PAGE TWELVE 0) THE DAILY T| MES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 The Golden Text 3 Timothy learning the scriptures.' = Bg ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, oven as God also in Christ _ forgave you."--Ephesians 4:32, Church Extension Work Biggest Challenge To The United Church Today The biggest chanenge facing the United Church of Canada today. is church extension work in new ur- ban areas, Dr. Malcoim C. Mac- donald writes in his new book "From Lakes to Northern Lights", gt has recently been published by the United Church Publishing House. Dr. Macdonald's book is to be uséd as study material by or- ganizations in the United Church of Canada, More than 150 new churches and 50 new' manses are required to be built in the next five years if the church is to meet its responsibili- ties, Dr. Macdonald writes. Fin- ancial campaigns are now under way in many areas of Canada and a goal of $3,300,000 has been set, of which 2,500,000 is for assisting the mew areas to provide churches. "From Lakes to Northern Lights" is a book describing the United Church's work in every region and among every class.of the Canadian population. Dr: Macdonald writes: "The Home Mission task of our Church is missionary in the truest sense of the word.'Day in and day out, the redeeming, healing and loving touch of Christ's Gospel is brought to thousands upon thousands of men, women and children who cannot provide such blessings for themselves. Quietly and unceasingly this ministry goes on through our devoted workers, who are weaving silken strands of Christian culture into the coarse fabric of our pioneer .and far-flung Canadian life." HOME MISSION OBJECTIVES Objectives of the Home Mis sion work of the United Church are set forth in the book. They are: (a) To share in giving every citizen the privilege of public wor- ship and Christian fellowship. (b) To minister to the least and Jost on every frontier--geographic and social. (¢) To keep up the morale and faith of people in days of stress and days of strain, of readjustment and expansion. . (@ To unite the cosmopolitan population of our land into one real brotherhood. (e) To make Canada Christian and to help her share in the evangelization of the whole world. While the United Church seeks to minister to all sections and classes, Dr. Macdonald points out in his book that it has a special interest in and responsibility for rural people. "Indeed no branch of our; Church's work is of more significance than its = ministry through the church of the country- side. Almost half of our population --45.7 per cent--is classified as rural. By that is meant the people who live in the open country, in our hamlets, small towns and vil- lages. Out of approximately 2,650 ministers in our pastoral charges, about 1,600 are located in rural communities. To this number must be added over 100 full time lay supplies and 225 student missionar- ies, all of whom serve fields which are almost entirely outside our urban centres." Writing of downtown church work, Dr. Macdonald says: "It will demand a specialized kind of ministry, with a definite emphasis on evangelism and with a compe- tent knowledge of social services and redemtive agencies. One of the most difficult situations confront ing Mission Board and other bodies dealing with such needs is the securing 'of ministers and leaders who possess the training and in- clination to do this kind of work, It ought to create some heart- searching that we are not equip- ping men and women to go out with a passion to reach those who are living. in under-privileged and slum' conditions, or whose lot is cast in city housing areas where the forces of tempta- tion and evil are very vocal but the sound of the Gospel is faint or not heard at all". : "From Lakes to Northern Lights" is not a story about the United Church of Canada, but also a story about the Dominion and its many people of diverse nationalities and racial origins. It is a story of the Church's mission to the unchurched. It is a story of humanitarian work among the needy and the under-privileged. It is a book about hospitals, mission boats, fresh air camps, daily vaca- tion schools and downtown mis- sions, It is a story of the hand of welcome extended to immigrants on | their arrival in Canada. The Right Reverend C. M. Nicholson, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, writes in a foreword: "Dr. Macdonald knows Canada and thé Church in Can- ada as few of us do. He has been & minister on charges in the east and in the west. He knows the field, and he knows our peopie. i 8. African Pastor To Preach Here Calvary Baptist Church has been very fortunate in securing for this Sunday the services of the Rev. REV. FRANK MASON, C. F. . Frank Mason who arrived in Can- ada this week from South Africa on a preaching tour, Mr. Mason is one of the leading evangelical ministers of the Bap- tist Union of South Africa and has held pastorates in the large and influential cities of that country and in every instance has been a force and a power for God espe- cially amongst young people. On his way from South Africa, he stopped over in London, Eng- land and preached in our of our large Baptist "Churches where he was greatly used of God. 'There- after he went on to Glasgow and held gospel campaigns in that city. He comes to Oshawa with a great volume of experience in the Lord's work and having seen ser- vice as a Chaplain with the South African forces, is well equipped to understand and to appreciate the points of view of men of a large industrial centre such as this. We urge upon the citizens of Oshawa to make a point of hearing this able and outstanding preacher during his visit this weekend. Ld Uncertainty . Of Life By R. BARCLAY WARREN Try as I will, I cannot dismiss from my mind the scene of three men dying in the front seat of a car rammed against a tree. Such things are happening every day, but only when we see it ourselves, or when a personal acquaintance is Involved in the crash, do we realize how terrible it is. How uncertain life is. "Go to now, ye that say, Today or to- morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain; Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow, For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanish- eth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that." James 4:13-15, It- is most important that we live in God's. will. His is clearly {set forth in the Bible. Repentance and faith in Jesus Christ bring forgiveness of sins. Then we must walk in the way He has set for us. If death overtakes us suddenly, "to be absent from the body" will simply mean 'to be present with the Lord". No one of us can afford to neglect this great salvation which prepares us to serve her and, prepares us for the life here- after. In all our hurry, let us not forget God. FARM HELP COMING | Winnipeg (CP) -- An official of the National Employment Service said Friday the movement of farm workers from the prairies to east- ern Canada is underway. About 500 farm helpers are expected to arrive |in Ontario te assist with haying {and early harvest. The movement | ysually gains momentum after July id s LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY Living Together in the Family LEARN TO BE KIND, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING By NEWMAN CAMPBELL IT SOMETIMES seems to this writer that the problems of the world would be solved if every child born into the world could be rear- ed in a happy home in which the parents loved and were thoughtful of each other; and the children were brought up in the precepts of Jesus. What better training could world citizens have than in learning to live happily together in an har- monious home; being taught con- sideration for others, forgiveness, with father and mother setting examples of kindness, affection and understanding of each other and the children? There are too many broken homes in these modern days, with parents seeking what they think will be their own happiness in separation --not seeming to realize that in such "self-seeking they are putting the children into difficult situa- tions which may adversely affect their. whole lives. Parents are supposed to be adult, capable of setting their differemces through love, sincere effort to understand each other, to forgive and forget--not act like children who quarrel and fight; but like children, who generally forgive each other and forget their dis- agreements and soon play happily together. When Jesus, after the family visit to Jerusalem, was missing from the company that was home- ward bound, His family found Him, you will recall, in the temple talk- ing to the learned doctors, asking them questiosn and answering their queries. He was surprised that they should have been anxious. for His safety, as He was simply attending to His Father's (God's) business. He immediately went with His father and mother, submitted Him~ self to them, and "advanced in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." He had brothers and sisters, and, although we know little more of His home life. He undoubtedly lived happily with His earthly family, Luke, the physician, give us an- other glimpse of Jesus in a home after He had begun His Mission, Tt was in the home of His friends, A farewell meeting will be held d to attend. Anyone desiri FAREWELL MEETING ROBERTSON in the basement of King Street Church on THURSDAY, JULY 5 AT 8 P.M. . . . all members of King St. Church are cordially ; g to contribute to a gift for owr for The REV. AND MRS. E J. H.S. White, 34 Burke St., Phone 5-1028 departing minister are asked to phone either of the following members: Mrs. Robt. Fursey Mr. Gorden Barton Phone '3-705S Phone 5-1715 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. East SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11.00 AM. "1S THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE"? SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9.40 AM. Wednesday evening Jpesiing at 8:00 o'clock - includes t of rs Subject The reading room, and Friday from 3 Bible and located to 4:30 at the church, open Tuesday, Thursday p.m., excepting legal holidays, where the Chistian Science literature may be studied, borrowed or an laced purch d for periodicals. . Lazarus, Bethany, Martha was the diligent house- keeper, busily preparing a meal for their Guest, but her sister Mary, was more interested in what Jesus was saying. Martha chided her sister, and asked Jesus if Mary shouldn't be helping her? Jesus answered that Mary had chosen the better wey, by learn- ing the really important things-- the better life--instead of being over fearful of what they should have to eat or drink, What are the most important things in life? Just this art of learning to live happily first in the home; then in school; then in the world by treating everyone--our own kind of people, those of very backgrounds; --from all over the world--as we would be treated. In giving them the same consideration, kindness, Mary and Martha in from other nations. forgiveness, understanding as we would give our own family and type of people. Paul gives us his views of what constitutes a happy home. He told the wife to submit to her husband as the head of the house. We mod- erns may disagree with this" view and think more happiness comes when husband and wife treat each other as equals. We do agree that children should obey and honour their par- ents--providing the parents are truly worthy of such obedience and honour. Also that husbands should love their wives and be true to them. In his last days on earth, Paul, imprisoned and facing martyrdom wrote to his young disciple, Tim- othy, sending his love and longing to see this young man whom he regarded as his son, We do not know much about OF THE CHURCH Gibbons St. Mission OPEN BOOK LAY PASTOR R. B. WILKINS Gibbons St., North of Louise = Formerly 3 p.m.--BIBLE SCHOOL 11 a.m.--"LET' THE WORD OF CHRIST DWELL IN YOU RICHLY" 7 p.m.--ANDY MACDONALD REV. R. W. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner John & Centre Streets WIGHTON, F.R.G.S., Minister 11 a.m. Tonight 8 p.m. Open "Air Meeting, sit around in the Memorial Park and "If anyone is to be My servant, he must follow My wi 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School for your children and for YOU w» 7 p.m. REV. FRANK MASON, C.F. of SOUTH AFRICA Make a visit to Calvary Baptist Church--a MUST this Lord's Day, to hear this outstanding preacher Wednesday 8-9 p.m.--Bible Study for all. Speaker--Mr, David Wilkins "corner of Simeoe and Metcalfe Streets: listen, John 12:26 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH INTERIM PASTOR -- DR. N. S. McKECHNIE Organist and Choir Leader--Mrs. M. Joyce 9:45 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--DR. GERALD HARROP of McMaster University, Hamilton COMMUNION AFTER MORNING SERVICE 11 a.m.--MORNING PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH 74 ATHOL ST. WEST The Church with Wesleyon Message REY. C. WINGER, Pastor 10 a.m.--SUNDAY. SCHOOL 7 p.m.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 8 p.m. TUESDAY--YOUNG PEOPLE'S 8 P.M.--WEDNESDAY PRAYER MEETING All are Welcome at the Singing Church WORSHIP THE SALVATION ARMY Corner Simcoe and Oak Streets Major and Mrs. G. Dockeray 11:00 A.M.--HOLINESS MEETING 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL. BIBLE CLASSES 3:15 P.M. --LAKEVIEW PARK (Band) 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING WELCOME fo the . . . CALVARY * Games * Fun Say . . . all our friends are going @. DAILY VACATION # BIBLE SCHOOL 9 to 12 a.m. Tuesday, July 3 to Friday, July 13 * Stories * Singing * Things To Make How about you coming too? BAPTIST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Knox Congregation SIMCOE ST. N REV. STUART B. COLES, B.A., Minister MR. DAVID JENKINS, Organist and Choirmaster ., AT BROCK SUNDAY SCHOOL --- 10.00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP 11 a.m.--"DOMINION DAY" 7, p.m.~"CHURCH AND NATION" St. Paul's Congregation . WILSON RD. N. & ROGERS MR. JAMES GILCHRIST, B.A. -- Student Minister - n SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:50 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP : a.m.--"THE SOWER" First in a series of sermons on the parables of our Lord GOSPEL HALL NASSAU STREET (Half block south of King St. West) SUNDAY 10:30 a.m.--Remembering The Lord 12:15 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes 7:00 p.m.--Gospel Service Speaker--Mr. John Radford of Toronto Open-air Service--Corner Simcoe St. South and Athol St. "approx. 8:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY ' 8 P.M. BIBLE STUDY FRIDAY 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING A VERY HEARTY INVITATION Timothy. His father was a Greek, and his mother Jewish, His home apparently was in Lystra. How- ever, Paul recalls. Timothy's hap- py home, where his devout mother and grandmother taught him the family prayers were held; in brief he was brought up to develop into fine young manhood and to carry the Master's message to many, many people, He, too, it is be- lieved, was martyred, Many children in the world to- day have no homes. They have lost their parents during the dreadful wars'of our time: lost their homes and must depend upon Christian people to provide even the barest necessities of life, There are, however, many good Christian people im the world--in our own countrys-who are taking such orphaned children, adopting them and giving them a chance to i Vhat | happy homes are. ow much good such people are doing is incalculable. Some of these very children may be the means of helping to bring God's' peace to a world that sadly needs the Gospel message, CLERICAL SIDELINE Lincoln, Eng.(CP) -- A clergy- man who says he finds it difficult to make both ends meet on his clerical salary has been given per- Mission By oe Bishop of Lincoln r clocks an a sideline, Yon a FREE METHODIST CHURCH Ist Street off Simcoe St., SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1951 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m.--Pastor will conduct usual services, Saturday, July 7--Annual Sunday School Outing in Lakeview Park, July 9 to 13--Daily Vocation Bible School July 13 to 22--Camp Meeting at Pine Orchard camp ground Strangers are cordially invited. to attend this church, Classes all .summer. South of C.N.R. Subway Street United Ghurch REV. GEO. C. Supply Minister for July and August Temporary chairman by appointment of the presbytery on the request of the Official Board. Organist end Choirmaster--Wallace Young, Mus.Bac.,, A.T.C.M. R. McQUADE '11 am. -- "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH BIDS YOU WELCOME. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (Corner Simcoe and Arlington) Rev. H. A. Mellow, B.A., Minister 11 AM.--"MEMBERS OF TWO KINGDOMS" Sacrament of Baptism next Sunday The Sunday School will meet with congregation and leave for classes during the church service. Please Note Our 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. services have been discontinued for the summer months. The Church Serving Your Community SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A.--Minister MR. R. G. GEEN, L.T.C.M.--Director of Music IN THIS 11 AM. JOINT SERVICE WITH ST. ANDREW'S CONGREGATION SUBJECT: "SIGNPOSTS" The Sunday School will worship with the congregation Nursery Department at 11 a.m. for all young children 8:30 P.M. -- BAND SHELL SERVICE -- Me.norial Park CHURCH VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL Daily July 4-13 For All Children 5-12 Years 9:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m IN SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH ---- If you enjoy-- ® GAMES = CALLING ALL CHILDREN! 5-12 years of age ® SINGING ® STORIES © HANDCRAFT (and what child doesn't) then VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL is the place for you JULY 4-13 9.15 AM. -- 11.30 A.M. DAILY SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH and NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (for children in the north end of city) -- LC a------------ y) ELASTIC CONSCIENCE Auckland, 'N. Z. (CP)-- Charles Murphy took time out from a rob- bery here to report to police under the terms of his parole after a previous offence. Then he went back and finished the job, but the police quickly caught up with him ang Be was imprisoned for five GRACE LUTHERAN REV. N. KRITSCH, Pastor 150 ALBERT ST. Sunday, July 1, 1951 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL ' 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP OUR CHURCH AND DOMINION DAY HOLY COMMUNION TO BE CELEBRATED NO EVENING SERVICE the Family Living Together in Scripture--Luke 2:51, 52; 10:38-42; Ephesians 5:22, 25; 6 NS = After Jesus had worried His parents by staying behind in Jerusalem, He went "home with them and was a submissive In Bethany Jesus stayed at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Mary, He chided Martha for being too Talking to Writing to the Ephesians, Paul gave his views cf happy home life--the wife sub mitting to her husbend, husband loving ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buescher oi 3 [. 7=7-2/ Duhunt by Xone outs Son, Paul wrote an affectionate letter to Timothy, recalling to him his early home, where he was taught the scriptures. _ iehild, finding "favor with God and man. i, occupied with the household duties... . his wife; children ebedient to both., ii MEMORY VERSE--Ebhesians 4:32. N v A134VS O¥DIW If « 4