Daily Times-Gazette, 30 Jun 1951, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEEN SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 RESYL Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1--=Architects Cig Mar Street, Oshawa. Sore. Also 2848 Bloor St. W., To- ronto. Phone LY 7755. Jy12) jJa--Accountants, Chartered ONTEITH AND MONTEITH, , 87 King St. Aree tots R Gordon W. Hieht, 5-4662 SAY Remteant Partner. (Jy9) 1b--Accountants LYNCH AND CO. ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping services, payroll work, accounts receivable, income . tax returns. 20 Albert St. Dial 55411. (Augl) 3--Barristers 3 K.C., BARRIS. 8. ' ., Alger Bldg., 37 King Street Rr ih Loans ASrangod. 8--Building Trades 23--Women's Column FOR BULLDOZING, EXCAVAT- ing, etc. Call Taylor Bros., Oshawa 3-3431, or Whitby 2687. Jy 29) FILL REMOVED, ALSO TRACTOR work, Reasonable rates. Phone 5- 3 Jyi9 MODERN PAINTER, DECORATOR and wallpaper hanger. W. Thibert, Dial 65-1355. ; Uy) UNITED TRUCKING, OWNED & operated by F. Baumgartner. Dial 5-2051. Sand, gravel, fill, also cus- tom loading. yn and all repair work. Phone 5-3937. (Jy19) ROOFING AND CHIMNEY WORK of all kinds, Free estimates; work guaranteed. Dial 3-8302. Jy6) fill that you wish to dispose of call 394 at 242 Grayburn. x x (151c) CEMENT, ROCK LATH, MORTAR mix, wire lath, also gravel and fill any quantity. Dial 3-2762. Jy) EAVESTROUGHING, NEW, AND repairs, work guaranteed. Dial 3- 9468. Poues: Office 3-4943; asus & Hugin Solicitors. Gordon D. C ant, K.C. Rogér G. Conant, B.A. of- fices: Oshawa, Ont., Ti Simcoe St. 8., Dial 38-2227; Ajax, Ont. phone 25 Agl3) RD. HUMPHREYS, K.C. BAR. LB Aeitor, etc., € King 5% West Phones: Office Dial 5-1177; Residence Dial 34004 Momey 30 Joan George 8. Boychyn, B.A. , (Agl) ma A TE EEL ALLIN F. ANNIS, KC. - RALPH 8. Jones, B.A., 18% King St. E. Dial $-2260. Res. 05-1235. Money to loan. (Agl) W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRIS- Fr Solicitor. etc., 8 King Street East. Dial 5-4717, Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A.Sc. (Jy10) (Jy29) PAINTING and DECORATING Paper hanging a specialty. Estimates Free DIAL 5-3746 (152¢) 9--Business Opportunities Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., BARRIS. ter, Solicitor, etc., 13% A pend Street Dial: office B5- , reside . : 5 (y21) SREIGHTON, FRASER & DRYNAN, Barrinen §¢, Bank of Commerce ul . T. K. Creighton. K.C., N. Cg RY K.C., G. K. Devan LUNCH ROOM, NOVELTIES, LIV- ing quarters, low rent with lease. Lake Simcoe Lunch, Beaverton. Phone 151. (150e) CHARIS FOUNDATION GAR. ments with money-back Suaiutee, expertly fitted. Dial Mrs. Blatter at 5-3434. (Jy10) PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON - OIL wave, $2.50 up; maehineless, $3.95 & up. 72 Church St., 3-4521. (Jy27) PERMANENT WAVES AND ALL beauty-culture consult Miss Lila Hardy at Edwards Beauty Parlour, 5 Celina St., Dial 3-7633. (Jy4) CLARKE'S HAIRDRESSING, SPB- cial. Machinel per 50 and up. Cold waves, $6 and up. 172 Gibbons St. Dial 3-2651. (Jy13) PRENTICE HAIRDRESSING COLD waves, $4.95 up. 10 Church St. Dial 5- 2241, : (Jy24) CREAM PERMANENTS, $4.50 UP. School girls, $3. Paige -Hairdressing, Pine Ave. Dial 5-5363. (Jy29) Architects ....... 1 Articles for Rent 40 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Eppa: Optometrists Personal Articles for Sole . 39 Agents Wanted .. 45 Articles Wanted . 41 Auction Sales ... ¢8 Auditors ........, 3 Household Repairs Instruction Insurance Opportunities Business Opportunities Wanted Chiropodists | sense 25--Real Estate For Sale VLA LOTS, WHITBY TOWNSHIP, on approved plan. Phone owner, 5-4009. Jy10) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, CLEAN, A-1 condition, on Albert Street, next to school, reasonable for quick sale. Apply 45 Albany Street, (1481) BUILDING LOTS, SMALL OR large, approved subdivision, 14 mile west Oshawa limits. Phone owner, 5-400. (150£) NEW MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA- low with recreation room. Immedi- ate possession for quick sale. Low monthly payments. Phone 5-2279. (151£) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, LIKE NEW, full price $9,800. $5,000 down and have mortgage arranged for balance. Apply 226 Mitchell Ave. Phone 5-5656 between 5 and 6 evenings. (149e) 1 ACRE LAND WITH NEW CE- ment well on Highway 2, east of Oshawa. Will sell or exchange for good used car. Apply Top Town Tailors, 26 Simcoe' S. (149¢) MODERN, 'WELL-BUILT 7-ROOM house, best residential north section. Write Box 845, Times-Gazette. (152c) 11--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAK- ing. Reasonable, dependable. Phone 5-1538. (Jy18) JOBEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BAR. wister, Scicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King Street , Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence Dial 05-3405. (Agl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor. 11 ng Hast, Room 2. Dial: Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. . (Agl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- orth. Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. eos N (Ag) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No, ¢. 3-4029. 8-2022, Res. , 4--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, spec! in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial oT 4a--Chiropractors inde blade. sheds riod AO RI L®0. L. KRANTZ, D.C, 47 PRINCE St. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Open evenings. Dial 3-2634. . E=Dentists _ PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Agl) 7--Optometrists A. BE. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - J & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wi y, 9 to 1. Dial di B 8 C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, ® to 13, 2 to 5 and Monday, (Jy23) 13--Household Repairs WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS, all makes washers, all types elec- trical wiring and repairs. Dial 3- 1335. Jy2) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- cov: . Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebui't. Oshawa Upholstering Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311. (Ag3) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for recovering. ®Bruce R. Dalton. 7 Chagles. Dial 3-7212. (Ag3) 14--Instruction LEARN TO DRIVE. DUAL CON- trol car. Dial 3-7071. (1481) SUMMER SCHOOL--JUNE, JULY, August. Enrol any school day. Hours 8 to 1 during summer. Oshawa Busi- ness College. Phone 5-4343. 18 Simcoe North (Jy6) FOX - TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing, taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class 'nstruction. 47 Prince St. For appointment dial 5-0841. (Jy3) 15--Insurance SUMMER COTTAGE FIRE INSUR- ance, anywhere in the province. Out- board motors and boats. Murdoch Insurance, Oshawa. Jy14) ROBERT S. McCALLUM, GENER- al Insurance. Dial 5-6402. Fire, Life, Automobile, Outboard Motor and Boats, Insurance, etc. (Jy19) COMPLETE INSURANCE SERV- ice. McMurtry Insuranee Agency representing The Imperial Life, 21 King St. W. Dial 3-3722, Jy17) Wednesday and Friday evenl 7 to 9. Dial 5-6143. (Agl) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON--ONTARIO LAND Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 14 Edward St., Ajax, Pickering 200W2, (Jy20) 8--Building . Trades COME TO US FOR FINEST sand, gravel, crushed gravel, black loam and stone. Free estimate. Phone 88-R, Port Perry. W. J. Symes, contractor. Jy12) CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE; kitchen cu made to order, sash and doors, workmanship guar- anteed. Jeffre-- Woodworking Shop, 160 King St. W. Dial 3-7361. (Jy5) SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, loam, fill, top soil and manure. Bud Galt, phone (Je30) GENERAL HAULAGE -- GRAVEL sand, manure and fill. Call S08 DIAL 3-9348---GLOVER & SMITH, for estimates on excavating. Bull- dozer for hire. Gravel, loam and fill. (Aug®) PROVINCIAL TILE COMPANY-- tile flooring. Plastic and Barker Wall Tile. Eres estimates, Dial 5- 1853, 179 Olive. (Je30) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, ASPHALT 8-61 . CHIMNEYS BUILT AND SEPA ed, stucco repaim ypes ma- sonry repairs. aes May. Phone 3-9011. ER Ld INSULATION--WOULD YOU LIKE home cool in summer - warm winter? Have our insulation ex- pert call and give free estimate; no obligation. McLaughlin Coal & Sup- Ltd. Office: Dial 3-3481, Even- : Mr. Have, dial 5-2374¢. (Jy?) NEW PLASTERING AND RE- , foundations plastered, work aranteed, A. C, Woods, phone 3- siz. Jy29) BLOCKS LAID, PLASTERING foundati it t work done, Cement mixer for rent. Lilley Bros., phone 5-4902. (Jy21) HOUSES Raised, Moved Repaired DIAL 5-2621 1Je30) BLACK LOAM, SAND, GRAVEL, fill, crushed stone. Levelling and ing with tractor. W. H. Parry. e 3-9932. (Jy25) GOOD TOP SOIL, AND WELL- manure; sand, gravel, fill. Call ¥rank Glover, Dial 5-5465. Jy23) CEMENT, FOUNDATIONS floors, driveways, curb. Work- 13 RL Re PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERV- ice for better insurance in gll classes. 22; King St. E. Dial . Res. 5-4330. (Agl) 16--Lawn Mower Service BUILDING LOT, 40' X 120'; CITY conveniences. Apply R. Oakes, 136 William East. (151c) 4-ROOM FRAME BUNGALOW, hardwood floors, basement, hydro, with one or more acres. 5 miles east of Oshawa, 3 mile north of Highway 2. A. Alexander, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, Phone Oshawa 5-6021. (151c) 9 ROOMS, FRAME HOUSE IN Port Perry on Oshawa highway, 3 pe. bathroom, good well; cistern; 3 acre good garden. Write Box 300, Port Perry. (Je 30, Jy 7) SOLLITT ESTATE PROPERTY to be sold to the highest cash bidder. 4-room insul-bric bungalow, first house north of Highway 2 on Thorn- ton's Road North, west side. Proper- ty may be inspected anytime. Bids must be in on or before July 5, 1951, to MRS. I. M. HEASLIP Joint Executor, 28 Beatrice Street, R.R. 1, Oshawa. $14 50 --Modern 5-room brick ' bungalow, oil heating, air-conditioning; double brick gar- age; stone front, Mary St. Half cash. A home you will be proud to own. --Modern '6-room bun- $ | 0, 50 galow, hot-air fur- nace, 3-pc. 'bath. A super bungalow with a wonderful, spacious setting, hedges, shade trees, flowers, fruit trees and garage. If you are looking for an exceptional home, See These Today Norman George, Salesman 182 Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-8271 Roy Edwards, Salesman 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 W. "McAULEY Real Estate & Insurance Res. Dial 5-2133 (152b) (152b) |. LAWNMOWERS AND SHEARS, sharpened and repaired. Dial 3-8203. C. Woods, 636 Somerville Ave. Jy19) LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED & repaired, Make mowing your lawn a pleasure instead of a task. Our business is making dull lawnmowers sharp at remarkably low cost. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond . St. E. Dial 5-6344. (Jy36) 18--Lost and Found LOST, ON SOUTH BOUND SIMCOE bus around 5 o'clock Friday, lady's brown silk change' pure containing sumof money, Finder please phone 5-5703. Rewara. * (153a) LOST -- TUESDAY, SMALL MALE dog, brindle color, part Boston Bull and Terrier, answers to Smoky. Any- one knowing if he has been killed please phone 5-0273. Reward. (153a) 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply---M. F, Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-2022. (Agl) RESIDENTIAL AND COMMER- cial Mortgages. Funds available on first-class properties; also fire in- surance. Murdoch's, 12% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. (Jy1l) BUILDING LOTS, 2 MILES WEST of North Oshawa, 4th Concession, 1 acre $200, Phone 3-8028.. (Je23,27,30Ty4) VERY BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECT DESIGNED HOME $30,000 ON LOT 102' x 132' 14 room solid brick home, on two floors; centre hall, three bathrooms, two fireplaces, hot water heated with oil; double brick garage; cem- ent drive; suitable for high class tourist business, or doctor's home and r 30 day p i Ap- Ply id 299 SIMCOE ST. S. (Je 23,26,28,30) 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE AND GA- rage on large lot, in excellent condi- tion. Located just off Ritson, Apply 252 Olive Ave. (151c) 5-ROOM HOUSE IN CITY, ON SIX acres garden land, garage, also small barn, $1,500 down payment. Apply Ed Cochrane, Raglan. (Je30) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE 112 SIMCOc ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co Ltd. DIAL 5-3568 Oshawa (Tues.-Thurs..Sat.) 20--Personal MOTORING TO OTTAWA TO- night arriving midnight. Will take 3-4 passengers. Dial 5-0541. (153a) MOTORING TO TIMMINS, MON- day. Dial 3-3264. (151¢c) PASSENGERS WANTED DAILY, Oshawa to Toronto, starting July 2. Dial 5-2892. 152¢) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND reconditioning. For free 'estimate call Wilson & Lee, 7 Simecos St N Jy8) UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicatéd from #ny part of the body with Saca-Pelo, a remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo contains no harmful in- gredient, and will destroy the hair root. 4) LOR-BEER LABORATORIES 679 Granville Street Vancouger, B.C. 3 4 (Je30) \ 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE AND GA- rage on large lot; in excellent condi- tion. Located just off Ritson. Apply 252 Olive Ave. (151c) FARM FOR SALE, 150 ACRES; 3 miles south of Uxbridge, 8-roomed house, good barn, lots of water; sell- ing to settle estate. Apply 1226 Dun- das St. E., Whitby. Phone 2386. (152b) 6 - ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, hot-air heating, newly decor- ated, garage, workshop, chicken coop, 22 acres good garden land, some fruit trees, city water and hy- dro. Immediate possession, Apply 233 First Ave. (152b) WELL - ESTABLISHED LADIES' ready-to-wear business in Trenton. Apply 33 Front St. Phone Trenton 5171. (152b) MODERN 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGA- low, decorated throughout, oil burn- er, wash tubs, hydro, hot water heater. Phone 5-2145 or 5-1812. (152¢) MOTEL SITE Ideal motel site on 4-lane highway at Oshawa. Apply 107 LA SALLE ; 152b) ' age. Phone 3-3608, after & ( Dressmaking a . 1 CLASSIFIED Above rates apply only to original Subsequent inseriions ordered of publication. REGUL ATIONS-- The Daily Times-Gazette shail advert error occurs. And also reserves F' Female Help : Wi d seane Help Wanted .. a4 Market Basket . 38A Money to Loan Nursing Services . 6 THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ...eccco00eee SIX CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . Dew original order, Professional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. Bach initial letter, abbreviation, $§ and c sign, figure, count as a full word, B)x charged 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m, the day Office hours: Dally, 8-& Saturday, 8-12, . t. ted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which according to its own classifications, 30--Room and Board ROOM AND EOARD FOR SCHOOL age boys in a good country home. (farm) Write Box 902, Times- Gazette. (153b) 31a--Summer Resorts Physicians Radio Repairs ... Real Estate Agents ......... 2 Real Estate For Sale ....... 2 Real Estate Exchange ...... 26 Real Estate Wanted ........ % Room and Board 30 Room and Board Summer Re : Veterinarians . Wanted to Rent .. 20 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 AD RATES .» 19 20 Each Words Add' or Less - Word 1.25 05% 2.15 10 .30 01% orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date constitute a EET PR RT ET PY 1) not be responsible for errors in the right to classify advertising 25--Real Estate For Sale 28--For Rent EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS $ 5 50 Nice 4 room bungalow, ' newly decorated; mod- ern kitchen, conveniences, good hot air furnace and cellar; electric hot water tank, extras. Church St. Cash deal or exchange on farm. $8 5(0Q Near new 5 room, mod- ' ern bungalow, 4 pe. bath, modern kitchen, winter's sup- ply of coal in, venetian blinds, new- ly landscaped lot, attached garage. Stacey Ave. $4,000 down. For a good deal call Roy Edwards, Salesman 13 Prince St., 3-2512 Norman George 182 Simcoe St. 8. 3-8271 W. McAULEY REALTOR Res. Dial 5-2133 Anytime (153b) 25a--Summer Properties For Sale 6-ROOMED COTTAGE AND GAR- age on Lake Scugog, furnished. Hy- dro. Immediate possession. Box 116, Port Perry. (153b) LAKE FRONT COTTAGE, WEST Beach, Bowmanville, sandy, safe for children, hydro, screened verandah. Rent for season or sell. Terms. Easily winterized. Will be at cottage Saturday until 7 p.m. or phone Albin Clemens, Bowmanville. (152b) $2,900 New lorge 5 room cottage, north of Lindsay at Thurstonia, screened porch, built-in sink and cupboards, water safe for children. DIAL 3-7709 Kawartha Resort Bureau YOUR MEDIUM ON BUYING OR SELLING SUMMER HOMES Lake Scugog and Points East DISTRICT OFFICE At Join of 12 & 7A Highways IN MANCHESTER AGENTS AT ALL MAIN POINTS Mr. Bowes, Mgr. Toronto, PR. 3324 ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE, 'LTD. 1172 BAY AT BLOOR, TORONTO (152b) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES O: ed for clients. All cash or your equity. See or call W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 5-2133 or 3-2512. : Jy28) 5 OR 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, OIL heating and Sagage preferred. Give location and lowest cash price. Write Box 846, Times-Gazette. (152c) Listing your property with us as- sures you of our better kind of serv- ice. Property advertised in local and To- ronto papers when necessary. When you decide to sell, our large waiting lists of customers are at your disposal. WALTER R. SMITH Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. West 'Dial 3-2911 28--ForRent = LARGE BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, close to Motors. Apply 25 Brock East. Dial 3-2819. (153¢) UNFURNISHED BEDROOM, USE of phone and washer, close to bus. $6 weekly. Dial 5-3475. x (153a) FURNISHED ROOM, GENTLEMAN preferred, central. Dial 3-3238. (153b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT able for 1 or 2 geutlemen. Dial 3- 2604. (153¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, DOWN- stairs; continuous hot water; gar- c) I] (152¢) ALL KINDS WANT- | 3-5835 3 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, possession July 1, Charles Luke, Raglan. Phone Brooklin 66- R-11. (153a) ROOM, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished. Apply 105 Colborne East. Phone 5-2806. (1501) LARGE BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 2 gentlemen, single beds, con- tinuous hot water. Phone 5-2031. (151¢) BED-SITTING ROOM, SUIT COU- ple or two friends, near Motors and Hospital. Dial 3-7122, (152¢) rooms for rent, private entrance. Ap- ply 112 William St. W. (152b) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM suitable for one girl willing to share. Apply 112 William St. W, (152b) 2° FURNISHED ROOMS, BUSIN- ness couple preferred. Apply 13 John st. (152b) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 492 Eulalie Ave. (152c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, IN PRI- vate home; suitable for gentleman. Apply 136 Elgin St. E. (152¢) ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN TO share, twin beds, nice home, central; abstainer; with garage. Apply 114 Elgin St. E. (152¢) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE gentleman. Dial 5-3451, (152b) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR GENTLE- men, hot water, single beds. Apply 12 Bloor West. (152b) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE 87R23 Brooklin, (152b) ONE FURNISHED ROOM, ALSO one unfurnished, not suitable for housekeeping. Dial 53847. (153a) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, accommodate four, overlooking Lake Scugog. Also four-room apartment, running water, nicely fur d ROYAL VIEW LODGE Kashagawigamog Lake For a wonderful summer vacation come to Royal View Lodge Cabins and rooms in lodge accommodation. Safe sandy bathing beaches; golf course adjoining property; tennis; table tennis; dancing, etc. Fine meals and beautiful surroundings on the lake shore. Write: W. Wilkinson, Haliburton, Ont. Phone 7512, or se- cure our folder at The Daily Times- Gazette office. (T,Th,8,Je30) CEDAR .REST 'LODGE, LAKE Simcoe, Atherley, completely furn- ished cottages with rangette, runm- ning water, flush toilet. Good fish- ing, swimming, boating. Boats and motors for rent. Write Mr. M. Craig, Atherley P.O. or phone 5-5656. (153b) GREGORY INNS LAKE ROSSEAU, MUSKOKA For information regarding a low- cost sand truly relaxing holiday at one of Muskoka's loveliest resort lo- cations, with excellent meals, all summer sports, and golfing and dancing nearby, write Gregory Inns, Gregory P.O., Muskoka, Ontario. (Th,Fr,Sat,tt) FENELON FALLS -- FULLY equipped housekeeping cabins, boat, electricity, suitable for 2 or 3 per- sons. Reasonable, No vacancies July 21 to 28. Apply E. Madden, 1041; Wellesley E. Toronto, RAS5557. (148f) 3Z2--Automobiles for Sale WESTMOUNT MOTORS 50 gallons of gas free with each car sold for one week only. 6 p.m. Thursday, June 28 till 6 p.m. Thursday, July 5 OPEN FOR THE HOLIDAY 428 KING ST. W. Oshawa, Ont, PHONE 3-8412 (152b) 42 PLYMOUTH, NEW MOTOR. 298 Celina St. Phone 5-0448, 5-7 p.m. _ (152b) '4l OLDS., GOOD CONDITION. AP- ply 490 Louisa Saturday morning, or any time between 6:30 and 7:30 next week. (152¢) '47 CHEV. "SEDANETTE, EXCEL- lent condition; radio, heater. Best offer or will consider trade-in. Dial 5-4366. (152b) '33 TERRAPLANE COACH, 2 MER- cury 3-ton dumps with steel box and hoist. Dial 3-7088. (153¢c) '388 PONTIAC SEDAN, GOOD CON- dition, new rings, pins, valve job. Dial 5-0506. (153a) '48 CHEV, COACH, EXCELLENT condition. Phone 5-3267. (153b) '48 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, small mileage, good condition all round, $1,100 or best offer. Dial 5- 0533. (158d) '51 CHEV. DELUXE 5 PASSENGER coupe, new, list price $2,825, will sell for $2,100 or best offer. 205 Mitchell, dial 5-0150 after 6. (153d) $300 for season. Apply Scugog Inn, Caesarea. Phone Port Perry 104R14. (149e) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for two. Dial 3-7123. (151¢) 2 STORES FOR RENT, IN PORT Perry; ideal for any business, Phone Port Perry 209. (151c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT- able for 2 men; all conveniences; quiet home. Dial 5-0755. 26 Gladstone. (151c) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen friends; total ab- stainers preferred. Dial 5-3322. (151c) LARGE FRONT BED - SITTING room, private home, two gentlemen, very central, bus stop, day workers; breakfast optional; abstainers. Dial 3-3617. (152b) 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT CAESAREA by the week or for the summer sea- son. Phone 3-9868. (152b) LARGE, BRIGHT DOUBLE ROOM, twin beds, spring-filled mattresses; continuous hot water; also single room. Gentlemen only, Apply 77 On- tario St. (152¢) '50 PONTIAC COACH, METALLIC Spartan grey, underseat heater, un- dercoated, low mileage, excellent condition. Dial 5-4457, (153a) "49 FORD DELUXE SEDAN, GOOD condition. Apply 99 Richmond St. West. (163¢) '89 PLYMOUTH COUPE, NEW motor, radio; dial 83-2740. (153a) "35 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion, Dial 3-8662. (1531) 47 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion, new tires; will sell or trade for older car. Dial 3-3164, (151c) AUTO INSURANCE, STANDARD rates and proper protection. See McAuley Insurance Agency, Prince St., Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133. Jy3) KE-BUILT KNEE-ACTION AND shock absorber service. Call Mourey's Garage at 5-4332 for complete front end service, and immediate installa tion. Jyn FOR A BQUARE DEAL SEB Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. Jy3) 13 FURNISHED BED-SITTING ROOM, private entrance, bathroom, cooking facilities, sink, central, suit young couple: Dial 5-3630. (153a) 29--Wanted to Rent 3 OR 4 ROOMS, OR APARTMENT in Oshawa or district for young couple being married in 'July. Dial - . (153c) SWITZERLAND COUPLE W son eleven years old urgently re- quire rooms, kitchen and 2 bed- rooms preferred. Willing to pay reasonable rent. Phone Whitby 686, ask for Mr. Snyder. (153¢) 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE OR APART- ment, no children. Abstainers, by re- liable couple before July 30. Dial 5- 0192, Oshawa. (153¢c) 3 OR 4 ROOMS OR APARTMENT, with bath, couple with one child. Dial 3-4384. (153b) YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN, SON and mother, urgently require 3 or 4- room apartment, very clean and able to give top references. Phone 5-3943. (150f) OSHAWA OR VICINITY, YOUNG couple with 2 girls, require 3-4 un- furnished rooms, or small cottage. Write Box 817, Times-Gazette. (Je30) CABIN TRAILER WANTED FOR one week, on or about July 20. Phone 3512 Bowmanville. (151c) URGENTLY NEEDED BY RELI- able couple, with thirteen-month-old baby, ynfurnished apartment or small house; references if required. Phone 3-3758. (151c) 30--Room and Board > ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tleman, downtown district; hot wa- ter. Apply 25 Quebec. (152b) WILL GIVE MOTHERLY CARE TO two children, in approved country home, near Port Perry, Write Box 847, Times-Gazette. £152c) '89 DODGE SEDAN, EXCELLENT appearance, good tires and condition. $345 down and $33 per month or $690 cash. Apply Horner ,Motors Whitby 2033. (Je23,26,30) '40 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE 74, good running condition. Need money, no reasonable offer refused. Phone 3-2373. (152b) 41 DODGE COACH, LUXURY liner, 5 new tires, radio, $750; '35 Chev coach; Master. $250. Apply 23 Arlington Ave. (162b) '40 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN, new motor, good tires, two spares. Privately owned and driven. Apply 256 Celina St. phone 5-2019. (152b) '50 CHEV COACH, NEW CAR CON- ition. Cash or terms--up to eighteen onths to pay. Private. Dial 3-7501, 159 Highland Ave. (151c) '47 STUDEBAKER 3.TON DUMP truck, new motor, 12-ply tires on back, wood hoist. First class condi- tion throughout. Apply 1506, Duffer- in St., Port Whitby, after'6 p.m. (151c) '35 STANDARD CHEV. GOACH, good tires and motor, fair body-- $200. Apply 149 Huron St., after 5. (151c) '85 OLDS. 6 COACH, OSHAWA blue; good condition. Phone Whitby 2638. (153b) '36 PLYMOUTH COACH, IN WON- derful condition, with excellent tires. $195 down and less than $20 per month or $390 cash. Apply Hprner Motors, Whitby. Phone 2993. (Je23,26,30) '89 PLYMOUTH, GOOD TIRES. Best offer. Phone 5-4265. (151¢) '46 PONTIAC SEDAN, VERY clean, excellent condition. Reason- able, Terms, 436 Simcoe S. After 7, dial 3-8545. (1511) '47 CHEV COACH, IN GOOD CON- dition, $1050, Apply V. Cooper, 102 St. Albert 15lc), 32--Automobiles for Sale 32--Automobiles for Sale ONE LOOK IS WORTH A 1,000 WORDS! We don't make long speeches about our Used Cars because they speak for themselves, All we ask is that you visit our Used Car Dept. and let your own eyes and good judgment tell you what fine cars they are. 51 VANGUARD DEMONSTRATOR 500 miles. List Price $2,149. Our Price $1,749. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 51 TRIUMPH MAYFLOWER (New) Radio, white walls, air con- ditioning, unlicensed. List price $1,884.50. Our Price $1,684.50 90 DAY GUARANTEE 50 FORD CONVERTIBLE Overdrive, radio, air conditioning, heater, white wall tires, window washers, 10,000 miles. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 50 OLDS ROCKET SEDAN Radio, white wall tires, seat covers, 16,000 miles, $2,695 30 DAY GUARANTEE 49 CHEV. COACH 1011 Custom radio, sun visor, oil filter, car in lovely condition. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 49 PONTIAC 2011 Sun visor, radio, heater, window washers, new tires, back up lights, 30 DAY GUARANTEE 50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Low mileage, oversize general tires. This car is factory clean. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 48 PONTIAC 2569D Radio, new tires, a GM executive's car. $1,555 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 CADILLAC SEDAN 6269. Fully equipped, hydramatic, white wall tires, radio. In factory shape. ,695 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 BUICK SEDANETTE Completely equipped. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 BUICK SEDAN Special series, custom radio, new general tires. This car is in immacu- late condition. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 CHEV. 1007 Biege color, 4 new tires, new paint, motor recently reconditioned. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 OLDS HYDRAMATIC 76 Sedan. Radio, heater, new tires, nylon slip covers. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 WILLYS STATION WAGON Motor and body in very good con- dition. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 47 CHEV. BUSINESS COUPE Heater. $1,095 30 DAY GUARANTEE 46 CHEV, COACH Heater, radio, new tires. 195 30 DAY GUARANTEE 46 PONTIAC SEDAN 30 DAY GUARANTEE 46 DE SOTO SEDAN Custom radio, white wall tires, a beautiful car. 30 DAY GUARANTEE 46 HUDSON COACH $995 42 BUICK SEDAN Radio, heater, body and motor perfect condition. in 30 DAY GUARANTEE 40 PONTIAC SEDAN The best in town. 795 40 CHEV. SEDAN Radio and new tires, 95 39 CHEV. COACH 37 CHEV. COACH $395 34 CHEV. COUPE $275 37 PLYMOUTH COACH $495 32 PLYMOUTH COACH $150 34 BUICK SEDAN $175 Belmont Motors 137 KING WEST DIAL 5-0732 Open All Day Monday, J $495 uly 2 | L. Clemens, Hampton. (1510) DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BE. yond my control, I must sell my '49 Ford half-ton truck. This truck is in very good condition and has been well looked after. Dial 3-4021, 8 to § p.m., Saturday, till 12 a.m. (151c) ? '49 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH, blue, only 12,000 miles, air conditions ing. $1700. Phone Bowmanville 2436, (151c) USED CAR AND TRUCK PARTS for sale, for all makes and models. Nellie Wright, Phone 3-4392. (152¢c) '41 Chev. Coupe, good condi- tion, new paint, rebuilt motor, Apply 170 Gibb St, ask for Buck. (152b) It Doesn't Matter Where You Go On Your Vacation You'll Have No Worries If You Drive a Dodd Used Car '51 Meteor Sedan or sedan- ette, both new. Chev. Deluxe Sedan. Meteor Coach, Dodge Sedan Pontiac Sedan with built in radio '49 '49 '49 '47 '47 Pontiac Sedanette. '47 Chev. Coach. 'S1 Mercury One-Ton Express, $600 under list price. 50 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM RANGING FROM '30 TO # MODELS ALSO To be sold for one of the leading finance companies, complete used car stock from car lot. No reasonable offer refused on these. Many dife ferent makes and models, CASH TRADE OR TERMS Dodd Motors 300 Park Rd. S. Dial 3-942] OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY JULY 2 AND EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. (1532), 33--Automobiles Wanted '41-'81 CARS BRING MORE CASH for you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Rd. 8. Dial 3-9421, (Agl), 36--Pets and Livestock 5 GOATS AND TWO MILKERS, Apply Robert Vallieres, Myrtle Sta tion. (153c), REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL puppies, black and blonde; reason able. Apply 270 French St. Phone 5-2086. (152b), BOSTON BULL PUPPIES. APPLY Mrs. William Milligan, at Newton ville. (151c) BOARDING KENNELS, OUTSIDE runs, air-conditioned kennels foy your pets, while you holiday. Phone 123, Brooklin Animal Clinic. (Jy28), COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, also few older dogs, boarding, trime= ming, bathing, de-fleaing, fattooing, Waubena Kennels, new bighway, near Drive-In Theatre, Jyl) COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, black, Labrador retrievers. Board. ing and trimming, Knowliton's Ken nels. Dial 3-8932, (Je30) SUMMER SALE OF BABY BUDG- ies, talking strain, all colors. 114 Elgin East, Dial 3-9767. Jy28) 37--Farmers' Column 1 BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE, $1.50 bushel. Dial 3-3053. (153¢c), COCKSHUTT POWER GRAIN binder, 8 ft. cut, new. Phone 942, Whitby. (153b) NEW MASSEY BINDER ON RUB- ber, 7 ft. with both tractor and horse hitches. Has' cut about 30 acres. W, R. Chapman, 16 Church St., Oshawa, Dial 3-2261. (152¢), GOOD FEED WHEAT $50 PER ton, Twin Stream Farm, Whitby. Phone 916. (151c), WANTED---DEAD FARM STOCK, picked up promptly. Horses, cowa, calves, sheep, pigs (we y for horses and cows). As an added ser. vice we will co-operate with your veterinary in post mortems, 2%e, per pound for live horses. Call cole lect Bowmanville 2679. Margwille Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ont. Jy27), 38a--Market Basket FRESH STRAWBERRIES FOR sale. Phone 5-3938, 64 Orchard Ave. yd) DID YOU SAY OLD CHEESE? "It's out of this world" --*"SNAPPY, tangy, delicious", made way back in '48--goin' on 4 years old. You get it only at Giecoff's Super Market-- open every night till 10 p.m. 174 Ritson Road South, Glecoff's 1.G.A, Super Market, Wy) 1

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