Land Use Map Of Incalculable Value To Oshawa People Lengthy Research By Planning Board Staff Bears Fruit One of the primary functions of a city planning board #8 the preparation at some time or another of a map desig- nating the uses to which all of the land within the boun- daries of the municipality has been put. The value of such a map to city officials, real builders and the ordinary citizen who, for a multitude of reasons might want to know to what specific use any par- ticular city area can be put, is estate dealers, industrialists, self evident and incalculable. The preparation of the map re-o produced on this page, has entail- ed hundreds of hours of work by the members of the City planning Board and particularly by the ooard staff headed by G. A. Wanless, Sec- retary, EXHAUSTIVE RESEARCH NECESSARY To begin with exhaustive research had to be done over a period of months to accurately determine just how the city was laid out in re- spect to residential land, industrial areas and ten other categories. Then, by means of special instru- ments, special techniques and main- ly, hard work, the areas had all to be accurately measured and reduc- ed proportionately to the size of the original master map. Finally the map had to be prepared pain- stakingly by hand in many different colours--twelve to be .exact. Reduction of this master map to a form in which the various 2olours were indicated by different hatch- ings, screens and other black and white processes was all done by specialists. The master map was completed by April 10 of this year at which time the Planning Board Chairman, Norman C. Millman, called a meet- ing and explained the various land categories and by what means they were determined. He went over this explanation which finally took the form of a prepared lecture several other times to many different in- terested' Oshawa groups including, of course, the City Council: Following is an explanation of the plan, which will be submitted to the Ontario Department of Plan- ning and Development for final ap- proval, which, it is expected, will be forthcoming promptly. The draft, although technical in spots is well worth reading for the mass of information it contains. LAND USE PLAN The llowing description, to- gether with the Land Use May of the same date, constitute the Land Use Plan, PURPOSE OF PLAN The purpose of the Plan is to designate the uses to which land shall be put within the limits of the City of Oshawa as the city was established on January 1, 1951. The Plan is not. intended as a zoning Plan but as the forerunner of a Zoning Plan. This plan does, however, outline general objectives, the principles of which should be adhered to. The future zoning plan afd zoning by-law will be more de- tailed than this land use plan but will be based upon it. LAND USE GROUPING It is recognized that the most ef- ficient use of land, within & muni- cipality, 1s made when various functions are grouped and are pre- vented from intermingling indis- criminately. LAND USE CATEGORIES e plan divides the total area into basic functions only (eg. Residential, Commercial, etc.) but does. not attempt to define the sub- categories within each basic func- tion (such as various grades of residential, or of industrial). Such sub-categories will be defined when the zoning plan is developed. The plan divides the land-uses into the following categories: Resi- 'dential, ' Commercial, Industrial, Buffer Area, Farm, Park and Play- ground, Public Institution, Creek Valley Plan, Airport, Institution in large Sounds, Cemetery, Private Fy (4 OF PLAN (a) The plan is based on a popu- lation of 90,000; the same figure as that used by the City Engineer in the development of the sewage system. (b) Oshawa is almost entirely dependent for its existence upon industry, Its future, it seems, will be along similar lines. It is on two transcontinental railways. It is on two major provincial highways and | within two and one-quarter miles / of two others. It has a great lakes | harbour® and an airport. It has ample 60 cycle power, It is in the | heart of the fast-growing industrial | section of Ontario. For these rea- | sons the plan includes a larger per- | centage of land for industrial use| than would be the case in a cily of more general character. ¢)The area allotted to commerce | is slightly less than would normally | be the case for a city of 20,000. This is because of the close proxi- | mity of Toronto, and the proven fact that this has a decided effect upon the amount of retail business | transacted in Oshawa. | (d) Oshawa has a high percent- age of single family dwellings and a high percentage of home owner- ship. The class of employment available in the city, and that which present trends indicate for the fu- ture, point to a continuation of this practice. Land allotted for residen- tial use is based on this premise. (e) The total area within the boundaries of the city, as establish- ed on January 1, 1951, is greater than is needed for a population of 90,000. Advantage is taken of %his| fact by the establishment of a buffer strip. This planning will land sub-divisions within the buffer | strip will be restricted to iots of | not less than two acres. And it is| intended that municipal services | may be carried to the inner limits | of the 'buffer strip but not into the! buffer strip. This 'plannig will deter, if not actually prevent, sporadic growth around the out- skirts of the city; and even if any such growth does occur it will have | little effect upon the portions of | the city which are allotted for full urban development. If and when | the city exceeds a population of 90,000, urban extension into the buf- | fer strip.can be made in a planned and orderly manner, (f) The recent order of annexa- tion included some land which is strictly agricultural in character and which, it would appear, will remain so until the population ex- ceeds 90,000. It is intended that any sub-division of such land should be restricted to lots of a minimum of five acres in area. Some of this land is adjacent to railways 'and major highways and | therefore it is possible that some of it might become attractive to a large industry. However, the plan allots a large amount of easily ser- viced land to industry and, there- fore, it would only be a very large industry which might require land | allotted from farms. If such a con- tingency did arise, the magnitude of the project might warrant an amendment to the plan at that time, (g) Land which has already been dedicated for Park and Playground use is shown on the map. There ar® also shown proposed parks for areas which are not yet fully de- veloped. It is not intended that the location of the latter parks must be exactly as shown; but it is planned that areas should pe set aside in the vicinity of the marked locations. Making them part of the plan. assures that they will not be overlooked at the time of the con- sideration of subdivision approvals. (h) Under the category of Public | Institutions, have been grouped municipal properties (administra- tion, police, fire, waterworks, schools, ett.) and Government in- stitutions such as the post uffice. This group also includes pseudo- public institutions such as Hospital, YMCA, childrens shelter etc. In addition to marking major ex- isting institutions, the map shows proposed approximate locations for future schools. Those public build- ings sites which are designated on the map as approximate in location, THE D AILY TIMES-GAZETT Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazeste and Chronicle WHITBY VOL. 10--No. 182 OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1951 RAGE NINE = are intended for schools. (i) The Creek Valley Plan, as al- ready adopted, and approved by the Minister as Amendment No. 1 to the Oshawa official Plans, is shown; but on addition has been made to the north in order to continue this plan, in its same character, through newly annexed land which forms a continuation of the Oshawa Creek Valley. (J) Due to its size and impor- tance, the Airport has been allott- ed a land-use category of its own. (k) The category for institutions in Large Grounds applies only to the Oshawa Missionary College and | Department of National Defence Camp "X", It is impossible to fore- cast any new activities of this kind and therefore, no additional land is set aside; but the subsequent zoning regulations for other categories will permit such use in accordance with CITY OF OSHAWA PLANNING BOARD LAND ¥ BRR7E the particular character of each institution. (1) It is important to avoid inter- ference with burial grounds. There- fore, the existing cemeteries have been defined. No future cemeteries have been shown; but, if needed, a cemetery of two acres or more might well be located in the buffer strip. PLAN IS ELASTIC a) Consistent with maintaining necessary control, this plan en- |deavours- to provide means for a| | reasonable degree of modification, | (b) One of the main objectives is to group various land uses into designated areas and to prevent other uses of such land. Thus, for | example, residential districts are not broken up by individual, com- mercial or manufacturing enter- | prises which reduce the desirability | oO N-T ARI of the district for residential pur- poses and thus lower values and assessments. (¢) For the purposes of this Plan, of which the map filed herewith constitutes a part, the boundaries of the various districts are hereby declared to be general, and not to be deemed to be the exact boun- daries, and not to be deemed to be subject to amendment in the offi- cial plan pursuant to The Planning Act in the case of any minor change. Thus this plan would allow for the possible minor expansion of any land use group by an outward expansion of its boundaries, Other- wise, except as noted in section 5(d), it definitely plans against the creation of any areas not conform- ing with this plan in respect of land use. (d) Within residential areas it is necessary to provide for local shop- RESIDENTIAL NN N BENE APPROVED as the map forming pert of the OFFICIAL PLAN of the CITY or OSHAWA as explained in the eccompenying text 'i ond attached hersto ' Dated of Toronto this USE PLAN -- LEGEND = A Approcinate Location COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL BUFFER ARCA FARM PARK OR PLAYGROUND PUBLIC (on prevoonauic) INSTITUTION CREEK VALLEY PLAN AIRPORT INSTITUTION IN LARGE GROUNDS CEMETERY PRIVATE RECREATION "yo \ Ny 0 ping and service requirements; thus neighborhod and district shopping centres are planned. Some of these are shown on the map. It would be unwise to plan too rigidly in une developed districts. Therefore recog- nition is given to the necessity to establish, in the future, within resi dential areas, shopping centres under the direction of the Planning Board. Such centres should designated before much building takes place in the neighborhood, so that any potential investor in real property may know the situation, Such centres should consist of area sufficient for a. minimum of six retail commercial . enterprises. (e) The minimum 'frontage set- back for these ' neighborhood and district shopping ' centres shall be the same as that for residences on the streets on which they are lo- cated, Nationalist China. Offers U.N. Support Taipeh, Formosa (AP)-- Nation- alist China offered today to make available to the United Nations as many men from her armed forces 'as military requirements permit. T. F. Tsiang, chief Nationalist delegate to the U. N., delivered a note to that effect to U. N. head- quarters, today, an official state- ment said. The note was in reply to the gen- eral assembly's recommendation of Nov, 3, 1950, that each U. N. mem- ber maintain within its armed forces elements to be made avail- able for future service as United Nations units. ALEXANDER ON TRIP Ottawa (CP) -- The governor- general, accompanied by his two sons, Brian and Shane, left & siuay night by train for Lethbridge, Alta. They will participate in Indian ceremonies and then go on to the west coast for a fishing trip. They arrived back from England by plane Thursday. They will return to the capital Sept. 1. Bradley Sees Spain Source Of Strength Ottawa (CP) -- General Omar Bradley said Wednesday Spain could be made an asset to western military strength. The chairman of the United States joint chiefs of staff, in Ca- nada for four days of talks and fishing, told reporters he wasn't prepared to talk about Spain from the political point of view. But from a military point of view a friendly Spain would mean an- other 300,000 to 400,000 soldiers who are willing to fight Communism. Today he meets the chiefs of staff and members of the cabinet and sees an old wartime friend, the governor -general. Friday he goes fishing at a club in the Ga- tineau hills 31 miles north of here. Gen. Bradley didn't have much to say about the rifle issue except that the U. 8. wants as much arms standardization as possible but still has three different calibres in its own infantry company. Joke Not Funny To Robber Hubby Birmingham, Ala. (AP) A jealous wife tipped police that her husband was a robber, then said it was all a joke. But by that time the joke had gone too far, Detective C. L. Pierce said Thursday night-- the husband had confessed to four holdups. Pierce said Forrest Ford, 34, a former loan company employe, ad- mitted the holdups. The tip came in a letter from Mrs. Mable Ford, who later told officers she had written it only as a joke to '"'get even' with her husband. Mrs. Ford said she was angry with her husband because he paid too much attention to another wo- man at g party. The Karelo-Finnish Soviet So- cialist Republic, formed from earl- fer Finnish territory, has 26,000 lakes. : IS PART AND PARCEL BO XLRI World News In Brief CARDINAL ON VISIT Quebec (CP)-- Adeodato Cardi- nal Piazza of Rome arrived here Friday night and visited Arch- bishop Maurice Roy and other Quebec dignitaries of the Roman Catholic church. The high church dignitary, secretary of Sacred Con- sistorial congregation and pa- triarch of Venice, leaves today for a short visit to the Ste. Anne de Beaupre shrine where he will say Mass and visit the Redemptorist monastery. ; RECAPTURE CONVICT Orangeville (CP)-- Adolph Wy- rade, who police say escaped from New Eastern state penitentiary at Greaterford, Penn., was captured at a farm 2 miles from Mansfield Friday. He is held at the Peel coun- ty jail here pending deportation to the United States. Police said he had been serving a seven to 15-year term for burglary. SET UP CURL DEFENCE Windsor (CP)-- Nearly all the civil defence posts for the city have been filled, C. H. F'. Fletcher, civil defence controler for Windsor said Friday. All Windsor medical men have been assigned to specific posts in the event of emergency. Sites for five first aid posts, and five al- ternative centres have been chosen g SALUTE QUEEN Toronto (CP)-- A 21-gun salute will be fired in Queen's Park today in honor of Queen Elizabeth's birth- day, it was announced Friday. The guns will fire in succession at 10- second intervals beginning at noon. REQUEST REFUSED Winnipeg (CP) -- Deputy Post- master General W, J, Turnbull Fri- day told postal employes a 40-hour, five-day week can not be granted at present because of existing labor conditions. He made the statement to a Winnipeg delegation of Can- adian postal employes and the Fe- derated Associatiori of Letter Car- riers following their presentation of a brief outlining demands on work- ing conditions. BICYCLIST KILLED Kincardine (CP)--David Lloyd Dahmer. 10, was killed Friday by a truck police said was driven by John Hewitt, 16, of Kincardine town ship. The boy was riding his bicycle along the shoulder of the road when he apparently fell into the path of the truck. LENGTHEN TERM Sudbury (CP)-- Roy Wilson, 21, of Toronto, had six months added to his term at Burwash industrial farm when he appeared in police court Friday charged with attemp- ting to escape. Wilson produced a letter from his wife which he said had moved him to make a spur-of- the-moment bid for freedom Wed- nesday: NEW POLICE PROBLEM Fort Erie (CP)-- Besides an in- vestigation of race "fixing," RCMP officers here have another problem Friday one bank received six coun- terfeit $10 bills -- received yester- day by merchants who serve per- sons at the Fort Erie track. 'TAKES OFF' IN CAR Port Arthur (CP) -- It took a ctew of garage mechanics and city policemen to retrieve a car here after an adventurous 11-year-old literally took off in it. The young- ster borrowed his mother's new model car Thursday night, went whizzing past a turn and the auto climbed a hydro pole guy wire dead centre. When it halted only its rear bumper was touching the ground. SNOW IN TIMMINS Timmins (CP) Yep, it's been cool here lately. Flakes of snow fell in the downiown section of Timmins Friday. The temperature was around 52 degrees. 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Put in sturdy, efficient "Modernfold" doors end put to werkt, _the space that swinging doors waste. And for low-cost room partitioning, use large size "Modernfold" doors as movable walls Beautiful and Practical *Modernfold" doors look lovely in every type of home. Their flame-resistant vinyl eovering--available in 22 distinetive eolors --never cracks, peels, or fades... cleans easily with soap end water. Write or phone us for @ demonstration. CN (SSE o-oo -- the doors that fold like an accordion @ oI) ji moderufold ll Harleigh Mfg. Co. 160 King W. - Oshawa Tel: 5-3012 I'd like to know about MODERNFOLD Door advantages for my home [] for my office []. Please send me folder as marked. Name EE EE ER RY ; Address ... GIGANTIC MIDWAY -- Sponsored by-- OSHAWA LIONS CLUB B'NAI BRITH CLUB