PAGE TWELVE © THR DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE L WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1954 Oshawa Is Proud of Its School System Adults Should Practice Traffic Safety To Cut Toll Among School Children Traffic accidents annually kill more children from 1 to 14 years of age than any other single cause. Responsibility for child safety is three-pronged: and the child, the parents and the motorist must each assume his peoper share. National Safety Council statistics disclose that the total cost in lives and injuries among traffic victims under 15 years of age in the United States are as follows: For 1950 Deaths Injuries Bicyclists 370 15,500 These startling figures point out that the safety of every child is everyone's concern. Every - death and injury of a child in traffic is reflected on every parent and every motorist. Adults must be willing to set an example by safe driving and safe walking, not just before their own child, but be- fore all children. The National Safety Council ur- ges that children, motorists and parents be safety-conscious at all times and follow these rules for safety-first: Children must be taught to recog- nize and obey traffic signs and signals, traffic officers, school crossing guards and school safety patrols. They must stop at the curb, look bot ways and for turning traffic, before venturing into the streets. They must cross the street only at way is clear. Parents must teach their children those safety habits that will make them self-reliant and capable of protecting themselves in traffic. They must teach their children to paly in safe places. They should be sure that their children have the necessary skill and maturity before allowing unsupervised use of a bicycle or motor scooter. Above all, parents should set a good ex- ample in safety habits for thier children, Motorists must drive carefully in all areas where children can be expected: in residential areas, near schools, playgrounds, at hlet- ic fields, etc. They must be on the lookout for youngsters on tricycles, roller skates, scooters. sleds. Motorists must give bicycles a wide berth and resist temptation to blow their horns when close to a bicycl erider. Safety habit smust be instilled in children from earliest childhood on. By the time a child is ready for school, he should have develop- ed good habits which will protect him in his daily trek to and from school. As schools open and children are taking part in more school and playground activities, it is even more important that drivers be on the lookout for them. And it's the parents' responsibility to seev that children learn, remember and practice their safety lessons. The National Safety Council ur- ges that community safety projects be established in cooperation with police departments, school offic- ials and the local safety council. It is only through concerted, co- operative efforts in behalf of safety, that many children's lives can be spared. School Work Reflects Value of Diet Teachers and school officials are well aware of the urgent need for constant improvement in the nutri- tion and health of Canada's youth. There is ample scientific evi- dence of the relationship between good diet and good health. There {is ample evidence that many chil- !dren, and at times their paretns, |do not have adequate diets. School life reveals the relative vitality, personality, and perform- ance of children. It reveals directly the physiological results of the home and community environment and of the Canadian family diet. In disturbingly large proportion, these results are negative -- lassi- tude, ill health, bad teeth, retarded Serves City's South East District ps saosin SPROUL COMI One of the schools w tion of : of the city. hich came under the jurisdictio t of Hast Whitby Township, Union School Section No. 6 serves the south-east section 7 n of the Oshawa Board of Education following the Mother shows the way for Junior to use his vision properly. The light is evenly distributed throughout the room, and he draws big sweeping lines with a heavy crayon, Over- concentration and reading fine print should be avoided by pre- hool children, according to the progress, irregular attend in- attentiveness, restlessness or in- sufficient ability to meet the prob- lems of school and life. To alleviate this handicap, under which some of the Canadian youth labors, is a big job, and at the same time a challenging one. It cannot be done by our schools along -- although the schools and the individual teacher deserve much credit for progress already made -- but only by mobilizing | the resources of the whole commu- American Opt tric A nity in attacking the problem of health and nutrition. Buoyant health is one of the greatest fifts that can be bestowed on a child. His happiness in school, and indeed in life, depends in large measure on his health. The goal of good health is not an easy one to reach, but it is a goal for the home, the school and community. MILK... Alert minds: go builder-upper. | IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED withfPsoun And milk budies. 1gerated Refr2ik pelivery Keep plenty of Guern- sey or Jersey milk on bond. is the best body 110 KING ST. E. DIAL 5-5812 Freddy Fox Family Pet Toronto (CP) There's only one letter's difference between |"pet and '"'pelt," but it's a big difference to 13-year-old Audrey Hinds. Audrey, who lives in suburban Willowdale, has a pet fox called Freddy and she is getting a little weary of people telling her Freddy woula make a better pelt than a pet. Freddy was found playing with the Hinds' two dogs on their lawn four months ago. Older sister Pat captured the fox and gave it to Audrey. Although he takes the occasional nip at strangers, and has eaten the family's pet rabbit 'Snow White," Freddy is there to stay and has no intention of running away. He knows Audrey's affection for him is more than skin deep. CIVIL DEFENCE CORPS At June 30, 1951, the total strength of, Britain's Civil Defence Corps stodd at 147464 of which 83,124 were men snd 64,340 were women. BACK-BREAKER It took 100,000 men two months to clear debris from the streets of ancient Babylon when it was sacke ed about 2500 years ago. OPENS TUES., Day and Night ® Secretarial ® Business ® Clerical PLEASE SEND FREE BULLETIN My Name .. Address .. Phone oe 18 SIMCOE ST. N. ® Accounting Intense, practical training designed to meet the requirements of modern business. Our in- diyidualized system of teaching enables the ° student to set their own time record. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY ssessssas "esc scsssscenesensessssse SHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE SEPT. 4, 1951 School Classes! Stenographic Machine operation . | Grade Attained .... PHONE 5-4343 } (REN