MES-GAZETTE WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1951 PACE EIGHT > BEAUTY FOR YOU:- What to By Said the facial operator in the beauty shop, "If you listened to the wails and blubberings of women, as I do, you would come to the conclus- jon that no woman has a complex- jon that suits her, If she's under thirty, she howls about oiliness, "plies the powder pad on her beam- ing nose and laments because she powder is soon gone with the wind. After forty the dry skin prevails, and that is because the sebaceous glands slow up as one gets older. "Women have better complexions than they formerly had, because 'they have found out that health measures are a help. But they still 'don't seem to know that certain cosmetics are compounded to com- bat certain conditions, and must be chosen' carefully." Time usually corrects the exces- sively oily skin, especially if the victim of this good-looks grief cuts down on fat foods and pastries that stimulate the glands. They need less carbohydrates too. The diet should include plenty of fruit, fruit juices and vegetables, A test along these lines will show that dietary habits are responsible. To help the cause they ghould use plenty of cold wa- ter on the skin, slow up on creams, and apply an astingent once a day. The dry skin is harder to bear than the oily one because it does not take kindly to make-up, often feels drawn and sensitive. The dry condition can exist all over the body surface, in which event a bath oil should be frictioned into the flesh after the daily tubbing or shower. This treatment will allay the itching that is sometimes pres- ent. There is no such thing as using too much cream on the face, neck, hands and arms. A five-minute an- nointing with a soothing cream at bedtime will stop the excessive des- quamation that goes on--the cast- ing off of dead skin cells that make the surface rough and sensitive. As there is a difference in the ingre- dients of oily cosmetics, it is advis- able to try out different ones. Don't fancy that lubricants will produce facial fuszers. Electrolysis operators, who remove superfluous hair, report do for Dry Skin HELEN JAMESON 3 Sometimes the skin is allergic fo soap. * & o that the worst cases are on the faces of women who have never used cosmetics of any kind. Neither very hot nor very cold water should be used on the dry complexion, It should be just warm enough so that soap will lather. Sometimes the skin is allergic to soap, flaring up in sudden redness when coming in contact with it. Then a cosmetic meal must be sub- stituted. These delightful toiletries can be found at any cosmetic coun- ter. The basic ingredient is usually finely powdered oatmeal, which is cleansing and soothing. Sprinkle some on a moistened wash cloth and go over the flesh lightly. AN < H Hello Homemakers! Some of us are s0 busy. storing away the fresh summer fruit that we forget how enjoyable they are for every meal of the day. A fresh dish of blue- berries for breakfast, cubed raw peaches tucked into cherry jelly for lunch and a hot mixed fruit cobbler for supper or dinner allow us to enjoy the full fresh flavour yet stretch the quantities to feed unex- pected 'guests, FRESH PLUM DISH 3 cups chopped plums «% cup corn syrup % tsp. cinnamon 3% tsp. nutmeg 1 30sp. ZRottening , sal cup milk our, flour, - pr baking For Boy or Girl : Pre For the newest member ¢. the . family, crochet this adorable set! Jacket is one straight piece, cap is too. When Baby comes, add ruffles to both if it's a girl! Spider-web crochet is so simple! Jacket and cap for boy or girl Pattern 7252; directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to The Daily Times Gazette Household Arts Dept.,, Oshawa. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN Needleworkers! Have you seen our 1951 Alice Brooks Needlework catalog? Send Twenty-five cents for your copy today: Illustrations " handwork, A Pree Pattern is print- NUMBER. ; ed In the boox. embroidery, and other fascinating of patterns for crochet, knitting, &® ] YDRO HOME ECONOMIST powder. Add the rolled oats: Cut in the fat. Add the milk to make a light batter. plums into a greased casserole, pour the batter over. Bake in a moderate electri coven (350 degrees) for 25 to 30 minutes. Serve with cream. APPLESAUCE REFRIGERATOR PIE 15 2 graham crackers eups thick applesauce (sweetened) tbsps. melted butter plus tbsps. melted shortening ¢ Cup sugar 4 tsp. cinnamon . tsp. ground cloves egg whites 4 thsps. sugar Add the butter and melted short- ening to the finely crushed cracker crumbs and mix well. Add the sugar and the cinnamon. Stir until thor- | oughly combined. Line a cake or pie | tin with the crumb mixture and bake in a moderate electric oven (350 degrees) for 15 minutes. When cool place in a refrigerator and chill for several hours. Just be- fore serving, add the chilled apple- sauce and top with the meringue made from the egg whites and sugar, SPICED PEACH SQUARES cup shortening (or other fat) 12 cup sugar egg cup molasses tsp. baking soda 5 cup boiling water cups cake flour tsp. ginger tsp. allspice tsp. cinnamon top. salt Cream the shortening, add the sugar and mix well, Add the well braten egg and the molasses. Sift together the dry ingredients. Dis- solve the baking soda in the hot water. To the first mixture add the dry ingredients alternately with theliquid mixture. (Pour into cove- ered bowl to bake whe ndesired). "0 bake, grease an 8" by 8" cake tin, Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Cut in squares, split and serve with sliced peaches in be- tween and o top. _« + 4 Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o Times-Gazette. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies, 2 2 2 Lowi flavour Place the chopped |. Hollywood H ighlights By BOB 'THOMAS Hollywood (AP) Josephine Baker, longtime toast of France, made a triumphant debut to Holly- wood this week, netting $24,000 in a one-night performance. The American Negro singer's performance contributed a con- siderable amount to the Damon Runyon Memorial Cancer Fund, which is show business' principal charity. The sepia performer dis- played her songs and talents in a one-night performance before the cream of Hollywood society at the showcase night club, Mocambo. The television networks are making big plans for their prize comics to do their shows from this end of the continent starting this fall. But no decision has been an- nounced yet on a pesky problem: The time differential. For instance, if Jimmy Durante does this show to be seen by the eastern audience at 8 p.m. Satur- day, it would be 5 p.m. here. That's not a good viewing time for Pacific coasters. Since the larger, eastern audi- ence is always favored, it appears that the shows will have to be filmed and shown at a later hour for westerners. News item: "Warners preparing third version of 'Desert Song.'" Oh, no!... Among the silliest things about the movies are the ad lines to ad- vertising the latest Humphrey Bo- gart flicker: "He got what he wanted at night'! HOUSEHOLD HINT It is perfectly safe to store food in opened tin cdns in the refrigera- tor. Cover the cans with heavy waxed paper or plastic-type covers, with snug-fitting bindings. 4-Season Flatterer 4878 12-20 30--42 by-fhame Hdncns Easy-sew two-piecer! Yokes and sleeves are cut in one! Wear this flattering design as a suit-dress for now, under your coat later. classic or glamorous according to the fabric you choose. Pattern 4878 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 5% yards 35-inch. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Times-Gazette, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. CANADA de luxe VINEGARS j<© Lowest in cost because made in your own region, Its purity, strength and fla- vour ensure suc- cess for your pickles, relishes, colsups, salads! For Free Recipe Booklet write: CANADA VINEGARS 112 Duke Street * Toronto, Ont. ALSO IN BULK AND BOTTLES Tm rHE DAILY TI SA (GLAMORIZIN G:- By HELEN Ld NAIL polish, like the rosy lipstick, is one beauty whimsy that had had men still protest against crimson talons, but a lot of good it does them. Polish gives a modern touth and it is fun to play with. But the sisters should keep in mind that it calls attention to hands that have been neglected that carry discolorations or look old. Many women have young faces, slender figures but hands that look as old as anything. No reason for it. Even the busiest boss of dordes- tic works can keep her mitts in form for little cost and little time. SELECTING SOAP In the first place, soap must be selected with care. What does nicely for one may be too harsh for ano- ther woman. If hands look shiny and drawn after using a particular soap, it is not for you. Find one that is blander, more neutral. After a session in the garden, clean your hands with mineral oil, and then give them a soapy scrubbing with a brush. Or add a Witle cornmeal to a long run. Some old-time duddy |' Do Your Hands Tell Your Age FOLLETT Your complexion cream will also keep hands soft and young looking. Two applications a day will work wonders for your skin, LJ > the suds; thé' tiny grains will dig dust from knuckle wrinkles. The starchy content will be soothing. Don't stint on the use of a hand lotion. Some supplicants for pul- chritude fancy that lotions are nec- essary only when the hands are chapped. They need it all the year round and two applications a day are better than one. A gentle mas- sage at bedtime with a nourishing cream will work wonders, The one you use on your complexion will usually agree with the skin on your hands as it has the same character- istics. FOR GALA EVENINGS If you would dress up your hands for the gala evening, apply a little vanishing cream to the backs and the fingers. Keep on frictioning un- til every bit disappears. Sometimes a drop or two of skin tonic will serve, and it will also impart a pleasing fragrance. The housewife who wrestles with vegetables should have a cut lemon handy, plunge her fingertips in it to remove stains and to whiten the nail eaves. The Experts Say By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer Warm weather means most women are doffing high-heeled pumps for flat play-shoes. Foot specialists frown on this. One Toronto chiropodist says high-heeled pumps cause the mus- cles in the calf of the legs to short- en. Hence, a sudden drop to flat- heeled shoes may result in 'leg pains." He recommends a gradual "stepping down." First medium heels, then flat ones. Leather-soled shoes are the most comfortable on city pavements. Incidentally, the foot expert thinks platform soles are a good idea, He says they're easy on the feet, providing added protection against uneven ground and pebbles. Afternoon is regarded by most foot experts as the best time of the day to fit shoes. If your foot 'tends to swell in hot weather it will be at its largest in the after- noon. Finally, different makes of shoes and different lasts mean you never know what size shoe you take until you have your foot measured. A F good shoe salesman will measure the foot both when you are sitting and when you stand. "When the weight is on the feet they elongate one-sixth of an inch," said the expert. 'Weak arches may cause the foot to elong- ate even more than that." BAREFOOT FOR HEALTH Go barefoot if you're spending a country or seaside hcliday. The ex- perts say this is fing summer foot treatment if you're in a position to do it. ' The Canadian Shoe Information Bureau reports from Montreal that heels will be lower this fall. Cer- tainly in dressy shoes, the three- inct heel will remain but for every- day wear, there is a trend toward the 1 3-inch. Closed toes and closed heels will push last season's sandals right out of the picture. Pumps with circular or rounded throats will be popular. Platforms for the most part are lower although in dressy shoes they will return fp their old heights. While there will be fewer ankle- straps nevertheless straps remain a style factor. REPTILE FOR WEAR Calf, suede and kid, together with nylon mesh and even flannel will be the popular fall materials for Tim Modernize wow with clean, comfortable, convenient i Silent A i OIL BOILERS -- incorporating even feature for finest smal home heating--are available in a wide range of capacities. Space-saving Hi- Boilers, WALL-FLAME CON- economy! for perfect HERE'S YOUR DEALER! Coal & Supplies Ltd. 110 King W. | Oil Heat! Your satisfaction isassured three ways: Equip- ment that's unsurpassed for dependability and tops for installation know- how! A manufacturer sec- ond to none for experience and responsibility! Easy terms. Phone us today! OIL. FURNACES ~--These com, humidify, filter ond circulate oir VERSION OIL BURNERS --famous for guaranteed fuel oil savings up to 25% or more----quickly convert coal bollers and fur- naces fo quiet, de- A dealer who's pendable oil heat. comfort, Fired by wall-flame burner. / [114 3 fe] MANUFACTURER! TIMKEN MCLAUGHLIN | 54 ae so mm AvTONAE SoH i nL py seg SY Dial 3-3481 A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. A PECULIAR DISORDER WE are becoming more and more aware that the connective tissues of the body are subject to disease which can produce gen- eralized illness. One rather pecul- iar disorder, thought to belong to this category, is scleredema, which has recently been found to affect a good many people. The chief feature of scleredema is a firm, taut swelling of the skin, with extreme thickening and roughening. These changes are first noted on the neck, from whence they spread to the head, chest and back. In addition, ex- cess fluid often forms between the membranes of the lungs and in the chest cavity. Joint swellings are also fairly common. DIFFERENT DISEASES This disease should not be con- fused with the crippling and some- times fatal scleroderma, in which there is a stone-like hardening of the skin and "hody organs. Scleredema usually follows ill- nesses in which there is high fever produced by streptococcal in- fections. A considerable period is requir- ed for the swelling to disappear-- usually from three to eighteen months. The swelling is peculiar, in that no mark is left when heavy pressure is applied to the swollen area, It is often accompanied by swelling of both Parotid glands, the glands just below the ears which are affected in mumps, NEW TREATMENT Until a few months ago, no known treatment was available for this affliction, However, it has been thought by some that the use of the new drugs, cortisone and ACTH, might be of some help. In view of this, an attempt was made to stimulate the formation of ACTH within the body o f a person suffering from scleredema by the giving of epinephrin, which stimulates the formation of ACTH, Shortly after the administration of epinephrin was begun, the pa- tient was free of the constricting feeling due to the swelling. The swelling decreased in size; within three weeks the neck and face were free from the swelling, and there was 8 definite decrease in the swell- ing of the chest, back and abdomen, While the drug did not completely relieve the symptoms, a marked reduction in their severity was noted. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS C. A.: If a person is born with- out a palate or had it removed, would he still be able to speak? Answer: A palate is necessary for speech. However, many forms of artificial palates have been de- vised to take the place of a real one. Also, plastic surgery has been uitilized in correcting this condition. CHILD MARRIAGE Margaret, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the 14th century, was married to Haakon VI of Norway at the age of 10. shoes. At the same time reptiles will be shown even more than last year. Natural snakeskin has been combined with black suéde, green or brown suede with multicolor trims. Black is the most popular color for fall. There also will be green shoes, red shoes and some grey. Health department officials at Ottawa also have-something to say about shoes. 'Wear shoes that suit the occasion," they urge. "For hiking, be sure that your shoes are comfortable, with low heels and firm soles. Keep your high heels for dress occasions." In Jhe Community WHAT SHOULD |] DO ABOUT: Birth - Announcements? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: I have bought quite a few very attractive birth-announcements, to be sent out when my baby arrives. But in compiling the list today, I began to wonder if it would be proper for me to send announce- ments to those who would naturally hear the news at once, or would read the news in our local news- paper which publishes births at once. How about this? Lady-in-waiting Send them to everyone who will be interested in this Happy News. To begin with you couldn't pos- sibly know whe might know about your baby's arrival and who might not know . . . and ii's foolish to try to make such a list. Also the cards are the best way to announce the baby's name as well as the date of birth. And relatives and friends delight in receiving really attrac- tive birth-announcements . , . polite people want to acknowledge them in some way . . . and doting rela- tives and friends like to file them, to remember the birth-date, NOT PROPER FOR MEMBER OF THE IMMEDIATE FAMILY TO GIVE SHOWER BRIDAL OR STORK Dear Mrs. Beeckman: My sister is going to have a baby in the last part of October, and I was planning to give a stork shower for her. But my mother insists that it is not correct for a member of the family to give a stork shower. any more than it is correct for a member of the family to give a bridal shower. Does the same rule apply to both, M. N. Yes. It is not considered proper for a member of the immediate family . . . mother, sister . . . to give a shower, because of the too- too-obvious look and implication that the shower, of whatever kind is "planned promotion" for gifts. SHE MUST WRITE BREAD AND BUTTER LETTER TO EMPLOYER'S WIFE Dear Mrs. Beeckman: I have been private secretary to a man for the past four years, and in that time have met his wife quite a few times when she came to the office, Ever since I was a little girl my family and I have gone to the same beach resort for one month in Ahe summer, and this year my employer and his wife took a house in a quite-near resort. I have just returned after a most delightful visit to which the wife in- vited me, a 2-day visit with other guests there, but I the only one from the office. I "anked both my hostess and hos oy profusely when I left. Shr Y | st thank my hostess again she phones or comes to the office, or must I write a note? And what about sending a guest gift? Francis B. You should indeed write a bread- and-butter letter to your hostess . . and please do this at once! Don't be uneasy about writing this note because she is your employer's wife . . . you had such a "delightful visit" that it will be easy for you to write enthusiastic things, and you should be fortified by the re- assuring fact that apparently this couple find you pleasant to know LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING L) Ro Ballet ® Tap ® Toe ® Borre © Choracter « Phone 3-7253 Accepted ° Fer Appointment NC 50 Easy! Gives floors a bright, long-lasting wax shine without any polishing | otays brght! ... is water-repellent. It can be damp-mopped again and again with clear water without washing away the protective wax shine ! 4 "Johnson's" and "Glo-Coat" are registered trademarks. S. C. Johnson & Sen, td. 'Brantford, Ontario tele- |. and pleasant to have their friends know. A 'guestegift' is not neces- sary . .. but it is a charming and generous gesture to make. Perhaps a current book that has been dis cussed while you were there. Or a box of candy, or a box of nuts with perhaps other goodies, such as slices of crystalized fruits, or a box of summet-y-looking mints. ey be! You get full measure of whole wheat and bran in NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT GET THESE WONGBLaudlfil ; » STAINLESS STEEL STEAK KNIVES 4 om ; 0 F , Send for your knives today! AND 2 A TOPS Serrated blade, NAR ivory finish handle "\ --regular90¢ value! Just mail two > NABISCO SHREDDED ~~ WHEAT box tops ~__ and 50¢ to: The Canadian Shredded Wheat -- Company, id, = Niagara Falls, Ontario.