PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1951 RESYL Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITBCTS, HANKS & IRWIN, rince Street, Oshawa. Phone Hors 4 Also 2848 Bloor St. W., To- ronto. Phone LY T7755. . (Sel2) la--Accountants, Chartered Charte: ©. Dial 54662 R Go C.A., Resident Partner. 1b--Accountants . LYNCH AND CO. ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll 8--Building Trades BLACK LOAM, fin, grading with tractor, W. H. Parry. Dial 3-9932. ~ 331) *CARPENTER WORK, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone 5-3937. 21 HOUR CARTAGE, ODD JOBS, and cement work, Prompt service. Roy Loveless. Dial 3-8515. MORE SERVICES ADDED, K.L.T. Painters and Decorators. cialize in the and. y decorating, ainting, paper St. a No job too small. Get our 3297; Ajax 41; Oshawa 3-3669. MODERN PAINTER, DECORATOR and wallpaper hanger. W. Thibert. Jial 5-1355. , SAND, GRAVEL, crushed stone. Levelling and (Ag8l) (Aug2?) 23--Women's Column PERMANENT WAVES $3.50 UP, cold waves $5 up, work guaranteed, Clarke's Beauty Shoppe, 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. PRENTICE HAIRDRESSING COLD aves, $4.95 up. 10 Church St. Dial 5- (Seld) (Aug24) (Sept.8) We spe- following: Pain industrial spray prices first. Scarborough (Augl8) (Ag13) work, accounts receivable, .ax returns. 20 Albert St. Dial e541. 3--Barristers LIME STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS, sand, gravel, (Sel) | manure. Bud Galt. Dial B44 loam and fill; also 98. (Sept.11) 8 S. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- OE Alger Bldg., 37 King Street Bast, Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones: Office 3-4043; Residence N 35-0254. (Sel) ee ------ rr ---- er SONANT, BARRIS om ttes Gordon D. Con- Conant, B.A, Of- Simcoe St. fSONA Jers and Solicitors. ant, K.C. Roger G. : Oshawa, Ont., Tis Low fall rates. Call us for free es- OUTSIDE PAINTING , 8 paint- 1 io Job. tab big. Thomas St. Dial 5-4410. HER BUYING OR SELLING al King St. East. Dial 3-3311. 75 ACRES, good soil, 1% miles from Oshawa. 8- room brick house, hydro, barn 30' x 60', spring creek; sell with stock im- plements or without. Phone 5-5506 Oshawa. . BUILDING LOT, BLGIN ST. E. Dial 3-8056. 25--Real Estate For Sale TWO LOTS ON MILLER AVENUE. Will take car or light truck as part payment. Apply after 6 E |9"ROOMED HOUSE, LARGE LOT, fruit trees and barn, chicken coop, Frank Street, (188¢c) 26 p.m. 120 (189¢c) urnished if desired. Apply Estate see Nolan Broker, 60 (Sed) GOOD BUILDINGS, (190c) (190c) imates. DIAL 5-5253 AFTER 5.30 P.M. (Aug14,15,17) phone 25 (Ag13) --D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. BAR- LH Solicitor, ete, 6 King st. t West Phones: Office Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 5-4604, Money to loan . h; B.A. Associate. George S. Boychym, tol) ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH 8. (5 fices 3., Dial 3-2227; Ajax, Ont, ' 11--Dressmaking PLAIN SEWING AND ALTERA- able rates. Apply 5 Prince St. ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK- ing. Reasonable, dependable fons, children's clothing. Reason- (180¢) Phone $2,80 ern. Total price, only $9,000. $15,50 ideal roomin§® house. DOWN, vacant, 5-room brick bungalow, mod- --Close to room brick; Motors, 8- makes Listings appreciated. Donald Scott Real Estate Corner Prince and Bond St. ~ Phone 3-2612 : (190b) -1538. (Augl8) Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial 1235. Money to loan. 3-2269. Res. 5- (Se W. 5. GREER, K.C., BARRIS 2 Solicitor, etc., 8 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence 83-4750. John 5 4d. Greer, B.A.Sc. (Sel0) 12--Gardening & Supplies PREPARE FOR FALL P. now, Everythin garden. Sod, shrubs, greens, flag and rockery stone. Dial TIN you need for your trees, ever- -1721. (Ag19) dining room; dinette; large CENTRAL PK. BLVD. We are pleased to offer for sale a beautiful new residence just off King St. BE. This home is ready for im- mediate occupancy. Check the fol- lowing carefully, Large living room; Architects ....... 1 Articles for Rent 40 Articles for Sole . 30 Agents Wanted .. 4 Articles Wanted Auction Sales .., 48 Auditors ....ee0ce Arama ] Automobiles for Sale ....s... 32 Automobiles Wanted ......... 38 Barristers) ........ 3 Building Trades » 8 Business Farmers' For Rent Gard Supper Repairs Insurance Lawn Mo Service Above rates appl Subsequent ritons REGULATIONS-- The Daily Times-Gazette shall INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Employment anted ......... #8 Column 37 Female Help Wanted vesenses 38 & Instruction wer Legal Notices Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. 18 Male Help Wanted Male & Femol Help Wanted Market Basket Money to Loan ... 19 Nursing Services , 6 CLASSIFIED AD RATES THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .....ccee0eeee SIX CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ..........ce00.000 2.18 BEACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . only to original orders for consecutive insertions, rdered at a later datp constitute a new original order, Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. Kach initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c¢ sign, figure, count as a full word Box charged 15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Office hours: Daily, 8-& Saturday, 8-12. advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classifications. Optometrists ..... 17 Personal vee 20 Personal Services 21 Pets & Livestock 36 Physicians ...... TA Radio Repairs .., 22 Keal Estate Agents ......... NM Real Estate . For Sale ....... ® Real Exchange ...... 38 Real Estate esssesee 13 seeesnes 13 sessece 14 teisesee 18 eee 87 eee IT o oi Each Ada') Word 05% 10 30 O1% not be responsible for errors in a toh ; two lovely bedrooms and #4 T. SALMERS, B.A., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 18% Simcoe Street 13--Household Repairs CHEST IELDS UILT, bath on air-conditioning unit. Playroom with second floor, Oil burner- north, Dial: HS Building. office 5-3741, residence er eee rs JREIGHTON, FRASER 4 DRYNAN. d ank © 0! Cl rt rr K. Creighton, K.C., Drynan N.C. , K.C., G covered. Like new. Why pay more! Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Uphoistering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Se3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE h ed. See our materials for iton. JOBEPH P. MANGAN, K.C, BAR- sister, Solicitor. Aloney to loan. of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 3-8232. Residence Dial 05-3405. Dial ERNEST MARKS, 3olicitor. 11 King Rast, recovering. Bruce 'R. Charles. Dial 3-7212, (Sed) BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS and sure customer satisfaction. Flex- alum or steel. Dial 5-0811 for free es- timate. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. (Selitf) 14--Instruction fireplace, in basement. Laundry room with built-in tubs. Extra toilet in cellar. There is loads of cupboard space; rubber tile and hardwood floors. This property must be seen to be appreciated. Down 'payment required is $4,000. Owner and build- er is well known contractor and he will take back a mortgage for the balance. Full price $13,000. Hurry for this good buy. Apply to A. E. MURDOCH Real Estate Broker Z5--Real Estate For Sale TWO %-ACRE LOTS. PHONE 3- 3550, (189¢) 5-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, WITH insul-stone siding, on 40° x 120' lot, Park Road South. Dial 3-7239. (188¢c) E. E. PATRICK OFFERS. BUNGALOW -- 7 ROOMS 3 8 2 5 --~Church 8t., attractive 7 ' room stucco, 3 - piece bathroom, air-heating, large lot with vegetables and flowers, private drive 25--Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK BUNGA- low, $3,000 down, balance as rent. Dial 5-6279. (189¢) BUILDING LOTS, LARGE OR small, some choice V.L.A. in regis- tered subdivision, quarter mile west of city limits, off No. 2 Highway north, Dial 5-4009. (190c) $11,000 7-room brick, 1V2 storey house, hot air heated, oak hardwood throughout, 4 bedrooms upstairs, 3-piece bath- room. Large living room and kitchen. Plenty of cupboard space. Situated west Oshawa in growing residential district. Cement driveway, garage, 28--For Rent BEDROOM, FURNISHED, WITH all conveniences for lady. Central. Close to bus stop, Breakfast if de- sired. Dial 3-8320 after 6 p.m. (190i) TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS, suit three men. Apply 260 Golf St. ; ((180c) FURNISHE! BEDROOMS FOR gentlemen, central, Apply 48 Brock Street West. (180¢) TWO UNFURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms, on bathroom floor, in private home. Dial 3-3267. ; (180¢) FURNISHED ROOM FOR GEN- tleman, with or without breakfast. Dial 5-2803. (180¢) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM to share, continuous hot water, pri- vate entrance, near Motors and Fit- tings, 32 Charles St. (180c) 29--Wanted to Rent HOUSE, DUPLEX OR APART- ment, furnished or unfurnished, with 3-5 bedrooms for careful fam- ily, not too far from schools, want- ed to rent in Oshawa, Whitby or Bowmanville. Please reply to desk clerk at Cadillac Hotel or Mr. . Box- strom. (180c) 2, 3 or 4 ROOMS IN WHITBY OR Oshawa, by Sept. 1st., by young couple. Phone Whitby 873. (189¢) ONE OR TWO-ROOM UNFURN- ished bachelor apartment, prefer- ably central; abstainer. Dial 3-9738. . (180c) 3 OR 4 ROOM APARTMENT UR- gently required by couple with 3- month-old child, abstainers. Refer- ences. Phone 5-2756. (189¢) 3-8 ROOM HOUSE BY RESPONSI- ble family of 3 adults; have own 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, sink in kitchen, continuous hot water, abstainer. Dial 5-4520, (190c) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, new home, light, water, heat, suitable young couple. Apply 214 Cadillac 8. (190a) FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 GEN- tlemen, near Motors. 122 William E. Dial 5-2052. (190c) 5-ROOMED BUNGALOW, FURN- ished, oil heat, garage, for 7 months from September 1st. Write P.O. Box 933, Whitby. (Augl5,17) NEWLY DECORATED LARGE front bedroom, central; suit two gentlemen. Dial 3-2670. (190¢) bedroom, continuous hot water in room, balcony, private home, cen- tral, one gentleman, abstainer, $7 weekly. Dial 3-2454. (190a) ROOM FOR THREE BOYS, WILL- ing to share same. Apply 220 Bruce St. (190c) SELL OR RENT -- 4 ROOM BUN- galow with bath in Pontypool. Ap- ply Neil Curtis, phone 81-10, Orono. (190b) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, single beds. Close to dowatown, Dial 3-2572. (188¢) FURNISHED, TWO-ROOM APT. with well-equipped kitchenette ; adults only. Total abstainers. Dial 5-6141. (188c) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN- tlemen, single beds, block from Mo- tors. Apply 201 Bond E. Dial 3-3356. (186¢) 4 ROOM APARTMENT AT PONTY- pool. Apply, Neil Curtis, phone 81-10, Orono. (190b) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT 2 or 3 gentlemen, grill privileges, North Oshawa preferred. Phone 3-2291. (189b) 3OR 4 ROOMS FOR COUPLE AND small family, urgently needed. Ap- Box 118, Times-Gazette. (189¢) 2-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH sink and heavy wiring for range, desired by quiet, reliable business couple in Oshawa or Whitby, no children, Dial 3-4654 (188¢) BUSINESS COUPLE REQUIRE' 3 rooms by August 18. Dial 5-4453 after five. 158c THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, self contained, for young bus'ness couple, Dial 3-9004 after 5. (188¢c) 4-ROOMS, SMALL HOUSE OR apartment with conveniences, Whit- by or Pickering. Apply 82 Gifford Avenue, Toronto, (1861) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 OR 4 men home-cooked meals, central. Dial 5-3296. (190¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO young gentlemen willing to share room, private home. Apply 272 Haig St. Dial 3-4235. (190c) ROOMS AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen, abstainers, in private home, central. Dial 5-1588. (180c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, also light housekeeping room. Apply 247 Arthur Street. (180b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman, non-smoker, abstainer, in Christian home. Phone 3-9807. (190a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman to share room, close to Motors. Apply 92 Elgin E. (180¢) FOR THREE GENTLEMEN, AB- stainers only. Apply 118 Division St. > 37--Farmers' Column WANTED-DEAD. FARM STOCK, picked up promptly, Horses, cows, calves, sheep, pigs (we y for horses and cows). As an added ser- vice we will Se-perate with your veterinary in Jos mortems, 2%a per pound for live norses. Call cole lect Bowmanville 2679, wills Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ont. (Ag21) 38--Wearing Apparel MAN'S STRIPED NAVY SUIT, size 42, reasonable. Phone 3-9824. (1908) 38a--Market Basket PICKLING CUCUMBERS FOR sale. Dial 3-9910. (188¢c) SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY, COMB and extracted. No. 1 White special quality. Your pails filled. H. ¥. Anderson, 272 Ritson Rd. North, Dial 5-3004. (8e 2) FRESH EXTRACTED HONEY and combs. Bring containers and save. Roy Anderson, 268 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-2441. (Sept 1) 39--Articles For Sale ------ {ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, IDEAL apartment size, absolutely silent in operation, new low price $179.95. Meagher's Electric. (Sept.3) LEONARD ELECTRIC REFRIGER- ator, aapartment-size, requires ree pairing--$25., no guarantee, Meagh- er's Electric. (188¢c) WESTINGHOUSE. ELECTRIC DRI- er, latest model, no tax to pay om this, One only. Meager's Electric. a (Seld) SPARTUS FULL VIEW CAMERA, with flash. Dial 3-8265. (186¢) CABIN TRAILER, FULLY BQUIP- ped, good condition, already. parke ed at low rent. Full price $250. Ap- Ply 292 Gibbs Ave. at rear. (180b) DELUXE WESTINGHOUSE range with automatic electric time clock, also scores of extra features selling without tax. Apply Meagh- er's Electric. (Beld) CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE. FER- guson's Greenhouse. Phone 3-3052. (189¢), DINING-ROOM SUITE, OTHER household furniture and sealers. Ap- Ply 29 Brock St. E. (189¢) COMPLETE SET OF WEAREVER aluminum, never used. Cheap. Write Box 117, Times-Gazette. (180b), '49 CABIN-TRAILER, A-1 CONDJ- tion; sleeps four; equipped for wide ter and summer. Terms can be ar- ranged. Phone Brooklin 11R14, (180¢) Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence 34320. 12Y; Simcoe Street South Dial 3-3843 : (188¢) and completely landscaped. Dial |abstainers. Phone 3-8222. (189b) and garage. Terms arranged. MAN'S BICYCLE, IN GOOD CON- ee A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A fanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 28 Sim- soe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. =. . (Se LEARN TO DRIVE, DUAL CON- trol cars. Phone 3-7071. SUMMER SCHOOL--JUNE, JULY, August. Enrol any school day. Hours 8 to 1 during summer. Oshawa Busi. ness College. Phone 5-4343. 18 Simcoe MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- |g¢ (Aug2b) North. (Seb) r. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 3 t Block Suite No. 4. Phone 3-2022, Res. (Sei) 4--Chiropodists . M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializi in dis of the toot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621. (Sel) FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Danc! or class * For appointment dial 5-0841. LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character. Studio reopens Sept. 15. Registration 3-7253. . Private mstruction. «7 (Se 10 tf) 18 Bond St. W. FARM FOR SALE 95 acres of the best .of land close to Oshawa, hot-air heating, pressure system in house and barn. $7.70 St. School; hot-air heating, garage, , inice clean home. large barn, 6-room house, --$3,600 down for 6-room brick house near Albert WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker Dial 3-2911 (190a) 4a--Chiropractors CBO. L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE 15--Insurance ROBERT 8. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance. Dial 5-6402. Fire, Life, hil St. Closed W Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. (Ag23) Polio, and Boats, etc. Aut Outboard Motors | (Aug20) WHITBY PROPERTIES NEW 4 rooms, with modern bath, hot-air heating, laundry tubs, elec- ric hot water tank. $6,000. = Only $2,500 down. 5--Dentists 3 --_,e]i PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. day. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792, 6--Nursing Services NURSE, WILLING 20-HOUR DU- (Sel) board motors and boats. Murdoch Hours: 9 to 6 every | Insurance, Oshawa. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- fce. McMu Insurance y representing King St. W. Dial 3- A SUMMER COTTAGE FIRE INSUR- ance, anywhere in the province. Out- (Ag) (Sel?) ty, $7 daily, care of new infant and mother or children, or light nursing. Doctors' recommendations. Dial 5- |} 3273. (189¢) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV. 22; King St. E. Dial 5-4330. ce for better in all sl 3-4667. Res. (Sel) ONE OR TWO VACANCIES available at Middle Green Villa Rest Home, Courtice, for the aged or bed ridden; every kindness given; tray service, Approved by doctors. En- ox quiries dial 5-4943, Oshawa. (Se.8) 7--Optometrists e--E-- RES C--O ET Le A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial 38-2721. (Sel) 18--Lost and Found REWARD FOR leading to the recovery of green Cy- ed Tuesday, August 7 from laneway between Simpson's and Armouries. Dial 3-2037 or write Box 128, Times- Gazette, LOST--NEAR OSHAWA BUS TER- minal, bankbook and discharge pa- INFORMATION lo Gear C.C.M. racer bicycle remow 25 Burk St. 4-ROOM insul-bric, outside copveni- ences; only $3,700 with $1,700 down. OSHAWA PROPERTIES CY | NEAR new modern 4-room bunga- e Imperial Life, 21|)ow, with garage, $7,000. Terms ar- ranged. BROCK ST. E., large home, Motors, ideal for rooming house. GIBBON ST. large lot, 50' x 150. For quick sale, $700. near G. BARROW Real Estate Broker Dial 5-3852 (190c) (1902) $17,000. SIMCOE N. AT HILLCROFT CAPE COD storey and a half brick C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and' Friday e fice, 9 to 12, to 9. Dial 5-6143. pers on Sunday. Finder kindly leave at Oshawa Police Station or phone 327 Whitby. (190¢) 7a~--Surveyors . G. T. HORTON--ONTARIO LAND Surveyor and Civil Edward St., Ajax, Pickering 200W2. DONEVAN | AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land' Surveyors, sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. §--Building Trades ii CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE; kitchen cupboards made to order, sash and doors, workmanship guar- anteed, Jeffrey Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W, Dial 3-7361. (Aug 21) DIAL 3-9348--GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull. dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT les, built-up roofin| teed. H.W. hing Wor 85-6161, guaran! CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIR. ed, stucco and repairs all types ma- Gordon May. Phone sonry repairs. 3-9911. FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVAT- g, etc. Call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 3-3831, or Whitby 2087. in, MADAM DELAINE, CEMENT FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, sidewalks, driveways, manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. Dial 5-6378 after 6. UNITED TRUCKING, operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. BLOCK WORK, STUCCO, 'tering, foundations, cement footings Immediate. service. Lilley Bros. Phone 5-4902. and floors, etc. LOST -- CHILD'S TRICYCLE, 3-5 year-old size, maroon and gray. Vicinity Beverly Street. Also tan wallet on Simcoe 8. Gore Bay ad- dress. Finder of either please dial 5-4162, or call at 460 Beverly Street. Reward. (180¢) LOST--PAIR OF DARK PLASTIC- rimmed glasses in green leather case on Albert Street between Olive Ave. and bridge. Finder Dial 35-3768. Re- ward. (188b) WOULD THE PARTY WHO TOOK suitcase from C.N.R. Station Sunday night by mistake please phone 3- 4429. (188¢c) LOST. AT DRIVE-IN THEATRE Friday night, brown leather wallet containing sum of money, driver's license and valuable papers. Papers and license urgently needed. Finder please Dial 3-9807 after 6. Reward. (188c) 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M, F, Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcos St. S., Oshawa. Dial 38-2022. (Sel) 20--Personal TEA CUP Tending. 11 to 10 Thursday and Fn day. ial 3-8841. (Wed. Thurs. tf) TEA CUP READING, APPOINT- ments made for afternoons and evenings. Dial 3-3195. (189¢c) 21--Personal Services PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate call Wilson Lee, 70 Simess St. N. (Ses) LEARN TO DRIVE, SAFE, EASY way, dual control cars. Complete $20. Dial 3-3609. (Al?) I. R. MASON--CUSTOM FLOORS linoleum, mastic, marboleum tiles, plastic wall and tiles, inlaid tile. Dial 5-2626. 8 AND 10° CONCRETE BLOCKS, 36" well and 12" culvert tile, for im- mediate delivery. Naulls Bros., West Hill, phone Scarboro 500. (Aug20) GRADING, LOADING, BACK FILL- ing, fill taken away, sand, gravel and loam for sale, also truck for hire. Bob Hoy, Dial 3-3779. (Se8) R NG, RE - ROOFING, all ty new construction. Residen- tial, strial. R. B. Wilkins, Afr- port Road, Dia v-4413. pliances, 504 Simcoe 8. 23--Women's Column CHARIS FOR YOUR FOUNDA- tion garment. .The only corsetiere with over twenty years experience. (Sept 13) | Mrs. Blatter, Dial 5-3434. (Augd0) 22--Radio Repairs RADIO AND TELEVISION RE- pairs by expert General Electric Technician. Dial 5-4331, Oshawa Ap- (Sell) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up: maehineless, $3.96 & up. 72 Church St, dial 35-4521. . (Ag), Mortgages home with garage on large land- scaped lot. Large living room with natural fireplace, modern kitchen, dinette, two large airy bedrooms and bathroom on main floor, 2 large bed- rooms and bath up. Finished beamed recreation room with built-in snack bar, laundry room with tubs, furnace room and toilet in basement. Forced air. Oil fired. Can be duplexed. POS- SESSION 60 DAYS. $15,200--CADILLAC AVE: S. Storey and a half brick with double garoge on large landscaped lot, living room 16' x 14, natural fireplace with heatalator, dining room with built-in cupboards, ultra modern kit- chen, tiled walls and floor, den or bedroom, four piece bath down, four large bedrooms and toilet room up. Ample cupboard and closet space. Deep dry divided basement with large playroom, natural fireplace and built-in snack bar, laundry room with tubs, furnace room with air condi- tioned steel furnace -- coal fired, ond fruit cellar, Oak hardwood and tile floors throughout. Terms. POS- SESSION 60 DAYS. $12,500 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. Brick veneer bungalow. Living room- dinette 21' x 12' with picture win- dow, very modern kitchen, three good sized bedrooms, modern four piece tiled bath, Deep dry divided base- ment with large recreation room and sewing room with tiled floors, extra toilet, and shower, fruit cupboards, large Hydro heater and other extras. Hot water heating, oil fired. Exclusive listing. Terms. POSSESSION 60 DAYS. ARRANGE AN INSPECTION TODAY After 6:30 p.m. Dial 5-6342 Ralph H. Vickery, Salesman DIAL 3-2265 SOCIATAS REALTORS Appraisals (190a) HERE IS A BEAUTY $ 1 2 5 00 pho iy 5-4520 evenings for further par- ticulars, --(Aug.11,15,16,18,21) 26--Real Estate Exchange 5-roosn brick bungalow and finish recreation room, oak floors, heavy wiring, water heating. This home is in immaculate condition. It has many extra good features too numerous to mention in an advertisement, to do it justice. Be sure to see this out- standing buy. E. E. PATRICK Real Estate Broker 43 Bond St. West Dial 3-8551 2 Doors West of Prince St. Residence 5-3692 (1302) $8 70 --BURK ST.--A real buy. ' 6 - room home, hard- wood floors, modern kitchen, hot- air heating fired by oll; garage; large lot: Possession Sept. 15th. See this buy today. $9 500 -- GRIERSON AVE. -- ' modern S-room brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, laundry tubs, oil heated. Another good buy with immediate possession. $16 00 --KING ST. E.--beau- ' tiful 6-room home, stone front, large living-room, mod- ern kitchen, tiled bath, 3 large mas- ter bedrooms, air-conditioned unit with oil, attached garage, large landscaped lot. Immediate posses- sion. Selling? List Your Property With Us Everett G. Disney REALTOR 82 Simcoe S. Phone 3-2 333 BUY NOW BEFORE THE RUSH INCOME HOME 8 ROOM brick, newly decorated, new furnace and oil burner, laundry tubs, heavy wiring, storm doors and windows, hardwood floors, nice lot and garage. Ritson Rd. N., near King St., only $10,000. A good home, priced right. 6 ROOM, storey and half brick, all conveniences, furnace, modern kitch- en, garage. $4,200 down. Price $8,000. Cubert St., College Hill district. 4 ROOM brick bungalow, newly dec- orated, 2-pc. bath, hot-air furnace, large lot. $6,000 with $1,500 down. St. Julien St. 6-ROOM new white frame bunga- low, and % acre land, running wa- ter, hydro and garage. 4 miles northwest of Oshawa. Only $5,800. 4-ROOM bungalow, conveniences, modern kitchen, hot-air furnace, ex- tras, $5,500--Church St. Will ex- change on good farm. 5-ROOM storey and half, all ' con- veniences and garage, low taxes-- Nassau St. Only $4,500. 4 ROOM, near new, white bungalow, all conveniences, large landscaped lot, fruit trees and berries, Park Rd. 8. A good buy at $7,000. 6 ROOM, storey and half, extra lot, flowers, fruit trees and berries-- Montrave Ave. Only $4,000. GRILL & CONFECTIONERY Business, fixtures, living quarters, good lease, low rent, good turnover at Brooklin en Main St. Only $3,500. BUILDING LOTS Nice lot, sewer and water, Division St., only $0600. We have others on College Hill, Jones Ave., Ritson Rd. N., Gibb St. East. For better buys see W. McAULEY Realtor Diol 3-2512 Dial 3-8271 '13 Prince St. 182 Simcoe St. S. Residence Dial 5-2133 (180m), SIX ROOMS, SEMI-DETACHED brick, private lane, near Collegiate and G.M. for small house in To- ronto. Central or east end preferred. Write Box 116 Times-Gazette. (188c) 27--Real Estate Wanted WANTED----MODERN INSULATED home, large lot, State location, par- ticulars and price, Write Box 119, Times-Gazette. (1891) FARMS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Large or small, we have clients waiting. Please call W. McAULEY Realtor 13 Prince Street Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133 Anytime (189¢) HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI- nesses wanted. For a quick confi- dential sale, list your property with E. E. Patrick, Real Estate and Business Broker, 43 Bond St. W,, 2 doors west of Prince, Dia! 3-8551. (Se3TF) HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT- ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512. J (AG28) We have all-cash buyer for a good three-Pedroom bungalow, built- in garage preferred. If you wish to buy/ consult us. DONALD SCOTT | Real Estate Corner Prince and Bond Phone 3-2612 or 37607» 28--For Rent 2 FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms on bus line, all con- veniences; adults only. Apply 280 Burk St. (180a) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, suitable for ladies or gentlemen; central. Phone 3-3004. (180c) 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APART- ment with built-in cupboards, hard- wood floors, near Duplate; private home. Write Box 120, Times-Ga- zette. (180c) ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMEN, with light kitchen facilities, ab- stainers. Dial 5-0779, or 146 Elgin E. (190¢) SINGLE ROOM FOR LADY OR gentleman, close to Motors and hos- pital. Dial 3-2819, 25 Brock Bo (180c) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR married couple. Apply 581 Ritson Road 8. (180c BED-BITTING ROOM. APPLY 28 Prince St. (189¢) FOR RENT Lunch room and soda fountain com- plete with all equipment and furn- ishings. May be rented on a monthly basis with suitable lease. Stock room 80c) veniences; continuous hot water. Phone 3-7869. 217 Oshawa Blvd. (189¢c) ROOM FOR MEN, SINGLE BEDS, hot water. Apply 212 'Bloor St. W. (189¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, B8UIT- able for two gentlemen, willing to share. Close to Motors and Fittings. Apply 119 Huron St. or dial 3-2751. (180¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen or two girls, near Motors; breakfast optional. Dial 3-7829. (188¢) COMFORTABLE SINGLE BED- room, also large double bedroom, suitable for two gentlemen friends, very central. Apply 57 Division St. (1891) ROOM AND BOARD FOR: TWO, central; continuous hot water, Dial 3-8400, or apply 184 King W. (188c) FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for two girls, nice district. Dial 5-1396. ----- (188c) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSE- keeping privileges. Apply 186 Burk Street. (188c) CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen or girls, continuous hot water, no children. Dial 5-2000. (188c) ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMEN, twin beds, near Mdtors and Fittings, in nice quiet home, Dial 5-1705. (188c) TWO SINGLE ROOMS SUITABLE for couple or rent singly. Board if desired, all conveniences. Dial 5-6476. . (188¢) ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO GEN- tlemen, 2 minutes from Four Corners and General Motors, reasonably priced. Apply 91 Ontario St. (180c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- able for young couple. Phone 5-4219. (189¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM IN PRI- vate home, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Dial 5-0679. (188b) ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN TO share, twin beds, nice home, central, abstainer. Apply 114 Elgin St. E. } (180c) NICE CLEAN COMFORTABLE room with double bed, continuous hot water, bus stop at door, suit one or two girls. Dial 5-3889. (189c) TWO UNFURNISHED HOUS E- keeping rooms in quiet district, con- tinuous hot water, in private home. Dial 3-9084. (188¢c) CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM, hot water, central. Dial 5-0557. (188¢) 7 ROOMED 1}; STOREY CEMENT block house, in goed condition, near Raglan. Hydro, water, close to school, bus service. Phone Brooklin 66-R-22 (188¢c) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, suitable for two gentlemen. Anply 299 Simcoe S, (187d) 29--Wanted to Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS UR- gently needed by young business couple. Dial 5-2400. (180b) 4 OR B5-ROOMED HOUSE, OR apartment, young couple and baby, 2 months. Reefrences. Dial 3-2550. (180c) PROTESTANT WISHES LIGHT 'housekeeping room, non-smoker, vic- inity of Oshawa General Hospital. Write Box '124, 'Times-Gazette. (190b) and wash room in b t in cluded. This store is located on Sim- coe Street and possession can be ar- ranged at purchaser's convenience. No cash outlay needed, rented as a going concern. EXCLUSIVE LISTING. Dial 3-3849 TWO LARGE OR THREE SMALL unfurnished rooms, Write Box 125, Times-Gazette. (190a) URGENTLY NEEDED 2 or 3 Roomed Apartment Self-contained PHONE MR. BRADLEY Zeller's Limited Dial 3-2294 : (188c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 OR 4 gentlemen, laundry done at no extra charge, reasonable. Dial 5-2649. (189¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO men, abstainers only. Apply 60 Almo Street. (189¢) 31--Room & Board Wanted MOTHERLY WOMAN TO CARE for boy, 4 years, and sister, 2%; children well mannered, healthy. Dial 3-9041. (180c) 31a--Summer Resorts MUSKOKA, 6 ROOM COTTAGE from Aug. 19 on; city conveniences. Dial 5-4165. (188¢) 6-ROOMED COTTAGE IN HALI- burton, 12-Mile Lake, safe sandy beach, hydro and boat. Vacant Au- gust 18. Phone 501 Whitby. (186c) 32--Automobiles tor Sale '50 MODEL 1307, LIGHT blue, low mileage, heater, immacu- late inside and out, one owner. Best offer, Apply 583 King E. after 6. (180b) 'ii DODGE, LUXURY LINER, good condition. Apply 202 Currie Ave. (1901) '28" FORD COACH, ALSO FORD engine. Dial 3-8067 after 5. (180c) "37 CHEV. COUPE, GOOD CON- dition. Dial 3-8116, or apply 106 Wood St. after 5. (180¢) '80 PACKARD SEDAN, IN GOOD condition, good tires, heater, $375. Apply 251 Bruce St. (189¢) '50 74 HARLEY DAVIDSON, Al condition, complete with all acces- sories. Phone 5-5513 after 6, <1 Wil- (189¢) '39 OLDSMOBILE COACH, ONE owner, must sell this week, best offer. Dial 3-7122, (189c) '20 CHEV. COACH. PHONE 3-3052. (189¢) '36 CHEVROLET STANDARD coach, good condition, good tires. Best offer, Dial 3-4938. (189¢c) 'i9 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, RA- dio, heater, extras. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 5-1806: (189¢) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEB Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Sed) KE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Murey's Garage at 65-4332 for complete front end service, and immediate installa. tion. (Se?) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates and proper protection. See McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St., Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133. (Sed) '38 CHRYSLER COUPE, WILL AC- cept older car as down payment. Cash or finance. Dial 5-2737. (188¢c) '50 MORRIS MINER, rEASONABLE for cash, 11,000 miles. Dial 5.3538. (188c) 33--Automobiles Wanted '50-'51 CHEV. COACH, A-1 CON- dition. Cash for best offer. Phone 3-8908. (180¢) '41-51 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road S. Dial 3-9421. (Sel) 36--Pets and Livestock SPANIEL DOG, FOND OF CHIL- dren, free to good home. Phone 5- 5204. (190a) JIMMY SIGNAL, REGISTERED bay standard bred gelding, sound, seven years, 16-2 hands; excellent in all harness and under saddle combination, show horse and eligible to green races. 668 King St. East, Oshawa. (190b) PULLETS, 4% MONTHS, SUSSEX, Rocks, Hybrids, Leghorns. D. Grills, Courtice, Phone Bowmanville 2715, (180¢) BOARDING KENNELS, TRIM ming, registered puppies for sale, cocker spaniels, fox terriers (smooth), walker fox hounds, Labra- dor retrievers, Knowitun Kennels. Phone 3-8032, : LAgIT) dition. Dial 5-1684. (188¢) USED FURNACE, SUITABLE FOR garage; Windsor chair; comforter quilt; other articles. Phone 3-9130. (180¢) 3-BURNER, natural back- ELECTRIC STOVE, $50; 2 pairs drapes, ground, dark green stripe, $5 pr. Phone 3-T945. (1896) "51 JOHNSON, 5.-H.P.,, USED ONLY three months, in the best of condi- tion, Apply 264 Annis St. (186¢) NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, Dayton money weight scales, 8' meat counter, Bickel meat slicer. Dial 3-7239. ! (189¢) ANTIQUE WALNUT WHAT-NOT; oil space heater, like new: sectional book case including writing desk section, fumed oak; dresser, bird's- eye maple; Barrymore rug, rose, 10' x 12'; 2 Axminster rugs, wine, 6'9" x 9, 9'x10'6". Phone 3-355. (188c) HARDWOOD KINDLING FOR Jacket heater, stove or furnace, 12 bags for $4. Dial 5-0811, (Aug. 27) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. Ung developmeént in Venetian Blind history. lattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only. satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without eb- ligation. George Reid. Dial 65-0833. 66 Bond St. West, (Sell) GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANERS, tank models, complete with all at. tachments, from $62.50 up. Terms. Meagher's Blectric, (Aug20), AWNINGS -- SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Seb), VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed. Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322. (Se19) SENSATIONAL BARGAIN, CHE¥- Master 4 burner range, only $219.50, with Telechron lamp and timer ase sembly, regularly $25 for only $5. Highest allowance for your present stove. Balance $13.85 monthly. Bar- ' on's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. Dial 5-4822, (Sept.3) ONE HUNDRED ALBUMS, CLAS. sical and eemi-classical, all 78 R.P.M,, clearing at half price. Mea- gher's Record Bar, 5 King West. (Ag17) ITHICA 12-GAUGE PUMP SHOT- gun, hardly used. Apply 1271 Simcoe St. S. after 6. : (188¢) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of wash Jack Biddulp St. N. Dial 5-1179. HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings, for quick sale to clean faoe tory, $5 or $3 lots delivered. Phone 3-7391. (Augis) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFB-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guaranteed In every way. Also complete repair service. Merv. Tuck, 06-3492, (Se3) ANTIQUE BUFFET, SOLID WAL- nut; also dining table and 6 chairs, fumed oak. Dial 5-6260. (188¢) CHESTERFIELD CHAIR IN MOD- ern styling. Dial 3-9859. (188¢c) LLOYD GRAY BABY CARRIAGE, Dial 3-3907 days only. (188¢c) USED FURNACE, BEACH,; NEW radiator last year, price $75. Apply 21 Church, Dial 5-2734. (188c) CHEFMASTER COOK RANGE, apartment size, 2 piece daveno (wine), 5 piece walnut bedroom suite, Apply 198 Wilson Rd. S. (1861) MADE TO ORDPTR STORM WINDCWS F. ZEDIC 100 CROMWELL AVE. * DIAL' 5:3169 Aug.) ial (Continued on Page 11)