Daily Times-Gazette, 4 Sep 1951, p. 17

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i. ~~ # { 1 ¢ r _-- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1951 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVENTEEN CL ASSIFIED Fom rg pm QUICK ESY, Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects S--=Buiilding 1rades FOR MODERN AND FIRST CLASS plastering and stucco contracts, dial 5-2144. No job too small. (Se21) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, SER- viced and installed, Dial 5-128. " ctl) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 83-9732, Also 2848 Bloor St. W., To- ronto. Phone LY 7755. (Sel2) Ja--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH. Chartered Accountants, 37 King St. E. Dial 5-4662 R. Gordon W. Rieht, C.A., Resident Partner. (Sed) 1b--Accountants = LYNCH AND CO., ACCOUNTING *and bookkeeping services, payroll work, accounts receivable, income tax returns, 20 Albert St. Dial 5-5411. (Sel) 3 Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, ete., Alger Bldg., 37 King Street East, Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones; Office 3-4943; Residence 65-0254, (Sel) CONANT & CONANT, BARRJIS- ters and Solicitors, Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C., Roger G. Conant, B.A., Of fices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. S., Dial 3-2227; Ajax, Ont., phone 25. (Ag13) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc.,, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office, Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604. Money to loan George S. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. (Sel) ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C., RALPH 8. Jones, B.A. 18% King St. E. Dial 3-2269. Res. 5-1235. Money to loan. (Sel) A. W. S. GREER, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 6 Kite Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence 3-475. John M. Greer, B.A.Sc. (Se10) Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street north. Dial: office 5-3741, residence 8-3880. (Se21) CREIGHON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrister &c, Bank of Commerce Building. T. K. Creighton, K.C., N C. Fraser, K.C., G. K. Drynan. (5e1) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan, Oi- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial 5-3405. _ (Sel) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2 Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Sel) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Sim- coe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. ul " (Se! MANNING F, SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-2022, Residence 3-4029. (Sel) 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 56-5621, (8el) 4a--Chiropractors £80 L KRANTZ D.C. # PRINCE (Se.17) CARPENTER WORK, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone Bat. " e. EAVESTROUGHING, NEW, AND repairs, work guaranteed. 'Dial 3- 9468 or 3-7297, (Se22) HOUSES BRICKED, CHIMNEYS built, and repaired, cement block laying. Dial 5-0521. (2041) BULLDOZER AND SCRAPER NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR EXCAVATING AND GRADING NEEDS No job too small No job too large PHONE WHITBY 731 L. C. Racher Construction Co... 127 Palace St., Whitby Q96t1) and plastering. D. Robinson. Dial 65-0351. 11--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK- ing, reasonable, dependable. Dial 5-1538. . (Sept28) 13--Household Repairs FURNACES PIPES, REGISTERS, chimneys vacuumed, cleaned or re- ers, installed in kitchen stoves, also caulking. Dial 3-4584. (Se23) RITCHIE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. Repairs to all makes of electrical ap- pliances; all work guaranteed, 364 King Street West. Dial 5-6456. (Sel7) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE. covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Se3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212. (Se3) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- alum or steel. Dial 5-0311 for free es- timate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. (Sellth St. Closed 'Wed y Opengpvenings. Dial 3-2634.. 5-Zpentists PETER BE. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Sel) 14--Instruction GUITARS SUPPLIED. KEEP them home. Yours on gompletion. Free trial lesson. Bell's Hawallan School, Leave phone at 5-0251. (Se29) 6--Nursing Services ONE OR TWO VACANCIES AVAIL- able at Middle Green Villa Rest Home, Courtice, for the aged or bed ridden; every kindness, given; tray service, Approved by doctors. En- quiries Dial 5-4043, Oshawa. (Se8) 7--Optometrists LANGTON'S LEARN. TO DRIVE, safe, easy way, dual control cars. Course $20. Dial 3-3609. - (817) ENROLL NOW FOR PIANO, CLAS- sical and Popular. For information contact Patricia M. Tuck, 74 Burk St. Dial 5-4587. (Sel?) LEARN TO DRIVE, DUAL CON- trol cars. Phone 3-7071. (Se25) A. BE. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST-- Jury & Lovell, Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 3-2721. (Sel) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Sel) Ta--Surveyors DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. BE. Phone 5-5632. (Seb) 8--Building Trades SUMMER SCHOOL--JUNE, JULY, August. Enrol any school day. Hours 8 to 1 during summer. Oshawa Busi- ness College. Phone 5-4343. 18 Simcoe St. North. (Seb) FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class tnstruction. ¢7 Prince St. For appointment dial 56-0841. (Se3) LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character. Studio pens Sept. 15. Registration 3-7253. (Se 10tD) BRICKS AND BLOCKS LAID, free. estimates, reasonable rates. Chimneys a specialty. Dial 5-147 and 5-1272 after 6. (Se21) sand, gravel, loam and fill; also manure. Bud Galt. Dial 5-4498. (Sell) 15--Insurance ROBERT 8S. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance, Dial 5-6402. Fire, Life, Polio, Automobile, Outboard Motors and Boats, etc. (Se20) SOMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ce. DIAL 3-9348 - GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates = excavating. Bull- dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. (Se8) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, Built-up roofing and siding. Work guaranteed. H. Tucker, Dial 5-6161. (Sel?) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- sonry repairs. Gordon May. Dial 3-9911. (Se8) CEMENT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, sidewalks, driveways, curb. Work- manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. Dial 5-6378 after 6. (Se23) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner, Dial 5-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading . (Se?) BLOCK WORK, STUCCO, PLAS- tering, foundations, cement footings and floors, etc. Immediate service. Lilley Bros. Dial 5-4902, (Selb) rep ing The King St. W. Dial 3-3722. PEACOCK'S INSURANCE BERV- ice for better in all cl 224 King St. E. Dial 3-4667. Res. 5-4330. (Sel) 18--Lcst and Found 'LOST -- BOSTON BULL TERRIER, "Bud", Is children's pet and badly missed. Finder please Dial 3-7840. (206¢c FOUND -» RAINCOAT IN BAG, Friday afternoon at Ward's Store: Owner may have same by identify- ing and paying for ad. Dial 5-4913, (205¢) paired, also space heaters, oil burn- 2i1--Personai Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe St N (Se8) 22--Radio Rerairs SPECIALIZED TELEVISION AN- tennae installations, guaranteed re- pair service, all makes television and radics. Dial 5-1885, Earl Fowler Ra- dio, 1096 Kingston Rd. E. (Se28) RADIO AND TELEVISION RE- pairs by expert General Electric Technician. Dial 5-4331, Oshawa Ap- pliances, 504 Simcoe S. (Sell) 23--Wonmien's Column PERMANENT WAVES $3350 UP, cold waves $5 up, work guaranteed, Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. (Se13) PRENTICES HAIRDRESSING special, $5; Cream Wave, $3. Guar- anteed. 10 Church St. Dial 5-2241. (Se29) $4.50 UP. CREAM PERMANENTS School girls, $3. Page Hairdressing, 204 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Sel?) CHARIS FOR YOUR FOUNDA- tion garment. The only corsetiere with over twenty years experience. Mrs. Blatter, Dial 5-3434. (830) HAIRDRESSING, PERMANENT waves and all beauty culture. Con- sult Edwards Beauty Salon, Special, $10; cold wave, for $5. For appoint- ment phone 3-7633. 5 Celina Street. (201f) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.60 up: maehineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St.,, dial 3-4521. (Se27) 25--Real Estate Eor Sale HOUSE ON HIGHWAY NO. 12, ONE mile south of Manchester, 6 rooms, hardwood floors upstairs and down, all modern conveni , spaci garden lot with some fruit trees, also double garage. Apply W. F. Thompson, 331 Centre St. N., Whitby Phone 929. (206¢c) 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FINISH- ed attic, hot water heated by ofl, two 3-piece bathrooms, Simcoe St. 8. Ideal location for doctor or denfist. (2062) Dial 3-3559. clay loam, three hundred young ap- ple trees, lovely land for vegetable gardening, well dug, % mile from Oshawa. H. Glecoff, Ritson Road South. (206¢) room bungalow, in Oshawa. Contact H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Road S. (206c) MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms, 1% years old, laun- dry tuhs and electric tank, all hard- wood floors, kitchen and bath, mas- tic tile, southeast .Half cash. Dial 5-5636. (Aug29Sept4,5) THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUN- dred down, new 6-room insul-bric, large garden, garage, close to bus, school, store and Simcoe St. N. Tiled and hardwood floors, venetian blinds, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water. Balance as rent. Phohe 3-4053. (206e) BUSINESS PROPERTY AT 456 SIM- coe 8. Immediate possession. Dial 3-3558. (204c) $8 00 --Located on Simcoe St., ' North Oshawa, T7-room stucco dwelling. Nice condition throughout. 3 bedrooms up and one down, large kitchen, hot-air heated, | hydro water heater, storm windows. | Handy to school. Half cash required. | Balance $50 monthly. ~Owner's lovely é&-room $6,700 bungalow. Immaculate condition. Natural fireplace in living room, large kitchen with modern cupboards. Full basement. Hot-water heated, ;hydro water heater. Large garage. Early possession as owner has purchased a larger home. About half cash required. $1 | 000 -- Half cash obtains Ay possession of a lovely 6-room brick dwelling. Hardwood floors throughout, natural fireplace, hot-water heated with oil. Attached garage. Landscaped grounds. Central location. One owner since built. See this. New listings, large or small appre- ciated. W. E. HOLMES Broker Bond at Ontario $9,80 --$5,800 down, 8-room, 2- ' storey brick house, good-sized bedrooms, 3-piece bath, hot-air heating, garage. $5, 350 storey and half large kitchen with built-in cupboards, 2 bedrooms, hot-air heating, large lot, side drive. $10 5003270 down, 8-room, ' 2%-storey, solid brick, 5 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, hot-air heating, double garage, central. $450 Fer a lovely lot in Lake- A view Park Ave. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 BOND ST. W. DIAL 3-2911 Dial 5-2363 £2082) (206a) E. E. PATRICK OFFERS --4-room stucco bungalow large lot, immediate A good buy. LOST. -- HEARING AID, BLACK head band, vicinity King and Gib- bon or King St. bus. Dial 5-0356 after 4 or 246 Gibb St. Reward. 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. GRADING, LOADING, BACK FILL- ing, fill taken away, sand, gravel and loam. for sale, also truck for hire. Bob Hoy, Dial 3-3779. (Se8) REMODELLING, RE. ROOFING all types new construction. Reside tial, industrial. R. B. Wilkins, Air- port Road. Dial 5-4413. (Sel3) 'BLACK LOAM, SAND, GRAVEL, fill, crushed stone. Levelling and grading 'with tractor. W. H. Parry. Dial 3-9932. (Au3l) 24 HOUR CARTAGE, ODD JOBS, and cement work. Prompt service, Roy Loveless. Dial 3-8515. (Se8) EXTERIOR PAINTING, LOW FALL rates. Cgll us for free estimates. Dial' 5- 3 (Se21) FLOOR AND WALL TILES, MAR- boleum, jaspe, ~~ rubber, asphalt, Barker & Plastic Wall Tile. Free eotimates-- Dial 5-188: Se23) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVATING, etc, call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 3-3831, fe Whithy 208, 4he20), Mor! and ag for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simeos St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022, (Sel) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY We Buy Mortgages and Agreements of Sale 112 Simcoe Street North i NORTH SHORE REALTY Cf. LTD. Dial 5-3568 OSHAWA (t,t,8) 20--Personal TEA-CUP '.EADING. P) 3195 after . for appointments. ( 20a--Cartage CITY - WIDE DELIVERY . AND cartage In speedy new panei truck fully insured. Dick Bros. Dial 3-2158 « 4008, 2 8001), (205b), '| heavy wiring, oak floors, insulated | Convenient, safe, courteous service, $4,700 $7,500 room brick and. stuc bathroom, electric hot water heater, nicely fenced-in garden. This home is in excellent condition. Immediate possession, -- Eulalie Avenue, 5- $10,500 room rug brick bun- galow 4-piece bathroom with rubber tile floor, lovely modern kitchen with rubber tile floor, heavy wiring, air heating, oak floors, divided base- ment with recreation foom. Here is an excellent bungalow at a bargain price. Don't pass this up. Immediate possession. -- Eulalie A y 6 $ | 5 ,00 ho sn 3 bedrooms air heating by oil, insul- ated, heavy wiring, oak floors, laundry tubs, recreation room. Im- maculate condition. Possession two months. E. E. PATRICK REALTOR 43 Bond St. West Diai 3-8551 2 Doors West of Prince St. p-- cm 480883 7 ACRES TILE DRAINED, BLACK | 45 ACRES CHOICE BLACK SANDY | loam, 15 acres in young orchard, 3- | --f-room stucco on brick, | Architects 1 Articles for Rent #0 Articles for Sole . 39 Agents Wanted .. 4 Articles Wanted , 2 Auction Sales ... 8 Auditors serosa Automobiles for Sale ....s... 32 Automobiles ot anted Farmers' Wanted For Rent Gardening Supplies Household * Ke Insurance Lawn Servi Each initial letter, abbreviation, fi of publication. REGULATIONS-- The Daily Times-Gazette shall error occurs. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Employment Female Help Instruction Mower Help Wanted .. #4 Market Basket , 38A Money to Loan .., 19 Nursing Services , € CLASSIFIED AD RATES THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONB ......cce00e0 SIX CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . - EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order, Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month ror 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. ull word Box charged 15¢c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day Office hours: Daily, 8-& Saturday, 8-12. advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor boyons the price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classifications. Optometrists Personal Personal Services 21 Pets & Livestock 34 Physicians Radio Repairs Rea! Estate agente Real Estate For Sale ceveese 48 Real Estate errs Columu 37 i veevenss 12 saesesse 38 srssnse 14 a1 Summer Resorts 31A Veterinarians .... 3 Wanted to Rent .. 20 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 28 2 Words or Lew 1.25 2.15 30 Each Add') Word 05% «10 01% $§ avd c sign, figure, count as a not be responsible for errurs in 25--Real Estate For Sale LARGE NEWLY DECORATED 8§- room frame house, 14 Harmony Road S. Suitable to subdivide as in- | come project. Close to school, bus | and store. Cash or terms. Immedi- (ate possession. No phone transac- tions please. Apply Walter Logue, 821 King St. E. (2021) OWN YOUR OWN HOME AND BUSINESS TOO Rooming house on large corner lot, close to Gen. Motors and business section. Newly decor- ated inside and out. Spotlessly clean. Has 4-roomed, self-con- tained apartment with sunroom and private entrance rented, also 3 large rooms and sunporch for -owner, all on ground floor. Sec- ond floor has 4 bedrooms, and bath, rooms have new twin beds, spring-filled mattresses, venetian blinds throughout. New oil fur- nace, large dry basement, 3-car garage. Spacious lawn, garden, hedges. This property is a mon- ey-maker with income of $300.00 per month. Due to illness owner will sell completely furnished and as a going business for only $15,500 cash. Write BOX 232 TIMES-GAZETTE 25--Real Estate For Sale WHEN BUYING OR' SELLING Real Estate see Nolan Broker, 69 King St. East. Dial 3-3311. (Sed) TWO 3-ACRE LOTS APPROXI- mately 51' x 660'. Ritson Rd. N. $500 | each. Dial 3-3559. (206¢) "down, takes - possession $2,300 of this large 4-room bfingalow, built-in cupbodrds, 4-piece bathroom, nice garage. Full price $6,700. $3 100-3 for this 5-room ' brick bungalow, hard- | wood and tile floors, hot air heating, venetian blinds. DIAL 5-3889 LLOYD AYERS Broker (203a) 7-room frame house with 3-room self-contained apartment, renting for $25 monthly, garage and chicken coupe, situated on 4 acres of ideal garden land. Within city limits. Built in cupboards, sun porch, house re- cently insulated and decorated. $5,900.. Terms, Possession arranged. Apply J. HALES Alberts Road W, Dial 5-4918 (206a) (2065b) $6 90 --3-bedroom home, excel- ' lent condition, immacu- late. Only $2,900 down. $8 500 Yor lovely new 6- ' room home, large lot. Immediate possession. $3,000 down. $9 9()() Choice 5-room | bunga- ' low with 3-room base- ment apartment, immaculate. $3,000 down. : -wLa brick 6 - 1$9,900 ge Vartning Picking modern kitchen, cormer lot with gar- | age. $2,500 down. $ | 0 50 22sniricent bunga- ' low on landscaped lot, 80' x 165'. An exceptional buy. Terms. BAILEY and TAYLOR Brokers PHONE 3-2062 WHITBY 2152 (2088) $16,000 -- WARREN AVE. Cape Cod brick veneer on large shaded and landscaped lot, attached garage with overhead door and con- crete drive. Living-room 21' x 12'6", with stippled ceiling, natural fire- place, large dining-room, large mod- ern kitchen, double sink, tiled floor, large centre hall down, two large and one medium sized bedrooms, four plece tiled bathroom and hall up. Deep dry divided basement with fin- ished recreation room with natural fireplace and bar, laundry tubs, large hydro heater and tank, extra toilet, hot water heating, oil fired, .insulat- ed, parquet oak hardwood down, ma- ple up. Screens, storms, awnings, many extras. Exclusive listing. Pos- session 60 days. $12,500 -- LESLIE ST. One and a half storey brick veneer on landscaped lot with summer house and macadam drive. Living-room 12' x 16'6", large dining-room, modern Ee sized kitchen, large bedroom own, two large bedrooms and four piece bath up. Deep dry basement with laundry tubs, large hydro heat- 'er and fruit cellar, Hot air neating, oil fired, fully insulated, oak hard- wood throughout, screens, storms, awning and other extras, Exclusive listing. Possession 60 days. $15,000 -- MASSON ST. New stucco bungalow on large lot. Living-room 186" x13' with natural fireplace, Dining-room 9'6"" x 12' with built-in cupboards, modern kitchen with double sink, large master bed- rooms with double closets, two gond sized additional bedrooms, modern four piece bath. Oak hardwood and linoleum tile throughout, ample cup- board and closet space. Deep dry basement equipped with dry well, hydro heater, laundry tubs, hot air heating, oil fired. Tastefully decorated, recently painted, in excellent condition throughout, possession of any of these bright comfortable homes would make any owner justifiably proud. ARRANGE AN INSPECTION AP- POINTMENT TODAY After 6:00 pm. Dial 5-6342 Ralph H. Vickery, Salesman DIAL 3-2265 BUNGALOWS BOWMANVILLE--$10,500 -- 9 - room solid brick bungalow on 50' x 230' lot with new hot water heating unit, garage, laundry tubs. Ideal for du- plex. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH --$8,000--~ $5,200 cash -- new 4-room bungalow with garage and oil burner -- low { monthly payments. | HIGHLAND AVENUE--$9,600--8§3,190 | cash--new 5-room bungalow -- awn- ings, storm doors, hot water heater, immediate possession. GRIERSON STREET --$10,200--$5,000 cash--5-room bungalow, attached ga- | rage, low monthly payments. MASSON STREET -- $10,500, $6,000 cash--5-room bungalow on landscap- ed lot, completely decorated inside and out. SUNSET DRIVE--$9,000--8$2,900 cash --3-bedroom brick bungalows, new hot air heating, sidewalks, a real buy. MARY STREET--Near Greta--$11,000 --$6,000 cash--7-room brick home, completely decorated, venetian blinds, laundry tubs, awnings, a lovely héme in a good location. ATHOL STREET EAST -- $11,500 -- $5,800 cash--6-room bvrick home on large lot, garage, fireplace. Immedi- ate occupancy. ROXBOROUGH---$11,500--$5,000 cash --lovely 6-room home with attached garage, gumwood trim, natural stone fireplace, oak floors, forced air with oil burner, laundry tubs. An out- standing home in a very desirable location, ol JARVIS STREET -- lovely 6-room home with ultra modern kitchen and bath, forced air heating, oil burner, large garage--an exceptional home inside with every convenience, ALICE STREET---near Mary Street --T7-room brick home with 4 bed- rooms, near schools. Early posses- sion priced to sell, early occupancy. SUTHERLAND STREET-1% stor- ey, 5-room brick home on landscaped lot--recreation room, oil burner, many- extras, LA LLE AVE -- 6-room brick in nice location, newly decorated vitro- lite tile bath, completely landscaped and decorated--early possession. * ARTHUR STREET -- 6-room home with large garage, laundry tubs, ex- tra stool in basement. Reduced for quick sale. After 6 p.m. Dial 3-9200--Everett Elliott Dial 3-3983--Lloyd Metcalf Sales Representatives) DIAL 3-3849 13%, Simcoe Street North ( 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT. a for chents: All cash--or--your equity. See or call W, McAuley, » - ry A 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI- nesses wanted. For a quick confiden- tial sale, lst your property with E. E. Patrick, Realtor, 43 Bond St. W., 2 doors west' of Prince. Dial 3-8551. (Se3tf) ARMS AND SMALL ACREAGES wanted for clients. Some with all cash. See or call W. McAuley, Real- tors d8ePrimee- St Dial 5-2133 or 3- 2133 anytime. (Se25) 28--For Rent ROOM FOR TWO GIRLS OR COU- ple, centrally located. Dial 5-0844. (206g) ACCOMMODATION FOR GENTLE: men roomers, single and double rooms, continuous hot water, very central, 77 Ontario Street. (206¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH 2 single beds, or single bedroom, in quiet private home, continuous hot water, abstainers. 93 Roxborough, Dial 5-6286. (206b) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- Ing room, suitable for two. Apply 163 Simcoe St. S. (206c) GARAGE FOR RENT. APPLY 80 Hillcroft Street. (206c) NEW CABIN TRAILER FOR COU- ple only. Immediate possession. Dial 3-3078. (206¢) TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keepihig rooms, outside conveniences. abstainers. Dial 3-3123. (206¢c) COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, spring mattress, continuous hot wat- er, very central. Suitable for two or three gentlemen friends. Apply 57 Division St. (205f) 5 ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED $35 at Caesarea. Phone Toronto, Ger- rard 2201 after 8. (205¢) FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen in private home, Division St, Breakfast if de- sired. Dial 5-1325. (205¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM IN PRI- vate home for woman, use of kitchen for light housekeeping, abstainer. Dial 3-8995. (206¢) APARTMENT, FOUR ROOMS AND bath, immediate possession. State family, phone and occupation. Box 343, - Times-Gazette. (206c) 2 OR 3 CLEAN LARGE ROOMS, between Whitby and Oshawa, rea- sonable rent. Roberts, Corbett's Point Road. (206b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. AP- ply 492 Eulalie Ave. Dial 3-4705. a : = (204c) LARGE MODERN FURNISHED bedroom, lots of cupboard space, cen- tral. Dial 3-3238. (204c) LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping room, married couple pre- ferred. Dial 5-4688. (204c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT- able for two. Phone 3-8124 after 4. (204¢) 29--Wanted to Rent THREE OR FOUR ROOM, SELF- contained apartment, ground or first floor, wanted by elderly widow.\ No children or pets. Rent assured, Ap- ply Box 145 Times-Gazette. (206d) BUSINESSMAN AND WIFE, TAK- ing up residence in Oshawa, desire unfurnished apartment; all conveni- ences. Phone 5-5300. (206c) 3 OR 4 ROOMS SELF-CONTAINED, adults only. Write Box 250, Times- Gazette. Yi (205b) QUIET YOUNG COUPLE WANT two or three roomed furnished apartment, preferably in south end, near bus line, reasonable rent by Sept. 15th. Write Box 302, Times- Gazette. (205¢) 4-ROOM FLAT OR APARTMENT, by careful couple and family. Ur- gently required. Write Box 249, Times-Gazette. (204c) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO OR three men, close to Motors and Fit- tings. Dial 5-4866. (206c) COMFORTABLE ROOM IN A RE- fined home. Apply 404 Ritson Rd.N. (206c) ROOM AND BOARD IN COMFORT- able, clean, newly decorated room, all conveniences, suit two gentlemen. Dial 5-2649. (206¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG | man willing to share room in new home, single beds. Dial 3-4131. (206¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen, continuous hot water. Dial 3-9084. (204c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE, (gentleman preferred), in private home; central. Dial 3-857. (204c) 31--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home for young business man. Write Box 248 Times-Gazette. (204c) 32--Automobiles for Sale '35 FORD SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion, at Courtice, behind Nicholls' Garage. (205b) 50 METEOR SEDAN, RADIO, heater, and accessories, in good con- dition, cheap.. Apply 747 Rowena. (206¢) 36 CHEV, STANDARD SEDAN, all around good condition. Dial 5- 6314, 840 Simcoe S. (205b) '36 FORD ROADSTER, A-1 CONDI- tion. Dial 3-4186 after 6 p.m.. 235 King E. (204c¢) 40 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT condition. Apply 119 Wood St. (206b) G.M.C. '41 DUAL DUMP TRUCK, also '37 Dual G.M.C. Stake Body Truck, reasonable. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Road S. (206¢) 1938 G.M.C. TON PANEL, GOOD motor, tires and body, cash, trade or terms. Apply 1121 Dundas E. Whitby. (206¢c) '41 FORD CONVERTIBLE, EXCEL-~ lent condition, fully equipped, will sell' for first reasonable offer. Dial 3-3164. (206¢c) overhauled, new tires, '42 Pontiac coach, radio, heater. Dial 3-7088. (201f) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates and proper protection. See McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St., Dial 3-2512 or 65-2133. (Sed) RE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Mourey's Garage at 5-4332 for complete front end service, and immediate installa. tion. (Se?) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Sed) SACRIFICE $1505, '49 CHEV. IN Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 42813, Sem] , mileage 9,900, one o%n- ; 543 top condition oz coly. Apply, 543 Mary, Styeet. (2060) 32--Automobiles For Sale 1'37 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone Ken Hooper, 404 Bow- manville. (204c) '41 Super deluxe sedan $850 $490 Qldsmobi secsecnene '38 Oldsmobile Coach Ford Coach Chevrolet '36 sesemseee $140 MOREY"S GARAGE 110 VERDUN RD. '34 (208b) 33--Automobiles Wanted '41-'51 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 800 Park Road S. Dial 3-9421. (Sel) 36--Pets and Livestock | 100 ROCK PULLETS, 4% MONTHS old. Dial 5-4912. I, Turner, North | Oshawa. (206b) | DASCHUND, RED FEMALE, 8 {months old, house broken, child's | pet. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Hyslop, Ux- | bridge, R.R. 4, Phone 93-R-21. | (205c¢). Youbet Sie die ios CER REGISTERED PUPPIES, TER- { rier, (smooth), cocker spaniels, Wal- | ker fox hounds, Labrador retrievers, | Knowlton's Kennels. Phone 3-8032. (Se28) female, black, "15 months, also pup- pies, blacks, blondes and parti- colors. Waubena Kennels, new high- way near the Drive-In. (Se24) 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED up promptly, horses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs, and calves. (We pay for horses and cows). Call us collect. Live horses, 3 to 3%c per lb. for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowmanville 2679. Ty- rone, Ont. (Se28tf) 38a--Market Basket CLAPP'S FAVORITE PEARS, and apples, cooking and eating, Wes Powers, 932 King E. Dial 5-5492. A (2068) FINEST QUALITY FOODS AT Every Day Low Prices. Store open all day every Wednesday and 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. every night. It's pleasant shopping at Glecoff's I.G.A. Super Market, 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. (Oct17) $250 nose COCKER SPANIELS, MALE AND | "| 39--Articles for Sale SENSATIONAL BARGAIN. .CHEF- Master 4 burner range, only $219.50, with Telechron lamp and timer as- sembly, regularly $25 for only $b. Highest allowance for your present stove. Balance $13.85 monthly. Bar- on's Radic and Flectric, 426 Simcoe 8S. Dial 5-4822, (Sept.2) TWO SETS UPPER SCHOOL TEXT - and examination reprints. Dial 5-3905. (206a) WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS horse or cow manure, Lovely black loam, top soil, 'sand, gravel. Dial 5-4721, (Nov4) COMMERCIAL SCHOOL , BOOKS, grades 10 and 11, used only b months, half price. Apply 16 Lloyd St. (206b) 8.1 JOHNSON WORKHORSE OUT- board. Very. good condition. Dial 5-0636 after 6. (206a) CIRCULATING HEATER, USED one year; chrome kitchen table and buffet; also utility table. Dial 3-4546. _ (206c) '26 SEMI-TRAILER, COMPLETE with rack and ridge-pole and cover, also 5th wheel for trailer. Dial 5-2628. (206d) HEINTZMAN & CO., PIANO AND bench, walnut, excellent tone. Ideally suited for school or auditorium' work. An exceptional buy $195. Wil. son & Lee, 79 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-2822. (206¢) USED COFFIELD PORCELAIN tub washing machine. Apply 169 Roxborough. Dial 5-3804. (206a) "SELF-FEEDER" STOVE IN GOOD condition $25. Call at 26 Brock St. E. or Dial 3-3885". (208b) ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, IDEAL apartment size, absolutely silent in operation, new low price $179.95. Meagher's Electric. (Sept.3) ORDER YOUR VENETIAN BLINDS while stock available. Canada's | finest by Met-Wo Industries of steel - {and Flexalum. Genuine Flex stamp- ed on every slat. Accept no substi- tute. Free estimates and installa- tions anywhere. J. W, Melly. Dial 3-2311, (Se22) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe (Se25), VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start- ling development in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create ent Estimates without eb- SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY, COMB and extracted. No. 1 White special quality. Your pails filled. H. F. Anderson, 272 Ritson Rd. North, Dial 5-3094. (Se 2) FRESH EXTRACTED HONEY and combs. Bring containers and save. Roy Anderson, 268 Ritson Rd, N. Dial 5-2441. (Sept 1) 39--Articles For Sale FINDLAY OVAL COOK STOVE, ivory and black, large size, warming closet and reservoir, good condition. Phone Bowmanville 2170. (204c) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed. Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322, (Se19) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Also complete repair service. Dial Merv. Tuck, 65-3492. (Sed) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM sashes; measurements and esti- mates free. Please ordar early, Dial 3-4989. (Seld) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags for $4. Dial 5-0811. (Se27) ROLL - A - WAY FOLDING COT, spring-filled mattress, nearly new. Apply 150 Division. .... (206¢) ELECTRIC RANGE, 3-BURNER, heavy duty apartment size, oven control, $65. M82 Simcpe St. 8S. rear. (Se4,6) STOVE, NEARLY NEW, COAL OR wood, reservoir. Reason for selling-- have electric. Write Box 303, Times- Gazette. (206¢) GOOD "CHEER" COOK STOVE, white . enamel with black, almost new; also golden oak dining room suite, good condition; double bed with spring and mattress; single bed with spring and 'mattress; jacket heater; chest of drawers. Phone 719, Whitby. od (2058) 600 BIRCH-BARK BRICK. DIAL 3-7925. (205¢) STEVENS REPEATER SHOT GUN, used three times, for sale cheap. Dial 5-1369. (205b) LUMINOUS DOOR NAME PLATES, door and desk name plates. Forever bright glass mottoes; Biblical pic- ture mottoes, army, navy, air force medal holders. Apply Mrs. Evelyn White, 22 Duke St., Bowmanville. (205¢) AUTOMATIC STOKER, COM- plete with motor and controls, good working order. 5-6396. (205¢) BEACH 4 BURNER GAS RANGE, good condition, drawer broiler; also kitchen tab Dial 5-1940. (2051) GENT'S ' C.C.M. BICYCLE WITH lamp and carrier, almost new, $25; also white kitchen table, $5; kifchen sink, $1. Dial 3-2338. (204c) JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, 9.8 h.p., ready pull starter. Phone Ken Hooper, 404 Bowmanville. (204c) GENT'S BICYCLE. APPLY 45% John St, east side. (205¢) FREE FILL. COME AND TAKE IT away. Phone 5-3873. (204c) single cord or cheaper rates by truck loads. Dial 3-9078 or 3-2666. (Se24) INSURE YOUR FURNITURE AND personal effects and contents of every description usual to a dwelling against direct loss or damage by the perils of fire, lightning, wind- storm, hail, explosion, riot impact by aircraft or vehicles, smoke dam- age, water escape, robbery or burg- lary, television ariel, all 'under a Householder's Policy. Don't delay. Call today, McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St. Phone 3-2512 or 5-2133 anytime. (Sept15) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags for $4, Dial 5-0811. (Se28) ELECTRIC STOVE, G.E. DELUXE model, perfect condition, used ten months, Dial 3-9433 or 3-2673. (204c) AWNINGS SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for pent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Seb) WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC DRI- this, One only. Meager's Electric. Sel) USED FURNACE AND PIPES. $50. | Dial 3-801, (206), GOOD SOFT WOOD SLABS, $5 PER | er, latest model, no tax to pay om' ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0833. 66 Bond St. West. (Selb), DELUXE WESTINGHOUSE range with automatic electric time clock, also scores of extra features selling Avithout tax. Apply Meagh- er's Electric, (Sel4) $50 TO $200 FOR YOUR WASHER on a new Connor Automatic, world's finest washer; convenient terms ar- ranged. Barons' Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S, (Se186) SCRAP FIREWOOD $5 Per Truckload M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor E. Dial 3-7333 (ttstf,) MADE TO ORDER STORM WINDOWS F. ZEDIC 100 CROMWELL AVE. DIAL >:3169 (Se13)" 40--Articles For Rent $1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN. ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises. (Oct4) 41--Articles Wanted SCRAP IRON, RAGS, METAL, etc., bought. Cellars cleaned and the garbage disposed. Immediate serv- ice. Dial 5-0382 anytime. 824 Rowe ena St. (Se21) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822, (Sel6) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863. (Sel4) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a descrintion. Live pouitry, scrap fron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4913 collect. (Seb), HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (Sed) GOOD USED. FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves apd' heate ers. 86 King West. Dial 5-0132. (Sel5) 42--Female Help Wanted RELIABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework, no cooking, Ben- dix. Dial 3-4121. (206¢) WOMAN COMPANION TO SHARE apartment with woman, practical nursing preferred, sleep in, Dial 5-2079. (206¢), WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, no cooking, liberal time off. $15 week. Phone Breslin's, Bow- manville 854, or Toronto ORchard 5604. (Seb), GIRL TO KEEP TIME RECORDS, must be quick and.accurate at fig- ures. Typing experience helpful but not necessary. Apply in own hand- writing to Sup: Oshawa-Times. (TF.), PRIVATE ROOM, GOOD WAGES, no washing or hardwood waxing for reliable girl or woman to care for home and 2 children, one school age, for business couple. Dial 5-0532 be- fore 6. (2051) EXPERIENCED SALES LADY WANTED! For leading Ladies'. Ready-to-Wear Store in. Oshawa Permanent position Excellent salary to right person' Good working conditions Apply in own writing to BOX 225 Times-Gazette is (Sept.8), ~-- (Continued on Page 18) |

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