP gun, Al condition, $75, or closest of- fer. Apply 136 Park Rd. N. (209¢) WHITE ENAMEL FINDLAY VEGA coal and wood stove; good condition. Dial 3-3976. ey (209Db) TWO SETS UPPER SCHOOL TEXT books and examination reprints. Dial 3905. (2008) PHILCO RADIO, EXCELLENT tone, occasional chair newly uphol- | -- stéred ; dining-room table and chairs, ete. etc. Dial 5-6046. (2092. KITCHEN CABINET, WHITE, good condition. Dial 3-2291. (2002) BEAUTIFUL CABINET RADIO, very cheap or swap' for wardrobe. Dial 3-4569. athe (2092) WALNUT VANITY, ALSO KIDNEY table, good condition. Dial 5-3856. (209a) ROADRACER, C.C.M., NEW CON- dition, $40, Dial 5-0587. (209b) SPORTING RIFLE, .303, GOOD condition. Phone Brooklin 80, or Brooklin Hotel. ,(209b) DIAMOND RING, $75. APPLY 122 Park Rd. 8. (209¢) | MADE TO ORDER STORM WINDOWS F. ZEDIC 100 CROMWELL AVE DIAL 05-3169 (sen) y8tore. (2071) | GIRL'S USED BICYCLES, GOOD condition, $18.50. B. F. Goodrich Phone 5-4543. (209b) WESTINGHOUSE, ELECTRIC oven (new), value $490.95, sell $39. Just the thing for cottage or house- keeping rooms. Apply 332 Gibbs Ave. Dial 3-8429. (2092) FIRECO WOOD & COAL RANGE, suitable for farmhouse or cottage; hall rack with mirror; also what- not. Dial 5-2886. (209b) OAK, CORNER CHINA CABWNET, sell or would exchange for rug. Dial 5-5015. (209a) POLISH, HUNGARIAN, RUSSIAN records; clearing at half price. Meagher's Record Bar. § King St. W. : (Oct?) TRICYCLE, JUST LIKE NEW, Dial 3-4080. (209a) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS dor quick sale to clean factory, $5 and $3 lots delivered. Phone 3-7391. y (208¢) CHROME KITCHEN SUITE, 5 pes. ;. kitchen cabinet; bed spring, and mattress; set livingroom drapes. Dial 3-2077. i (209¢) STUDIO COUCH, AND 2 CHAIRS to match, rose colour brocade, al- most new. Seen by appointment. Write Box 320, Times-Gazette. : (208c) 30-30 MARLIN CARBINE, NEW condition: . Phone $-5439. 637 Burton Rd. (209a) 16' LADDER, OAK RUNGS; JOINT- er plane; blacksmith's forge. Apply 42 Orchard View Blvd., North Osh- awa. (209a) GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE, 3 burners and deep-well cooker, like new, $80. Apply 141 Alexandra St. (209b) 5 H.P. EVINRUDE MOTOR, GOOD condition, $85; also C.C.M. man's bi- cycle, $20. Apply 281 Oshawa Blvd. (2092) LARGE BABY CRIB, WOOD, WITH mattress; good condition. Dial 3- 8378. (209¢) QUANTITY OF CUSTOM BUILT store shelving; 5 shelves high with hood. Also showcase fitted with lights. ~ Dial 5-3833. (209¢) SHOTGUN, ITHICA PUMP WITH. box of shells; aso decoys. Apply 1271 Simcoe St. S. after 6 (208¢) 9 CU. FT. ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- tor. Dial 5-1355. (208b) BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHING machine, in good running order. Will sell cheap. Dial 3-7145. (208c) BEAUTIFUL 9-PIECE DINING- room suite, jacket heater. Dial 3-2777, 747 Gifford St. (208¢c) AWNINGS --- SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. » (Seb) WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC DRI- er, latest model, no tax to pay on -- |this, One only. Meager's Electric. i (Sel4) BICYCLES---BOYS AND GIRLS. Now that the school term is here, come in and have your bicycles check- ed and repaired. Our prices are very reasonable. Highest trade-in allow- ance on your old bicycle when pur- chasing a new one. We carry a full line of accessories and parts for all makes of bicycles. Drayton Cycle. Dial 5-6344. 204 Bond East, block east of Division. (Ot5) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. DIAL 3-3833. Smith-Corona Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Sales, service, ren- JOISTS, 2 X 12, 2 X 13, 6 FT. LONG, to 21 ft. long, 2 and 3 inches thick. Apply Gibbon St. (208¢) MAN'S MEDIUM-SIZED C.C.M. BI- cycle, with carrier, practically new, $35. Phone 5-6420. (208c) RANGETTE; KITCHEN STOVE; wooden ice box; circulating heater. Dial 3-7946 after. (208c) CEMENT MIXER FOR QUICK sale, in good running order, very rea- sonably priced. Apply 371 Olive. (208b) 4 CHROME AND CREAM CHAIRS, good condition. 14% King E. after 6. (208¢) SPECIAL SALE -- WHILE THEY last, powerful, brand new electro- aire vacuum cleaners, complete with attachments, $49.50. Easy terms. Hurry! Only a few avallable. Bar- ons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. (06) NORTHERN ELECTRIC COMBINA- tion radio, automatic changer. Sale price $79.95. Barons' Radio & Elec- tric, 426 Simcoe South. (208¢c) MOFFAT 3-BURNER ELECTRIC range, good working condition, $25. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe South. (208c) PHILCO MANTEL RADIO, GOOD working condition, $9.95. Barons' Ra- dio & Electric, 426 Simcoe South. (208c? NEW AUTO-KNITTER, EQUIP- ped with 3 cylinders, $75. Dial 5- 4361. (208b) SAXAPHONE, E-FLAT ALTO, Buescher Aristocrat, top F key, aux C sharp, case fitted for clarinet. Owner has Phone Whitby 2850. (207c) CABIN TRAILER, SLEEPS 2, IN- sulated, wired, $200 or best offer. 241 Park Rd. N. (208¢) INSURE YOUR FURNITURE AND personal effects and contents of every description usual to a dwelling against direct loss or damage by the perils of fire, lightning, wind- storm, hail, explosion, riot impact by aircraft or vehicles, smoke dam- age, water escape, robbery or burg- lary, television ariel, all under a Householder"s Policy. Don't delay. Call today, McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St. Phone 3-2512 or 5-2133 anytime. (Sept15) fd Wilson Says "We can and will save you money on new furniture. We defy competi- tion to meet our low prices." oo N , WHAT. A BUY! 10-PIECE CHESTERFIELD GROUP This group includes 3 piece (floor sample) Chesterfield suite, entirely spring-filled. Durable coverings and modern styling, also Chrome ftrilite lamp and shade, matching Gold Seal Congoleum rug 6'x9', 2 silk cush- ions and 2 pictures, All for this Low, Low Price of $1 29.50 DON'T PASS THIS UP! 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Here's a "BUY" for the new home- makers. This lovely suite is in the new Selmer. tals. New and used hi (Octstf) NORGE OIL SPACE HEATER, large sige, A-1 condition. Will heat 3-5 rooms. 45-gal. drum with tap in- cluded. Dial 3-9207. (207¢) HOPOINT BLECTRIC RANGE, 3 burners, automatic control; ice box, B50-1b. capacity, all good condition. 198 Bond West. (207¢) $50 TO $200 FOR YOUR WASHER ranged. Barons' Radio & Electric, on a new Connor Automatic, world's finest washer; convenient terms ar- 426 Simcoe St. 8. . (Se16) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe (Seb), HIG! T PRICI PAID FOR r, Tags, ses, iron and Drala; Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals 100 Annis St. east of C.N.R. Station. (Sed) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind history. ttened S-shaped siats give 'better and mors graceful em- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without eb- ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633. 66 Bond St. West, (Selb) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, .made. to . satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arma instailcd. Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322, (Se19) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, pit ORDERS ~ TAKEN, FOR STORM h t and esti- early, Dial (Sel5) BABY'S PRAM, BLUE, GOOD CON- dition. Phone 5-5491. (208b) JEFCO STORM SASH DOUBLE PROTECTION AT HALF THE COST mates free. Please order See These Modern COMBINATION STORM & SCREEN SASH PERMANENT INSTALLATION Prompt Service FREE ESTIMATE & DEMONSTRATION Dial 5-5411 (200b) lar waterfall style and includes Vanity, Chiff and Bed. $64 50 What a Steal at only .. IT'S A BLONDE 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE IT'S A HONEY OF A SET! It's a Honey of a set and a "Honey" of a price too. We're practically giv- ing this beautiful suite away at this low price. Dresser, chest and full | ers. 86 King West. Dial 5-0132. 39--Articles for Sale 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, blue and wine brocatelle wrought iron electric fixtures (5 pieces). Dial 3-7124 or 105 Roxborough. (208c) 3 SIZE BED, SPRING AND MAT- tress, clean; kitchen table, 3 chairs, walnut finished 8-piece -dining-reom suite. Bedspreads, drapes. 115 Osha- wa Blvd. (208¢) TABLE, FOUR CHAIRS, BUFFET, child's cot, all good condition. Dial 3-4120. (208¢c) WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS horse or cow manure. Lovely black loam, top soil, sand, gravel. Dial 5-4721, (Nov4) "26° SEMI-TRAILER, COMPLETE with rack and ridge-pole and cover, also 5th wheel for trailer. Dial 5-2628. ay (206d) 140 BAGS CANADIAN CEMENT. Apply 895 Ritson Rd. S. (208¢) BEACH 4 BURNER GAS RANGE, good condition, drawer broiler; also kitchen table. Dial 5-1940. (205f) GOOD SOFT WOOD SLABS, $6 PER single cord or cheaper-rates by truck loads. Dial 3-9078 or 3-2666. (Se24) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags for $4. Dial 5-0811. (Se28) WALNUT, FULL-SIZED BED, MAT- tress and springs in good condition. Apply 18 Buckingham Avenue. (520z ORDER YOUR VENETIAN BLINDS while stock available. Canada's finest by Met-Wo Industries of steel and Flexalum. Genuine Flex stamp- ed on every slat. Accept no substi- tute. Free estimates and installa- tions anywhere. J. W. Melly. Dial 38-2311. (8e22)y 40--Articles For Rent $1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN- ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises. p (Octd) 41--Articles Wanted OIL SPACE HEATER, SMALL OR medium size. Dial 3-2798. (209¢) COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR- nishing, reasonable for cash. Dial 5-0965. (209¢) USED WATER PRESSURE SYS- tem and sump pump. Must be in good condition. Phone 3-4888. (208c) 6' x 6'. Mr. Powell, 5-3546. (207c) SCRAP IRON, RAGS, METAL, etc., bought. Cellars cleaned and the garbage disposed. Immediate serv- ice. Dial 5-0382 anytime. 824 Row- ena St. 2 (Se21) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N Dial 5-2822. (Se16) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863 (Se14) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea. ther ticks of a descrintion. Live poultry, scrap iron and metals: Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. (Seb) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- i LT 8 a (Sel5) USED TRUNK WANTED IN GOOD condition. Dial 3-4877. (209a) 42--Female Help Wanted WANTED -- GIRL OR MARRIED woman for office work. Must be able to type. Apply in person, 653 Drew St. at Bloor. (209b) WANTED -- EXPERIENCED LADY cashier for local meat store. Apply in person to Shephard"s Meat Mar- ket, 46 Simcoe St. N. (208b) EXPERIENCED PART - TIME waitress, hours 3-7:30, no Saturday or Sunday work. Apply 154 William St. E. (208¢) WOMAN TO ACT AS WAITRESS and assist with other duties, steady position. Apply Queen's Hotel. (208c) CLEANING WOMAN, 9 TO 4 SUN- days. Apply Queen's Hotel. (208c) MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR light housekeeping duties in ex- change for room and board with small remuneration. Dial 5-2586 or 170 College Ave. (207c) PRIVATE ROOM, GOOD WAGES, no washing or hardwood waxing for reliable girl or woman to care for home and 2 children, one school age, panel bed plete the ble. To see it is to want it. Priced $88 LOOK AT THIS! 5-PIBCE CHROME + KITCHEN SUITE When we offer a bargain . . .It's really a bargain! Don't miss this! Extension Table has arborite top and to complete the set is 4 beautifully upholstered chairs. Colors sof red, gray, green, blue, yellow, $5 Special Value! 39, 50 HERE'S A BUY! 3-PIECE BED OUTFIT Modern steel bed, steel spring and comfortable Mattress all $ 29 75 for only "HOLLYWOOD" STUDIO COUCH Beautiful and durable coverings. 100% spring-filled, No one ean beat this low price of WE ARE OSHAWA'S LARGEST LINOLEUM CENTRE CARPET RUGS Large size, 9 x12'. Tone on tone pattern. Limited quantity at this Low, Low Price $49.75 of only: ..\......,. KROEHLER HOSTESS CHAIRS Entirely spring-filled, lovely cover- ings . . .choice of colors. Special low price $1 3.95 LARGE CHEST OF DRAWERS Walnut finish. Spacious Drawers for storing those summer $22.75 garments. Priced at only W IT PAYS TO SHOP AT WILSONiS WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET DIAL 3-3211 (108a), for busi le. Dial 5-0532 be- fore 6. (2051) $80 MONTH FOR COOK-GENERAL, in private home. Apply mornings to 512 Simcoe St. N. (207¢) WAITRESSES, SOME EXPERI- ence preferred, meals and uniforms supplied; good wages, steady em- ployment. Apply in person, write or phone. Hicks Good Food, Lindsay. (Sept15) WAITRESS WANTED. APPLY IN person, Princess Grill, 17 Prince St. (107c) EXPERIENCED _ HAIRDRESSER, part-time. Souter Beauty Salon. Dial days 5-6232; evenings 5-3630. (207c) WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, no cooking, liberal time off. $15 week. Phone Breslin"s, Bow- manville 854, or Toronto ORchard (Seb) GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER New home in Toronto, beautiful pri- vate room, all new electrical appli- ances, good wages, P Phone 5-2722 (209a) STENOGRAPHER Township of Pickering, 5-day week, salary, $1,800 to $2,400, depending on experience. L. T. JOHNSTON Clerk BROUGHAM EXPERIENCED SALES LADY WANTED! For. leading Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Store in Oshawa Permanent position Excellent salary to right person Good working conditions Apply in own writing to BOX 225 Times-Gazette Wept.8) a, 43--Male Help Wanted RELIABLE STATION _ ATTEN- dant wanted. Apply Box 307, Times- Gazette. - ! (207c) FULL-TIME BOY WITH WHEEL, to deliver and help in grocery store. Dial 3-8211, (207¢) BOY REQUIRED TO ASSIST WITH clean-up work in bakery for after.) school and Friday evenings. Satur- day's free. Apply The Food Shop, 42 Simcoe N. (208b MEN 28 TO 60 With or without : sales experience, who need $85 weekly, and a perman- ent position. Neat appearance, good character essential, Start immediate ly. Car not essential. Send full details and phone number BOX 313, TIMES-GAZETTE (207c) WANTED--BOY TO CLEAN WIN- dows. Apply Fashion Village. (209a) ALERT YOUNG MAN TO LEARN Fish of Golden Hue Love Mush from Golden Corn Martinsville, Ind. (AP) -- That far-away look in the eyes of your pet goldfish may be a yearning for ) |corn meal mush from Indiana. The Grassyfork Fisheries here claims to be the goldfish capital of the world, and some 400 million flashy fish have slithered out into the world from the 675 ponds on {the firm's seven farms. Long ago the firm found that | prize specimens, the big ones used for breeding, thrived on mush. It has a vat large enough to heat up 7000 pounds at a time. Grassyfork's development men's clothing business. Write Box (209e) NTERESTED IN learning printing trade. Apply Alger = (208b) 319, Times-Gazet DELIVERY BOY, Press Ltd. NEW PLANT NATIONAL CONCERN Has immediate opening for journey- men; die makers experienced on sheet metal stamping dies. Sixty-hour work week, 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, overtime pay. Apply Mr. Brogan at 'sources located. Phone 3-9353. the Genosha Hotel, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. T..ursday, Friday and Saturday until noon} pa 45--Agents Wanted $25. to $40. FOR 18 HOURS! PART time dealers are earning sometimes more, selling © Familex products. Write for free details, FAMILEX, 1600 Delormier, Montreal, A. (209c) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS--Read all the ads but be sure to write Monarch for sample of our 25 card Feature box. Really, a beautiful as- sortment with eye-catching, glitter ing metallic card which sells the box on sight. Also Foil box and brilliants ornament assortment. Amazing money-makers. 50c commission on each of these. Over 50 other boxes, gift wrapping and television books for extra profits. Samples sent on approval. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept, E., Hamilton, Ont. (830) (207¢) wanted to sell Canada's finest as- sortment of Christmas cards. Fifty items from which to choose includ- ing Feature assortment, Scriputre, Humorous, Metallic, Ornament, Catholic, French, Gift Wrappings, Books, Everyday items, Personal cards, etc. For liberal commission and prompt service write, W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co. 86 Kensington - Ave, N., Hamilton, Ontario. (Selb) MAKE MONEY AND SAVE MON- ey. Sell Oshawa cards, large selec- tion of Christmas and everyday cards, gift wrappings, seals, etc. Lowest prices. Highest commissions. Oshawa , Greeting Card Company, R. McKay, 421 Mary St, Dial 5-2003. males isn't left to chance. years of handling fish, Wood can usually differentiate at If there's any doubt, the test is as simple as the whiskers on a man's is something like a soap opera. Eugene Shireman's marshy farm hadn't seemed good for much of anything except mosquitoes, until in 1899 an enterprising soap sales- man from Indianapolis decided a bowl of goldfish might be an en- ticing premium to boost his sales. ~ The soap company was out of business by the time Grassyfork got into production, but -other soap companies fell in with the goldfish premium idea. The fish caught the eye of Americans. They showed up in dime stores and pet shops. College boys swallowed them. Fishermen tried them as bait--and still use them, Shireman was delighted to find the iron and lime in southern In- diana water heightened the red coloring in the fish. That vivid color is the keynote of the whole Grassyfork operation. Harry Wood, biologist at Grassy- fork for 27 years, looks for that brilliance (and well-formed bodies) in his continual search for new breeding stock. When he spots a pond of choice fish, it's drained, and the best of the lot stay on at Grassyfork marketing. BIG AND HUSKY to spawn fish for The assortment of males and fe- After a glance. 48--Auction Sale Auction Sale -- Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall Street, Thurs. even- ing, September 6 at 7.30 p.m., 3-plece Shestertisld suite, kitchen range with 0 heater, gas laundry stove, pressure cooker, suite, gas range, Morris chair, 1'rug 9x12, Gurney heavy duty electric range, dining-room table, single bed, spring and spring-filled mattress; rangette, bles, chairs, fullsize bed and spring, lawn mower, Tricycle, Quebec heat- er and many other articles too nu- merous to mention. Frank Stirtevant, 5-5751. (208b) burner, kitchen chairs, space sink, 8-plece dining-room wicker settee, organ, ta- Terms cash. Auctioneer. Dial (Ser) 46--Employment Wanted WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED, & : 5 _ (Se29) YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN DE- sires day work. Dial 3-3276. Ask for Mrs. Newton. (207¢) 47--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name with- out my written signature on and af- ter this date, September 6, 1951. Signed: P. Holubenko. Sheet Meteo! 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer". ® ESSO OIL BURNERS © NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Air Units 'Sales ond Service to ofl Makes* DIAL >-2734 ° face. The gill plate of the male goldfish feels rough and whiskery to the touch; the female's 'is The breeders average about three years old, but Wood re- members some that have lived to the ripe old age of 16 years. Most of them don't worry about your pet bursting his bowl. . % "They stay small when they're kept in confined places," Wood said. "We keep the market fish crowded in ponds to keep. them small. They can grow as long as eight inches in one season in én uncrowded pond." j Mush helps the breeders grow big and husky--the "small fry" being grown for the market get no such delicacies. The culled-out breeders are sold for ornamenta fish ponds. * The common orange-colored goldfish usually sell in stores and shops at a nickel or a dime each. The Chinese moor's fantails and shubunkins bring fancier prices like 25 to 50 cents. Court Confiscates Salesmen's Bibles Pocatello, Idaho (AP)--The Poca» tello. City police courtroom has a new Bible. 1 It was left yesterday as bail by three Bible sal 1 who pleaded guilty to soliciting without. a city license. Each pedlar was fined $5, but the judge took the Bible ia lieu of the fines. f HISTORIC ORDER The Order of the Bath tradition- ally was founded by Henry IV-in Bo: and revived by George I:in Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E.. Whithy 4 Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmansh: attention to an.e when Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT « SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 (208c) NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALFRED BELCHER, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having claims against ALFRED BELCHER, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Polisher, who died on or about the 21st day of June, 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Septem- ber, 1951, full particulars of their claims. After the said date the Exe- cutor will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 24th day of August 1951. LOUIS S. HYMAN, H.C. Alger Building, 37 King Street East, shawa, Ontario. FOR THE EXECUTOR. (Aug24,8ept7,14) Central Mortgage and Housing' Corporation TENDER Ajax Development Project Road, Sewer and Watermains Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the under- signed, will be received up to 2.00 p-m., E.D.S.T., Tuesday, September 25th, 1951, for the performance of the following work: The. construction of Road, Sewer and Watermains, Avenue "B" North and Achilles Road West, Ajax Ontario. Plans, specifications and contract documents for this project may be obtained , by prime contract tender- ers at the address shown below. A deposit of $50.00 is required for each complete set of plans, specifications and documents. This deposit will be refunded if the documents are re- turned in good condition within two weeks of the closing of tenders, Each tender must be accompanied by a security deposit amounting to ten per cent (10%), of the tender price. The security deposit will be forfeited in the event the successful tenderer refused to enter into the contract on 'the basis of his tender when called upon to do so. The se- curity deposit of the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned. A mark- ed cheque on a chartered Canadian bank and made payable to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as security deposit The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. R. P. Opie, 441 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 2b, Ontario. Oi SOLICITOR (2092) PROMPT DELIVERY! : DIAL. 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST CROSSWORD - - " By Eugene Sheffer | 5 12 HORIZONTAL 43. primary 1. promontory color 8. prevarication 44. doctrine 8. college 47. firmer dance 49, native of Poland 50. narrow board 51. tin-plated vessel 52. son of Seth 53. independent Ireland 54. piece out 55. vipers ._ (collog.) 12. attract 13. abstract being 14. capital of Italy 485. accessory seed covering 16. assaulted 0 8. puncture 9. assumed character 18. artificial water barrier 19. salutation 20. view 21. star 24. small (Fr.) 26. prefix: three 27. pitch 30. sharp mountain spurs 32. ancient Jewish ascetic 34. dance step 35. distress signal 37. hues 38: Speaks tering! 40. bird of =. y prey ~ ANVIABRA ID] RIEISIRRIO) TIAITITIEIR (OIR] | Oli IRIEMT EILIAITIEIR! EEL SNL IE! EIVIE| ISIAILIVIE| PILIEIALS! Average time of VIRIE! Answer to yesterday's puzzle. C|UIP BC |0IP)] |£ LS) ISIE|C| SERHIE EIRIAlS! SIAIR ENB OW] ISITIEILIAIE] [AMHEL IAIRID] 1S IRRIAIN! THI LINKIEIR| go 2 n 38. put up for election 39. cover with thin layer * of lead | and tin 40. being d A 46. state of Alisorder 48. frost 49. edible Kreen seed) solution: 21 minutes. FR BANTER IRAFEYN TAY SFT ERAT TIE PT STREET OR Te Een we