GUST 2, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE AGE SEVENTEEN THURSDAY, AU CLASS IF/ED FOR pe QUICK ESYL 32--Automobiles For Sale 39--Articles for Sale 50 METEOR STATION WAGON, 9,000 miles, mew condition.' Cash, terms or trade. 286 King West. on (b% S50 AUSTIN SEDAN; GUNMETAL y, perfect condition; mileage 19,- , For quick sale. Price $1,500. Dial 3-9715. Terms arranged. (179¢) LATE MODEL '4y CHEV. COACH, good condition. Terms arranged, 40% down, 18 months to pay, total price $1,505. Apply 9 Quebec St, Apt. 3. Dial 5-3943.° - Q BUILT CTION AND shock absorber service. Call Murey's Garage at 5-4332 for complete front end service, and immediate instalia- tion, (Ag7) FOR A BQUARB DEAL SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used oars, Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Ag3) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates and proper protection. See McAuley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince 'St., Dial 38-2512 or i 33--Automobiles. Wanted '41-81 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road 8. Dial 3-9421. (Augl) 36--Pets and Livestock ne -------- IL -- gn 2 YOUNG HOLSTEIN COWS, JUST freshened, with or without calves. Frank Bray, Columbus. Phone, Brooklin 54R1-4. (180A) seid ipo tiem TRACTIEE rind MANCHESTER TERRIERS, PURE- breds, small breed; all black. Apply Mrs. H, Andrews, Scugog Road, Port Perry. (180C) GREYHOUND PUPS, PUREBRED, fawn with black mask, 3 months old. Real beauties, 449 Cromwell Ave. Dial 3-7938, (Aug 4) THREE WEANED PIGS FOR sale. Phone 94-R-5, Brooklin. (179c) SPRING CHICKENS, 3% MONTHS old; large flock of 80-100 hens and roosters. Must sell within 2 weeks. Write Box 27, Times-Gazette. (179b) TWO BILLY GOATS, 5 MONTHS, castrated, suitable for meat, $10. each. Apply M. Mark, RR 4, Ux- 78¢c) |8- ONE HUNDRED ALBUMS, CLAS- sical and semi-classical, all 78 R.P.M., clearing at half price, Mea- gher's Record Bar, 5 King West. \ (Ag17) a ---- Sm NET CET A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of h Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-1179. (Aug2b) 41 Articles Wanted CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863. (Agl4) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea. ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap fron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 56-4912 HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT- tings, for quick 'sale to clean fac- tory, $5 or $3 lots delivered. Phone 7391. (Augils) (Ags) nes orem m------------------ HIGHEST PRICES PAID F oR paper, rags, mattresses, iron metals. Local and out of town calls FOR HARDWOOD KINDLING i jacket heater, stove or furnace, ags for $4. Dial 5-0811. © (Aug. 20) FISHERMEN: GET YOUR EQUIP- ment at Paul's. Rods, reels, baits, lines, tackle boxes, etc. 589 Albert St. South. Open evenings. (Ag13) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel or Flexalum. Guarantesd i every way. Also complete repair oi A Dias Merv, Tuck, 5-3492. (Ag3) ------ Es WESTINGHOUSE 7-CU, FOOT RE- frigerator, new model, with True Temp cold control, $345. Terms if desired. Meagher's, 5 King West and 92 Simcoe North. (Ag) LARGE SIZE ALUMINUM TRAIL- er, sleeps 4, g condition. Apply Mr. Keen, Solina Rd. Darlington, 400 yds. north of No. 2 Highway. (178b) VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. ling development in Venetian Blind history. lattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633. 66 Bond St. West. (Ag15) BATHROOM FIKTURES, USED lumber, new pine trim, motor boat, 46 dump truck, Terraplane coach. Phone 3-7088. (180c) ELECTROHOME COMBINATION radio and record player, 1951 console model, light finish. Phone 3-7019. (180¢) WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE, small size, good condition, cheap; Gurney 4-burner heavy duty electric bridge, near Utica. (179¢) 25 CHICKENS FOR SALE. CON-| tact Mrs. Frank Lindsay, 1st house ; on Marion Ave. off Park Rd. N. | (179b) | BOARDING KENNELS, TRIM- ming, registered puppies for sale, cocker spaniels, fox terriers (smooth), walker fox hounds, Labra- dor retrievers, Knowiton Kennels. Phone 3-8932. (Ag17) BOARD YOUR DOG WHILE ON vacation at Waubena Kennels; trim- ming, bathing, de-fleaing, also cock- er spaniel puppies for sale. Waubena Kennels, new highway, near Drive- In Theatre. (Aug. 7) 37--Farmers' Column FOR SALE --- OATS AND MIXED rain, reasonably priced. Ux-Spring arms Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. (Ag2 9) FOR SALE -- WHITE LEGHORN yearling hens, laying good. R. C. Tindall, Alberts Rd. East, Ngrth Oshawa. (180A) CUSTOM COMBINING. UX-SPRING Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. (Jy19.26-Aug2,9 SEE ARTE WANTED-DEAD FARM STOCK, picked up promptly. Horses, cows, calves, shéep, pigs (we pay for horses and cows). As an added ser- vice we will co-operate with your veterinary in mortems, 2%c. r pound for live horses. Call col- ect Bowmanville 2679. Margwill- Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ont. (Ag27) 38--Wearing Apparel BRIDESMAID'S DRESS, BLUE corded taffeta, size 12, very reason- able; also rangette, in good con- dition. Apply 439 Albert St. (178¢c) 38a--Market Basket RASPBERRIES, PICK YOUR OWN. Dial 5-5034. (180C) SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY, COMB and extracted, No. 1 White special quality. Your pails filled. H. F. Anderson, 272 Ritson Rd. North, Dial B5-3094. (Se 2) FRESH EXTRACTED HONEY and combs. Bring containers and save. Roy Anderson, 268 Ritson Rd. N. Dial 5-2441. (Sept 1) STOCK UP NOW FOR YOUR HOLI day trip at Glecoff I.G.A. Super- low prices. 174 Ritson Road South, Market. Finest foods at everyday .Oshawa. Open every night till 10 p.m. (Augll) RASPBERRIES -- PICK THEM 'yourself, 25c qt. Phone Port Perry 92-R-14. Leon Standish, Beagrays, > 1 39--Articles For Sale TELEPHONE POLES AND CEDAR posts, F. J. Clemens. Dial 5-0186. (179b) |- MOFFATT RANGE, 4 BURNEgS, high oven, $35. Dial 3-9185. (179¢) HOHNER 12 BASS PIANO ACCOR- dion, complete with case, cheap. Ap- ply 477 Ritson Rd. S. (179¢) LARGE GLADIOLI FOR SALE. 173 Alma St. Dial 5-2326. (179b) + 2-PIECE BEAUTIFUL CHESTER- field suite, like new. Sacrifice. 281 Mary St. (179¢) COMBINATION BED CHAIR, green, good condition, $15. Dial 5. 6434. (179b) 10 H.P. OUTBOARD motor and Hydraplane speedboat , with step; also trailer. Apply 120 Walnut Street, Whitby after 6 p.m. (179b) DIAL (180B) GOOD COAL AND WOOD RANGE, white enamel trim, $5 if taken this week. Apply 318 Nassau St. (180a) $.ARGE REFRIGERATOR, ELEC- tic, Thor washing machine, both one year old. Apply 152 Highland Ave. (180C) 3.3 EVENRUDE OUTBOARD MO- tor; 2 years old. Apply 658 King St. East. (180B) DOUBLE BED, SPRING AND spring filled mattress, $25. All good condition. Apply 51 Brock East. | (180C) BATHTUB AND TAPS, LIKE NEW, reasonable. Dial 3-9996. (178c) 17" NORTHERN ELECTRIC CON- sole Television, cheap, brand new. Apply 160% Olive Ave. 180b) VERANDAH FURNITURE, TWIN beds and dresser, clothes reel, 3 pr. drapes. Apply 116 Division St, MERCURY GRAVEL PIT FOR SALE. 3-8936. : (1780) JACKET HEATER WITH 30 TANK, I$T"ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN: | range, good condition $35. Apply 92 Elgin E. (180¢) CAR HEATER "SOUTHWIND", will sell cheap. Dial §-2737. (180a) GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANERS tank models, complete with all at tachments, from $62.50 up. Terms. Meagher"s Hlectric. (Aug20) | AWNINGS SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa (Agd) ORDER YOUR VENETIAN BLINDS while stock available. Canada's finest by Met-Wo Industries of steel and Flexalum. Genuine Flex stamp- ed on every slat. Accept no substi- tute. Free estimates and installa tions anywhere. J. W. Melley. Dial 38-2811. : (Ag®) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; blinds repaired, drape arms installed Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322. (Ag19) NEW NORGE REFRIGERATOR $314.50 up; Kelvinator refrigerator 7 cu-ft. refinished, reconditioned and guaranteed, $225; also Westinghouse refrigerator 6 cu. ft. reconditioned, guaranteed, $169.50; Beach refrigera- tor § cu. ft. refinished, looks like new, guaranteed one year, $159; stu- dio couches $49.50; spring-filled mat- tresses $27.50; trade-in ice-boxes, $10 up. Apply Murphy's Appliances and Furniture, Simcoe S. across from Memorial Park. (179c) CAR RADIO, AUTOMATIC, NEAR- ly new, fit any car, sacrifice. Dial 5-6370. (179b) BUSCH PRECISION 2%x3% PRESS camera, with flash, range finder, in case, lense F4.5. Dial 3-3829. (179¢c) AMERICAN CEMENT, ANY QUAN. tity. Immediate delivery, $1.80 bag. $1.85, 50 or over. Dial 3-2762. (Aug5) USED BUILDING MATERIALS 15,000 ft. 13/16" x 2%" used maple flooring in good condition. Approximately 3,000 ft. 12", 34" 1" and 112" used conduit, boxes, fittings, etc. like new. Apply at Building No. 1413 Old Line No. 4, Ajax TULLY-TOYYNSON SALE OF THE FINEST ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES NOW ON Radios, Washers, Ranges Refrigerators, etc. AT GENUINE SAVINGS HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC LTD. Phone 3-2248 (180c) 50 Prince St. CABIN TRAILERS 51 MODEL ENGLISH MAKE Sleeps 4, oak finish inside. Propane stove. One older model, sleeps 4. Completely equipped, sacrifice. Apply anytime. 566 KING ST. EAST (178¢) AUGUST SPECIAL . Electric fans, reduced to clear. Re- frigerator and other household ap- pliances at McLAUGHLINS 1300 Simcoe St. North. 80C) NORGE-ADDISON Authorized Service and Repair Licensed Master Electrician All types of electric wiring. PHONE 5-2036 (Ag2 4 7) 40--Articles For Rent ers, floor polishers, rent or sale. Dial | 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises. ! (Aug2?) 41--Articles Wanted WANTED -- LAWNMOWER, GOOD condition, Phone 3-7647. (190A) SCRAP IRON, RAGS, METAL, etc., bought. Cellars cleaned and the garbage disposed. Immediate ser- vice. Dial 5-0382 anytime. 824 Row- ena St. " (Augll) PIANOS ("/ SH FOR YOUR PIANO (Aug) |S picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardale Iron and Metals. 100 Annis St. east of C.N.R. Station. (Ag3) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. (Ag15) WANTED GOOD USED WASHING MACH.NES We will pay generously for your old washer on the purch se of a new tax free model now on display. Your choice of Maytag, Gainaday, Loco- motive, etc. Terms to fit your budget. N. finance co HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC LTD. PHONE 3-2248 (TTSAug4) 42--Female Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED. APPLY Oshawa Grill, 264 King East. (179d) REGISTERED - NURSE, SALARY $160 per month plus meals. Lindsay Private Hospital. Phone 5121. (180F) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. Apply Queen's Hptel. (179t1) HOUSEKEEPER TO LOOK AFTER 3 children ages--8:12 years, no ob- jection to one child. Apply J. H. McGowan, R.R. 3, Havelock, Ont. (1784) GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO LAUN- dry work. Apply in person Star Laundry, 13 Celina St. (178¢) BOOKKEEPER One with experience preferred, 40 hour week or part-time if desired. Apply 50 PRINCE ST. C. G. SHIER WALMSLEY & MAGILL (180c) | Private Secretary Experienced stenographer with dicta- phone experience and knowledge of general office rountine. 5-day week and group insurance benefits, This position is permanent and will pay an excellent salary to the girl who can fit into the organization. Apply-- STARK ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS LIMITED AJAX, ONTARIO Va (178¢) WARD AIDES FOR HOURS OF duty 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Apply Super- intendent, Oshawa General Hospital. (180C) FOOD STORE CLERKS Single girls, 18 or over to clerk in modern self-serve market. Reply stating age, ex- pierence, references, educa- tion, etc. BOX 40, TIMES-GAZETTE (Ag2 3 1 43--Male Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST with at least 3 years high school. Much be over 30 years of age, single, and have neat appearance. Apply in person Kelly Collection Agency, 15% King East. (180A) |WAITERS FOR BEVERAGE ROOM, full and part time, must be exper- lenced, Apply Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. (178¢) FIREMAN--FOURTH CLASS CER- tificate required. Apply chief engi- neer, Oshawa General Hospital. a Toi (175t1) MEN! SELL AIR SEAL TO CAR owners, $100 weekly or over. Phone 5-0526. a (Aug24) MAN WANTED OVER 20 YRS. TO act as driver and help in store and stack room. Permanent position. Write Box 31, Times-Gazette. 3 (179b) AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN TO learn to repair sewing machines. Must have pleasing personality with selling experience. Must be able to drive a car, Splendid opportunity for right man; quick advancement. Apply Sin- ger Sewing Machine Co., 16 Ontario (175t1) WANTED! Man with truck te deliver coal to homes in Oshawa and vicinity, part time, From now through next winter on tonnage basis. MALLETT FUEL 671 Albert, Cor, Bloor Street Dial 3-7541 (178d) WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A GOOD MAN Willing to Work! Established Route! 5-Day Week! Sick Benefit and Hospital Plan Pension Plan A Good Place to Work APPLY CANADA BREAD CO. LTD. 248 King St. West will sell cheap. Call 3-2504, 214 Third Avenug. £178¢c), Dial »- now. Wilsor and Lee, 79 Simcoe VN. 2822, (Ag16) "|86 Kensington Ave, £179) 43--Male Help Wanted GROCERY CLERK Retail food market requires grocery clerk. Good opportunity for young man with ambition and willing to work. Reply in own handwriting, giv- ing age, experience, education, wages expected and references. Excellent opportunity for advancement. BOX 43 TIMES-GAZETTE (Ag2 4.0 45--Agents Wanted EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many box assortments and beautiful line of personal cards. Just write for free personal album and samples on approval. It's easy! It's fun! It's profitable! Write today! Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-) Bleecker St., Toronto. (TTS Agd0) BE INDEPENDENT! ESTABLISH yourself in business without invest- ing money. Become a dealer and make more money in less time than you do at your present job! Cen also be done in your spare time. Catalogue chock full of cvery day needed items at ridiculously low prices. Free catalogue by return mail.' Write Oriental Art Studios, 2033 St. Timothee, Montreal P.Q.\ (Agd 11) AGENTS, CHURCH GROUPS, ETC. wanted to sell Canada's finest as- sortment of Christmas cards. Fifty items from which to choose includ- ing Feature assortment, Scriputre, Humorous, Metallic, Ornament, Catholic, Ftench, Gift Wrappings, Books, Everyday Items, Personal cards, etc. For liberal commission and prompt service write. W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co. N., Hamilton, Ontario. (Selb) EARN $2.50 HOURLY. VACANCIES in Oshawa area handling Paula Products. Over 200 established Home and Farm necessities. Full or part- time. Experience unnecessary. Free training. Every day pay-day. Write Box 32, Times-Gazette. (179d) 46--Employment Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, EXPERIENCED, desires position in modern home where girl 12 years welcome. Dial 3-7990. (180B) 3 TON TRUCK, STAKE, EXPERI- enced driver, hourly or contract wanted. Dial 5-5916, 4-8 p.m. (1791) MIDDLE AGED WOMAN DESIRES housekeeping position, for aged lady or gentleman, Sleep in or out; city or suburbs. Write Box 6 Osh- awa Post Office. (178c) WINDOWS CLEANED, ODD JOBS and painting. Dial 5-6017. (Ag20) 48--Auction Sale Auction Sale -- Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall 8t.,, Thursday even- ing, August 2, at 7.30. 3-piece ches- terfield suite, Moffatt electric range, chesterfield chairs, dining-room suite, easy chair, rug, dining-room table and 6 chairs, pram, studio couch, buffets, radio, square walnut dining-room table, sewing machine, (drop head); Princess Pat kitchen range, ice-box, single and three- quarter beds, springs and mattress- es; tent 8x10, vacuums, dishes, cooking utensils, and many other articles too numerous to mention, Terms cash, Frank Stirtevant, Auc- tioneer, phone 55-5751. (179b) Auction sale of live stock, 50 cattle, 100 pigs, 100 sheep. The property of Werry Bros.; Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darlington, 1% miles north of En- niskillen, Tuesday evening, August 7. Order of sale--Swine, sow and 10 pigs, sow and 8 pigs, sow and 9 pigs, sow and 6 pigs, sow and 7 pigs, sow and 5 pigs, sow and 12 pigs, sow and 8 pigs, sow and 7 pigs, sow and 9 pigs (litters 2 to 4 weeks old); Sheep--flock of B55 Leicester and Shropshine ewes and lambs, flock of 45 Leicester, and Shropshire ewes and lambs (to be sold in flocks); Cattle--50 head of beef yearling and year and half olds (to be sold in groups); 8 head Herefords, 8 head Poll Angus, 8 Durhams, 8 Durhams and Herefords, 8 Poll An- gus and Durham, 10 head Dur- hams. Terms cash. Note, sale at 6.30 p.m. Clarke Werry, clerk; Allan Werry, Sale Manager; Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. (180B) Auction Sale or Real Estate and standing crop, The estate of Douglas Cole, Lot. 4, Con. 5, Darlington, § miles north of Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, August 8. Standing crop-- 10 acres (approx.) oats, 8 acres oats, 12 acres mixed grain, 6 acres mixed grain. Real Estate to be sold sub- ject to a reserve bid, property con- sists of 250 acres nearby, all work- able, 10 acres orchard, well fenced; running water, hydro, water in house and barn, suitable farm build- ings in good state of repair, plowing and pasture. Immediate possession. Terms and conditions of Real Estate made known day of sale. Interested parties may inspect the farm and consult with Mrs. Cole before sale date. Terms cash, Note. Sale at 7.00 pm, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. | (180B) URGE PLUMBING CODE Toronto (CP)-- A renewed drive for an Ontario plumbing code was announced Sunday night following a two-day meeting of the pipe trades council of the plumbing and pipefitting industry. Local unions throughout Ontario were urged to bring the campaign to the attention of their local members of the le- gislature. A statement issued by the council said Health Minister Phillips promised several months ago that a provincial plumbing code would be put into operation before the end of July. EXCHANGE TO CLOSE Toronto (CP)-- Toronto stock ex- change will be closed next Mon- day, jAug. 6, for civic holiday. Montreal stock exchange will oper- ate as usual. William PF. Massey, Wew Zealand prime minister in the First World War, was a member of parliment from 1604 until death in 1882, Kedron Picnic Is Big Success Kedron -- The Kedron Sunday School picnic, held at Geneva Park, Monday evening was a de- cided success from every point of view, Attendance of about 70 in- cluded representdtives from most homes in the community, and a few out-of-town visitors including Mr. and Mrs. Max Ballard, Moose Jaw. It was also a pleasure to have present Mr. R. J. Luke, and Mesdames F. W. Lee, H. F. Werry and Herb. Hutchings. Supper was abundant and up to the standard of Kedron cooks and was well sup- ervised by Mesdames R. Down, E. Mountjoy and C. F. Werry, and the ice cream served by C. F. Werry and helpers gave a topping which makes the complete finish for any meal Beryl Mountjoy, Douglas Farn- dale and Ronald Werry carried out a well arranged sports program while the contestants added inter- est and enthusiasm. The weather, which was hot through the day and continuing for the evening in closer quarters, was'about perfect in the open spaces of the park, and altogether the picnic of 1951 will be remembered as one of the best all around of picnics. Mr. E. Mount- joy reminded the friends that, as supplies for the new church are being assembled, bills are coming in and contributions are gratefully received, Winners in the following races were as follows: Girls, 6-8, Eliza- beth Rowan, Marlene Wood; boys, 6-8: Donald Lynde, Keith Martin; girls, 9-12: Eleanor Mountjoy, Jean- ine Werry; boys, 9-12: Bill Farn- dale, Peter Davis; girls, 13-16: Anne Snowden, Mavis Tregunna; boys, 13-16: Ronald Werry, Bob Farn- dale; girls, over 16: Muriel Werry, Diane Lee; boys over 16: Douglas Farndale, John Glover; three-leg- ged race: John Glover, Muriel Werry; wheelbarréw: Ronald Werry, Bob Farndale; ladies nail- driving: s. J. Glover; men, shoe- kicking: /Mr, R. Down; ladies throwing rugby ball: Muriel Werry; children five and under were equal- ly rewarded. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and family with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer and family picniked at Stephenson's Point. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks, Mr, and Mrs. Max Ballard, Mrs. F. W, Lee and Mr. Frank Lee were Sunday tea guests at Mr. R. E. Lee's. Elizabeth and Linda Rowan, Yel- verton, are holidaying with their aunt, Mrs. W. A. Werry, Mr. Werry and Donald. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Webb, June and David Webb, Waubaushene, spent holidays with their aunt, Mrs. R. Down, Mr. Down and Don- ald. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Larine Dickinson, attended the Leask picnic at Geneva Park on Thursday last. June Davis spent a few days | holidaying at the home of her uncle, Mr. Gordon Davis, Oshawa, and Marilyn and Peter are holiday- ing on the farm this week. and Mrs. Russell Down and Mr. nald Down attended the Down family picnic at Mrs, Harold Hayes', Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Pascoe, Grant and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs, F. Thompson call- ed on friends and relatdves in and about Port Hope on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Painter and family, Prospect, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. W. Lynde's. Mr, and Mrs. H. A, Werry, Ron- ald and Jeanine Werry, accompan- ied by Kenneth and Shirley Hos- kin, enjoyed' a brief holiday at Birchmuir Lodge, Stoney Lake. They report fishing good and brought home proof of their claims. It was unfortunate they were call- ed home owing to illness of Mr. Ray Smith. Glad to report Ray was able to return to duties for Monday's work. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Baker, Mrs. Scott, 8t. Thomas, spent Tuesday at Mr. R. Down's. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. Charles Thompson, Markdale, were tea visitors at 'Mr, Frank Thompson's, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks are holidaying at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke and John, Toronto, are spending a week's holiday with his father, Mr. R. J. Luke. Mr. Clarence Allin, Newcastle, visited his mother, Mrs. N. Allin, Mr. and Mrs, M. Walter, Satur- day forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fraser, John, Paul, Ainslee and David Fraser, Port Credit, were Friday overnight visitors with their cousin, Mrs. H. A. Werry, Mr. Werry, Ronald and Jeanine, and also called on Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Love and Mr. Doug- las Love. . Mr. Henry Kidd is enjoying a holiday with his aunt, Mrs. R. Down, Mr. Down and Donald, His friends are very pleased to see him much improved in health, having spent some years in this community. Haying is now practically cleared up but such has been the growth because of frequent showers (or rains) that in many cases the first- cleared fields could well be cut again. Oats are ready to be cut, and fall wheat is in the shock. What we need now in fine weather and a few more men to step into the garnering and threshing. Raspberries are still being gather- ed in quantities, the moisture hav- ing contributed to heavy yield and prolonged season. Rev. R. H, Wylie, Pembroke, will pccupy the pulpit for the month of August. Their many friends will be pleased to meet Mr. and Mrs. Wylie who will occupy the manse at Columbus during August, and thus we hope to have an op- portunity to meet them personally in a social way during the holi- days. Mr, Alec Mair, Fort Mich. US, spent the weekend with his sister awa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Barett and family and accompanied them to the Barrett Janly picnic held at Lynbrook Park, David spent the weekend with Mr. M. C. Crawford and Margaret. Master David Crawford remained until father. attended the Mason-Holliday wed- ning. there expected but everyone present THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten HEY, CRINGELY! WHAT DO YOU SAY WE GO DOWN TO THE STEAK HOUSE FOR LUNCH? IM STARVING | ME TOO! BUT IVE GOT A DENTISTS APPOINTMENT AT 12:00 SHARP ' I'LL HAVE TO GRAB A BITE AFTER T LEAVE THE DENTIST'S OFFICE! Ano wien THE DENTIST GOT THROUGH WITH en C £R0SS: CONCORD, CALE HIM » I HAD TO PUT A VERY TRICKY FILLING IN THAT | | { 1 | Mrs. John Campbell, and Mr. Campbell. Miss L. Pellow, Misses Margaret, Dorothy and Ruth Pellow, were Sunday tea guests of Misses Mar- fon and Beryl Mountjoy. Miss Beatrice Mounjoy is spend- | ing a few days with her niece, Mrs. | Everson Norton, Locust Hill. Messrs. Lorne and Jack Tre- gunna are on a holiday trip visiting relatives at Gananoque and King- ston, returning via USA. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mountjoy were Suntlay tea visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Parish, Brooklin. Mr. James Aldous, Miss Audrey Aldous and Mr. Ronald Aldous, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at Mr. Albert Tregunna's. Mrs. Murray Mounjoy, accompan- | ied by Mrs. H. Mountjoy and Miss Gladys Mountjoy, Oshawa, were tea guests at Mrs. Bertwin Blackburn's, Uxbridge, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Montgomery, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McGregor, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Graham and Annabel, Pickering, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. Walter and Mrs. N. Allin, Sunday. Master Andy Murdoch was hon- ored with his first birthday party on his fourth birthday anniversary, Saturday. A round dozen play- mates enjoyed the celebration. Many happy returns of the day, Andy. Mrs. Jabez Wright and Miss Annie Wright were Sunday tea visitors with Miss Nora Werry and Mr. R. J. Luke. News Notes From Base Line West MRS. I. H. BARRETT Correspondent Base Line West--Mrs. E. P. Col- lins had the misfortune to fall while getting off a stool and injured her back. She will be confined to bed for about three weeks. Visitors at the home of Mr, and | Mrs. E. P. Collins over the week- end included Mr. and Mrs. John Collins and family of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. A. Collins of Lon- don. | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris of Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crawford and Tuesday with his grand- Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Holliday ding in Oshawa last Thursday eve- Several from here attended the Almonds Home and School picnic held at Lynbrook Park last Thurs- day. There was not the number had a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. King of East York, Mr, and Mrs. T, Shepherd of Solina Child 'Struck by Car GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent Solina -- Friends of Mrs. Charles Johnson, formerly Muriel Baker of |Solina were sorry to learn of the accident which severely injured her | young daughter, Elizabeth, on & | Peterborough street near her home. {When going on to the street to get 'a ball she was knocked down and received from being thrown to the |street, a broken leg, cuts on the {of her head and bruises. She will be confined to the hospital for three | weeks at least. Mr, and Mrs. E. Spires and fam- ily are holidaying at Crow Lake. | Misses Judy Balson, Cataraqui, 'and Carolyn Bdlson, Bowmanville, |enjoyed holidays with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson and Ileen were Sunday tea guests of Mrs. C. Smale, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lunn of Peterborough, are visiting her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Langmaid. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterborough, spent several days at her home. Messrs. Bruce and Don Taylor and Murray Vice attended a Junior Farmer's Sunday program at the Federation of Agriculture Campsite on Sunday afternoon. Major Foote addressed the gathering at the evening session, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruickshank and. Joan of Peterborough, visited at Mr, Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and children and Mrs. H. Tink were Sunday evening visitors at Mr. Roy Jackson's, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Edwards of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie' Acton, Brooklin,. visited at Mrs. Harvey Rarris'. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker enjoyed {& motor trip to Orillia and Mid- | land. Misses Gail and Jean Baker spent several days at their grandparents, |Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Onmiston's, | Ebenezer. Master Ronnie Baker visited his cousin, Gary Ormiston, Bowman- ville. Miss Helen Parrinder spent a week with her sister, Large, Bowmanville. Miss Jean Montgomery and girl- friends, Jayce Lee, Dorothy and Elinor Dyer, Oshawa, are spending this week at Huntsville, Misses Phyllis, Anne and Joan Westlake spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs, Edith Marlow in Bowmanville. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and Normie, of Guelph, visited relatives here and attended the Down family reunion at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Harold and Murray, were Sunday guests at Mr, Alf Allin's, Bowman=- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bow- manville, visited at Mr. George Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley visited Mr. Hardy's aunt, Mrs. J. 1 at Ida who observed her 91st thday anniversary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden visit ed at Mr. Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer, Miss Jean Cryderman accom- panied a girl-friend to Idaho, US.A, for several week's visit. / Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mr, Harold Pascoe and Mrs. Cecil Pas- coe attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Graham and Annabelle, Pickering, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Master David Kellett is holiday- ing near Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Pascoe ate tended the warden's picnic at Orono and received a prize for the oldest couple present. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kellett and sons were at Minden on Sunday, JAMIESON DRUGS DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST Mrs, Jack HOUSE FOR SALE 7-room brick, house, hardwood tloors Toronto were with the Lloyd family on Sunday. We are sorry to report that Erie Lloyd is now in the Oshawa Hos- pital. The infection in his leg from a mosquito bite is not heal- ing as quickly as it should. Mr, al Mrs. A. Moore, Ronnie and Carolyn, spent Sunday in Bowmanville with Mr, and Mrs. B, Stevens and family, hout, large living-room, dining room ond kitchen; four rooms and bath upstairs, garage, cement drive« woy. Large landscaped lot. PRICE $11,000 APPLY 58 GIBBONS ST. EVENINGS Several from this district are en- joying their vacation. Mr. Fred Gale is in Montreal for this week. Miss Ruth Lowe is spending this week with friends at Huntsville. Miss Margaret Crawford and Miss Gwen Fawcett are holidaying in Buffalo. ' Including its far-flung island de- pendencies New Zealand has an age gregate area of 103,935 miles, Crutch Purse Vancouver (CP) -- A man on crutches has one big advantage over a woman in the same pre- dicament = pockets. And Claire Wallace, although she's known as a radio commen- tator - not an inventor - knows well the dilemma faced by women who can't carry a purse because they must use both hands to keep them- selves vertical. e= That cluttered purse is a neces- ity to women. That's where Miss Wallace comes in. She said in an interview she is going to see that women like herself, those who must depend on crutches, don't have to do without. Her solution is a "crutch purse" - a handbag that tags along on the crutches, which doesn't impede motion and yet leaves both hands free, The story of the purse starts with the misfortune which struck her two years ago in Australia. She fractured her hip in a fall from an automobile, fractured it so badly that she still cannot get along without the ald of crutches. REAL HANDICAP About her long convalesence she saidt "One of the most infuriating Designed To Help Crippled Women things about using crutches is bef ing unable to carry things a woman generally carries with her." Fans who had experienced sim- ilar difficulties wrote her. So Miss Wallace went obstacle-toppling. Toronto's Miss Wallace started experimenting more than a year ago to perfect her crutch purse. The first obstacles to be overcome were construction of a counter- balance and allowance for freedom of motion. "About six months ago I found Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundes St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY . MARKERS Ise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES © Gar Wood Tempered Air Units "Sales ond Service to oll Makes" DIAL 35-2734 I had the perfect design in cotton," she reminisced, "but when I had it made up n leather I found there were all kinds of new difficulties and I had to start experimenting all over again," But by "trial and error" she fin- ally smoothed out the snags - she's not giving too many details yet- and patents were acquired recently, "The bag can be.used for every- thing from carrying books to a glass of water," she said. "I'm positive this will be a 'boon to other persons like myself and I 'shall certainly try to have a few thousands manufactured to send to the many people who have Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 written me,"