Government Not Prepared To Seize Seven Chinese Ships anadians' Rations Went To Help Feed tarving By BILL BOSS Canadian Press Staff Writer With the Canadians in Korea (CP)-- The colonel felt peckish. From his perch on the rim of the armored car's turret he called to the busy crew inside: "Have you anything to eat down there?" The 2nd battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, was operating in North Korea. Companies were patrolling west of thhe Imjin river. It was a baked Korean June mid-day. Ony the movement of the armored car, rumbling from one company position to the next, gave the illusion of a breeze. Pte. J. Ernest (Jig Easy) Trem- blay of Arvida, Que. personal signaller to Lt.-Col. J. A. Dextraze of the Van Doos, felt in his pockets as he clung to the back of the vehicle. "Here, I've got a chocolate bar, sir," said Jig Easy as the vehicle passed through a cluster of mud huts thatched with rice straw. Jig Easy, a cheerful 20-year-old whose brush cut is almost jmpos- sible to see, gets his nom the army phonetic alphabet's ren- dition of the letters "J" and 'ui. But suddenly, even before accep- iy the proffered bar, the colonel ordered a halt. Something promp- ted the command. Ask him why now, and he doesn't know. The armored car pulled up be- fore a simple dwelling damaged no more, no less, than the others. Two wan little girls stood under a projection of the thatched roof. Two frail old men squatted nearby, similar studies in off-whites and greys. The village whiff, a minute's in- convenience to the travelling pass- erby, became oppressive to the walting crews. The colonel went inside, his ad- fuiant, Capt. Bob Berube of Wel- , Ont., following. The picture stands starkly out in essential detail still. On rice mats on the floor, in stages of sickness and malnutrition varying from impassive lassitude to death, were the members of three families. Already starvation had claimed one life -- a grandfather who had died three days before. Others had wounds, untended, from the artillery and mortar bar- rages and the air strikes that had preceded the infantry's advance. A little three-year-old, burned by napalm in the air strike, was suf- fering in a corner without a whim- per. He had lost his eyes. His little hands, with which he'd tried to flail the flames, were meat. A young mother vainly suckled an infant whose anguished appe- tite had reduced her right breast to bleeding, formless tissue. thought the colonel. Hs first reaction was 'that choco- "Jig Easy," he shouted, you still got 'that bar?" Young Tremblay had, and took it to the door. There he watched the old grand- mother break it in 10 pieces and give the neediest in the house each a piece. It all had taken only a few se- conds. Outside the soldiers were still scrambling inside the armored car for rations for their lunch when Jig Easy told what he'd seen. Still manning their sets, which they couldn't leave, the signallers reached about in the armored car for rations. There weren't many, Said Collins: "We were down to our last cans of beans -- but they got them." The blinded, burned three-year- old was taken to Capt. Yves Du- fresne of St. Michel, Que., the me- dical officer. RSM. G. Dagenais of Montreal sent four men to the vil- lage to bury its dead, medical as- sistants to tend its wounded and rations for its living. Berube had counted nearly 100 men, women and children in the village so 600 rations, six meals for every one, were ordered. LARGEST IN B. C. "have Vancouver (CP) -- The Vancou- ver Sun said Friday that the $75- million forestry project in the Ar- row Lakes district may dnclude a newsprint and draft mill, a saw- mill, plywood plant and other op- tions. The Sun says that the "in- dustrial giant will be one of the largest single forestry operations in British Columbia." WAGES UP Ottawa (CP) -- Wages of work- ers in major industries were boost- ed again in May to the highest level in history, the Bureau of Sta- tistics reported Friday. Those em- ployed in the larger industrial firms got an average weekly wage of $49.17 on May 1, up from $48.43 on April 1, and almost $5 -a -week higher than the $44.88 on May. 1, last year, - Koreans List Persons Sought By Relatives The Times-Gazette is in receipt of a list of missing persons sought in Canada by their relatives or friends. Anyone having any infor- mation regarding them should get in touch with the Canadian Red Cross Soclety, 95 Welesley Street East, Toronto. The list of persons sought is as follows: ARNT, MRS. FRITZ (formetly Samblavski), and Zeaman, Joseph, born in Danzig. Came to Canada approx. 1924, Enquirer, nephew, Bruno Semblewski. BALESIUCK, MARIA, lived in Que., Enquirer, Gheorghe Ucrainet. BESLER,GEORGE, 461 Albert St. Oshawa, Ont. Enquirer, Mrs. Anna Besler. BECKER, FRANK, Win., Man, Enquirer, relative, Marie Scharer. BAGINSKI, CHARLES FREDER- ICK WM.,, born in Pulfrueck-Socken Prussia. Lived in Sask. Enquirer, Nicolas Charles Baginski. BISHOP, MR., c/0 Oppenheimer's Montreal. Enquirer, Erich Hauck. BESSEL, FERDINAND, Glenella, Man. Enquirer, cousin, Mrs. Ed- munde Doring. CONNELY, MADOLENE, Reg. Nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital, Parry Sound, Ont. Enquirer, Lilian- Retz. CHAMBERLAND, GERARD, born in Magog, Que., lived in North Bay, Ont. Enquirer, sister, Mrs. The- baldo Geoffroy. DEBSKA, ZOFIA (now married), came to Canada since 1945. En- quirer, Maria Korzeniowska. DENCER, RICHARD, born 1936, in Edmonton, Alta. DRAZENOVIC, JOSIF, born in Krispolje-Brinje. Enquirer, Marija Kalafatic, EANO, LEWIS CHARLES, Cal- gary, Alta. and Salmon Arm, B.C. Enquirer, mother, Alma Eano. EASTBY, JOHN B., enlisted in World - War I at Gatzk, Minn, U.S.A. May have lived in Outlook, Sask. Enquirer, Ole Eastby, uncle. EISENZIMMER, MADELINE, Regina, Sask. and Calgary Alta. EGNER, JAKOB, born in Cer- venka, Bacska, Yugoslavia. En- quirer, nephew, Heinrich Egner. FRANKFURTER, CHASKEL, Furrier, Toronto, Enquirer, cousin S. Frankfurter. FISCHER, Anton, Minden, Nor- land, and Whitby, Ont. Enquirer, brother, Heinrich Fischer. FITZ, HEINRICH, born in Neu Alexsandrucka. Lived in Winnipeg. Enquirer, brother, Wilhelm Fitz. GOLDENBERG, SHABTAI, Jew- ish. Lived in Canada approx. 30 years. Enquirer, niece, Paula Kup- perman, from Kishiney, Bessarabia. GORES, FRANK, born in Sereth, Bukowina. Grayson, Sask., and Win- nipeg, Man, Enquirer, Franz Gores, nephew. GRICAT FRITZ, Anna and Lina. Came to Canada before 1914 from Budweitschen, Germany. Enquirer, relative, Marta Sziedat. GOLAN, KAROLINA, born in Kosinko, Prsanany, Poland. En- quirer, niece, Marie Stochow. HEYNSEN-MEISTERLIN Alfred, Aillsonburg, Ont. Enquirer, nephew, Theodor Meisterlin. HENZE, HERMANN and family, born Nov. 3, 1867. Winnipeg. Ene quirer, Herbert Henze, HOWELL, ALSTER, born 1922 in Newfoundland. Seaman, Enquor- er, mother, Mrs. Nathan Howell. HEAD, MRS. JACK (nee Kath- leen Davison) Rouyn, P.Q. . En- quirer, sister, Mrs. Annie Elwood. IWANIUK, WASYL, came to Canada 1950. Magrath, Alta. En- quirer, Maria Iwaniuk. KAUFFELD, JULIUS. Enquirer, sister, Mrs, Wally Hasenjager. KEKECS, JOSEPH, son of Klara Puskas. Came to Canada about 1925 from Nyi Regyhazs, Hungary. Brcqutrer, relative, Joseph Antal- OE YSH, WILLIAM. Enquirer, mother, Mrs. Harry Knysh. LOCKHERT, CASEY, born in Vibank, Sask. With Canadian Army in England 1845. Enquirer, Rev. C. Plomp. MRKOBRADA, MILORAD,. born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia 1022. lived in Toronto, Ont. Enquirer, brother, Milivoj Mrkobrada. MASSOW, GERHARD (wife Olga nee Engelbrecht). MacDONALD, LOUIS J. Ex- serviceman. Lived in New Westmin- ster, B.C, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Toronto. Enquirer, Mrs. Louis MacDonald. NEWMAN, MRS. CHARLES ED- WIN (nee Lucy Frances Stapley). Calgary, Alta, and New West- CITY OF methods. OFFICE HOURS: TAXES THIRD INSTALMENT DUE TUESDAY, PAY TAXES BY MAIL IF CONVENIENT FAILURE to pay any one instalment on due date em- powers Tax Collector to collect by several statutory July 3rd.--8:30 A.M. to 5: and 7:00 P.M. to 9: OSHAWA JULY 3rd 00 P.M. 00 P.M. L. COX, Tax Collector. C. L lt OSHAWA Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE VOL. 10--No. 153 OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 PAGE THIRTEEN AND YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. You can usually capture the feel- ing of a community by walking down Main Street, .Here are re- flected the attitudes, opinions, and ways of life of the citizens, Trade-- the life-blood of the community-- circulates along this main artery into and out of the grocery stores, the butcher shops, the restaurants, the hardware stores. The men be- hind these counters are men with a vital interest in progress and de- velopment -- in any development {that brings more people or more purchasing power to the commu- nity. Each one, in his' own field, does his best to attract to his store or factory customers for his pro- duct. d : Working alone, however, his activ- ities can do little to add to the over-all prosperity of the commu- nity. All he can hope to do is to compete for business already avail- able. Each proprietor is a busy man --he has hundreds of details to con- sider--but one of his primary con- cerns is to improve his business. But thousands of business men in hundreds of Canadian communities have found that they can do a great deal, too, to develop and im- prove their communities -- by or- a co-operative basis. The Chamber of Commerce gives them the or- ganization that they need. Eighty-eight per cent of commu- | nities in Canada with a popula- tion of 1,000 or more (and a great many smaller communities as well) today have a Chamber of Com- merce, which is, in turn, a member of the national federation called "The Canadian Chamber of Com- merce". When it is considered that these community organizations exist in all ten provinces, and have as mem- bers some 10,000 business leaders, representing large and small busi- nesses of every conceivable kind, it becomes evident that this move- ment merits thoughtful attention, A Chamber of Commerce is a minster, B.C. Enquirer, sister Mercy Stapley. NEISERLING, MRS. MAY (nee Rutter), from Southsea, England. Enquirer, cousin, Dorothy Wood- land. NOWAK, JAN. Born Apr. 13, 1917 to Canada since 1948. Enquirer, Mrs. Stanislawa Nowak. PROKOP, PAULA (nee Poluszak) Winnipeg, Man. Enquirer, niece, Franziska Poluszak. PLISZKA, JOZKO. Born in Koroliwka, Poland. Winnipeg. En- quirer, cousin, Wasyl Oleksyszyn. RUDZIENSKI, ADOLF. Born in Plock, Poland; son of Antoni. En- quirer, -niece, Regina Wikielska, RITCHER, PAUL. Born 1805 in Germony. Nelson, B.C., and Toron- to, Ont. Enquirer Mrs. Gertrud Jacob. SZANGOWSKA, LUDMILA. Born 1935 in Struda, Pinsk, Poland; daughter of Melania and Teofil. Came to Canada since 1945. En- quirer, 'Dr. L. L. Kulczycki. SEBESTYEN, SUSSANNA (now married), came to Canada 1949, Ot- tawa, and Windsor, Ont., Enquirer, cousins, Jeno Meszaros. SERVANT, JOSEPH THOMAS ROCH. Born 1928. Lived in St. Hubert, PW. and Ottawa, Ont. Enquirer, mother, Mrs. Jeanne Ser- vant. SAMEK, FRANCISZEK, came to Canada 1947. Montreal. Enquirer, brother, Roman Samek. SUSZKO, SZYMON. Enquirer, mother, Fenna Suszko. VEPIRALENKO, HARRY Lazero- vich. Born in Melitopol , Russia; came to Canada appfox. 1025. En- quirer, nephew, Peter M. Kurishko. VERBEEMEN, LEONARDUS Jo- HONNES, Moose Jaw Sask, and Lethbridge, Alta. Enquirer, Mrs. John Verbeemen. WARREN, JOSEPH TUCKER, ganizing their time and efforts, on | in Biegodzin, Wyrzysk, Poland. Came '| dians in all communities of Cana- Born in New Yoirk Sept. 1, 1896. lb ad voluntary organization of forward- looking citizens, established to pro- | | mote the civic, commercial, indus- | trial and agricultural progress of its community. It is, in effect, the conscience and the will of the com- | munity--the conscience to appreci- ate wants and needs; the will to | take effective action. | Within these organizations are {men working together, not for | personal gain, but to promote the | welfare of the community as a | | whole. In short, the men who make | |up a good Chamber are citizens | who are prepared to accept the re- | sponsibilities of good citizenship. | In every community there is much to be done--but not so much that determined business leaders, work- ing together, cannot do it. The | Chamber of Commerce movement provides the machinery both for development and the expression of sound public opinion. It can and it does overcome apathy and indif- ference, and it points the way to the solution of problems by co-op- erative effort and self-reliance. The work of the Chamber of Commerce enters into almost every phase of community and public life. Is there apathy among citizens at election time? The Chamber can bring to the citizens an apprecia- | tion of the importance of the demo- cratic vote. Is some proposed civic legislation not in the best interests of the community? The Chamber provides the machinery for rous- ing public opinion with regard to the issues involved, and for develop- | ing a better law. Is the community awaké to its opportunities--anxious to obtain its share of capital ine vestment and new industry? What is being done to promote good rela- tions between the town and the farms in the area--to attract tour- ists--to decrease fire losses in the community? Is there a need for a| beautification campaign? To all! these questions--and to hundreds of others -- an active and efficient Chamber can provide the answers, for it is the public relations or- ganization and the research labora- | tory of its community. | In the national sphere, too, the | Chamber of Commerce plays its part, for there are matters that can be solved only through organiza- tions representing the point of view of the individual community. We | need increased immigration. We need more freedom in multilateral | trade. We need greater economy in' government. To meet these and other needs, we need a strong and ringing voice that speaks for Cana- da. None of these things can be done effectively unless Canadians appreciate that they are necessary, and then undertake to do their part in the effort that must be made. There is a passage in the Old Testament which reads: "Where there is no vison, the people per- ish." By uniting the leaders of a community, the Chamber of Com- merce can provide the vision that ~~ CN No "Cease-Fire" Order in Iranian Dispute "CASPIANS JAN 4 ©Ankara ~~vetes TURKEY [-] Baghdad IRAQ warships ARABIA 0 500 SE (Teheran) IRAN (PERSIA) U.S. ambassador to Iran, Henry F. Grady, left, is cordially received by ailing Iran Premier Mohammed Mossadegh, who sits up in bed at Tehran to hear the U.S. envoy's plea for consideration in the Iranian oil crisis, a few hours before the collapse of Anglo-Iranian oil talks. Nationalist youths battered down Anglo-Iranian Oil Company signs and the Iranian parliament gave Premier Mossadegh a unanimous vote of confidence to strengthen his hand in taking over the company's operations, A company i tanker, carrying oil, was ordered by the Iranian government to return to Abadan, but the ship's captain refused to return. Iran's gunboats may be despatched to detain the ship. The overall picture is shown in the map, top, with British and.Russian troops poised on either side of Iran, ~--Central Press Canadian. 'Rev. W.C. Smith Takes Service At Raglan Church L. M. LUKE Correspondent Raglan--The church service last Sunday was in charge of Rev. W. C. Smith of Port Perry who gave a very interesting sermon on the sub- | ject "With God in the Garden." Next Sunday, July 1, Rev. J. Kel- logg of Janetville will preach. Everybody come! The Woman's Association held its June meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gor- don Corner of Columbus, with the president, Mrs. A. Slute, presiding. will enable the community to march along the road to continuing pro- gress. To the man on Main Street, a ,CHamber of Commerce provides an instrument of incalculable value in developing his community and his business. It provides him, too, with the opportunity to play a part in making his town a better place in which to live. By giving the busi- ness man these opportunities--of | meeting together, discussing com- mon problems, working together-- the Chamber of Commerce contri- | butes to a healthier atmosphere, both in business and in the com=- munity at large. . THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW Born in Berlin. |. Enquirer, coushin, Frederick Kreig. | By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten But vst pian a LITTLE JUNKET-AND GUESS WHA' HOPPENS 3 CLARENCE , COME BACK! OUR , TRIP'S OFF! BRATINELLA AGOTA JO TE The meeting was opened with the singing of "Work, for the Night is Coming", after which Mrs. H. Luke read the story of the ten vir- gins from Matt. 25. After the bus- iness matters were dealt with the hostess served a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. J. Latimer, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Latimer, and Linda, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Logan and Mr. and Mrs. D. McKillican at Alliston over the week end. Mrs, George Cunliff of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. Lucy Dickie, a few days last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Slute on the birth of a daughter on Saturday last at Osh- awa General Hospital. Congratulations are in order for Robert Brown, who has been suc- cessful in passing his first-year examinations at Victoria College, also to Eleanor Schiederbaur of Mount Carmel. The secretary of Raglan Recrea- tion Centre announces that school children are invited to attend swim- ming classes at Geneva Park each Tuesday, 9:00 am. to 4 pm., dur- ing vacation. Trained supervisors wiil be in attendance and chocolate milk will be provided. The children are expected to bring lunch. This is a fine chance to have fun and learn to swim, MAJOR CAUSES OF DEATH Toronto (CP) -- Heart disease took twice as many lives in On- tario last month as cancer, the next major cause of death, the On- tario Bureau of Statistics said Thursday. The four main causes of death and the number of deaths recorded were: Heart disease 1284; cancer, 521; vascular lesions, 473, ang accidents, 208. Admit They Took = War Materials To Communists Ottawa (CP)--The government is going to pursue ine vestigation of the controversial Ming Sung ships, though it is mot yet prepared to strip them of their questioned right te fly the Canadian flag. That was the word given the Com- mons yesterday by Prime Minister St. Laurent as Progres- sive Conservatives urged again that the seven Chinese-man- ned ships be seized. He said the government still does ® not feel that this action should be], taken, though investigation still is going on and the matter is 'by no means a closed book." He disclosed that the vessels, built in Canada for a Chinese trad- ing firm and now flying the Can- adian flag, have been carrying to Red China "many materials" which Canada herself does not al- low to be éxported to Commiunist countries. NOT UNREASONABLE But the government did not con- sider that this trade out of Hong | Kong, now halted by the British authorities there, has been "unrea- sonable." The material carried in- cluded used trucks, rubber tires, scrap metal and iron rods. At the same time, he reported that the government had been wor- ried--even before the Progressive Conservatives broached it -- about the possibility of "very embarras- sing complications' if the Chinese Reds fired on the vessels or took other action against them. The ships were built in Canada after the war for the Ming Sung Industrial Corporation and given Canadian registry last year to pre- vent their falling into Communist hands. The owners still owe Can- adian banks about $12 million. NOT WORTH RISK Gordon Graydon (P.C. -- Peel) suggested the amount of money in- volved -- the Canadian government is backing the $12 million bank loan -- is "not worth the risk this government is taking of running into trouble in the far east." Maj.-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, V. C. (P.C. -- Nanaimo) said his inform- ation was that the ships has trans- ported steel plate, railway mater- ials, ships repairs and lumber to Red China. John Diefenbaker (P.C. -- Lake Centre) urged that use of the ships to take Chinese repatriates from Malaya to Red - held Canton be stopped. The discussion arose as the cham- ber plodded tarough the last of department estimates before ad- journment for the summer recess. It meets again Oct. 9. CBC ESTIMATES Another debate developed on CBC estimates, with Progressive Conservative members urging that the question of CBC financial oper- ations be placed before a parlia- mentary committee at the autumn session. They questioned a $1,500,000 in- terim grant to the CBC. The grant is in partial implementation of re- commendations of the Massey com- mission on arts, letters and science. Revenue Minister McCann also asked approval of a loan to the CBC of $1,500,000 to finance initial television operations in Montreal and Toronto. The Toronto telecasts now are expected to start in the late winter of 1952. Work at Mont- real is expected to be completed in another year. M. J. Coldwell, CCF leader, agreed that the CBC should be given an interim grant so it could continue existing radio services. But he felt that TV service should guard against the commercialism of American programs. AGREES ON GRANT Mr. Diefenbaker agreed also on the interim grant, but felt the ques- tion should be studied by a com- mittee in the fall. He objected to the number of American programs broadcast on CBC networks. The chamber, for the:third day in a row, ran into another opening- stage battle between Mr, St. Lau- rent and George Drew, Progres- sive Conservative leader, over Mr, Drew's. charges of ministerial in- discretion against Production Min- ister Howe. The Senate, keeping pace with the Commons in the adjournment race, voted 21 to 15 against a mo- tion to kill a government bill es- tablishing national standards for the dairy industry and regulating interustionsl and intverprovincial trade. SHAVING STATISTICS London (CP) -- It was estimated at an exhibition of shaving equip- ment that 15 million men in Bri- tain shave every day, getting rid ef 60,000 miles of stubble. Ontario Spotlight NOW QUALIFIED Toronto -- (CP) -- Donald Ryan 30-day rookie police officer, can now be regarded as a veteran mem- ber of the force. Had two teeth knocked out and an ear badly torn yesterday when he .arrested three men for creating a disturbance on a Street, COMPARES COST AND WAGES Brantford-- (CP) --Walter J.. J. Johnson celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary yesterday and had something to say about the cost of living. A half- century ago, 16 cents. would buy a pound of butter or a dozen eggs and $5 would buy a ton of coal. However, all he earned was 14 cents an hour, "PERFECT CHILD" Toronto--(CP)--A 31-ounce baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Sedora yesterday has been described by hospital officials as "a perfect child." The baby was placed in an incubator. OPEN NEW HYDRO STATION Toronto--(CP)--The Ontario | Hydro Commission's new $2,- 000,000 Essa transformer station five miles from Barrie, will be cpened some time during the weekend. The station will dis- tribute power from the Des Joachims development on the Ottawa River to eight Georgian Bay Municipalities, WANTS TO GO HUNTING Toronto--(CP)--The November session of the York County Coune cll interferes with the deer hunt ing season, Dalton Rumney, dep- uty Reeve of Markham Township said yesterday at a Council meet- ing. He suggested the council die vide sessions into weeks so members could "Get away for a 'little hunte ing." RECOVER 2 BODIES Fort Frances (CP)-- Bodies of two men drowned earlier this month in northwestern Ontario wa- ters. have been recovered. John Lloyd Walker, 42, of Jacksonville, Ill., who drowned in Lake Sagana~ gons in Quetico provincial park June 18 and an unidentified body believed to be that of a man who jumped from .a railway bridge June 18 over Rainy river were re- covered. 400 ROOMS--400 BATHS Free radio in every room, Television available. Air. Conditioned Cocktail Lounge and Restaurant. Fireproof Garage. \ HOTEL @» President 48th St. « JUST WEST OF BWAY Leon Buch Managing Director Edward O. Pratt Manager Oldsmobile 98 SEDAN Hydra-matic Excellent mechani- cal condition--good appearance. $1450 Drive. 1 19,000 Plymouth Club Coupe guaranteed mileage -- just new throughout. $1450 1947 Ford Deluxe Sedan New factory rebuilt motor recently new low pressure tires -- exceptionally good body. $1295 like 1946 Dodge Special Deluxe Built-in clean interior. $1275 Chevrolet Coach Excellent motor and body---tires practical- ly new. $295 Sedan radio--very SISSON'S GARAGE 1 MILE SOUTH OF ORONO HIGHWAY 35