Ee Tee ortvons DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE EDITORIAL PAGE FEATURES The Daily Times-Gazette OSHAWA WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES (Established 1871) THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE (Established 1863) The Times-Gazette is a member of The Canadian Press, the Canadian Dally Newspapers Association, the Ameri- po Purl ~ can Pp P the Ontario Provincial Dailies Association and the Audit Bureau cf Circulations. The C dian Press is vely entitled to the use for repubiication of all news despatches In the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and also the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches h are also reserved. A. R, ALLOWAY, President and P T. L. WILSON, Vice-President and Managing Director. M. McINTYREB HCOD, Managing Hditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, Ajax and Pickering, 30c per week. By mall out- side carrier delivery areal anywhere in Canada and England, $7.00 per year; U.S, $9.00 per year. Authorized as Second Class Matter, Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada. \ DAILY AVERAGE CIRCULATION for MAY 10,585 SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 Integrity in Public Life It is unfortunate that much of the time of the House of Commons in the last few days has been taken up by unseemly wrangles between party leaders, arising from charges made against the integrity of Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Defence Production, These wrangles centred around charges made by Mr, Drew, leader of the opposition that Mr. Howe had given large defence contracts to his "family company." Mr. Howe's explana- tion was that while the company still bore his name, he had sold his entire interest in it in 1925, and no members of his family had any interest in the company, although his son and son-in-law were employed by it as junior engineers. When the matter came be- fore the Commons, Prime Minister St. Laurent and Mr. Drew engaged in a verbal duel which did no credit to either. Mr. Drew has a very unfortunate tendency of trying to besmirch the reputation of gov- ernment leaders, by personal attacks, when- ever he feels he can do so with political profit to himself. He has followed that course many times in his public life, until it seems to have become a habit with him. Ap- parently he does not stop to think that when he makes these abusive, personal attacks, often without justification, on men holding high offices, he is lowering the standards of public life, and is degrading his own office, as'well ag trying to weaken public confidence in the men in charge of the country's affairs. By following this course, as he has done on several occasions, Mr, Drew is not ren- dering any public service to Canada. Confi- dence in the democratic form of government depends on confidenge in those who consti- tute the government. By seeking to under- mine public belief in the honesty and sin- cerity of cabinet ministers, particularly by suggesting that they are using their office for private gain, Mr. Drew is striking a blow at democracy itself, We have had close association with many men in public life, men of all political par- ties, and we believe that the leading men on all sides, regardless of political affiliation, are sincere and honest, are doing what they believe is best for Canada, and would abhor any thought that they should use their office for private gain. That is the standard which our people expect from those who govern them, and it is regrettable that Mr. Drew should attempt to break down the people's faith, especially on so slender a. fab- ric of evidence as was present in his attack on Mr. Howe, Divorces And Courts Since Confederation divorce cases con- cerning petitioners from the province of Quebec have been dealt with by a Senate committee, the resulting bills then being sent to the House of Commons for approval. "The same procedure has been applied to divorce cases originating in Newfoundland since that province became part of the Do- minion, Realization that parliament is not the proper tribunal for divorce proceedings has been increased in recent months by reason of the fact that perfunctory passing of di- vorce bills sent down from the Senate has been challenged in the House of Commons, Stanley Knowles, CCF member. for Winni- peg North Centre, was most active in de- manding that the House give some consid- eration to the bills before expressing ap- proval. As a result, hours of parliament's time were taken up' with business looked 'upon in many quarters as not being suitable for parliament to deal with. Mr. Knowles placed on the Commons order paper a bill that would give the Exchequer Court juris- diction over divorce cases from Quebec and Newfoundland, Some change in procedure has become necessary if only because of the increasing number of parliamentary divorces in recent years. In 1943 the divorce committee of the Senate - recommended 92 marriage * dissolu- ] | tions. By. 1949 the total increased to 350 and last year the number was 240. The final report of the committee presented to the Senate covering its work during the present session records 295 divorces granted for couples in Quebec and Newfoundland. Members of the committee think the time has come when some other method should be introduced for dealing with divorce ap- plications from the 'provinces concerned. They took up the suggestion of Stanley Knowles, M.P., and recommended that di- vorce cases be taken over by the Exchequer Court or some other tribunal, a propdsal long advocated by Senator William Assel- tine, who for the past ten years has been chairman of the Senate Divorce committee. ' Many who have given careful thought to the matter believe that the granting of divorces is not business which should be undertaken by parliament. It is certainly more appropriate that such cases should be dealt with by the courts in all provinces of Canada. months, resulting in a better understanding of how parliament's time is wasted by the present qutdated method, and the simple logic that divorce is a matter that should be dealt with by the courts, may be expected to weigh heavily in bringing about a change in procedure. Who Wants It? We have been somewhat intrigued by a recent statement of Hon. Stuart S. Carson, Canada's Minister of Justice, with regard to trade with Communist China. Speaking on this subject, he said that there is a large body of responsible opinion which thinks that trade should be carried on with Red China. In view of the fact that, even although there is no formal declaration of war, Cana- dian forees on land and sea and in the air are engaged in bitter fighting with the Chinese Communists, it is hard to believe that there is any solid backing of fact for such a statement. Perhaps Mr. Garson might enlarge on it a little, because it would be interesting to know just who the people are who form 8" large body of responsible opinion. We cannot believe, for instance, that any of the parents or wives of the men now fighting the Chinese Reds in Korea would favor bolstering up the Chinese strength by providing that country with the necessities of life--or of war. We find it just as dif- ficult to believe that the rank and file of the people of Canada are in favor of trading with what is, in effect, an enemy country. We can only come to the conclusion that the only people anxious for such trade are those who stand to reap rich profits, finan- cially, from it. If that is so, then we do not think they are entitled to be regarded as."a large body of responsible opinion." Editorial Notes Public school holidays are now in full swing, Motorists should accept this as a warning to be more than usually careful in driving through residential areas. + * * Nobody seems to care when the weather -man predicts rain and thunderstorms, and comes along with a beautiful day. But when the reverse happens, the criticisms .are 1-ud and long. : + * + George Drew has never won much popu- larity by his personal attacks on Hon. C. D. Howe's character. The people of Canada just do not like that sort of political tactics. ® Other Editors' Views o MR. NEHRU SUGGESTS (The New York Times) Mr. Nehru suggests that if the press of the world were to keep quiet for a few months, it would ad- vance the cause of peace. What kind of peace? The "thousand years" whichgHitler proposed? One of his first steps was to ensure silence of the press, The kind of peace that Mussolini won? One of his first steps was to ensure the silence of the press, Or the kind of peace that Stalin seems to be striving for? Certainly there is no press to worry him in the Soviet Union or any of its satellites. ® A Bit of Verse o JUNE Through gentle skies Cloud blossoms blow, Reflecting petaled Bloom below, In Paradisal cameo; While singing birds With praise resound, Folding the heavens, And earth-bound, In lasy filigree of sound. --FLEUR CONKLING e A Bible Thought e A mob destroyed the county court house in Cin- cinnati, because a certain lawyer perverted truth by false witnesses. Ethical lawyers will not accept cases resting on falsehood. Buy the truth and sell it not.-- Prov, 23:23. Publicity given to the question in recent "I Can't Understand A Word" --Bishop in the St. Louis Star-Times Winnipeg -- Weather continued mostly cool throughout the west | during the past week, with good rains to scattered showers occuring in many sections of the three prairie provinces. Some areas would welcome further rains, particular- ly those in the "light shower" dis- tricts, but in general warmer weath- er is now the most important crop requirement. Wheat has started to head out at a few points in Mani- toba, according to the weekly crop report of the Department of Agri- culture of the Canadian National Railways. While rains of varying degrees were fairly general in Manitoba, further rains are required at Emer- son and between Morris and Som- erset. Grains in the latter areas are short stem due to lack of previous topsoil moisture, Crops appear late in Manitoba at the western border and extending into eastern Sas- katchewan because of heavier spring snowfall and rain delaying spring seeding in this area. Wheat has commenced to head in the Morden district and is in the shot blade stage in many sections of central and southern Manitoba. Hallboro to Beulah, growth is especially heavy and some wheat fields are over 18 inches in height. From Muir to McCreary crops ap- pear about two weeks earlier than last year, ~ Timely raing, both heavy and gen- eral, occurred in northern Manitoba topsoil deficiency previously report- ed. It appears there is now ample moisture for the next two weeks in this territory. The later sown crops which have been making slow progress now advance rapidly with warmer weather, Wheat averages around 8 inches in height threugh- out this division. Fairly general rains fell southern and southeastern katchewan. Numerous reports of grasshopper hatching and damage OVEr crop in all areas. Very heavy rains were received in Radville and Wil- lowbunch and from Regina to Mel- ville, as well as in other areas. Grasshopper baiting is going for- ward in areas affected. Weather was cool and cloudy in central Saskatchewan with light to heavy rains quite general. This has resulted in improved crop pros- pects, particularly at points which had shown unsatisfactory soil con- ditions. Quite a few poinis report cutworm damage, ranging up to 10% in the Dunblane-Eccchy area. Alsask, Marengo 'and Flaxcombe Warmer Weather Big Need On The Prairies easing the situation with regard to| also show some cutworn damage. From Saskatchewan to Kindersley some fields have been reseeded to oats due to cutworm damage. Top- soil moisture conditions are defi- cient at Laporte. However, crop prospects are - considered gobd in central Saskatchewan. In northern Saskatchewan light showers occurred totalling a little over half an inch. Crop conditions continue favorable, although about wo weeks later than last year. Weather was cool, cloudy and | windy in central Alberta. Light to| heavy rains occurred throughout. Precipitation ranged from one quar- ter to two inches. Wheat varies in height up to 12 inches, with coarse grains up to eight, Growth is slow because of continued cool wet weather. Crops are a good color, however, and warmer weather is required to hasten their growth. Grasshoppers are active at Oyen and other adjacent points as well as at Stettler and Three Hills. Snow occurred from the foothills exténding eastward into Saskatche- wan. There is now sufficient mois- ture to carry the crops for twa weeks or better. Warmer weather is the urgent need in this area due to the lateness of the crop season. Weather was cool in the Edmon- ton territory with good rains gen- eral over the entire section. Wheat is up to 8 inches in height and coarse grains five, and all crops show good healthy stands, A little harvesting of last year's crop is still in progress when weather permits, | Between Peace River and Edmon- | ton moisture has been deficient this | spring. At a result further rains | |and warmer weather are required | to ensure a normal crop. Peace River reports good showers | throughout, with crops progressing favorably. Moisture conditions are good, No damage 1s reported from |any source and this territory now Sas- | awaits warmer weather to continue | for Soviet purposes. The USSR can | the present favorable outlook. It has been dry in the Okanagan | from wire and cutworms are noted, | quring the past week. Early.cher- | Small war which threatens to blow but present conditions continue sat- | ries have started to move in small | UP into a big one. Thus the tac- isfactory with prospects for a good | quantities at Penticton and Bing | tical'retreat today for the strategic cherries will start to amove this| weekend and should be moving in| volume about July 4th. This crop | will be about 75% of last year's] | production. Apricots, which will be | 1300 to 400 precent over last year, | | will commence moving from Pentic- | ton around July 17th to 20th, The peach. crop is expected to be six times greater than last year and is expected to move in carload lots to Saskatchewan and Manitoba mar- kets. Apples for the fresh fruit! market are now estimated at 7 mil- lion boxes as compared with 7,900,- 000 last season. New York --CP -- The stock market during the first half of 1951 faltered in its two-year rise, with the Korean war, the Iranian oil issue, government controls and taxes pointing to caution. When the year opened inflation whipped the market past the hur- dies erected by the Korean war itself and the controls and re- strictions growing out of the war. The economic evidence pointed to higher prices to come. Depart- ment-store sales were booming, steel-production facilities were ready for huge expansion and plans were under way for widespread home-building for defence work- ers. May 3, the Associated Press av- erage of 60 stocks reached a high for the year of $97.80 the highest level since Sept. 23, 1950. Then the bull market went into a three-week decline. The drop carried the market almost to the | low for the year--$89.40 Jan. 3, and | in the week ended May 20 the] quoted value of all securities listed | was down nearly $2,500,000,000. | off the decline as had happened when the market reeled under the shock of seeing American troops enter the Korea war in mid-1950, This time, technical reasons with in the market itself were given the largest role in the drop. It was largely called a 'corrective move- ment." INFLATION FEARS ak Soaring prices and wages and a strong flow of investments kept Stock Market's Advance Slowed by World's State (January and into February as the most impelling force behind high- er prices being bid for stocks. Ad- verse news which ordinarily would have had a strong downward ef- fect went unnoticed; and the freeze of prices at high levels in Janu- ary gave increased assurance of high profits. The market declined in mid- February with the reasons ascribed to technical reaction, flurries of peace-rumor selling and timid re- actions to regulations among other factors. pite the dismissal of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, an event which some ket to pieces. In looking ahead, the consensus was that the market was in a critical area with pos:ibilities | yop "the a1 force of the Soviet! tion, with: resulting higher prices. | {of a strong swing either way. Then jcame thé May decline and mixed action since. In the grain market, a quiet per- sistent roll-back has been going | on for the last" four months. In! livestock, prices have thrust $3 to a year ago despite much larger | months, DIRECTED BY RADIO Stockholm (CP)-- In the event of another war the work of Swedish civilian defence will be directed entirely by radio. A network of short wave transmitters is being built for communication among the defence organization's central agencies and branch units through- alive the fear of inflation through out the country, J ing war of ideas has entered a new experts said would knock the mar- 7 Mac's Musings We have been reading A sad sort of lament In which the writer Deplores what he terms Decline of the community Spirit in the rural Districts of Ontario. To back up his claim He says that with the Passing of barn-raisings, Husking bees and sawing bees, The canning and pickling bees Which used to mark: the Life of rural Ontario, There is not the same Spirit of sociability That used to prevail. This writer fails to see That the change in times, Has changed the kind of Events rural people enjoy, But that has not marred The fine community spirit And the sociability of Living in the country. Instead of the events That have been mentioned, The rural folk are enjoying Their garden partiés and Social teas, their annaul Family reunions, the Regular meetings of their Women's Institutes, clubs And church organizations, Their Junior Farmer events. Both summer and winter, And these things are all Helping to build up An entirely new brand Of community spirit In the rural districts. So because thinzs change It cannot be taken for Granted that the changes Are eliminating any of The good things of the past, Because they may only be Replacing them with things That are more in keeping With our modern living. ® Tomorrow or today . . . But I keep each word I say . . . And PORTRAITS By James J. Metcalfe : Long After June T98 month of June is over now .+ + By all the stars above . .. But / it is not the end of all . . . Our hap. piness and love . . . Instead it is a joyful time . . . And Just the perfect start . . . Of all the golden promises . . . I whise pered to your heart . .. I may not call or comfort you . . . will always honor you . . . And I will hold you close to me . . , In all my hopes and schemes . . . And I will kiss your loving lips . . . If only in my dreams . . . Believe me, darling, every day . .. No matter what may be . . . You are my faith in life and you . . . Are everything to me. Copr. 1951, Field Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved Toronto--The Ontario Bureau of Statistics and Research in its latest bulletin has the forecast of a temporary recession. 'The bureau sees the tighter credit situation together with increased taxation and the change-over to de- fence production creating slack times in a number of industries in cluding automotive, electrical ap- pliances, furniture, textiles and leather. The Ontario statisticians, how- ever, don't draw quite so gloomy a picture os other economic ana- lysts who have been picturing an important recession, y They say rather that any slack which comes along may be ex- pected to disappear as the defence program gains momentum. y Incidentally, the bureau which functions high in the tower of the east block here is gradually grow- ing into a more and more valuable branch of government. Started by Premier Frost when INSIDE QUEEN'S PARK Statistics Are Valuable Since then it has published annual reviews and issued monthly bulletins, These last give employment figures, population statistics, data on spending and other significant material. In the last issue the monthly bulletin for the first time includes agriculture in its survey, giving figures on crop conditions and prospects, intended acreages etc. Among other things this notes that while employment on farms in Ontario has decreased from 305,000 in 1931 to between 200,000 and 290,000 this year there has been a continuing increase in the farm acreage. | To the layman such data is prob- ably not of much practical use, |but to those administering the province, who need a continuing | grasp on the broad picture, it is | extremely important, One other quiet renders service which that is . | he was Provincial Treasurer a few |the bureau alse Looking Around | years ago, the bureau has gradual- | extremely important is to act in ly been expanding until it keeps the economic position of the Prov- The World a continuing composite picture of BY WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analysist If the Soviet Union permits peace | to come to Korea--even at the ex- pense of Communist China--it will mean principally that the unend- phase. The west will keep its guard up. Phare is a strong conviction among observers of Soviet policies today that the Soviet Union js about to make its strategic retreat from Korea, for reasons of its own. To do this, the USSR will have to back down from its previous stand. The new front may open up shortly thereafter. The way appar- ently now is being paved. The west should keep in mind the dictum of Prime Minister Stalin: that tactics must always be subor- dinate to strategy. It should also keep in mind that the USSR is a prisoner of its own rigid pattern of behavior, and thus its moves in the future can almost be chartered. The USSR telegraphed its new Korea move as long as a month ago. It became fairly obvious then that the Kremlin. was getting ready for a grandstand play much in the manner of the previous retreat which called off the Berlin block- ade when all-out war threatened. Korea has dragged on too long ill afford to strain its own econ- omy any more by contributing to a ince. Its most important conribution was four years ago when it issued a '"conspectus" of the province which was a sizeable volume and, for the first time, gave a rounded story of its industrial and econ- omic position. Montreal on the Montreal stock exchange and curb market which started midway in 1950, reached its peak last February and then, following the New York trend, = securities eased. Since that time, prices have generally receded slightly. Still, recent market softness has not been so great as to erase gains of bullish strength. This recent decline, say market experts, can be traced more to want speculators and investors after a year of rising prices, than to any lack of prosperity or confidence in the country's economy. advances to tomorrow. What is the advantage the Soviet Union seeks? The rigidly-controlled official Russian press gives it away in spite of itself. With Korea out of the way, the USSR apparently plans to turn its biggest guns on Germany and Jap- an. It may be expected that the campaign will be: A peace treaty with a unified Germany; A peace treaty with Japan in which the USSR could participate. The Krem- lin now also may be expected to demand a treaty with Austria in which the west would be pressed to make concessions. In such a move the USSR would be on the offensive again. The Germans want a peace treaty. So do most Japanese and Austrians. But this does not mean that the USSR has a tender regard for the wishes of these peoples. It has other aims in mind. The Soviet Union wants desper- ately to break up the western unity exemplified by the North Atlantic Treaty. The Kremlin wants to create domestic pressures in the countries of the west to ease off The | armament expenditures. Kremlin also wants the Americans out of Europe and out of Japan. It may have concluded that dump- ing the Chinese in Korea, where a gamble for a quick victory of a Communist expansion failed to pay off, is not too large a price to pay for the chance of achieving the longer . aims. Treaties with Germany, Japan and Austria and would call for re- moval of occupation troops. from In April, prices shot upward des-, those countries--removal of Amer- | living costs. Mining prices gen- ican troops from the flank of Asia and the heart of Europe, where they ave been a constant challenge to ommunist expansion. Therefore, it is to be expected | propaganda machine now will be | directed on Germany and Japan, tied in with the Berlin peace peti- tion in which the Communists call for a peace pact of the U.S. Brit- ain, Frange, Russia and Red China. Look for that campaign to warm on the New York stock exchange ey 5 hundredweight higher than! up considerably, without delay. The Soviet Union, picturing {t- No dramatic event had touched neat production during the last 12 | self as the champion of world peace, from now on will do its utmost to split the Western front and clear the way for the absorption of Europe and Asia, country by country, .by the remote control methods which now have become familiar to the world. In the eager- ness of war-weary people to have an end yo tension, the Soviet Un- ion knows it has a potent weapon. Want to buy, sell or trade? -- A classified ad and the deal is made, | noticeable in the rising cost-of-liv- ing. But this has had the converse {effect of sending more money into | securities, while banks report that | savings across the country are | dwindling. Value of newsprint securities soared as this section continued at- | public. | {tractive to the investing i Common knowledge that demand | for pulp and paper outstrips avail- | able production kept interest in i the group high. Senior metals were | prominent. But this section, in the isecond quarter decline, lost many |early-year gains. . DIVIDENDS AT PEAK tablished in the second half of last year and were more than the $221,018,400 paid out in the corres- ponding period of 1950. Industrial million she¥es was substantially heavier than the 10 million "Hares recorded in each of the first and second six-months periods last year, This increase in volume, and ris- ling prices across the country, push- |ed the dollar value of shares trad- ed up from $298,200,660 in the cor-| | responding period last: year to (CP)--A price upturn scored during the early-year period | of a breathing spell on the part of | True, inflationary tendencies are Dividend payments of $248,353, 820 promised to equal the peak es- | volume of around 12| {an advisory capacity to the various | Ontario delegations that go to Ote tawa and other points. | George Gathercole, assistant pro- | vincial statistician or H. W. Chater, {the chief of the bureau, invari- {ably are members of the staff of | these delegations and are respon- | sible for providing much of the [fund of information they must { have. Highlight Montreal Mari During | First Hal of Year" ® 40 Years Ago Metcalfe Street Methodist Church held a celebration in honor of the burning of the mortgage on the { church. Oshawa held a large-scale dem= onstration to mark the occasion of the coronaticn of King George V. William J. Hancock, member of a well-known Oshawa family, was killed by an automobile on the | Kingston Road. Sir Allan Aylesworth, Minister of Justice, was the chief speaker at the celebration of the centennial of the founding of Pickering Towne ship. F. L. Fowke, M. P., of Oshawa, was married to Mrs, Iiora St. Gere- maine in Walmer Road Baptist Church, Toronto. HIKE FARM HELP PAY Ottawa (CP)-- Wages paid to farm help were higher at mid-May this year over the corresponding period of 1950, the Bureau of Sta- {tistics reported Thursday. Daily rates with board rose from $3.84 to $4.42, and without board from $4.80 to $5.44. Monthly rates with rboard increased from. $84.64 to $94.88, and without board from $113.76 to $127. OFFER JETLINER TO U. 8, Ottawa (CP)-- A defence pro- duction official said Thursday that commercial manufacture of Can- ada's first jetliner will depend on orders from the United States. He said Canada has offered the jet, produced by the A. V. Roe Com- pany of Toronto, to the U. 8. as a military aircraft. The U. 8S. has made no final decision whether to accept. EARLY EXPLORER Cape Verde, thé most westerly cape in Africa, was discovered in 1443 by Nuno Tristao. : {aroind $450 million in- the current half-year. ; | Trading in the mining section of the: Montreal curb market was off | from the corresponding time last year, which could be explained by | la drying-up of speculative risk ca- pital due to the upward thrust of lerally were off a bit from the ! start-of-the-year quotes. | - New discoveries and develop- ments in western Canada's oil fields turned many buyers in that direc- | Montel, ¥ Monteith CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Gordon W. Riehl, CA. Resident Partner 37 KING S81 EAST Dial 5-4662 ATLANTIC re : : S ummertime Enjoyment = «+. at Most Attractive Rates : Here are truly moderate rates without sacrifice i of gracious living. Enjoy real comfort, excellent ; food and service. Famous "Ship's Sun Deck," sea- water baths; bathing direct from hotel, 250 rest- © ful rooms. Concert Trio. American Plan (3 gener- ¢ ous meals daily) or European. Booklet. Lh anor CLT Y : Pennsylvania Avenve Overlooking the Boardwalk J