Daily Times-Gazette, 30 Jun 1951, p. 7

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SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN In Jhe OF INTEREST TO WOMEN © In Jhe : ail Community . | BEAUTY FOR YOU:- Cherish Your Permanent Wave By HELEN JAMESON Considering how often the short- haired girl must have a permanent wave, she is likely to believe that it has been misnamed. Permanent, indeed! There are many women who have to get a new wave every three months. But, they ask them- selves, how could they get along without it? It takes a real beauty to look lovely with straight hair. So they must keep their hair in form. There are those among us who know that the early waving meth- or, the machine that hard-boiled your tresses, gave a wave of longer endurance than the machineless or the cold wave. The advantage of the cold wave is that the patron is more comfortable during the operation and the wave is closer to the scalp. In the old days a woman got a permanent once every eight or nine months. That was during the period of the prehistoric pigtail. | While all methods are good, the success of the wave depends. on the skill and the conscience of the operator, If you have been disap- pointed with yours, seek another beautytorium. But remember that you have to do your part in keep- ing your thatch in form. Frequent brushing will not weaken the wave; it will create a more distinct pattern. Careless shampooing will wreck it for the time being. A coating of soap scum on the shafts will cause them to "lose spring; the coil quality will disappear. Cold water should never be used as a final rinse. Certain hair dyes should be avoided. If you have used any colgring agent, con< fess to the operator who is about | to serve you. The longer the term between treatments, the better, as the new growth will take a stronger curl than that which has been put through the hovnper before. : Two weeks before the event, it is a wise idea to give your locks some conditioning treatments. Every other night use the hairbrush vig- orously, grooming a strands at a time, holding the hair away from the head, rolling the bristles through it. Heat some mineral oil and ap- Plishka Yuskiw Rites Held Traditionally With Choral Music The choir of St. John's Ukrain- ian Greek Orthodox Church sang the traditional wedding music at the marriage last Saturday after- noon of Miss Helen Yuskiw and Mr. Paul Plishka. The Rev. Michael Fyk performed the cere- mony and the soloist was Mrs, An- drew Loyko. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Yuskiw of Osh- awa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, M. Flishka of the Ukraine and the late Mr, Plishka. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her gown of white lace over satin was styled with a pointed basque bodice and full skirt, long fitted sleeves and a wide collar framing "a deep V neckline. A lace headdress ornamented with pearls held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of calla lilies and white roses. The maid of honor, Miss Olga Katurki of Toronto, a cousin of the bride, was in yellow and white nylon marquiseite with a matching headdress. The bridesmaids were Rockabye Sampler Mother-to-be? Get this ready for your darling! When Baby comes, write in statistics, embroider them, and, frame, So adorable! Rockabye Sampler of Baby's birth record. Pattern 7140 has trans- fer of picture 11 x 14 inches. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to The Daily Times- Gazette Household Arts Dept., Oshawa. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. i Needleworkers! Have you seen our 1951 Alice Brooks Needlework catalog? Send Twenty-five cents for your copy today; Illustrations of patterns. for crochet, knitting, embroidery, and other fascinating handwork. A Free Pattern is print- ed In the book. Distributed by King Features Syndicate. It takes a real beauty to look love- ly with straight hair. > > ply to various partings, frictioning it into the scalp. A large medicine dropper will distribute the oil more evenly than will a brush or a pled- get of cotton. A ten-minute mas- sage will loosen dead skin scales from the scalp, bring a glow to the flesh, speed up the circulatory streams upon which the silky fuz- zers live and thrive, Next morning have a thorough shampoo, using a liquid soap or cream, as your little heart desires. But see that the rinsing, with a strong current of fairly warm wat« er from the bath spray, is' prolong- | | ed Miss Helen Dutchak and Miss Anne Sabat and the junior . bridesmaids, Miss Judy Seneco and Miss Joan Hercia the bride's nieces. They were all in mauve and white nylon mar- | quisette. The little flower girl was Miss Carol Krawchuk in yellow and white. The gowns were identical in style with slim bodice, lantern sleeves and full gathered skirt. The bridesmaids each carried a basket filled with yellow roses and yellow and mauve carnations, and the flower girl carried a nosegay of mauve sweet peas and yellow roses, The bride's gift to each of her bridesmaids was a lapel pin. The best mag, was Mr. Alex Kuch, and the ushefs were Mr. John Rudka and Mr, William Drozwick. St. John's parish hall was the scene of the reception attended by guests from Toronto, St. Cathar- ines, Grimsby, and Detroit. 'The bride's mother wore grey with a corsage of pink roses and the bridegroom's mother was in tur- quoise blue with pink roses. Later the couple left for Ottawa and Montreal. For travelling the bride chose a gabardine suit in a golden cinnamon shade with navy blue and white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Plishka will live in Oshawa. Many ( Guests Attend Strawberry Tea A very successful strawberry tea was held at the home of Mrs. Ar- thur Williams, King Street West on Thursday afternoon. The tables were set on the lawn, and surrounded by beautiful flow- ers, providing a splendid setting for the occassion. The guests were received by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. T. D. Thomas and Mrs. Wesley Bright. Mrs. Barbara Cass-Beggs, presi- dent of the CCF Women's Com- mittee brought greetings from Agnes MacPhail, MPP who was un- unable to be present. Mrs. Cass- Beggs gave a very interesting talk on the activities of the CCF women in Ontario, and congratulated the members of the Ontario Riding Association for their splendid work. Guests were present from Port Perry, Prince Albert, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville and Toronto. Those assisting were Mrs. Walter Lane, Mrs. Harold Gow, Mrs. Alan Griffiths and Mrs James Lownie. WHITMEE-BROWN Oswald Rowpert Whitmee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whitmee, of '| Oshawa, took as his bride, Jean :| Marie Brown, daughter of Mr. and «| Mrs, John E. Brown, of Midland, at a ceremony performed last Fri- | day evening in the parsonage of | Albert Street United Church with the Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson officiat- ing. The bride wore a light blue ny- lon dress with white accessories and a corsage of red and yellow roses, The witnesses were the bridegroom's parents, For the reception held at the home of the bridegroom, his moth- er received wearing blue jersey with white accessories. She was as- sisted by her three daughters,. Mrs. William . Myles, Mrs, Sidney Los- combe and Mrs, Leslie Halcomb. The bride's parents were unable to be present. The toast to the bride was pro- posed by Mr. Jack Payne, of Fonty- pool, and responded to by the bridegroom. A reading was given by Mrs, Lawrence Goddard, of Bowmanville. ' Following a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs, Whitmee will reside in Oshawa. Piano Recital Given By Talented Pupils On Thursday evening the Junior and Senior pupils from Josephine Parrott's Studio presented a piano recital in the First Baptist Church. The auditorium was beautifuliy decorated with baskets of summer flowers and the large audience of parents and friends were most ap- preciative of the students' perform- ance. . At the beginning of the program, Margaret Eder presented Mrs. Par- rott with a corsage and later Joan Matthews presented her with an album of records from the class. At the close of the program the awards for the year were presented by Mrs. Parrott. Freda Dancey re- ceived the award for outstanding work in piano and Margaret Blears for good work in piano and theory. For the best performances at Junior Club, Sheila Dancey received the award; Marilyn Scott received the prize for the Intermediate Club and John Topham for the Senior Club. Each student in the Junior class gave a most enjoyable performance. Those, taking part were Sharon Dale, Ronald Dancey, Freda Dancey, Christopher Bateson, Dean Audley, David Hoag, Bill Redpath, Bonnie Parr, Sally Lean, John Young, Judith Broadbent, Judith Krantz, Evelyn Parrott, Lorene McDonald, Joanne Storie, Marjorie Lick, Pa- tricla Tane, Margaret Blears and Donnie Chamberlain. . The Intermediate group were equally accomplished and well re- ceived. Those playing in this group were Shirley Parrott, Joe Victor, Terry Snowden, Sheila Dancey, Dianne Yule, Margaret Eder, Doro- thy Redpath, Anna Jean MacMillan, Marilyn Scott, Louise Crumback, Nancy Foster, Bill Hayes, Brenda Lane, Janet Kerr and Margaret Dancey. In the Senior group Joan Mat- hews gave a fine performance of the Minuet, Trio and Rondo from Mo- zart's Sonata in A Major. Joanne Richardson gave real pleasure to the audience by her delightful per- formance of the Butterfly Waltz of Ernest Seitz. Others who added fo the enjoy- ment of the evening from the Senior group were Ruth Skinner, Peggy Fleming, Ann Marie Allen, David Lagerquist, Beverley Thomas, Nor- ma Booth, Rosemary Powers, Lucille Lick, Marilyn Booth, Margaret Mac- Gregor, The program was brought to a brilliant conclusion by John Top- ham playing Andante and Rondo Capriccioso by Mendelssohn, Picnic Supper Held y Jessie Panton Aux. | Members of the Jessie Panton Missionary Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church, enjoyed a picnic supper at Lakeview Park as their last meeting of the season, on Tuesday evening. As the weather was cool the tables were spread in Lakeview Pavillion, due to the kindness of the manage- ment. Welcomed to the gathering were Mrs. A. McLaughlin, Toronto, and Mrs. Ralph Wescott, Brooklin, both former members of the auxiliary. The special collection was donated to the Building Fund of Westmount Church. It was decided that Mrs. T. Gilmore, literature secretary, should order study books and other literature for the various groups. Following supper and exchange of good wishes for a happy summer, the meeting closed. It was announced that the mem- bers would, as usual, work on var- ious types of articles for sale at the Fall Bazaar, during the summer, and will meet again on the fourth Tuesday of September. William S. McGhee, Audrey Phair Wed William Steven McGhee, son of son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mec- Ghee, Oshawa, took as his bride Ruth Audrey Eileen Phair, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Anson Phair of Courtice, last Saturady evening. The double-ring ceremony was held in the chapel of King Street United Church, with the Rev. E. J. Robertson officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a ballerina gown of gardenia-white French rose lace and net over taffeta. An off-shoulder neckline and shot puff sleeves styled the moulded lace bodice. She wore lace mittens and a half hat edged with seed pearls held her fingertip veil of tulle, She carried red and white roses in a Victorian nosegay. She was attended by Mrs, James Castle who wore a strapless, bal- lerina gown of yellow nylon over taffeta with a matching jacket and mittens, Her headdress was a coro- net of yellow flowers and she held a nosegay of cream and pink roses and mauve sweet peas. The best man was Mr. Edward McGhee, A reception was held at The Sign of the Gate. The brides mother chose a navy blue sheer gown with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bride- groom's mother was also in navy blue with white, and pink and white roses comprised her corsage. Guests were present from Lon- don, Ontario; Petawawa, Calgary, Alberta; Hampton and Bowman- ville. Pink and white peonies and ferns decorated the rooms and the bridal table, set with a linen cloth was adorned with white candles in double silver holders and flowers from the bridal nosegay. 'The bridegroom responded to the best man's toast to the bride and a telegram from Nova Scotia was read. The bride presented her nosegay to her mother. The heneymoon was spent in New York State and eastern points. When the couple left the bride was wearing a honey~toned suit, pink and ciftnamon accessories and | a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs, McGhee will live Choose June for Their Wedding MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE LELAND MILLER Whose marriage took place recent] Formerly Luella: Pearl? McCrimmeon y in Simcoe Street United Church. , the bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Wilcox of Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Miller of Arnprior, Ontario, To Supervise YWCA Nursery School kL rE MISS CAROLINE FROLICK who will direct the activities of th resume its sessiens in September! N visor, is well known for her work Toronto, shortly, she will study fur Welfare, Day Nursery Depariment, Mrs. in the Supervisor, is a former cfficer --Photo by Campbell's Studio. e YWCA Scrcor which will diss Frolick, who will be the Super- with the little folk in Oshawa. In ther with the Department of Public Viorris, who will be the Assistant ATS and has had teaching experience with children in England and during the past year has been a volunteer at the Nursery School. GLAMOR:ZING:- Day-By.Day Beauty Program By HELEN FOLLETT Plan a daily beauty program. Put on make-up carefully, As a final 'touch, apply toilet water to the inner curve of elbow. > Beautifying day by day is the] subject' of this preachment on pul- chritude, Certain tasks must have attention no matter whether a woman is busy inside the home or out of it, holding down a job. Few women have the 1 re to spend much time prettying themselves, so they should arrange a daily pro- gram. A good start consists of taking a dozen deep breaths when awaken- ing in the morning. Then stretch | like everything, Stretch fingers and toes, arms and legs, then your tor- so as if you were trying to tear yourself apart at the waistline. Fol- low your stretch routine with a warm bath and shower. There's LJ LJ water to the inner curve of your i elbows. Arrange your hair so it [will stay put for the day. That imeans you should choose an ar- j rangement that is simple. Plain | styles are always smarter than fussy ones. Before slipping | sheets, apply | Premises and {tapping and will stay firm. Give your hands the creamy | leavings; they need it all the year { round, not just in cold weather, {as some misguided women fancy. | Soap and water, rob the hands {that is cream to do a lot slapping so tae facial of brisk tissues of 'the natural oil supposed to keep them nothing like it to give freshness togsmootl). Unless something else is the = skin, sparkle to the eyes, stréngth to face the day's job. If | you have creamed you complexion the night before, you will not need a soapy face washing. Dash on cold water to bring coloring. After putting the highlights on your complexion, brush eyebrows at Courtice. and lashes, Apply a little. toilet | substituted they will look old be- fore their time. Many women have [Joans faces and wrinkled hands, the penalty for neglect, A SILVER CROSS WOMEN The June meeting of the Oshawa Chapter of the Silver Cross Women was held in Adelaide House, with Mrs. V. A. Cope, presiding. The hooked rug made by Mrs. M. A. Smith, and raffled, brought in $20 talent money. It was won by Mrs. V. Ireland. The mystery pack- i age donated by Mrs. F. Guscott was | won by Mrs. F. Langley. The July and August meetings will be held at members' homes. The next one to be held at the home of Mrs. F. Langley, Montrose Ave. South, on July 11, at 2 p.m, It was announced that one of the | members, Mrs. D. Wigston, Whitby, had been admitted as a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. LOYAL TRUE BLUE NO. 55 Victoria Loyal True Blue No. 55 held its regular meeting in the lodge rooms with W.M. Dianna Cowle presiding, assisted by D.M. Susan Spencer. A good deal of business was dis- cussed and plans made. The var- ious committees gave satisfactory reports. Lodge closéd in the regular manner. A Physician Advises You By HERMAN M. BUNDESEN, M.D. PREMATURE BABY The premature baby has much less chance for life than the full- term infant. About 75 per cent of those who die from prematurity perish in the first three days of life, with inhalation of fluid into the lungs ranking as one of the most common hazards. Thus, anything which can help to pre- vent such a situation and tQ tide the premature baby over" this three-day danger period will re-| sult in a great saving of life | among these little ones. Most premature infants suffer severe shock at birth. They are also disturbed by anesthetics and pain-relieving drugs given the mother during labor. Some are born so early that the sucking re- flex is still undeveloped, and the swallowing and coughing reflexes are present only in inadequate ferm. For these reasons, an at- tempt to feed the premature baby too early may result in disaster. BY INSTINCT Instead of sucking and swal- lowing, as the healthy infant does by instinct, he lets the milk trickle . into the windpipe. From there it can follow only one route --that to the lungs, where it is almost sure to cause either smothering or pneumonia, espe- cially since the lungs of the pre- mature child are not fully devel- oped. Even if the baby succeeds in swallowing the fluid, there is always the danger that it may lead to distention of the abdomen, u. condition which favors collapse of the lungs. Recently, 23 premalure infants, weighing between two end four pounds at birth, were studied. The feeding in these infants was delay- ed from 24 to 70 or more hours af- ter birth. The time of feeding was determined by the baby himself. The first feeding was given as soon 4s he showed his readiness for it by making sucking movement of | the lips. Extremely small infants, however, were fed by passing a tube into the stomach, which pre- vented the using up of energy by the infant. GAIN IN WEIGHT : The weight gain of the group of infants studied was greater by the end of the third week than it was in those fed at the usual time. The infants fed by the method outlined were more active, hun- grier, and ate more than the others. It is important, in premature in- fants, not to rush feedings, but to wait until the reflexes are fully present before feedings are start- ed. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AR.: My sister has glaucoma. Can it travel to the other eye? Is it curable? Is it contagious? Answer: Glaucoma usually re- mains in the eye affected. In many cases it can be helped a great deal, and in some cases it can be cur- ed. This condition is not contagious. STRAWBERRY SOCIAL The Afternoon Branch of the W.A. of Holy Trinity Anglican Church held a sucessful Strawberry Social last Wednesday afternoon. The tables were charming with vases of roses and other flowers. The president, Mrs. Robert Williams, received the guests. Tea was poured by Mrs. S. W. Wotton, assisted by Mrs. H. E, McLellan. Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Sr. had charge of the table of fancy work and aprons, and the home cooking was in charge of Mrs. George Judd and Mrs. Thomas Murphy. During the afternoon, Mrs. Wotton drew the ticket for the draw. Miss Mar- | garet Jones was the winner of a | | | | | | used frequently, | | | in between the | quilt. The other winners were: Miss Bernice Williams, lunch cloth; Miss S. Pinder, doiley and Miss Mary Gibson, towels. As a Treat for Dad Make Beefsteak Pie Beefsteak pie? Just the thing to tempt male appetites. Ingredients: plain pastry: 1'2 pounds of beef (round or chuck steak); table- spoons drippings; two teaspoons salt; one-quarter teaspoon pepper: two cups sliced onions; three cups A fiverminute scalp mauling will | hot water; four tablespoons bread {do a lot for your hair. Those silky | flour; six tablespoons cold water; shafts live on the blood streams, so circulation should be normal. So, go to it! one tablespoon thick condiment sauce. : Prepare pastry, roll out top crust ! ------ 1 | | Dear Mrs. Beeckman: When I, the bride-to-be, write my thank-you notes for my wed- ding presents, do I sign my name only, or, for example, "Bill and Mary"? Sign your name only, as the writer of the note. But in the body of the notes include the tanks and appreciation of - your fianze +. . "Bill thanks you and Tom, too, most heartily, and we. are botta de- lighted with the beautiful erystal centerpiece which we will use and 'show off' with such happiness and pride in our new home!" Dear Mrs. Betckman: I am planning to marry a man wiose parents were divorced when he was two years old; he has never been in contact with his until very recently, and then only slightly; his father never contri- buted to his support, has remarried and is now living quite a distance from here. What would be the gor=- rect wording of the engagement announcement, and would the same vitations and announcements? Also nouncement after the wedding? Marie L. These important questions should submit, dear bride-to-be, to ance . . . for they are very person- al questions that concern intimately touch their lives, more even than they concern your lifes. would have no right to step over the threshold of a decision belongs to the wife and the son who must have had their own difficult struggle during tiese years. These are the days, dear girl, when you can reveal your quality of under- father | procedure apply to the wedding in- | would it be in bad taste to omit | the father from the guest list en- | tirely and only send him an an- | you | your fiance's mother and your fi-! them, | And certainly a stranger like me | that | WHAT SHOULD J DO ABOUT: | Acknowledging Wedding Presents? By MRS. COENELIUS BEECKMAN standing and tender cooperation with whatever these two most con- cerned, your future mother-in-law, and your future husband, wish to do. If they wish to have the fath- er's name included in the engage- ment announcement, do this. If they wish the father (and his new wife) to be invited to the wedding, | do this; if not (as very well may be) abide by their preference. There is no question involved about the form of the wedding invitations {and announcements . . . for in these, | the names of tl - bridegroom's par- ents do not apyear. RECEPTION IN BRIDE'S HOME AFTER CEREMONY {IN PARSONAGE | Dear Mrs, Beeckman: | Because of our different religi- {ous faiths my fiance and I cannot | have a church wedding. We will be | married at a parsonage with only {the members of our immediate families present. However, we would | like to have a reception at the home of my parents. Are engraved in- vitations necessary for this type cf reception, or would they be out= of keeping? G. Unless you are planning a large, fcrmal reception it would certain- ly not be necessary to send formal invitations. Notes of invitation, written by your mother, as hostess [of the wedding reception would be in excellent taste and charmingly appropriate. Members .of the fam- ilies, close relatives, and perhaps some of your intimate friends may properly be invited verbally or by telephone. And you yourslf might write notes ts your most intimate friends who live a distance. (Then, {if you and your parents wish, they may send formal announcements {of the marriage to all those not in- vited to the reception.) TIPS FOR TEENS:- Tongue-Tied ? Here's the Cure! By ELINOR WILLIAMS No need of being tongue-tied, red-faced and embarrassed because you can't think of a thing to say to your date. | There are so many things about. They've been listed column recently, including doings, teams, sports, movie television, hobbies. But if your brain blanks out in spite of these possibilities for chat- ter, and all you can think of is the gruesome, awkward silence between you two--here's something you can ALWAYS remember. It's very simple. Just this: Every- body likes to talk about himself or herself especially boys. Everybody likes to have you ask his opinion or advice. So steer the conversation toward him with a question cr { to talk in this school s, radio, favorite team or TV show. Even a London -- (CP) -- Overseas visit ors to the Festival of Britain have brought a boom to firms specialize in renting clothes special occasions. So- says Cedric Lane, represent- ative of a well-known company which has been in business more than 50 years. Lane said more men's and Wwo- men's wear is being rented than iat any time since 1939. The hire system makes it pos- sible for men to pay one to six guineas 53.15 for out- i cost 50 for times as much. ticular appeal come from Norta and like to travel of restrictions of air-baggage. for 24 who Apterica by air /light" because he amount of practice that one of jthe best-known firms, Moss Brothefs, has became practically + a bbusehold word. Newspaper columnists make an- nual guesses on the number of persons at the Royal Ascot meet- | ing whose grey toppers, tails and | {and chill. Cut beef into two-inch pieces. Brown in hot drippings in deep frying-pan. Add salt, pepper, sliced onions and hot water. Cover and simmer for two hours. Remove meat to baking-dish. Thicken gravy with flour mixed with cold water. (There shovld be about two cups gravy.) Add condiment sauce or cther seasonings td taste. Pour gravy over meat in baking- dish and let mixture cool." When about his pet sport or pastime, his | which | S a par- | Renting clothes &p widespread a | | simple query like "what did you | think of today's algebra exam?" is {good for a starter, | Some boys are interested in scie |ence, in music, in building model | aircraft. Obhers have big dreams {for the future that begins with, | "When I finish school, I'd like {tol. | One girl got acquainted with a | boy in her neighborhood by asking {him wiat he thought was the mat- iter with her bicycle. Another asked a boy in her class for tomorrow's { history assignment and if you take {a "lab" course, there are always | plenty of questions to ask about | what gees on in test tubes, etc. | (For easy bust-firming exercises to help you improve your figure, send a stamped, self-addressed ene velope to Elinor Williams at this | paper.) Baggage Restrictions Bring Boom In Rented 'Formals' in Britain striped pants are strictly hired for i the occasion. At the last Ascot meeting, a pepular hunch was Lord Derby's {#Mossborough.," whose name had a special significance for those in | rented clothes. The horse won: by | four lengths, : | In ladies wear, the latest fashe | ions can be rented including furs, | jewelry, shoes and handbogs. The jwelry is well - styled paste or French pearls with a hiring charge of 10s 6d ($1.57). A complete outfit {can be hired for $9 cost of best outfit procurable is $30. More women are hiring evening outfits in recent times. During the i state visit of the King and Queen {of Denmark in May, one firm | booked 30 gowns for the Bucke | ingham Falace reception. Gowns can be sent to any part of the British Isles, at 14 'days' notice: " dal wear is in keen demand, From {ie groom to the smalest page in white satin suit every | member of a bridal group can be | outfitted completely in rented togs. meat and gravy are thoroughly cooled cover with top crust. Place pie on lowest rack in oven pre | heated to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake for 10 minutes then reduce {oven temperature to 350 degrees | Fahrenheit. Bake 35 minutes longer. Yield: six servings. The Recorder of the corporation of the city of T.ondon was first | appointed in 1298,

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