N sional engineers, 215 | 3-901. PAGE TWENTY THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1951 y RESYL Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 41 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 83-9732. Also 2848 Bloor St. W. To- ronto. Phone LY 7755. (Ag12) 1a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, Charte: red Ascountants, 37 King St. E. Dial 54662 R Gordon W. Rieht, C.A., Resident Partsfer. (Ag9) 1b--Accountants IYNCH AND CO., ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll work, ts receivable, tax returns. 20 Albert St. "Dial 65-5411. (Augl) 3-- Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, K. 8--Building Trades EAVESTROUGHING, NEW, AND repairs, work guaranteed. Dial 3- 9468. (Jy29) MORE SERVICES ADDED. K.L.T. Painters and Decorators. We spe- cialize in the following: Painting and decorating, industrial spray painting, paperhanging, sign paint- ing. No job too small. No job too big. Get our prices first. Scarborough 3207; Ajax 41; Oshawa 3-3669. (Augl8) READ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SUMMER RESORTS ADVERTISEMENTS 9--Business Opportunities 16 000 -- grocery and meat $ ' business $10,000 down, building and fixtures, walk-in re- fri hy ling t meat grinder, slicer, scales etc. Will ex- change for house. E. L. WHITELY Real Estate Broker Dial 5-3308 (16%b) 11---D ressmaking ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK- ing. Reasonable, dependable Phone 5-1538. (Augl8) Bldg. A King Street ter, ete., Alger us 5 Mi e Loans A d Office 83-4043; Residence i (Agl) CONANT & CONANT, BARRIS ters and Solicitors. Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A, Of- fices: Oshawa, ont, (i) Sitneoe 5 2227; , Ont, one 8, Dial 3- ; Ajax, » Phone 35 ster Rn Ee Solicitor, etc., 6 King t. West Phones: Office Dial 5-177; ence Dial 5-4604. Money to loan Resid 8. Boychyn, B.A. Associate. [4] ychyn, prees ALLIN ¥. ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH 8. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial 38-2269, Res. 5-1235. Money to loan. (Agl) A. W. S. GREER, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, ete., 8 King Street East. Dial 7, Residence 3-4750. John M, Greer, B.A.Sc. (Ag10) Phones: D. CHILDREN'S DRESSMAK ING. Reasonable and dependable. Phone 5-5619. (167b) 12--Gardening & Supplies PREPARE FOR FALL PLANTING now. Everything you need for your garden. Sod, shrubs, trees, ever- greens, flag and rockery stone. Dial 5-1721. (Ag19) 13--Household Repairs WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS, all makes washers, all types elec- trical wiring and repairs. Dial 8- 9335, (Augi12) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more! Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Ag3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE h ed. See our materials for Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street morth, Dial: office 5-3741, residence 5 (Jy21) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Buna £5. geo of, Comms B MEE A reig! , K.C., ar K.C., G. K. Drynan, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C.,, BAR- vister, Solicitor. Aloney to loan. Of. fice 14% King Street Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial 5-3405. (Agl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor. 11 King East, Room 2. Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence SATS MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 3-2022, Res. 3-4029. (Agl) 4--Chiropodists TF. M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621 4a--Chiropractors LEO. L. KRANTS, D.C., 47 PRINCE Bt. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. 5--Dentists (Ag23) recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212. (Ag3) 14--Instruction LEARN TO DRIVE, DUAL CON- trol cars. Phone 3-7071. . (1651) SUMMER SCHOOL--JUNE, JULY, August. Enrol any school day. Hours 8 to 1 during summer. Oshawa Busi- ness College. Phone 5-4343. 18 Simcoe St. North. FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'ostruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment dial 5-0841, (Ag3) 15--Insurance SUMMER COTTAGE FIRE INSUR- ance, anywhere in the province. Out- board motors and boats. Murdoch Insurance, Oshawa. Jy) ROBERT S. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance. Dial 5-6402. Fire, Life, Automobile, Outboard Motor and Boats, Insurance, etc. (Jy19) COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ice. McMurtry Insurance Agency represen The Imperial Life, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722, (Jy17) WASAGA -- CENTRAL, CABINS, rooms, dollar per day each person, also cottage, $200 for season. Write Box 92, Wasaga. (ThJy26) GRANDVIEW VILLA, STURGEON Lake--Ideal vacation spot, home cooking, all sports. Write L. Hillier, 22 Secord Ave., Toronto. (ThJy19) SIX POINT LODGE--Log cabin ac- commodation. Excellent food ap- proved by National Sportsmen's Re- search. Folder--Mrs, L. B. Greene, Bancroft, Ont. (ThJy26) RETRAC INN -- SLEEPING CA- bins, home-cooked meals, dancing shuffleboard, free boats, safe beach, comfortable lounge. Box 78 Bala. ( ugle) PETER PAN LODGE Sturgeon Lake Offers swimming, fishing, boating, real home cooking, happy company. Sunday chick di s a specialty. Day $4, week $25. Reservations, write Peter Pan Lodge, Thurstonia Park. (Th Auglé) LAKE DALRYMPLE, FURNISHED cottages, hydro, ice, boat, $20 and up weekly. Good fishing. Write Thompson's ' Lodge, Seabright. (Th,S6) WYLDEWOOD LODGE, WASAGA Beach, housekeeping cabins, July - August, $18 per week. September lower rates. A. Henry, 70 Wellesley W., Toronto. (Th,S6) Holidaying in Ontario The' glamour of the holiday season is reflected in many ways. Scooting across the beautiful waters of Ontario's rock-bound lakes and rivers is but one of the many attractions. Photo courtesy of Ontario Department Travel & Publicity. GLEN ORCHARD LODGE---REST- ful holiday by small lake, boats, swimming, bass fishing, cabins by lake, rooms at Lodge. Home cook- ing, $23 up. H. Fudge, Glen Orchard P.0., Muskoka. (ThJy19) MIRAMAR LODGE. -- ROOMS, light h keeping ap. ts, ca- bins, modern conveniences, on beach front, central. A. S. Boyd, Wasaga Beach. (ThJy19) GEORGIAN BAY, BROCK'S BEACH --Cabins, cottages, electricity, safe sandy beach, ideal for kiddies. H. Kemp, 98 Poyntz, Lansing, Ont. (ThJy19) BLUE HAVEN, NORLAND, ON- tario Highway 35--Under new man- rs t. Hi keeping cabins, run- ning water toilets, on Gull River, high-class restaurant. Write Harry Johnson, (ThJy19) HOUSEKEEPING CAMP ON CAM- eron Lake, 2 miles north of Fenelon Falls, Highway 35. Fishing, swim- ming, boating. Hot showers." Phone 605R32, "Dunrovin Park'. (ThJy19) SUNNY-CREST LODGE, KASHE Lake--Cabins or lodge accommoda- tions, sports, sandy beach, $30 week; special rates for children. C. M. Rowan, 141 Eastwood Rd., Toronto. (ThJy19) ACCOMMODATION--PINE VILLA Farm, Port Bplster, excellent meals, pleasant, restful surroundings, mod- LAKE-FRONT CABINS, EACH equipped with new spring-filled mat- tresses, rangette, ice box, running water, flush toilet, safe, clean beach, 7 miles from Gravenhurst on Bala Highway, Write J. E. Goudy, Kal- orama Point, Box 468, Graven- hurst, Ont. (ThJy19) INDIAN HEAD LODGE, CHANDOS Lake, Apsley P.O., choice accommo- dation lodge, cabin, housekeeping cottages, good fishing, boating, swimming, beautiful surroundings. Reasonable rates. Th,Aug23) NOR'LOCH LODGE AND COT- tages on Lake-of-Bays. Safe, sandy AVON LODGE Beautifully situated on Lake Sim- coe. Home-cooked meals, spring mat- tress, safe sandy beach, dancing, tennis, golf. Make reservations now. Phone HA. 9275, or write Dunsford, 260 Strathmore Blvd, Toronto 6. \ (ThJy26) BUNGALOW CABINS, COMPLETE- ly equipped, bathing, fishing, daily deliveries; accommodate four, fam- ilies welcome. Select Parkside Cabins, Lake Scugog, Caesarea, Ont. (ThAuglé) beach, $30 week. Also h keeping cottages, George Hannant, Dwight. (Th, Sept?) WASAGA BEACH, HOUSEKEEP- ing cabins, fully equipped, modern conveniences, central, Phone or write Edgehill Cabins. (Th,Aug23) WONDER VALLEY DRIVE-INN-- comfortable cabins, all modern con- veniences. Ideal week-end vacation spot. Just north of Barrie, Highway eleven. Th, Aug30) FURNISHED COTTAGES, MUSKO- ka river frontage. Ten dollars up weekly. Frank Matthias, Box 521 Bracebridge, Ont. (ThA2) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERYV- ice for better { in all <I (Ag1) | 5-4330. 16--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS AND SHEARS, sharpened and repaired. Dial 3-8293. C. Woods, 636 Somerville Ave. (Jy19) LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED & repaired, Make mowing your lawn a WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Agl) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - 2721. (Agl) C. H, TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- G. T. HORPON--ONTARIO LAND Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 14 Edward St, Ajax, Pickering 200W2, Jy) DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- King St. E. (Ag6) Phone 5-5632. 8--Building Trades DIAL 3-9348--GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull. dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. (Augs) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up touting And siding. Ha guaranteed, H. W. Tucker, : 61. (Ag17) . CHIMNBYS BUILT AND REPAIR- ed, stucco and repairs all t; ma- oh May," Phone (Ags) NEW PLASTERING AND RE- pairs, foundations plastered, work guaranteed, A. C. Woods, phone 3- 8912. Jy29) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVA'T. ing, etc. Call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 38-3831, or Whitby 2687. Jy 29) BLACK LOAM, SAND, GRAVEL, fill, crushed stone. Levelling and ading with tractor. W. H. Parry. Phone 3-9932. (Jy25) BLOCKS LAID, PLASTERING foundations, stucco, cement work done. Cement mixer for rent. Lilley Bros., phone 5-4902. Jy21) FLAGSTONES FOR WALKS, drives, dry wall and terrace. Deliv- ered. Dial 3-8840 or 5-3325. (Aud) GOOD TOP SOIL, AND WELL- rotted manure; sand, gravel, fill Call Frank Glover, Dial 5-5465. (Jy23) CEMENT, FOUNDATIONS floors, sidewalks, driveways, curb. Work- manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. Dial 5-6378 after 6. (Jy23) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. (ART) FILL REMOVED, ALSO TRACTOR work, Reasonable rates. Phone 5- 3422. ; : Jy19) BRICKS AND BLOCKS LAID AT reasonable rates; chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Dial 5-1474, after 6. (Augll) MODERN PAINTER, DECORATOR and 'wallpaper hanger. W. Thibert. Dial 5-1355. 7 (Ag13) CARPENTER WORK, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone 5-3937. E 5 (vy19) REMODEL LL NG, REROOPING an all types new construction. R. B. A Road, Phone 3-8023. P instead of a task. Our business is making dull lawnmowers sharp at remarkably low cost. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. E. Dial 5-6344. (Jy26) 17--Loan Wanted WANTED $4,000-WILL GIVE 1ST mortgage on well-located 5-room bungalow on Simcoe St. N. Full basement, hot-water heating, owner occupied, large garage, newly dec- orated inside and out. Estimated market value, $8,200. Phone -5-0387, after 5 p.m. (167b) 18--Lcst and Found LOST -- BLACK, BROWN AND white hound, medium size, female, on 25th of June, between Bowman- ville and Oshawa. Reward. Phone 5-2760, (166¢) 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S,, Oshawg. Dial 3-2022. (Agl) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. DIAL 53553 Oshawa es.-Thurs.-Sat.) 20--Personal DRIVING TO VANCOUVER, LEAV- ing July 28, room for passengers. Dial 5-145. (168¢) GOING TO SASKATCHEWAN VIA States, new car; leaving July 27, re- turn August 13. Room for one. Phone 5-620. > (168b) 1. PASSENGERS WANTED FOR July 27, to Cape Breton, Nova Sco- tia, returning Aug. 12. Dial 5-0428. 31 Ritson Rd. S. (168) PHOTOS. COLORED AS YOU proof. Reasonable rate. Dial 5-3738. (Jy6,13,20) GOING TO MONTREAL, SATUR- day, July 28, returning August b5. Room for 3 passengers. Phone 3-4131, (167¢) GOING TO NORTH BAY, LEAVING July 28, returning Aug. 12 or 13; room for 2 . passengers. Phone 3- 3831 between 6-7. (167¢) MADAM DELAINE, TEA CUP reading, 11 to 10 Thursday and Fri. day. Dial 3-8841, (Wed. th. tf) lottetown and New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Cars leaving July 27, return- ing August 12, Phone 3-7650, 186 Hu- ron St. (166¢) GOING TO WINNIPEG, REGINA, Saskatoon, Edmonton around July 27. Room for two. Dial 5-2628. (166d) LEARN TO DRIVE, SAFE, BASY way, dual control cars. Complete course, $20. Dial 3-3609. (Aul?) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free estimate (Ag13), call Wilson ™» St WN Les, (Ag8) vyA1l3IJVS O3DIW | 8. | Phone 5-2622. would wish them. See samples for' PASSENGERS WANTED TO CHAR- | 3 AND 4-ROOM €OTTAGES, TO rent on Lake Scugog, hydro, homs, c CEDAR REST LODGE, LAKE Simcoe, Atherley, completely furn- ished cottages with rangette, run- ning water, flush toilet. Good fish- ing, swimming, boating. Boats and motors for rent. Write Mr. M. Craig, Atherley P.O. Phone 5-5656 Oshawa. (168b) OWNER'S COTTAGE ON LAKE Ontario, fully furnished, telephone, bathroom. July 21-28. Dial 5-0956. (162tf) DELIGHTFUL HOUSEKEEPING cotages, Moors Falls, Haliburton county, few vacancies July, August. Write Graymoore, Norland. Phone Coboconk 134 ring 4. (ThJy19) RANDOM HOUSE, LAKE-OF- Bays -- Housekeeping cottages, san- dy beach, good fishing and boating. Home cooking. Write Random House, Baysville. (ThJy26) ISLAND VIEW CABINS, HAST- ings, comfortably furnished, with bedding, single and double cabins, with boats, on Trent River; swim- ming, fishing, tenting. (Thly26) BELMONT LAKE, HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages with boat, barbecue, fireplace, good fishing, safe swim- ming, $35 week. Vacancies for early July, Write Trentomia, Havelock, Ont. (ThAug26) BIRCH VILLA LODGE--BEAUTI- ful Grace Lake, Haliburton High- lands--Lodge -and cottage resort, good fishing, sandy beach. Descrip- tive folder-- Wilberforce, Ontario. (ThJy26) IT IS ONLY 150 MILES FROM TO- ronto to a nice housekeeping cot- tage and a wonderful fishing grounds. We do guiding and keep live bait. Write Bill & Ken, R.R. 5, Picton, Ont. (M,Th,Jy23) BAYFIELD---HQUSEKEEPING CA- bins on Lake Haron, new spring mattresses. Everything furnished, good beach shade, boat, $18 couple Weekly. Dining-room. Write G. Ha- zelwood, R.R. 1, Bayfield, Ont, (Aug6) LAKEFRONT HOUSEKEEPING cottages, 22 miles north Minden, hy- dro, flush toilets, snack bar. Every- thing supplied. J. Berry, Dorset, Ont. (ThAug?2) ern conveni Ethel King, Can- nington, Ont. Information, dial Osh- awa 5-4226. (ThJy26) HAMILTONIA, WASAGA BEACH, offers cabins, cottages, furnished for housekeeping, accommodates 3-6 WASAGA BEACH -- Nancy Villa, lodge and cabins, excellent meals, centrally located, free use of boats. L. Dyer, Wasaga Beach, Ont, (ThAug?2) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, lodge accommodation, Pigeon Lake, electricity, all conveniences, excel- lent fishing. Write H. L. Hook, Box 182, Bobcageon. (ThJy21) BIG TUB LODGE--CABINS ON waterfront, diningroom, good swim- ming and fishing, $30 week, Write L. Lyons, Tobermory, Ont. (Th,Aug30) WATERSYLNN IN THE PINES Lodge, Port Sydney, Muskoka, mod- ern conveniences, comfortable beds, excellent meals, wonderful air. Re- servations, Communicate direct. (Th A2) GREGORY INNS LAKE ROSSEAU, MUSKOKA For information regarding a low- cost and truly relaxing holiday at one of Muskoka's loveliest resort lo- cations, with excellent meals, all summer sports, and golfing and dancing nearby, write Gregory Inns, Gregory P.O., Muskoka, -Ontario. {Th,Fr,Sat,tf) RICE LAKE HOUSEKEEPING cottages available July fourteenth to twenty-first, Aug. fourth.on, twenty weekly. Lloyd Hall, Harwood, Ont. (ThAugl6) BONNY LEE-COMPLETELY FUR- nished cottages, free ice, boat and fuel, good fishing, Highway 62, North Lake. Write Wm. McGee, L'Amable. (ThJy26) WASAGA BEACH, SMALL COT- tage, available Aug. 5-12. Dial 3-4521. (168b) persons, $18.50 - $20 weekly, July and August. Write 284 Broadway, Ham- ilton, Ont. (ThJy26) GRAHAM'S COTTAGES, CROSS Lake, Arden. Sleeps 5, boat and ice, $22.50 weekly. Dial 5-1763. (ThJy19) TOM THUMB BUNGALOWS, ONE minute from bay or river in the heart of Wasaga Beach. Housekeep- ing, one and two room cabins, with running water. Write direct. (ThJy19) STARLIGHT GARDEN CABINS, Wasaga Beach, 1, 2, 3 rooms, light housekeeping, meals, modern con- veniences, central. Phone RA, 5098. Mr. Ray Davie, 41 Hillsboro Ave., Toronto, Ontario. (ThAug9) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES near Napanee, good fishing, safe beach. Vacancy July seven-fourteen, latter part August. Folders, C. RH. Watson, 75 Kent St., Lindsay. (Th,Aug2) WASAGA BEACH-ENJOY YOUR vacation at Myer's Lodge and ca- bins, city comforts, good food. Rea- sonable, Write for folders. (ThJy26) 3 COTTAGES ON RICE LAKE, vacant from July 27 on. Dial 5-5329. (167¢c) CHANTECLEER INN Novar - Ontario Enjoy your vacation in this friendly Lake-of-Bays district. Boat trips, lawn sports, safe beach. Accommo- dation in lodge and cabins still available. Our carefully planned meals bring many favourable com- ments. For illustrated folder call at Times-Gazette office or write Box 100, Novar, Ontario. (Ta,thurs,tf) 20--Personal 25---Real Estate For Sale CAR GOING TO WICHITA, KAN- sas, July 29, room for 3 or 4 Pas- sengers. Phone 5-1480. (168c) DRIVING TO NOVA SCORIA, JULY 27, returning August 9, room for young couple. Phone 5-2852. (168c) 23--Women's Column PRENTICE HAIRDRESSING COLD waves, $4.95 up. 10 Church St. Dial 5- 24, | (Jy24) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON - OIL wave, $2.50 up; maehineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St, 'dial 38-4521. Jy27) CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Paige Hairdressing, 394 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Jy29) CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPB- cial. Machineless p t 50 and up. Cold waves, $5 And up. 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. (Jy13) PERMANENT WAVES AND ALL beauty-culture consult Miss Lila Hardy at Edwards Beauty Parlour, 5 Celina St., dial 3-7633.° (Agd) 25--Real Estate For Sale SELL OR RENT, 5-ROOM COT- tage on county road, 1}2 miles from No. 12 Highway, 413 miles from Port Perry, 18 miles from Oshawa. Pos- session about 13th Aug. Box 1, Times-Gazette. (168¢) CLAREMONT COMMUTER'S home--§7,850. Attractive eight-room house with hydro and three-piece bath situated in the village of Clare- mont, three miles north of Broug- ham and No. 7 Highway, Large lot with good sized garden and garage. Near school, stores and bus line. Phone Claremont 21R31. (168Db) COTTAGE, 12' X 20', TO BE MOV- ed, all new lumber, roll-bric siding, wired; $500 or nearest offer. Be- tween Oshawa and Whitby on 4th Con. Phone J. Kot, 5-6041. (Jy17,19,21) $ 5 900 -- 4-room stucco. Cash Lc" $3500, west end. E. L. WHITELY Real Estate Broker Dial 5-3308 1168b) $5 500°C miles east of Oshawa, ' 15 acres, 4-room frame {house, barn 18' x 24', hen house, 16' x 32', brooder house; hydro in all build- ings, tractor, plough and rake. 9 acres of wheat, lots of apples and {small fruits. , Terms. Immediate possession, $ 4 20 --Verdun Rd., 4-roomed ' frame, 3-piece bath, hot iwater tank, basement. Terms, Pos- session Aug. 1. SEE NOLAN BROKER Dial 3-3311 Ed. Irish, Salesman (Jyi1,19), Bik 6-ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY DECOR- ated, 213 acres good garden land, 25--Real Estate For Sale | 25--Real Estate For Sale LOT, 50° X 700°, IN CITY, $550. Phone 05-4854. (166¢) some fruit trees, garage, wor P chicken coop and barn. For informa- tion apply 233 First Ave. (166¢) $3,300 DOWN HIGHLAND AVE . New brick bungalow an 40' x 122' 6" lot. Large living room, dinette, large modern kitchen, two good sized bed- rooms, modern four-piece bath. Deep dry basement, forced air conditioned heating by oil. Oak hardwood and tile floors, ample closet and cupboard space. Storms, screens, many extras, Exclusive listing. Possession 30 days. $4,500 DOWN WILSON RD. SOUTH New frame storey and a half on fully landscaped lot. Living room 13'6"" x 14', large modern kitchen, four good sized bedrooms, four-piece tiled bath. Deep, dry basement, hot air heating by coal, oak hardwood and rubber tile floors throughout, ample cupboard and closet space. Laundry tubs and venetian blinds. Tastefully decorated throughout, excellent condition, Possession 60 days. SEE THESE EXCELLENT VALUES IN COSY COMFORTABLE HOMES NOW! RALPH H. VICKERY AFTER 6:30 P.M, DIAL 5-6342 DIAL 3-2265 Ohelickd REALTORS MORTGAGES APPRAISALS (168a) LARGE GENERAL STORE SERVICE STATION & SNACK BAR A thriving busi with i-self- serve groceteria, fresh fruits and vegetables. Also modern meat dept. This is an old established business, showing a large turnover. Owner forced to sell, due to illness. Real money-maker. For further in- formation contact exclusive agent, G. BARROW Real Hstate Broker ¢ y ial 5-3852 25 Burk St. _ Dial san ¢ $4 700 3u70 down, 4-roomed, ' insul-bric, conveniences. Immediate possession. $7 50 --$1,500 down, 6-roomed, ' 113 - storey insul - bric. Immediate possession. $9 50 --$2,000 down, 7-roomed, ' full 2 - storey brick house, newly decorated, Immediate possession. $9 0002000 down, 8-roomed, ' full 2-storey house, with 2 acres of land, in city. » ,000 d , 6- y $ | 0,00 5 isda ea, St. East, in choice residential area. Immediate possession. Now Available New B-room, 3-bedroom bungalow, at North Oshawa, just off Simcoe St., easy N.H.A, monthly terms. Phone 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 16 BOND E. 446 SIMCOE S. JOHN PENICKA--Salesman Phone 3-8288 to 8 p.m. (168a) WHITBY REAL ESTATE BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE $ 1 3 750 -- Exceptional income EH) property, 4 modern self- contained apartments, bringing in a good revenue, Good basement, laun- dry room, oil heating. Large land- scaped corner lot, 175 ft. by 160 ft. Immediate possession of owner's apartment. ~New, modern 11;-storey $8,500 house, well built, very central location, fully insulated. Large lot with trees. Immediate pos- session. $7 90 (Nearly new modern B5- ' room brick bungalow. Living room, dining room, 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and bathroom. Large bright basement, laundry tubs. Pos- session August 15th. BOWMAN & GIBSON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers WHITBY (1st Door South of Post Office) Mrs. P. R. Macleod Real Estate Representative PHONE WHITBY 521 EVGS. 544 : Jy19) |&-ROOM BUNGALOW, LOT 50 x 150, 4-plece bath, tiled kitchen and bath- room, hardwood floors. Phone after 5, 3-4433, (166f) $3,200 DOWN, MODERN 5-ROOMED brick bungalow, balance as rent, one year old, all conveniences. Apply 468 Eulalie Ave. (165¢) E/S SIMCOE ST. NORTH 2 storey home newly renovated throughout on nicely landscaped grounds. Main floor has spacious liv- ing room with natural fireplace, din- ing room, kitchen, den. Second floor has 3 bedrooms and den or sunroom. Hot water heating, garage, overhead doors. Early occupancy. Exclusive listing. Appointment arranged. GRIERSON STREET New 5-room bungalow now available for purchase. Living room, dining room modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms each with wardrobe closet, modern bath with linen closet. Good size gar- age. Worth seeing today. HORTOP STREET 3 bedroom bungalow now under con- struction, Ready for gecupaney; 30 days. New electric fixtures, electric hot 'water tank, oil burner, built-in fruit cellar under front porch. Monthly payments only $39.82, pr. and int. Exclusive listing. 2 STOREY HOUSE A good family-type home, beautifully maintained throughout. Hotwater heating with oil. Gumwood trim. Fire- place. Gardge. Many other attractive features. Occupancy '30 days. A good buy. See it now. After 6 p.m. please dial 3-9290 Everett Elliott, Sales Representative BROKER 131; Simcoe Street North APPRAISALS -- MORTGAGES (168a) TWO-ROOM COTTAGE WI 2 OR more acres, insulated; hydro in, half mile off No. 2 Highway, 5 miles east of Oshawa. Apply A. Alex- ander, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa 5-6021. (168¢c) HOUSE INCLUDES 6 ROOMS AND summer kitchen, hardwood floors throughout and imitation brick sid- ing, Apply 116 Eldon Ave, (166¢) 25--Real Estate For Sale 4-ROOM HOUSE, 2 YEARS OLD, $5,500. Apply 309 Elgin West; also 2 lots, 40' x 132', each. (168a) BUILDING LOT, ON PARK ROAD South, all conveniences. Dial 5-1601. (166¢) LOTS FOR SALE, $300, 50 x 150 or larger. Phone 2786, Whitby. 2 [61 68c) BAKERY AND CAKE SHOP ! 2 $3,800" heros Hose location, It is difficult to advertise this business and do it justice. For lete details pl apply at this office personally. Terms may be ar- ranged for responsible party. Ideal for. couple, exclusive listing. E. E. PATRICK Real Estate Broker 43 Bond St. West 2 Doors West of Prince St. Dial 3-8551 Residence 5-3692 » (168a) '27--Real Estate Wanted WANTED AT ONCE, 5-ROOMED bungalow, for client. Will pay $3,000 down. Call G. Barrow, Dial 5-3852. (168a) 28--For Rent 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, UNFINISH. ed. References required. Write Bo: 2, Times-Gazette. (168¢ 4-ROOMED APARTMENT, SELF. contained, very central. Phone 2398 Whitby. (168b) ROOMS FURNISHED FO light housekeeping. Must be a quiet couple, Apply 165 Ritson S. . (168a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, CEN. ' trally located, "neat gentlemen pre- ferred. Apply 182 Simeoe South. (168b) FURNISHED ROOM, quiet home. Dial 5-3442, (168c) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOM: kitchenette and bed-sitting ik Phone 5-5850. (168c) FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, VERY REA: sonable. Apply after 8 p.m., 10 An. derson St., Whitby. (168b) VERY COMFORTABLE FURNISH. ed rooms, suitable for nurses, teach. SINGLE $2 ,0005¢ this 4 250 bungalow, full size cellar, hot water heating, 2-piece bathroom, sunporch- fully screened on Montrave Ave. v $4,000 Lr basement, hot water heating, pri- vate drive with garage. $6 00 --down, takes possession ' of this lovely 6-room brick honte, hot water heating with oil, spacious rooms, fireplace, attach- ed garage in residential district. Dial 5-3889 LLOYD AYERS BROKER 'A Good Selection $4 000m frame home, no ' conveniences, extra landscaped lot, fruit trees and ber- ries--Montrave Ave. A nice spot. (168a) : S $5,500 20 reer: owieses: orated, central--Church St. $6 QQ * room bungalow, ' cellar--Park Rd. College Hill. Vacant, $7 00 --~6-room brick, 2-storey, ' 3-pc. bath--Harold and Arthur Sts, $8 00 --=6-room, storey and half, ' all conveniences, double garage, large lot, good business site, $3,000 down. --38-room brick, storey $ 1 0,00 and half -- Bloor St. W., near new plant, large lot, suit- able for business site. $ | 0:50 --b5-room modern bun- ' galow, all .conveni- ences and garage, sewer--north sec- tion. 310,500 om er ons ences, beautiful large landscaped lot and garage--west section. Half cash. --8-room rug brick, all $1 2,000 conveniences & gar- age, nice landscaped lot, tenanted-- Hillcroft Ave, Half cash. good S. at Farms 160 ACRES, 8-room house, bank barn, 20 acres bush, spring creek on open road, north of Newtonville,-- $8,000, with half cash. 130 ACRES best land, 8-room hd¥se, 3 barns, hydro and water in barns and house, silo. A good buy, on No. 12 Highway. $20,000, half cash. To make a good deal see W. McAULEY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 182 Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-8271'] Residence Dial 5-2133 (1682) BUILDER'S HOME . New 6-room, 1lg-storey frame house with attached garage, stone front, situated on large lot, 80' x 168', comn- pletely modern throughout, air-con- ditioning oil furnace, newly 6 decor- ated, hardwood floors, plastic and rubber tile in kitchen and bathroom, stone fireplace, venetian blinds and electric fixtures. Constructed nnder N.H.A. Apply 713 Hortop Ave. (187e) REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 7 room owner's residence, hardwood throughout, many extras, large lot. Leaving city. Immediate occupancy. $5,000 down. Apply 537 Simcoe St. N. (168a) 25a--Summer Properties [For Sale ° TWO LAKE-FRONT LOTS 47 x 110' | 6017. sandy beach, good road. Apply 129 King Street West, Cobourg, or phone 94 Cobourg. (M,Th,Ag30) LAKE-FRONT LOT AND COT- tage, newly built, 18 x22', 2 bed- rooms. Lot 47'x110'; all-weather road to lot, lovely sand beach, loca- tion, Curtis Landing, Rice Lake. Ap- ply 129 King Street West, Cobourg, or phone 94 Cobourg, (M,Th,Au30) 27--Real Estate Wanted 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE, HAVE $1,500 down payment. Phone 3-9608. (167c) Listing your property with us, As- sures you of our better kind of serv- ice. Properly advertised in local and To- ronto papers when necessary. When you decide to sell our large waiting list of customers are at your disposal. Call WALTER R, SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. W. Dial 3-2911 (168a HOUSES,© FARMS AND BUSI- nesses wanted. For a quick confi. dential sale, list your property with E, E. Patrick, Real Estate and Business Broker, 43 Bond St. W., 2 doors west of Prince. Dia! 3-8551. (Aug3TF) HOUSES OF ALL KINDS WANT- ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, ers or busi women. Dial 5-3754, LARGE (168c) BRIGHT FURNISHED Soom, = ine business gentlemen 0 girls, for light Phone 3-9084. 4 Bee ese BinE. NICE CLEAN ROOM SUIT ONE OR SUIT two girls. Dial 5-3889, ON a CEMENT BLOCK BUILDIN square feet, suitable for oho WL store or studio. All conveniences, moderate rental, central location no living accommodation. Phone 83-3791, EXTRA LAR! SED oS GE FURNISHED room'in new home, close to oD. Dial 3.4803. (1680) CLEAN FURNISHED BED; hot water, central near ano yin Fittings. Phone 5-0557. (167b) ROOM, FURNISHED, SUIT BUSI. Pea girl, reasonable abstainer pre erred. Apply 184 King West, FURNISHED Rl SHED ROOM, YOUNG - Fle preferred, no children. 215 Choa a (167b) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, unfurnished, suit HP Na couple or two gentlemen. Dial 5-0156 or 308 Huron St., after 5. (167c), NICH Vv reer e----te NICELY FURNISHED BEUROOM, suitable for two gentlemen. 209 Simcoe South. i a LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING R downstairs; hot water; bus at on also garage. Phone 3-3603. (187c) 3 ROOMS, FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping, suit couple. Apply 43 Queen St. x (167¢c) CLEAN BED SITTING-ROOM FOR one or two girls. Private entrance, Phone 5-2000. (166¢c) ACCOMMODATION FOR 5 MEN continuous hot water, one block from Motors. Apply 63 Colborne E. (166c) DOUBLE ROOM, SUIT BUSINESS couple or ladies, central location, ab stainers. Phone 5-3692, (166¢) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, VERY central, for two gentlemen, twin beds, use of phone, 15 Oak St. (166¢), SINGLE OR DOUBLE FURNISH. ed bedrooms, near Motors; men only, Phone 5-3809, after 6. (166e) FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR 3 men, abstainers preferred; central. Dial 3-3077. (166¢) ROOM FOR RENT IN NEW HOME, gentleman preferred. Phone 3-4796, after 6. (166¢c) ACCOMMODATION _ FOR ROOM- ers, in clean home, showers, $5 each. Dial 5-2622. (166¢) FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR single men. Apply 163 Ritson Rd. S. (186¢) 29--Wanted to Rent WANTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE OR triple garage. Phone 3-8227. (167c) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, bachelor's apartment or winterized cabin, with facilities, for young gen- tleman; references. Phone 3-8798. Pp (167c), COUPLE WITH MONTH - OLD « baby, desire house, Oshawa or vicine ity. Phone 5-3259. (167c) COLLEGIATE TEACHER, MAR- ried, with little girl, 1, needs house or apartment by September 1. Write Box 944, Times-Gazette. 1 HOUSE OR APARTMENT IN OSH- awa for couple with two small child- ren, furnished or unfurnished, news- paper employee, Dial 3-7079. (150tf) HOUSE, BY A RELIABLE TEN- ant, Steadily employed (governs ment). Necessary references sup- plied. Write Box 948, Times-Gazette. 168c) SMALL DUTCH FAMILY NEED house. Will rent or buy. Dial 3- 7517. 167 Stacey Ave. (168¢c) G.M. OFFICE EMPLOYEE RE- quires 5 to 7-roomed house or apart- ment, Oshawa or Whitby, Phone 5-0872. (1681) YOUNG COUPLE WITH 4-MONTH- old baby, desire one or two rooms, furnished. Dial 3-2087. (168b), URGENTLY NEEDED, 2 ROOMS for couple with baby boy. Dial 5 6017. (168a) COUPLE, WITH BABY, DESIRE one or two unfurnished rooms, or would take charge of motherless home, References. Write 1.0. Box 89, Oshawa. (168¢c) URGENTLY NEEDED, 2 OR rooms, by young couple with child, one year. Dial 5-5672. (167b) CLEAN RESPECTABLE FAMILY urgently require house in or out of town by August 6. Dial 5-1300. (166¢), 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, near motors. Dial 5-1972. (165a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR WORK- ing men, central; continuous hot wa- ter. Apply 184 King West. (167c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GEN- tlemen willing to share room, Phone 5-3689. | (165e) 31--Room & Board Wanted YOUNG MAN, 21, ABSTAINER, wishes living accommodation. King St. E. or North Oshawa preferred. Willing to share if necessary. Phone 5-1450 between 6 and 7 p.m. (168) } 32--Automobiles For Sale PRIVATE OWNER 1040 Plymouth, new motor, good tires, two spares, light green, excel- lent condition. Price $795, M. D. WYMAN 256 Celina, Dial 5-2019 Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial §5-2133 or 3-2513, ' £Iv28) . ¥ (168¢c),