Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jul 1951, p. 23

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 1951 PAGE TWENTY-THREE Z1ASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 22) 40--Empl int Wanted + EXPERIENCED ROOFER, WHE 39---Articles For Sale shingle new or old homes, available BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, now. Apply 305 Verdun Rd. before used, bought, sold, exchanged and July 29. (172c) repaired. Also lawnmowers sharpen- WOMAN DESIRES CLEANING. ed and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 | Reliable. References. Phone 3-7369. Bond E., corner Kenneth and Bond. (172c) y (JY26) WINDOWS CLEANED. ODD JOBS and painting. Dial 5-6017. (Ag20) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUT-| rt" nfhaband LR tings, for quick sale to clean fac. |RITCHIE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. tory, $5 or $3 lots delivered, Phone |Repairs to all makes of electrical ap- 23-7301. (Augl8) lances; all work guaranteed, 364 VENETIAN BLINDS. THE AD- ing Street West, Dial 5-6456. (1681) vanced Kirsch type. The most start- | 47--L egal Notices Blin Fr iggy rile Eager inte CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND Eomure "We are 'sure hess bunds| HOUSING CORPORATION will not only satisfy but create 441 Queen's Quay West enthusiasm. . Estimates without ob-| Toronto 2B, Ontario TENDER ligation. George Held. Dial 5-0633. est. Re: Changes in Piping, 66 Bond St. (Ag15) ' N Central Steam Plant, . FORCE RANGETTES Ajax Development- Large oven, utility drawer, white Project, : 3 enam.1 finish, $79.50 value. Ajax, Ontario. H + ) Sealed tenders plain ked t Special Sale Price $54.95 content and oh nnn ogg heh Convenient terms. No Finance Co. |Quay West, Toronto 2B, Ontario, will HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC be received up to 2:00 P.M., E.D.S.T. y LTD. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TIM TYLER'S LUCK 48--Auction Sale _. Auction Sale -- Stirtevan Room, 33 Hall Street, Thursday evening, Yuly 26 at 7.30 p.m., 3-piece chesterfield suite, dining-room table, (oak); buffet, (oak); radio, floor model; ice box, dining-room table, (walnut); dining-room table and 6 chairs, 2 wicker verandah rockers, kitchen cabinet, easy chairs, va- cuums, gents . bicycle, baby pram, coal oil" 'stove, pump, chesterfield chairs, leather rocker, Thor electric washer, electric range, kitchen range, wash" basin, taps" and pedestal, elec- tric fireplace, Beaver jig-saw, Li- moge china, dishes, cooking utinsils and many other artieles too numer- ous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, phone SL Many Scots Unable To Speak Gaelic London--(CP)--W. 8. Morrison, Conservative member of parlia- ment and head of London's Gaelic- speaking community, is concerned by the number of Scots who do not speak Galic, Morrison says few of Britain's back-benchers can match him in Gaelic. The only other Tory legis- lator' with any command of the language, he said, is Ian MacLeod, who represents Enfield West. He comes from the Oyter Hebrides where Gaelic still is the spoken language. A Labor member from the same part of Scotland who also speaks fluent Gaelic is Malcom Macmillan who represents the Western Isles. Famous Scots witheut a word of | Gaelic between them include Hec- {tor McNiel, state secretary for Scotland; Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of pencillin; Sir William Fraser, chairman of the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company; Sir Arch- ibald Sinclair, wartime air minister; and Lady Tweedsmuir, Conser- vative member of parliament and wife of the son of a former govern- or-general of Canada. ! | Morrison, who was born in Ar- gyllshire in Scotland's western low- | | lands, spent much of his youth in | [the Outer Hebrides and says: | "I can't remember a time when I | did not speak both English and | Gaelic." | Present surveys indicate that {only one-fifth of Scotland's total | | population of five million speaks | Gaelic. Of the thousands of Scots | who live in London, only 1,000 have reasonable. We were quite prepar- ed to recommend their acceptance to our membership. "The cdmpany's attitude is fan- tastic,"" Mr. Sefton continued. "Its continued resistance to our organ- e ization is the sort of thing t h Ti t's © Auction By Lyman Young breeds Communism and is extrem- ly hard to understand in view of the fact it was first to publicly to express a desire to have a mediat- or aet. "The facts are 'the union has gone through all the legal proce- dures in Ontario and has been sup- ported by the Timmins Town Council and all labor across Can- ada. The attitude of the Hollinger mine officials puts them in the position apparently of regarding -| themselves .as bigger than the people of, Ontario." In concluding his statement, Mr. Sefton left no doubt of the union's intention to carry on the strike until a reasonable settlement is reached. "We believe - the recommenda- tions of the Conciliation Board and the suggestions 'of the Minister of Labor are reasonable," he de- clared, "and we propose to have them accepted no matter how long it will take." Yorkton, Sask. (CP) -- Norman Roebuck helped a neighbor spray weed-killer on his field. When He returned home fumes from his clothing killed most of the prize plants in his house. NEW & Wednesday, August 8, 1951, for changes and additions to the exist. ing piping system; the replacing of the existing forced draft fans and installatign of complete system of automatic controls for the stokers, etc., all at the Central Steam Plant, at Ajax, Ontario. Plans, specifications and forms of tender required may be obtained at the address shown above. A deposit of $50.00 is required for each set of documents, which deposit will be re- | funded on return of plans, etc., in good condition within 14 days from the tender closing date. Each deposit must be accompanied {by a Security Deposit equal to 10% |of tender total. This deposit shall VENETIAN BLINDS indemnify C.M.H.C. against loss in 5-year Guarantee. Beautiful Plastic | the event of withdrawa Finish in Steel or Aluminum with | cessful tenderer op the *the "Closed-in" Metal Head Box. Free | acceptance of the bid by C.M.H.C. estimates. A certified cheque made payable to We also clean and repair Venetian | Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- Blinds. | poration or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as LITY QUA Security Deposit. VENETIAN BLINDS The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 15 DIVISION ST. Phone 3-7173 (Je30tH) Regional Engineer; SALE |IN THE MATTER OF THE ES. [TATE OF JAMES COFFEY, LATE OF THE OITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, BUILDER, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and others having claims | against the Estate of the said James | | Coffey, who died at the City of Osh- awa, on or about the 9th day of | {July, A.D. 1951, are required on or Phone 3-2248 50 "Prince St. » (MWFAug4) NO TAX NORGE REFRIGERATORS 8)2 CU. FT. $429.00 6% CU. FT $315.00 WOQD'S APPLIANCES 574 RITSON RD. SOUTH . DIAL 5-5521 JAMIESON DRUGS " Bl ANNIE ROONEY PROMPT. DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST Twenty-Two "aves 1 COULDNT DO IT FAS! (Jy28) | [I KNOW YOU GOTTA BE REAL §/BUT NOBODY WHO IS SMART | OH, CAN SMART TO KNOW HOW 10 TAKE Jl ENOUGH TO COUNT -2-3-4-5/ I PLAY, NY-WEENY LTE | 5 Ro puma BIKE 00 ?, A PIECE OF STRING COULD I'"HELP TIE UP THE LITTLE BUNCHES OF CARROTS! IT LOOKS LIKE LOTSA _FUN- I ---- PLUMBING & HEATING © REPAIRS! o NEW WORK! © LOWEST PRICES! © GUARANTEED WORK! H. COLVIN DIAL 5-0733, 8S. M. CONNOLLY, NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. ® FOR QUICK DELIVERY © FOR PRESCRIPTIONS * DIAL 5-1253 OF THE FINEST ELECTRICAL | APPLIANCES | NOW ON Radios, Washers, Ranges Refrigerators, etc. AT GENUINE. SAVINGS PM TRED OF THIS NONSENSE! YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ME ONE SUPERMAN NO MATCH FOR THE GREAT GAROMBI! 'HILL:CORNISH ELECTRIC ' LTD. 50 Prince St. Phone 3-2248 (Aug4) 41--Articles Wanted SCRAP IRON, METALS, RAGS, etc., bought; cellars cleaned and gar- bage disposed of. Phone 5-0382. : (172) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863. (Agle) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW e and duck feathers, also fea- or ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap iron and : metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect, (Ag) HIGHEST PRICES PAID F oF paper, rags, mattresses, iron metals. Local and out of town calls Jlckad up free. Dial 56-3432, Cedardale ron and Metals, 100 Annis St., east of C.N.R. Station. (Ag3) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT. ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat. ers. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132, (Ag1b) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N\ Dial 5-2822. - (Ag16) 42--Female Help Wanted WOMAN TO DRIVE TRUCK, AND do launrry work. Apply Star Laun- dry. (173¢c) SINGLE GIRL FOR STENOGRA- phical and clerical work, experience preferred, 35-hr. week, employee benefits include group life, hospitali- zation and surgical benefits, and non-contributory pension plan. Write Box 17, Times-Gazette. (173b) SALESLADY WANTED. APPLY Manager, Breslin's, Whitby. (173a) EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, for alterations on women's dresses, suits' and coats; excellent salary. Write Box 15, Times-Gazette. (173d) GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN FOR eneral housework, in Toronto. eek-ends off. 3. adults. Phone 5- 511. (172¢) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, split shift, good wages, $25 per week. South End Grill, 5 Bloor East. Phone 5-3433. (172c) HOUSEKEEPER FOR MOTHER- less 'home of three school-age chil- dren, no objection to ome child, par- ticulars first letter. Write Box 14, Times-Gazette. . 172.) TYPIST FOR LARGE TRANSPORT firm, no previous business experis ence necessary, Write Box 914, Times-Gazette. a71t0) ELDERLY WOMAN FOR LIGHT Housekeeping duties, with eomfort- able room and board. Dial 5-2586. E (170c) FULL TIME CORSETTIERE, NO experience necessary if you are will- ing to learn, Also another position aliable as saleslady. Apply in per- 8 to Mahageress, Atkins Hosiery, § Simcoe S. '43--Male Help Wanted pt soc Sel bdo ddan DRIVER-SALESMAN FOR A SOFT drink truck, must be experienced, and able to supply references. Phone 5-5831. (173¢) MEN! SELL AIR SEAL TO CAR gwners, $100 weekly or over. Phone 5-0526. (Aug24) USHERS. , APPLY IN PERSON, Drive-In Theatre after 8 p.m. (1711) DRIVER---SALESMAN FOR A SOFT drink truck, must be experienced, and able to supply references. Write Rox 946, Times-Gazette. (1711) 44--Male or Female Help FOR CHILDREN'S CAMP, GOOD, plain cook. Also playground super- visor, Dial 5-6092, (172) (170c) part-time selling. Amazing guarantee | makes our sneer Nylons and quality | Men's Hosiery easy to sell. Also Lin. gerie and Men's Wear. Start imme- | diately. Free Sales Kit. Duro-Test, C-15, Hamilton. (Jy24,25) 45--Agents Wanted MAKE MONEY EASILY, QUICK- ly. Just show beautiful assortments Christmas cards, Gift Wrap, Calen- dars, Friends, neighbours will buy on 'sight. Wonderful values. Over 35 uick-selling, different = varieties. Write toMay for illustrated folder and bargain sample offer. Fine for churches, clubs, Homer-Warren Co. Dept. 18-A, 30 Wellington East, hel ronto. (Jy25-Agl1,8,15,22,20), { before the 15th day of August, A.D. 11951, to send® by prepaid-post, or de- {liver to the undersigned, their full | names and addresses in writing, and -- | with particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, | held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the Exe- {eutrix shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and the said Executrix shall not be. liable for | the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims, notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution.. DATED at Oshawa, this 24th day of July, A.D. 1951. (MRS.) EVA STACEY, Executrix, by her Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K C. 141; King Street East, Oshawa, . Qntario. (Jy25,Auul,K) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN: AJAX VS. ROE Pursuant to the judgment and fi- nal order for sale made in this cause and bearipg date respectively the 14th day of May and the 5th day of July, 1951, there will be sold with the approbation of the Local Master of this Court at Whitby by Frank Stirtevant, Austioneer, ON THE PREMISES HEREINAFTER DE- SCRIBED ON BEATRICE STREET, in the City of Oshawa, at the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon on WEDNESDAY, the 8TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1951, the following lands and premises: -- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being, in the Township of East Whitby in the County and Province of Ontario and being composed 'of part of Lot 44, Sheet 11-D of the Municipal Plan of the Township of East hitby, said Plan covering part of Lot 11 in the 3rd Concession of said Township, said parccl or tract being more par- ticularly described as follows: -- COMMENCING at a point being at the intersection of a fence marking the southerly limit of registered Plan 318 and the westerly limit of a street known as Hortop Avenue according to said Plan 318; THENCE Souther- ly along the westerly limit of said Hortop Avenue to the northerly limit of a street known as Beatrice Street a distance of 344 feet 1 inch more or less; THENCE Westerly along the northerly limit of Beatrice Street a distance of 249 feet more or less to a. point in said northerly limit of Beatrice Street situated 488 feet 9 inches easterly from the casterly limit of Somerville Avenue which point may be known as the. place of beginning; THENCE Northerly par- allel with the easterly limit of Som- erville Avenue a distance of 344 feet 1 inch more or less to the south limit of registered Plan 318; THENCE Easterly along the said south limit of Plan 318 a distance of 63 feast to a point; THENCE Southerly parallel with the easterly limit of Somerville Aventie a distance of 344 feet 1 inch more or less to the northerly limit of Beatrice Street; THENCE Wes- terly along the said northerly limit of Beatrice Street 63 feet to the place of beginning. On the said lands is said to be erected a one-storey unfinished house about forty-nine feet by twen- ty-four feet without basement. The property will be offered for sale subs ject' to a reserve bid which has been fixed by.the said Local Master, and subject to the Conditions of Sale as settled by the undersigned. Further particulars and conditions of sale can be had from Harris, Harris & Wallace, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Solicitors for the Plaintiff. Dated this 11th day of July, 1951. "F. J. MacRae," Local Master: (Jy18,25-Augl) Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Decler ® ESSO OIL BURNERS ® NEW IDEA FURNACES ® Gor Wood Tempered Air Unity 'Sales end Service to all Makes" DIAL 35-2734 {any command of the language, | Company Rejects | (Continued from page, 13) some basis of agreement with | company officials. | | REPRESENTATIVES The bargaining unit was repre- sented by C. H. Millard, director | of the USWA in Canada; W. H.| Sefton and L. A. Behie, internatio- | nal representatives of USWA, Dave | Larcher, president of Local 4305; | Roy Gillespie, chairman of the local's negotiating committee, and | V. G. Emard, chairman of the local's strategic committee, these last three are Hollinger employees. Representing Hollinger were: E. A. Perry, assistant general super- intendent; M. E. Williams, produc- tion engineering department; J. E. Disley, mine superintendent; and P. C. Pinlay, secretary of the company. s Union officials have consistently termed Hollinger's reasons for op- posing the check-off as fantastic. Judging from the nature of the proposal submitted by Mr. Daley concerning the check-off, neither he nor Mr. Fine were seriously im- pressed by them either, although they did not commit themselves to Mr. Daley, "when questioned about the company's objections, merely said that it offered a number of reasons, but he did not go into de- tails. * Hollinger officials did not give out any statement following the meeting, but union officials en- countered by newspaper men after- ward gave out a statement with Mr. Seftbn as the spokesman. UNION STATEMENT "So far as we are concerned," Mr. Sefton said, '"we appreciate the efforts of Hon. Mr. Daley, the Labor Minister, and = Mr. Louis Fine, the government's chief con- ciliation officer, in bringing the parties together in an effort to settle the dispute. We feel the sug- gestions made by Mr. Daley are any statement concerning them. |¢ > \ ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS SANDED X WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER and WAX SOLD DIAL 3-7251 ) ) Precise ance when yo wide selection of Stafford MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS workmanship and coreful attention to detail are uv Bros. vour assur- from the imported and and vars stock. ~ [ Repairs 'and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 In First Class LOTS FOR SALE idential District (WOODCREST AVE.) LOTS 58 x 130. CITY WATER AVAILABLE PHONE 44620 DAYTIME ONLY Not a Problem Here's Why! TO BUY OR SFLL Here's How! KIRKFIELD You Can A \ MAPLE BEACH Peter Bistrey MANCHESTER - LINDSAY KAWARTHA DISTRICT OFFICE Mrs. in SUMMER HOME /o BRIDGENORTH J "Bill Cocks BEWDLEY Mr Flowers \ \ Today Agents All Thru The Resort "Area Call PR. 3324 Mr. BOWES Mgr. LIMITED KAWARTHA RESORT BUREAU ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE "1172 BAY ST., TORONTO, PR. 3324 REALTORS i BIT WITH ALL THAT \ TALK.) OURS Ne? 4 ff A\ r et 8 LOE, = ~~ On A HOPEFUL HUNCH, PHIL. PHONES THE OFFICE OF VITAL STATISTICS SECRET AGENT X-9 FB.\% YES, MR, CORRIGAN =JUST WHAT WiLL YOU PLEASE Di6 OUT THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF Mi55 MARY ANTWORTH, | ABOUT THIRTY YES : ANTWORTH WAS BORN --A MARY HERE MN 1922! HEY My PAPERS LOOKIN' FOR YOU! THESE MAGES DANCE 50 TERRIFYINGLY AROUND ME - i WHY DO THEY NOT EINISH on THIS HORROR FOR ME ?2 % 5 ' / SINCE THERE 15 NO HOPE FOR ME 1 PRAY THAT THEY STRIKE QUICKLY --AND-- Mj LORD HAVE MERCY IPON ME/ CCITT | UGHZ/-BUT ONE STILL LIVES SEE 2- INDIANS MAKE DEATH DANCE » AVE. RED FEATHER THE INTUNS HAVE BURNED OUT THE WAGON TRAIN--POOR Lee Falk & Wilson McCoy, "ME AND MY DARLING JERRI/! YOU LET ME IN ONTHE TO THANK You. I PICTURE OF MY LIFE DRE AW-TRATG | 602A 1 CANT EVER TELL ALL RIGHT EM IT WASA PUBLICITY J BUT WHA STORY FORJEAN.THEYD JHAPPENED SCALPME. 0 JEAN? ry JT] RING FEATURES SYNDICATE. Inc. WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED By Alex Raymond THAT'S 1 THEIR COTTAGE... Tf |. 1 HOPE OLU LADY J} STAFFORD'S NOT AROUND!

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