UESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1951 THE DALY Jines: GUAZETTE . PAGE THIRTEEN D0 YOU KNOW YOUR OSHAWA BUSINESS MEN! Who Am I? MY BUSINESS IS INSURANCE LOCATED ON SIMCOE ST. §. Here's How To Win! $15.00 IN PRIZES! Shewn on this page are photos of fourteen Oshawa businessmen. Next Tuesday, fourteen more photos will be offered. Under each is space for contestants to fill in the correct company name and address ef the men sh In The Ti -Gageite on the Saturday following the contest, the correct list of names and addresses will be shown, with the photos. Retain this page of today, if you are going te take part in the contest. Print YOUR name and address below. Watch for the page next Tuesday with mere photos and spaces for you te fill. Further details of the contest will be given then. The Ushawa Daily Times-Gazette is offering three prizes for the correct solution of the contest. Eight dollars for first; five for secomd and two for third. All answers to this contest must be in The Times-Gazette not later than midnight, August 10th. In cases of ties, neatness and presemtation will determine <r The decision of the judges is final, Sent In By Address Who Ami? WE DEAL IN FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS LOCATED ON KING WEST Business Established 1913 Who Am 1? GENERAL INSURANCE IS MY BUSINESS LOCATED ON SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Who Am I? WE FEATURE DISTINCTIVE STYLING AND TAILORING IN MEN'S WEAR Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Cheerfully Refunded Firm Name Address Who Am I? THE NEWEST BUILDERS' SUPPLY HOUSE IN NORTH OSHAWA "HEAT YOUR HOME THE ------ WAY" IS OUR SLOGAN @ Who Ami? Our Motto: SATISFIED SERVICE FINEST MEN'S CLOTHING AND ~ AZCESSORIES LOCATED ON KING ST. EAST Firm Name Who Am? OSHAWA'S SMART MEN'S WEAR LOCATED ON SIMCOE STREET NORTH MY GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION IS LOCATED ON KING STREET WEST Mechanical Repairs to AU Makes of Cars! Firm Name Who Ami? MY SERVICE STATION IS LOCATED ON KING STREET EAST! We Service All Makes Who Am I? QUALITY FURNITURE AT COMPARATIVELY LOW PRICES LOCATED ON KING ST. W. Open a Charge Account No Deposit Necessary Firm Name Address k Address Who Am I? I AM A GRADUATE DRUGGIST EMPLOYED BY MY BROTHER; OWNER OF ONE OF OSHAWA'S LEADING DRUG STORES. "Prescriptions a Specialty" Who Am I? One of Oshawa's Oldest Retail Stores OUR BUSINESS IS BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION -- OFFICE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ETC. LOCATION -- KING E. Who Am I? OUR BUSINESS IS SEWING MACHINES AND SEWING ACCESSORIES OUR PHONE - 5-5443