Mmmm nanny PE cae orwell PRR PAGE TWENTY-FOUR r-- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1951 BRITAIN SEEKS NEW MEASURE OF LIVING COST London (CP) - re _ Britain's out- inoded - cost-of-living index; based on working - class budget expend- itures in 1937, will be scrapped as soon as a more accurate yardstick can be fashioned from the results of a nationwide survey. Decision to launch a new fam- ily budget probe was announced by Labor Minister Alfred Robens on the recommendation of the cost- of-living advisory committee, under the chairmanship of Sir Robert Gould, the Ministry of Labor's chief industrial commissioner. The investigation will be under- taken shortly with' some 15,000 families cooperating in supplying essential detail. They will be asked to provide particulars of money spent on food, clothing, rent, en- tertainment and so on right through the normal family budget. The in- formation will be required about four times, spread over a year, to take account of seagonal changes in expenditures. Covering a wider range of the population than the last index check of 14 years ago, the new survey will represent average conditions in about 85 per cent of British homes. It will be about two years, however, before the canvass is com pleted 'and the resutls analyzed. Meanwhile, a: special technical . committee will study the advis- "ability of temporarily adjusting the existing index until the new data becomes. available. To keep pace with the ever-changing picture of family spending it is also proposed small-scale trade checks should be made at frequent intervals after the revised index has been in- stituted. In its. report, the advisory com- mittee recommends selection of budgets from households with in- comes ranging from $450 to $3000 a year. The previous inquiry cover- ed earnings to $750 or less. MANY NEW FACTORS It recognizes that changes in distribution, introduction of social security schemes and general transition in the modern mode of life are likely to have affected permanently the present-day pat- tern of spending, compared with the prewar era on which the cur- rent index is based. These fac- tors, it says, must be considered in reaching a true assessment of the cost-of-living trend. The present index has been under constant fire, mainly by the trade union movement, ever since it was introduced in 1947. The chief argu- ments against it are that it is unrealistic in presupposing pur- chase by the average householder of the same range of commodities in. demand or available nearly 15 years ago. Union Leaders have strongly re- sisted application of the index fig- ures in negotiating new wage agree- ments. They contend it was 10 years behind the times even before it began to operate. * Critics have also drawn attention to inclusion in its make-up of such items as candles and iron bed- steads, with provision for the per- iodic cleaning of a man's wrist watch but not a woman's. The present index also listed a drop in living costs merely because the specific gravity of beer was in- creased last spring although the price of the workingman's pint re- mained unchanged. Furthermore, housewives have complained that the quality of many items of clothing, footwear and other necessities has deterior- ated within recent years, calling for replacements with greater fre- quency than before the war. There are many other anomalies. The advisory committee rejected a proposal that a special index should be compiled for professional and technical groups -- a sort of middle class. scale. Superstition Thenand Now Show Change Chicago (AP) -- A lot of old superstitions and misbeliefs are dying out, a psychologist says, but new ones keep cropping up. , Many superstitions or miscon- ceptions current in 1925 apparently are becoming extinct, Dr. Eugene Levitt of Columbia University to- day told the American Psycholog- ical Association. Such as: children are born with instinctive knowledge of good and evil; lines in a person's hand foretell his future; women are in- ferior to men in intelligence, but they're purer by nature; a square jaw is a sign of will power, and a high forehead means you're bright, and the person who doesn't look you in the eye is probably dishonest. Dr. Levitt gave a list of these and other superstitions and mis- beliefs to 110 college students. He compared their answers with the same questionnaire given to stud- ents in 1925 Far smaller true, he said. But, he said, a different list was tried on other students. This show- ed that many false beliefs still are pretty current today. Such as: all criminals are feeble- minded; the American Indian sees better than the white man; the complexity of life is causing more insanity; the color red excites a bull (it's waving anything, of any color, he explained; 'men judge by reason and women by feelings and intuition, AIUHINDE percentages still Rn CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer 53 HORIZONTAL 39. went 1. drinking swiftly utensil 40. mollifier 4. struggle 43. statue by 8. spherical Rodin body 47. gratifications 12. topaz hum- 49. feminine ming bird name 13. Jewish 50. among month 51. Biblical 14. curved weed molding $2. unit of 15. thing: heavyweight in law $3. demolish 9. substance used in glues 54. ogles 55. unyielding VERTICAL 10. {ied free 1. wagon use of 2. inner coat 11. minus of iris 17. map 4. mark 10. waste of allowance omission . reckless 5. scent . river in v 6. goes by Scotland 7. before . island (Fr.) 8. annoys , 'woody plant . woolen bed 4 16. American general 18. rags 20. droves . worthless scrap 22. epochs . dreadful 26. Russian ruler 27. submit . click beetle 32. sculptured _ slabs of stone 34. lamprey 35. Laban's daughter 37. grease 38. nights before holidays DISC Ale BIR] BiB} Elo] OOO Om[O| ZIM C= >I im| U O|m|--|T| OCT oR E] a[CIEREN [OI |<} Answer to yesterday's puzzle. HOP INSIL [AIVIEREDIAIP! TIAIPIE]S] A K|S] RIE} PlA 1] S| | O] CIEINTIRIAIDIE] PlojD] SHEER Sle Average time of solution: 34 al 48. Shoshonean Distributed by King Features Syndicaté Indian coverings . rowing implement . married . dwarfs . dash . wandering into evil RI] 0] 45. cry of the Bacchanals 46. talk wildly Russia Hopes Jap Treaty Will Be Propaganda Win |The Lady Says 'Yes' .By WILLIAM L. RYAN New York (AP)'-- Evidence at hand indicates that Russia hopes to play a game at the Japanese peace treaty conference in which she cannot lose. All signs point to the probalility that the decision to attend the con- ference opening Sept. 4 at San Francisco was reached suddenly, that it was as much a surprise to most of the Communist world as it | 86. was to the West. The decision appears to be an- other example of Stalinist opport- unism, rather than a long-con- sidered part of any over - all grand design. It may even be that the Russians manoeuvred themselves into an awkward position which, by their reasoning, called for ac- ceptance of the bid. The Russians can be expected to perform according to pattern; to make a fearful amount of noise and raise the usual obstructions. What they have to say will shave little to do with what they seem to be planning -- ultimate domination of the West through the ideological conquest of the East. Russia's official voice repeatedly has denounced the treaty draft as a "separate treaty with the Japan- ese reactionaries which will never be recognized by the peace - loving peoples or the people of Japan." Thus, it can be expected the Rus- sians will denounce it as illegal. It seems likely the main Soviet aim is to seize advantage of the situation created by the confer- ence and pave the way -- with propaganda -- for new Red ad- vances in Asia. This seems bound up in a com- plicated, spur - of - the - moment scheme to isolate the United States from Asia and take full advantage of the fears and suspigions of In- dians, Burmese, Indonesians, Indo- Chinese, Malayans, Filipinos and others who suffered at the hands of Japan. There has been some talk in To- kyo that the Russians might go along with the draft treaty and eventually sign it, but this seems hardly likely in the light of strong Soviet commitment to the idea that any treaty excluding Communist China is illegal. The Russians would not hesitate to dump Red China if it were to their advantage, but this certainly does not seem to be the case now. What may the Russians be ex- pected to do at the conference? They may be expected to charge that the U.S. is violating all its wartime agreements, They pro- bably will charge' that the U.S. is preparing to remilitarize Japan for aggressive purposes. They may say the U.S. supports only the fas- cist elements of Japan -- this for the ears of the Asian neighbors. Russia also may demand that Formosa and the Pescadores be turned over to Communist China and that the U.8. give up its plan for American trusteeship over the Ryukyu and Bonin islands. After 59 Years Wait Axminister, Devon, England (Reuters) -- A 59 « year - old love story had a happy ending yes- terday with the wedding of William Arnold, 80, and Elizabeth Drew, William was a soldier of 21 when he first asketl Elizabeth to marry im. "I'm too old for you at 27. Go away and try to forget," Elizabeth told him. William married, travelled the world and became the father of nine children. Then his wife died. Last year they met again. This | time she said yes. | Mouse Demolishes British Restaurant Lincoln, Lincoln, England (Reut- ers) -- A mouse effectively de- molished a restaurart. It had chew- ed a hole in a rubber gas hose, | causing a leak. A match struck by the proprietor touched off an ex- plosion which ripped up the floor and brought the crockery shelves crashing down, .ARAB MULTITUDES The world has a total Arab pop- ulation of over 44 million spread over nearly three million square miles. HEWETSON'S BOWLING SHOES FOR MEN AnD WOMEN Improve your footwork on the alleys with these surefooted shoes--and enjoy more accu- raf delivery at the foul line. Comino flexible and as easy to carry as they are BOWLEES "HEWETSON" AT YOUR REGULAR. syoE STORE HOE MCLAUGHLIN'S NORTH OSHAWA STORE Watch this space every 'Thursday for. our week-end specials ELECTRIC Sorres PERCOLATORS, SPECI FOOD ees 6 ONLY, SPECIAL LARGE FREE PARKING SPACE 1300 SIMCOE STREET NORTH $29.95 PHONE 5.4432 FARA VN 3.87 CHAUFFEUR SHIRTS at a price that will stand any amount of comparison with Chauffeur Shirts of similar quality, and come out at the head of the Value Parade! Look over the assortment, be- ing careful to note the good quality fabric and excellent workmanship, and you'll know that here is a value which means extra money in your pocket. Remember: ZEL-VAL is brand at a Special Price! Zeller's own Noteworthy Features: ® FABRIC -- High-count mercerized cotton broadcloth ® Guaranteed Sanforized Shrunk ® Soft Collar attached with Plastic Stays ® Circular Sleeve-facing for Extra Durability AIT ith TE HOME NEEDS Here is another ZEL-VAL: Zeller's ewn brand at a Special Price! Shirdys + good- looking Cotton Dish Towels, 20 by that will keep their brightness 32 ins., in colourful checks tubbing after tubbing, and serve you well through countless stacks of dishes! LHI Money-Saving Value! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Lamp Shades 4c to 2 A WHAT A BOON Plastic Lamp Shades are to the spic-&-span home! They' re so easy to keep clean; and because Plastic is so Jadaptable, pe tinish, as well as in gay patterns. 8-In. Boudoirs ... 12-In. Siidge 20-in. Juniors sds s serra sennnanannne CR RI come in ap- with a metallic . T4¢ 1.44 2.44 Spend Less Than You Planned ® Value-right Prices .® Dependable Quality ® Satisfaction Guaranteed This is the time to shop for Fall Needs, afid Zeller's ie the Store "for Value-right "BUYS". See these advertised Weekend Features! See the man in the Store! Carefully consider the prices and the quality! un-advertised Values hen check with your budget and note how easy it is to spend less than you planned, and yet have the things you want, when you want them! Zeller"s Own Brand RESSLY FOR Ce 67 DASH OVER! TAKE A LOOK! YOULL WANT SEVERAL! England, with its centuries-old "know-how" in making quality merchandise, produced these handsome Neckties! They were made expressly for Zeller's by a well-known British manu- facturer, and are a "Zel-Val" (Zeller's Own Brand at a Special Price) which will be greeted with enthusiasm by men of discriminating taste. The fabric is soft, easy- to-handle rayon, in "Club" and "Regimental" stripes. The colourings include blues, wines and greens in exceptionally appealing shades. The price is lower by far than you would expect it to be. 3.0 ® Cotton Broadcloth ® Mereerized Finish @® Full-length Centre Pleat © Sizes 14 to 162 COME AND SEE THESE FOR YOURSELF! YOU'LL WANT MORE THAN ONE! In the weekend collection of "Zel-Val" Features, these Dress Shirts deserve the attention of men who like to own enough crisp white Shirts so that a fresh one is handy at all times! These, expressly made for Zeller's, are of a quality that is not easy to find at so low a price as $3.57! Come in a hurry for your share! HHT ih Wat FINE QUALITY SOCKS 99° - -1.00 Great Assortment! Grand Values! Choose your Fall supply of Socks now, from this reasonably - priced Group! Wool and rayon mixtures! Nylons! A great galaxy of patterns and colours in sizes 10%2 to 11%. 21 SIMCOE ST. S.