' 92 Simcoe N. THE BAILY TI MES GAZETTE, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 WIRE 39--Articles for Sale 39--Articles for Sale 39--Articles For Sale FINDLAY COAL BLECTRIC {JOM-- bination range, white enamel, dual ; Oven, modern design, closed burners, 5 perfect condition, would cost over new---clearing at $169. Meagher's (Jy28) VICTOR 10° TELEVISION SET, 24 tubes, used as demonstrator, covers all channels, clearing at $150. Mea- gher's, 5 King St. West. (1501) FURNACE AND PIPES, $25. Dial 5-4280. (151c) JACKET HEATER WITH ATTACH- ments, reasonable. 5-2226. (151c) WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RE- frigerator and range, one year old. Sacrifice. Cash or terms. Phene 5-4327 evenings, gays 3-8634. (151c) MOFFATT STOVE, PRACTICALLY new; reasonable' offer accepted. Owner leaving city. Apply 226 Mitch- ell Ave. Phone 5-5656 between 5 and 6 evenings. (149e) NEW MAHOGANY PLYWOOD lightweight boat, suitable for 1.5 or 5 h.p. motor, Apply 32 Windsor Ave., Z; (1491) K iim BLINDS, THE AD- vanced Kirsch type. The most start. ling development in Venetian Blind history. lattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful en- closure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without ob- ligation. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 66 Bond St. West. (Jy1b) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR old rugs and clothing reversible and seamless broadloom solids, Tone-on- tone and~patterns. For information phone b5-2864, Continental Rug Co. Ltd. Jyd) BATHTUBS, TOILETS, WASH-BA- sins; sinks, laundry tubs, radiators, used lumber, frames, sash, new trim. Dial 3-7088. (Jy13) VENETIAN BLINDS, LIFE-FLEX steel. or Flexalum. Guaranteed In every way. Also complete repair service, Dial Merv, Tuck, 65-3492. (Jys) CLARE JEWEL COAL AND WOOD stove, good condition, a bargain. 211 Maple St., Whitby. Phone 2802. : (15a) JOHNSON OUTBOARD, 5 H.P, new condition; late model. Apply 115 | Wood St. (153a) | KITCHEN TABLE, SET SWING | kitchen taps, almost new; man's | CCM bicyclé, cheap. Dial 3-3238. | (153b) MAN'S BICYCLE, EXCELLENT | condition, reasonable. Apply 431 Al-| bert St. (153a) | NAILS FOR SALE. 213, 3, 4 IN. AP- ply 84 Westmount. (153¢) 'TWO MAPLE TREES TO BE CUT and cleared awaw. Person may have wood in exchange. 201 Eulalie Ave. (153b) A QUANTITY OF USED WINDOW frames and sash cdmpléte, assort- ed sizes; also new row-boat, com- plete with oars, built for outboard motor. Dial 3-9977 between 6-8 p.m. (153a) QUANTITY HARDWOOD FLOOR- ing, oak and birch window frames and sash, 24" x 46". Dial 5-5335. (153a) | LIGHT BOAT SUITABLE FOR | paddles or oars, $40; man's bicycle | 320, both 'good condition. 70 Wilson Road 8. (152b) COMBINATION RADIO, 3 SPEED automatic, blonde finished cabinet, bargain at $169. Meagher's 5 King St. West, (1521) NEW VICTOR RECORD PLAY. er, plays 8 records, automatically connects to your radio, complete with $10 worth of records $29.95, Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (Jy29) $50. FOR YOUR ICE BOX OR WASH- er on new Gibson Refrigerators or | Fairbanks-Morse washing machines, | This offer good only while present | stock lasts! Easy terms. Barons' | Radio & Electric, 426 Simcoe S. Dial | 5-4822. Jy21) HOLTON E FLAT ALTO SAXO-| phone, perfect condition, Dial 3-| 3749, - (152h) MAN'S C.C.M.. BICYCLE; BABY'S] bassinette. Apply 583 Albert St. af- ter 6. (151¢) TWIN PRAMETTE, CREAM, GOOD condition. Apply 41 Lamb's Lane, Bowmanville, Phone 950. (152¢) ulin bisa: a A SRR i SAXOPHONE, B FLAT CONN, gold, excellent playing condition. Phone 3-4779. (Je23,27,30) LARGE QUANTITY STRAWBERRY and raspberry crates, boxes; ¢ also seed potatoes--cheap. Please order early. Dial 3-3096. Jy22) VENETIAN BLINDS, STEEL OR flexalum, made to satisfy; wolinds repaired, drape arms installed Dial Ron Trewin, 5-3322, Jy19) FISHERMEN GET YOUR EQUIP- ment at Paul's. Rods, reels, baits, lines, tackle boxes etc. 580 Albert St. South, Open evenings. Jy?) MAN'S C.CM. BICYCLE, GOOD condition. Dial 5-4860, or 30 Fair- banks St. (152b) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM, TOP soil and fill. Prompt service. P. Mac- Donald, phone 5-3422. (Jy19) METAL ACE ICE BOX, IN GOOD condition, ° 50--1b. capacity, Phone 3-7463. FRIGIDAIRE, 6 CU, FT pump, new; also screen for fire- placé. Reasonable. Phone 3-4717. (151¢) HOUSE TRAILER, SIZE 7 X14', wired, $200. Apply 21 Liberty St., N. | Bowmanville. (151c¢) ICE BOX, 100-LB. CAPACITY, BAR- net, in good condition, 211 Simcoe St. S., side entrance. (150d) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRING- er rolls and belts for all makes of | washers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-1179. (Jy25) ORDER YOUR VENETIAN BLINDS | Canada's | while stock 'available. finest by Met-Wo Industries of steel and Flexalum, Genuine Flex stamp- ed on every slat. Accept no substi. tute, Free estimates and installa- tions anywhere. J. W. Melley. 3-2311. Jy9) PHILCO DEEP-FREEZE, USED t | months, $300, Milk shake mixer, Cot and mattress, $5. Dial 3-4179 (152b) 46" FULL PANEL WALNUT grained steel bed, used a short while --8$12. 235 Dearborn Ave. (151c) $22, PHILCO CAR RADIO, PUSH BUT- | ton tuning, fits dash of '49 or .'50 | Chev, Meagher's Electric, 5 King W. : Jy22) AWNINGS NOW AVAILABLE, good selection of colours. Order now for early delivery. Free estimates. Dial Merv, Tuck, 53492. JyD ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEAN- ers and floor polishers for sale, rent and repair. Phone 5-6423. (Jy22) DAL-MAR TYPEWRITER CO. Dial 3-3%33. Smith-Corona Typewri- ters, Adders ,Cashiors, Sales, serv- ice, rentals. New and used machines. (Jy1l) AWNINGS SELECT YOURS from gay stripes or plain colors. Free estimates. Folding chairs and tables for rent.\Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Jys) HARDWOOD KINDLING, FOR jacket heater, stove or furnace. 12 bags, $4. Dial 5-0811. , Jy21) THOUSANDS OF OSHAWA CITI- zens live, work and travel under Murdoch Protection. You too can in- sure with Murdoch. Office 121; Sim- coe Street South, Oshawa, (Jy6) Bradleys $20,000 $18. | (151¢) | "SUMP | COMBINATION DOORS aha complete with copper screen glass, $17.50 delivered. DRAPAK HARDWARE Dial 5-5253 124 Wilson Rd. S, (150d) USED FURNACE, , COMPLETE with pipes and registers. Apply 262 Bloor West. (151¢) CONSOLE RADIO, GOOD GONDI- tion. Dial 3-9806, or 495 Louisa St. W. io (151¢c) HOUSETRAILER, 2 ROOMS, CON- venient, Cash or terms. 248 Wilson Road, 8S. (153b) SUNSHINE CONVERTIBLE CAR- riage, Airforce blue, fair condition. Dial 5-0237. (153a) JACKET HEATER, USED 6 MOS., very reasonable. Phone 3-8692, 130 Annis St. (151c) §1--ALL MAKES VACUUM CLEAN- ers, floor polishers. Dial 5-5121. Dean Kelly Enterprises, 81 King W. (Jy21) SALE Up to 50% off BEATTY WASHER $20.00 | | NORTHERN ELECTRIC WASHER, with automatic pump $39.50 | DEMONSTATOR WASHER, new | guarantee, reg. $196.50 $129.50 | { WESTINGHOUSE BATTERY RADIO, complete, reg. $79.50 ; . $29.95 3 NEW REFRIGERATORS (store samples) $90 off $369.50 | IRONER $29.50 | | PREMIER VACUUM with attach- | nents laa «339.951 Dial | | NEW CONNOR AUTOMATIC (store sample) reg. $416 Installed $389.50 EASY TERMS TRADE-INS ACCERTED BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE S. DIAL .5-4822 ie (151) Floor Covering Clear-Out Bordered Rugs Heavy Felt Base x: 15 .. 39.95 x 13%' . $8.75 x. 12 ... +4: $7.95 x 10V2' 14 $6.95 x 9 .:$5.95 Felt base floor covering, per | 2 Saturday or Monday. { YOU { Box 806, Times-Gazette. 41--Articles Wanted - ICE CREAM CABINET, WANTED. Dial 3-9054. 152b) SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR NEW goose and duck feathers, also fea- ther ticks of a description. Live poultry, scrap fron and metals. Dial I. Turner, North Oshawa 5-4912 collect. Jy6) HIGHEST PRICES PALID FOR paper, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out 'of town calls picked up free. Dial 5-3432, Cedardaie Iron and Metals. 100 Annis St.. east of C.N.R. Station. (Ag3) PIANOS. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson and Lee. 79 Simcoe N Dial 5-2822. (Jy16) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANT- ed. Dressers, beds, stoves and heat- ers. 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. : (Jy15) CASH FOR GOOD USED FURNI- ture, beds, cribs, heaters, cook stoves. 24 Bond St. W., dial 3-4863. : (Jy14) 42--Female Help Wanted THE BOARD OF EDUCATION RE- quires for the Inspectors Dept. an experienced typist and stenographer, capable of general office work. Du- ties to commence sAugust 1st. Apply to T. R. McEwen, Inspector, Public Schools. (152¢c) WOMAN FOR HOUSEKEEPING and cooking, 5 days per week. For details phone 5-2369, between 10 and (152b) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, -NO night, Saturday afternoons or. Sun- day work, Apply 154 William St. BE. (152¢) 43--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SALESMEN WITH good selling coraections covering small and large retail, and generat stores required to sell wholesale dry goods (towels, dlankets, hosiery, un- derwear, sweats, etc.) on good com- mission basis. Aufomobile required. Apply Comal Covverters, 116 St. Paul St. W. Montreal, Que. (153¢) STRONG YOUNG MAN, AGE 18 OR over to assist shipper in large Osh- awa store during summer holidays good wages. Write Box 819, Tim Gazette. (153¢) A SPLENDID OPPORTUNNITY for an ambitious worker, desirous to ascertain security for his future. amilex products sell well during "hard times' and all times. Selling experience not essential. Equipment needed in rural areas. Openings, in your surroundings. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. B., Montreal. (151¢) AN GET INTO RADIO AND Television, Wireless Operating and make good money without previous radio experience. Qualify through a recognized and proven course by correspondence also day and night classes starting shortly. Placement Bureau assists graduates. Low monthly terms. Write for free book- let today, no .obliggtion, state age, education. Radio College of Canada, 86 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario. (Je 4,6,11,13,18,20,25,27,30) WANTED -- RELIABLE MAN AS | Dealer in Oshawa. Experience not | necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold | for years. Big profits. Products fur- | nished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-F-310-163, Montreal. (Je2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28,30) BATMAN WANTED FOR CAMP- ing trip in Algonquin Park, twp gentlemen, excellent camp. Write (151¢) WANTED We require a capable foundry fore- man, experienced in Bench, machine and floor moulding. Replacing pre- sent foreman who is retiring. Full details of experience, age, etc., re- quired with application, Excellent position. Replies will be kept confi- dential. Box 901 Times-Gazette (1530) | TATE OF ONTARIO, WIDOW, DECEAS- 47--Legal Notices IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF HENRY PAWSON, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, AGENT, DECEAS- ED. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and others havng claims against the Estate of the said Henry Pawson, who died at the City of Oshawa on or about the 18th day of May, A.D. 1951, are required on or before the 31st day of July, A.D. 1951, to send by prepaid-post, or de- liver to the undersigned, their full names and addresses in writing, and with particulars of 'their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the Hxe- cutrix shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she. shall then have notice, and the sald Executrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims, notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution, . DATED at Oshawa this 22nd day of June, A.D. 1951. Mary Ellen Pawson, Executrix, by her Solicitor, Joseph P. Mangan, K.C., 147; King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. (Je23,30,Jy7) IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ELEANOR EMERY SKINNER, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, MARRIED WOMAN, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and others having claims | against the Estate of the said Elea- nor Erhery Skinner, who died at the City of Oshawa on or about the 8th day of May, A.D. 1951, are required on or before the 31st day of July, THOMPSONS WERE BIG HELP | Canada's Royal Family of Golf, the Thompsons, has had a great | deal to do with the development of the Niagara Parks Golf Course which opens July 2nd. Stanley Thompson, the world's foremost ar- chitect of golf courses, drew the plans and designed the layout. Nicol Thompson, brother of Stanley and for fifty years the professional at Hamilton's Ancaster Club, was urged to forget his retirement plans and is pro at the new 18-hole cham- pionship course, ONLY ONE BROKEN PAR Only one golfer has toured the 18-hole Niagara Parks course in less than the par 72. Nicol Thomp- son junior, son of the pro "Old Nick," ripped off a 71 early this spring. Dr. Cary Middelcoff and Jimmy Demaret of the United States and Stan Leonard and Bob Gray of Canada will be shooting to better that mark in the interna- tional match which will mark the official opening of the course July 2nd, 'CLOSE TO RIVER Proximity of the Niagara River to the new Niagara Parks Golf Course is demonstrated on the eighteenth fairwgy. Coming down the home stretch, a slice could easily clear the Niagara Barkway road and end up in the river. PLUMBING & HEATING © REPAIRS! eo NEW WORK! ® LOWEST PRICES! . ® GUARANTEED WORK! H. COLVIN DIAL 5-0733 A.D. 1951, to send by prepaid-post, or deliver to the undersigned, their full names and addresses in writing, and with particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE such last mentioned date, cutors shall proceed to the assets of the said deceased amcng the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims; notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. DATED at Oshawa this 22nd day of June, A.D, 1951. Frederick VanHeusen Skinner, Frederick James Skinner, Sylvia Eleanor, Executors; by their Solicitor, Joseph P. Mangan, K.C., 141; King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario (Je23,30,Jy7) THE MATTER OF THE ES- OF AMY MAY SOLLIT, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY AND PROVINCE that after the Exe- distribute IN ED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and others 'having claims against the Estate of the said Amy May Sollitt, who died at the City of Oshawa on: or about the 8th day of June, A.D. 1951, are required on or before the 31st day of July, A.D, 1951, to send by prepaid-post, or de- liver to the undersigned, their full names and addresses in writing, and with particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after | such last mentioned date, the Execu- | tors shall proceed to distribute the | assets of the said deceased among | the parties entitled thereto, having | regard only to the claims of which | they shall then have notice, and the | JAMIESON DRUGS PROMPT DELIVERY! DIAL 5-1169 241 KING ST. EAST ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS SANDED WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID TILE CLEANER and WAX SOLD: DIAL 3-7251 \] ( Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy Phone Whitby 552 MONUMENTS AND FINS QUALITY MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assur- ance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. NORTH SIMCO PHARMACY 885 SIMCOE ST. N. ® FOR QUICK DELIVERY ® FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DIAL 5-1253 CONCRETE WELL CRIBBING CULVERT TILE All Sizes Weepers 3", 4", 6" AUSTIN SKINNER Thornton's Corners 14 MILE N. DIAL 3-8012 R 9 Simcoe N. Repairs and Service COFFIELD WASHERS AND OTHER MAKES QUICK and EFFICIENT SERVICE WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 meadow set at naught . founder of Pennsylvania mechanical routine . lair . Italian princely house 1. work-parties HORIZONTAL 1. founder of Troy . soft food . crippled . harsh respiratory sound . Syrian garment "The - Terrible" 55. room in harem 56. seethe VERTICAL 1. Persia 2. fine thread network 3. undisclosed 4, ocean 5. head 6. lessened +7. caressive . record of proceedings . tale-bearers $ Liu . Greek letter . serf . constellation . father . personal pronoun . firmly fixed . annoy . air: comb. form . prevarication . demolishes . TOW . lamprey Answer to yesterday's puzzle. C rl 10 touch 'm+ A 8. city in¥rance 9. the birds J 10. fénsiade horse 11. abstract being 4 17. offered 19. more desolate 22. torrid 24. undermine 25. Anglo-Saxon op x eggs | 28. most quiet 29. female \ chicken 30. bitter veteh 32. expire 34, Bacchanaly 42. network, 44. riverin Ri ussia 46. grafted (her.) 47. once more 49. artificial 48. globe { Average time of solution: 21 minutes. Distributed by King Features Syndicate . Great Lake . ancient said Executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, | to any person or persons of whose RANGETTE AND FROST-KING ice box, as new. Apply 'Apt. 16, 28 language 50. footlike party th SALESMAN (152b) Inlaid linoleum, canvas La Salle Court, King East. y : MACHINE. exceptionally quiet (152b) | OVEN | (152b) | GL iihoky A PURIGIN SKT, WHIULNK and black, good as new; must be sold. 426 Prospect Street opposite Malleable. (152b) USED ICE BOXES, FROM $5 UP. Home Appliances; 90 Simcoe St. S. Dial « 5-5332. (152b) COLONY OF ITALIAN BEES, FOR | sale. Phone 109W, Brooklin. (152b) | 6-FT. MEAT COUNTER, GOOD | condition. Apply 653 Drow St. at] Bloor. (152b) | HOUSE TRAILEIL. 17 x7 FULLY | equipped, good condition. Apply at] trailer. 210 Anderson, Whitby. 41520) | ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 8.CU- bic feet, $389. De Luxe model. Terms, M her's, 92 Simcoe N, and 5 King St. ost. (1521) FIRE GRATE FOR OPEN FIRE- place; burns coal or wood; also fire screen. Dial 3-2059. (152¢) CANADIAN CEMENT FOR SALE. Apply 834 Centre St. (152¢) BEACH COMPANION COOK STOVE complete with oil burners, in good condition. Phone 3-9630. (152¢) R.C.A, VICTOR PORTABLE RA- dio, almost new, $35. 112 Oakes Ave. (152¢) VIOLIN WITH DEEP RIDGE tone, 2 bows and case. $75 or best | offer, Apply 740 Dundas St. East, | Whitby. (152¢) TN Good condition, aaa ANEUW, bore 46-5110. frigerato®, in good condition; rea- sonable. Dial '5-4626. (152¢) NEW ICE BOXES, FLOOR SAM- | ple. Greatly reduced. Home Appli-| ances, 9% Simcoe St. S, Dial 5-5332. | (152b) | PAIR BOAT PADDLES, LIKE new ;yalso car top carrier for boat or ski. Phone 5-4602. (152b) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, NEW & used, bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Also lawnmowers sharpen- ed and repaired. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond E., corner Kenneth and Bond. Dial 5-6344. Jy 26) < Ai VENETIAN BLINDS 5-year Guarantee. Beautiful Plastic Finish in Steel or Aluminum with | "Closed-in"' Metal Head Box. Free estimates. | We also clean and repair Venetian Blinds. : QUALITY VENETIAN BLINDS 15 DIVISION ST Phone 3-7173 (144tf) Stock Clear-Out Prices Slashed Dropside couches, complete $20.95 3'3" Marshall box springs $29.95] Steel bed springs 3 piece spring filled bed outfit Walnut chest of drawers $19.95 Walnut finish beds 4' only $6.95 Axminster mats 27x51" regular $8.95 for Metal smokers 3 piece bed chesterfield or chesterfield , Suite, regular $199 Spring filled mattresses $139.00 $24.95 Felt bose floor covering per square yard . Clothes hampers, regular $8.9 6.50 Trilight lamps, complete ... $16.95 Hostess chairs, reg. $16.95 $10.95 3 piece bedroom suites .... $69.50 Cooey chrome chairs, regular $13.50 $ 6.95 | Vanity benches, regular $8.95 $4.95 | Marshall Regal Victor mattresses regular $95. Shop soiled $59.50 Bradley 40 King est (149%¢) back, per sq. yd. ... $1.59 {3 yd. wide Gold Seal Con- goleum, per sq. yd. ... 7%9c Bradleys 40 KING W. (149e) Trade-In Clear-Out af Bradleys 40 King West 2 PIECE BED DAVENPORT | SUITE, used 3 months, regular |6 PIECE GENUINE WALNUT |DINETTE SUITE, excellent] | condition, original price $249] | $75 |3 PIECE USED CHESTERFIELD | | SUITE, very clean. Spring con- | struction AT $5.00 Per Truckload | SCRAP FIREWOOD 5-gallon pails suitable for garbage, | ashes, etc. M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor E. Dial 3-7333 (T.T.S.TF) | store FOR LOCAL OFFICE If you are ambitious, neat appear- ance, between ages 25 to 40 and own a car, you might be pur man. To the man' selected, we will provide com- plete training. This is a real oppor- tunity for someone. Only an ex- perienced salesman will be consider- ed. Write Box 843 Times-Gazette or Dial 5-4632 for an appointment. All replies strictly confidential. (151c) DRAFTSMAN Young man required for interesting position with progressive firm. Knowl. edge of radio and electricity an ad- vantage. Apply Miltstark Ltd., Ajax, Ont. (151c) 45--Agents Wanted WANTED NOW FOR OSHAWA and District, sales Agent, to sell flowering shrubs, roses, fruit trees. Excellent demand for our products. Whole or paft-time. For terms write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. (Jy16) 46--Employment Wanted YOUNG LADY REQUIRES WORK, and cashier experience. Dial 3-2604., (153¢c) RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN would like to baby sit any time ex- cept Sunday. Dial 5-2157. (153a) WINDOWS CLEANED, ODD JOBS and painting. Dial 5-6017. (July 1) HOUSEKEEPING POSITION wanted by young woman, where two quiet school-age children would be welcome. Small remuneration. Pre- fer invalid care or elderly couple. | Write Box 844, Times-Gazette. (152¢) | 48--Auction Sale | Auction Sale--Stirtovart's Auction | --- Room; 3 Hall Street, Tuesday even- | ing, July 3, 7:30 p.m. Chesterfield | suites, occasional chair, pressure | cooker, record player (electric), rub- | ber-tired lawn mower, kitchen stool, | dropr leaf table and stools, (Rose- | wood) ; china cabinet, floor lamp, ice box, dressers, beds, springs and | mattresses, 2 Beatty electric wash- | ers, electric range, 2 pianos and | benches, vanity dresser, kitchen | cabinets, gent's bicycle, rug and | pad 6'9" x 9'; uum tleaners, man- | tle radio, chairs and tables, doors, | mirrors, folding chairs, wicker | chair, aall turn lathe, small jig- | saw, di nes and many other articles too mi aerous to mention. Terms Cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, Phone - 5-5751. (153b) 2 claim, notice shall not have been re- | ceived by them at the time of such | distribution, DATED at Oshawa this 22nd day of June, A.D. 1951, Ida May Heaslip, Hamilton Nugent, Executors, by their Solicitor, Joseph P, Mangan, K.C,, 14}; King Street Kast, Oshawa, Ontario. t (Je23,30,Jy7) IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEVENS MILLMAN, Deceased. CREDITORS and others of Wil- liam Stevens Millman, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Physician who died on or about the 18th day of March, 1951 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned before the 14th day of July, 1951, after which date his estate will be distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto and the executors will not be be liable for any claims of which they have not then received notice. DATED at Oshawa this 14th day of June, A.D. 1951. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. Barrister, etc., 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. v Solicitor for the Executors, Frances Evelyn Millman and the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. WEE (Je16,23,30) Sheet Metal 21 CHURCH ST. Authorized Dealer ® ESSO OIL BURNERS © NEW IDEA FURNACES ® Gar Wood Tempered Air Units 'Sales and Service to all Mokes' . CONCRETE WELL CRIBBING CULVERT TILE All Sizes Weepers 3", 4", 6" AUSTIN SKINNER Thorntor's Corners THE BIG,ROUND CARPBOARD THAT CAME WITH OUR NEW CARPET MAKES A SWELL CANNON *+ PADDY, WERE PLAYING I KNOW. AS LONG AS YOURE ONLY PLAYING + OKAY JUST NOTHING LIKE BEING ABLE TO RELAX AND KNOW THE CHILDREN ARE NOT UP TO SOME MISCHIEF! OH, BOY! JUST LIKE THAT 14 MILE N. DIAL 3-8012 OKAY- HELLO, POP! 4 WILL YOU HELP ME GET MY RAG DOLL OFF THE ROOF 2 4