Phones: . 5-0254, , B-BALL. 3-- Barristers * M, Greer, B.A.Sc. PAGE EIGHTEEN .___. 7 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, © he Street, Oshawa. Phone 39732. Also 2848 Bloor St. W., To- ronto. Phone LY 7755. (Ag12 8--Building Trades CEMENT, ROCK LATH, MORTAR mix, wire lath, also gravel and fill any quantity. Dial 83-2762. Jyld) EAVESTROUGHING, NEW, AND repairs, work guaranteed. Dial 3- 46s. Gym CEMENT MIXER, ELECTRIC driven, $4 a day, delivered. Dial 5-6054. ; (162b) y | 9--Business Opportunities la--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND TI Chartered Ascountants, 8 E. Dial 54662 R Gordon W. Rieht, C.A., Resident Partner. (Agh) 1b--Accountants . ho Stutsman ct LYNCH AND CO. ACCOUNTIN and bookkeeping Ne payroll accounts receivable, income 20 Albert St. Dial (Augl) work, tax returns. K.C., BARRIS- 87 King Street Arranged. Residence (Agl) ANT & CONANT, BARRIS a Solicitors. Gordon D. Con- ant, K.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Of- fices: Oshawa, Ont., Ti; Simcoe St. 38-2227; Ajax, Ont., phone 25 Dial jax Pp CAg13) 8, RD. HUMPHREYS, Ee bag risted, Solicitor, ete, King West Phones: Office Dial 5-1177; Basiaence Dial 34004, Money '¢ to Joan . Bo; LA. ociate. jo 8 ychyn, % AgD) ALLIN'F, ANNIS, K.C. - RALPH 8, Jones, B.A., 18% E. Dial $-2269, Res. 05-1235. oney to Frees W. 5. GREER, K.C., BARRIS. =. Solicitor, etc., 8 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence rm. Aon Z T. SALMERS, B.A, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street morth, Dial: office 5-3741, residence 38-3880. (Iya) CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barristers §¢, Bank of Commerce , 'f. K, Creighton, K.C, C. , K.C.,, G. K. Drynan. (Ag) UIS 8. HYMAN, fer, on Alger Ble. 3 Eas ortgage '} . Office 3:4943; JOBEPH P. MANGAL, K.C., BAR- vister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street East, Oshawa. + Dial 83-8232. _'sonry repairs. Residence Dial 5-3405. (Agl) BARRISTER. Solicitor. 11 King East, Room 2. Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Agl) A. J. PARKHILL, AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- eos North, Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. » (Agl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 83-2022, Res. 3-4029. (Agl) 4--Chiropodists ¥.- M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 0 4a--Chiropractors LEO. L. KRANTZ, D.C., 47 PRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. : 4 (Ag) 5--Dentists . PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 38-8632) or (Agl) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Dial or WO C. H, TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- ® to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, G. T. HORTON--ONTARIO LAND Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 14 'Edward St., Ajax, Pickering 200W2, (Jy20) LARGE MODERN SERVICE STA- tion for lease in Oshawa. New mod- ern service station for lease in Fen- elon Falls. Apply Harry O. Perry, Cities Service Oil, Oshawa. (162e) MODERN GARAGE AND SERVICE Station on No. 2 Highway, east of Oshawa. Year-round business and large tourist trade, including mod- ern 6-room house with oil heating. First time offered for sale or ex- change for 'house or good farm, Yearly net profit, $5,000-§6,000. Rea- son for selling--owner wishes to re- tire. Apply direct to owner to Box 921, Times-Gazette. (160c) 11--Dressmaking ALTERATION3 AND DRESSMAK- ing. Reasonable, dependable. Phone 5-1538. (Jy18) 13--Household Repairs WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS, ull makes washers, all types elec- trical wiring and repairs. Dial 3- 9335, (Augl2) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Ag3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstereé, See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton. 75 Charles, Dial 3-7212. (Ag3) 15--Insurance SUMMER SCHOOL--JUNE, JULY, August. Enrol any school day. Hours 8 to 1 during summer. Oshawa Busi- ness College. Phone 5-4343. 18 Simcoe St. North. (Ag6) ¥OX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'ostruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment dial 5-0841, * (Ag3) 15--Insurance SUMMER COTTAGE FIRE INSUR- ance, anywhere in the province. Out- board motors and boats. Murdoch Insurance, Oshawa. (Jy14) ROBERT S. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance. Dial 5-6402." Fire, Life, Automobile, Outboard Motor and Boats, Insurance, etc. (Jy19) COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ice. McMurtry Insurance Agency representing The Imperial Life, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722, (Jy17) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV- ice for better insurance in all classes. 22, King St. E. Dial 3-4667. Res. 5-4330. (Agl) 16--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS AND SHEARS, 8 ned and repaired. Dial 3-8203. C. Woods, 636 Somerville Ave. (Jy19) LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED & repaired. Make mowing your lawn a pleasure instead of a task. Our business is making dull lawnmowers sharp at remarkably low cost. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. E. Dial 5-6344. (Jy26) READ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SUMMER RES ADVERTISEMENTS WASAGA -- CENTRAL, CABINS, rooms, dollar per day each person, also cottage, $200 for season. Write Box 92, Wasaga. (ThJy26) VACATION AT IRIS LODGE, PORT Elgin, on Lake Huron; three-room cottages, completely furnished. Mrs. Rowse, Box 277, Port Elgin. (ThJy12) MUSKOKA -- 6-ROOM LOG COT- tages, electrically equipped, bath- room, safe beach; month or season. Apply Allie Johnston, R.R, 1, Brace- bridge. (ThJy12) GRANDVIEW VILLA, STURGEON Lake--Ideal vacation spot, home cooking, all sports. Write L. Hillier, 22 Secord Ave., Toronto. (ThJy19) SIX POINT LODGE--Log cabin ac- dation. Excellent food ap- proved by National Sportsmen's Re- search. Folder--Mrs. L. B. Greene, Bancroft, Ont. (ThJy26) RETRAC INN -- SLEEPING CA- bins, home-cooked meals, dancing, shuffleboard, free boats, safe beach, comfortable lounge. Box 78, Bala. ' ( ugl6) PETER PAN LODGE turgeon Lake Offers swimming, fishing, boating, real home cooking, happy company. Sunday chicken dinners a specialty. Day $4, week $25. Reservations, write Peter Pan Lodge, Thurstonia Park. Th Auglé) LAKE DALRYMPLE, FURNISHED cottages, hydro, ice, boat, $20 and up weekly. Good fishing. Write Thompson's Lodge, Seabright. (Th,S6) 4-ROOM COTTAGE, CORBETT'S Point, $200 season. Phone 5-5915. (162a) ROMANY RANCH, BALSAM LAKE, near Fenelon 'Falls. Small lakefront cottage, hydro, boat available. Phone 3-8746 or 3-9277. (162¢) OWNER'S COTTAGE ON LAKE Ontario, fully furnished, telephone, bathroom. July 21-28. Dial 5-0956. (162tf) CEDAR REST LODGE, LAKE Holidaying in Ontario The glamour of the holiday season is reflected in many ways. Scooting across the beautiful waters of Ontario's rock-bound lakes and rivers is but one of the many attractions: Photo courtesy of Ontario Department Travel & Publicity. AVON LODGE Beautifully situated on Lake Sim- coe. Home-cooked meals, spring mat- tress, safe sandy beach, dancing, tennis, golf. Make reservations now. Phone HA. 9275, or write Dunsford, 260 Strathmore Blvd, Toronto 6. (ThJy26) BUNGALOW CABINS, COMPLETE- ly equipped, bathing, fishing, daily deliveries; 'accommodate four, fam- ilies welcome. Select Parkside Cabins, Lake Scugog, Caesarea, Ont. (ThAugl6) HOUSE HOTEL, for h ked THE CAMPBELL R Muskol Simcoe, Atherley, pletely furn- ished cottages with rangette, run- ning water, flush toilet. Good fish- ing, swimming, boating. Boats and motors for rent, Write Mr. M. Craig, Atherley P.O. or phone 5-5656. (162¢) OAKVIEW BEACH, WASAGA, 5- room cottage with screened-in dining porch, electricity, water inside. Dial 5-1225. (162¢c) WYLDEWOOD LODGE, WASAGA Beach, housekeeping cabins, July - August, $18 per week. September lower rates. A, Henry, 70 Wellesley W., Toronto. « (Th,S6) ji. WOODMERE LODGE PRESQU'ILE POINT Enjoy your holidays at one of South Ontario's finest lodges - wonderful meals - restful rooms or cabins. Dancing nightly to a fine 8-piece 18--Lost and Found LOST--MAN'S BROWN WALLET, name stamped, valuable papers, keepsake. Reward. Dial 5-1485 (162c) LOST -- BOY'S TAN BASEBALL glove, name written on' small fin- ger, on Burk Street Monday morn- ing. Finder please phone 3-9412. Re- ward. (160c) FOUND--PEARLS ON EMMA ST. Owner may have same by identify- ing and paying for ad. Phone 3- 7950. (157e) 19--Money to Loan hestra - riding d = fishing - boating - swimming. THere are still a few vacancies--only 65 miles east of Oshawa. Write today to Wood- mere Lodge, Presqu'ile Point, Brighton, Ont. Phone Baighton 96R4, (161c) IT IS ONLY 150 MILES FROM TO- ronto to a nice housekeeping cot- tage and a wonderful fishing grounds. We do guiding and keep live bait. Write Bill & Ken, RR. 5, |- Picton, Ont. (M,Th,Jy23) 49 CABIN TRAILER, 8 X 20°, 2 rooms, fully equipped, a home away fron home. Phone 2502, 610 Athol St., Whitby. (160c) meals, comfortable rooms, modern conveni Li convenient to all summer activities. Rates from $28 weekly. (ThJy12) TOM THUMB BUNGALOWS, ONE minute from bay or river in the heart of Wasaga Beach. Housekeep- ing, one and two room cabins, with running water. Write direct. ThJy19) ISLAND VIEW CABINS, HAST- ings, comfortavty furnished, with bedding, single and double cabins, with boats, on Trent River; swim- ming, fishing, tenting. (ThJy26) BELMONT LAKE, HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages with boat, barbecue, fireplace, good fishing, safe swim- ming, $35 week. Vacancies for early July, Write Trentonia, Havelock, Ont. (ThAug26) INDIAN HEAD LODGE, CHANDOS Lake, Apsley P.O., choice accommo- dation lodge, cabin, housekeeping cottages, good fishing, boating, swimming, beautiful surroundings. Reasonable rates. (Th,Aug23) NOR'LOCH LODGE AND COT- tages on Lake-of-Bays. Safe, sandy beach, $30 week. Also housekeeping cottages, George Hannant, Dwight. (Th,Sept?) GREGORY INNS LAKE ROSSEAU, MUSKOKA For information regarding a low- cost and truly relaxing holiday at one of Muskoka's loveliest resort lo- tions, with 11 meals, all CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements' for sale hased. N.H.A. and Builders' DONEVAN AND RISHARDS, ON- tario Land Surveyors, and profes- sional engineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Ag6) 8--Building Trades COME TO US FOR THE FINEST DIAL 3-938--GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excayating. Bull. dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. (Augs8) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT shingles, built-up TO d siding. Work guaranteed, H. W. Tucker, B-8161L (Ag1D) CHISRETS 30 = AND REPAIR. ucco repairs types ma- Gordon May. 3-9911. Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. (Agl) RESIDENTIAL AND COMMER- cial Mortgages. Funds available on first-class properties; also fire in- sutance. Murdoch's, 12% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. ~ Jy11) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALR, 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. DIAL 5-3508 Oshawa Tues,-Thurs.-Sat.) 20--Personal NEW PLASTERING AND RE- pairs, foundations plastered, work guaranteed, A. C. Woods, phone 3- 8012. a Jy29) FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVAT. etc. Call Taylor Bros.,, Oshawa 3 , or Whitby 2687. (Jy 29) BLACK LOAM, SAND, GRAVEL, fill, crushed stone. Levelling and g with tractor. W. H. Parry, 3-9932. (Jy25) BLOCKS LAID, PLASTERING foundati st L t work done. Cement mixer for rent. Lilley Bros., phone 5-4902. (Jy21) FLAMSTONES FOR WALKS, drives, dry wall and terrace. Deliv- red. Dial 3-8840 or 5-3325. (Aug) GOOD TOP SOIL, AND WELL- rotted manure; sand, gravel, fill Call Frank Glover, Dial iis 7 » (Jy23) CEMENT, FOUNDATIONS floors, sidewalks, driveways, curb. Work. 'manship guaranteed. Wm. Sorochan & Sons. 5-6378 after 6. (Jy23) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2951. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. 3 (AgT) MADAM DELAINE, TEA CUP reading, 11 to 10 Thursday and Fri- day. Dial 3-8841. (Wed. th.,tf) LEARN TO DRIVE, SAFE, EASY way, dual control . cars. Complete course, $20. Dial 3-3609. (1601) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditi . For free estimat call Wilson N 23--Women's Column CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPB- cial. Machinel ts, $350 and up, Cold waves, $5 and up. 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. WJy1d) PERMANENT WAVES AND ALL beauty-culture consult Miss Lila Hardy at Edwards Beauty Parlour, 5 Celina St., Dial 3-7633. Jys) PRENTICE HAIRDRESSING COLD waves, $4.95 up. 10 Church St. Dial 5- 2241, Jy24) CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Paige Hairdressing, 394 Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Jy29) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON -- OIL wave, $2.50 up; maehineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St, dial 3-4521, Jy2n) FILL REMOVED, ALSO TRACTOR work, Reasonable rates, Phone 5. 3422. Jy19 BRICKS AND BLOCKS LAID AT reasonable rates; chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Dial 5-1474, after 6 3 (Augll) MODERN PAINTER, DECORATOR and wallpaper hanger. W. Thibert. Dial 5-135 (Jy13) ] WORK, CUPBOARDS and all repair work. Phone sa. (Jy19) "ROOFING AND CHIMNEY WORK es ; work 3-9302, (Jy6), i pe 25--Real Estate For Sale LOT FOR SALE, 40 X 150, LUKE St. Dial 65-5708. (161c) 4-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, AL- berts Road, North Oshawa, 1; acre land--$4,200, Write Box 932 Times- Gazette. (162a) LOT FOR SALE, 40' X 180', EXCA- vation dug, on Buena Vista, Phone 3-8792. (160c) LOT, 45' X 95', ON JAMES STREET. Phone 5-3307 between 4-6. (160c) LARGE, CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, in residential section. Apply W. C. Town. Whitby £1591) . LAKE-FRONT ° CABINS, EACH equipped with new spring-filled mat- tresses, rangette, ice box, running water, flush toilet, safe, clean beach, 7 miles from Gravenhurst on Bala Highway, Write J. E. Goudy, Kal- orama Point, Box 468, Graven- hurst, Ont. (ThJy19) sports, and golfing and dancing nearby, write Gregory Inns, Gregory P.O., Muskoka, Ontario. (Th,Fr,Sat,tf) WASAGCA BEACH, HOUSEKEEP- ing cabins, fully equipped, modern conveniences, central, Phone or write Edgehill Cabins. (Th,Aug23) LAKEFRONT HOUSEKEEPING cottages, 22 miles north Minden, hy- dro, flush toilets, snack bar. Every- thing supplied. J. Berry, Dorset, Ont. (ThAug?2) WASAGA BEACH -- Nancy Villa, lodge and cabins, excellent meals, centrally located, free use of boats. L. Dyer, Wasaga Beach, Ont, , (ThAug2) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, lodge accommodation, Pigeon Lake, electricity, all conveniences, excel- lent fishing. Write H. L. Hook, Box 182, Bobcageon. (ThJy21) RICE LAKE HOUSEKEEPING cottages available July fourteenth to twenty-first, Aug. fourth on, twenty weekly. Lloyd Hall, Harwood, Ont. (ThAugi6) BIG TUB LODGE--CABINS ON waterfront, diningroom, good swim- ming and fishing, $30 week. Write L. Lyons, Tobermory, Ont. (Th,Aug30) WATERSYLNN IN THE PINES Lodge, Port Sydney, Muskoka, mod- ern conveniences, comfortable beds, excellent meals, wonderful air, Re- servations. Communicate direct. (Th A2) BIRCH VILLA LODGE--BEAUTI- ful Grace Lake, Haliburton High- lands--Lodge and cottage resort, good fishing, sandy beach. Descrip- tive folder--Wilberforce, Ontario. (ThJy26) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES near Napanee, good fishing, safe beach. Vacancy July seven-fourteen, latter part August. Folders, C. H. Watson, 75 Kent St., Lindsay. (Th,Aug2) WONDER VALLEY DRIVE-INN-- comfortable cabins, all mederh con. veniences, Ideal week-end vacation spot. Just north of Barrie, Highway eleven. (Th, Aug30) FURNISHED COTTAGES, MUSKO- ka river frontage, Ten dollars up weekly. Frank Matthias, Box 521 Bracebridge, Ont. (ThA2) BAYFIELD---HOUSEKEEPING CA- bins an Lake Huron, new spring mattresses. Everything furnished, good beach shade, boat, $18 couple weekly. Dining-room. Write G. Ha- zelwood, R.R. 1, Bayfield, Ont, (Augé) BARTWOOD MANOR, PORT Carling, Muskoka, offers you #%the best in modern accommodation and meals. For folder write Bill Hender- son, manager, (ThJy12) GLEN ORCHARD LODGE-REST- ful holiday by small lake, boats, swimming, bass fishing, cabins by lake, rooms at Lodge. Home cook- ing, $23 up. H. Fudge, Glen Orchard P.0O., Muskoka. (ThJy19) MIRAMAR LODGE -- ROOMS, APE 31a--Summer Resorts PINE LODGE Coboconk Room with board in lodge from $22.50 each or housekeeping cottages. Fish- ing, swimming, etc. Some vacancies for July 14, 21, 28. Write R. Stanford, above address. (162a) 25--Real Estate For Sale 25---Real Estate For Sale BUILDING LOT, 50' X 150°, NORTH= west locality, water in. Phone B5- (162¢) 27-+Real Estate Wanted 5 and 6 room houses wanted for a quick sale. List your property with Lloyd Ayers, Broker. Dial 5-3889. (160c), WANTED, 15 TO 25 ACRES, NORTH of Oshawa. State price. Write Box 919, Times-Gazette. (1601) RITSON ROAD $1,50 --down, takes p i of this new 4-room in- sul brick bungalow, modern conven- fences. FRENCH STREET $4,000 for this nice 6- room house, newly de- light h keeping ts,' ca» bins, modern conveniences, on beach front, central. A. 8. Boyd, Was Beach. (ThJy19) GEORGIAN BAY, BROCK'S BEACH --Cabins, cottages, electricity, safe sandy beach, ideal for ddies. H, Kemp, 98 Poyntz, Lansing, Ont. (ThJy19) BLUE HAVEN, NORLAND, ON- tario Highway 35--Under new man- ag t. H keeping cabins, ran. ning water toilets, on Gull River, high-class restaurant. Write Harry Johnson. (ThJy19) HOUSEKEEPING CAMP ON CAM- eron Lake, 2 miles north of Fenelon Falls, Highway 35. Fishing, swim- ming, boating. Hot showers. Phone 605R32, "Dunrovin Park", (ThJy19) | SUNNY-CREST LODGE, KASHE Lake--Cabins or lodge acocommoda- tions, sports, sandy beach, $30 week; special rates for children. C. M. Rowan, 141 Eastwood Rd., Toronto. (ThJy19) ACCOMMODATION---PINE VILLA Farm, Port Bolster, excellent meals, pleasant, restful surroundings, mod- ern conveniences. Ethel King, Can- nington, Ont. Information, dial Osh. awa 5-4226. (ThJy26) HAMILTONIA, WASAGA BEACH, offers cabins, cottages, furnished for h keeping, dates 3-6 persons, $18.50 - $29 weekly, July and August. Write 284 Broadway, Ham- ilton, Ont. (ThJy26) GRAHAM'S COTTAGES, CROSS Lake, Arden. Sleeps 5, boat and ice, $22.50 weekly. Dial 5-1763. (Thly19) BONNY LEE-COMPLETELY FUR- nished cottages, free ice, boat and fuel, good fishing, Highway 62, North Lake. Write Wm. MoGee, L'Amable. + (ThJy26) LAKE-OF- Bays -- Housekeeping cottages, san- dy beach, good fishing and boating. Home cooking. Write Random House, Baysville. (ThJy28) CAMP RAWLEY LODGE---ENJOY Georgian Bay and Severn River fishing or relax on spacious lawns. Write Port Severn. Telephone Wau- baushene. (ThJy12) STARLIGHT GARDEN CABINS, Wasaga Beach, 1, 2, 3 rooms, light housekeeping, meals, modern con- veniences, central. Phone RA, 5098. Mr. Ray Davie, 41 Hillsboro Ave, Toronto, Ontdrio. (ThAugd) DELIGHTFUL HOUSEKEEPING cotages, Moors Falls, Haliburton county, few vacancies July, August. Write Graymoore, Norland. Phone Coboconk 134 ring 4. (ThJy19) WASAGA BEACH-ENJOY YOUR vacation at Myer's Lodge and ca- bins, city comforts, good food. Rea- sonable, Write for folders. (ThJy26) CHANTECLEER INN Novar - Ontario Enjoy your vacation in this friendly Lake-of-Bays district. Boat trips, lawn sports, safe beach. Accommo- dation in lodge and cabins still available. Our carefully planned meals bring many favourable com- ments. For illustrated folder call at Times-Garzette office or write Box 100, Novar, Ontario. {Tu,thurs,tf) Lake Dalrymple--Lakefront furnish- ed summer cottages, by week or month. FRANK PITTS Phone 5-0172 (Jy10,12,14) LAKEFRONT COTTAGE FOR rent, or sale. Write Mr. E. Post, Caesarea. (160c) 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE, MORTGAGES AND agreements of sale. Good discounts for cash, or exchange on house, see W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512, (161c) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, ALL CON- veniences, oil heating, partially com- pleted recreation room, laundry tubs, electric hot water tank, vene- tian blinds throughout. Must be sold. I diate i Dial 5-1812 or $1 5 5(( Central location, 8- ' room brick, sunroom, unfinished attic, 3-plece bath, 2 ex- tra stools, divided basement, garage, large lot; ideal home or rooming house. If you wish to sell list with us. DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE Prince St. 1st Door South of Bon.d St. PHONE 3-2612 (160b) $16,000 -- KING ST. E. New modern 6-room home -- large rooms throughout, the latest in mod- ern kitchens -- 4-plece tiled bath-- forced air heating with oil--attached garage--Truly a real buy, wijh im- mediate possession. $9,000 -- A DREAM HOUSE ON BONNIE BRAE POINT 6-room 11% storey--living-room with open fire-place--hardwood floors--hot water heating--attached garage--im- mediate possession. J $6,500 -- VILLAGE OF HAMPTON Large 8-room brick on paved road-- modern convenjences--large lot ap- proximately 1,2 acre, only 8 miles from Oshawa--Save money by com- muting. . $5,000 -- PARK RD. S., NEAR NEW G.M. PLANT 5-room frame home -- a good buy with immediate possession. OSHAWA BLVD. * 6-room, 2-storey home near King-- hardwoed throughout -- modern kit- chen--extra room finished in the b in lient condition throughout--garage -- Call and see this one today. SEE Everett G. Disney REAL ESTATE BROKER 82 Simcoe S. Phone 3-2333 £160c), 4 65-2145. (1604) $6,500 134 miles from city limits, attractive 5-room clapboard cottage with gar- age. Situated on one acre of land; nicely landscaped, large garden. PubNe school within one mile; gar- den tractor included in above price. For appointment, contact OAKLEY E. CRAWFORD Insurance, Real Estate 69 King St. E. Dial 3-9713 (Jy10,12,14) SNACK BAR and REFRESHMENTS $ 2 300 Fu price. What an ex- ' cellent chance to obtain a year-round business of your own. All stock and equipment included, consisting of ghowcases, radio, pop cooler, Frigidaire, etc. Has been operating for years. Immediate pos- session. No living quarters. 'We also have restaurants, grocery stores and places of business on the highway. Your 'nquiry invited. W. E. HOLMES BROKER Bond at Ontario Dial 5-2363 (160b) $8 200 0vners modern 4-room ' bungalow. Large living room, 4-piece bath, 2 bedrooms and large kitchen. Lot 50 x 150. Siracoe St., North Oshawa. $3,000 down, bal- ance as rent, Possession 30 days. $9 90) (Handy to GMC on ' paved street, 5 - room modern bungalow. Lovely condition throughout. Large kitchen with tiled floor. Oil heated. $6,000 cash required. Possession 30 days. W. E. HOLMES BROKER Bond at Ontario Dial 5-2363 (160b), 25--Real Estate For Sale 4-ROOMED BUNGALOW, WITH one or more acres, hardwood floors, basement, hydro, 5 miles east of Oshawa, 3 mile to Highway 2; also 2-roomed cottage, acres, with hydro. Apply A. Alexan- der, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa 05-6021. (162¢) 456 SIMCOE ST. 8., IDEAL LOCA- tion for doctor or dentist. Large 8- room brick house, 4 bedrooms, hot- water heating with oil burner. Many other features. Immediate possession. Apply H. Bateman, owner, 410 Athol St. BE. (Jy12,14,16,18) with 2 or more | 8486 25--Real Estate For Sale TO SETTLE ESTATE, 6-ROOMED house, ch, conveni fur. nace, garage, large lot, north sec- tion, immediate possession, Dial 3- . (160c) $8,300 -- UXBRIDGE. IMMEDIATE possession. New bungalow, 5 large rooms and 4-piece bath. 70' frontage. Hot-air heating. Phone 106 Uxbridge, (162¢) x COTTAGE, 12' X 20', TO BE MOVED. All new lumber, built 1 year ago. Roll brick siding, Between Oshawa and Whitby on 4th Con. Phone J. Kot 5-6041 (162¢) 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, 4-PC. BATH, all conveniences. For further parti- culars, write Box 920, Times-Gazette. (160g) $6 50 --T7-room stucco cottage, 4 3 bedrooms, 3-pc. bath, hot-air heating, garage. Immediate $4,500 DOWN, BUYS A MODERN 6-room, storey and half home, com- pletely decorated, oak floors, rubber tiled, all modern conveniences, Early possession. Owner leaving town. Ap- ply 156 Wilson Rd. 8, (160c) ; central location. Contact WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 4 A real business opportunity--Meat and Grocery business--wonderful lo- cation--all new equipment through- ont--self serve grocery doing $1600 weekly. Can easily be increased. A full list of equipment can be obtain- ed at this office, Store can be rented on a good lease. NOTE: 'No phone given on this listing. EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate Broker 82 Simcoe S. information (180c) --Bulilding lot, 75' x 150° $1.1 00 et off fl oa Rd. orth. SEE NOLAN BROKER Dial 3-3311 Ed. Irish--Salesman (Jy10, 12) SIMCOE NORTH 7 room owner's residence, hardwood throughout, many extras, large lot. Owner leaving city. Immediate occu- pancy. $5,000 down. Apply 537 Simcoe St. N. > a (Jy10,12), 18 Bond St. W. Dial 3-2911 (162b) $5,500 7 garage--Rowena St. $6 00 --4-room frame bungalow, Ad garage, lot 90" x 165'-- Ritson Rd. N: $6 8003150 down, 4-roomed, ' 11g-storey brick house, excellent condition. Immediate pos- 4-room frame conveniences, '| session. $7,005.00 tim rame bun, . e- diate possession. 8. i ,750 down, 6- ed, $7,500 storey HA wig condition, $2 50 DOWN--T7-room full 2- ' storey brick house, newly decorated. Immediate posses- sion. $ 3 50 DOWN---7-room, full 2- ' storey insul-bric house, on Verdun Rd., a good income home. Phone 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN KER ; BRO! 16 Bond E. «46 Simcoe S. JOHN PENICKA -- Salesman Phone 3-8288 till 8 p.m. Ansneammanes 00 aga --ad for this 6- : $4,000 FL Rovian ted near G.M. plant. GIBBONS. STREET acre of land. Fruit trees. Convenien- ces. ELGIN. STREET $ 5 700 fun price, for this nice ' 6-room frame bungalow. Dial 5-3889 LLOYD AYERS, BROKER 0. B. Addison, Salesman Office hours 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (162a) E. E. PATRICK Real Estate Broker '43 Bond St. W. 2 Doors West of Prince St. Dial 3-8551 $1,800 DOWN--Port Perry, 5- room frame, 2 storey house, immaculate condition, 3-piece bathroom, hydro, close to business section. Completely furnished. A good buy, I iat P " Exclusive listing. $4,000 DOWN---9 - room brick, central location, $208 monthly income, from rentals. Pos- session of 4 rooms for purchaser. Here is a real good income home. Exclusive listing. $8 00 --Newcastle, 75 acres, 8- ' room brick house, good barn, 3 acres bush, trout stream. Terms arranged, or will exchange for Oshawa property, Exclusive listing. 1 --Full price, 10-roomed $1 1,000 stucco, west section, income home, downstairs divided to two store fronts. Excellent for beau- ty parlor or barber shop, or easily converted to one large store, grocery, etc. Terms arranged. Exclusive list- ing. No cash? Don't hesitate. Use your home to buy another. Call us for full particulars. E. E. PATRICK Real Estate Broker 43 Bond St. W. Dial 3-8551 Res. 5-3692 2 Doors West of Prince St. (162: a) $9,500 -- COURTICE Storey and a half frame on large landscaped lot. Large living room with picture window, dinette, large modern kitchen, four-piece bath and large bedroom on ground floor, two good sized bedrooms up, ample cup- board and closet space, hardwood & tile floors throughout, fully insu- lated. Deep dry basement, hot-air heating--coal fired, laundry tubs, heater and tank and other extras. Beautifully located, well built, taste- fully decorated, modern conveniences in suburban surrounding. Terms. Exclusive listing. POSSESSION 60 DAYS. $8,350 -- BYRON ST., WHITBY e Cape Cod, storey and a half, on landscaped lot, 15° x 12' living room, attractive kitchen, two good- sized bedrooms and modern four- piece bath on ground floor, two bed- FARM--50 TO 100 ACRES, WITHIN 40 miles of Oshawa. Write, Box 922, Times-Gazette. (160c) HOUNES OF ALL KINDS WANT- ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, {3 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 38-2512. (Jy2%) HOUSES, FARMS AND BUSI. nesses wanted. For a quick confi dential sale, list your property with E. E. Patrick, Real Hstate and Business Broker, 43 Bond St. w., 2 doors west of Prince. Dia! 3-8551. : (Aug3TF) 28--For Rent 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW home, business couple preferred. Ap- ply 112 Jones Ave. (162c) 2-ROOM BACHELOR APARTMENT, furnished, heat, light and water, separate entrance, all conveniences, Phone 3-7088. (162¢) LARGE ROOM FOR TWO GEN= tlemen, twin beds, also single room, newly decorated, continuous hot wae ter, very central, 91 Ontario St. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED BED. room, private home, convenient to Motors, one gentleman, abstainer, garage. 5-2183. (162a) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for one lady, north end, near bus line. Dial 3- X (162b) 5-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, Scugog Point, for rent or for sale; also summer lots for sale. Phone Port Perry 253R32. (162b) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, near Motors; breakfast optional. Phone 3-7829. (162c), ACCOMMODATION FOR ROOM- ers, in cool, airy room; shower. Dia} 5-2622. | (1621p TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT rooms, share bathroom; suit couple, no objection to one child. $12 a week. Phone 5-2289. (162b), SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLE. man, near new G.M. plant. Apply 213 Bloor W. (162b), SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 40 Royal St. (162¢c)' APARTMENT FOR RENT, FIVE rooms over store, modern, newly decorated, adults. Phone 238W Ux. bridge. Se (162b), TWO NEWLY DECORATED FURN- ished housekeeping rooms, sink; business people, $15 per week. Write Box 929, Times-Gazette. (162b), 3 ROOMS, SELF - CONTAINED, Write Box 930, Times-Gazette. 2 CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOMS with breakfast if desired. Phone 3-7601. oad (161c) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED Bed- rooms, private home, suitable for one or two, central, Phone 3-4010. (16lc), CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM, suitable for two girls or gentlemen, $5 each weekly; central. Dial 3-7257, (161b) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, twin beds, near Motors, men only, Dial 5-3809 Saturday afternoon or after 6 p.m. week days. (158£) SINGLE ROOM' FOR GZNTLE- man, central; continuous hot water, Dial 3-2879. (161c) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for one gentleman or girl. Apply 25 Brock East, or dial 3-2819. (161c), CABIN TRAILER FOR RENT, full accommodation, available Aug- ust. Phone 5-3270. (161c) FURNISHED = BEDROOM, ALL conveniences. Apply 254 Ritson S. (161c) rooms up. Deep dry ba t, hot- air heating by coal, venetian blinds, storms, screen doors and other ex- tras, Terms. Exclusive listing. POSSESSION 30 DAYS. After 6:30 p.m. Dial 5-6342 RALPH H. VICKERY DIAL 3-2265 cholic INSURANCE SSOCIATES MORTGAGES APPRAISALS REALTORS (100) BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE $ | 3,750 -- Exceptional income property. Owner's §5- room modern apartment and three other modern self-contained apart- ments bringing in a good revenue. Oil heating. Excellent, central loca- tion on quiet residential street.'Extra large landscaped lot, beautifully treed. Immediate possession. DUPLEX WITH 4 ACRES AE, -- 2 $1 6,000 ode. is Pisin each with large living-room, natural fireplace, dining-room, modern kitch- en, 3 bedrooms and 4-piece bath- rooms, large closed-in, sunroom, den, utility room. Beautifully landscaped extra acreage available. Ideal father and son property. $8 50 --New modern 11;-storey ' house, very central loca- tion on large lot with trees. Fully insulated, large bright living-room, large modern kitchen, bedroom and bathroom on 1st floor, 2 bedrooms upstairs. Hardwood floors. Laundry with many lovely trees, fruit trees, | 2036. ROOM, BOARD IF DESIRED, FOR one woman, preferably middle-aged, who will look after house and 2 school-age children during day. Evenings and week-ends entirely free. No heavy work required. Dial 5-4520, after 6. (160c) ACCOMMODATION FOR MEN only, very central; to Motors opr downtown; hot and cold water in room. All new beds and beddings, Apply 44 Colborne E. Dial 3-4882. - (160c) FOR SALE OR RENT--IDEAL FOR camping or fishing--a small cabin trailer, Phone 2502. 610 Athol Street, Whitby. (160c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen to share. Apply 90 Rose- dale Ave. (161b) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM suitable for 2 gentlemen. Apply 299 Simcoe South. (1594), 29--Wanted to Rent 3-ROOM, SELF-CONTAINED APT., for local engineer and wife. Call R. Redman at 5-3548, days. (162a) GARAGE, SINGLE, DOUBLE OR triple garage or larger. Please call 3- A (162a) COTTAGE WANTED, FIRST OR second week of August, or both, Good fishing and boating essential, 'Write Jack Motley, Kent Shoe Store, Oshawa. Dial 5-3874 between 9 and 6 | p.m. : (162¢c) IMMEDIATELY, SMALL HOUSE, Oshawa or vicinity, 3 in family; abe stainers; best references. Phone 5 A 571); HOUSE OR APARTMENT IN OSH. awa for couple with two small child. ren, furnished or unfurnished, newse paper employee. Dial 38-7079, (159tf) YOUNG COUPLE WITH BABY, 14 months old, desire at least 3 rooms, apartment or house by Aug. 1. Ref« erences. Phone 5-3017. (160c) STORE WANTED WITH LIVING tubs, hydro tank, bination doors, storm windows, attractive electric fixtures, Immediate posgession. ® $7 QQ Nearly new, modern 5- ' room brick bungalow, living-room, dining-room, 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and bathroom. Own- er leaving town. Situated in lovely neighborhood. 7 3() (Modern brick bungalow, $ ' large bright living-room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroom, recreation room in basement. Cen- tral, good location. BOWMAN & GIBSON Real Estate Bankers, Whitby 1st door south of Post Office Mrs. P. R. Macleod Real Xstate Representative Whitby "Phone 521 -- Evenings 544 tion, reasonable rent. Ap- ply Box 927, Times-Gazette. (161b) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD: FOR TWO gentlemen. Phone 5-4448. (161c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GEN- tlemen, central, all conveniences. Phone 5-3206, 62c), ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO TO share; central; continuous hot wa- ter. Dial 3-8490, (162¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Apply 186 Verdun Road. (161c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONB gentleman, willing to share accom- modation, abstainer. Apply 562 Sime coe St. 8. Phone 05-3087. (162a) ACOMMODATION FOR THREBR men, close to Motors. Dial 5-6304. % (161c ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE rpm ee V1), or two gentlemen, separate beds. Phone 5-2787, = {18ic), 4