ALUESDAY, SEPTEMBEN 8, 1951 THE DAILY TI MES.GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN ¥ 3 | "1 In Jhe Home "No BEAUTY FOR YOU:- $8977 pue 139 <= By HELEN It sometimes happens that a pass- er-by will notice pretty legs before _ pretty faces. Certainly a neatly- turned ankle, a slender calf, pleas- ing hosiery and smart shoes form a | combination of high rating. Ameri- ' ean women have the prettiest feet oy Buss JAMESON Er 'A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. VISION 'AND DISEASE CLOUDING of the consciousness; diminished vision, and paralysis of the eye muscles are the alarming symptoms of a condition known as Wernicke's disease.. . Until recently it was thought to OF INTEREST T GLAMORIZING:- 'By HELEN - ' Cosmetic Colours for Blondes FOLLETT O WOMEN -~ Hollywood Highlights .By BOB THOMAS Hollywood -- (AP) -- What was Rudolph Valentino really like? The screen's greatest lover has been dead 25 years this month, and legend has already clouded his real nature. people in Holywood who knew Valentino in his prime and I sought There are still many |' In The | Co Preferred by millions o Canadians for its super - quality and flavour. bin the world and know how to dress LE - that contribute to feminine pulchri« | lot of good things t will find many new shades in the i For others, not cursed with an over- ? don't let your garters go the least . them. There are girls who spend more money for shoes than they do 'on clothes, It is a madneess. 1f legs do not qualify in contour there is an easy way of normalizing | them. Get a child's skipping rope . and use it for all you are worth, It will snake off fat cells if calves are "inclined to be expansive; it will fill | both ways, and leaping up in the | alr i fun, So, as far as gams are | concerned, any girl can march in | the good looks parade. | a¥ew of us realize that nylons are | @ wonderful blessing Tr i back when, Grannle, you used ' to wear cotton stockings, had to darn them. Silk ones were heavy, wore out quickly. And think what nylons do for appearance? Thin and sheer, they are just dandy. What a we take for granted. Think of the industries tude--fabrics, furs, jewelry, per- fumes, cosmetics, chic millinery; all buzzing along to'make women at- tractive to the eye and on good terms with the reflections in the Jooking glass. Getting back to feet and legs; you hosiery offerings of this season. Park ones are for the plumpies, light ones for the members of the skinny cult. The darker the color the less fatted calves are noticed. supply of adipose tissue, there are many new shades in lighter colors, all smart and lovely. Keep stocking seams straight and bit slack. A crinkle in hosiery is a sartorial misdemeanor; nothing will make a girl look sloppier unless it Wrinkled hosiery is a sartorial mis- demeanor, ee oo o hem of her skirt, ® As for shoes, the new models fea- ture styles for every woman's taste. There are sleek-looking shell pumps with vamp openings perched on ta- paring, flexible leather soles; wide open sandals, and high-heeled spectators in two-tone patterns. If you like platforms, you will find plenty of them. They add height gracefully, so are nuts and raisins for the pint<size sisters. And for once the health experts agree with the fashion authodities: new shoes are for the better in both depart- fs a slip hem showing beneath the ments, TIPS FOR TEENS:- ELINOR WILLIAMS Exchanging Holiday Letters By "Shall I write to my boy friend while he's away?" "What kind of jetters should I write to him?" "Who should write the first letter, the girl or the boy?" Mail to this A -- ese eerste es esi Worthy of You! ° Here's your chance to make a masterpiece! These pansy doilles ate redlly worthy of your time. Use them for lunch-set, buffet set, or éven for chalr sets! Sométhing unusual for speeial otcasions! Pansy doilie Pattéin $812; crochet directions, 2 sizes. rr -------- td a TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in attern (stamps céan- Ads na hccentads LS gv fans Mes: Gazette Household Okhawa, Print iri column is full of these queries in the good old summertime. Relax! Stop worrying about let- ter-writing, because it can bé fun, something like talking with your favorite date in person. Should you write to him? If yeu date rather regularly, "ge steady," or mentioned exchanging letters be- forehand--yes. If you two don't date so regularly, and didn't agree to write beforehand, there's less reason to believe he wants to hear from you, so the answer is likely to be--no. (Send him a post card to remind him of you). There's no rule about who should write first, girl or boy. It's strictly up to you ... whoever géts around to it first. If each waits for the other to write the first letter, the entire suminer could go that way, 80 what are you waiting for? Keep your letter friendly, casual and chatty, Not gooey or senti- mental, because it's not good taste and you never kftow who will see the letter besides the person who receives it. 4 Write about things you !@iow will interest him or her . , . things you do together, people you both know, what your friends are doing, etc. Tell him Something nice that you've heard about him . . . and something funny that happened to you of a friend of his. Ask queés- tions about his vacation or job, so he'll know you are interested and will have Something to write in réply. HOUSEHOLD HINT Cracks in bathroom tyle that may cause leaks into the room below may Be filled In with a tile 'cement. The cement is Wwater- proof, dries white, and will not shrink. You ean also use the sameé product to fill in any ereks that might appear bétwéen the tub and wall. Name, ADDRESS, PATTERN MBER. _ Needleworkersl Hive you seen our 1051 Alice' Bfooks Needlework facalon? i Tent sfive yi o Mri fof erbenst, whiting, bAn@work. A Pree Pattern is pats #3 15 the boo " SRebobiabes ped StBAL. Saliimittai i) be one of the penalties of chronic or long-continued 'alcoholism. To- day we know that it results from a nutritional deficiency which may be brought about by conditions other than alcoholism. For in- stance, patients with severe vomite ing of pregnancy may easily fall victims to it, since their nutrition is so gravely affected by constant vomiting over long periods of time, Usually, the first symptom no. ticed by the patient's suffering from Wernicke's disease is double vision. There is a disturbance of consciousness; the patient appears to see objects and persons not pres- ent in the room, and tends to ramble in his conversation. As the disease progresses, there is sometimes great visual difficulty. The eye muscles become paralysed, and the eyes seem to point inward and appear crossed. The pupils may be dilated, and sometimes hemorrhages occur in the back of the eyeball which may produce permanent damage to the vision. The reflexes may be absent or greatly reduced, the skin may have a peculiar color and there may be sugar in the urine. The underlying cause of the disease is a nutritional deficiency, specifically, a deficiency in thia- mine or vitamin Bl. It is strange to note that in many cases the patient may appear well-nourish- ed and even fat. The thiamine deficiency may also éause hem- orthage in the brain. In the treatment of Wernicke's disease, large dosés of thiamine or vitamin Bl are injected into a veln and are also given by mouth. The patient must be given a high caloric diet rich in gpther iitamins. Liver extract and lin may be of some help in treating this disease in its severe stages. After from seven to ten days of intensive treatment, the disease usually begins to clear up, and the paralysis of the eye muscles is usually the first symptom to dis- appear. Gradually the vision be- comes improved, the consciousness clears, and the patient makes a complete recovery. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS J. T.: My legs swell from the knees down and are sore to the touch, What would cause this? Answer: This may be due to an infection or to a blood clot in one of the veins of your leg. This lat- ter eondition 18 known as throm- bophlebitis. Flattering Collar = YOKE AND SLERVE 'out in one! This is designed for two purposes: to give you the newest line, to make this dress a good activé-worker. Why not make two: with cap sleeves for the house, with long sleeves for a good all- purpose casual. It's easy sewing! Pattern 4687 ih sizes 12, 14, 18, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 4% yards 35-inch. This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions, . Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢) in coins (stamps canfiot be accipt- ed) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, E NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care 6! The Times-Gazette, Pat- tern Dept, Oshawa, Ont. - LJ WHY blondes have been assécl- ated in people's monds with Flirta- tiousness and frivolity hobody | knows. What has the hair on one's | head to do with what goes on in- | side of it? One thing is sure though--no light-headed sister can go make-= | up mad; she has to be careful of | the synthetic colors she places upon her fair complexion. If she doesn't she'll look brittle, As blonde hair varies in shades and character, so do complexions. Some skins carry an ivery cast. Some are pinkish-yellow like the tea rose--and very pretty they are. Others are pale or sallow, In all cases, the canvas for facial paint- ing is delicate background and should be kept in prime condition by the faithful use o f olly cos- meties. Lubricants keep the skin smooth .and healthy. When putting on powder--and the 'shade should mateh the skin ..fluff it on with the lamb's wool pad, don't grind it in. Brilliant shades of rowge and lipstick are hazardous, make a blonde con- | spicuous. Maybe some desire to | look conspicuous and, if that's' Gentlemen might well prefer a blonde like Movie Star Marilyn Maxwell, who applies make-up t0 achieve a natural look, LJ he case , it's all right fer them. The lightér pink shadés for the cheeks are usually a safe beauty bet with lipstick darker, but of the same color family. If the skin is pale, true red should be avoided. y For the skin with a golden cast, especially if the summer sun has touched it, there are orange-reds that give richness and character to the flesh, The fair-haired® sister can in- dulge in one beauty prop if she use$ restraint, places her mirror in a strong light. That's an eye shadow of faint blue if her eyes are that color, of delicate ssage green if her orbs are Hazel, dark- er blue if her eyes are brown. Bye shadows are getting more popular all the time. They were never made for daytime wear, but are designed to glorify a girl when she sallies forth togged up in party clothes, ready for a merry evening. But no matter what one's type is, one must remember that the arbiters of beauty fashions have laid down the law; vou must aim to achieve natural effects, Bediz- ened faces aren't the thing any more--and were they ever? Heavy Cucumber When it 18 cucumber time it is time for making pickles. ber pickles of various sorts are Generally, gherkins and nine day | pickles are made from a small type of gucurhber which has a dark green skin and small seeds. If the cu- oumbers used are over 22" in length they should be cut in half length- wise. In making pickles such as cucumber pickles, it is most import- ant that they be placed in cold watér or a brine as soon as possible | after picking to ensure success. Holding the cucumbers at room temperature for even a few hours may result in hollew centres, GHERKINS METHOD I 4 Quarts small cucumbers 8 Cups blended vinegar 16 Cups boiling water 1 Cup salt Cup salt Cup sugar 3% Cup mustard seed 1% Cup mixed pickling spice 7 Cups sugar Wash the cucumbers, scrub well, rinse, drain well and place in 4 crock. Cover with hot brine made by combining boiling water and salt. Pour over cucumbesa, cover and let stand overnight. Drain cucumbers thoroughly and place in a clean il % Cucum-\ pickling spice. 'pickles. dry crock. Prepare pickle mixture by combining the cold vinegar, salt TEACHER REVEALS SECRET "Blue makes white" "Helping my young Johnny with his homework proved intérésting the other night: He said his teacher had told the class that seven olotifs combine to make white CHESTERFIELDS © Rétuilt! 0 ottory prices! $100 Trade-in Allowance on your present suite! MEE. £0. b FURNITURE ina § t. Dial 3.8549 and blue is one of them. I've always used Reckitt's Blue in my washing and now I know why. Out of the blue ebmes the whitest wash, and Reckitt's Blue costs just a few canta a month." JR Crop Means Lots of Good Pickles This Winter the % cup sugar, mustard seed and Pour over cucum- bers. Bach morning for the next well to dissolve the sugar, When last of sugar i5§ added, remove pickles from liquid and pack into sterilized jars. Strain pickle mix- ture te reaove spices and pour over Seal and store. Yield: ap- proximately 4 quarts, GHERKINS METHOD 2 4 Quarts small cucumbers 16 Cups boiling water 2 Cups salt 8 Cups blended vinegar 4 Cups sugar 1 Ounce cinnamon stick 2 Tablespoons celery seed 3 Cups sugar Wash the cucumbers, scrub well, rinse, drain well and place in a crock, Cover with hot brine, made by combining boiling water and salt. Let stand for one week. Drain, cover with boiling water and let stand 24 hours. Drain cucumbers and - place in dry crock. Prepare mixture by combining the vinegar, out their impressions of the famous man, "He was a pretty good fellow about publicity," remarked veter- an publicity agent [Frank Pope. "He would co-operate on just about anything you might suggest, al though he was one star who really didn't need to be publicized. The women did the publicity job for him, "He was nice enough to the people he knew and liked, but when he didn't like someone -- watch out, One of those he didn't like was Harry Richenback, a dynamie man who was doing some special pub- licity fork on Valéntino, Once when the actor was making up for a scene Reichenback bustled up, placed his hand on Valentino's shoulder and started talking, "Screen me in," Valentino order- ed his valet Chris Reicherback watched open-mouthed as the valet placed a screen around the dis- dainful Valentine. NO "WOMAN-CHASER" "He wasn't a woman-chaser," said Dev .Jennings, who. photo~ graphed Valentino in "The Cobra" and is still a cameraman at Para- mount. "When I knew him, he was very much in love with his wife, jealous of her, "Rudy lived very quietly. preferred a few friends at his home, rather than big parties. "Rudy's hobbies were riding, fencing and boxing. Here's . one thing most people don't know--his left ear was cauliflowered." Concerning Valentino's famed romatic abilities, Holmes com- mented, "I never saw him break his neck ovér any woman." the 4 cups sugar and the cinnamon | been - loosely tied in a bag. Bring to a boil and pour over cucumbers. | For three successive days, drain off the syrup, add 1 cup sugar, heat and pour over the pickles, On the third day, pack the gherkins into sterilized jars. Remove the spice bag and pour boiling syrup over the pickles, Seal and store. yield: approximately 4 quarts. NINE DAY PICKLES 4 Quarts small cucumbérs 16 Cups boiling water 2 Cups salt 1 Teaspoon alum 16 Cups boiling water 8 Cups blended vinegar 6 Cups sugar 1 Tablespoon celery seed 2 Teaspoons whole cloves Wash the cucumbers, scrub well, rinse, drain well and place in & crock. Cover with hot brine made by eéombining 16 cups boilihg water with the salt: Let stand 3 days. Drain cucumbers from brine, bring | | brine to boiling point, pour over | cucumbers and again let stand 3 | days. Repeat this and again let | favorites with all Canadian families. | 14 days, add 2 cup sugar, stirring | stand 3 days. Drain cucumbers and | place in crock. Add alum to ré- | maining 16 cups boiling water and | | pour over cucumbers, Let stand for | | 8 hours, then drain &nd rinse thoro- ughly. Pack pickles into steril- ized jars. Prepare pickle mixture by combining thé vinegar; sugar and spices. Boil mixture for 5 minutes, Strain through cheesecloth and pour over pickles. Seal and store, Yield: approximately 4 quarts, In pickle making, the type ef vine- gar used is an important faetor, blended vinegar which may be purs chased in most retail storee or which may be made in the home by mixing equal parts of cider and white vitiegar is recommended by the home econotnists. The combi- nations of spices suggested in vy recipes may be varried acording to personal taste . A limited number | of booklets "Pickling Success" are | available by sending name #nd ad- | dress to the Women's Department of this paper. | Natacha Rambova, and was very He | "SALADK TEA WHAT SHOULD ] DO ABOUT Attire for September Wedding? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: (1) When, in late-Summer wed- ding, the men in the wedding party wear dark-blue coats and white flannel trousers, what kind of shirts and tiles should they wear? (2) And who supplies the ties? Prospective Bridegroom. (1) White shirts. Four-in-hand ties (or bow ties, if becoming to all the men), often of dark-blue back- ground with narrow white stripes or small white design. (2) In the in= terest of uniformity the bridegroom should give the ties to his attend- ants (best man and ushers) d the bride's father as well , , 4nd also gives each of these his bouton- niére, stick and celery seed which have | Fashion Flashes ELABORATE indeed is the trim- | ming that marks some cf the hats now coming into the stores for fall | sampling. Deep red velvet makes a peaked Siamese pillbox, rich with embroideries of pearl, crystal and rhinestone beading, separated by pe- | tal shaped appliques of white satin + 4 4 AT HOME clothes, as distinct | from lounging or negligee garments, are much to the fore this year Ready for fall televiewers are hand- with tunic or jacket or blouse cos- | tumes, Velvet trousers that taper to | a slim ankle are lined, often topped by coats or tunic of richly colored brocade, oo. th & RIDING THE WAVE of the popu- larity for black Alaska sealskin is the less-expensive Hudson seal. We saw itis rich, soft fur smartly used for a reversible cape; one side fur the other side ottoman faille with collar and narrow tuxedo stcles of thé fur, > » & FIRST NIGHT audiences favor silk suits doné on the dressy side, | yet restrained enough for late after- nooh wear, A new model uses dull 'silk satin in a light bamboo beige, | the one-button jacket trimmed with ani embroidéred yoke line in self satin cording studded with pearl and rhinestone beading. Skirt is slim with front slit at hem. + A FAILURE must be chalked up for the forward-posed, level hat, and every fall millinery colléction features profile brims that lift away from the hairline at top, then swing to the*templé and dip down one side. Slicked-down ostrich in pale- pink is used to make oné such hat, with oné top of the brim curved up and away from the edge, pointing he. the lifted brim at the opposite side, .> >» MAJORING in back-to-cellege collections is the fur-trimmed top- per and skirt suit. Brown flannel for a swingy jacket that is «lined with curly lamb dyed a deep creamy yellow. With it a slim skirt of the drown flannel. AFRICAN ORIGIN was in Africa, but théy have since spread into'many parts of Asia, 20 FIRST CLASS AIDS TO HAIR CARE ROUX COLOUR SHAMPOO 12 Shades ROUX OIL SHAMPOO TINT 24 Shades HAIR DYE 24 Shades HAIR CRAYONS 12 Shades ROUX RINSE 12 Shades Oil, BLEACH 3 Shades QUICK BLEACH SUPEROXIDE COLOUR BLENDER DYE SOLVENT SIL-VER.-WYTE LASH AND BROW TINT ANTIBEPTIC BTAIN REMOVER CREME SHAMPOO 3 CREME RINSE CREME HAIRDRESSING COLOUR TONERS HAIR LACQUER LACQUER WAVE SET COLOUR BRUSH with ROUX COLOURINGS AND COSMETICS FOR FETTER # CARA Le RL ALI Bh a hse keep your hair appeal Hair-glory comes through the ROUX line! In beauty parlours, in their own homes, thousands of smart women--many your own friends--use nothing else. Ask for ROUX--pronoeunced R-0-0=» that's the name for satisfaction J'. . at your drug countet or beauty parlor. THE HAIR some floor-length, robes and trouser |, . , SUGGESTIONS FOR BOUTON. NIERES WHEN MEN IN WED. DING PARTY WEAR WHITE SUITS Dear Mrs. Beeckman: - As you suggested several weeks ago in your column on "Guide to Men's Attire for Summer Weddings," my attendants (best man and six ushers) and I are going to wear all white suits at my wedding in the church here on Labor Day. We have followed your suggestions about correct accessories, But you merely mentioned "Boutonnieres," and I wondered if you would please suggest which flowers you recom- mend for this summer wedding? (2) Also should we wear gloves? Francis L, Your bouttonaire should be | white; if possible a few small flows | ers from your bride's bouquet. For | accent against the white coat, you might ask the florist to make (or | to give you) a bit of a green back- {ground for the white flowers, two lor three very small interesting leaves,- or a bit of feathery fern. The best man and ushers (the bride's father too, if he is giving his daugh- ter in marriage and therefore is & meémber of the wedding party . . . and also your own father) might wear as boutonieres a "natty" little group of cornflowers (of the blue of the background of design in their ties), or carnations, or astérs. (2)NoO no gloves. MADDENING MOVIE "COM- MENTATORS"" , When you go to thé moviés dur. ing your vacation at a summers place, don't show-off and don't sound-off about the picture with cr=aments that you are absolutely positive will réveal your remarkable sophistication and your unfailinglys right critical ability. You prob- ably won't believe this ., . but the other movie patrons will be v much obliged to you if you wi | keep quiet and let them enjoy thé | picture and evaluate it in their own way, IE NO-RINSE CHEMICALS are making your hands rough and red-=change to Dut! Now you get the whit- ést washes ever with Duz-- yet Duz gives you almost toilet-sogp mildness for your hands!