= < _PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TIMES-QGAZETTE THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2 1981 "J. H. ORMISTON "Editor and Manager = PHONE 703 Commission Work Secret Is Ruling Of New Chairman FAREAGES i" - ~ w - visdusR ae WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS ROBT. CORBETT News Editor PHONE 703 . 'The public will know nothing of business transacted by "he Whitby Board of Police Commissioners, according to a : ruling of the newly elected chairman, Judge F. J. MacRae, Zat the inaugural meeting of the Board yesterday in the "judge's chambers. Asked whether minutes of the meeting " would be available, His Honor replied that they would not. A reporter present cited the practice of the Police Commis- sion in Oshawa which is regularly attended by the press. His Honor replied that his ruling is based upon nine years experience on Police Commissions to which nobody could = gain access "with a crowbar." » ~yetary of the commission. No salary "was Specified, Other members are © Orown Attorney Alex Hall, KC., and Mayor William Elliott. On 'the agenda yesterday was the "saber of the lettef written by A. W. 8. Greer, KC. for Whitby Ratepayers' Association in which a number of charges are said to be "made against Chief of Police Ronald Love. The secretary presented the com- mission with an agenda and with a brief showing the "status quo" of 'the Whitby Police Department. Judge MacRae commented that the 'budget: appeared small for a com- "munity of this size. He also ex- 'pressed the opinion that the force appeared to be poorly: equipped in "some respects. Fea ss PRENSA BET RAF EVIrRT NFR IRIN Sait n i Couple Wed 25 Years Are Feted On Tuesday evening at their home, 121 Green Street, Dr. and Mrs. H, T. Fallaise were honored by relatives and friends, at a soc- ia] gatlering, in honor of their sil- ver wedding anniversary. The bride and groom of 25 years ago were offered hearty congratu- lations 'and good wishes, some of those taking tangible form when "several lovely gifts were 'presented. The toast to Dr. and Mrs. Fallaise was proposed by a brother-in-law, Mr. Jack Kinsella, of Toronto, and Dr. Fallaise made a neat and ap- propriate reply on behalf of him- self and his wife. Robin Nichol. +, son was at the piano and led in a sing-song, and Mrs. F. Baker, of Pickens: rendered vocal num- s, Dr. and Mrs. Fallaise were marri- od in Toronto and up until a year * ago resided in Pickering. Both are 4 E antttaazeacavenvisns ni ARE Et EE A EE EE Fe TT Toh : ¢ active members of the United Church, and Dr. Fallaise is a mem- ber of the Whitby Rotary Club. Births ANDERBON~-Linda is happy to an- » Dounce the birth of a baby brother, David Mervyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Anderson, on June > Jost, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. 'SAGE--Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sage are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Susan George- anne, on Wednesday, June 27, 1951, at the Oshawa General Hospital. ; "John R. Frost was appointed sec-® 18 Hanging Baskets Adorn Brock Street Today Brock Street, in the ee by is ad a with 18 lovely hanging baskets. Placed on the hydro standards last night by Whitby Garden Garden Club, 'the baskets will remain there during the sum- mer season. Last summer, a small beginning was made on this project, but it drew much favorable comment from resi- dents and tourists alike. The plan is to increase the number from year to year until a for- midable flower show enhances the business section. The idea is not original with the Garden Club since Victoria, B.C., and several U.S. towns are noted for similar fine displays. Whitby Classified FOR SALE-JOHN BEAN HAY- maker (Stem Crusher), as good as new, reasonably priced, Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Omatto, L> FOR SALE+NEW ALLIS-CHAL- mers model, 60 Combine, .reasonabl riced. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Dxbridge, Ontario. (Je28) FOR SALE-2-WHEEL HALF.TON trailer, license. Rear light, good tires. Phone 2630 Whitby. (Je28) WANTED-TWO THOUSAND PEO- ple to attend Kinsmen carnival in arena on June 20th. ROOFING, INSUL-BRIC SIDING, installed. Rock wool insulation blown. Fair prices, terms, free es- timates. Dial 2460 Whitby. (Jy20) WANTED--BRICK AND BLOCK- work, tile setting, cement work, re- airs, alterations. Phone 838, Whit. y. Jy16) FURNACES AND CELLARS VA- cuumed. Pipes and chimneys cleaned. Phone 2770 Whitby, / Jy10) GOOD HOME FOR ELDERLY LA- dies. Nice surroundings in small vil- lage op Brock Road, Phone Mrs. Mc- Connell, Claremont #4W, WJy3) FOR SALB--ICE BOX, 80-LB. CA- pacity, good condition. Phone Joos. (Je23) FOR RENT -- 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, old Post Inn, Whitby. Apply Mr. Moss, after 6 p.m. (Je29) TENDERS WANTED Tenders are requested at once for moving the Bitumnious coal tally from stock pile to track hopper ad- jacent to Power House at the On- tario Hospital, Whitby. Applicant to s@pply own equipment. Further in- formation may be received at the office of the Bursar of the above institution. (Je30) NO NNN ARN A\ NN \ \ AN ANN 2 SEEN NN JA $ \\\ NN aR \! A\\! \ \ AN \\Y ANN A LIN \\ A} ANAT \ [| A \ A \\\\ LIONEL STANDER + MARGARET HAMILTON AND WIRODUCING FRANCES RAM! DISTRIBUTED BY RKO RADIO PR So BROCK on: as EVENING SHOWS 7.9 -- SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 AA \ Wh Also Western Featurette And Other Shorts UP Day Wu. Syse or HEARD op 1 \| LLY oy Nal) \ Whitby Day By Day Accounts of social events, any news items of local interest of visi are app PHONE 1703 Mrs, William Pellow, Mrs. Stan presen: Lodge, Assembly held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. GIRLS PLAY TONIGHT Whitby girls softball club are booked to meet Oshawa Hardies tonight in the town park. The game will be under floodlights. AT CONVENTION Five representatives from the County of Ontario have been in Goderich attending the three-day convention for Managers and Ma- trons of County Homes. Those who made the trip included the maton, Mrs. Reid, k William Manning, Commissioner Duncan MecIntyre, Farm Superintendent Oscar Dow- ney and Warden Ferguson Munro, MOTHERS' AUXILIARY MET The Bcout and Cut Mothers' Auxiliary held their regular month- ly meeting in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, with 14 mem- bers present. The bazaar was well discussed, and knitting and sewing were distributed. The final ar.' rangements were made for the strawberry social to be held on July 5th, at the home of Mrs; H. D. Rowley, 1000 Byron Street a very tasty lunch, STOKERS BEAT AJAX The Whitby Stokers defeated Ajax Legion 6-3 in a South Ontario County Intermediate Softball League game at Ajax last night, The results leaves the Stokers on' top of the league. Their next game will be in the Town Park against Brougham on Friday night. CENSUS NOT COMPLETED Census takers are finding that considerably: more time than the three weeks allotted will be re- quired to complete the work in most districts, Some will not have finished by the end of this week. BOAT IN The Royal Canadian Mounted Police coast-guard cutter . "Shau~ navan" paid a visit to Whitby Har. bor yesterday. It comes In several times each season. The patrol is maintained, presumably to fore- stall possible smuggling activity. UNLOAD OIL Early yesterday morning, the tanker "Boston Socony" of New York registry paid a six-hour visit to Whitby harbor. Its cargo was approximately 500,000 gallons of fuel oil for the tanks of Trinidad Leaseholds. NAMED VICE PRESIDENT Mrs. K. Read, matron of the County Home for the Aged at Whitby, was yesterday elected vice president of the Ontario Associa- tion of Managers of Homes for the Aged at its annual meeting in Goderich. Expect 450 To Attend New School Early reports indicate that there will be about 450 students attend- ing" Pickering District High School in September. All students who attended any schéol In this area this year have filled out an Advance Registration Sheet indicating the subjects which they plan to take. During the summer, Principal Lewis Briggs will try to contact all parents to discuss the courses with them. It is expected that the Gen. eral offices in the New - will be opened about August the first but Mr. Briggs is anxious to hear from any prospective student in the district who has not filled in a registration form. Anyone who reads this news item is asked to pass alang the informa- tion to students who move into the this summer. There may also be others who have been employed for a year and plan to return to school. Everyone in these categories should contact Principal Briggs. Whitby Minister Speaker At S.S. Convention. Recently Rev. R. J. Scott, min- ister of Whitby United Church, was guest speaker in Bethany at the area convention of the Sunday Schools of the townships of Man- vers and Cartwright. In outlining the opportunities and obligations 'of township officers, Mr. Scott said there is a great need for leadership training courses and every teacher and officer would benefit byssame. afternoon session, "Church Schools Reach Out," enlarged on his earlier suggestions. "Sunday Schools must reach out to meet the charging con- ditions of the present day. "There is a danger of the church and its program of christian edu- cation being crowded out by the many other service groups. A church school program must be made attractive to have a telling effect. Teachers are never too old to learn that they should keep up with modern methods in teaching the young. The parents have their responsibility in taking, not send- ing, their children to Sunday school." SRS South. The socia] convener served |, Ajax or Pickering Township Area Mr. Scott's main address at the of 'The mew president of Whitby Rotary Club, Enthrone New Rotary Club President . E. "Bud" Goode, was formally "crowned" in a unique and colorful "royal" ceremony at the weekly luncheon at Hotel Royal on Tuesday. The back row, left to right, shows the Archbishop of Agronomy (Gordon Grobb); the right honorable and esteemed high court courtier, "Hig Excellency the Count of No-Account" (Charles King); high court functionary, "His Lordship the Prince vilege" (Charlie Thomas), and the high court chamberlain, "His Royal Highness the Duke of New- clothes" (Dr, Mills), Seated on the throne is the president-elect, Bud Goode, wearing his crown and holding his symbols of office. He was given the title "King Cephas I" «Photo by Marjorie G. Ruddy. Promotions Announced In Whitby High School The following are the results of the promotion examinations held recently at the Whitby High School. Where subjects are bracketed fol- lowing the name of the student, it is understood that these subjects are to be repeated during the coming year. FROM GRADE IX TO GRADE X Augustus, Diane; Barlow, Robert; Barrey, Barbara; Barrons, Beyver- ley; Bloye, Lee; Bonnetta, Janice; Brinning, Shirley; Brooks, Doro- thy; Campbell, James; Channen, Ann; Charlton, Gladys; . Clarke, Marion; Corner, Thelma; Cowx, Wesley; Cuddy, Ann; Davis, Calvin; Diachenko, Zanie; Dixon, Jack; Evertsen, Arthur; Farndale, Shir- ley; Frost, Margaret; Grant, Betty; Greenlaw, Dianne; Gordon, Helen; Hall, James; Halpenny, Howar- dine; Harlow, Mildred; Harris, Margaret; Hayes, Sheila; Hoad, Barbara; Howe, Barbara; Jardine, Lola; Jones, Marilyn; Larkin, Linda; Lick, Lucille; Lunney, Betty; Mac- Kay, Anne; Madill, Ruth; Maudsley, Clara; McGary, Harold; McLean, James; Mollon, Marlene; Moran, Ruth; Munns, Edward; Murray, Irene; Ottenbrite, Raphael; Per- nokes, Lulu; Plaskitt, Robert; Puck- rin, Alvin; Redshaw, Mary; Reid, Nancy; Rich, Cyril; Richardson, Paul; Rints, Delmar; Roberts, Har- vey; Roberts, Nancy; Sleeman, Stuart; Sleightholm, Maureen; Smith, Eleanor; Sobczak, Lawrence; Stiner, Lynda; Stonehouse, Grant; Strowger, Joanne; Teravainen, Joan; Vorvis, Alexander; Warbur« ton, Donald; Woodrow, Betty; Yeo, Beverley; Yeo, Donald; Young, Lo- retta. FROM GRADE X TO GRADE XI y Ash, Beverley; Blair, Bryce; Bore chuk, Ronald ° (Latin, Prench); Brown, Eileen (Latin, * French); Ohannen, Mary; Davis, Olga; Daw- son, Adele (French); Dodd, Rus~ sell; Eastwood, Ruth; Emerson, Eunice; Fleming, Glen; Foster, Joan (Latin); Greenlaw, Charles; Hardy, Eunice; Henstock, Robert (Latin, French); Hess; Jessie; How- ard, : Mervyn; Jones, Gwendolyn; Lee, Carol; Lowell, Dale; MacKay, Mary; Melrosé, Joan: Mootby, Wil. liam; Moorhouse, Robert (Latin, French); Musselman, James; O'Con. nor, Moira; Reed, Donald; Ricketts, John (Latin); Rooke, Patricia; Sharpe, Barbara; Simpson, Rebecca; Chas. Bradley & Son D ting C For Efficient Service Call Searboro 7128 Whitby 559 Smyth, Anthony; Wallace, Mari- lyn; Wickett, Dorothy. FROM GRADE XI TO GRADE XII Alves, Helen; Ash, Harry (Alge- bra); Barnes, Gwynne (English, Algebra); Beckman, Roy; Bloye, Mary-Jean; Bradley, Robert; Bryant, Joan; Callahan, Kent; Cor- ner, Kenneth (History, Physics); deJonge, Julie; Donald, Richard PROMOTIONS (Continued on Page 8) Cedar Glen Park Popular Spot For S.S. Picnics Beautiful Cedar Glen Park, north-east of Pickering Village, was a popular spot yesterday as four or five Sunday School picnics from various points gathered. for a day of fun. Both Whitby Baptist and Whitby United Church had congregational picnics and enter- tainment for the kiddies. Cedar Glen Park boasts two swimming pools--a wading pool for the tiny tots, and a deeper spot for the older boys and girls. There is lots of shade and also spacious campus space for races or ball Sunday School Superintendent Howard Law was in charge of the United Church picnic, assisted by Rev. R. J. Scott. Mr. Law arranged a good program of sports and races. Harold Boys in charge of trans porting some 250 people to the grounds, Mrs, Lorne Kemp and Mrs. Harold Hopkins organized the picnip lunch and refréshments. .| Mrs. F. H. M. Irwin, was the out- it. in 1813. IODE Garden Tea At Inverlyn Is Huge Success The "annual IODE garden tea was held on Tuesday on the beau- tiful grounds of "Inverlyn," home: of standing social function of the sea- son, as well as being a financial suc- cess, The chapter's standard and crest of the Order were in a prom=- inent position. The hostess assist- ed the regent, Mrs. Robert G. Lang- ford in receiving the guests from Toronto, Pickerfng, Ajax, Port Perry, Oshawa and Peterboro, Mrs. D. B. Coleman, Whitby, and Mrs. G. D. Conant, Oshawa, presided at the tea table which was centered with red and white peonies and blue delphiniums. Members who made arrangements and assisted were: Mesdames G. W. Lindsay, J. O. Ruddy, W. Earle, D. Cuddy, F. Prince, 8. Osborne, R. Hatch, H. Baillie, C. Gartshore, P. N. Spratt, C. Purdon, G. Fothergill PF. Ers- kine, E. N. Granger, A. Archibald, A. Sturgess, F. Ollen-Bittle, W. Porter, C. Freeman, H. C. Higgin- bottom, F. W. Marsh, H, C. Phillips, W. Kelsey, Miss D. Holliday and Mrs. P., MacLeod, RESTORE FORT YORK Toronto (CP) -- Toronto finally has decided to restore old Fort York, which figures in the war of 1812. City council voted Monday to spend an estimated $199,231 to rehabilitate the slowly - crumbling structure. The fort was captured by United States forces who burn- ed the town of York surrounding FASCINATING FIND Ancient teeth found near Johan- nesburg, estimated at least 1,000, 000 years old, are very similar to human teeth of today. - : I ------------ rr ------ TOWN OF WHITBY * Tenders should be sealed and " TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK REPAIRS Tenders will be received until noon on Wednésday, July 4th, 1951, for approximately 1,944 lineal feet of concrete sidewalk repairs in various parts.of the Town of Whitby.. Further particulars mey be obtained from Works Supervisor G. Davis at the Town Hall. ked plainly "Tender for Side- Hall, Whitby. walk Repairs' and should be addressed to R. J. Underwood, Town The lowest or any tender will not Streets Committee. ily be accep R. J. UNDERWOOD, Chairmen, Help Wanted Assistant: Supervisors For DAY CAMP Applicants should apply ot the of. fice of the Director of Recreation, Town Hall, Tuesday, July 3 be tween one and four o'clock. Ap plicmions especially invited from oys and girls 16-21. This is interesting work for four weeks beginning July 9. Transportation Arranged Hours 9-5 SPONSORED BY WHITBY RECREATIONAL ASSOCIATOIN nounced later, requested to donate it be restrung.) at Times-Gazette office. itm WANTED! Tennis Equipment A minor tennis club is being organized to teach and encourage boys and girls of school age who wish to. play tennis. An instructor will give lessons at times to be an- Used racquets and balls are needed for this purpose. Persons having this Squipment they no longer need are or this Please leave equipment et Collins Shoe Store or WHITBY RECRBATIONAL ASSOCIATION purpose. (Racquets will Sidewalk Repair Job Will Restore 1,944 Linear Feet This Year Summer Services Arranged At Beach Church Various speakers have been en- aged by the Board of Manage- t of Pickering Beach Commun- ity Church to take the services dur- summer, it is announced. J the All services will be at 7.30 in the evening. ext Sunday, David Cairns, Scot- ti evangelist of Toronto, will preach. On Jilly 8, the Melver Bible Class of Temple Baptist Church, Toronto, will -take the ser- vice. Gordon Daley will be in charge and the band of the "church will come along with the group. ° On Sunday, July 15, a former stu- dent pastor of the church, Sam Binch, will preach the sermon. During the summer, substantial tongregations enjoy the services of this community church which is now been in operation for its third year. AD MEN TALK SHOP Montreal (CP) -- The role of classified advertising in the North American community was discuss- ed Monday in a "shop talk" ses- sion by 300 delegates represent- ing 160 newspapers in Canada and the United States at the 31st an- nual meeting of the Association of Newspaper Classified Advertising managers. BRILLIANT CLERK John Drinkwater, the English poet and dramatist who died in 1937, spent 12 years as a clerk in an insurance office. Russell J. Underwood, Chairman of the Whitby Streets Committees, has called for tenders for sidewalk repairs, in accordance with coun- cil's plan of restoring a reasonable length of walk each year. With limited funds ($4,600 has been ear- marked in the budget for this pur pose) only 1944 linear feet will be replaced this season. Particulars of the work may be obtained from Works Supervisor Gordon Davis, All tenders are to be in by Wed- nesday, July 4. No new sidewalk will be built this year. Particulars of the proposed lo cations are given below. All these may not be laid if tenders prove to be higher than anticipated. Proposed locations for Concrete Sidewalk Replacements: Dundas St. (North Side) Brock N. to «Byron N. approx. 320 lin. ft, @ 10 ft. wide, Brock St. N, (West Side) Allin's Drug Store corner approx. 58 lin. ft. @ 10 ft. wide. Brock St, N, (East Side) Royal Hotel Section approx. 86 lin. ft. @ 10 ft. wide. Brock St. S. (West Side) Post Office approx. 65 lin. ft. @ 10 ft. wide. Colborne (North Side) Byron to Centre, approx. 300 lin. ft. @ 4 ft. wide. Centre St. 8, (West Side) Dundas to Colborne, approx. 349 lin, ft. @ 4 ft. wide. Byron St. 8. (West Side) Dundas to Colborne, 349 lin. ft. @ 4 ft. wide. Mary St. E. (North Side) Brock to Perry, approx. 416 lin, ft. @4 ft. wide. Total 530 lin, ft @ 10 ft. wide. Total 1,414 lin. ft. @ 4 ft. wide. T. C. MYGLAND First class painting and decorating. Interior finishes a specialty Phone 488 Dundas St. & WHITBY FOR Brick or Block Work CALL A. Scriver Phone Whitby 986 WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant WATER HEATERS - FARMS INSTALLATIONS - FIXTURES Phone 650 Whitby - NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC LAW OFFICES -- SUMMER CLOSING June 30th te September ALLIN F. ANNIS CONANT & CONANT PARKHILL & YANCH HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE R. D. HUMPHREYS D. J. CUDDY D. B. McINTYRE TERRY MOORE The following Law Offices will be closed oll day each Saturday from OSHAWA CREIGHTON FRASER & DRYNAN | Louis s. WHITBY 1st, both days inclusive: J. P. MANGAN ERNEST MARKS McGIBBON & BASTEDO A. W. S. GREER Z. T. SALMERS M. F. SWARTZ HYMAN R. D. RUDDY W. F. WARD A. M. WOOTTEN C. C. McGIBBON, K.C., President, The County of Ontario Law Associetion. Tomorrow Nite KIN KARNIVAL Rain or Shine IN KINSMEN ARENA PARADE at 7 p.m. from Kin Park to Arena. PRIZES FOR: Best decorated bicycle, boy's end girl's. Best decorated wagon, tricycle or doll carriage. Most original costume. NEW GAMES, DELICIOUS FOOD AND BINGO No Admission Charg Attendance Prize Given Every Hour é DRAW FOR THE CAR -- 1]